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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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596544 No.596544 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure which board to post this on, but here goes

Me and my friend are designing small tanks to do battle with each other

Right now the concept is a RC control and engine(is that what they are called for RC toys)

The original concept was a cardboard tank layered in soda can layers(flattened out and wrapped around the tank bits) and while we figured out for the most part on building the things(treads, rotating turrets) we have one problem

We want to use around 8mm-16mm marbles for the guns(the "cannons" are spud guns, combustion via aerosol)

However, due to the soda can size of .22mm thickness of a can it would take a huge amount of cans to make armor capable of fending off bbs, let alone marbles

What is a cheap and effective compound or material to make our tanks able to compete with our guns(we dont want to downgrade)

Also the weight limit is about 2-3 kg, preferably lower. Also try to keep the cost down, 20-30 dollars for the armor is max

Person who give a good source gets a tank type named after them

>> No.596545


>> No.596546

Bump for help

>> No.596547

Stop bumping please, even if you don't your thread will be around for some days.

>> No.596549

Moot should set up so dildolickers like OP are forced to read board specific stickies before they are allowed to post.

>> No.596551

Ah sorry, Im from one of the more fast pace boards where if you dont get a conversation to start its gone

>> No.596552

You're gunna shoot your eye out kid.

>> No.596555

You realize I never asked on how to build a gun or something remotely close

I actually asked the very opposite and was just asking for a durable material

Well, they are designed so they cant really aim up and we plan on standing above them so there is no crossfire

Its like that robot battle show, except with micro tanks

>> No.596557

Oh, so you read the part about weapons, but not the part about how slow the board is?

Confirmed for dildolicker.

>> No.596558

No need to be an assface, its not like im talking about /b/ shit or off topic

>> No.596560

I can't help it. I'm a very angry man.

>> No.596561

Are you sure you are not from /v/ also? because thats like the main reaction of most people

>> No.596563

Attaching a gun capable of piecing cans to a home-made rc car is asking for trouble.

why not use paint balls?

>> No.596564

because, we want to make innovative tank designs and try to see which would win

Unless the paint ball can destroy a tank utterly, its not good enough

We want to see these things turned into wrecks

>> No.596565

Also to give a perspective, the gun is a spud gun tier in power, and one on the lower end of the spectrum

>> No.596566

Lol, what?

What are the dimensions of the tanks?

So a marble cannon powered with aerosol, huh? I guess it's a single shot cannon, you'll get a huge pain in the ass if you try to make a semiautomatic canon, specially powered with aerosoles, compressed air and metal bb's would do better piercing the armor than that, marbles would just knock it, also you would need a large barrel to make the marbles gain a considerable speed, and the recoil, talking about a cardboard tank...

>it can semi automatically shot marbles at a speed that can trepass several layers of aluminum and cardboard, with rotary turrets, radio controlled.

If you want my advice and you're not a troll (thing I've considered since I first read your post) forget about the rotary turret (cardboard is not the best material to make one of those), if you can make it go back and forth and be able to turn you can be satisfied.

As I said anything that requires combustion isn't apropriate for the shooting mecanism because you will need to evacuate the combustion gases (unless you use H2+O), fill it with the correct mix, reload automatically...

Go for compressed air and metal bb's around 3-6 mm of diameter, even with that the reloading mecanism will be a pain to make.

>> No.596664

go to the scrapyard and get a small 5mm steelplate.
Mount this in the front of your tank.
This way, your back and your sides are your weakspots, (just like realtanks), but who cares?
You face your enemy in the front!
btw tell your friend its aluminum foil.
than post pics thanx

>> No.596675

>make basic tank with cardboard exterior
>friend laughs at you but whatever
>commence battle
>turn tank and shoot him in the nuts
flawless victory

>> No.596695

>Fill your tank with explosives.
>Get near your friends tank.
>Friend dead.
>Your face has been ripped off.
>House burning.
>Doesn't matter, his tank is destroyed.
>Cry with emotion.
>Die happy.