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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 151 KB, 333x500, URBEX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
52847 No.52847 [Reply] [Original]

Urban Exploration Thread.

Post stories, finds, pics, anything. We had a great one in the past few days, and I actually want to try it. Anybody in the Port Orange/Daytona Beach, FL area wanna meet up?

>> No.52856

I thought Urbex was /x/...

>> No.52857

Thanks to a kind anon who tipped me off that my sleepy city apparently has a few places worth exploring and an actual interesting history I've been thinking about this a lot and looking around. Got the locations of a few places that have been abandoned for various lengths of time, but what ones are likely to have interesting shit in them and what kinds are just boring?
Also how find buddy?

>> No.52862

how would it fit in /x/?

>> No.52863

I used to live down near there - Winter Springs actually.
Just for an idea of something cool to look into/explore, I've heard there are entire neighborhoods and many other buildings related to NASA that are simply abandoned. They came out of the huge expansion of the space program back in the 50's/60's and, well, then things died out. Think they're over near Canaveral but I can't remember exactly.

>> No.52868

Well, people usually like exploring the creepy places. Trust me, it's /x/.

>> No.52870

I rarely go on /x/, so I'll trust your opinion. Well, might as well go on since we're at it..

>> No.52873

oh shit, that's pretty cool.

>> No.52875

hey one time i heard some spelunker talking about how they occasionally run into these guys who are stealing metal from old buildings. not like tweakers but like an organized union that go into abandoned factories and steal all the metal for scrap. i read a story on 4chan once where a guy got shot at by some of these guys. is any of this true?

>> No.52878

no clue, but wow, that's pretty weird/intriguing.

>> No.52885

I wanted to do this a long time ago but my friends pussied out.

>> No.52895

Scrap metal is a pretty good way to get money.
A Flint school had a ton of copper pipe stolen so they put up a chain link fence around the property. The fence was stolen within days.
Never caught the guys because scrap yards in many places don't have to report suspicious materials being turned in. Like hundreds of feet of brand new chain link fence.

Dunno if there's a union for that sort of thing, but it wouldn't surprise me if there are organized gangs that wouldn't hesitate to get violent.

>> No.52906


It depends on the area and situation. I've heard stories where it's organized gangs, two idiots looking for some "tax-free income," druggies, etc.

It also takes some expertise, given you could be dealing with Electrics (copper Wire) and Water (Pipes).

>> No.52912

What sort of things should an Urban Explorer carry with them?
I figure a backpack or bag of some sort, flashlight, maybe a camera and a snack, but what else might be useful?

The only thing I have done that could be considered Urban Exploration was sneaking into an abandoned mental asylum. It was supposed to be a scary trip because the place is 'haunted' but it was more fascinating to see how the former hospital looked and all the stuff that was left behind.

>> No.52916

Just a light and a camera, really. Anything else will way you down and isn't necessary. Maybe a pair of those short boltcutters you can buy, for cutting fence. But most of the time you can just jump it.

>> No.52917


>> No.52922

anybody have any stories?

>> No.52924


>> No.52929


I live in Orlando, done some urbex here and up in the Jacksonville area.

>> No.52934

Used to live out east, did a lot of urbex back in the day.

Make sure to dress for climbing, be prepared to get dusty/dirty if you're in the really good places, and don't bring anything with you that you won't mind getting confiscated.

Cheaper digital cameras are kinda nice; just pop out the card when you're leaving and hide it on yourself somewhere. If you get busted while leaving, then you still have your pictures, and you're just out a shitty camera.

Scrap thieves are a fucking blight when you're exploring old steel towns. I've been threatened by crackheads who were hauling off old copper pipe, had a couple knives pulled on me, and once got to watch a guy demonstrate that he had no knowledge of gun care but still thought he was quite threatening.

Never seen any 'organized gangs', but I'd occasionally run into a dude named Vito who was pretty chill. Got some good tips on places to go from him, all while he was complaining that he'd been fucked out of his pension due to union politics. Dude was an electrician, and helped me get to some good places in Philly. Far as I know, he was never caught, but that man basically made his living stripping materials from abandoned buildings.

Good times all around,.

>> No.52937

You staying the night or something?

I suppose you could bring a bottle along. It's never been something I've felt like I could have done with after going, though.

>> No.52953

i heard a story on /b/ once where some guy was exploring some sewers and it started storming like a mother and the sewer started filling with water and he barely got out. he said there was like 3 inches of air between the water and the top of the sewer pipe where he could breathe. apparently there wasn't a cloud in the sky when he started. so i guess the moral is stay out of the sewer.

one time me and some friends took some magical treats and decided to explore the nature trails. eventually ended up at an abandoned concrete factory. we started climbing on buildings and i fell off. fell like 40 feet and landed on a conveyor belt. NO INJURIES! my hand swelled up, a couple cuts, broke my phone and lost my gum when i went "oooof" the moral of that story is don't take mind altering substances and climb on stuff above 10 feet. and maybe you should go with a partner in case someone does get hurt or a phone breaks.

>> No.52957


>live in Las Vegas.
>Hear about an underground city thriving through flood tunnels.
>me and 4 other friends go into tunnels with flashlights, pocket knifes, rain boots, some pot for later etc.. we were ready.
>about 3 miles in we start seeing intricate graffiti, kinda like those amazing art pieces you see on the internet except these covered insanely large space.
>start finding shit in the mud like syringes, pill bottles, empty containers
>Its pretty cool and a little creepy
>5 miles in start seeing mattresses and make shift houses, still no sign of mole people.
>its been 2 hours since we started we stop for a break.
>Friend spots speck of light further down
>oh shit
>Lights getting close
>I shout "Hello! is anyone down there?!"
>No response, light starts picking up pace and coming faster
>We all pull out weapons
>all of the sudden 3 more balls of lights appear around the first.
>we start running back the other way
>Eventually they caught up to us
>They looked like sub human mutants
>They said they wont attack as long as we put our shit away
>shit's hella tense bro
>the vagrants spoke with broken english, very difficult to understand
>we had a 5 sentence conversation that ended with us awkwardly walking away
>everyone got out okay
>we all toked up and laughed about it,

This was just the first time. There is a whole series of stories including assaults, rapes, and dead babies

no joke,

Anyone interested?

>> No.52961

There's a saying that is basically made for urban exploring.
Hope for the best, plan for the (ABSOLUTE) worst.

>> No.52965

A GPS might be handy. I do some exploration in the mountains of Colorado and there it's invaluable... But, if the site is big enough or has multiple buildings/interesting locations, or if you just want to mark the location of something it could be useful.
They are getting to be surprisingly accurate nowadays. Though, the further in a building you go the greater the margin for error is. For instance, my unit says +/- 9 feet anywhere in my house - so, 18-foot margin.

>> No.52969

You know, this sounds like bullshit, but as a man who loves reading intricately-crafted, lovingly-written bullshit, I would be entertained to hear about your magical adventures with the mole people of Las Vegas.

Shit, my most interesting urbex story involves a dude named Vito. Fuckin' mole people blow that right outta the water.

>> No.52970

>Anyone interested?


>> No.52975

oh god yes.

>> No.52985

the sewer thing....it's not a myth. it happened here in buenos aires.
4 years ago there were this guys who practiced parkour and urbex by extension. they decided to explore the sewer and oh the coincidence, that same day it stormed like a motherfucker. sewers overflowed (happens all the time) and the kids drowned. their bodies were found three weeks later in open sea

you can look this up. it's not bullshit

>> No.52999

Not bullshit. A whole bunch of homeless people live down there. Google it for confirmation :)

>Alright so about 3 weeks after this first adventure we all knew we had to go back
>It was Me, and 4 of my guy friends (Ford, Alex, Crist, and Eddie)
>Crist decided this time he'd bring his 9mm
>We decided we were also going to try to map it this time.
>4:00P.M. we made our entrance.
>Everything seemed alright just like last time
>We went past the giant graffiti walls.
>Crist was leading and right when we got to the mattresses and makeshift houses he held his finger up to his mouth and motioned to be quiet
>some one was sleeping on one of the mattresses
(Actually now that I think back he was probably passed out, he had a syringe right next to him)
>we slowly tiptoed past him fine and were on to keep exploring
>it took us 2 and half hours to go 8 miles in
>shit starts smelling extra shity
>It smelled like a cyst had just been popped
>Alex actually threw up
>we kept going and eventually different tunnels started appearing
>3 appeared infront of us
>one was pitch black, and the other 2 had lights down them
(hold up)

>> No.53011
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>> No.53017

>We went down the one that was brightest
>about half a mile down it we saw it
>no joke, it was fucking mole city
>it looked quite impressive actually
>Now this place wasn't a sewer so i dont know exactly how to describe it
>The "houses" were divided by scrap metal, plywood, and layers of cardboard.
>Nobody really stared at us either, a couple of them looked at us but it definitely wasn't as tense as our first experience

>> No.53019

fuck you, now im not going to finish the story

>> No.53021

We must go there and kill them for sport.

>> No.53023

Fuck you mole people are an endangered species.

>> No.53024

Mole people, mole people
Walk like moles, talk like people
Mole people

>> No.53025


>> No.53028


>> No.53033

No, they must die for what they've done.
Where you do think the term "molestation" comes from?
That's when the mole people had a station where they'd rape people passing by.

>> No.53034

i'm sorry bro. continue please. i've just never seen a mole person before. i did google it and found there are quite a few people living under the strip.

>> No.53042

Just saying man.
If you post something on the internet people aren't going to believe it.
Just tell your story please.

>> No.53046

...yeah, I've never heard of any mole people. Plus, even sewers in Vegas can't be that dry. Additionally, there are a lot of 'supposedly confirmed' things in sewers. A guy spent five years writing a book about specifically this topic, and never saw anything close to what you're describing.

I could give stories about Vito, the glorious former-electrician who I ran into several times doing urbex while he shamelessly removed incredible amounts of scrap metal to keep himself in booze and housing. Accomplishments of this motherfucker include getting cops to help him haul shit out of buildings, punching out a crackhead who was 'messing with his turf', and accidentally discovering some paranoid guy's stash of cash in an abandoned squat he was stripping cables from.

Anybody wanna hear this shit?

>> No.53048

Mole people are fucking /diy/ citizens. >molestation station
You should thank them for coming up with those designs bro, how else would we have gotten rape sheds and prison-shacks?

>> No.53057

yes. we all do.

>> No.53067

First met Vito when I was randomly exploring an old warehouse with a couple of guys. My buddy Mike (I'm pretty sure everybody knows a dude named Mike with odd connections) found it while cruising around one day, and we had to go in. Decided to go one afternoon when it was fairly shitty out, and ended up getting there the moment it started raining.

First thing, the lock on the door we were planning on using was busted. Somebody had busted the living fuck out of it, using what I'm guessing was a goddamn power drill. Normally, this is cause to call off an exploration; it looked pretty recent, as there was still metal dust on the door, but it was also pouring like a motherfucker, and we had parked decently distant, because it's hard to find good spots for urbex where you're not gonna encounter some crackheads.

After walking in the building, there were a few work-lights up. Kinda creepy; it might have been a couple of crackheads. Then, a dude in a work jumpsuit with a gigantic fucking mustache spotted us and started yelling;
>What dah fuck are you fucks doin' here? I thought this shit-hole was private?

>> No.53079

Shit coulda gone badly; he looked official and pissed. I've been arrested a couple of times on B&E, though playing the Urbex card tends to lead to people not caring, especially if you end up knowing the cops down at the local stations.

The guy decided we clearly weren't cops, being that one of our merry group was female, and I had hair down to my ass at the time. The next sentence out of his mouth, as far as I can recall, was as follows;

>Fuckin' kids, explorin' my good sites. Name's Vito, fuck the unions, and help my ass haul this shit outta here or I'll bust your asses myself. Grab a beer when you're done, you'll earn it.

This dude literally gave zero fucks. Helped him strip out a bunch of copper wire after he did whatever it is electricians do to kill the current to a building. The whole time, he gives us his life story;
>Born here, and for fuck's sake, I'm gonna die here
>Fuck the union, ya hippie fucks; got my ass kicked out after fuckin' my rep's daughter. Bitch was 19, that's fuckin' legal, yeah?
>Got a daughter; touch her and yer dead. I may fuck around, but nobody's touchin' my princess.
>Scrap guys normally give a shit where this comes from, but knowin' guys means you can act legit

Hauled the shit out to his van, cracked open a few beers, and asked him about good places. He pulls out a fucking map, points to a bunch of streets, and gives a laundry-list of the places he's stripped out. Proceeds to tell us which ones were filled with crackheads, which ones had "Cops outta the fuckin' woodwork", and which ones were "borin' for kids like you, but a goddamn goldmine for me".

>> No.53084

Vito then starts telling us about the time he got help from the cops. The story is as follows, paraphrased to the best of my ability after time has blurred the lines between what I remember and what I hope.

>So, I'm pullin' the wires out of an old processing plant; pretty sweet gig, gonna make a mint off of the scrap sale
>Some fuckin' cops haul up, come in, ask what the fuck I'm doing
>I'm wearing a jumpsuit, I got my old union card; may as well flash it and act like I'm a legit fuckin' contractor.
>Cops ask for a work order; shit, I've got a dozen old ones in my van. Tell 'em to hold on, pull out one at random, and flash it. They don't bother to read it, just look at it and see it's a fuckin' legit piece of work
>As they're bookin' it, I realize I'm an old fuck, and these bastards are a hell of a lot younger than me
>"Hey, buddy; think you could lend a hand?"
>Fuckers hauled scrap to my car on the department's dime for an hour before tellin' me to have a good night
>For all I know, there's some cops out there who still think my name is Jeff and I'm with (Local contractor union #)

>> No.53086

Vito is my hero

>> No.53087

Anyone know of some good places around the California Bay Area?

>> No.53089

Wish there were some places to fuckin' explore in Alaska.

>> No.53092

Couple of months later, I'm going on a duo with my girlfriend. Plan was to find a romantic spot to chill in, and I'd just found a nice old building that was pretty well abandoned; I'd checked it out and didn't see any signs of anyone going in for a long time. We bring some food to have dinner on the roof, watch the sunset, romantic shit like that because I'm a broke-ass hippie at the time.

We go one afternoon, and the initial part is easy. Getting in the building doesn't take too long, and it's a quick hop up the stairs. As we're walking up to the roof, she noticed some fresh McDonald's wrappers on the ground. We pay it no mind, and end up having a nice dinner on the roof. Sunset, romance, all that bullshit.

As we're heading back down, I noticed a bit of movement behind us. The most ragged-looking homeless guy I'd ever seen had just come out of a room, and he looked pissed. We start hurrying, but he sees us, and it's on the bottom floor that he catches up.

The front door was boarded up, so there's not much we could do for a quick exit unless we could charge past an unpredictable crackhead. He pulls a knife, and starts demanding our money and that my girlfriend strips. I'm a skinny fuck with the combat prowess of a dead wombat, so I figure we're fucked and going to be killed/raped by a homeless guy.

>> No.53094

You mean ones not mentioned in the last thread?

>> No.53097

Suddenly, there's a crash at the front door. Some guy's going at it with a fucking crowbar. We all freeze; I have no idea if the owner is here with a dozen cops, if it's some druglord, or if it's the fucking homeless reinforcement crew.

Then, I recognize the sound of the guy cursing. It's motherfuckin' Vito, and he's at that baseline level of anger, boredom, and craftsmanship that all professionals develop at some time in their lives.

He walks in with a crowbar, and seems surprised to see the tableau; it's me, with my girlfriend huddled behind me, and the crackhead with a knife near the staircase. He pauses to evaluate the situation for a second, then uttered something that cemented the man in my head for the rest of my life.

>Hey, it's the fuckin' hippie! Buddy, drop the knife, or I will show you what the fuck a real goddamn man can do with a crowbar.

>> No.53101

Oh, man. BRB lifting weights.

>> No.53105

Keep going, this Vito guy is a god.

>> No.53106



>> No.53110

Crackhead stammers for a bit, then advances on Vito, who looks incredibly fucking bored with the situation, as if confronting knife-wielding crackheads is a daily occurrence for him. Tries to look menacing by waving the knife, and then Vito swings his crowbar. Hits the guy in the arm, and he drops the knife, clutching his arm.

Vito then hands me the crowbar, mentioning how "I'll clean the damn thing later", and then walks up to the crackhead.

>Buddy, this place is my goddamn territory. You come back here, I'll do a lot worse'n what I'm gonna do now.

He then proceeds to beat the shit out of the guy, hammering on the most-likely broken arm for a little while, and leaving the guy curled into a ball. I'm standing there, shocked, while all this happens.

He then turns to us, and says yet another line of solid gold
>Nice broad. I just saved your asses; let's go get some fuckin' beer and I'll tell you about the last sweet gig I ran. Fuckin' crackheads.

>> No.53124

Not half an hour later, I'm in some shitty bar with my girlfriend and Vito's assurance.

>Good bar here; just don't come without me, or your pansy ass is gonna be beat to the gutter and your chick'll be nailed three ways from Sunday

After shooting the shit for a little while and buying him a couple beers, he finally talks about his 'solid gold job'
>So, I'm strippin' the pipes from a joint on the South side; shitty-ass place, fulla fuckers like you just saw me take care of, and there's a fuckin' painting or some shit nailed to the goddamn wall
>I knock it down 'cuz I think art's bullshit, and there's a fuckin' hollow space in the wall. Wire's fucked, but I know some dumbass thought it was a brilliant spot, so I'm pokin' around for a few minutes
>Then I get to thinkin'; what kinda dumbass would put a painting there if some knucklehead like me could find it? Sure as shit, opposite wall's got some fresh drywall. I bust that shit like a schoolgirl givin' head, and there's a bag duct-taped to the wall
>30k or something in there; motherfuckers'll be after me, but not like I did anything illegal. Cops'll work for me this time
>Haul ass outta there, get my ass home, tell my daughter a bedtime story, then figure out how to make it look like I got it all legal

I'm convinced that he had mob connections. Dude was a walking stereotype.

>> No.53133

>I knock it down 'cuz I think art's bullshit
Imaginary or not I fucking love this man.

>> No.53135

Those are all my tales of Vito. I still wonder what the fuck he's up to these days. That man loved three things in life; his daughter, badmouthing his ex-wife, and beer. His unbridled hatred of anything that wasn't contributing to helping him achieve one of those three goals remains with me today.

>> No.53143

adamthewoo.com, he does a lot of urbex around FL and makes videos.

>> No.53165

Vito is god

>> No.53168

Well if nothing else Alaska had a huge gold rush. You could go explore old mining sites/buildings.
Just don't go into old adits (horizontal into rock) or near open shafts (vertical down into rock). A lot of fun/interesting ways to be fucked over by old mines.

>> No.53171

vito is now the new king of /diy/

>> No.53194

I just read that and it made me laugh and nostalgia - an old co-worker that had some fairly Vito-ish tendencies.

We'll call him Joe.
Joe was from a hick town in Texas, had a crazy backwoods accent, a temper, and rarely gave a fuck beyond his kids, his wife, and 'the fucking principle of the thing' (which was a phrase he used to justify flipping it out whenever someone did something that pissed him off).
Joe told us that, when he was in high school, he and his friends would drive around in his pickup truck and look for trouble. One day, he and his friends passed a work site along the road where the county was laying a long stretch of underground cable. It was after hours so no one was around, but they'd left one of those big wooden fuck huge spools of cable out there. Since they knew a scrap dealer that didn't ask too many questions, he and his friends decided to steal it.

They first tried to push it, and the two of them couldn't even get it to roll, so they had to get more a few more people. Eventually it took 6 of them in the dark to get the thing on to the back of the pickup, but the rear end was so low between the other people and the cable that the slightest bump would actually make the tire hit the top of the wheel well.

Joe was worried about the truck, so he pulled over, told everyone else to get out and follow, and drove out into a field. The 6 of them get it out of the truck, dump some gasoline on it, and light on fire, and drive away.

2 days later, they came back to a bunch of darkened copper and a large burned out patch of grass and took it to the scrap yard. He said they pulled something like several hundred bucks each split 6 ways, and they got caught for it.

His dad did complain that the truck shocks were making noise, though.

>> No.53195

You know, I really wish I had more stories about Vito. Fucker was a boss. I'll call my friend later, see if he has any good stories about the guy. I honestly met him four or five times, but the remaining encounters aren't exactly interesting; it's mostly;
>Hey, it's the hippie! Help me move shit to my van! Oh yeah, here's a place I stripped out, you'll fuckin' love it.

The most I can really say is that this man gave zero fucks whatsoever, and somehow lived his life to that philosophy. I wouldn't be surprised if he took his daughter with him on one of his trips, just to show her what dad did. Guy loved his daughter and always loved showing off pictures. I think she was around five or six when I first met the guy, and he was probably the proudest father I've ever met.

>> No.53228

For any UKfags interested:


Many awesome threads and awesome photos on that board, excellent content everywhere. Well worth a look even for non-UKfags.

>> No.53262
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Does anybody know anything good up in New Hampshire, or Northern New England for that matter? I havent been out asplorin' in a long time, need something fun to check out.

>> No.53481

Bump for stories

>> No.53676
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There was a Russian boat in the harbour that had been sitting there for years, with no security or anything. It was all smelly and rotten and full of electronics bits and Russian boat documents.

>> No.53677
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The little hospital room had creepy old pill packages.

>> No.53678
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Boaty boat.

>> No.53683
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Also a while ago I went to a half-demolished radar station.

>> No.53686
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>> No.53688
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>> No.54443

no shit Daytona? I`m in Ormond. I`m so out of shape it isn't funny, but i would like to get back into doing this.

>> No.54803

Wow, good story. One day i'd like to meet a Vito of my own

>> No.55032

I reside in the Orlando/Ocoee section of Flooriduh. There have been abandoned hotels throughout the CFL area for years, some interesting some major boring shit. The best thing we had here for a while was Sun Land, an abandoned sanitarium that fun times were had at until that idiot fell down the elevator shaft. The fucker lived too, no thanks to his "friends" leaving his ass down there. They tore it down years ago but there is some bad joo-joo about that place, even the playground they built over the torn down sanitarium is abandoned. And the Colony Plaza hotel was KICK ASS until they tore it down a few years back. Many a night was spent exploring only to end up on the roof to celebrate with the celebrational blunt, good times. I'm the last person to be arrested there for trespassing before it was torn down. And Osama Bin Laden's brothers house in Winter Garden. 4.5 mil in it's prime, been abandoned since September 11th. I wonder why...

>> No.55065

gun depending on situation/laws

>> No.55080

yes absolutely

>> No.55098
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just explored this old abandoned factory yesterday, commencing dump

>> No.55102
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this may be slow, on a friends shitty DSL

>> No.55107
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also, around half the pictures are shitty cellphone quality burrs, some aren't so bad

>> No.55113
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what do we have here?

>> No.55112

I live right by a farm that has been abandoned since 1838

The family that owns it is just about to sell it though

There is so much forest around it,and there huge clearings just with flowers lining it,I hope whoever buys it doesnt tear it all down and put a target or some shit there

>> No.55120
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some nuts and bolts

>> No.55122

please continue i Really want to hear the resst

>> No.55129
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size to a mechanical pencil back at my friends place
and that's all, my phone died before i could take any more good pics

>> No.55134

its a 1 7/8" btw

>> No.55149

bump on this

>> No.55178

Can anyone get screenshots of the vito stories?
I would but my software makes it look terrible

>> No.55195

your kitty is adorable.

>> No.55296


>> No.55307

>lower left corner
>past the 2 planks
>its a circle

when you see it

>> No.55563
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>> No.55565
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>> No.55566
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>> No.55568
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>> No.55589

>Live in the netherlands
>Everything gets demolished properly

>> No.55603
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>> No.55606

I know that feel.

>> No.55617
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France, last summer.
Anyone interested?

>> No.55619


Not everything, bro ;)

>> No.55640

I'm very interested. Continue, please.

>> No.55642
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>> No.55644
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>> No.55645
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I love how somebody strategically decided to decorate the entrance with an old keyboard. Silly french people.

>> No.55646
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>> No.55647
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>> No.55650
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>> No.55651
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>> No.55652
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>> No.55654
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>> No.55656
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>> No.55657
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>> No.55666

This looks fun. Is there a particular way of finding good spots or do you just sort of wander around places that seem like they would have abandoned buildings and shit in them?
I'm in Austin, by the way, so if anyone knows any good locations, shoot me some links.

>captcha: onumic filesnakes
What the hell are filesnakes?

>> No.55673

Re: filesnakes, If you have to ask, you don't need to know.

>> No.55682

anybody know any good spots to check out in the southern highlands NSW Australia?

thinking of trying this in a few months

also, any tips for someone eager but new?

>> No.55909

Parts of Sunland are still up, mainly some old trailers in a heavily fenced section toward the back. Best place to explore in CFL though is definitely Splendid China, the abandoned theme park. Been there about a dozen times, almost got arrested twice but it's such a huge place it's easy to find a place to hide.

>> No.55984
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Fellow Anons, let me present the Vito story in full, glorious HD!

Our first screen story compiled for a limited time only into one feature-length package! Download today!

>> No.56181
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guess where

>> No.56185
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>> No.56194

A little ol' place near Pripyat?

>> No.56218

NO. It's people like you that give us a bad fucking rep.

>> No.56221
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yes indeed right at the center of pripyat/ukr

>> No.56311

i jelly

>> No.56322

I'd go with you OP, but I'm in Panama city beach.

>> No.56341
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I'm seeing a lot of Florida fags here.

Any Georgia - especially mid-Georgia - bros here as well? I need a partner or two to begin with.

>> No.56368

Anyone near Fort Myers FL?
Also, do you guys take cool stuff you find, like those gas masks?

Closest thing found was a truss company, it was really small though, and had been destroyed by some skateboarders and made into a skatepark.

>> No.56377

also do you go alone, or bring people with you.

>> No.56390


>> No.56442

Could anybody post the stuff they wear and use while doing this?

Pictures would be extra helpful.

>> No.56512

Moar, for the love of god moar!

>> No.56518

I know, it seems childish to be running around at night with gear like you're trying to be a ninja, but these night ops are really fun. If you're interested, look at the dare thread for some ideas. I think you have to make an account to view the forums though.

>> No.56521

Also, the resources guide on the front page has some fun stuff to read. I recommend "Way of the Shadow".

>> No.56530

I'm still here, by the way. ( >>56341 )

>> No.56555

Care to share Philly spots? I'm from the area and would love to get in to Urbex

>> No.56557

not much to do in Fargo, North Dakota

>> No.56572

Bay Area fag here

There are few places if you're willing to go way out from SF

>> No.56610

I used to do some general exploration, but I stopped two years ago. I got a little too freaked out.

Last time I did, I was hiking with two friends on some off-beat trails in the Apalachicola National Forest in Florida. One of my buddies is more of a trailblazer. He has more fun searching out the wilderness than he does taking a path. It sounds like quite a few of you all live in Florida, so you know what the wilderness can be like around here. It's a mess of pine trees and palm bushes and can be pretty swampy.

Anyways, we were going along this narrow dirt path that looks seldom used. That one friend I mentioned jumps off the path for more 'adventure.' We're pretty careful about not getting lost, so we're not worried really.

We go along a random path until we hit a partial clearing and we start to find this weird stuff. We find some cheap jewely, like what you would find at Claire's. We find a ring with reddish stains; probably just the mud. We find a sort of campsite. Mostly just what looks like a fire pit that hasn't been used for a while. But as we continue on, we see this guy nearby.

He isn't wearing any clothes, and he just looks god awful. He's pretty skinny (not like some slenderman bullshit here), but not starving. What I can't forget though is his mouth. He basically didn't have lips. I don't know what was up with the guy; if it was something he had or what. Honestly, it looked like he had chewed his lips off. It was pretty horrendous looking. Just this scarred, gaping hole where his lips should have been. Needless to say, we all kind of flipped at seeing him. He just kinda kept to himself while we backed the fuck out. I've never seen such a creepy guy before. I'm just thankful I was with other people at the time.

I guess I never really did all that much exploring. It freaks me out too much to find random people or get involved in shit like that. It makes me nervous to think of stumbling upon weirdos like that.

>> No.56611

Currently attending college in Oakland; any places you recommend?

>> No.56649

holy fuck
holy fuck

>> No.56655

Anybody from the West Midlands know any interesting places?

>> No.56664


This is all i could find.
Ik its bs but its interesting.

>> No.56673

How did you all start out with this stuff? I find this stuff interesting, but have no idea where to begin.

>> No.56682

anybody know any good spots in eastern South Dakota

>> No.56692

Urban Exploration in Germany.
>in old factory with boyfriend and photographer
>come across a 40-something guy
>"Are you making a film? Will you guys fuck? Can I watch?"
>we tell him we're here for the cool building. why the hell is this guy here anyways and why is he alone
>he starts following us EVERYWHERE, repeatedly asking us if we're going to have sex in this factory
>run the fuck away into car and never return

>> No.56708


So, I'm guessing coming upon creepy guys is common? You really can't do this stuff alone, can you.

>> No.56712

I would suggest downtown sioux falls or there is a tunnel that I used to do hood rat stuff around tenth street auto wash

>> No.56713

thank you, you're awesome

>> No.56720
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non-yotsuba version.

>> No.56722

Absolutely not. If you are a weird/nerdy looking guy or a woman, you might as well go naked with a "molest me" sign around your neck.

>> No.56724

Any places in Tampa?

>> No.56736
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SoFla resident here. Just last weekend a bunch of friends and I went down to the abandoned immigrant detention center just south of Tamiami trail on Krome Ave. Also, just north of there (about 5 miles?) is an abandoned AT&T radio tower.
Both locations were very cool to explore. Even though there is alot of activity at the detention center (paintball players and graffiti artists) its a huge property that's beautifully decayed.

Next place I'd like to visit is the Aerojet facility out in the glades, but I've heard they started dismantling it, so not sure if its worth checking out anymore...

pic is from the detention center..I only have pics of my group in our Halloween costumes since that was our primary purpose in visiting this time...

>> No.56740
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this is what most of the detention center looks like

>> No.56784

Anyone know any good locations in NJ? Preferably south or central but north works too. Been to the Paulinskil Viaduct. Pretty interesting place. Looking for more to explore though.

>> No.56827

You live in South Jersey? Where?

Also, anyone in Philly, or know any good locations here? Going to college in University City, gonna have a month long winter break coming up. I'd love to hit up some of the factories along the train line through and out of north Philly.

>> No.56839


Not big on announcing exact location on here but lets just say somewhere roughly at the center point between atlantic city and philadelphia

>> No.56852

Ah, got it. Probably not too far off the train line I have to take to get to Philly from AC. I don't live there, but I'm not too far from AC either.

There's a metric-fuckton of old factories and ruined buildings along the line, especially between Cherry Hill and 30th Street, but they also look like some pretty nasty neighborhoods too.

>> No.56857


I live very close to what used to be a "mental asylum" in central jersey near Princeton in Montgomery Township. (http://www.weirdnj.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=95&Itemid=28))

it was basically a collection of decrepit as fuck buildings up t0 3 or 4 stories high. They started tearing most of them down a few years ago so there isnt much left.
However I did get the chance to smoke a bowl right next to one once. There was a broken basement window so I could see inside, all I saw was fucking newspaper everywhere.

Interesting shit though.

>> No.56863

anyone live in ne ohio or PA and wanna meet up for this kinda stuff?

>> No.56871

from austin too...
Im not sure how many places you would find but maybe you go to one of the surrounding duurr towns like bishop you might have more luck

>> No.56884
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Gothic dining hall in Melbourne

>> No.56930

If you're talking the amtrak line i'm not too far from the Hammonton stop.

>> No.57008

Where in Melb? More info?

>> No.57178

Where man

>> No.57194


>> No.57203

Volusia county fag here, what's this all about? It seems fun

>> No.57205

Mainefag here.

I've wanted to explore the Brunswick Naval Air Station. There are businesses moving into the property, and the airfield itself is s till in use, but further back there's a lot of old military buildings. I really want to poke around and see what the navy left behind, what awesome places you can get into (bunkers and shit, saw a watchtower that looked accessable while I was poking around). There's a bunch of houses and a hotel, most/all of it is deserted. I don't even know what's behind the still-locked chainlink fence gates. It's a wierd place.

Just have to be careful, apparently there's a few navy guys that patrol around and keep an eye out for scrap metal thieves. As long as you're not stealing shit you should be ok though, or just avoid altogether.

>> No.57218

Who let the samefag in?

>> No.57219

You left the door open

>> No.57242


Why the fuck are there so many florida fags here?

>> No.57258

This is like the holy grail of urbex:


>> No.57316

>If you are a weird/nerdy looking guy or a woman, you might as well go naked with a "molest me" sign around your neck.

>Want to go urban exing
>I'm extremely feminine and skinny
>Talk about urban ex generally one day
>Girl I sort of know said she's always wanted to do it as well
>Chat about how we're in no position to go

All the bulky fuckers are too scared to go, fuck everything man

>> No.57379

This mission is way more badass, IMHO:


>> No.57396

I am the OP of this thread:

Ask me anything

>> No.57400

I might do another visit soon....requests of pics are welcome.

>> No.57403

Man, these topics always remind me of something.

In the village where I live there was an old mental asylum, half fallen down and amazing. There were stories of the place housing the criminally insane and the siren would sound a little too often to signal the escape of a "patient".

I heard one story from an old fire fighter who had to respond to a call there. The power had gone out, so only small streams of light from their flash lights managed to show off the halls and corridors. Something that he said seemed odd, was that at one end of a corridor on the floor, light seemed to be moving around. As if the floor itself was moving. He waited for a few minutes while some other guys connected the power and when they did, he'll never forget what was revealed to him.

Cockroaches. The floor at one end was covered entirely by cockroaches, climbing over each other, a few layers thick. Pulsating, as if the building itself was alive.

The place was closed down not long after that I believe.

This building was awesome to explore, the façade had long been removed from the front of what I assume was the "high security" wing, showing off battered padded rooms and long since used points to connect restraints and chains.

The shower room was like a grand hall, instead of a mere place to get clean. The height of the ceilings was honestly reminiscent of churches, and tiled with (now slightly brown and cracked) tiles. Piles of the tiling had gathered on the floor, where they'd fell from the walls over time.

There was even an old giant wrought iron spiral staircase standing free from the ground. Not connected to any portions of the building aside from the floor. It was beautifully made and it's condition was remarkable considering it's age and situation.

>> No.57404


The best part of the building, though, was not the separate outbuilding lined with caged rooms and covered in moss, or the apparent staff housing; still containing most of the items as they were left. Instead it was the basement. The basement was a very uncomfortable place to be, pitch black and only accessible through a tiny opening barely enough for anybody to get through. It had the ruins of an entire building resting above it, which never felt too safe.

Sadly, it has since been demolished and replaced with unused office buildings. Maybe they too will become interesting to explore one day.

>> No.57529
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There's a supermarket in town that's been abandoned for at least a decade. Back when it was in business, it was the biggest I've ever seen; you needed to take an enormous conveyor belt (not an escalator, there were no steps on that fucker) just to get up to where the store is. No other businesses have moved in since it closed, presumably because the space is too large to do anything with, and knocking it down to build new properties is too expensive to be worthwhile. The huge parking lot underneath it is now "free parking" that almost no one uses.

>> No.57533
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I've always thought it would be pretty simple to bust in and poke around it it, but an abandoned supermarket probably isn't interesting enough for exploring to risk getting fucked up by squatters.

>> No.57558

>getting fucked up by squatters.

Running into squatters isn't as common as you'd think, but it's usually really, really easy to tell meth-heads and criminals apart from harmless bums.

ALWAYS let a someone know where you're going and when you expect to be back/when you'll be calling/etc

That way if you *do* get fucked up by junkies, or fall through a rotting floor, someone can alert the authorities to come bail your sorry ass out.

So long as you didn't break anything to get in, you are unlikely to receive much more than some harsh words and threats.

>> No.57569

CTfag, huh?

See if you can get down to New Haven sometime. They tore down the single greatest aboveground abandonment a few years ago when they knocked down the Coliseum, but the tunnel system should still be intact. Entrance is over near the big brown Knights of Columbus skyscraper, under where the Coliseum used to be. The road portion of the tunnel leads to the Omni hotel, but there's all kinds of access tunnels that branch off from there.

New Haven underground is like a maze thanks to the folks over at Yale.

>> No.57572

how's this do-it-yourself related?

>> No.57581

We're certainly not sending someone else to explore things, we're doing it ourselves. Seems pretty self-evident.

>> No.57589
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57586
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57593
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57596
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57597
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it's also illegal in most jurisdictions.
saw a squatting thread get shut down, yet they let this shit thrive.

>> No.57600
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57601

About the mole people, I remember reading this article and a few others regarding them.

Shit's crazy.


>> No.57603
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57605
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57608
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57615

I used to steal steel from construction sites with a couple buddies. Some old guy was organizing it from a shitty hood in east end hamilton. We ended up making quite a bit of money, but I wouldn't say these people are dangerous per se. They just made a bit of money on the side.

>> No.57616
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57618

Did you try it out? If it's an old mechanical, they will last until the end of time.

>> No.57619
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Kruidenbuurt, Eindhoven, NL

>> No.57627
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Jungleland, Florida.

>> No.57628
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Jungleland, again.

>> No.57632
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Cadillac dealership that'd been closed for decades, Jacksonville

>> No.57634
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Old row of small storefronts outside Navy base, Jacksonville

>> No.57636
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Old machine fluid filters in that same set of storefronts.

>> No.57638
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Desk, same storefronts.

>> No.57640
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Buddha, Splendid China, Kissimmee.

>> No.57643
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About 10 years ago a friend and I went exploring around the former Naval Air Station at Alameda. It had been closed for a few years by then and they were gradually converting the buildings over to commercial use. They had just started working on the control tower and had closed off the entrances. We managed to scale an exterior stair past the barricades and, as we expected, the entrances to the upper floors were unlocked. It was interesting, but unfortunately all the equipment has already been removed so there were no souvenirs.

(not my pic)

>> No.57649

I dont know about vegas, but i saw a documentry on netflex about bums living undergound. Pretty interesting but sad all the same. One of the guys had a dog who recently had puppies, i felt bad for them cause he could barely feed himself.

>> No.57663

>This is like the holy grail of urbex

At the same time, it is, and it isn't.

They've been seen and explored by so many thousands of people, and they're so well known, that even as vast and incredible as they are, the feeling can't quite be the same as being hidden away in some place truely unknown.

I've heard from those who've been there that unless you go seriously deep, you are almost guaranteed to bump into a cataphile before too long.

>> No.57669


Take only pictures, leave only footprints.

>> No.57671
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Fort Douaumont, Verdun, France

>> No.57673
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~150ft shaft. Stood as far away from the edge as possible...

>> No.57674
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>> No.57675
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The fort before 1916...

>> No.57676
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... and after 1916

>> No.57729

what was the purpose of it?

>> No.57739

Not the one who posted the photo, but it's probably an air intake or an exhaust vent, unless there's some mechanical components not visible in the frame.

>> No.57756

Califag here. The CLOSEST thing I can say to doing urbex was checking out the abandoned shacks by Galaster Park. Supposedly haunted, but it was interesting to see.
So how much money can you make by finding metals? What metals are usually valuable, and are scrap yards the only places that take em?

>> No.57841

copper is the mos common and valuable, you cand find it in pipes and wiring.

Aluminum is easy to find sometimes but its more trouble with big pieces.

Also i think you can check for platinum in some machines but im not sure about it.

Be careful in hospitals it maybe some radioactive shit in there, specially in old hospitals.

>> No.57854

damn i always wanted to go there when i lived in orlando. got anymore pics of it? op where you want to meet up, so we can find some place to do this?

>> No.57860


>Be careful in hospitals it maybe some radioactive shit in there, specially in old hospitals.

haha this, I remember this story in I think a south american country where some pretty bad radioactive material got out in the open and fucked up part of the town because people were looting the old hospital

also if you loot metals expect to get arrested, walking around an abandonded place is one thing but stealing scrap metal is a whole different thing, also dont expect scrap metal to be worth a whole lot, if you wanted any good amount of money youd need to get a fuck load

>> No.57905

>You know, this sounds like bullshit, but as a man who loves reading intricately-crafted, lovingly-written bullshit, I would be entertained to hear about your magical adventures with the mole people of Las Vegas.

I don't know about the details, but there are people living underground in Las Vegas. They're basically just hobos and crackheads though. The ones talked to in the report I saw spoke perfect english though. Well perfect by hobo/crackhead standards anyways.

>> No.57915
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>...yeah, I've never heard of any mole people. Plus, even sewers in Vegas can't be that dry. Additionally, there are a lot of 'supposedly confirmed' things in sewers. A guy spent five years writing a book about specifically this topic, and never saw anything close to what you're describing.

Well he must suck at his job. There's tons of investigations confirming this shit.


>> No.57971


>I'm extremely feminine and skinny

Which is why you carry a gun.

>> No.57978


But I live in England

>> No.57986

Anywhere cool to go in Dallas?

Also, on the topic of people who take metals and sell it and shit, I used to work security at a mall around here and there's a carnival that comes through biannually or something. We offered to do patrols through their shit when they shut down at night, but they turned us down. Because of this, they ended up having 450 pounds of copper wiring stolen from them, which, if you don't know, is worth several thousand dollars.

>> No.57999

I live in Las Vegas. I'm going to check this out for sure.


>> No.58000

>You will never find a spot for exploration in Newport News
Being one of the original areas established for colonization and thus, later, one of the original targets for urbanization means that we've a massive history of breaking things down the moment we're done with them.

>> No.58452

I used to have a ton of photos, but I lost them when my hard drive failed on my old computer. Went there about half a dozen times, all told. As far as I'm aware it's still standing, though I haven't been out that way in a couple years. If and when I decide to go back, I'll definitely post a new thread here in /diy/.

>> No.58464

anybody know if theres anything interesting in orange county? besides the flood tunnels, i hear the chemicals down there are enough to suffocate you

>> No.58471

To the Austinites, DO NOT go to the Travis State School, me and some friends went there a few months ago and it's now an undercover police operation.

Background on the place, it was used to keep mentally retarded and insane people there, and teach them shit like agriculture and basic skills. If you're willing to risk it, theres a graveyard in the back, abandoned housing units, and an overlook to the local state prison.

One place you can check out is the Putt Putt Golf on Burnet, it's overgrown, not much to see, but bring mouth protection, theres mold everywhere inside the buildings, and possibly asbestos. Also hookers.

Though I don't recommend it, it's quite nice to climb schools as well, specifically McCallum over on Sunshine. If you can figure out a way to get under the school and in to the fallout bunker, let me know, I'm still looking for a way in. Theres tunnels down there since the school was built during The Red Scare, as well as ACC Rio Grande and maybe Reagen (But fuck Reagen)

>> No.58714

Central shaft for delivery to the lower leves of the fort

>> No.58740


Im a senior at mccallum, i can help you find a way in

>> No.58883

Anyone know a good place in Sweden? I've been dying to go exploring but the only places I know of is the shitholes under Slussen and Kodak's factory, which are both places I'd rather not visit due to the security and being destroyed by retarded kids. (I live in Stockholm, if that matters.)

>> No.58898
File: 155 KB, 430x451, MOLEMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mole people are there, and they do not like us surface dwellers.

>> No.58925

any german anon here who knows if there are any good places in germany for urbex

i was always interested in it but i dont know any places

>> No.58928

went to check out this abandoned construction site. Smelt something burning, went to check it out, found a pile of trash burning in a room in front of me. Suddenly some homeless guy walks in behind me and mumbles something. 'got scared, jumped across the fire in front of me and out the window, realizing I was on the 2nd floor only midair. Thankfully I landed safe.

Some old military installation ~500m down a tunnel flashlight falls in a puddle of mud, gets wet and stops working > feeling my way back to the exit by touching the walls

>> No.58980
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well we are not /r here ... but some moar

>> No.58981
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>> No.59117

anyone know of any good places near Indianapolis? preferably in a nicer area.

>> No.59169

go to any random train-tracks and follow them, there are a ridiculous amount of abandoned stops and operational booths around.

>> No.59293

Oh shit good idea, the train recently started running round here again so I know the tracks are complete but it had been closed down for ages, there's got to be some sweet stuff.

>> No.59350

Maine/MA have a few good places, but I've really only crawled around the abandoned mills and some spot where a company was building inside them (my god, what a rush, the signs saying GTFO were what excited me) in Biddeford/Saco, ME

overall, a pretty large place

>> No.59458

Rooftops in the hmong district Green Bay, WI

>> No.61204


>> No.61220

there's an old mental hospital about an hour away from where I live. Next summer I wanna get some buddies and ride our motorcycles up there and explore it.

>> No.61243

any rockland or nearby rocklandfags letchworth (abandoned asylum) has some buildings that are worth checking out, the coolest one for me is the power plant, still got all the machinery and mulitple levels for climbing and shit, also Tweed in tappan is pretty cool, a bunch of tunnels from an old shooting range that got abandoned after a shell hit someone's house or something, also a lot of walls for painting if you are into that

>> No.61250

finish the damn story i dc if its bullshit
also for anyone interested in them mole people
i am watching this, can't say if its good yet

>> No.61268


Here is an article about people living in the sewers under the strip in Vegas.

>> No.61335

Where these philly spots? I know of a couple divine, croydon etc.

>> No.61494

DAMMM YOU /diy/! Was going to bed then I step in this thread...now it's 3 in the morning >:( I've always wanted to explore weird parts where I live but can never find friends to do so. Most of them go mad and say to grow the fuck up.

C'mon bro up and tell all your stories. Will tell one later today if I have the time though, it's kinda crappy and not awesome like the Vito one...

>> No.61499


who wants to urbex with me?

>> No.61504
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>(I'm pretty sure everybody knows a dude named Mike with odd connections

>> No.61505
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I'm in Orange city/ Daytona beach area do a lot of trail hiking/ bike ridding. id like to find some more cool places.

>> No.61510

Eh, no pics, no good stories.. some suggestions about techniques though. Daytime is better than nighttime for this sort of thing. Flashlights attract attention. If all you have is a camera, and take nothing out, your fine. If you have a tool of some kind they can say its burglery tools. All they have on you is simple tresspass if all your doing is looking around. Don't lift manhole covers to get in. That is a specific ordinance and crime in alot of places. You can usually get into stormsewers out on the edge of towns someplace, where they have them drain into wetlands or water retention areas to let silt settle out. If there is a highway on the edge of urban area, look in the center median for some sort of drain structure. If you stop for a sec and check it out you can usually tell which direction its running. In a straight line from there in the direction away from town is going to be the storm sewer outlet pipes. Some hiking around and you will find the way in. Good luck.

>> No.61635

what part of socal?

>> No.62084

conejo valley/ ventura county area. I havent gone exploring in a long time and i need to start up again

>> No.62446

If this thread is still alive in 5-6 hours ill post up pictures of the place im checking out today

>> No.62503

Started urbex last year. Ended up stopping only a few weeks later. I went with a crew of about four people my first time. We went to the sewers and the first thing I heard was a man screaming in pain and what seemed like a very angry girl. I couldn't make any of the words out and was scared shitless to go on, but the others told me it would be fine.

Well ten minutes later, I hear the sound of metal being dragged and a good five minutes after that we see a girl, who besides being bloodied up and looking angry as fuck, was very pretty. Oh and she was dragging a bloody baseball bat. My group just moved against the wall while she walked past us. I thought I'd never have to see her again.

I'll continue this in my next post.

>> No.62513

We didn't see anything else too notable, but we did all get to know each other really well so it was worth it. We planned a few more trips for the next weeks. Everything was going pretty well. Then two weeks later we decided to go back to that sewer.

That was a mistake. The two girls in our group had some sorority shindig to go to, so it was just us guys. We had a football player with us, so we thought we were safe. We go down to the sewer and lo and behold, it's that girl. She didn't look too dirty, so I assumed she has just stepped in. Being a nervous wreck, I accidentally asked her if she wanted to join us. She accepted and showed us around. Pretty funny, seemed sweet enough. Eventually, one of the guys in our group asked the question "Do you ever get attacked?". Well she just swung her dented baseball bat in the air and said "Nope". That should have been our warning.

We stepped out of the sewer for a bit to go through the area around it.


>> No.62529

Out of fucking no where, this guy came running at us with a goddamn samurai sword or something. Maybe it was just a pole, I couldn't tell. This girl slammed his head with her bat. She went on this whole thing about how she can't die because then everything dies and her mom will be sad. And then she kept at it until his head was mush. That's all I can describe it as. Mush. She just stepped back and admired her work, then went on to show us her favorite places. We tried to make idle chatter to distract from what just happened, and the football player started talking about his little sister's birthday. This girl pulls out a ziploc back FULL of jewelry and things that shouldn't be in a sewer but were. She just hands him the bag, says he should give everything a good wash, and tell his little sister happy birthday from Kristen. I got freaked out at that point and made some bullshit excuse about forgetting it's my cat's birthday today and we all got the fuck out of there. She was so sweet, but turned into a killing machine so suddenly. I haven't done any urbex since then.

Moral of the story: Be careful about ANYONE you meet while doing this stuff.

>> No.62534

guy was probably trying to rape her. She did a good thing. Why would you run away from someone so awesomely batshit insane, but with a good heart?

>> No.62554

Clearly she is the slayer of the mole people.

>> No.62563
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I think I've seen her around

>> No.62565

Do you guys know anywhere to explore here in Killeen? I'm sure there has got to be some old buildings that Fort Hood doesn't use anymore or something along those lines.

>> No.62652

I've always wanted to get into this, but I don't have any friends who'd be interested and could never do things like that alone. There's so many amazing places here too (Massachusetts).

>> No.62698


where in mass? i live in southern NH and i want to go wicked bad right now

>> No.63031

Where was this?

>> No.63035

I live in Vegas, anybody want to explore the underground tunnel system and abandoned mines?
Let me know, I have alot of experience down there.

>> No.63301

Southeastern Massachusetts

>> No.63336

is anyone in Virginia? I really wanna do urbex but I figure it's not a good thing for a girl to do alone :(

>> No.63474

Newport News? You can see my rant about there being a lack of places to go to earlier in the thread.

>> No.63513


Roanoke :( there's a couple of old abandoned warehouses and railroad stations, but no one for me to go with

>> No.63519

i wanted to urbanx but it was too complicated with religious

>> No.64247

how so?

>> No.64268

Hey, SE Mass and Souther NH guy... I'm in Somerville, MA. Grew up down on Cape Cod, where there are surprisingly some awesome spots, (abandoned refinery of some sort in a massive sand and gravel pit in Hyannis,) either of you dudes know of some good spots in Cambridge or Somerville? Or in the greater Boston Area in general? No car atm unfortunately, so has to be somewhat accessible by bus or train. Willing to do some walking obviously...

>> No.65987

>undercover police op
They're trying to catch people doing urbex? Please elaborate.

>> No.65993


>> No.66052

is there any real way to tell if there are cops keeping an eye on a particular place or if there are alarms, silent or otherwise? A year or so I was exploring what my friends called "a glass mine" and one of the morons set off an alarm. Cool shit there, have video and everything, dude didn't call the cop thankfully.

>> No.66055

do any of you know any places in western Oregon that are interesting?

>> No.66056

I live in Malden, check out the danvers insane-asylum, spidergate cemetery, bunch of abandoned factories/stops along the commuter rail. uhh blue hills reservation

>> No.66098

Guys! I'm looking to go on a very specific trip. There's a street art gallery in an unfinished, abandoned subway station in Brooklyn, NY. The location is kept secret, and I've looked through forums for hours trying to look for someone who might know where it is. Just wondering, any of you know anything or know people who might know how to get to it?

>> No.66116

Native from the Dalles here, I'd reccomend Shaniko and wandering out in Friend.. you find weird Blair Witch Project-ish things out in the woods a lot.

>> No.66153

Danvers Insane Asylum no longer exists... it's now called "Avalon Danvers." Hell, none of the original Kirkbride-era asylums in Massachusetts exist anymore...

>> No.66174

>up in the Jacksonville area

been anywhere good?
Jacksonville covers a lot of ground

>> No.66237

hey guy. im in the valley; 503 area. pretty much anywhere where there is fences and concrete. anyone else from oregon?

>> No.66241

Hey guys do you know any place in NY,Long island that had abandoned buildings/asylums I can explore at? I always wanted to visit such a place and gain some ideas I can make into some youtube thing.

>mfw captcha: suspicious

>> No.66264
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The mecca for Uberex (here in RI at least)
The Ladd school,

>> No.66298


Shame that nobody's ever near Danville. There's some cool shit to explore here, but getting into places without getting caught is a challenge. The old Dan River Mill buildings are awesome.

>> No.66351

Got to explore a old store. Found blood, broken glass, broken tables. Pretty recent. Had to go, but going back tommorow equipped. If anyone else is there (found a working fridge) they're in for a surprise.

>> No.66388



I'm from Maine and I live in Boston during the school year. I lack a car too, but I'm totally game to travel a bit to find cool stuff.

>> No.66409

I'd be happy to do some urbex with a fellow philly phag, but not before I get my concealed carry permit.

>> No.66469

up to about 8 years ago we had an abandoned insane asylum in town. 16-20ish i went in there about once a year. mostly at night and until we got chased out by security or we freaked each other out so bad we bailed. some of the most fun ive ever had. ill search around for some pictures if you guys want.

>> No.66487


Sup fellow New Englander and potential fellow urbex adventurer. I'm the Somervillefag from
I'm pretty overwhelmed with school, work and an endearingly unstable hispanic girlfriend most of the time, but maybe a daytime weekend expedition to some place cool could be arranged... my 4chan email is MrImportantPants@gmail.com, I check it now and again, get in touch if you feel like it.

Thanks for the info, khed. I'll check some of those out. Shame about the Danvers Asylum. I had always meant to go explore that place. Anyone know when they tore it down? I feel like one of my friends made a trip there in the not too distant past...

>> No.67422

Any good spots in the Kennewick/Richland/Pasco region of Washington?

>> No.67478

Brunswickfag here. Hitting up the BNAS with a bro sometime after thanksgiving vacation with some friends. First proper urbex EVAH. Will post pics for great justice.

>> No.67483

anyone in Pa trying to explo'? been trying to find a group for awhile with no luck

>> No.67499

I live in PA, but where I am literally has nothing. There's a few (occupied) houses, but all around that are woods. Infested with deer and bears. I'd go out on me 4-wheeler, but I don't really have any weapons that would put down a 1/4 ton beast. Might get a shotgun if I save up enough, just in case.

>> No.67577

where the hell are you?

>> No.67609

I have been doing the whole urban exploration for about seven yrs now. It is truly a funt hing. I remember the whole mole ppl under the las vegas ordeal. Remember seeing a special on tv about it. Always make sure to go with a partner if you do this crap. Don't want to be walking around and the floor goes out under you, next thing know you are doing 127 hours, but with a stupid piece of building pinning you down. Also if you are in an area and you get a lil dizzy, have common sense and gtfo, chances are you are breathing in fumes that are fucking you up.

>> No.67624

>See a girl
>Bloody clothes and bat
>Beat a man either senseless, or to death
>Oh, and she was pretty.
Yep, that's 4chan for ya.

>> No.67844


Try Fairview, the abandoned mental hospital in Salem. It has (mostly) sealed up tunnels, a shitload of creepy buildings built in the 20s. Should be some flickr accounts with good pictures. Supposedly, the tunnels connect with the Juvy hall a mile away, and another goes to the hospital downtown, though I know for a fact that their end of it is sealed. Should be a track in the tunnel though.

>> No.67938
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Thread started on

The last post was at

The fuck yo.

>> No.68052

Anyone know any good places in Mpls, I have managed to get into the Pillsbury tower once, but they boarded it up before I could fully explore it, as well as some of the rain sewers under st. Paul,

>> No.68461

I'm down as fuck. I'm in the 760 and everybody is a pussy and isn't down for any type of adventure unless there is cocaine for them somewhere along the lines.

>> No.68699

Bumping from the depths of hell for an interesting read.