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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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534074 No.534074 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any idea what can I use these old wooden barrels for?

My grandparents are farmers, they have a vineyard as well as lots of other fruits so every year we make our own wine and rakia (something like home-made brandy, a traditional Serbian drink with up to 55% of alcohol). However, lately we've been using mainly plastic barrels since they are more practical. They want to scrap the old wooden ones and use them as firewood. All of these barrels were hand-made by old craftsmen using traditional techniques and tools, without any power tools. Some of them are up to 50 years old, I can't even imagine how much time and effort was invested in their making and, being a DIYer myself, the thought of them being turned to ashes kinda saddens me. The only way to save them is to find them a new practical purpose. Do you have any suggestions what I could do with them? I think that all of them were made of black locust (very hard and high-quality hardwood), the planks are about an inch thick so they're quite heavy.

The only thing I could think of is to make some sort of closets for clothes/whatever, to place them upright and cut a door on one side. Then I could add a couple of shelves inside. Small ones could be used to store drinks.

If they were placed upright, the ones in this picture would be about 60cm tall, with 50cm diameter on top and bottom. I think I have 6 of these.

>> No.534076

ship them my way I can recycle then for ya and there won't be any waste filling up the landfills smoke filling up the air.

>> No.534089

Folks will buy those just for the ambiance. Don't even think of burning them.

>> No.534102

I would sell them as is to western europeans, probobly brits or maybe the nords. They'll be willing to pay out the butt for them.

>> No.534108

These are money, plain and simple, just find the right buyer. I would personally use them for aging (high gravity beers, wines, etc.) but many people also use them for decorating, landscaping, etc.
Either way, these are definitely worth something and the right person will make sure that they are used for years to come.

>> No.534116
File: 273 KB, 800x467, Barell_Chairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell them online. They are really valuable still.

There's also these you can make to sell for more money perhaps:


>> No.534117

make some chairs

should be possible to make two out of one barrel

>> No.534513

(just fyi In Bordeaux, France, they switch to new barrels each fucking year.)

>> No.534518


real hand crafted ones are fucking expensive.

also don't clean the outside. you'll take away their character.

>> No.534569
File: 17 KB, 326x460, wine-barrel-chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been wanting to do pic related as soon as I can get my hands on a cask. Do it for the glory OP.

>> No.534571

Tell me OP, are there many of those there barrels in Serbia?
I smell a business.

>> No.534672

If I had a barrel like that, I'd stand it on end and put a circular piece of glass on top and use it for a table.

>> No.534683

Sell them. If for some bizarre reason you can't sell them, they actually make terrific planters for things like tomatoes if you chop them in half horizontally. Bonus you get two planters outta one barrel.

>> No.534687

I wouldn't do a single thing with them. They make wonderful decorations.

>> No.534703

Fill them full of black powder and stick a fuse in the bunghole then sell em to Donkey Kong, Mario is a dead man.

>> No.534704
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>> No.534748
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I never intended to sell them, my goal was not to make money but to turn them into something that could be useful to myself.

That search provided a lot of awesome ideas, I've decided to replace most of the current furniture in my room with new pieces made of barrels. I have 13 barrels (5 as those in the first pic, 3 larger, and 5 smaller), so I'm going to make a table, two armchairs, two or four closets, a chandelier, a bar table, a couple of bar chairs and I'll use one to store drinks.

That's exactly what I'm going to do, except I'll cut it in half because I want a low table. Also, since the inside of the barrel is going to be visible through the glass, I'll make a castle or something inside.

They're made of black locust which is one of the hardest woods you can find and the planks are at least an inch thick, some even more, so they're very heavy, I doubt anyone would be willing to pay for the shipping alone.

Yeah, go to any village and you'll find hundreds. Our villages are underdeveloped even today, until a few decades ago plastic barrels (which are much more practical) were not very common so the folks were using wooden ones. Now not many people use them, but almost everyone still has them. Also, younger people are migrating from villages to towns/cities (and even those who do stay do not work in the fields), so you can find lots of houses in which only very old people live who would be probably willing to sell barrels because once they die no one will be using them anyway. The further you go from cities, the more likely you're to find old hand-crafted stuff. There are villages up in the mountains with only a couple of dozen of people (mostly very old ones) where every house looks like a mini-museum. My village is very close to one of the biggest cities, but if I don't manage to make everything I planned from my own barrels I'm pretty sure I can buy more from my neighbors, maybe even get some for free.

>> No.534753
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The one on the left is the smallest barrel I have, it is about 45x50 cm.

This is the largest one I have, 125 cm tall and the diameter of the base is about 110 cm.

>> No.534764

Craft beer brewers like to age some of their special beers in old spirit barrels. maybe there is a market in that for you.

>> No.534774
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Saint-Emilion: barrels in the cellar. At Home ^^

>> No.534782

make sub-woofers that's what i did

>> No.534819
File: 743 KB, 450x249, crashandburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That search provided a lot of awesome ideas, I've decided to replace most of the current furniture in my room with new pieces made of barrels. I have 13 barrels (5 as those in the first pic, 3 larger, and 5 smaller), so I'm going to make a table, two armchairs, two or four closets, a chandelier, a bar table, a couple of bar chairs and I'll use one to store drinks.

>> No.534849

Decorations: stools, tables, place to stash things.
Selling them: some people pay dough on these kind of things.
Playing real life jumping man.
OP if they insist on burning them, certain types of meat are smoked with the wood of barrels so theres that.