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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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470073 No.470073 [Reply] [Original]

Electronic fags of /diy/ I am looking to get into building audrino and raspi mechanisms.

I come to you to ask what to use to get started and general things I will need to know. Some books would also be nice to read to get a feel for electronics.

>> No.470074

I am going to learn python and an end goal project I want to make is a quad-copter

>> No.470091
File: 14 KB, 374x295, Astable Multivibrator Using IC 555 Circuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend you build yourself some simple electronic circuits like a 555 LED blinker before going to an arduino. People who use an arduino for their very first projects end up relying on it for everything because they never learn basic electronics. It's like a child who uses a calculator instead of learning arithmetic then sucks at math for the rest of their life.

Python is a pretty good introductory programming language, but its not used for microcontrollers. Arduino uses its own language called processing. Most other microcontrollers are programmed with C/asm.

Quad copters generally use brushless DC motors. You can salvage these from CD/DVD drives. They aren't like toy motors that just run when you apply power. You need driver circuit and some timing logic.

>> No.470179

Arduino and Raspberry PI are not electronics, they're programming projects. Get some simple electronics kits to build and play with first, see if you're even any good at this shit before you spend hundreds on shit you don't even understand yet.

>> No.470180

>You can salvage these from CD/DVD drives
Those are not anywhere near strong enough to lift anything, and good luck speed controlling them.

>> No.470458

Where have i seen thattalented /diy/erbefore?

>> No.470461

>"k i d" filters to "talented /diy/er"

I love it.

>> No.470729

and they take out the spaces before and after.

>> No.470782

There are several books that cover the basics of electronics via Arduino projects, look at Amazon and try to find good reviews elsewhere.

>> No.471702


>> No.471703


Going to buy materials for this and see if I like messing around with this stuff.

>> No.471713

>and they take out the spaces before and after.
seems like the mods can't even /diy/ a simple thing as a word filter.
is this word filter for their amusement or to lower the lever of agressiveness over here?

>> No.471735

When this board first opened there was a troll who liked to use the word three times a sentence.