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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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550318 No.550318 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/, its been a while.

I plan on living off the grid for a long while.
No power no heat no plumbing no nothing. Just an dude in the woods.

I need some advice/ infographics on how to live really cheap or how to live out in the wilderness.

I've seen such info on here before so that's why I'm asking you guys first.

Also farming info and eco architecture as well...

Thanks in advance for any help!

>> No.550320
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>> No.550323
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>> No.550324
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>> No.550327
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>> No.550341

how much expierence do you have in survivalist/wilderness stuff

>> No.550433
File: 80 KB, 450x373, Infographic064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regardless if OP is ultimate faggot or not, if he wants survival infographic thread than I'd say it's a fair topic for diy. Here you go OP.

>> No.550435

Been there. Tiny farm like place on the coast of Oregon. Kind of by Coos bay and North Bend. The guy who runs it is super nice and will let you stay there if you're willing to help him with work around his farm.

>> No.550448

Fuck yeah bend is the best place in NA.

>> No.550472

some good instructables on earthbag houses, where abouts are you going to be? if your out there a "long while" I think some form of power would be helpful and not very expensive,hard. Methane biodigesters are pretty low maintenance and efficient.

>> No.550473
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>> No.550512

Some, but not extensive knowledge.

>> No.550513
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lets do it

>> No.550526
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>> No.550544

There is this site "rexresearch.com". they offer a data DVD called "civilization kit" for about 13$. there is much crap on it about alchemy, mythology and so on. but also a shitload of survival books, army guides from different special forces, doomsday survival plans etc.. seriously, ive bought it and it is totally worth the money. gonna upload a screenshot of the contents if requestet.

>> No.550551

I'd be interested

>> No.550553

id try to find it online if i were op

>> No.550556

oh sweet yeah please do!

>> No.550558
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>> No.550563

upload it man! if you got it share it!

>> No.550564

You are thinking Bend, Oregon, more central Or. North Bend is right next to Coos Bay on the coast. Both are awesome areas though.

>> No.550597

srsly. buy it. altough about 90% of the whole disc is more or less some shit about free energy and despite the fact that the whole disc is a pure mess. the bonus files, especially the survival part is gold worth for your intentions. i´ve bought it about 3-4 years ago. im pretty sure they added some more stuff in the meantime.

>> No.550618

is it weird that i dont trust this site w/ my info

>> No.550788

>I need some advice/ infographics on how to live really cheap or how to live out in the wilderness.
If it's not public land, then you'll be trespassing on someone's property.

If it is public land, then you cannot build any structure on it to live in that has more than 3 walls (i.e. it cannot be fully enclosed like a house). Likewise you'll have to explore the other specific laws regarding use of public land to see if it's allowed to "develop" the land in any way (farming, etc) or if you must leave everything natural and intact.

Regardless of "public land" provisions if you do this thing, in our current socio-political environment, law enforcement (rangers, police, DHS, etc) will automatically assume you're either a criminal on the run, or are a potential criminal looking to hide your activities; get used to being hassled by them on a regular basis. If you have any income beyond the pittance allowed under law as payment for "casual labor" and you don't pay taxes on it, the IRS will come looking for you regardless of being on public land.

Really, the whole "living entirely off the grid" thing is a thing of the past in this day and age. Maybe 50 years or more ago you could do it, these days you're considered a criminal or potential criminal if you do it.

>> No.550829
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Where the fuck's the meat ?

>> No.550833
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Inuit diet:
Lots of raw fat and meat.
Amerifat diet makes them fat just like any other American.

>> No.550835

The caveman diet shit you mean ?

>> No.550837

Nope, inuit. Almost no plant at all diet.

During summer children bring some berries.
Grandma: how nice! Let's mix it with seal fat!

>> No.551225

>go join an Amish old world order

>> No.551226

you wouldn't download an old world order

>> No.551266
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>> No.551268
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i got more, will continue a bit

>> No.551269
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ok so I just went through ALL my infographics (have around 100) and honestly, I'm now done for ones I think you'll actually find useful. Most of them are themed to survival.

Also, you're away of /out/ right?
I never really go to out, well I do, ofc, but not the board. But that's their thing, I think.

>> No.551270
File: 1.54 MB, 1000x1879, 1355633395087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok last one/4
honestly I think the figures on this are probably a load of crap but maybe you'll have forgotten something really obvious or this will make you think of something...

have a backup plan. However much you want to get away, make sure you can enjoy it for years, let someone know where you are and have a means of getting help when you fall down and sprain your ankle. I know it's not what you want but shit, hypothermia sounds like a megashit thing you'll probably not actually die from and then 'have' to spend the rest of your time in a city/town living with. Have a safety net until you're at least 2 years settled and secure. Just don't want you dying man, really admire your wish to go live out there and hope you do.

Also, I reckon research into temperature of food and diet is going to be key to your long term survival. You'll need to know seasons, gathering times, fish etc. abundance and scarcity, then you'll need to know how to make food last without a fridge. Smoked meats, jerky, salting, grain storage, bread making, drying food effectively. Basically you gotta learn moisture.

>> No.551271

replaced the image after duplicate of the farm one so the image and 1st para make no sense together. Also, this one talks of piercing the food packets, which personally I'm unsure of.

>> No.551482

Seaweed and yeast are bad for you in large quantities? How so?

>> No.551489

>intestinal e-coli
Be careful with this one, /diy/.

>> No.551496

>Raw food pyramid
People don't generally eat their meat raw.

>> No.551499

Not the guy who posted but when talking about bacterias our definitions of species don't work well. On one hand, they are generic enough to have sex even between bacterias from totally different families, on the other hand the same species can be good, neutral, bad or terrible depending on the strain.

But I have no idea about the validity of the pic with the exception of the ginger one.

>> No.551523

well, the ginger is true, but you need to eat it slowly over a period of days. Too much ginger will give you the shits and that isn't any good.

>> No.551554


Can I see your cookbooks folder?

>> No.551556


> Canada

>> No.551559


> mysides.jpg

>> No.551600

sure but it will take a while. i just arrived at work and i will do so when im back home. 7am here.

>> No.551644

Looking forward to it.

>> No.551659

I never understood the point of knowing all those different kinds of knots. Anyone can explain?

>> No.551678

>The guy who runs it is super nice and will let you stay there if you're willing to help him with work around his farm.

How is getting a job at a farm "living off the grid"? Sounds more like "living outside the city". Which is cool, but when I see the weekly "ima gonna go live innawoods" thread, it makes me wonder if any sane person ever actually does it. Yeah, we all go camping, but very few normal people live "off the grid".

For starters, if you use the internet, you probably are not cut out to live "off the grid".

>> No.551708

it doesn't say its bad for you. Maybe it suggests eating sparingly because its harder to get and/or you don't need much of it.

>> No.551714

Can anybody really live 'off the grid' anymore?

>> No.551725

The Farmer's Handbook was designed to be low-/no-tech, even for things like building a water tank. It was made for extremely poor farmers in third-world countries, and I find it very helpful in my gardening.


>> No.551726

Very nice. Saved.

>> No.551727

I can verify mint, although "catmint" is the best for that purpose. You make a tea with it.

>> No.551731

Seaweed contains iodine. That's my guess. Although iodized salt does too and we all eat a lot of that. It looks like it's organized by "You need to eat a lot of this," rather than "you shouldn't eat a lot of this."

>> No.551927
File: 1.18 MB, 3840x1080, cook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the delay. i was busy as fuck the whole day.
however, unfortunately there is not that much in the folder. but see for yourself.

>> No.551933

Where are you in Canada, OP?

Can I come? If shit begins the fan hit late this November I can buy some land if you're willing to help out.

>> No.551981

It's not a permanent job. It's more "I'll let you crash here if you help me with X, Y, and Z".
Doing odd jobs for randoms you pass by is off-grid. Unless you're paying taxes and having everybody know where you are.

>> No.552066


Living off the grid can be taken a number of ways. People like you might see it as an ALICE pack full of ammo, and a wooden shack in a forest. Other folks find self sufficiency while living within city limits. Using solar power, home gardening, and community networks to provide for themselves and loved ones independently of the main infrastructure provided by the government.

>> No.552092

>buy it
no. upload it

>> No.553154

>having sex