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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 147 KB, 800x800, Amazonas_Tarphat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
604213 No.604213[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I love the style of these hats but I think the price is complete bullshit. Any ideas on how I could make one?

>> No.604229

Find a pattern. Cut appropriate material in the shape of the pattern. Sew together.

>> No.604230

I know this is /diy/ and I actually hope someone will say I'm wrong because I'd like to make one too, but hats are expensive for a reason. They require a lot of work and/or equipment. Making a hat even requires a special press if i remember right. You'd be better off buying a hat than buying the equipment.

Again, that is solely based off an episode of How It's Made (which is basically porn for /diy/ types if you think about it) and hopefully i'm wrong and there's a secret I don't know about.

>> No.604244

side from the brim that hat isnt something which takes a lot of knowledge sewing wise
the attaching of the main hat to its brim would be the tricky part

I've got one that I'm pretty sure was home made, bought it from a thrift shop for halloween one year, pimp hat, has a wire around the outer rim which seems to be the same length and thickness as a coat hanger wire.

Not sure what materials you'd use for this OP, I don't know much on those types of hats, most of what I've done clothing wise are soft bits and patch jobs.

I suppose I could try doing some sort of denim soaked with a type or wax or glue to get something similar, whether or not it'd look good is another question.

You'll have to look up a lot of it yourself op, all I know is that we've had rawhide hats and what not a lot longer than modern materials, so theres gonna be some lowtech techniques you can find

>> No.604246

How It's Made is the worst show for me as a /diy/'er in the sense that it makes me think that making shit is really easy and doable, and it's often a lot trickier/more work/skill intensive than the show makes it seem.

>> No.604249

Yeah Akubras are pressed out of a circle then folded/stitched round the rim. Our work ones are felt but I suppose any hides would work.

>> No.604267

Does anybody on /diy/ Google before they start a thread asking stupid questions?

>> No.604286

No you're mostly right. You can make a crude hat without any form/press thing (like a shoe last) but it won't but up to much.

And I don't know how a hat of this form made from normal canvas would hold its shape that's for sure!

Nearly a tautology there m8.

>> No.604295


Most things are easy to make with the correct tooling.

>> No.604349

Take your old hat, cut it open at the semes. You now have a pattern.

Cut other fabric to match and assemble. Most hats require a fancy steam press but these don't they just use a metal wire. The real deal ones are probably constructed by 7 year old sex slaves in brazil on the off hours.

>> No.604350

>too expensive

>> No.604375
File: 56 KB, 337x367, 1311626491256[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger me and my wife both work at mcbeetus and we just had a baby. Still think I have a spare $40?

>> No.604382

Glad you decided to have kids while working a dead end job with no money to support your offspring. We're raising the next generation up right and teaching them the core American Values: Make poor choices, never be financially secure and always live above your means.

>> No.604389

Actually We are doing pretty good. I just can't justify paying ~$60 for a already beat up hat that would get even more beat up. Also I love when snotty kids always tell me how bad my choices are and how I'm never going anywhere in life and I'm like "Yea, because your the one that is going to go to college for 4 years and become Scar-Jo's personal sex slave/sugar daddy. FUCKING LOL. Take a good look and tell me how fucking perfect your little life is. Me and my wife are perfectly secure in our jobs and have no shame for working hard. It's called work ethic and I have to put up with majority of a crew of shitty college kids that have the same attitude as you and you know what? They spew that pre-digested chestnut at me and I laugh as they leech off of their rich ass mommeys and daddies with no fucks to give. In the end though I DO care about my job and as long as the money is right I will continue to do so.

>> No.604401

Don't worry OP, he's just mad because no human female will touch him and you mentioned that you had a wife.

>> No.604403
File: 71 KB, 1131x707, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat Ad hominem. Such debate skills, much impress.

>> No.604406

Okay fallacy fag you seem to have laid eggs somewhere. Let me clarify this for you. Fallaxies aren't pokeman cards, digimons, dragonball/power ranger powers and screaming their name won't make anyone lose or win any kind of discussion. It'll only change the topic of the conversation to how useless and stupid such practice to hijack and argument is. Try deleting that post and making another one more useful.

>> No.604407
File: 783 KB, 678x507, rige.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure is ragey in here.

>> No.604410

You seem to think I have a horse in this race. I don't. I can point out the fact that you aren't refuting his point, just attacking his character, without having to explain my own stance on the issue. You really should tone down the rhetoric if you want help on this board. Unless getting baited and flamed was your goal from the start. Either way, you question has been answered. Maybe you should just drop it and move along.

>> No.604411

Dis nigga.

>> No.604414

A clarification. I'm not the guy with kids. I just dedicate part of my time to fight against the menace of fallacyfagging.

>> No.604421
File: 165 KB, 2263x1816, 1393623950979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felt hats are stretched over a form to give them their shape, but OP's picture is a canvas hat. It can be sewn from pieces to create the shape.

OP, you are going to have to develop some sewing and patterning skills for this. Since you're asking, I think it's safe to assume you don't have them already. Start with something like picrelated. It's a lazy pattern for a fedora, and not what you want, but it's a decent beginning. Cut this out of paper or something, tape the pieces together, and note where it needs adjustments to look more like the hat you want. Then just take the pattern apart, trace the pieces on fresh paper, adding or removing or changing the shapes as necessary, and repeat until you get something that looks like you want at the right size. When all that's done, it's time to hit up Google for information on sewing. Good look, OP.

>> No.604424

I've lost track of who is arguing with who.

And it's stupid because all OP wants to do is DIY a hat, and this all started because of some lame buyfag jab.

>> No.604455

Thank you. Not OP, just a passerby.

That's actually really good advice, and helps me with a completely unrelated project.

Sometimes it's the simple things we can't see.

Fucking paper. How the fuck could I forget fucking paper...

(Again, thanks, this was an "ah-ha" moment.)

>> No.604511

so does porn. my point has been strengthened.

>> No.604553

FUCKING THANK YOU! If I wanted a fucking analysis of my life choices made by 2edgy4me /b/tards I would have gone there but I didn't. I JUST WANT TO MAKE A FUCKING HAT.

>> No.604558

Also for clarification, I'm honestly not mad. Who hasn't made questionable life choices? The way I see it is if your happy now, then why regret the past? Sure things could be better but they could sure as hell be worse. I just got back from the long drive from the hospital where they are staying and they are both ok so I'm happy.

>> No.604568

That image will be very useful over in /b. Thank you fedora pattern wearing anon.

>> No.604571

That doesn't look like a fedora, the brim is way to small.

>> No.604580

I beg to differ. I feel a lot more secure in my life when I'm not happy. Probably my first serious relationship while attending a good university was when I was "happiest", but that whole time, everything was so perfect, I knew I had everything to lose. It's a scary feeling. Being on my own and with a job that is stable and pays well I feel a lot more relieved and satisfied. And with a solid financial backing for whatever life throws at me is very comforting. To each his own I suppose, but to confide your entire idea of happiness in someone else is odd. When most people are at their happiest, it seems they have so much more to lose than me.

>> No.604586

not that guy but it says fedora right on the pic. You're probably thinking of Indiana Jones...real fedoras have pretty small brims.

Still, it's a very interdasting pic and I will save it.
*tips piece of paper with fedora instructions on it

>> No.604589


Fedora pattern anon here. You're both right, the brim is too small, but it's still sort of a fedora. This isn't a pattern for a real fedora, it's a sort of trilby I guess. It's also apparently designed for a doll (SD ~= 60cm doll), and somewhat lazily. This is like the epitome of tacky hipsterdom, and will require some adjustment, but it was one of the best patterns that turned up with a quick search.

Just remember the paper won't fit together quite like the final pieces. Once you get it about right you'll need to transfer to some cheap test material and add seam allowances, then test pin everything before sewing.