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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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486044 No.486044 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend some good home brew recipes? And how to make home brew in general. I'm very interested in how to make moonshine as my great grandfather sold moonshine for his sole means of income. Kind of cool, I guess.
>pic related

>> No.486050

If you're in the US, making moonshine will land you in jail under the right circumstances. It is quite illegal.

As to making good beer, just go to a homebrew supplier and buy a recipe kit for your first few batches.

>> No.486056

I'd recommend brewing beer, tho its more complex its also more interesting and varied than distilling liquor. Mead is a good, simple, legal alternative too. But it takes months to ferment.

>> No.486063

Google it. Homebrew forums are really helpful.

>> No.486078

This sounded pretty cool but I honestly have no idea how well it would work.

>> No.486097

does anyone know if OPs pic works? I'm not above cheap booze.

>> No.486099

for moonshine all you really need is sugar, water, yeast. not sure of the measurements really but i use about 10 lb of sugar for 5 gallons and a packet of "super yeast" (regular baking yeast would also work alright just not as well ) you can get it at any place that sells brewing equipment.

And as for going to jail. as long as your not selling it or giving it to minors you will almost certainly only get a few hundred dollar fine in the very unlikely chances you are caught.

as for making a still. get the largest pressure cooker you can afford and attatch a long copper pipe for a worm put a fan blowing on the worm to keep it cool.

you can think about adding a "dubbler" or water cooling later once you get the hang of it

>> No.486130


It works but it tastes like complete ass. Go to a brewing supply store and buy champagne yeast. Lalvin D-1118 I think is the one. It doesn't leave any shitty bread tastes.

>> No.486161

>Shitty bread tastes

It really either can become alcoholic enough to kill off the bad bugs in your juice, or it can't and tastes like buttholes.

Using bakers yeast for this shit is a terrible idea.

I have a wild yeast culture for sourdough, and it'll produce alcohol if I leave it unfed for a little while, but it doesn't kill off the other bacteria in the mixture because it's not strong enough. You probably won't get your bottles clean enough for this to be any good.

>> No.486163
File: 77 KB, 850x768, STOP POSTING THAT IMAGE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.486167

>It doesn't leave any shitty bread tastes.

That is due to an improper recipe matching with the yeast or the yeast is overly stressed or you don't clear and age properly. All yeast produce bread flavors, some are worse than others, but all are horrifically noticeable is you fuck shit up. The OP's recipe guarantees you fuck it up and royally so regardless of yeast used, unless you get fucking lucky of course.

>> No.486800

Already debunked last thread. It will work assuming the water container is brand new and very clean.

>> No.486880

No, it wasn't.

You seem to forget something. No where does that image state, "It will work assuming the water container is brand new and very clean."

You can't assume or you'll end up with vinegar or shitty bitter as fuck water. The severe lack of consistency in the methods displayed in that image means it really is a gamble as to the quality that comes out of it.

>> No.486952

>quality lel

Again you niggers turned what could have been a great thread into a pissing contest you fucking idiots

>> No.486955

the way they get you is, it is illegal to distill anything for human consumption without a license. so if you're concerned about it, just stick with making cider/beer/wine etc...

>> No.486964

It is the OP's fault for posting a troll image. It is the worst way you can make a home brew that looks legit, but it isn't. It is the homebrewing equivalent of those shitty "how to make crystals" pics. At least it only ends in bitter disappointment instead of injury or death.

>> No.486992

not true you can brew a certain amount for personal consumption, although the alc content cannot go above a certain amount

>> No.487092

literally anyone could go down to a police station and admit to making whiskey for their own consumption and not for selling and as long as you aren't making 300 gallons of the shit, nobody would give two fucks.

>> No.487102

This is incorrect. They can jail you for "probable intent to sell" or "making moonshine on unlicensed equipment". Sure, you need a license to sell it, but to make it without selling it you still need distillery equipment that has the proper paperwork.

Where I live, people get busted for moonshine all the time and a lot of them don't sell it. They just make it and drink it. The local magistrate likes the extra income the fines produce so nearly all arrests are for "probable intent to sell" or whatever the legal jargon is for that. Personally, I wish they'd step up and crack down on the fucking meth labs instead. To hell with the weed and moonshine arrests, nail those meth heads to the wall.

>> No.487103

>making moonshine will land you in jail under the right circumstances
CO master race reporting in. distillation of whiskey for personal use is all kosher here. no permits, no licenses.

>> No.488059

Answering shitty advice with more shitty advice (like believing you HAVE to rack to secondary, that you HAVE to have an proper airlock) doesn't make you smart.