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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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547293 No.547293 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm a twenty year old female and I happen to live near a rather sketchy part of town. City Council just outlawed pepper sprayers and I'm really mortified.

I tried making a pepper spray using cologne bottles, but it doesn't spray with the pressure I desire. I was thinking, how can I vacuum a can and make my own high-pressure spray can?

Thanks for your help.

>> No.547295

Why don't you just buy one over the internet and fuck what your City Council faggots think about it? If you need to protect yourself, then you need to protect yourself. Otherwise just go get a concealed carry permit and get a gun, see if your asshole Council likes dudes getting holes drilled in them better than being pepper-sprayed.

>> No.547300

I'm not American... so both options are unavailable for me.

I live in Croatia and live near a Romani camp. It's terrifying for me.

Please just tell me how can I make a high-pressure spray. I'll be forever grateful.

>> No.547304

I don't understand. You have internet access, and your English is good. Why can't you order one and have it shipped to you? Does someone open all your mail and packages or something?

With all due respect, if your country is such a total shithole, maybe you should consider emigrating somewhere else. I wouldn't recommend Italy right now, they seem to have more than enough of their own problems and apparently are not friendly to foreigners these days (because their economy is in the toilet), can you move to Austria? I hear Austria is a nice place. You have marketable job skills hopefully?

I cannot help you make any defensive weapons, I don't even know what you have to work with. If you can't move somewhere safer, even within your country, then I'd suggest getting some self-defense training, or just seriously get a gun. If Croatia is such a total ghetto country that they won't let a young woman defend her person against attackers then you should get out. Good luck to you.

>> No.547309

Get some cayanne pepper...crush the fuck out of it in a mortar and pestle...

Get a spray bottle...kinda like a Windex bottle...a glass cleaner...

fill bottle with distilled water...dump in an ass load of the previously prepared cayanne pepper...

You are now armed with pepper spray...just pull the trigger...

I hope this helps...

>> No.547313

I'm planning to immigrate sooner or later. But right now I can't even afford moving out of my parent's house. Trust me I want to, it's such a shithole sometimes thinking about it makes me weep. I can see the forests from where I live, and when I say forest I mean heroin party place.

And ordering something illegal is not something I want to risk. I actually lied about the City Council banning it, they're banned nation-wide. So are shockers.

Thanks... but see the real issue here is that I want the spray to be strong, like those Gillette deodorant spray cans. I don't want air in the bottle and my knowledge is completely void of how to achieve that.

>> No.547314

Can you get wasp spray? Pepper spray in my area was in such short supply and the police were suggesting that women buy cans of wasp killer spray. It sprays farther (like up to 25 feet) and contains many of the same active ingredients as the pepper spray with the same effect.

>> No.547316

That's an idea. But they're too big to handle quickly.

>> No.547320

why dont you make a taser from a disposable camera? My friend made me one before. Basically the flash on these cameras uses a high powered capacitor that discharges quick pulses of high powered voltage. Channel that electric current into 2 prongs and you have a make shift stun gun

>> No.547322

Here in Canada pepper spray is banned, but you can get mace meant to protect you from bears at any store that sells hunting and fishing supplies.

>> No.547323

They sell bear mace/pepper spray that's a huge can and shoots way farther. Might not be covered...

Wow, feel really bad for you that they did that. Are tasers and guns already out?

>> No.547325

These need a lot more work than that to be effective at anything except fucking with your highschool friends.

>> No.547326

tru dat, fuck it just fucking carry a fucking knife and learn how to use it son

>> No.547327


Also, ask /k/

>> No.547329

Sounds like white slavery lobbyists getting officials to do shit like this so it will be easier for them to kidnap people. I recommend getting some bear spray and just not telling or showing anyone.

>> No.547332

People with your mindset are more prone to raping women than gypsies and Arabs.

>> No.547335



there are options, you can also walk with a cane or stick or tactical flashlight or can of bug poison "in a grocery bag to look less suspicious"

>> No.547339


>> No.547340

>using a knife against a gang of men.

u serious?
starting to sound like her best option is to invest in running shoes, and nlnever wear heels. Just book it when ever you see the gang menace you. If you run before they get too commottee they might not even chase and decide you're too much trouble.

seriously can't believe they took mace away. I'm waiting to hear that they are starting a pay for protection escort service.

>> No.547371


carry a ball-peen hammer if nothing else is available. its a tool rather than a weapon, though i dont know what the legality in your area is. knives take practice to be able to use effectively, but you can break an attackers arm or crack their skull with a single swing

>> No.547389
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You buy this fire extinguisher and if someone gives you shit you let the whole thing off in their face, then you beat them with the metal canister.

Problem solved.

>> No.547392
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You could also get one of these if the previous fire extinguisher is too large or heavy. This one is aluminum and the size of a can of bear spray.

Basic idea is the same though. Aim for the face, shoot and then run the fuck away as fast as you can. If you need to you're already holding a hard metal object you can beat them with.

>> No.547405

Have you ever heard of bear mace... nuff said

>> No.547408

pocket sand

>> No.547422

Best way to stay out of trouble? Keep out of it. 'nuff said.

1 person will almost never take on a group (even if it's only 2 people.) Stick to well lit, occupied public places. Always travel with a friend or other trustworthy person. Don't go out alone after dark unless the consequences of not doing so are worse.

TBH, Mace turns away most attackers, many of whom would not bother you if you followed any of the above rules. It (mace) just pisses off the rest of them and often turns a dangerous situation lethal. A golf umbrella is generally enough of a weapon, and nobody will think twice of you carrying one.

>> No.547427

> Best way to stay out of trouble? Keep out of it. 'nuff said.
> Implying a lone female needs to make trouble to get into trouble.
> what is unprovoked rape?

> Don't go out alone after dark unless the consequences of not doing so are worse.
> Implying thats any kind of solution to fucknuts who think its ok to mess with people.
> implying someone who copped a face full of mace would not think twice before attacking that innocent looking target next time.

> suggests a golf umbrella as a weapon
> No weight
> Easily deflected

Why do I still react to anons talking out of their arses.

>> No.547435
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What was the reasoning behind banning pepper spray? I can't see how that makes sense.

Can you go to another country and buy one?

Or buy a spray bottle with an adjustable nozzle. We used these at the pool I worked at a few summers ago and they have a really decent range.

>> No.547438
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>> No.547441
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Pepper spray may be illegal, but what about flashlights?

>The flashes incapacitate a person in two different ways
>The flashes temporarily blind a person
>the light pulses also which quickly change both in color and duration, cause what Lieberman calls psycho physical effects
>These effects range from disorientation to vertigo to nausea

>> No.547442

If you're going to DIY your own pepper spray for self defense (which you should not do, because you're probably just going to get hurt or jailed), you'll have better luck using alcohol to extract the capsaicin.
If I had to do it, hypothetically I'd probably take the hottest peppers you can find (scotch bonnets, habaneros, naga jolokia, etc), dry would probably be best, toss 'em into a blender with some alcohol. Puree that shit. Let it soak for a few days. Pour the pepper mush through a fine mesh strainer to separate out as much of the big pieces as you can. 'Wash' the big stuff with more alcohol, stirring, to get as much heat out as you can.

Discard solids. Run resulting liquid through a METAL coffee filter.

Now I reckon you've got two options, you can either gently (do not set yourself on fire) warm the liquid to concentrate the capsaicin or you can sit it in a breezy spot and let the alcohol evaporate naturally until you've got a concentrated hot pepper resin.

I'd dissolve as much of this resin into as little alcohol as I could and still spray it.

If I needed high pressure/distance, I'd probably look into buying a small super soaker and testing to see if the alcohol would eat through the plastic.

But this is all retarded and you should not do it because it's just going to get your ass in trouble.

>> No.547447
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Just about any aerosol spray will have some debilitating effect when sprayed into someone's eyes. Things like insect spray or paint will be more effective, because of the harsher chemicals they contain.

Are nonlethal firearms legal where you are? They are popular in Russia.

>> No.547453

It's so small and cute. Like a little red puppy. What woman wouldn't use that?

>> No.547455

So? just walk around with it? The risk of police catching you is far less severe than being ass raped and mugged by someone? Just don't walk around with a big ass can. There are little ones and you can even get them in lipstick containers, be creative..!

>> No.547477
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I also live in a country where pepper spray and shockers are unavailable.
I imagine shooting someone in the face with bug killer will stop most people in their tracks.

>> No.547488

I thought that hair spray was women's classic for that purpose. And they often have that shit with them.

>> No.547504


Yes it will stop most attackers, you can get into serious trouble for using that crap too, even if the person was attacking you. There has been many cases were the criminal actually sued the person, cause they used wasp spray and crap like that on them.

>> No.547521

Do you have access to CO2 cartridges and a basic hardware store? I imagine with some trial and error that a device frame made to accept replaceable CO2 and deterrant packs could be made rather cheaply.

>> No.547545

Purchase a gun.

If they outlaw the non-lethal methods, then you'll have to fall back on the old, reliable methods.

>> No.547546

gotta love it when dems would rather people be defenseless victims.

useless scumbags.

>> No.547559

How about this?

>> No.547561
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Forgot pic

>> No.547573
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Go with wasp spray, gets good distance.

>> No.547588


rape alarm

airsoft/bb gun? (this last suggestion is a bit silly but intended to sidestep gun laws if any exist)

>> No.547606

Can't all live in benevolent dictatorships, most if not all of the first world rely on democracy.

>> No.547609


>> No.547612
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>> No.547620
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How about you do a bit of research and stop living in your own little world?

>> No.547625
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I have to deal with one paranoid schizophrenic running for office, don't need to research his points either.

>> No.547626
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You're misinterpreting my point. I'm not saying Obama's a sleeper cell, or that the illuminati is coming to eat our children.

I'm sayong that the freedom and democracy you're embracing is a hollow shell of what was intended.

>> No.547627

>muslim country

>> No.547629

Oh I don't disagree on that.
Democracy's been going straight downhill into a hollow mediocracy run by blind idealists, rabid lunatics and unscrupulous populists.

It's only a matter of time before Idiocracy becomes a historical documentary.

>> No.547631
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>females on /diy/

these are truly the end of days. godspeed young woman. godspeed.

>> No.547637

Apparently you can register for a handgun for personal protection.


But /k/ is probably better for personal protection.

>> No.547679

>pocket sand

This. Ask /k/ they have devised a pocket sand with sand, chilli powder and some other stuff, in specific ratios and shit.

>> No.547684

> /diy/
> slowest board on 4chan
> a girl posts oneday
> 10 million replies

>> No.547708

>I actually lied about the City Council banning it,
>they're banned nation-wide. So are shockers.

Are you sure you don't live in Brazil?
Brazil has even banned vinegar, due to its ability as a tear-gas filter.

>> No.547716

Fuck Brazil.

>> No.547750

Hey OP, why not make this badass ninja weapon? It's called a Black Egg, basically you hollow an egg out, get some ground glass, hot pepper oil, and whatever other irritants you can think of. Then put it inside the egg, and seal it. Then keep it around in a handy spot, break the egg and throw it at the fucker

>> No.547767

Buy gun from criminal.
Shoot the fuckers.
problem sloved.
Your a women's so all yyou gotta do is cry rape like a bitch and they will eat it up.

>> No.547775

I use a small can of bee spray. I work in a hospital and we can't have knives, and I have to have a way to get from the building out to my car, and now it's dark when I'm coming in and going out. In the hospital it's safe, but outside not so much. Since no blades are allowed outside of operating rooms except for safety cutters, I can't carry that. And no pepper spray in a hospital, obviously. So my answer is a small can of bee spray. Fucks them up just as bad, and I can just leave it in my coat pocket hanging in the closet until I clock out. Highly recommended.

>> No.548051


I've looked at these as well but I can't find anyone that sells to the public. I got a techy friend that is talking about doing a build. Its out of my league though.

>> No.548053

OP I feel you. I have liked all the Croatians I've met. And its a beautiful country. But living next to a gypsy camp yeah you need protection girl.

The best solution is a small fire extinguisher. Those will goof someone up much, much more than mace or pepper spray. Just be aware it may cause permanent damage possibly even blind someone. But if someone doesn't want to get hurt they shouldn't go around trying to hurt others.

I run a small hauling business and everytime I come across a fire extinguisher I stash it on another corner of my property.

If anyone asks why you are carrying a fire extinguisher around just say you need it in case there's a fire.

>> No.548148

You could always get a paintball gun. Use a syringe to remove the paint from the ammo, and replace it with concentrated weed killer or roach spray. Even regular paintballs can do permanent damage if you aim for their faces, plus the bright paint may help the police find them.

>> No.548167

I hear you i am from croatia also and have to go at nights from school. Rijeka beautiful town but sometimes scary my brother always waits me on the bus station just in case

>> No.548174

air provides you pressure along with hfc

best bet would be a can of propane butane or a squeezy can of flammable liquid and a zippo

nobodies a badass when they're on fire

>> No.548173


>knives take practice to be able to use effectively, but you can break an attackers arm or crack their skull with a single swing

To be fair, it only takes a single stab to really ruin somebody's day and make him bleed to death. Additionally, strength is even less important with a blade

I do agree though that no matter the weapon, one needs to learn how to use it. It wont protect you just by being in your possession.

But people saying "do not carry X, it will be taken off you and used against you" are clueless idiots. Even if the person I am up against has never trained with a knife I'd be VERY reluctant to try to take it away from or attack her.

>> No.548200
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>Not using pocket sand

>> No.548205


Dubs confirm. Buy a bag and be in a lifetime supply of pocket sand.

>> No.548208

OP, I used to repressure cans like this:

1. Empty your desired can.

2. Make the following contraption:

Compressed air can - Tube filled with what would be pepper spray - Bike pump needle

If you want i'll make a drawing.

3. pop the needle inside the empty can. Again, I can get you a drawing.

4. Spray the air can until your section of tube is empty and the sprayable material is all inside.


>> No.548209

how about pocket salt?

>> No.548230 [DELETED] 
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wear a crazy mask

>> No.548250

Love dat pic.

>> No.548428
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>> No.548431
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If you live in the united States they don't have the right to do that. Carry anyways and take that shit to court you will WIN, also fuck city counsels! they don't have the power to make laws just ordinances, which are LESS THAN A MISDEMEANOR.

>> No.548432

Get a gun, exercise your rights.

>> No.548441
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You're all posting in a trolling thread.

>> No.548442

great job reading the thread, kiddo

>> No.548474

OP: Either get a gun, or just pre-lube your ass each day.

>> No.548477

That is not a stun gun that will just piss off whoever gets shocked by it.

>> No.548773
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Who you gonna call?

>> No.548786


>> No.548793


>> No.548800

Not Alberto Del Rio after that head shot

>> No.548938

Listen up. Go out and get your self a Super Soaker Thunderstorm about EUR 9.00. This bitch can shoot a stream up to 25 feet with deadly accuracy. Fits in a purse or hand bag and fires its stream to be nearly impervious to wind. Fill it with your home made pepper spray as described in this thread. Above all have fun.

>> No.549011

City outlawed Pepper Spray?! Fuck that shit.
Find an outdoorsy store or order online--bear repellent spray. Super potent stuff that is designed to spray 25 feet and run off a bear. Best you can get, will do damage to a motherfucker. I carry some in my car door. about 27 bucks a can.

>> No.549292

Good idea! OP should check if this is illegal.

>> No.549334

Buy the hottest chillies you can find then cut them up and heat them for a while with a little water.
Then rinse the peppers from the water and pour it into a spray bottle. A perfume bottle for example. Or use a small water pistol. I have made this myself and I tried it once in my eye and it felt like the devil shat inside my eye u guise.

>> No.549337

Capsaicin is an oil so maybe it could be better use alcohol or other solvents. Like mineral oil

>> No.549341

Hey there. I'm British; I feel your pain on the lack of dangerous shit you can legally carry.

However, i've found a can of deodorant will work, or a pocket-sized spraypaint can. You can pick the spraypaint cans up for around £5, and they will make a serious mess of someone's face.

Deodorant in the eyes is absolutely no fun at all, and will seriously mess your day up. Most solvents will, to be honest.

This is the best option out of this thread.

For after dark, this is a brilliant idea.
You don't need to buy a specific torch. Hell, any 1million candle power torch will make a right fucking mess out of your retinas. you can pick them up for around £20. If that is too large, buy this:

I am serious when i say that a really bright light is your best friend. You can't catch what you can't see. I'd also advise on some martial arts lessons; preferably Krav Maga if it's taught in your area.

I live in a rough-as-fuck town in the UK. And as everyone knows, anything remotely dangerous is banned

>> No.549400

Just get some of those Axe bullets if they still make them. Otherwise any small container of it.

That shit burns like hell if it hits the eyes. Trust me; I missed once.

I carried one in NYC when a group I was with forbade mace. Was handy.

>> No.549450

Spray foam oven cleaner. Its mainly foaming lye. IT will literally melt their face.

>> No.549468
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forget about the sprays

you get a cheap kitchen paring knife, and you grind deep & sharp barbs along the back edge with a dremel or similar tool.
when you stab an attacker with it, you let it go and leave it stuck in them. the first thing they will do is try to pull it out.
when they see/feel that it won't come out, suddenly they will realize that they have a much larger problem to deal with than catching you.

"but I don't want to hurt nobody"
then try to enjoy getting raped and robbed

you cannot make mean people be nice by being nice to them, it doesn't work.
it hasn't ever worked in the past, and it isn't ever going to work in the future.

>> No.549480

See if you could get the Croatian equivalent of a CCW.

>> No.549546

fucking children thinking knives are personal defense. Fucking can't read its a woman vs a gang of men.

autist fantasies.

>> No.549675

You can paint my walls any time. Also from cro

>> No.549704

>fucking children thinking knives are personal defense. Fucking can't read its a woman vs a gang of men.
1 person against a gang is 1 person losing, unless 1 person is carrying a loaded submachinegun handy

sorry, reality

>> No.549708

>small garden pump sprayer
>add 2 bottles of dave's insanity sauce, fill with vinegar.
>pump up to rated pressure
>stand upwind of whoever you spray with it
>apply to food when you don't want to eat it.

>> No.549741

I lived on a navajo indian reservation going door to door for a few months. Dogs there are rampant and run in packs. Bleach water in a spray bottle worked much better than pepper spray, also you don't get it on you. Every time they open their mouth just squirt some in, I never went for the eyes but I'm sure that works too.

Dogs and people meh they be just the sameish.

>> No.550200
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really disappointed nobody recommended getting a pesticide sprayer and filling it with acid or bleach. just strap on your back like your off to spray some weeds

>> No.550226

Why don't you own a gun?

>> No.550230
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If only humanity could be restored...

>> No.550234

Because she considers a wasp spray too big? Also anyone walking everyday with that would be seen as an insane person.

>> No.550237

Get wasp spray, sprays further and hits harder. Its not pepper spray or mace, simply bug spray and thats not illegal.

>> No.550238

If i was THIS worried about personal safety, nothing would be too big. Its your life or a little inconvenience which is more important?

>> No.550577

has anyone suggested a mini watergun?
if you make a solution of vinegar and habanero juice (or hot sauce). make sure you mix until it's at a watery (but still painfully hot) consistency. fill up your watergun, and you're ready to go!

>> No.550579

or bleach water for that matter, you could do a lot of damage with that.

>> No.550593

She is not going to a war. Would you carry a flamethrower every day just because you have to walk through a dark alley?

>> No.550600

Making it yourself just seems far from practical.
Staying within the law I see a couple options:
Wasp spray was be the cheapest, reliable, most commonly available option if you were going to stick to chemical spray.
A blue laser with a adjustable focus would be my personal choice. Permanently blind the fucker. I've often thought about this option if I couldnt carry a weapon. Set the beam size to about the size of a head and practice shots on a face. All it would take is one good zap into the eyes.

>> No.550614

Kupi tejzer ili ga napravi od kamere. Ne znam kako je u Hrvatskoj ali ovde mozes da ih kupis od svakog drugog klinca. Mozes i da ga napravis


Ako hoces celo objasnjenje, dodji na /yu/

Mozemo ti prodati i par utoka ako te bas zanima.

>> No.550921

use wasp spray same effect but they have to go to hospital to gain eyesight back thus identifiying your attacker

>> No.551057

Wasp spray will stop a mother fucker cold plus it's better than pepper spray

>> No.551086

Dolph Lundgren?