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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 40 KB, 378x300, Vinyl_Milford300h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
544752 No.544752 [Reply] [Original]

So, i brought this house 4 months ago, it's down a shared driveway. and we are the second house down.
we met all the neibours, they all seemed like okay people, there's an old couple behind us, some indian family living right down the back, and a middle aged couple with a teenager or two in front of us.

all was going well until i brought a toolshed from the hardware store, it took me a few more weeks, but i eventually got around to building it, and put it up against the fence, next to my garage. it is corrugated, galvanized metal, and i guess it's a bit shiny. it juts up above the fence about 10-15 cm or so (4-6 inches), Pic releated

the day after i put it up, the woman from the front house came over and went absolutely balistic about it, harping on about how it was "impacting her quality of life", she was "incredibly frustrated and dissapointed i did not consult her first" and yadda yadda yadda.

i told her i would look for somewhere else to put it, even though i knew full well there was nowhere else i could put it, i had already put a couple weeks into thinking about where it was going, and it really is the only place for it, unless i rip out a tree on my property.
so i just kept on rolling, kinda forgot about it all, until her husband came over last weekend, he was prety reasonable, softly spoken etc, but i told him what i had already decided, there is nowhere else for it and it is not moving.

today, i was mailed (turns out the husband is a lawyer) a "Land covenant in easement instrument" which as far as i can tel, is a legal doccument creaded by the subdivision developers, and applies to my land block.

it turns out putting the shed there is technically against this easement agreement or whatever, as i cannot erect kitset toolsheds or someshit.

my question is; what do?
can they actually do anything?
what happens if i flat ignore them?
Am i on the right board?

NB this is in New Zealand, private lawsuits are not a thing here, so being "sued" is a nil risk

>> No.544754

If you were American, I'd say talk to an attorney... but if private lawsuits aren't a thing, just do nothing. Can they legally come remove it from your property?

>> No.544758

no, they cant unless they want a swift punch to the jaw.

i guess they could go the the small claims tribunal or someshit, but to do that, both parties have to acknowledge there is a dispute, and i dont, so i dont think they can take the case.

i didn't mention they are only living there for 9 months while their house in the posh, hill-suburbs house is being repaired from earthquakes.

so they're only going to be here for 6 more months anyway, they moved in a month before me.

>> No.544763

I should clarify, i'm sure there is SOMETHING they can do, but im not 100% sure on what.

i only found out the husband is a solicitor when i got the easement document

>> No.544772

Did you sign the agreement? Then it doesn't apply to you.

>> No.544779

no, see that's the thing, i didn't sign any kind of subdivision agreement or a "easement instrument" or whatever it is.

i have a copy of the easement which was kindly shoved under my front door, and the only signatures on it are from a solicitor who is overseas, and the original subdivision developer back in 2008, the previous owner, myself, and these two who are complaining about it are not involved in this thing at all.

but apparently it is attached to the land deed, not the owner.

>> No.544782

>want a swift punch to the jaw.
Do kiwi's have stand your ground or castle laws?

>> No.544783

Check with a lawyer first.

>> No.544786

I dont know, maybe.

if someone comes onto my property and starts taking my shed down they're gunna get hit.
and i doubt any cop would actually arrest me for that.

>> No.544795

What exactly is the tool shed doing to interfere with the easement? Is it on the driveway or some such?

>> No.544796
File: 64 KB, 240x166, lawyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> asking 4chan for legal advice

Dunno about down there in Austria, but here in the U.S. some law firms offer free 20 min consultations
to see if there is even a case to begin with, why not make a few phone calls and find out?

For all you know, the neighbor lawyer guy could be blowing smoke up your ass, figuring a fancy-pants
document with some bullshit legalese mumbo-jumbo will scare you off.

>> No.544799

This. His wife knows hubby is a lawyer and is depriving him of sex until he does something about things she doesn't like.

Get in touch with your local disputes tribunal and check with them. Seeking legal advice from 4chan is kind of dumb.

>> No.544801
File: 13 KB, 360x233, austria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he gave me a copy of the easement, and linked or refered me to this section;
[it says in the easement] 1.1 (k)
1.1 not to erect
(k) not to erect or permit any structure place or permit any caravan hut or kitset building or other structure of any kind for permanent or temporary use other than a new dwelling and ancillary buildings built on site to an individual design

Is this an ancillary building? i built it on site i guess.
or does that mean it has to be a part of the original house plans?


>For all you know, the neighbor lawyer guy could be blowing smoke up your ass, figuring a fancy-pants
document with some bullshit legalese mumbo-jumbo will scare you off.
yeah that's what i think might be going on, but i'm not sure.

not really seeking legal advice, just opinions on what i can/should do and wondering if this guy is just talking out his ass or not.

>> No.544810

easement follows the deed. You'd be pretty pissed if they revoked your right to pass

I have no idea what a kitset is because murrica.

you sound kind of screwed. Shevsoubds like a hysterical bitch. Maybe try and backpedal and fond somewhere to move it to

check your copy of the deed and easement to see if it says that in the original or if he just made up some shit on the copy he gave yoy

>> No.544814

You need to consult with someone in your country about this that understands the laws. If it were here in the U.S., I'd tell you that it's tough luck for her, it didn't require a building permit or anything, and so long as it wasn't a complete eyesore it's just tough luck for her. In your country I have no idea what the standards are.

>> No.544815

>revoked your right to pass
what does this mean?

a kitset is like a flat-packed DIY kit.
it was essentially a pack with 4 walls and a roof which i bolted together and to a wooden floor.

Moving it somewhere requires me to remove a tree, and then put it against my other neighbors fence. and it's a big tree.
i offered to put a cover on it to prevent the glare, but that obviously was not the solution they were after.

I just want to know who or what is actually going to enforce this thing.

i mean, cops are not going to show up to de-construct my shed.
not NZ cops anyway.

>> No.544816

Sheds are ancillary buildings since it's used for storage.

>> No.544818

yeah that's what i figured, but it also mentions
>built on site to an individual design

does that mean it needs to be like a custom designed one? does it mean it had to be a part of the initial house construction?

also, just reading the Land covenant again, it expires in march 2015, but considering this guy is a solicitor, i don't think i can hold em off for that long.

>> No.544820
File: 32 KB, 400x300, BetterCallSaul_BenchAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Is this an ancillary building?

Yes, ancillary buildings are sheds, garages, greenhouses and such related to the home but not actual dwellings themselves.

Seems like the ordinance Neighbor Lawyer Guy is citing, is written to prevent home owners from setting up additional dwellings,
such as a small house for a mother-in-law or as a rental house, on the same property as the home, which you are not doing.

Call a lawyer just to make sure but in my (non-lawyer) opinion, he's blowing smoke up your ass.

>> No.544834

Dude. What a couple of retarded fucks you've found. We have a neighbor like that.

Anyway. Just like everyone else here I'm not familiar with New Zealand lawyerese. I barely understand US legalese.

I'd normally suggest trying to figure out what their actual problem with it is, but they sound like such massive assbags that I don't think that'll work.

Still, worth a shot. Ask them what, specifically, they have against sheds. If it's something simple, fix it. If it's stupid, ignore them. That's just my offhand reaction.

>> No.544835

OP, you say you bought the house right?

That means its your land?

If its not a permanent fixture, I don't think many 'building' codes apply to it, if any, and if its not obstructing there view... I don't know. Surely it's not a major.

I guess you'll have to ring up the counsel or maybe a chippy mate of yours, and see.

But if its your land, and its not doing fuck all to anyone else. Then I think you'd be in the right.

I'm just a 19yo aucklander who knows fuck all though.

>> No.544836

yeah, i've had a couple yarns to them, and they want it removed. that's all they want.
i offered to put up some trellis to stop the glare, or paint it but they just walked away with their noses up in the air.

yes yes, all mine
i think the problem is it does count as a permanent fixture, but fuck, i need a shed to put tools and my lawnmower, i cant really leave them outside on the lawn.

i have got a few opinions about this now, and my plan of attack is to completely ignore them and deny-til-i-die ever receiving the Land covenant in easement instrument, and delay delay delay until they fuck off.

they have technically been harassing me about this now, with at one point, the woman stood outside my lounge window (it backs onto a reserve) and shouted at me through the glass about alternative places i could put the shed. but that shit doesn't really bother me.

>> No.544839

>any day
OP has my sympathy

>> No.544840


The way these things usually work ( at least in the US) is that in among the papers you sign while buying the house is an agreement to the terms of the covenant. But for all I know they can also automatically follow the deed like easements.

If the covenant does apply to you (ask a NZ lawyer), then you might have a case against whoever sold you the place without telling you about the covenant (unless it was buried in some document you didn't read).

Also your neighbor sounds like an asshole.

>> No.544841

yeah mate, ten acres, that's my dream.
like an hour out of the city would be perfect.

>But for all I know they can also automatically follow the deed like easements.
yeah, it looks like this is the case.

>> No.544842

since there being cunts about it
shine the fuck out of it make it glare
maybe make the fence taller with shiny metal

>> No.544847

Tried doing a title search online to see if its attached to the title?
Also sounds like you're in Chch. Try this mob:
>Community Law Canterbury
>35 Riccarton Road, Riccarton
>186 Shaw Avenue, New Brighton
>(03) 366 6870
>0508 CANLAW (0508 226 529)

>> No.544849

yeah thanks man, i might give them a bell in the morning.

>> No.544851

You're welcome. They'll at least be able to give you an idea of whether they (or you) have a leg to stand on.
Failing that pop out to the /k/ club at McLeans Island tomorrow night and we'll plot going medieval on their arse.

>> No.544852

haha there's such a thing? nice.

never been to /k/

>> No.544853

Well, a range with a whole heap of blokes with handguns. I just popped into /diy/ on my way from /k/ to /int/.
/k/ would probably supply a different answer to the one I did.
What area of town are you in?

>> No.544854

gunna assume you meant me.


>> No.544855

Wouldn't thought there'd be much of a problem round Sockburn, got some property there myself. mind you there are some weird units out Halswell way there, especially if you're from Hornby.
He's a lawyer? Sure you don't mean Wigram or Aidenfield?

>> No.544857

yeah yeah, Aidenfield.
i never know if its halswell or sockburn.
pretty much in between the two.

they're from cashmere, "slumming it" down here while their mansion is being fixed up.

fuck sakes, they're only gunna be there for another 6 months anyway

>> No.544863

Nice area, nonetheless.Amazing how many people don't know where that second overpass on the new motorway goes.

Don't suppose flatpacking the shed for six months is an option?

>> No.544866

well lifting the entire thing and taking it round the front and just putting it in my garage is an option.

but that can be done in 15 minutes, and i will only do that if there is some kind of law requiring me to.

essentially i can fuck around til the last minute and then deal with it.

>> No.544865

You don't need a lawyer, just check your district plan and see if your neighbors claim is baseless or not. You're the one that has to live next to them, and if you want to keep things cordial, it might help to actually read up on it and do some non-halfass planning. In the U.S., a zoning board would rape your ass for not getting approval for a detached structure. This situation is one of the downsides of living in close proximity to other people, but remember these kinds of laws keep the crazies from building incendiary shit-slinging trebuchets aimed at your house.





>> No.544867

If its under 10m2 it doesn't even need a building permit, much less an RMA consent.
That said, a private agreement or covenant on the property could stop it. Legal advice on the correct interpretation of its clauses will be simpler and easier than reading all that.
Using Community Law means it doesn't even cost anything.

>> No.544868

Pretty sure the 2nd Amendment allows me to build incendiary shit-slinging trebuchets.

>> No.544870

>incendiary shit-slinging trebuchet
this is also an option.
i have always wanted to build one of those

would probably be pushing it though

>> No.544873

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear fiery feces, shall not be infringed." - Thomas Jefferson, 1791

>> No.544874

I think you'll find he was actually referring to firey bear faeces, not human poop, you cant fire human waste from a trebouchet that's just disgusting.

>> No.544882

+5 internets for using the Sam Bernstein law firm pic. Now that's classy!

>> No.544885

I'm guessing he's just misquoting the rules to get what he wants, and his claims are baseless, I'm not really sure what the problem with a shed is and sounds like you are being reasonable with them, if there's a fence already. I would tell them they are welcome to construct a taller fence at their own expense. Generally an easement is in place for logistical reasons, such as repairing sewer, water and drainage lines that run across property lines, so putting a shed or other structure on top of them would make that more difficult. It doesn't sound like you have a home owners association so.
I would just ignore it.
If things escalate just tell them they are trespassing on private property, even write them a certified letter stating as such. Other than that I wouldn't get into any arguments or even talk to them other than to tell them they are trespassing. A lot of neighbors get into fights over petty bullshit, people even kill each other over some perception they are being slighted by their neighbor.

>> No.544895


I've met, and dealt with, people like this before. They're so used to having things their own way that as soon as anything changes they immediately flip their shit. Reminds me of my ex's mother.

There's a simple way of dealing with them: ignore 'em. They'll try everything but there ain't shit they can do, except complain to their landlord who'll then complain to you, who will politely inform him that they have a really nice fuckin' mansion up in Cashmere and they can take their complaint and shove it clean up their assholes... and the landlord will probably agree, just on the basis of the whole "Fuck 'em, they're rich cunts who need to grow up"

>> No.544900

OP here again.

yeah, i think the term is "entitled fucks"

>people even kill each other over some perception they are being slighted by their neighbor.
well, shit, i don't think we get much of that kind of carry on here.
it'd certainly be headline news if a couple killed their neighbor over a toolshed.

>> No.544902

Doubt they'll kill you. And even if they do, it'll be hilarious to see how pathetic their excuse is:


>> No.544904

Goddamn if I lived in NZ I'd come over and show them what it'd really be like to have some shit on their front drive. Gather a load of punks/hobos and get drunk for a night

>> No.544923

My parents have a neighbour who is like that, minus the lawyer part. My dad left a crate on our side walkway once and she took all the shit out of her garage and left it on her lawn for a few days as revenge. She also glares through the window at my mom as she does the laundry.

Check with a lawyer to see if they have any ground. If you do end up losing the shed, take some shit out and leave it in your yard for them to look at.

>> No.544925

Hi, OP, American Lawerfag here. Not licensed in NZ (obviously) but the idea is pretty much the same world-round: covenants restricting use of the land run with the land, not with title, so that subsequent purchasers are bound.

In other words, you never signed the agreement, but you tacitly agreed by buying a property that was subject to that agreement. Common idea when talking about homeowner's associations, condominium assocations, etc. (Which happens to be my main area of practice.)

If you could post most of the document he gave to you, i'd be happy to look it over. ill save the thread and check back every few hours.

likely, if he is only going to be there a few more months, you dont have to worry about it. worst case scenario, you eventually lose and you just take down your little shed. if lawyer neighbor is only there a few months, do you know if he is just renting? if he is just renting, then he has no standing to do anything, only the owner of the property does. if he owns it, then he would have to sue for violation of the covenant, likely to get something like an injunction requiring you to take the shed down. here, there are special boards that we go to for arbitration before we end up in court.

i kinda feel bad for the lawyer guy, sounds like he doesnt really give a shit about the shed, but his bitch wife is raising cain about it.

>> No.544926

urm yeah sure, it's kinda late here though, i'll try scan them through early morning, /diy/ is slow enough for the thread to still be there then i think.

the injunction thing is all i really want to know, i know he cannot sue me for shit, but all i want to know is if i can just wait until the courts actually order me to remove it, in which case is it acceptable to simply move it to my garage for a month or so then drag it back out?

to re-phrase, can i wait until the last minute, then drag it into my garage?

>> No.544927


yea man. the only people with standing/the ability to enforce the covenant would be another owner or the board that governs the community. your neighbor can go get fucked.

absolute worst case scenario, if you get summoned to court or someone actually does take some sort of action against you, you just take down the shed and they have no grounds.

still be happy to look at the docs for you, kind of interested to see how things are done in NZ anyways. might be pretty easy for you to formulate a defense in case he gives you any more trouble.

>> No.544928

If you are forced to do something about it, make sure to read up on local zoning regulations and such. Then you can find an exploit like what my co-worker did; He built a 300ft deck, neighbor complained to the city for some reason (no structures more that 150ft allowed on private property or some crap) so the 300ft deck becomes two 150ft decks separated by a quarter-inch gap. The petty stuff like that tends to be legal.

>> No.544932
File: 134 KB, 810x610, Stockade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol if you moved in, and signed the covenant, you have to abide by it.

Some people in my neighborhood were RENTING a house, and had a pitbull. Their dog had attacked one dog in Texas, and then attacked two dogs within a week in my neighborhood, one of the dogs having severe puncture wounds in its neck.

Their solution was to build an 8 foot fall stockade fence. If you aren't familiar with stockade fences, they are cheap and ugly as fuck. Mind you, this is a upper middle class neighborhood with ~25 houses out in the country. Absolutely nobody has a fence. It would have looked awful.

Everyone found out about the dog attacks, and then saw that they had started building the fence, so we took a vote and modified the covenant so they had to get rid of the fence. There were provisions in the covenant for changing the covenant, which needed 75% of the neighborhood to agree. Literally everyone opposed the fence. Not a single person wanted them to build it.

If you signed the covenant when you moved in, then maybe you should have actually read it. If you didn't sign it, then fuck them.

tl;dr fuck living in neighborhoods if you actually want to do whatever you like with your land

>> No.544933

/k/ club?

>> No.544935

Edit: Unless it is attached to the deed, as others previously stated, then that sucks OP.

>> No.544937

yeah it is.
i brought it off an owner, not the developers.

>> No.544938

I live in Michigan.
You do not know pain.
Those commercials air CONSTANTLY.

>> No.544940

So your neighbors did something within the covenant rules to resolve the issue with their problematic dog and everybody got their panties in a bunch because "we are upper middle class, we are almost lower upper class, and a fence in our eyes may lower our standing." and changed the rules?

>> No.544946

Why don't you like fences? It's provides privacy.

>> No.544950

i personally would be more concerned about the killer dogs roaming around.

>> No.544952

if the issue is that it's a kitset shed, how could they ever prove that in court? a kitset is just the materials provided to you flat packed. Who's to say you didn't go buy corrugated steel and screws and shit from various places?

>> No.544974

make sure that document actually applies to you. its different everywhere but in many places subdivisions have some rules to maintain a uniform look and blah blah blah. also in many places these agreements are not actually legally binding and if you own the property you can do whatever the fuck you want.

otherwise just kill your neighbors. easier than dealing with legal bullshit

>> No.544990

Offer to buy the pitbull from Texas. That will keep them pesky neighbors away from your shed.

>> No.545002

The fence was ugly as fuck, and it was right at the front of our neighborhood. You could argue that it was about looking poorer, but people just didn't want a giant fucking eyesore sitting right in the front of our neighborhood.

Furthermore, the covenant is in place to keep the neighborhood looking nice, so there's nothing wrong about putting in a stipulation on not allowing fences that aren't legally required.

I think you missed the part about being out in the country. This isn't living in suburbia where you have hundreds of people driving by. There is absolutely no reason to need a fence. Our neighborhood is also flanked by woods on all sides. You would gain little privacy by adding a fence.

This. I think people were not only pissed about it being ugly as sin, but the fact that they weren't actually DOING anything about the dog. The fence doesn't magically train the dog. If it got outside the fence, it wouldn't look back at the fence and think "Oh, maybe I shouldn't try to kill the first dog I see." and stop.

>> No.545082

man... your so full of shit your eyes are brown... family does something proactive to safeguard their pet and you and your neighborhood get your cunts in a knot and go to great pains to stop it... "oh we're not in suburbia we don't need privacy" sounds like you already fucking backround checked your neighbor.. you know his legal history regarding their dog... also fuck you if you think building a fence isn't doing something about the dog. go back to pleasuring your toy poodle you worthless fuck

>> No.545251

That must have been quite a scene! You could've made megabucks by youtubing that. I am in agreement with your process. I mean, what can they do? Let them spend endless amounts of money pursuing leaglitis and covenants and so on. You really should consider putting a big happy-face poster on the side that faces them (or worse)/

>> No.545315

G'day again OP.
Did Comm Law help at all with this?

>> No.545340

reminds of me of when Built my front fence;
Old Lady from THREE doors down told me she couldn't see around the curve in the street when reversing out of her Drive.
In fact she wanted to continue to be able to see across my front yard!
- Said her husband was a developer and they knew the law.
- I said I would reduce the density of the planks ; and then I planted Six shrubs in my yard to block her.
Hilariously a few weeks later Surveyors turned-up!
- I knew was fence was on my property because I checked the survey pegs and the cadastral map and the alignment with HER fence!
Nothing came of it - I was completely in the right.
Old-bag just loosing her mind and resenting also loosing her privilege of looking across my yard.

>> No.545341

live in community. obey rules of community.
leave community.

>> No.545371

I'm not joking here op: have a legit one built, but make it 2 fucking stories high. I knew a guy who did that.

>> No.545410

This is the greatest idea ever.

>> No.545423

>the husband is a solicitor

The letter is obvious bullshit then. Solicitors love doing this, typing up nonsense that looks like it has legal standing but in fact is all just weasel words

>> No.545431

They loooove that.

So it seems you have a few choices:
1. Pack it down. Erect it back up the second they move out so the new neighbour don't know it's not supposed to be there.
2. Ignore them, and hope it blows over.
3. Annoy the fuck outta them. (legally/illegally)

>> No.545438


I'd go with #3. find out when noise curfew ends and every morning on the dot go out and pull the trigger on a circular saw for 15 minutes. stop for a min or 2 then go again. vice grips will help.

find more really tall obnoxious shit to line the fence with.

throw parties.

fuck that dumb old cunt. make her wish she kept her dumb whore mouth shut over a fucking shed.

>> No.545468

Have an asshole for a neighbor, would bitch about everything and anything we did. Including cutting down shrubs on OUR land because it harmed the "squirrel habitat" and all sorts of other shit.

Erected a glorious 8 foot ceder fence for him to stare at. Haven't heard much, hope the fucker dies.

>> No.545489

My neighbour planted a row of those fast growing firs right along my fence blocking all the sunlight from my garden. When they got to about 5ft I sprayed my side with creosote....fuck, what mess, they're still green her side but my side is as dead as a dodo and bits are dropping off very fast. The light is starting to get through, only a matter of time before it all goes.

>> No.545623

>buy a house from a dead guy in an old people neighborhood, he must have been some kind of crazy faggot because the house was built by a major architect but was dirt cheap
>Have the land surveyed, figure out that when the guy died the neighbor behind us put up a chain link fence about 5 feet into my land
>Old bitchy lady who would water everything to the point of saturation and create a fucking swamp, tons of mosquitoes.
>Go out one day and pull out the fence
>She comes and yells at me "What the hell do you think you're doing, that's my fence, etc.
>Nah bitch this fence is mine.
>Tell her to get off my property
>lel as I rip up her flower beds

>parents house, sits on a lake with a dock and everything
>horrible fucking weekend house neighbors
>Don't turn off the water in the winter, crack pipes, etc.
>Have big ass tree in yard, named after my grandmother because they planted it when she was a girl
>It goes over the fence and onto the top of their house
>they're worried about it falling over onto their house
>Bring my parents home after a day of visiting in the city
>Tree is now a stump
>They had someone come onto our property and chainsaw it
>parents and I were very sentimental about the tree, my mother and I used to lay under it and watch leaves fall
>Convince parents to have land surveyed
>their dock/house is built 6 inches onto our land
>part of that six inches includes support for their boat lift
>mail a copy of survey to their house
>Chainsaw their dock
>destroy their boat lift
>Still froze the fucking pipes in the winter.

>> No.545633

Hey man, really cool to hear from a lawyer with experience in this stuff. I'm an American and I hate these kind of covenants and HOA nonsense. I grew up in the country and feel like you can do whatever you like on your own land unless it tangibly affects your neighbors.

OK, I don't want someone putting up a hog barn right next to my property line, so I can smell shit all day and night. But these little nitpicking things about an "eyesore" that constantly get brought up? I'm curious to hear if you think it's fair, or do they go way to far?

Since I have moved into a city, I try to keep up a nice looking home and property (more out of vanity than that I care what the neighbors think). But I try to be a good neighbor, I will snow-blow peoples' sidewalks if they aren't able to and borrow them tools. I think my nice-guy patience would end if anyone came up to me and said "we don't like the looks of that shed in your backyard, tear it down".

>> No.545642

What a faggot your neighbour is. I'd respond by pissing them off more and erecting something to really rustle their jimmies if they keep complaining.

>> No.545989

Hahahah this thread is full of fun stories. I've never had problems with my neighbours ever.

>> No.545990

hahaha nice on the boat lift.

>> No.545998

absolutely, sometimes they definitely do go too far. But remember that most people are unreasonable assholes, so what might seem like common courtesy to you would never occur to them.

For example, if you don't prohibit sheds, some jerk will erect 10 of them and start a nursery which produces tons of noise/smell/traffic/code violations/etc. (chainsaws, runoff, fertilizer, etc)

likewise house paint color restrictions seem over bearing but if you don't have them then someone paints their house teal with purple trim. (Both of these are real world examples). Remember that is not just about eyesore or personal opinion but collective opinion which influences property values.

I am representing an hoa right now where the seemingly evil hoa prohibits basketball hoops on driveways. why? Because their dumbass kids dragged it onto the common area tennis courts where it fell on an 8 year old cutting open his scalp. noone will admit to owning it, so the hoa is getting sued for the kids injuries. assholes.

That said, I would never buy a house subject to anything but a minimal or voluntary hoa. I think they are ridiculous but often a necessary evil. The solution is often buying a home without an hoa but in a "good" area and KNOW YOUR NEIGBOORS. a true sense of community is rare and undervalued. At my house there is no hoa but there are city ordinances. In spite of them I have a chicken in my backyard. Fuck the city. But I wouldn't have it if my NEIGBOORS weren't ok with it. But seeing as how I got it from them, they're cool. I also put up a 6 foot fence so nobody even knows. lol

Anyways that's my two cents since you asked. Hope it helps. feel free to ask anything you like, I'm here often.

>> No.546007

Seems like you have a pretty reasonable attitude about things. Still, in some of those examples the HOA is using a hammer to kill a mosquito. Most cities already prohibit or limit businesses in residential zones. That would stop the guy from having a nursery rather than banning sheds. The basketball hoop thing could be better handled by putting dvr security cameras in common areas to keep track of what people do there. The HOA should have been prepared for that kind of thing with insurance, anyway. The kid could have been injured just as easily falling down while playing tennis.

>> No.546028

1000 times this.

I live in a country with no real laws, no codes no nothing. In fact the place im renting is giving me Free electricity, because they are stealing it from the company, owned by the goverment. i have irregular voltage, so i had to buy something for my computer and tv. In a related note, can it be profitable to mine buttcoins with free electricity?

>> No.546049

mining bitcoins. Not really, you need to sink thousands into specialist bit coin mining rigs to keep up.