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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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593249 No.593249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you make a CRT TV break without the sabotage being obvious? I'm thinking of replacing a random heatsink on a component inside with one that's half as small, so it'll fail while in use.

>> No.593251


>> No.593252

Electrolytic capacitor plague is the biggest source of death for things like that. I'd open it up and connect a voltage to one of the capacitors higher than it can handle until it pops.

>> No.593253
File: 144 KB, 500x412, 4HLyDad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of reasons
ideally I'd want it to fail during use, but that would work as well

>> No.593256

He probably wants his parents to replace their ancient tv

>> No.593258

CRTs can kill you if they discharge into you. I wouldn't fuck with them unless you are an electronic hobbyist, which you obviously aren't given what question you're asking.

>> No.593260

Actually a good way to do it might be to simply put a drop of water across two small components on the circuit board while it's off. When it turns on they'll probably short out and fuck something up. It could also potentially catch fire, but I don't think that's likely. I doubt whoever owns it is going to actually look inside the thing, and after a couple hours the water will have evaporated leaving no trace.

Again, there is a (probably small?) possibility that this will cause a fire.

>> No.593261

he wants mommy to buy a new one. Do not help this anon

>> No.593269

How about you stop breaking other people's shit you little faggot?

>> No.593274

>mom can we get a flatscreen
>no, you little faggot, you know we can't afford one. just be happy with what we have
fuck you op

>> No.593277

I hope you go through with it, get caught, she sells your playstation, buys a used crt for like 3 bux off ebay and spends the rest on nail polish or some other useless shit.

>> No.593278

You really are desperate for mommy to buy you a new TV aren't you. Try telling her that it'll help with your homework or promise her you'll be a good boy and won't stay up late.

This is /diy/, we fix things, we don't break them.

>> No.593282

> not having a flat screen
> 2014
for fuck sake 4k tv's are out ,you can shell out lunch money and buy a flatscreen with it

>> No.593283

child can't wait one more year for oled revolution. Wtf

>> No.593284 [DELETED] 

Not, OP, but where?, I still use a crt and have two years of school for my Meteorology degree.

>> No.593285

Not, OP, but where?, I still use a crt and have two years of school left for my Meteorology degree and I can't really spend a whole lot.

>> No.593287

1. Get a cat.
2. Have it vomit in the vents on the back of the tube.
3. ???
4. TV replaced with another old ass CRT and have no pet.

>> No.593289


Nail polish and stripper's platform shoes. I know his mom.

>> No.593297

God damn it with kids theses days

>> No.593311


any new 32 inch tv is around 180~ dollars really. a used one is probably way cheaper too 50 bucks or something yes it ain't 10 bucks but comeon.

>> No.593332

>not using superior CRT masterrace
Do you even bask in the warm glow of radiation?
Flatscreens are the CFLs of displays, nuff said

>> No.593342

Lol, who started this silly radiation scare shit? LCD makers, in order to sell stuff? Internet, in order to troll?

>> No.593522

thx for the replies everyone, I appreciate it
actually it's my mom who wants a new TV, but my dad has a policy of only buying new things when old things break. So we have a 10 000$ floor, 5000$ cabinet and a TV that was $500 10 years ago.

>> No.593540

dadddyyyyyy I want it!!!!

>> No.593544

Old (pre 70's) CRT's used to punch out all sorts of ionizing radiation due primitive tube manufacturing techniques and the massive voltages required for older rectifier based flybacks. The introduction of leaded glass for the CRT envelope and the switch to lower voltage, wire wound flybacks all but eliminated the (not terribly great, but definitely present) risk.

If you can get into the TV without being noticed, you could remove the mains fuse, paint its end with clear nail polish/clear varnish, and replace it. This will obviously cut power to the unit, but a repairman will find and fix that in a snap. For a more permanent death cut one of the windings on the deflection coil. This will either flatten the image to a vertical line, or narrow it down to a horizontal bar, and in they eyes of a TV repairman it will be an uneconomical repair (unless he notices the damage).

Obviously choosing a subtle, out of the way part of the coil to cut is paramount, as is making the cut as clean and neat as possible. On pic related, as an example, you could lift the white tape on the back coil, make your cut, then put the tape back down to cover the damage.

Obviously do all of this with the cord unplugged.

>> No.593549

Pony up some money and offer to help your dad pay for the new television. Or remind your mom that she isn't a slave to your dad, and she can go buy a new one whenever she wants.

>> No.593557

anon, your dad is actually intelligent. heed his wisdom and you'll go a long way in life

>> No.593563
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magnet to screen

>> No.593565

doy demands floor and cabinet potn. Pics of floor and cabinet

>> No.593566

Also, seriously wait. Your dad is probably saving up for when oleds get reasonable in the next two years.

>> No.593567

Open the tv you should see something that looks like a sucker pad stuck to the back of the glass tube with a wire coming out of it ,pull it off , stick it to your forehead and turn the tv on,post pics when done.