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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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519632 No.519632 [Reply] [Original]

what can I do to make money on the side?

I currently have a full time job and i'm trying to save a lot of money but it's just not enough, so what i'd like to do is spend some money on tools, sewing machine, saws, or some other things

you see, I have no practice with any skills like those really, but i'm a very fast learner and i'd like something I can get really good at with practice and make money with, maybe selling creations

or even fixing cars and selling em

any tips? how do you make money on the side?

>> No.519638

you could sleep with 1000 fat chicks for $50 a piece

>> No.519641 [DELETED] 

or 1000 Really fat chicks for $1000 a piece

>> No.519648

or 50 hot chicks for 1000 $ a piece if you're alpha enough

>> No.519652

no one wants a male prostitute

and even if they did, how do I put myself out there?

>> No.519658


>> No.519659

so you're telling me girls will pay to sleep with a man?

you better not be bustin my asshole

>> No.519661

where exactly are these types of services listed under?

>> No.519729

Yea but don't expect a 10/10 girl wanting to pay you. Most likely you're going to get some ugly fat girl or weird ass ugly skinny girl.

>> No.519733

From what I've heard, when girls go for this thing it's generally paying a guy to be their plus one for an event rather than being alone. The sex is just part of the package.

>> No.519753

I sell candy to kids.

>> No.519785

>jewish pedophile

>hey little girl wanna buy some candy?

>> No.519845

There are tons of ways to make some easy money on the side.
I don't really want to be a dick, but those of us who do it, figured it out on our own. Don't expect to be spoon fed step by step what you have to do. Just search and research, until you find something that works for you.

>> No.519857

grow and sell mushrooms. i make like 2k a month doing it

>> No.519860

my sides are in orbit

>> No.519957

Assuming you're talking about gourmets and not magics, how do you sell them?

It's the only reason I didn't bother, does seem like a fun hobby though.

>> No.519962
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 20130311_195347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make good money modding game consoles. got 210 on this one.

>> No.519965


drug mushrooms or legal mushrooms?

>> No.519977

this is not helpful

>> No.520025

You suck man.
That's gross.

>> No.520026 [DELETED] 

In a similar situation, was sort of hoping that there would be good ideas in this thread. Not so much so far, eh?

Most of the money I get on the side comes from fixing computers for people. I've tackled some pretty tough jobs, but for the most part these are things that I think any competent person could fix.

I'd like to start tutoring in math and doing commissioned artwork, but there are less people looking for those and they're less selective.

One idea I had was making cat play trees at home. I figure there is very little overhead in that area, all you need is scrap lumber, scrap carpeting, twine, and a staple gun. Hell the more I think about it the more I want to fill my garage with the things. Have you seen the prices they can go for?

>> No.520027

In a similar situation, was sort of hoping that there would be good ideas in this thread. Not so much so far, eh?

Most of the money I get on the side comes from fixing computers for people. I've tackled some pretty tough jobs, but for the most part these are things that I think any competent person could fix.

I'd like to start tutoring in math and doing commissioned artwork, but there are less people looking for those and they're more selective.

One idea I had was making cat play trees at home. I figure there is very little overhead in that area, all you need is scrap lumber, scrap carpeting, twine, and a staple gun. Hell the more I think about it the more I want to fill my garage with the things. Have you seen the prices they can go for?

>> No.520028

Find something you know a lot about, and flip it on ebay or etsy depending on the item (avoid ebay if possible).

The trick is to already know a niche item. For example, I crochet and my mother weaves. I can immediately tell when a blanket, placemat, scarf, or whatever is handmade and what kind of quality it is. I can guess most major yarn brands by feel and sight as well. So I buy handmade shit from Goodwill and sell it on Etsy.
I really want to get into dropshipping now that I've moved abroad though. I want to find a good item on alibaba to sell on amazon, but the few I've ordered a test piece of have been total shit that would kill my seller ratings. Very sad.

>> No.520033

the problem is, (and I'm not the same person), if I post my methods, people are going to ask a ton of LMGTFY questions which is just frustrating.

And if you post a link to a guide you did or something you can track like a referral, you can easily see that channers start and then immediately quit and forget about it. I have posted stuff over and over on DIY and never seen anyone actually pick it up and run with it. Despite massive interest and me sticking around playing 20 questions, there's never any follow-through.

There's this expectation that somehow there is free money to be made online, so people aren't willing to do the work required.

Most long-term non-sales online money methods require an adsense account, so why don't you all go figure out how to make one, and then come back to this thread? I'll wait.

>> No.520034

But none of that is the point of this thread, at least as I see it. OP (and me) wants ideas and tips, not a step by step guide. So post what you're doing (some kind of web content with ads? I don't know wtf you guys are talking about) and any tips you have that might not be found so easily in a google search. People are going to ask stupid questions no matter what you do, most of us just ignore it.

>> No.520036


>I'm not really making any money on the side.
>I'm actually 12.

>> No.520038

I am a horticulturalist. Roses.

>> No.520045

I also would like some tips, I have quite a bit of spare time and would like some quick cash methods.

>> No.520051

web answers
all of these let you make money with adsense. Start a blog or write some articles, or just answer questions. Make the blog first and get approved for adsense with it, then start the others.

>what should I write about
download the free trial of market samurai and research keywords related to your interests.

You could also sell a service on fiverr

>> No.520054


>Can I have it for 10 cents?


>> No.520061 [DELETED] 

>You could also sell a service on fiverr
How will I ever compete...

>> No.520069

Do you think growing mushrooms indoors is profitable? If yes, how can I start such a thing? I know there is a local mushroom type which is sold for like 300$/kilo to Japan. Those are used in dishes but I can easily go into dark side and grow magic mushrooms.

I guess very little area is used for this and is a "set and forget" type of system. Any experienced people here?

>> No.520083

if you are proficient with computers you can set up a freelance system builder or tech support system.

just put up flyers on community messageboards, people will be willing to pay you if they can get it cheaper and actually built well.

you might have to be a bit shady with windows licenses though, if you offer them a cracked copy you might run into trouble, also its only a cash deal.

just offer to go with them to pick up components, build it and set it up.

offer 'customer education' for an extra bit of money, if you have a local computer store tell them that you will always bring people in if you can have slight discounts on their parts to help with your buisness and theirs. remember, those are run by people as well.

be honest and let them know if and when they are being fucked over. you can potentially charge 100-150 bucks for a full system setup, and some slight extra for education and software management.

pretend like its harder than it actually is and like you are working really hard, make some mockup buisness cards and always be extremely polite with customers, tell them you are giving them some off or actually take some money off the bill, your customer base will grow from word of mouth.

a lot of office supply stores will print up fridge magnets and other promotional items.

but i still cant stress enough how you need to be nice to the customer, go out of your way to help them until you feel comfortable enough to charge more. even stuff like offering to backup all their DVDs to a HDD for easy watching can get you some money. it takes a little setup but can be profitable.

>> No.520108

>you might have to be a bit shady with windows licenses though, if you offer them a cracked copy you might run into trouble, also its only a cash deal.
My dad works as an IT guy at his company, and they pay for the privilege for him to generate his own serial numbers. Before you try to claim otherwise he doesn't work for the biggest company, so I can't imagine it being out of the reach of those willing to take proper steps to be legitimate. I'd consider it on par with contractors being insured; a necessary evil because most customers expect it.

>> No.520119

I'm in a barracks.

I sell soda's and gatorades to the other guys. Buy a 12 pack of soda's for like 4 bucks, sell them for a dollar each. Buy gatorades 10 for 10, sell them for 2 bucks each.

Big money maker is 6 packs of beer. I buy them for like 5-6 bucks, sell for 10.

Takes no work and it's easy money, tax free purchases for me too.

>> No.520231

how many hours did it take?

>> No.520324

Does anybody have experience with tearing down shitty PCs?

I have ways of gaining 98 era computers for pocket change, and people tell me that selling off computer guts, even from shittier machines, is massive profit. I know easily enough of their construction to make that happen, but I'm naturally skeptical.

>> No.520331
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roughly two. this one has a modden controller as well, along with an external dvd drive, larger heatsink, and an extra fan. Took 4 hours

>> No.520340

there are some older components that seem to go for ridiculous prices. namely AGP and old PCI graphics cards, slimline IDE disk drives, and to a far lesser extent the CPUs.

if you can find a bunch of those unbelievably shitty GPUs you could be selling them for $30. Those compact dell desktops that organizations used to buy by the pallet are a good source of disk drives. I'm not sure how much value there is in old RAM or anything else.

>> No.520343

what do you use to do this?

what knowledge does it take?

how'd you add the extra fan? and the lights? what's powering the red lights on your other pic?

>> No.520345

where do you sell that shit to? who's buyin it?

>> No.520347

very very good idea, i'm kinda bleh with actual hardware work but I could learn that easily thanks for the idea,

what parts would be important? what would people want? like gaming computers?

off the top of my head all I can think of is, RAM, Harddrives, DVD/cd Drives, graphics cards, sound cards, fans, computer case, mouses, keyboards, monitors. would the computer be from scratch? like motherboards too and power supplies?

windows would be easy to install cracks with

>> No.520352

I think i'm gonna make one, srs I have a lot of interests and well, I think i'd do pretty well or at least have fun with it

what do you blog about? do you just blog whatever is popular with your own spin on it?

>> No.520365


I'm interested in this as well. the biggest market for old components I can think of is companies that have ancient proprietary software that requires ancient computers, but I doubt that'd be a very steady source if income.

>> No.520380

torx t10/8/6 screwdrivers, soldering iron, dremel, parts from a broken box, spray paint, speaker wire, hot glue, led strips, and some thermal compound.

I learned everything on google. over the course of a day or two.

the fan and lights are all powered by 12v or 5v contacts on the back of the mobo. the little fan on the gpu heatsink in the other pic is actually held on by small red zip ties.

>> No.520388

how'd you hook em up to the mobo?

are there extra contacts? for the purpose of modification?

i'm guessing modification of computers would require some of the same items

where'd you get em led strips? how much?

broken box? you mean broken xbox?

how much was your dremel bro?

>> No.520392

soldered them to the power contacts from the plug. google "xbox360 12v contact"

the older 360's have some 3-prong fan contacts. the newer ones have contacts for internal usb storage and some other cool stuff.

I buy all my stuff from ebay. $10 for a 10m strip. had enougg left over for a sound aactivated set for a beer pong table.

yea, a broken xbox. my bad. I can usually talk people out of em for next to nothing. some are even fixable for resale.

I borrowed my uncles and just bough the blades and heads I needed.

>> No.520400

what if whatever you wanna solder to it is like, 7v? or does it have to be exact? stupid question I know

how much you make from doing this? doesn't seem too hard if you can get creative

>> No.520403

there's 3v, 5v, and 12v contacts. so you can have 3/5/7/9/12v power depending on how you wire it.

most profitable single project was $400. did all the cooling mods, paint and plastics, rapidfire controllers, lights, and a new power supply. it got so pricey because I water cooled the gpu. ill never do another one of those.

>> No.520407

you profited $400? or that's how much you sold it for?

how's the rapidfire thing done?

why not do another one? that's a lot of money

did you do that n THEN sell it? or do it for someone?

>> No.520412


I see baskets of the stuff going for a respectable price at the computer shop (the type of place where everyone's an asshole. You know what I mean.) The disk drives from irreparable machines, and unquestionably bad ones, command at least 40 bucks- something I would never pay for the quality given the existence of ebay, but hell, people do.

>> No.520436

I could see purchasing old machines if I owned a pc repair shop, since the type of people that bring their older pc into a pc repair shop are the kind of people who lend themselves to being ripped off.

>> No.520442

I don't sell them myself, but while looking for replacement parts for clients I've run across components that run crazy prices like these. I think virtual machines have eliminated the need for legacy hardware in most commercial settings. Really the only people looking for this sort of thing are those trying to replace parts in older computers for personal use or something like that. So there aren't actually that many people buying, the only reason the prices are so high is the constantly dwindling supply of these parts.

>> No.520448

I made right at 275 after buying all the stuff.

its a chip soldered to the controllers trigger, bumper, and stick contacts. then you have to add a way to turn the mod on or off. I jist add an extra trigger so you can have rapid fire and a rregular at the same time.

with the new ome coming out nobody wants tto drop that kinda money to juice up and old one. As soon as someone documents the contacts on the new one ill start those.

I've done them aand then sold them, and I've taken them for people. Just depends on supply.

>> No.520467

some one will

>> No.520473

I shoot clips for clips4sale, fetish stuff.

>> No.520482

for realzies?
i can get paid to talk about my feelings and gayness?

>> No.520487

I design and build indoor hydroponic gardens for people. Benefit is that most people pay in cash under the table.

>> No.520503

psylocibin. shrooms.

>> No.520504


>> No.520538

We'll I used to grow mushrooms the psychedelic kind, and it isn't just letting them grow then sell em. If you want a low maintenance system you can easily set up one after doing some reading on a website that has guides on growing. Mushrooms usually go for $160 an ounce, and to make a lot of money you need to grow a lot and know the people who would buy them. Not too many people take shrooms though, so finding a market which wouldn't get you caught aka "high school kids" and which you would be able to get a bunch of product sold. Overall I don't think you should even try to grow psychedelic mushrooms because it would turn into a full time job.

>> No.520542

Make cigar box electric guitars, the parts cost 25ish dollars and you can sell them for 40-50+ depending on how well you put them together and depending on they sound.

>> No.520560

My barracks brother.

When I was deployed, we went to a lot of FOBs out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, I'm talking not even a PX open once a month kinda places. I'd pick up some of those ultra-cheap cartons of french smokes from the haji shop for 3 bucks a carton, sell them for five bucks a pack to the soldiers out in the sticks.

Made a nice little chunk'a change doing that.

>> No.520561

Why do you think it will turn into full-time job? I have some old PC cases. I thought i will make a glass cage in them and cover with some alimunium then add light,heater,water anything that is needed. I live in a dormitory so I will go small and in univ, I really can find people I think.
I am double majoring EE and psychology so I really want to find those "set and forget" ways. Growing things is the first thing that came to my mind and I guess shrooms are the most viable option.

Can you give me the names of shrooms you've grown?

>> No.520564


Yeah, but how much time does it take to make one? If you take over a couple hours to make one and the profit is ~$25, that's not that much money.
Although if it's something you like doing, that's fine.

>> No.520565

This thread interests me. I work a fulltime job as well, but I need some additional cashflow. Thought about doing the furniture selling thing, but I like in a military town with tons of ultra-cheap furniture stores around here. No profit in it.

Military vet, lotta interesting training there.
Good problem solving
Great driver. Give me anything from a smart car up to an 18-wheeler and I will take it where you need to go.
Great with people. Charismatic, can fit into new situations with new people easily.
Morally 'flexible'
Got something you need me to be? Give me two weeks to study up on it. Won't be an expert, but I'm a quick study, and retain stuff well.

The bad:
Can't run anymore (set of screws holding an ankle together. Gift of the Army.)
Little overweight. Not a lot, but I'm starting to get some pudge.
No college
Very internet savy without being computer savvy. Just never learned how to do stuff like programming.
Poorly self-motivated. I do my best with a clear goal.


>> No.520566

I *live in a military town

>> No.520577

Suck dicks or get a better job

>> No.520584



>> No.520593

you what i do as well
i dont have my old phone which had most of my xboxs ive done

but i live in a college town and this shit pays for its self and then some. once people knew i was doing it people were asking me about every other day.
but also it being a college town i got paid in beer/liquor and weed more then i did cash some times

>> No.520594

>Can't run anymore (set of screws holding an ankle together. Gift of the Army.)

you got screws too in your ankle? how did you do it
i fell off a cliff on a morning run

>> No.520597
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I write articles on hubpages. Here is an example of a basic article relating to investing. I only make ~ 3 cents/day from natural traffic, but say you wrote a blog a day for 5 years, had good backlinks and good SEO as well as publishing on multiple article sites you would make good passive income.

My article is a decently written stand alone article with no back-links ect.

Here is my example:


It's really easy to format your articles and setting up the account to receive funds is really easy. You can write about pretty much any topic as well (got something DIY related? write an article about it).

>> No.520602

all that typed shit for 3 cents a day?

>> No.520605

Write nearly 2000 articles more like he's suggesting and together they're equivalent to one minimum wage job.
The generic problem with these moneymaking threads is the expectation of making lots of money by doing minimal amount of some trivial (but legal) no-skill work.

>> No.520606

how'd you get an adsense account?

>> No.520616

Submariner. I take a log of chewing tobacco when we go places, maybe 3-7 logs depending. But I wait till everyone runs out and they crave it, sell it for $5-10 more depending on how bad they want it

>> No.520622

>I write articles on a advertisement sharing site

I would never advice anyone to ever do this unless they have a natural and very prolific talent for churning out miles and miles of mostly braindead rehashes of other peoples knowledge.

I decided to try it once. After writing a bunch of articles I realized that If I took the time invested in writing the shit and spent that on some practical skill, any practical skill, I'd end up earning a shitload more while actually learning something useful while at it.

I mean, you earn 3 cents a day. That's less than a dollar per month. I could earn as much by doing pretty much anything.

>> No.520624

if that isn't a LMGTFY....

>> No.520635
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While it's pretty much nothing backlinking, improving SEO, and posting the same content on a few sites can make the traffic of each article jump multiple folds. I mean instead of fapping for the 6th time each day, or playing the 10th LoL game write an article and slowly amass some passive income.


If anyone does register feel free to message me on hubpages I'd be happy to help you out.

>> No.520663

>do something mind numbingly boring that will pay you something like $1 in five years time or do something fun.

I think I'll pick fun. Passive income for the most part is just a bullshit bait "you'll earn this much money while doing nothing for FOREVER! OMG!"

Sure, you can earn money, but you need hard work and a good and viable strategy, writing random articles will never ever give you enough to live by. You'll spend ten hours writing articles and over the course of a year you'd earn 10$ from them, if the articles are good.

With the same time you could've got some exercise and picked $200 worth of mushrooms from the fucking forest, a task that the most uncerebral hunter gatherer could've done ten thousand years ago. Or flipped burgers for $10 an hour and got $100.

>If anyone does register feel free to message me on hubpages I'd be happy to help you out.
"here's my affiliate link, now I can earn money by propagating this degenerated form of moneymaking, not that anyone is likely to actually earn money from starting this but the allure of promised profit is worth propagating this shit."

>> No.520666

>>If anyone does register feel free to message me on hubpages I'd be happy to help you out.
>"here's my affiliate link, now I can earn money by propagating this degenerated form of moneymaking, not that anyone is likely to actually earn money from starting this but the allure of promised profit is worth propagating this shit."

The guy knows his shit. But I agree, you want money do something- etsy is a blessing and a curse you need to make sure it's not another baby headband with a flower, but if you can do something unique you can at least make a wave before there are 20 copycat etsyer's out there.

>> No.520668

Get your own fucking blog instead of an article aggregator. Not only are you allowed to put any content you want on it, you'll be free to post all kinds of affiliate links on it too.

What the article aggregators do is essentially steal 50% of your advertisement incomes and in return does nothing at all.

If you have ads enabled on 4chan, you've probably seen the "worst thing you can buy" advertisement, the guy runs a blog, and he lists absolutely fucking terrible shit on amazon while writing snarky comments to it, it's quite amusing to read and see all the bullshit listed there(assuming you're bored and looking to kill a few hours). There's no advertisements on the page either.

What he doesn't tell is that the links are affiliate links to amazon, and if you buy anything within 24 or 48 hours from amazon after clicking a link on that blog, he gets a few percentage of the price of that article. Now that's a good approach to earning money. You provide a basic service that people find amusing or useful, meanwhile you bake in some discrete methods of monetization in it.

If you want to earn internet monies, that's how you do it:
1. Create something people can appreciate.
2. somehow make money of it.

>> No.520672

>but if you can do something unique you can at least make a wave before there are 20 copycat etsyer's out there.

Learn some semi-skilled craft.

Buy a diamond point etching device and learn to do caligraphy with it. Now sure, every fucking moron can buy an identical etching device for ~$50 or whatever, but not everyone can Etch a name or pretentious quotes with a stable hand in loopy handwriting onto beer glasses.

Of course a CNC etcher for rounded surfaces would probably be a better choice.

>> No.520679

or a thousand fat chicks at a dollar per kilo?

>> No.520791


You're gonna get some grody ugly ass old black women. Just saiyan.

>> No.520802

Seriously how do you make money without it being straight from a job?

>> No.520804


Oh-ho-ho, look who's too good for bestialities!

>> No.520815

Sucking dick or crime

>> No.520818

what fetish?
wanna share a link?

>> No.520820

I hope you get murdered.

>> No.520826


To make money shooting porn implies people pay for porn but I guess it's gotta come from somewhere. How do you find the girls?

>> No.520829

I'm concerned about posting the link and getting banned, but I shoot whatever fetishes I feel comfortable with, so it's a wide range of stuff. Foot fetish, femdom, shibari, cosplay, latex, panties, gloves, splosh, whatever. The models are super easy to get for me because I used to be a fetish model as well. Fetlife and Model Mayhem, plus models from the paysites I used to work with. A lot of models out there are also willing to do content trades where you shoot stuff for your site, and then you also shoot stuff for their site. No money exchanges hands, you just take care of the proper paperwork and everybody wins.

>> No.520831

Hello /diy/ new to this board. I was on /pol/ late last night and we were having a great thread. No JIDF no SRS. Nothing. Just great discussion. One anon mentioned lurking on /k/ /pol/ and another board I forgot. Someone else mentioned that he should lurk here to. So I thought I would stop by and see what goes on here and I must say that I enjoy the content even tho it is slow moving. I was wondering if how to threads were OK to post here? I run a small business doing flooring and have for 10 years and just thought that on my next job I would document a start to finish hardwood flooring project. The real stuff not the cheap crap. I didn't want to start a new thread to slide anything else or risk a ban if it wasn't OK. Also sorry OP. I don't mean to hijack your thread. Just a few responces and I will be on my way. Thanks fellow anons.

>> No.520835


Yeah dude, totally make a thread. People make threads just detailing their own projects all the time, it's one of the reasons this board stays so great.

>> No.520836

Thanks a ton anon. I'll have a hob coming up soon and I'll take pictures from start to finish.

>> No.520880

If you don't mind, would you share what "studio" you run? I'm new to clips4sale and would be incredibly grateful if you were to share some advice for me. Most studios have contact info on their pages so I figured it'd be worth it to ask so we could correspond over email.

>> No.520943

I think an important thing to remember is some semi raw materials for you to process into a finished, higher quality product. for instance when i finally move into new house ill have room to sew, and i happen to be fond of saris. etsy sells vintage ones for $14 and up, and one sari can be anywhere from 5 to 7 yards of fabric. compare to a $65 a set pair of "sari" curtains on amazon made from silk or cotton that almost looks like a sari. so i can spend $14 dollars, and even if i go as low as
$45 a set, im still making a $31 dollar profit, while beating out competition. and making curtains from something with almost all finished edges is easy peasy. just set yourself aside some capital to get booming

>> No.521057

Play to your strengths. If you have a large following on any social network, play to that audience. If you know a lot about a topic that's not yet been put online, write about it.

It takes experimentation. You'll find a niche.

>> No.521060

Hubpages is a good place for certain types of articles. I have my own website but use hubpages for articles which don't generate revenue on a standalone site. Hubpages also does eBay affiliate which is a PAIN otherwise. My best HP article nets me average $1 per day. When I tried it on adsense and amazon alone, it made literally zero because it plays to an audience who doesn't click ads.

>> No.521062

the guy who posted this originally isn't good at what he's doing. I make decent money on hubpages (around $50 a month and I stopped even logging in around January).

The point isn't to write random shit and regurgitate knowledge for a measly 10 views per day. It's to write something no one's written about or no one's written WELL and take that top spot on google for a term with 1000+ searches per day. And there are millions if you can find them.

Jesus I promised myself I wouldn't get sucked into one of these threads again and look at me still fucking replying.

>> No.521089

Men will oay to sleep with men. They would be busting your ass hole.

>> No.521122

sell drugs

>> No.521127
File: 2.05 MB, 480x271, 1349493398480.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat me to it

>> No.521131

find someone that sells , buy form him and sell it with more money . easy shit niguuh

>> No.521153


>> No.521413


Oh, look at the three wisemen over here. Drugs! Why did nobody think of that? Genius.

>> No.521614

The hard part is actually gaining audience, which is driving me crazy.

>> No.521672

Your help is appreciated by more than you know.

This might be a LMGTFY, but are there listing services or something else by which to find these highly viewed topics that have shit for the top results, or is it just sitting with notepad open and searching for shit manually?

>> No.521683

not him but the best bet would be to start searching subject you have personal knowledge / experience with. Try to find some narrow aspect to write a good article about and expand from there.

>> No.521951

Burdensome addicts deserve it.

>> No.522036

it'll take money and a lot of time, but scour craigslist for good deals on motorcycles - REALLY good deals - and part them out on ebay or forums for those bikes.

>> No.522057

if you have a smartphone and don't mind hanging out at a goodwill, get the bookscouter app and scan away at paperback books at 40 cents a head, made about 120 bucks and spent 12 dollars total.

>> No.522065

cunts who prey on other peoples weakness do.

>> No.522086

Capitalism ho!

>> No.522115

market samurai free trial will get you started

>> No.522118


A bunch of people i knew at college whored themselves out.

Male friends... they just went into a brothel. The pay was ok at best, they needed a strong drink tough, because the ladies that want to fuck are not the ones who can get it easy.

>> No.522982

I flip cars. I find really good deals on cars that need minor maintenance (issues that are easy for me to fix, but that devalue the car alot). I usually get them from a public auction and craigslist postings. I average about $3000 a month. Some months are shit, others are great. Just stay away from cars with extensive body damage. Body damage is the most difficult/expensive to fix, unless you're a body guy. I stick to cars that have lots of minor issues.

>> No.523050

>wahh, survival of the fittest hurts my feels