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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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573016 No.573016[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/,
So my question is how can I make money? Yes I have a job! I am currently a 2nd undergrad in engineering and I dream of becoming rich. My parents came to Canada from Bulgaria with 2000$ and 4 suitcases, I was born here. It still amazes me I got into college and got a bank loan. I'm sick and tired of living pay check by pay check and this year I want to start making money. How is it I see people here with 100k$ + in their savings account while still under 30 years old? How do you do it? Is there some way I can that kind of money? Clearly this low-wage job I have won't do the cut. Any richfags out there can tell me their ways? Point me the right direction? Thank you!

>> No.573018

No, fuck you.

>> No.573019

Thanks a lot buddy

>> No.573028

>How do you do it?
live below your means.

>> No.573029
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> not investing in stocks
> using credit and loaning money from jews
> not taking advantage of youth
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.573032

spend less money
don't borrow money fuckwit

Seriously, spend less money.

>> No.573035
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>Yes I have a job!
>bank loan
>living pay check by pay check

>> No.573041

>Point me the right direction? Thank you!

>> No.573052

>I dream of becoming rich

Well that's a remarkable and admirable dream anon

I'm sure that alone will put you at the forefront of the moneymaking industry for years to come

>> No.573054

youll be able to bank 100k in 2-3 years easy with a engineering job because you likely still live with mommy and daddy.
there's single moms with kids out there getting by on minimum wages working two jobs. some people actually have problems, kiddo.

gtfo of /diy/

>> No.573056

>single moms

Fuck single moms, especially all the ones I know. They're single because they fucked a guy, had a kid, and left him for child support.

They're worse than welfare bums.

>> No.573058

i hear ya but i still have more pity for a single mom than mr whitebread engineer.
what a shitty thread

>> No.573061

I have no pity for single moms or the engineer op.

If you're an engineer, then engineer something to make yourself some money. Otherwise, you're not an engineer, you're qualified to be an engineer, but you're an idiot.

>> No.573063

these things, especially with engineering. Nothing you can do now but try to finish university with good marks, once you're out buy a used carolla or similar reliable car with less than 40,000 miles on it. If you can,stay living with your parents until you pay off your loans if you live somewhere with work, if not move somewhere with good paying jobs. Learn how to cook, buy a chest freezer and buy food in bulk. Find a wife that cares about money as much as you and never want's kids or anything, this will save you money on rent. Once your loans are paid off buy a cheap house that doesn't need tons of work in a neighborhood that isn't shitty so that you don't give away all your money to a landlord. And after all of this you will have an absolutely boring shitty life. Why do people keep posting this shit on DIY

>> No.573129

1. Live on as little as possible.
Let's take that again:
1. Live on AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. I live on about $15/month because of broke. But I still live. You can as well. Ask yourself: How much do you want to get rich?
2. Create stuff. You're a fricking engineer. You're supposed to come up with new shit no-one's ever thought of.
3. Make a portfolio of systems and creations of yours and show it off. Concepts, designs: Draw and write down as much as possible about each new creation you make AND SHOW IT OFF.
4. Get a better job with your fancy-as-fuck genius portfolio.

>> No.573191

How do you live on $15 a month? You talking just food budget? I couldn't drive to work on $15 a month.

>>captcha: Aesop which

>> No.573193

bitcoin. agorism. generosity. frugal living. Good luck to you!

>> No.573208

So, I've been similarly wondering how to create boatloads of cash while starting from near zero. Just returned home from college, felt bad for the old man (who hasn't had a decent job since before I was born), and decided to build a business for him so he could die satisfied and feel like he's accomplished something. At first it was simple stuff, but it started to be things that are worth enough for my own greedy aspirations.

Some of the things I'm doing are particular to my skillset and his and won't translate to you, so I won't bother giving you a specific business plan. I wouldn't want to encourage the competition anyway.

But... you're in engineering. That is the best field to be in if you want to become a 'from scratch' entrepreneur. Spend the next few years in college constantly thinking about products or services and how you can make a machine that fits in. Try to make friends or get internships in varied fields so you can be acquainted with many different production processes or the 'behind the scenes' needs of different industries. Just keep looking for angles, constantly. It becomes second nature after awhile, and eventually you'll realize that making money is actually quite easy.

To start with, you don't want to take too many risks, and you want early stage stuff which doesn't take too much labor and can pay for later stuff. So for some advice, if you're doing it my way and aren't taking huge risks, don't be scared to copy the shit out of other business models. Truly unique angles take effort and investment, but you can get six figures from standard stuff if you're creative and competent.

Good luck and happy hunting.

>> No.573209


Oh yeah... to follow up on this, be prepared for frugal living for awhile.

Every day I see successful immigrants who came to this country with jack shit and now own laundromats, shops, restaurants, etc. They manage to be successful despite poor english skills and a complete lack of familiarity with the US business environment.

The trick? They sacrifice their own paychecks to reinvest back in the business for years and years. It means lean living and being frugal as all shit.

Being able to speak English and competently Google standards, regulations, alibaba.com, etc, you'll be able to do much more if you put your mind to it, as long as you avoid the standard American trap of expecting an expensive lifestyle early. Credit cards will kill your dreams. And don't be afraid to hire people when you start to run out of time for doing it yourself. Make your own activities the most sensitive jobs and let grunts do the rest. That's the only way to scale up and grow... but that'll come later and you'll figure out that transition when you get there.

>> No.573558

>Buy a house

>> No.573559

>All this text
>No useful information
There I just saved you all like 5 minutes and time is money so pay up OP.

>> No.573560

>I live on about $15/month because of broke
You don't live on 15 dollars a month. You couldn't even afford to feed yourself on that much.

Being NEET doesn't qualify you to give financial advice.

>> No.573612
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>Being NEET doesn't qualify you to give financial advice.

Amen. The cheapest plan I've ever seen for food was on /b/ and was living on $1 a day. That still doesn't consider housing and transportation.

Also that food plan was boring and lonely. :/ I'm too social for that.

>> No.573620

confirmed for never having cooked a meal in your life

Not that guy, but food is fuckin dirt cheap.
I easily feed myself for less than $30 a month - $15 would be pushing it, but totally doable, especially if I were to cut out booze and coffee.

I have no idea what you guys eat that leads you to believe that food is expensive.

Good food too - I'm not talking about bare sustenance.
I eat like a king - Exactly what I want, when I want, however much I want, with no concessions in any of this ever for any reason.
I don't even think about it - I'm not trying to save money, food is just THAT cheap.

inb4 someone claims cooking is hard and time consuming
It surly CAN be - But it's not a given.

I just can't even.

>> No.573621

Give a description of what you eat then. Are you living in Africa?

>> No.573628

I just made a giant batch of delicious curry.

>> No.573634

>good food
>eat like a king
>$0.50 per day
not possible.
not even close.
Stop shitting up /diy/ plz, bye now.

>> No.573644

Once again, confirmed for never having cooked a meal in your fucking life.

ur a faggot and these MUH MONEY threads are cancer

Grow up kid - Learn how to cook.

>> No.573654

Still hasn't actually given us examples on what his highness eats everyday for .50. Go be a shit talking faggot in some other thread.

>> No.573664
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For many months I lived off of nothing than leftover "family meal" from P.F. Chang's, ramen noodles, pb & j, and occasionally splurging on hot pockets or apples. I STILL couldn't keep my grocery budget that low.

Of course, I qualify my groceries as "things purchased at Walmart" so my groceries also included other staples like juice and tampons. I'm not sure you have the same needs.

>> No.573665

If you really want to push it, here is what i did for my first year in a self-catered dorm.

>20kg pack of flour each month, $18NZD
Enough to make about 40 to 50 loaves of bread, i would make one after classes for snackage.
>$1 dollar for a full deer, 2 .303s for $1 relatively
i would hunt it myself and take it to my bro to be butchered, give him a half and take the other half for myself, it would last for about 2 months.
>$5 2 kg Oats
That shit would give me breakfast for maybe 3 weeks to a month.
>$20 a month on fruit and vege, making friends with the local farmers.
>$15 dollars a month on honey, for homebrew mead, i love that shit. Includes the price of yeast.
>$20 for extra stuff, maybe a few cans or some milk.
80 bucks a month, or 20NZD a week.

You need to give yourself some god damn breathing room for food, but it can be cut very close.

>> No.573667

Not even Op




That's not even looking what's on sale or finding food you don't pay for (church dinners, art gallery opening, etc) Sure your not living high but you can do it.

>> No.573669


I cook, and eat rather cheaply. But yes. you are completely full of shit unless you are hunting/farming/live in a third world country.

1 jar of Pnut butter is $3. A gallon of milk is $5. A loaf of bred is $3. Bananas are a dollar a pound, apples are $5 a bag... oh shit just went over $15. Add in coffee and booze and I am now at $30??? What alcohol do you drink? A single sip of a tall can each night?

You must hunt and farm if you are eating like a king. Also... kings eat nice fucking food you jackass. I'd be surprised if a single glass of wine costs less than $30 at a kings table.

>> No.573675


20lbs of rice, a single onion, and beef flavoring... for a month? stfu you malnourished bastard. I'd drop a single elbow into your shoulder and break every bone in your body then walk away with your stuffed wallet (stuffed with all that money you are supposedly saving by eating like a POW)

>> No.573691

like i said that without church dinners, and assuming you have absolutely nothing in the kitchen.

You can buy 50 -100 pounds at much less of a cost and that will last several months, then you can buy other things that will also last several months. So yeah it is possible fun no.

>> No.573726


Or you could go fishing if you're seriously this poor..you need some protein in your diet.

>> No.573740

Here's a tip: no one here has $100k in the bank. No one here lives on a $15/month food budget. No one here has ever done anything close to starting a business or generating a substantial amount of income. Stop being a gullible fuck.

>> No.573746

People have tried living on a dollar a day for food. They made it into a book and they ended up being pretty malnourished by the end. Provide a budget with links or you're a lying faggot.

Could always depend on where you're living since I've heard Eurasia has a lot cheaper fruit/vegetables with the Mediterranean, whereas all the farms in NA are corn and rapeseed.

>> No.573747

>I'm not sure you have the same needs.
Well, >>573620 certainly needs tampons.

>> No.573748

I think yours might be a little bit biased what with the hunting.

>> No.573749

>I was only *pretending* to be le retarded

>> No.573750

It makes sense if you read the other words in between.

>> No.573752

you should probably invest in some brain food.

>> No.573783


>> No.573785

frugal thread
>Add in coffee and booze

tampons rarely count as food

One thing the implausibly low food budget anon got right, these money threads shouldn't be on /diy. They're never on topic beyond 'how can I make money with /diy (and btw I have no practical skills)', they always degenerate into arguing about some people having foolish ideas of how much money they need to live (or ITT, how little...which is new), and there's some teenagers constantly telling people to play the stock market/whatever.

Also people have started giving each other scores and doing that stupid greentext summary thing, always a sign of a thread that belongs on b/pol.

>> No.573806


hey guys, this teenager doesn't. know what palegra is...

>> No.573842

No pity for you now gtfo you're being a nuisance go back to >>>/b/ .

>> No.573895

It wasn't worded properly.

>> No.573899

>that stupid greentext summary thing
Seriously could you be any more of an outsider to 4chan?

It's a perfectly fine thread (though there are two of them right now and one of those OP's needs to learn how to use the catalog). You're making money by yourself. Deal with it; it's been part of the board's culture for years.

What we need to remove are all the /mu/-types talking about "so what do you think of my guitar, /diy/" because no one cares.

>> No.573908

Actually I have been starting small businesses since I was 18 years old. I am 24 now, and I work out of my home providing online development services. I have 6 employees and work very little for my return.

>> No.573923


Post your grocery list. Refusing to do so will represent a conscious acknowledgement on you part that you are in fact full of shit.

>> No.573955

>2. Create stuff. You're a fricking engineer. You're supposed to come up with new shit no-one's ever thought of.

As a mechanical engineer I have to say that you don't just create something that's easily going to make millions without experience and a budget

I mean, in my line of work we design power plants and there is *no way* a 20-something-year-old guy could design something that someone else didn't already think of. Unless his family was full of engineers, he loved engineering, he used his free time to think about engineering etc.

>> No.573986

And then you spend those savings on medicine.

>> No.573987

At least you have a paycheque to live off of

>tfw you spend every waking moment looking for a job
>tfw not even the army will take you because of a tiny tattoo you got when you were 18

>> No.574009

>a tiny tattoo you got when you were 18
It's a fucking swastika. In the middle of your fucking forehead.

>> No.574058
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Holy shit guys, pls.
>>573620 here
I've never understood this reaction. What motive could I possibly have to lie about this? This is /diy/, unquestionably the best board and I love you guys - We're better than that here.
Food is fucking cheap – I'm far more perplexed by how you guys seem to spend more than this...

I live in the US.
I'm not a hunter.
Try as I might, I've never had much luck with gardening ;_;

>grocery list
I basically only buy staples, and in bulk. Oats, rice, flour, lentils, potatoes, etc.
Supplement with produce and you're golden. I should prolly eat more fruit.

I've been eating like this for a good 3 years now.
My mother was worried about this too and forced me to get blood work done.
I'm perfectly healthy, above average actually – No notable deficiencies.

Look at it this way,
The average person eats about 1lb of dry food per day.
The grand majority of this food is composed of staples. (That's why we call them staples.)
A 50lb bag of rice costs $27.99 (I get the expensive stuff because I'm picky) – But that's 50 DAYS worth of food! Spread out of course.
That being the high end, it gets much better.
A 20lb bag of potatoes is $4.98 (about half this much in the summer) – That's not just awesome and super good for you, that's 20 DAYS worth of food for less than $5.

If you think oatmeal comes in a box with little sugar dinosaur eggs, or that McDonalds is edible, then you don't know shit about food.
If you can't see the glorious potential in some lentils, water, salt, and turmeric, then you don't know shit about cooking - A skill I highly suggest cultivating.

If you don't roast your own coffee, you lose.
If you don't make your own rice/oat milk, you lose.
If you don't bake your own bread, you lose.

Here I am on /diy/, doing it myself, and I get ridiculed and called a liar.
Give up man. It's not my fault you're throwing your money away – Though I'm more than happy to help you stop.

inb4 more mad sperglords

>> No.574063

Get the tattoo removed. Or DIY with fire. A badass scar will get you in the millitary like there's no tomorrow

>> No.574078
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I thought you were just trolling with your original post, but you actually believe your own bullshit.
just wow.

Your body needs carbohydrate, protein, fat, fibre, minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and water to survive. Obtaining the correct balance and quantities of these nutrients is essential to your health and well-being; for example to promote growth and overcome illness and damage, to provide energy and allow proper functioning of your body's systems. The exact requirement for each nutrient is determined by your age, sex and activity levels.

When your body does not get enough energy, protein and other nutrients it becomes malnourished. Sustained malnourishment or 'malnutrition' can harm the body, affecting body composition and function and the processing of nutrients within the body known as 'metabolism'. Common consequences of malnutrition include a greater chance of infection, slower wound healing, weakness/fatigue, decreased bone strength and impaired functioning of the heart, lungs and gastrointestinal (GI) system. Indeed, persisting malnutrition can be life threatening.

>> No.574084

Just don't blow money.

Whenever you need something, get the one that's a step or two below what you can afford. Need a house and can afford a modest 2 or 3 bedroom ranch style home, get a dinky single bedroom house or cheap condo. Need a new car and can afford a lower tier bmw or benz, get a 1 or 2 year old 4 cyl with low miles. And then save the extra money and invest wisely.

It cannot be stressed enough how people still even after the "great recession" live just at their means. Granted people are far smarter now...not everyone is living far beyond their means like a few years ago. But they still like having shit that shows that "they made it".

My buddy graduated and is making 50k or so a year and immediately went out and got a really nice single bedroom apartment where the rent alone costs 2k a month. It's only him, he doesn't entertain guests, and well over half of his take home was going to JUST the rent. After 2 years they increased rent 300 and that little amount (compared to the total) was enough to make him need to move to a place slightly better but not great at about 1600/month. He's still wasting money, I only make 30k but live in a house with room mates and pay like 300/month for rent and my share of the bills and save my ass off. Even though I'm making quite a bit less than him we basically have identical lives and identical means.

I say he's dumb but then again I was hit REALLY hard by the recession and learned my lesson.

>> No.574085


>> No.574110

Handyman. I painted 2 home exterior s and put in a 5'x18' retaining wall in a month. Made 5.4k cash that month alone, not including a couple small jobs I did.

Seriously, put yourself on Craigslist for $20 per hour as a general Handyman. You can quote people much higher on big jobs. Google is your friend on figuring out what to do

>> No.574180

If you didn't have coffee on your list, you would eat the same stuff as a good friend of mine who lives out on a large property in the middle of no where. Man is 270 pounds of solid rock. I've witnessed him pick up a full grown goat and toss it over a fence like it was nothing.

>> No.574417


The only smart answer I've seen. Being a handyman is actually a good idea. The only issue for me is that SC has strict laws on contractors and how much work you can do with what type of license. Since i wouldn't have a license, I would need to find out what the dollar limit for handymen is.

>> No.575239

>Seriously could you be any more of an outsider to 4chan?
>It's a perfectly fine thread
> You're making money by yourself.
>Deal with it; it's been part of the board's culture for years.
/diy is only a couple of years old, and that's no argument at all.

>> No.575398
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>> No.575433

>If you don't bake your own bread, you lose.

I can buy a loaf of enriched bread for 89 cents. Sure the flour costs 5 cents, but you need to add a dollar's worth of energy to cook the bread. That is not even accounting for your time which has a value. The finished product has no additional vitamins or minerals which your diet needs to work long term. Your math needs to account for everything you put into a diy good/service.

OP engineering is much more competitive than it was 10 years ago. Plenty of experienced engineers got laid off during the recession and engineering schools are putting out more engineers than there are engineering jobs. Unless you have natural talent in engineering, the projects to back it up, and the social skills to ace interviews you will need to know someone to get your foot in the door.

Don't bother trying to get rich OP. You can't take the money with you once you are dead. Once you get over 75k/yr you won't be any happier. If anything the additional time working for the money will eat into your happiness. Plenty of rich folks blow their brains out because they are miserable from working.

>> No.575441

>and I dream of becoming rich
Stop doing that, it likely won't happen. Enjoy what you can get out of this life instead.
>b-b-but this is /diy/! You have to help me DIY beng rich!
No, I don't, you're asking for advice, so that's my advice: Dreaming about "becoming rich" is stupid. Money doesn't make you happy. It actually causes more problems than it solves. Find other things that make you happy in life.

>> No.575464

You are still eating well enough to have your period? The opulence!

Anyway, you can live off $15 a month with rice, but to do that you pretty much have to be Asian.
Just make sure you don't get beri-beri.

>> No.575473

>I can buy a loaf of enriched bread for 89 cents.
Where to hell do you live? You literally are not able to get fresh bread in my town for less than $2.50, and even then, it's shitty white starch-paste "bread."
Fyi, bread is pretty good for you when you get the real stuff. You can also include other stuff to make it healthier, like make an egg bread or something.

>> No.575486

I have 30k in the bank and no more student loans after 2 years of engineering work (on contract jobs though). Not because I live at home or dumpster dive my food, because I have three roommates in a cheap city (Tulsa) and spend basically nothing on entertainment (while a lot of my coworkers are going through 500 a month worth of alcohol). I save at least $1500 every month. I know i can't keep up with contract work forever and lack of health insurance is getting to be a problem though.

>> No.575489

$75k/yr? What currency are we talking about here?

>> No.575497

you'd die eventually

>> No.575620
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>but you need to add a dollar's worth of energy to cook the bread
He should probably include his rent too because without a house he wouldn't be able to cook it in the first place.
And all his tuition and medical bills etc.

>> No.575639

You must live in a town where there's a grocery monopoly or something. Even shitty WalMart had decent wheat bread on sale for $1/loaf in the Chicago suburbs.

If you're in Chicago, try EuroFresh in Tinley Park. Their produce is incredibly cheap, and their on-sale prices for bread and meats are awesome.

>> No.575710

this thread is full of children that think its possible to live on $1 a day.
sure, you might be eating mr noodle for a couple of days while living at home with your parents. But in the real world, working individuals need real food. Smart people eat quality food. which costs alot. I consider myself one of the most frugal people I know, but when it comes to food, you have to pay the price. I eat like a mutha fucking king. food is the only thing I dont compromise on because my body is my temple and it need the best to function at its highest potential.
Food prices will vary from region to region, but if you aren't eating the best you can (which cost a helluva lot more than $1 a day) then you're just plain stupid.

>> No.575713

A lot of the world lives on less than $2 per day. Of course, if one lives in a third-world country, food costs less, because the grocery shelf-stockers union doesn't force Safeway to pay their workers $15/hr for unpacking boxes.

That said, I understand what you're trying to say, and mostly agree.

>> No.575716

>A lot of the world
This thread is about USD english speaking citizens.
third world country need not apply, nor have place in this discussion.
Farm owners need not apply.
We are talking real people, first world people spending USD (or equivalent).
Not loophole citizens,
$1 a day is fucking retarded.

>> No.575719

Hell yeah. It started with me just posting some ads on Craigslist. Said I would take cash, precious metals, or firearms as payment.

The guns are my true passion. I've gotten some very nice guns from people at times wheni couldn't justify buying a range toy. I got a nice underwood war time m1 carbine for a $200 job.

>> No.575727
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>thinks you can't easily and healthily feed yourself for less that $1 a day

>> No.575736

>doesn't know how much nutrition the human body actually needs

>> No.575745

>super skinny emofag detected
I'm 6' 3" 200 pounds; active lifestyle
My min daily calorie expenditure is 4095 cal., 80g of brotein, 130g carbs, (not even mentioning vitamins and nutrients)
Describe how I can sustainably survive on $1 a day while meeting my nutritional needs.
Pro tip: you can't

>> No.575776

get a load of this guy

>> No.575825

So you confirm you don't know shit.

>> No.575831

Aldi's. They have whole wheat and 7 grain bread for a bit more. You can eat like a king for a week for $25 from aldi's. They don't have everything, and 95% of the stuff is house brand. They don't have a deli or butcher, no hot foods, no floral department, and no baggers. You pay for bags and carts require a quarter deposit. I have never seen more than 3 employees in a store, but they start cashiers, who get to sit their whole shift, at $11.50/hr with benefits.

The oven is only run as needed hence it needs to be taken into account when calculating the total cost.

>> No.575892

>but they start cashiers, who get to sit their whole shift, at $11.50/hr with benefits.

14$ here. I fucking love Aldi. A couple years back I got laid off for the winter. I got food stamps like a pro. 175$ a month. My mom mentioned Aldi's since it was cheap. Checked it out. I was about to eat as well (in fact better because I had time to cook) for about half the price. I had money left over at the end of the month. Place is awesome.

>> No.576216

What type of engineering are you doing?

>> No.576223

>I am currently a 2nd undergrad in engineering and I dream of becoming rich.
Then you are not an engineer.
you're just like any other.

>I'm sick and tired of living pay check by pay check and this year I want to start making money. How is it I see people here with 100k$ + in their savings account while still under 30 years old? How do you do it? Is there some way I can that kind of money? Clearly this low-wage job I have won't do the cut. Any richfags out there can tell me their ways? Point me the right direction? Thank you!

just save your money, i have like 5k in my bank and i've been living on the dole/student allowances for a while. but i save a lot of money.

although im Australian. you might be fucked in America, I'm not sure of how things go there.

>> No.576224

>I couldn't drive to work on $15 a month.

>driving to work.
holy shit how new can you get.
>not engineering perpetual motion machine to drive you to work.
alternatively, what is this genius of engineering called a 'bicycle'

>> No.576245

I bit the bullet and started making simple handicrafts and marketing them to furries.

The startup cost for fauxfur is a bit expensive (DO NOT CRAFT FUR NO) but the markup for furry goods is astounding. I make, after shipping, $40 on each order that costs me $3 and an hour to make. If I used a sewing machine I'd be done in 10minutes. 10 minutes for $37.

I'm a student and I make enough to eat and live comfortably and complete expensive projects for class so I'm happy. You don't have to be RICH to feel rich.

>> No.576251

You make a product or service that people want to buy, you get money to develop this product/service, and you market it, and you sell it to people, and eventually you hire people to do the work for you while you own it. You can either:
A. Pay yourself a salary
B. Get dividends from owning stock.
C. Sell the company and take the cash.

>> No.576414

You have to be the biggest dipshit ever.
>Then you are not an engineer.
he never claimed he was
>"I'm sick and tired of living pay check by paycheck"
>Your response: just save money
WHAT? He's living paycheck to paycheck, you fuck.

>> No.576438


Also, by
do you mean "don't use real fur", and if so, is your objection because furries don't like that or because of personal beliefs?

>> No.576502

Don't hunting licenses cost money? Are you a poacher?
Does New Zealand not require hunting licenses?

>> No.576503

I don't have even 10k in savings (hoping to change that by the end of the year, but my savings keep on getting wiped out by emergencies one after the other), but I am starting my own business. It's actually really easy to start up your own business nowadays, though whether you can get it to succeed or not...

>> No.576510

I love Aldi's as well. Another good place to buy certain groceries is the dollar store, preferably ones that actually prices everything at a dollar.

>> No.576514

As someone who also sews, I'm guessing they mean don't use craft fur.
Craft fur: http://www.joann.com/davos-craft-fur/xprd986562.html#q=fur&start=9
Good faux fur: http://www.distinctivefabric.com/category.php?cat=LONGFUR

>> No.576707

>You have to be the biggest dipshit ever.
It's true, i am.

>WHAT? He's living paycheck to paycheck, you fuck.
that's just bad management of money, ala my point.
soz, didn't read thread.

>> No.576850

>living paycheck to paycheck
>that's just bad management of money
In some cases maybe, but that is definitely not true in all cases. A person can only downsize so much until they're left living a sub-human lifestyle (which by the way, can end up costing them by making them sicker and weaker and is honestly just a terrible way to "live"). There are also many jobs nowadays that just don't pay a living wage.

>> No.577027

>holy shit how new can you get.
>Is on /diy/
Yeah call me when you get a job working with your hands, faggo.

>> No.577062

How much of a return are you making after paying your employees?

>> No.577166

Read Marx so you understand capitalism.

Become great capitalist exploiter. Get rich.

I'm not even joking.
Also get a second job.
Stop believing you deserve time off, all that matters is your ability to get money in excess of your minimum needs and then save it, apply it to investments of some kind.

Bam, wealth.

>> No.577210

I'm a small business owner. I have low 6 figures in the bank, and I'm 26 years old.

Yes, cutting expenses and living below your means can help you but really you're better off spending time offering something of value to people who will pay. Personally, I'm in the construction field. If you're an engineer find a good job and then on the side I'd recommend you looking into consulting freelance, maybe some kind of design work, anything that you can apply the engineering skills you've learned.

The biggest problem with working for someone else is that your income correlates with your time. If you don't work, you generally do not make money and there are only so many hours a day. Find something that you can scale. Learn it inside and out and then build processes/hire people that you no longer have to be involved daily. As it stands, I am on-site maybe 20 hours a week now and spend 15 hours a week or so securing work and trying to automate more of my day. So ~35 hours a week and 85-125k a year.

If you are good with your hands I would absolutely recommend doing handyman work on the side but don't waste time on big projects. I'd work the small jobs for your clients and then when you have built a rapport with them sub out big jobs (roofing, framing, etc) and upcharge them a bit and you make money with no labor involved. Obviously, there is more involved than this, but I'd rather you ask more questions than me spoon-feeding you something that most likely will never be executed on.

>> No.577219

SC building code requires a license only after you surpass $30,000. Buy a hammer dude

>> No.577249

Do you have any tips for marketing furry goods? I'm working on some stuff right now.

>> No.577251


Might also consider branching out in HomeStuck troll cosplay goods then. Those people are nuts.

>> No.577268

I-I like Homestuck too. Hussie is very serious about people selling obvious Homestuck stuff without his permission as well. Obviously generic zodiac stuff is fine, but things like squiddles are a no-go.

>> No.577271


>tfw my mother divorced because my father raped my brothers and was a dead beat
>mfw shes a harder worker and better mother than 99.9% of others


>> No.577274


Not everyone lives in africa bro

>> No.577275
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>> No.577281

itt, people that have never shopped for whole foods at a store or farmer's market.

>> No.577297

Food is the one thing that the majority of /diy/ just can't seem to into.

>> No.577349


>> No.577352

nowhere in the world requires you to have a permit to hunt "vermin" rabbits and such. you only need a permit to hunt high value targets like deer.

unfortunately it is illegal to hunt here unless you have a rifle and the firearms comissioner has stated that he will issue no firearms licenses ever. illegal to use bows, a slingshot, knife, traps or snares to hunt. even to hunt rats. they are insane here.

>port arthur massacre

>> No.577384

Not OP, but...
What if I don't have experience doing handyman projects?
In high school I made extra cash painting interiors and staining decks but I literally have never done another project. Should I clarify in the craigslist ad that I will only paint? Or should I wait for their email explaining the project, youtube it, then play it off like I'm an expert?

Also, I work 7:30-4:00 weekdays. Will people want a handyman in their house during night and weekend hours?

>> No.577472

>you only need a permit to hunt high value targets like deer
And the first person in the comment chain was referring to a deer.

>> No.577475


People who work themselves would definitely prefer to have a handyman who can come around when they aren't working themselves.

>> No.577477

yes but rabbit meat is considered a delicacy now that lean meat is all the rage. if you wanted to make money hunting quickly, rabbits would be the way to go. no permit fee, you can take them down with a pellet gun, you can get within a few meters of them before they will bolt. if you wanted to save money on food, a rabbit a week would certain put a dent in your food budget.

never been deer hunting because its illegal to own a gun here :( but the setup cost is slightly higher. I wanted to point out that you can further minimize food production costs by avoiding taxes associated with hunting

>> No.577494


It's >>577210

I only recommend handyman work myself because that's what I know and do. There are about a million other ways to make money if you're willing to work. Craigslist flipping is also profitable I've made up to 2k a month flipping goods on there when business was slow. I also own a garbage valet business that I've discussed on here once.

If you don't have a lot of experience then take small jobs that you can watch YouTube videos on how to do. You can also visit forums if you have any questions. When I say small projects I mean things such as replacing outlets, ceiling fans, light fixtures, sink faucets, etc. Small projects like that are where you can make a killing. Painting is great if you're truly good at it. You also need to learn to work with sheetrock since that will dictate how well paint will come out.

Depends. Working weekends is definitely a good thing, but you've only got so many hours to get work finished in the evening and while some people may appreciate that others rather just unwind after they get home. It should be fine either way though.

>> No.577548
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>20lb bag of potatoes

That's insane. Where do you live? and have any source for this or is this whole post bullshit? Even with a Sam's Club Membership, and buying in not 20 but 50 POUND BULK and it costs me $21.49 which equates to $8.59 for 20lbs. The actual 20lb bag will be even more expensive. Not to mention the tax and my annual sam's club fee. And yes, they do have the best deals where I live. Our farmer's markets are greedy bastards.

>> No.577587
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>or is this whole post bullshit
Nope, none of it is.

Granted, that's pre tax - So I guess you can add 15 cents.

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I'm certainly blessed to have a Winco within walking distance of my house, but I believe that the normal grocery stores around here all have similar prices.
At least for things like potatoes.

unrelated protip: asian markets/grocery stores are the greatest thing ever

>> No.577734
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F the shitposters in this thread. A legitimate question here yet no real answers.

This is why we need a /biz or equivalent.

/biz. Think about the glory of this new thread adding strength to the 4chan thought arsenal.

Sure, there would be spammers to contend with but could be handled by the crowd.


Not the place many of us thought the world would be in at this point.

Please support the new /biz board. Let's corral the bit coin threads and how to get a job/make $$ qs into a new forward thinking realm.


>> No.577740

nobody sees that going wrong.

>> No.577749


>Critiquing people's English skills on 4chan

The autism is high with this one.

>> No.577761

> http://www.businessinsider.com.au/50-cent-tweets-a-stock-makes-a-mint-2011-1

dont be fooled by this. the fact that a penny stock jumps 300% doesnt mean that somebody who owns a lot of shares gets rich. because of the low volume these stocks exchange in a day, as soon as our nig-nog friend tries to actualize his gains by selling, the price drops to nothing.

it's called Supply and Demand, the very basis of a capitalist society, and a concept that about 1 person in 100 actually understands.

>> No.577762

I work downtown in my city and I can't afford to live close enough to bike to work. I would have to pay a half a months wages to just to rent a place close to the office.

I would love to telecommute though since my job is essentially 100% computer and phone related.

>> No.577767

supply and demand has been thoroughly debunked. it's called a pump and dump. price is based on perceived value. there's an over supply of real estate at the moment but there's a perceived scarcity causing a speculative boom. people perceive the value of a particular item to be greater than its intrinsic value and overpay believing in potential gains.

>> No.577770


>> No.577810

>implying anyone on this board can afford enough shares of a stock to effect anything.

>> No.577818

You work hard.

You're in engineering school ffs. You're going to be making bank in a few years. Stop complaining.

The rest of us have to make do on a 20,000-40,000 salary, depending on how long we've been working. Yours will START at 50,000.


>> No.577829

How the shit do you not live paycheck to paycheck unless you're a trust fund douche?

>> No.577855

Vaseline, high heels and a great smile.

>3k per week
>every meat you want

>> No.577929
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>supply and demand has been thoroughly debunked.

>> No.578186

in lieu of hunting, invest in some fishing gear seriously, i could literally supply a months (or more) worth of food with a nice fishing rod and a bit of gear, hooks, sinkers, line.
that and knowledge of where to find the fish, and a homemade pump to get the bloodworms to use as bait. easy as piss, hell around here i can literally go to a certain beach and go crabbing every day if i wanted and i am guaranteed to return with a meal, every time

>> No.578507

Every single time I've gone fishing I have not once landed a fish, even after hours. I'm pretty sure I got fish on my line multiple times, but whenever I would reel it in there'd be nothing and my bait would be gone. I'd usually go fishing with my dad and he used to be good at fishing while he lived in Kentucky as a kid, but I don't think he's ever managed to catch anything here in Florida either. It frustrated him to the point he started buying fancy fishing stuff like a fish radar because the stuff he always used/did before didn't seem to work anymore. What are we doing wrong?

>> No.578666

sounds like to me you may be using hooks that are too big/small for the fish you are trying to catch.

do you know what sort of fish youre going for?
you may also have your drag set too high/low making hooking the fish once it bites far more difficult, and you may be using a line too heavy or too light.

you really need to know what you want to catch.

usually when i go out fishing around these parts (beach fishing, not off a boat) i go for either http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_George_whiting or just regular bream. regular rod, light line, long shank hook with a regular lead and a regular sized sinker. if you know where to go and what to look for , you can be expecting a free meal every time

>> No.578675

what kind of fish are you going for?

>> No.578687

Boy would I love to do this if I weren't:
>To lazy to cook
>Shit with my money
>Wanting to spend time cooking to do other things
I don't get why I'd cook a 30 minute meal all to be gone in 5 minutes.

>> No.578706

Lies about cooking:
>it's difficult
>it's time consuming
>it's expensive
>it's not worth it

I CAN be all those things, but it sure doesn't have to be.

Take for example most any soup:
>put ingredients in pot
>stir and add more water occasionally
It might be on the stove for 2+ hours, but really, you're actually only there 'cooking' for a few minutes total.
And with a big enough pot, this can supply many many meals.

You can do it Anonymous!

>> No.578725

>not making women cook for you

>> No.578731

the problem is that you are using bait not lures. you will only get inferior bottom feeding scum with bait. no salmon.

>> No.578780

put water in pot
put ingredients in pot (use minute rice)
heat to boiling
put lid on pot
turn off heat (gas stove leave on burner, electric move to side)
let sit 30 minutes

>> No.578783
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if using a bobber use the smallest one you can
don't overbait your hook
set the hook before you reel it in

ask and observe the locals fishing, mimic them

>> No.578804
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>>look at all these fish I'll now have to painstakingly clean and slice and cook.

Cleaning fish takes a shit ton of work. The only place I can hunt pre-cleaned/prepped fish is the grocery store.

>> No.578833

it is literally this easy to gut a fish.
if you use a descaling tool it takes moments to shave them.

>> No.578835

Grow weed
$100 a once

>> No.578837

what a load of shit, ive caught plenty of aussie salmon with bait before. once again, you just need to know where to find em.

ive also caught shit tonnes of red snapper and flathead off a boat with bait. down to personal preference

>> No.578838

>no drugs on /diy/
worksafe board

>> No.578842

carnivourous fish eating detritus. perhaps if you had something like a whole dead fish as bait

>> No.578866
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I've caught fish, jigging off a boat, with nothing but an empty hook and a spinner

>> No.578901
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I save 30 percent of all my earnings. Also, do double bookkeeping. GNUcash is a good place to start. Most robably you don't need more money, you are just terrible at spending it sensibly. And you don't even know about it.

So my advice for you (i am 28, in IT, owning a house with land, not paying mortgages).

1. study. You always need to improve yourself if you want to go forward. If you are comfy in your current position, just slack off, masturbate and play all the dota 2 you like.

2. install GNUcash, read the tutorials and start bookkeeping.

3. Cook your own food. I only bought food on markets, raw meet and vegetables, which we cooked with the wife at home. By now we are raising our own meet, next year will be our second in a row not depending on others to raise chicken, lamb and pork for us.

4. Look not for more money but an optimal way of living. I am sucking dicks with terrible 3g internet but it will do for what I do: developing and selling my code as a freelancer. I won't be able to play online stuff, nor will I be able to torrent everything I like in mere minutes. Still, I am spending less than I earn, and I could already "retire" for the next 20 years, with savings put into emergency as well as long term accounts for maximum gain.

>> No.578904

22 years old beeen working at about 35k/year and doing a little bit on the stock(15% profit so far). full time night janitor or day time student aid at my local school district, job depends on when im free.
i save 85% of my paychecks and ahve
currently have 85k in my savings. probs gonna spend it all on med school. havnt taken out a single loan yet.

>> No.578913

>considers spinners to not be a lure

>> No.578952

Find something your interested in or a niche you don't see easily filled. Then head over to Aliexpress buy a load of product from China, sell on ebay/amazon at twice the price (after fee's).

Rinse and repeat

>> No.578961

01/07/14(Tue)02:30 No.578831
I'm a college student.

I've got around $1500 total in my bank account after paying for tuition and textbooks this quarter.

I have a job (my first one), but it's not permanent (hired each academic quarter by the school) or full or even part time work.

I also make a small amount of money by reselling small items found at flea markets and thrift shops on eBay. It's very irregular and nowhere near enough to live off of.

My parents suggest that I open an account at Vanguard, but I don't have the $3000 minimum, and I'd rather not wipe out my savings mostly because I need to eat.

What should I do?

>> No.578968

Get a job.

>> No.578977

Seconding GnuCash, it's great software.
>tfw almost entire life financial history recorded and ready to be analyzed
It's so gratifying. Glad I started doing this while I'm young and have relatively few transactions and accounts to keep track of.

Also, how did you get into freelancing? I write code too and the lifestyle seems appealing to me.

>> No.579114

Just some advice to save more money.
I've been able to save $60 a month ever since I quit a data plan. I pay $20 a month to verizon for calling and text on my old phone. I even used an upgrade on a brand new free phone, and had them leave it unactivated. Sure I could pawn it, but I just use it as a wifi device, and surprisingly the gps works off of the phone's manufacturer network. I haven't been in a place with no wifi for extended amounts of time. I'm able to still enjoy snapchat and twitter and other shitty social media almost wherever I am. Guess the only downsides are I can't foursquare while driving and carry two phones and the girlfriend makes fun of me for having a phone with buttons.

>> No.579123

Really depends on the amount of effort I put in.

One client is a contract for 40 hours per week. I pay out $200 and profit $400.
all my contracts usually $800-$1000 per week for 10-15 hours of work.
When I started this method my first couple weeks were $200-$500 USD.

>> No.579166

That's not enough money to make money with. Even using leverage. I would recommend trying to get you hands on something like a 3D printer and selling small, original-style figurines on Ebay etc. Never ran the numbers on it, but it's an option.