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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.49 MB, 1280x1280, draw knives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
540179 No.540179 [Reply] [Original]

alright, I'm on number 7, and I made these, today. I don't have to use a fucking rasp andymore, and I can't remember but they turned out well

POST THINGS YOU'VE MADE, preferably tools but, anything really.

I like seeing what people make.

and now for number 8 and a fag.

>> No.540323
File: 1.37 MB, 3072x2296, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are really sweet. Saving for further DIY inspiration. I've been wanting to make a draw knife from a circular saw blade. I just recently got a bunch of 50+ year old blades I'll be turning into knives and tools soon.

Here's some of the stuff I've posted before on /diy/ all put into one image. It shows degrees of quality since I was learning as I went. The large spoon and the sickle are the most recent of these images. It's pretty cool making tools from the tools you already made.

>> No.542033
File: 463 KB, 1280x960, anvil 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anvil made from railroad rail

>> No.542034
File: 435 KB, 1280x960, anvil 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.542035
File: 447 KB, 1280x960, anvil 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these pics are not f the finished project
>the chips and scratches on the face of the anvil where polished out in the final step
>made it for my daughter who makes custom jewelry

>> No.542042

That's quite nice actually. Do want.

>> No.542048

nice thread. i'm interested to know how you made them guys.

I guess you all used something similar to an angle grinder, then bent your stuff (if needed) on a vice. But after that? What did you use for sharpening/polishing your metals?

>> No.542056
File: 197 KB, 1200x1200, image_17622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, >>540323 here.

You can see the Dremel I often use for cutting metal in those images. I also use a bench belt sander for touching up and sharpening the blades as well as some wood removal depending on the piece.

This, is what I prize most. A sandpaper cleaner/eraser. It is a rubber-like material you simple grind down on the sandpaper and it will remove stuck metal or wood swarf from the sandpaper like magic. It increases sandpaper/belt/disc life 5-10 times over.


>> No.542059

cool stuff. I didn't know about bench belt sanders. and that cleaner is neat too.

>> No.542089

>work on the anvil
>I cut the basic shape with an oxy acetylene torch
>then used a 4 1/2 inch angle grinder to smooth out the torch ridges and rust
>I think it was about 48 hours in total time spent from start to finish
>image search railroad anvil is how I came involved in making them
>this is my first attempt
>looking at the search images out there I'm far from the best at crafting them
>I'm getting a lot of crafters that want one made
>guess I'll start looking for old sections of track

>> No.542149

nice. it's fucking great aesthetically. makes you want to work on jewelery just to use the anvil.

>> No.542184

>it was hard to give it up to my daughter
>I'd use it just to crack nuts if nothing else
>railroad rails come in different sizes so each anvil is unique in its own right
>I'm hunting down a rail that was used in mining its only a few inches high
>hopefully by the time I find one my skills will advance to make a small anvil for my grand daughters doll house set

>> No.542222

Cool draw knives. I've been thinking about making one for a while but none of the results I'd seen looked half as good as yours. Well done.

>> No.542229

did you HT it ?

>> No.542231

I have a mining rail myself.
it makes a good anvil, but it could be better.

>> No.542239

dont use rail for an anvil
get a big block of steel from a scrap yard or a mill the size you need
now you cut the shit out of it with a torch till its the shape you want
then you use a hard steel welding rod to make the hammering surface then grind and file till everything is smooth
weld the block to a plate then mount to a stump

>> No.542259


Not to give you a swelled head but I'd buy one at least. Maybe even a pair.

>> No.542263

How do you keep the handles from pulling off in use?

>> No.542281

Not OP but the brass/metal/whatever (I've seen wire before too) ferrule is pretty standard. A good way of doing it is to heat the tang and then burn it into the handle, then crimp the ferrule around it to keep it in place. It's the way the handle for files and most wood-handled tools are done.

>> No.542369

>I'm in Michigan so the cost of shipping would have to be included
>I shape them according to what you are going to use it for
>if you just want a common shape you can fine them on line and probably closer to your location
>they range any where from $50 to $300 depending on style and degree of craftsmanship.
>mine sell for $150 - $275

>> No.542371

>these anvils are made for working out soft metals, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, ect
>They are used on work bench, craft table next to a medium sized vice
>the heaviest hammer used would only be 12oz

>> No.542377

>ht!?! (heat treat) no I its used to work out non-ferrous metals
for jewelry, small crafts and sculptures.

>> No.542380

>along with making rail anvils
>i have been making hammers to go with them
>find chisels at yard sales and old screw drivers
>cut down the chisels grind the ends to desired shapes
>drill hole in new head and attach modified screwdriver handle
>these sell good to a large spectrum of craftsmen, from non-ferrous metal workers to leather engravers

>> No.542381

I have a file like that but there is not a lot of pulling force when using it where as OP's knife with angled handles will be pulled on substantially.

>> No.542393
File: 2.46 MB, 3264x2448, 20130601_175203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this from drift wood when I was a million% bored

>> No.542396
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>> No.542397
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>> No.542410
File: 2.09 MB, 3264x2176, IMG_20131024_100142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ammo box speakers

>> No.542411

Dammit, sorry about rotation

>> No.542416


Its less a rotation problem and more an issue with how you take the picture. Just take everything in landscape mode, instead of portrait mode, and you'll generally have less problems.