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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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628095 No.628095[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/,

I've recently moved into a new place and the downstairs neighbours are cunts, playing the bass guitar shittily and blaring music throughout day and night.

When talked to they just said I had to deal with it, and that they have a pretty good sound system.

Naturally murder is my second option, but before that does anyone have any useful info on soundproofing a floor?

Since it's bass will that be enough or will the walls need doing too? What kind of costs would this have? How effective will it be?

I'm at the point where I'm probably willing to not do it myself and try and get a professional contractor, but I'm still at the point where I'm trying to figure out if it will do anything.

>> No.628099

Since it's bass, it will transfer up via the structure i.e. you can't sound proof it unless you pour a thick concrete floor

Just talk to the police or your local authorities about it and make recordings etc, and just keep annoying them into submission if nothing works e.g. keep pounding on their door whenever they play

>> No.628106

This is kind of what I was afraid of, is there really no other option?

>> No.628109

you need to write to the landlord and complain to the police. "disturbing the peace" I believe is what they call being an asshole in legal terms.

what you dont want to do is what you've done. dont confront them. it sounds like a dick move but one visit from police or breach notice should scare any reasonable person into keeping it down. your car is much safer from getting its windscreen smashed in or feces smeared on your doorhandle this way

>> No.628110

buy yourself a drum set, start to drum with a headset on ( except if you can drum a solid rythm while hearing another one ) so you fuck up their rythm !

>> No.628113

Sadly the police in this area don't deal with noise complaints, and it's the local council that do. It's a slow and unrewarding process that has every chance of doing nothing.

I'm still pursuing it but I don't have particularly high hopes.

I've also considered suing them.

I've considered retaliation and looked into buying a retarded powerful subwoofer, but it's probably pretty unlikely to solve the problem.

>> No.628123

Have you tried talking to them?

>> No.628125

Yeah, they are assholes. In particular the woman is a bitch who seems to think the world should revolve around her.

When I asked they basically said to deal with it. Then turned it up.

It's not always late, but it's always loud enough that I can hear it over everything in my apartment.

>> No.628127

You can't 'soundproof' anything, especially against low-frequencies.

Go down and pound on their door every time it's too loud during inappropriate hours. When they tell you to fuck off, call the cops. This way you can tell the cops you TRIED to get them to turn it down, but they told you tough shit. Then the cops will tell them to turn it down. Eventually they'll either get tired of talking to the cops and keep it down, move, or try to kick your ass, in which case you get them arrested for assault. Be sure to keep complaining to your landlord about the noise and be sure to tell them you've been calling the cops. If it doesn't stop eventually they'll get kicked out. If you own the property instead of rent (condo?) then still call the cops and file complaints with the HOA as such things are typically in violation of HOA rules.

>> No.628160
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I think you know what you need to do.

>> No.628176

Tough break, OP.

I was in the same situation, but it was with UPSTAIRS neighbors so it was worse.

First step is talk to them (politely).
Second step is try to talk to your landlord.
Third step is to reach out to police.
Fourth step is to reach out to property owner (so in a large condo, I mean the company that owns the actual building)
Final step is to contact lawyer.

I know you are mad, but don't say or do anything that will get you in trouble. Do not make threats. Do not stomp on the floor.

>> No.628177

Look at your local laws. You may be able to null your lease and move somewhere else if the landlord doesn't solve the noise issue.

>> No.628178

Are there no other places to rent? That would drive me crazy and there is no way I'd put up with it. Retaliation won't work, suing is time consuming. Your landlord is your best bet. This would be a valid reason to break your lease.

>> No.628205

call your landlord.
disturbing the peace of other tenants is an evictable offence. You have the right to get them evicted or move yourself without full notice or penalty.
In the mean time, get revenge.
buy a used sound system with subwoofer of craigslist $50.
Before bed, lay the woofer directly on solid floor over their bedroom and turn it on the deepest setting with the volume loud enough but not so loud that you can hear it outside (so the cops won't be called)
Then get in you car and spent the nigh at a friends house.
repeat until they rage.

>> No.628238

Tell the landlord either they leave, or you do.

Which would you rather have as tenants, the guy who likes to keep quiet, or the ones that will piss off everyone that moves in and cost him money for dead time / listings etc?

>> No.628343


This is the answer assuming he is the landloard of both units.

>> No.628490

You can't soundproof against bass.

Second: many countries have laws about noise at night.

After around 22:00 you need to be quiet. If they make noise at night the police can confiscate their equipment.

If they play it during the day you need to shut up and dont be a jew. You are allowed to play music during the day, or drill etc

>> No.628516

if you want retaliation, a 68W sub.amp combo should outclass any piece of shit they've picked up from wallmart. get a preamp, hook it up. whenever they play music, play yours louder. if they try to out woof you, turn it up more.

maybe there's some way you could make a repetative noise upstairs so they're always annoyed. something like a mini piledriver to tap on the floor constantly.

>> No.628782

lolol wow ok lets stop playing attorney since you're going to get this kid in trouble.

buddy, what state are you in?

theres a few things you can do
1) call police when they are violating a noise ordinance, if the cops have to come out enough times eventually they will be fined. get copies of the complaint from the cops.

2) write letter to landlord, mail certified / have him sign a copy acknowledging receipt. state the specific issue (in this case, it is "as landlord you have a duty to provide me, the tenant, quiet enjoyment. tenants in unit below are interfering with this right. please remedy this non-compliance with the lease within X days (set by statute).)

3) if that does not fix problem or landlord doesnt take it seriously, you can (depending on the state) likely send a similar letter stating that if the problem is not resolved within x days you will begin withholding rent, and will have the option to unilaterally terminate the lease.

4) if it gets all the way to that point and still no fix, then you can terminate the lease. but you usually, depending on the state, have to give written notice of the complaint, written notice of your intent to withhold and/or terminate, and you have to give the landlord a reasonable amount of time to remedy the breach. then, if you terminate, you have to provide a statement to that effect in writing.

so, tldnr, no, you cant just cancel your lease. nor do you have the right to get them evicted, only landlords can evict. disturbing the peace is not an "evictable" offense; what happens on the other end is that the landlord then gives the tenant a similar notice asking them to stop. if they do not, then the landlord notifies them that they are terminating the lease and they must move out in x days. if they dont move out, THEN the landlord can evict.

note, the "evictable" offense is not making noise, it is refusal to surrender possession of the property once the lease is terminated.

any questions?

>> No.628783

as a sidenote this poster is correct about noise ordinances kicking in at night.... sort of.

noise ordinances are usually always in effect, and they limit how long you can make noise of a certain dB level during certain times.

eg, after 11pm, nothing over x dB for more than 10 min

but they also say nothing over XXXX dB between 9am and 11pm for more than 10 min

so, yea, you can run a power saw during the day, but you cant just run it all the time. there are limits. no 8hrs of jack hammering, for example. its not like you can do whatever you want all day and then all of the sudden you have to be quiet.

if you complain to the city and they have an ordinance like that they will even send someone out with a decibel meter and cite those assholes

>> No.628798

>I've considered retaliation and looked into buying a retarded powerful subwoofer, but it's probably pretty unlikely to solve the problem.

Don't do this. Remember - they're half-deaf assholes that do that every day at deafening volume. They won't care. If you want to retaliate, pick something else that will make them uncomfortable. Maybe park ridiculously closely to their car and point a camera at it, should they decide to scratch it, maybe put a bird feeder above their window, or balcony so birds will shit all over it. Be creative and don't break the law as it will just get you in trouble.

>> No.628799

Call noise control on them constantly. If called enough they will have their stereo equipment confiscated.
They may even get evicted.
If they are going to be inconsiderate asshole (especially to your face) I see no reason to play fair.

>> No.628841
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>still does not know how to build a short range microwave pulse generator

>> No.628866

>disturbing the peace is not an "evictable" offense
>the "evictable" offense is not making noise.
Uber epic milti-fail.
Disrupting the peaceful enjoyment of other tenants IS an evictable offense.
That's standard language on most lease contracts.
This is some really basic knowlege for anyone in the rental game...

Source: I own rental properties

>> No.629534

Do you know what GSM phone does to nearby audio equipment?
So put an microwawe internals (magnetron's antenna) in "microwave can" in focus of some bigger parabolic antenna and point it through (probably wooden) floor at their amp. Power it on by means of timer with one second random on times and if it doesn't blow the amp, it at least kick their speakers with grid hum and throw off their rhytm.

>> No.629535

then drill a small hole in the corner through the floor and pour them some clear liqid or gas hyper-stinking agent.

>> No.629610

Buy a shitty microwave on craiglist, break off the boork, but keep the hooks that slide in so it operates without a door.

Put microwave on floor aimed down at wear you guess the amp is at. Turn on the Microwave. Boom amp no longer works.

>> No.629620

+ you might give them cancer. everybody wins. also possibly set your house on fire. again, they will leave once you burn a hole through their ceiling.

>> No.629648


>> No.629649

If your alarm clock shuts off automatically after a while, go buy a better one. Bonus tip: mod the little speaker with a 3.5mm output jack and connect it to your amplifier.

>> No.629815


or download this and burn it to a cd to play on a speaker system full blast


>> No.630549
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If you decide to retaliate. Record their music and play it back to them with a delay that throws off their rhythm and shit

An easy way to do this is to plug a mic into ur PC/laptop, then check the listen to this device checkbox, then select whatever sound device you are using. And send the output signal to an amplifier/speaker or some shit

This creates a small delay since the mic input has to be converted to digital, processed, then reconverted to analog and shit

Make sure to set the sensitivity low so it only picks up the loud sounds and not ambient noises and shit

>> No.630567
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>break off the boork
>the boork