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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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70391 No.70391 [Reply] [Original]

so, this is probably not directly in the spirit of the board, but does anyone have advice for making money online? college student with no time to get a job during the semester. anyone actually done anything that wasn't just a scam?

tl;dr how to make money online

>> No.70397

Play poker, become a pro fuck bitches get paid.

>> No.70400

stop posting this shit

ib4 that stupid image with the scam

>> No.70401

first time i've seen this on this board. and the point is to find something that's not a scam. thanks, dick

>> No.70403

- Amazon MTURK: little money for much time&effort and you only get paid in Amazon gift cards
- I saw that Amazon gift cards on Ebay sell more than they are worth, but there's too much risk with stupid buyers, Paypal etc.

not worth it, really. go find a job, maybe your university needs some people.

>> No.70404

also, i saw a link a few days ago for some site that let you use the AppTrailers thing that normally only work on IPhone on a pc. anyone know what it was?

>> No.70430

seriously go to the forums free section, they have tons of deals on how to get stuff free, my girlfriend did a live survey for wikipedia and got a $75 amazon gift card for about an hour of her time. and I get free stuff from different companies, just small freebie stuff, but sometimes they send coupons for free stuff as well.

>> No.70873

Don't listen to these other faggots, OP. I'm feeling nice so here's a 3rd tier way to make some money. I say third tier cause I'm not gonna give away the better methods. Here's what you do. you're going to try to make money with adsense, but not with those gay click rings on /b/ that will get you banned. this method is creating a network of websites and making money with google adsense clicks. You'll need to invest money though for this to work extremely well. you can do it on blogspot as well, but your websites won't rank well.


>> No.70875
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1. Research a niche. A topic. Can be anything. Google "Adwords external research tool", enter random terms that will get searched. you want to find keywords with a higher search volume to results ratio. this means more views (potential clicks on your ads) and less competition for your website to rank high in search results. topic can be anything that doens't violate adsense tos. Here are a few random ones (george foreman grills, buy penny stocks, fresh basil, organic honey)
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2.each keyword you find you want to build a website around it. basically your website will be about these topics.

for example, your website topic is hardcore midget donkey porn. you'lll want to get a domain with your keyword hardcore-donkey-midget-porn.com. this will get it ranked. slap up like 10 pages of UNIQUE (non copypasta) content. slap on your google ads. if you did your keyword research properly and found good keywords, your site should be able to generate .5-2 a day depending on variety of factors.

>> No.70877
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these factors are

- ranking. if your website ranks high for a search term, naturally more people will click it and see it. more people who see it, more people who might click your ads. the idea is to make your website ugly as shit, so that if people do get to your website, they will find your ads are more relevant than your website and click away to a different site.
- keyword competition. adsense displays ads from advertisers. more advertiser competition for a keyword means more $$$$ MAD MONIES FOR YOU (WHICH MEANS MORE HOES, CRACK AND MONEY IN THE BANK).. anyways, I digress. for example, the keyword "weight loss" will have high profit clicks because there is huge demand for such products due to all the fat white chicks out there. (health, wealth and relationships are the most profitable niches)
- site design. you want your site to be ugly enough that people click your ads to leave. make sure a big fat 300x350 ad block is the first thing they see.

If you scale this up, you can outsource the actual website creation to indians overseas, who will write the content and build the sites for you.

work hard, make profits.
One website making 1 buck a day is $30 a month recurring. should only take you 30 minutes to build a website once you get into it.

if you don't want to keep the website, you can also sell it. websites SHOULD go for 8x monthly revenue. So a website making $30 a month should in theory sell for $240, but oftentimes people are cheapass faggots so it's better if you keep em.

>> No.71028

Internet Marketing fag here.

Been doing it semi-professionally for about 5 years, including hybernation times when real life got too busy, figuring out new things, etc etc.

1. Read alot, but do not ONLY read. I spent the first year of my IM career reading everything I could find, but never taking action/stopping almost immediately after starting. because of this, I yielded NO results. the few instances I would sit down and really DO something, I'd start bringing in the bacon. this is by far the BIGGEST issue, becoming self motivated enough to actually read, think, plan and DO.

2. don't put all your eggs in one basket. My experience has tought me to read multiple ideas, theres literally an infinant amount of ways to make money, broken down only by the "type" of money making it is, cpc, cpa, craigslist, ebay, article writing, spinning, web design, the list goes on and on. do NOT get one idea and ride it out. the best thing i discovered is to read up, get 5-10 methods you like, plan each one out (kind of rough draft style) and start implimenting 2-3 at a time. if after 60 days you see no results at all and have actually TRIED, cross it out, keep ones that make money and refine the idea, and move to the next batch. also if one method stops working, you'll have backups.

3. INVEST. i was a firm believer of "build from nothing" for the first years of my experience. it worked once, and i admit it was good (100 a day were my end results with 0 investment money wise) but onlyt hat once. since then i've learned to spend money to properly attack a plan. it pays off in the long run. I'm currently invested in 600 dollars worth of my current project, after 2 months ive brought in 300. I plan to break even in december, then start turning 1k a month around january/february, from there I will be scaling everything up until i'm at a comfortible 2k a month

good luck. dont give up, and make sure you actually START before giving up. reading is not doing.

>> No.72097


>> No.73094

invisobump, yay

>> No.73110

you sir are a Grade A retard

>> No.73168

Why exactly is he a retard?

>> No.73174
File: 9 KB, 234x215, jnhfg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcam singing telegram, skype barbershop quartet -3, ebay. selling goods and or services.

>> No.73178

short of investing, you can't

>> No.73190

I'm going to bump this thread. I've seen web designers on Craigslist that charge like $400 per 5 page website. Is it worth it to learn programming for that/is it stable?

Apprentice bladesmith here, but that's not bringing in any money yet and I refuse to work retail or server job because I'm not ready to hate my life. The rest want experience I don't have.

Any work from home stuff you can do with little to no investment? This can be a good thread.

>> No.73201

Avoid eBay. It used to be good, but the fees and customers require you to sell volume and bend over whenever something is not to their liking. If you do sell stuff, make the ads very specific and include detailed pictures.

Internet marketing isn't a bad gig, but most people just end up giving up after a few months. You can hire collegefags to write articles for you. I was at a coffee shop and heard a dude give a job to some entitled brat whose life hit the skids. Basically, he was paying $10 per article about cable tv service in New Jersey (mind numbing work). Some people are desperate enough to work for this.

>> No.73204

>I've seen web designers on Craigslist that charge like $400 per 5 page website. Is it worth it to learn programming for that/is it stable?
There's a lot of competition in web design. $400 is a very low figure for something that's going to require you to put in a lot of work. Web design is less programming and more template tweaking. Backend shit (i.e. PHP) is where teh cash is at. However, if you can get a reputation for quick work, you'll always have work. Some business owners will make you work your ass off tweaking the page until you're about to go insane. Choose your customers wisely.

>> No.73206

If you've never been involved with the professional designing/building of a website, I'd advise against it. If you decide to try it anyways,

>1. Have a written agreement, including terms of payment and what you are responsible for, with signatures, before you do anything.
>2. Have a timeline for launch of site, make it clear what the client is responsible for (supplying images or buying stock photos, fonts, etc)

I've learned the hard way over 4 months and 0 payment that most clients don't know shit about what they want from a site, how to get it, or what it's worth. My time alone is worth $20,000 at this point and this bitch nearly choked when I gave her the lowball estimate of $10k (I want to negotiate % of sale but she's a stupid cunt.)

>> No.73299

well for online investing I've been doing prosper.com so far an ok return on investment, not huge, but 20% is damn good for nearly no work

also currently trying out that jingit.com website, will report back if they actually deposit money, it's a bitch getting invite codes though to increase the amount earned per week

>> No.73303

so this is actually legit? skeptical of any online investing thing

>> No.73338

CompSci bubble will burst in 5-10 years when everything will be outsourced anyway

>> No.73561

prosper is super legit, just takes time to get your return, actual waiting isn't something internet people are good at lol

saging because this thread isn't really /diy/ i think