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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 29 KB, 650x431, Superhydrophobic-Spray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
477813 No.477813 [Reply] [Original]


what would you put it on?

>> No.477817

a pair of shoes and a pair of socks. i work outside and i hate getting my feet wet more than anything.

>> No.477821

I wonder. If you NeverWet a pair of socks. Wouldn't it make the sweat from your feet just be all water in your sock? It wouldn't let it evaporate or absorb into the fabric lol.

>> No.477823

Everything. Car, furniture, clothes, electronics, carpeting, floors. everything.

>> No.477824

> hot day, sweating hard.
> bathing your feet in self contained tubs of your own sweat.

It sounds both disgusting and relaxing at the same time.

>> No.477827

I wonder if it would work on cars, that would be a fucking dream come true.

>> No.477828

Shoes, jacket, tent.

When is this stuff gonna be commercially available?

>> No.477829

It's already available but it's shitfuck expensive

>> No.477830

My katana so I don't have to wash it after a fresh kill >:)

>> No.477835

Swim trunks, if it lasts and doesn't eventually flake off of fabric
Shoes, definitely

>> No.477841

Oh so this is the stuff video game characters are coated in

>> No.477843

The litter box idea they show in the video sounds great.. much easier to clean.

Would plates and stuff be safe? Or...practical? Funny, maybe.

I wonder if it'd be useful on a paintbrush, or at least on the ferrule.. would keep them clean. But on the hairs themselves it'd affect absorbancy, though for latex painting that might not be a problem. Also if you had a paint-stir-stick for such projects it'd keep that clean and let you wipe paint off brushes without much waste etc.

Might be good to put on gardening tools too, to keep them cleaner.

Furniture, if it doesn't hurt wood or stains it could protect it from spills.

Maybe shower or grout, to keep moisture from accumulating and causing mold, the drops would just drip down the drain..

>On a shirt you intend to sweat on

>> No.477846

My car's windows and mirrors.

>> No.477848

Slip n slide .... that's probably a bad idea

>> No.477853

I hate being wet... so my body

>> No.477854

Windows. Definetly windows. And maybe kitchen surfaces so they would be easy to clean. And mirrors.

>> No.477858

I'd want to know how easily it gets scratched off (and how to intentionally remove it) before using this stuff, but I'm thinking it would be nice on bicycle handlebars, saddles, and to replace grease for seatposts, stems. Hell, it could replace paint.

>> No.477859

mainly my coats

>> No.477867

jesus christ kids its fucking amazing and its only 3x the price of a regular can of rustoleum.


stop bitching its amazing and its only $20

>> No.477875


>> No.477876


>getting this mad at an obvious joke


>> No.477877

I assume every post like that is serious, it gives me something to do.

I'm going to pick some up tomorrow, and put it through the fucking wringer. I'll report back, if I remember.

>> No.477887

Is it safe to use on skin? Like could I put it all over myself and then go swimming?

>> No.477901


Google trench foot.

That is all.

>> No.477911

After reading the MSDS for the top and bottom coat, I'm not so sure you want to be getting this stuff on your skin...

MSDS here: homedepot.com/catalog/pdfImages/9d/9d28a478-3317-4f42-8418-9e000bdbdfe6.pdf

EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Harmful if swallowed. Extremely flammable liquid and vapor. Vapors may cause flash fire or
explosion. Harmful if inhaled. May affect the brain or nervous system causing dizziness, headache or nausea. Contents Under
EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Substance may cause slight skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact
may cause skin irritation.
EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Harmful if inhaled. High gas, vapor, mist or dust concentrations may be harmful
if inhaled. Avoid breathing fumes, spray, vapors, or mist. High vapor concentrations are irritating to the eyes, nose, throat and
EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: Substance may be harmful if swallowed. Aspiration hazard if swallowed; can
enter lungs and cause damage.
EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE - CHRONIC HAZARDS: May cause central nervous system disorder (e.g., narcosis involving a
loss of coordination, weakness, fatigue, mental confusion, and blurred vision) and/or damage. Reports have associated repeated
and prolonged occupational overexposure to solvents with permanent brain and nervous system damage.
PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Eye Contact, Ingestion, Inhalation, Skin Absorption, Skin Contact

>> No.477912

4. First-aid Measures

FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes holding eyelids open. Get medical
attention. Do NOT allow rubbing of eyes or keeping eyes closed.
FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: Wash skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if irritation
develops or persists.
FIRST AID - INHALATION: If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is
experienced, get medical assistance immediately.
FIRST AID - INGESTION: Aspiration hazard: Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth because this material can enter the
lungs and cause severe lung damage. Get immediate medical attention.

>> No.477915

looks the exact same as most paints. and i wouldn't spray yourself with this stuff or "normal" paint

>> No.477928

>sold only in america

>> No.477998

ok, that's not the same coating that I was thinking of then. I remember a similar product and a small container of it was around $300

>> No.478010

inside of a blender
Thought of this one before
Turns out that's a spray and not a sheet youcould iron on
>it would come off in my brotein shakes

>> No.478012

Muh peenus
the STDs will just slide right off!

>> No.478015

brb going to win olympic swimming medals

>> No.478034

there was a science fiction story about somebody that coated themselves with something like that for that reason but when they jumped in the water they sank and drowned due to not being able to move the water as friction was eliminated. was good.

>> No.478039

>they sank and drowned

What is buoyancy?

>> No.478049

It's Science Fiction, it doesn't have to make sense. The point is a dick tried to cheat and ended up dying.

>> No.478052


You'd develop 32 types of cancer in the first day.

>> No.478051

my bag.

>> No.478053

>nubbed/ribbed for her pleasure

>> No.478055

But not aids!

>> No.478072

>science fiction

It's not called SCIENCE fiction for no reason

>> No.478075

>highlights the science half
>ignores the FICTION half

>> No.478081
File: 56 KB, 600x480, 1368303028741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty cool. I could see buying some and spraying my walkway and driveway in winter times. Then just get some water after the snow and ice have landed and rinse them off.

>> No.478083


>> No.478090

Usually science fiction has a plausible explanation for everything, and follows most if not all the rules of regular science.

>> No.478091

ice cube

>> No.478099

is i put it on glass/ car will it make the finish mat/ cloudy
or with the glass still be perfectly clear?
if there then
ill buy a can and put it on everything

ill take some to work and put in on shit

this shit looks amazing as hell
>that feel when living in the future

>> No.478104

>draw dicks on people's cars, then wait for a rainy day

>> No.478143

There' plenty of sci-fi that just full of bull.

>> No.478147


>> No.478151

What would happen if you put it on the bottom of a boat? would it sink to the bottom of the ocean?

>> No.478177

If you coated a stone with it and then tried skimming that stone would it work extra well?

>> No.478191

The underside and wheels of my jeep

>> No.478196

Well I know I don't need to put it on my dick, that 'aint getting wet any time soon

>> No.478200

A chicks face for when the cumshot comes. This will revolutionize bukkake.

>> No.478272


It frosts glass, don't put it on windows.

>> No.478278

Would be cool to coat some electronics, especially my nexus. Shirts and pants would also be nice.

That would be interesting especially if its able to last a while.

>> No.478331

the outside of buildings
that way when I burn the place down, there's nothing they can do to put out the fire

that or my keyboard
because I don't want to spill anything
spilling things like cold beverages, soda pop

>> No.478466

I'm pretty sure it is the same stuff, it got relatively cheaper in the last year.

>> No.478470

edgy posts like that arson comment do not make you sound edgy or cool, they make you sound like a 12 year old. Just a heads up.

>> No.478487

Do you think people are actually being serious when they posts things like that.

>> No.478491

literally the act of typing it is proof positive. People old enough to have pubic hair say to themselves "you know, an arson joke might sort of be funny.....naw..no, it won't be" and then not type it.

>> No.478493


i thought it was pretty funny. you seem uptight.

>> No.478497


>> No.478501

I think that might be useful for me. I sweat a lot, and i fucking hate patches under my arms. It's so ugly. If I sprayed that onto the shirts the sweat would just run off. I' still be sweaty, sure, but at least it wouldn't ruin any more clothes.

>> No.478503

I am uptight, yea. It was also a shitty joke.

>> No.478504

Oxyclean works really well for that.

>> No.478507


yeah, but that cleans up AFTER the fact. This neverwet stuff is preventative and would stop unsightly wet patches on clothes. Or at least in a perfect world it would, reading this thread it seems that longterm contact with skin is a no no (why did they show us the shirt in the vieo then?)

>> No.478508

question: if this is spraye onto clothes, how do you clean them?

>> No.478509


>> No.478516

No, it would levitate above the water.

>> No.478517

This. I've always hated having mud stick to the bottom of mine, and it sucks if you don't wash it off within the hour. Dry mud is like concrete..