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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 95 KB, 570x718, il_570xN.553666584_1ezd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
597261 No.597261 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/ I make these little creatures and sell quite a bit of them at street fairs. The problem is im trying my best to get them seen on Etsy but no matter what tags I use people cant seem to find them. Can you guys reccomend what tags to use?

>> No.597262
File: 51 KB, 570x542, il_570xN.553672892_thq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to explain what they are... they are mini outdoor ceramic fire holders that burn 97% rubbing alcohol for around 45 min a fill up

>> No.597292

post your etsy link FFS
>people cant seem to find them
When you search for them, with the name and tags you use, can YOU find them ?

>> No.597296


heres a link.... I can find it but I have a feeling the tags suck. Whats ypur opinion?

>> No.597299
File: 109 KB, 750x1024, 1391931115122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bowl with poorly made legs smooshed onto it

>> No.597301
File: 602 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-02-12-13-34-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the printscreen but these are what I usualy make. The one you're looking at is a fast version meant for festivals

>> No.597303

That one looks bretty cool.
You must throw the bowls on a wheel?

>> No.597314

>ceramic candle holder
>165 pages
>ceramic fire
>77 pages
no wonder they don't find it

you could add

which means:
1) search stuff like "candle holder" "ceramic candle", stuff that would describe your item
2) check the items displayed on top
3) copypaste the tags to your item

For a small shop like yours purchasing ads would be most probably pointless. Really advertise them on festivals, print business cards with the name and link to your shop, make a tumblr, facebook, twitter, post updates here and there, go to some forums for LARP, gothic. Try to offer your stuff on ebay.

>> No.597362

>Be loud
>Go to fucking hippy-fuck festivals

>> No.597407

There are lots of naming conventions.
Burning alcohol lantern, comes to mind as something a bit different.

Funny thing is I already have plans to do something similar, but of course my is better. Also my design is much less a fire hazard. You might want some more safety features in your, it kind of scares me to be frank. Hope the best for you.

>> No.597559

OP, I certainly can't find them when I search. But I like your Death Star pipes.

>> No.597564

See. OP, I saw this, went to etsy, and searched for what it is. "oil lamp" "diy oil lamp". And didn't see any of your shit.

Because you're to stupid to list an oil lamp...as a fucking oil lamp.

>> No.597569

I wish you were my friend

>> No.597570

tell us your aesthetics mate. we shall follow.

>> No.597584

>oil lamp
but it runs on alcohol
oil lamp gives you 106 pages, you wouldn't find it anyway
Anyone buys those hearts ? They look super creepy.

>> No.597587

so it's a hobo stove that you can't use to cook...

>> No.597623

With a slight modification you could make it also work as a floating oil lamp. All you'd need is something you can put a rope through and that stick above the oil. A small clay ring would probably do it.

>> No.597639

Reminds me of the aliums on that free steam game..

>> No.597641


What a beta.

>> No.597687

420 Mood Lamp

>> No.598073

You need to call them lamps, oil lamps, outdoor lamps, lighting, outdoor lighting, candle/votive holders. First thing I thought of calling them, despite the fuel you're using is oil lamp. I think that and votive is going to be what your customers will search first.

>>597301 Make more of these. They're better in every way, and very cool. They clearly take more time, so charge more, or else just get fucking faster (think about your production. can you do some kind of partial press-mold?). Screw the low-ball customers. Please put more badass cool shit out there even though it doesn't fit into the world's idea of consumerism in late-stage capitalism.

Also, you work is neat, and I respect you for getting out there and selling it.

>> No.598317
File: 36 KB, 288x288, tigh-eyepatch_288x288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. This looks dangerous as fuck. Oh, a small burning bowl of rubbing alcohol, what could go wrong?

2. These things are unique enough to deserve their own special name. Call them something like BELLY BURNERS and add the name to every fucking picture you upload.
That way people can search for them directly without seeing your competitor's wares. Of course, add keywords like fire, oil, lamp etc to your etsy page also.
This could also help establish brand recognition and some intellectual property etc.

>> No.598333

They'd make a badass fondue heater if you can come up with a sexy metal fondue pot to go with them.

>> No.598383
File: 159 KB, 1255x1000, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just {keep} do{ing} it
try to be original
come up with a COOL name
post ur shit every where & then some

etc. blah blah blah & so on bs u get da point

just fucking do it
stick with it
don't give up

>> No.598706

what about brazier?

>> No.598727

Fucking badass. More of this.

>> No.598823

>Belly Burners
Not OP here
But I like it.

>> No.599254

It's basically a bowl of flaming liquid. If someone knocks it and it falls, you can basically go from fine to being covered in flames you can't get off in an instant. It's not dangerous if care is taken, but it is a risk, and we all know how stupid some people are.