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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 50 KB, 705x571, sewing-machine-col_JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
449715 No.449715 [Reply] [Original]

Sewing Thread!

There must be people with sewing machines on this board, or maybe just needle and thread.

Share your sewing projects, works in progress, finished masterpieces. Help each other out.

>> No.449718
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I'll start the thread off myself, I'm working on a corset. I'm cutting the pieces for the 4th toile now due to perfectionism, but I believe it might be alright after this.

>> No.449743

Pillows. Lots of pillows. No pics as of yet.

>> No.449748

How can I sew up the holes in my shirts and track pants or put a patch on

>> No.449753

If you're not too bothered about the aesthetics of it, just take a needle and some thread. Tie a knot at the end so it doesn't pull out, and stick the needle through the sides of the hole until it's closed up.
Regarding patches, if you have premade ones, just pin or baste them to keep them in place and then hand stitch around the edges. If you're looking to cut a piece of fabric as a patch you will have to turn the sides under and topstitch. It will be easiest if you iron the folded under sides before you start stitching.

>> No.450857

Is Riccar a good brand?
There is one at salvation army for 20$
Says made in japan

There is also a singer 603e there for 20$ too

I want to sew denim

>> No.450865



Actually.. Sewing machines are really handy and I kind of wish I had one?

What are good ones to start with that aren't too pricey?

Singer's are pretty common. Are they good?

>> No.450873
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Craig's List. Anything by Singer that has a metal body is great. Their newer plastic ones are good, but you can generally get a metal one cheaper and they work just as well and last longer. Sewing machines haven't changed a whole lot in 150 years and its doubtful that you need all the fancy pants programmable features a new one has anyway.

Pic related. Working sewing machine for sale in my area for $25 right now. Its like 40 years old and probably has more features than you need anyway but you can't beat that price. I've seen people giving away machines with tables and full fucking sewing battle stations for a song because they were Grand Ma's and they are old so they aren't worth anything. Some people are stupid.

>> No.451018

The consensus on Singer seems to be that if it was made before the 1960s it's god tier quality, you can almost sew through sheet metal with it. After that ownership of the company changed and they stopped being super awesome. But really, any machine that isn't one of those miniature 'stitches everything (hint: it does not) runs on batteries so handy to have around the house' shit machines will do fine if you are just starting out.

>> No.451020

I forgot to add, I'd recommend that you do get an electric machine. The manually operated ones are a bit of a pain.

>> No.451047

I have a singer copy (wertheim) but no idea of the year, never used the thing as i saddle stitch leather
by hand.

Would love to get the thing hooked up to a motor though, it's a brute!

>> No.451062

I used to make whole damn quilts as atalented /diy/er

God, I need to get back to sewing.

>> No.451111

fucking do it, then send me a quilt you bitch.

>> No.451159


iam a 33 yo male interior designer /upholsterer. not homosex. sewing was never my best discipline... but

iam into /out/doors. equipment needs always treatment. i also want craft my own hammock/tarp. i also think about to craft some strange kites.

well now i plan to buy my first sewing machine.

iam not homosex.

>> No.451352


>> No.451366
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>friend asks if I can make patches
>"no, but I'll try and learn"
This is the result.

>> No.451375
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I have no pics, but right now I have a giant squid plushie in progress. Its going to be 8'-9' once completed. In the past I have sewn a Utilitkilt, some skinny jeans from thrift store jeans, tent canopies, a tarp tent, a hammock tent, and plenty of other projects. People are too quick to judge about sewing and males. Shit, girls think its the cutest fucking thing that a lumberjack looking guy will sit behind a sewing machine for them.......wait I have a Pink Zombie Alpaca plushie I made for my GF like 10 months ago. Ignore her crazy cluttered and trashy end table.

>> No.451381

>giant squid push
pics demanded.

>> No.451382

>male designer/upholsterer
>not homosex

SCA, huh. I saw an awesome deal on QVC for a Singer heavy duty machine and serger for cheapish. Oh the garb I would make..

>> No.451634

Do you draft the patterns for the plushies yourself? I've tried a couple of times but it always turns out disporportionate and weird. Teach me your ways.

>> No.453306
File: 56 KB, 460x480, Picture 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corset progress. I'm alright with the fit, it's a little wide under the arms but that's easy to fix. Now to make it fo' reals.

>> No.453325

it's a tarp

>> No.454120
File: 18 KB, 193x262, AckbarStanding[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that the plasma company will permaban you for being a cross-dresser.

>> No.454132


Not that Anon, but on a related note I'm about to get in to sewing for making my own historical reenactment kit. I got in to knitting for it last year and have already made a Scotch bonnet, and that was within a few months of learning to knit. So much cheaper than buying it.

Does anyone have any good sources for historical sewing patterns? I know of http://www.reconstructinghistory.com/ but would like some more, preferably available online/downloadable.

>> No.454153

top lel

>> No.454450

Why does this always happen when I post pictures without my face on them? I know I didn't get blessed with a lot of cleavage but I honestly don't get how people see small boobs and arms like popsicle sticks and think I'm a guy. I could put on some weight to enhance the breasticles but then I'd get boo'd off the board for being a fatty.
I can never do it right...

So please, enlighten me as to what makes you think I'm a dude.

>> No.454457


It's a recent 4chan phenomenon. In years past you'd just have been told show your tits or gtfo.

>> No.454474

on the internet men are men, women are men, children are police

women are not allowed to post pictures of themselves here

>> No.454482

Ah, I suppose I've been hanging out on /r9k/ too much, where men are beta foreveralones and women are bitches and whores. My bad.

>> No.454504

Hey! I have 2 things for you. Interrelated.

I dunno if you've been fitted by a pro previous to this, but basically your corset is hanging low. 2nd bit this is why people think you are a trap. I have a-cup boobs and a corset still gives me a nice ... not quite cleavage, but the suggestion is there.

You want the corset itself up about an inch (hard to tell from 1 pic). Lace, tighten, then squeeze hands in and firmly grasp each boob with opposite hand. Pull upward. The tightness of the corset should keep them raised giving you a busty figure instead of flattening you out / doing nothing except covering like in your current pic.

>> No.454518
File: 82 KB, 640x480, Picture 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the input. The corset waist is sitting where it should, so I suppose I should lengthen the corset then. The thing is, I made the 'cups' a bit larger on this toile vs. the previous one because the fabric was pulling and my boobs were being squished into more donut like shapes. Would it work to just take the whole cup bit of the pattern and move it up a bit? Added side view.

>> No.454529

recent? wtf mate. how old are you?

4chan's been labelling tarps as tarps since chicks had dicks

>> No.454535

I enjoy sewing as much as the next man, but using up fabric makes me nervous and failure is so irritating. I do find drafting patterns pretty easy though, I don't understand why everyone needs them.
I've got a linen shirt, which may have to become a safari jacket considering the colour (sludge brown), on the go. The armseye is almost skin tight so that one can move ones arm without lifting up the shirt, I imagine it would really show sweating though.

>> No.454608

it's because you have man shoulders and a manish neck. It's not the end of the world though. You just showed us your manly bits so naturally we think you're a man.

Traps have been called traps since chicks had dicks, true, but calling traps tarps is something that's been done since retards potatoed.

We're not demanding tits because this is a Burichan board, and not a Yotsuba board, but rule 30 still applies, although /diy/ is a helpful board, and we all hope you accomplish your do-it-yourself related task, whether you have a wang or not.

>> No.454617
File: 2.74 MB, 2448x3264, laughable stitching hah! the game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so glad i came to /diy/ tonight, ive just gotten into it, about to get a sewing machine, just have to track one down, i live in china...thanks for the thread, learning lots

>> No.454619

If you're worried about it, take a profile or 3/4 pic where what curves you have are more visible, though I don't think it'll help much. Try not to wear thigh-high stockings I guess.Or get chubby. Not a lot of effective chubby traps.

I personally know someone doing gender reassignment and you look like a dude compared to him. (shrug)

Go to /b/ and see the average of 4 front page posts of what appears to be a nice teen girl ass until you see the balls and understand the confusion.

>> No.454621
File: 2.30 MB, 2448x3264, 安.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive just been adding material on blank shirts so far. this one is my name but took forever by hand so when i get a machine i will do shirts that say skateboard and fucking badass and things in chinese. then i will make a video wearing these phrases

>> No.454623

Why is that man wearing a corset?
Is he a homosexual?

>> No.454627

That reminds me; my wife used HVAC zip ties (they're 36" long), cut down, for boning her recent corsetlette. As they're like $5/10, I doubt she'll be going back to steel.

>> No.454657

Really? I keep hearing about people using zip ties as boning, but I don't think they have the sideways flexibility that spiral steel has. I have once or twice made the mistake of putting flat steel in a curved channel, it buckles and is uncomfortable, and was greatly improved when replaced with spiral steels.

>> No.454660
File: 15 KB, 332x600, e75ee0ab-22a3-4d9c-a6db-3d4c7309e2b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, I start to look into sewing a couple weeks ago as a hobby, and for my first project I decided to make myself a thai fisherman pants. Its a very simple design and looks very comfortable to use at home. Anyway, the problem is I don't have a sewing machine (and I don't thinking in get on by now because sewing machines are a little expensive in my country), so I decide to try it by hand. I only not quite sure of what kind of stitch I can do by hand and will be strong enough for this project. Any ideas?

>> No.454669
File: 10 KB, 335x272, backstitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use a basic backstitch. But tbh, it's going to be a real pain to sew a full length pair of pants by hand. Have a look online for a second hand machine, it will save you hours and hours.

>> No.454684

I would suggest investigating it, even just to decide against it. They don't rub through fabric as they're smooth plastic and the edges are eased and blunt. They're not as rigid as a steel bone. THey aren't as individually strong as a steel bone though.

>> No.455985
File: 975 KB, 992x480, Picture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright so, I moved the bust part of panel 1 & 2 up by 2 cm (and made panel 3 connect to it). I also took a few mm of width off panels 3, 4 and 5 because the previous toile was easily closing all the way at the back. I think it looks better now. What's the verdict?

>> No.456012

That looks MUCH better.

>> No.456013

"thai fisherman pants"
Those are construction worker pants. Sorry about it. Road crews and such wear them here, with the end tucked into rubber boots.

much better!

>> No.456065

hey now

>wait, how do i get that thing off. it looks more complicated than a bra

>> No.456066

It's a fucking corset, dude. A zipper or hooks on the back.

>> No.456071
File: 780 KB, 325x203, no-need-to-be-upset.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t'was a joke

and, traditionally, it was laces

>zippers and hooks lol

>> No.456074

You obviously haven't dealt with reenactors. Hot Topic corsets are a different creature entirely.


>> No.456124
File: 102 KB, 600x729, busk-closure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lacing lacing indeed. However, the final article will have a hook and eye busk closure at the front (pic related). Lace is for loosening and tightening, busk is for opening and closing. Putting it on takes under a minute that way.

But I guess reenactors want their stuff to be historically accurate and they go another hundred years before victorian corsets so they don't get to have a nifty busk. Too bad for them.

>> No.456142

>t'was a joke

>> No.456143

don't insult me, i'm not an edgy atheist

if i wore a hat it'd probably be a micro-climate inducing cowboy hat

>> No.456171
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>> No.456178

I'm stealing this.
I was kind of channeling my wedding night. My wife had no other entry into her wedding dress than 30-something eyelets in the back. That was a dirty fucking trick. If she didn't love me, just don't marry me for fucks sake.

>> No.457282

May I ask, where did you get the pattern? Also, what materials work best?

>> No.458261

I based the pattern on one found in Julia Bremble's ebook (sewcurvy.com) though if you are new to corsetry I'd recommend that you get the Truly Victorian 110 pattern from somewhere. It has good instructions and a decent fit.
Any non-stretchy materials that are breathable are fine. I use plain cotton for the toiles, which stretches a little but does well enough to eyeball the fit. For the final article I use at least one layer of cotton coutil for strength. I use straight steel bones at the lacing eyelets to keep the back straight under the lacing tension, and spiral steel bones in all the other boning channels. Like another user has pointed out in this thread, some people use thick zip ties cut to length as boning, since they're pretty cheap.

>> No.458293
File: 17 KB, 500x500, ABDRWHOlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there. I want to make a trenchcoat, like on the pic, but I can't find suitable and free pattern. Could anyone help me?

>> No.458338

>I use straight steel bones at the lacing eyelets to keep the back straight under the lacing tension, and spiral steel bones in all the other boning channels.
thus greatly improving defense against slashing weapons

sage for just kiddin around

>> No.458613

ask Janice Joplin.

>> No.458627
File: 170 KB, 1900x1267, 1363452059397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-hey guys. I found this in my city. Should I buy it?


>> No.458654
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Halp. I know nothing about sewing machines

>> No.458680


$20 is a good price if it includes the table and everything and it works. The thing that goes out on those old ones in the belts. They get dry rot and just come apart on you. You might have to spend $10-20 on a new belt but just about any sewing decent sewing show will carry them (IE not a "hobby" or "craft" store). The motors run forever and as long as you keep the joints lubed up with sewing machine oil the machine itself will probably outlast you. Its not a bad buy for your first machine as long as all the parts move and the motor runs.

Once you buy the thing dig up a manual online, buy a thing of sewing machine oil and lube it according to the instructions. If it hasn't been used in awhile you might need to lube it while moving the parts around. If the shit is frozen up you might have to pass on it. Shouldn't be a problem unless it was stored outside in the rain or something.

>> No.458694
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Thanks for the reply!

Ive been wanting to tailor my clothes for ages.

Now ive got to ask... Ive noticed all my shirts along the seams are sewn with 2 parallel lines side by side to conjoin the fabric.

My question is, do sewing machines only sew one line at a time then you have to carefully sew next to the line again? Or is this just an option for factory / industrial sewing machines.

>> No.458696

Given that at least one of them works, or you have enough parts between the two of them that you can fix one into working, get it. It's only 20 bucks, they'll have paid for themselves if they get through 2 small projects without breaking.

>> No.458699

Commercially available tshirts are usually finished with a serger. Your sewing machine might have stretch stitches on it though, and even ones that look quite similar and will result in the same functionality. I think you'd get closest to the original by finishing the raw edge with an overlock stitch, and then using a twin needle to hem it.

I have heard some stories of corsets functioning as body armor in minor traffic accidents. Who knows, it might one day save my life, haha.

>> No.458964


Just bought them. Ill post pics in a bit. The guy said I could easily sell the singer for $100.

>> No.458966

If you could, why didn't he do it himself? It's probably not worth 100 bucks, but hey, if it sews, it sews.

>> No.458971

sergers are magical. Those are the pieces of equipment that sort of pull back the veil on sewing a bit as far as what a person can do at home.
And with 4 layers of cotton duck and steel/plastic boning, I'm betting you can take a hit significantly better than without it. Make a corset and add a 5th layer of kevlar, and you're practically ready for a gang war.

>> No.458999
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>> No.459002
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>> No.459001
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>> No.459006
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>> No.459007
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>> No.460085

But do they work?

>> No.460467


They both work. The singer needs a new belt and I decided to put that in the back for storage.

The White looks more workable and is complicating as fuck. It also appears that it needs a new needle. Would a ordinary sewing needle work?

>> No.460475

I really, REALLY want to learn to sew. I frequent a breed-specific dog forum and there is a section dedicated to sewing/knitting/crocheting dog stuff.

I'm seriously so jealous, mostly that they all seem to have moms or grandmas that taught them these things and mine didn't. I know you can self-teach but I think I'd do best to join a sewing group. I want to buy a basic machine but I literally know nothing about sewing. I need to know basic sewing terms, how to read a pattern, how to operate a machine and all that....seems like so much work but I would LOVE to sew simple dresses for my 2 dogs.

>> No.460480


Sewing dog cloths lol

I'll be tailoring my clothes and my German uniforms. Possibly use my scraps to sew new military garments / hats

>> No.460483

The biggest thing I learned from watching my wife sew is everything is sewn inside out to hide the seams. It gets easy when you turn shit inside out.

>> No.460502

Any recommended books to learn how to sew by hand?

>> No.460754

I'm self taught (with a little help from mom). Sewing isn't magic, more of a cutting and pasting 'what shape of fabric should go where' puzzle. If I encounter sewing terms I don't know, I google them.

A sewing class could help you jump start your sewing prowess though. They will usually have machines available for their students, so just go and join one and worry about the rest later.

>> No.460779
File: 29 KB, 173x384, anniedress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a pattern similar to this dress?

<Cosplaying as Annie.

>> No.461246

try /cgl/.

They might have different versions and can probably help you with color coordinations and such.