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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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454888 No.454888 [Reply] [Original]

So if you were given $50,000,000
How would you spend it ?
What would your dream house look like?
What would you do with your seemingly unlimited money?

>> No.454891

I'd buy like twenty hoes fo' me and mah bros
then we would....fuck them
(then burn the rest of the money)

>> No.454893

A bunker with a tool shop and aqua ponics and a geo-thermal energy supply system that can support 2-3 hundred people.

What apocalypse ?

>> No.454895

Your the last person on earth, but everything still works as normal, shops magically restock, energy keeps flowing, rain keeps raining.

>> No.454899

/diy/ really likes bunkers.

>> No.454904

I would have a modest house, a modest car, and apparently live a modest, relatively quiet life, in return for which I would not be molested by people looking for a handout, and by con men and thieves.

>> No.454905


make a historical reenactment/acting/art commune/student camp to bring fine arts to people of all ages while teaching them skills and possibly a trade attached to a fairgrounds for reenactment events, renaissance fairs, indoor/outdoor art shows, etc.

actually been on my todo list for about 20 years, tough to find investors though, lord knows I've tried

>> No.454908

I'd build a small stone castle on around 600 acres, in a very rural temperate-weather fly-over state with a big stone wall all the way around the entire property. Labor, land, and materials are pretty cheap in places like those. I'd make it as self-sufficient as possible and technology will be rather low tier, but with a great divide between high and low tech. For instance, I'd have no non-electric motorized vehicles, like there'd be have horses and PCs. There'd be several glass greenhouses, gardens, and a foundry/forge. It'd be based around farming.

>> No.454942

I'd have a fairly modest yet sizable house with a wild woodland surrounding, somewhere tranquil where all the birds and wildlife can live too.

It'd have a well equipped workshop with pillar drills, lathes and all kinds of mechanical/woodworking tools, i'd buy some nice motorcycle to tinker with.

I'td also have a harem of tomboys who like technical stuff too, we'd make stuff in the workshop as one big happy family and we'd all have sex infront of a big log fire.

Also give any visitors some imitation crab meat to take home with them, it'd all be fresh but I just bought too much so they can take a bunch when they leave, i'm not sure about mutual touching or stomping around like monsters though..

>> No.454983

sea lab 2020
I'd really like a Bigelow module but your budget is too restrictive.

>> No.454986

ok I know whats even better than sea lab that may fit in the bidget restraints. A closed environmental mars habitat simulator.

>> No.454990

I would pay my dept, and buy a Steinway.

>> No.455014

Have a house built to my specifications in the mountains of Colorado or on a huge chunk of land in Texas or Montana, have the best amenities and whatnot. probably drink myself to death with $100 a bottle whiskey

>> No.455015

oh i dunno, build a bunker with a full shop....then build a tank.

>> No.455017

Underground base with a vault full of at least 10 mill in gold and silver and an armory. I would also start a TechShop type business.

>> No.455018

I'd buy up a city block in Kansas City, get me some Google Fiber, build a complex underneath it, run a server farm, and spend the rest of my days as a classy otaku.

Pic related. Like this, but probably more expensive.

>> No.455019
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Accidentally my pic.

>> No.455023
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>given $50,000,000
>spend it
you cannot into money

>> No.455031

I'd buy a sizable chunk of land back in Idaho, build either a Japanese style castle or a upsized Frank LLoyd Wright style home with a 20 foot tall wall around the property and guard towers every half mile or so. I'd have a nice guest compound and a nice shop to putt around in.

>> No.455038

$50 million:
- Ask my friends to write a bucket list, make it happen.
- Support a bunch of Kickstarter projects.
And it's not "unlimited". Lottery winners and pro sports stars have blown through $50 million in a few years!

>> No.455055

Buy pieds-à-terre in Seoul, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto.

Invest the rest in a diversified, low risk portfolio.

>> No.455058
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Fix Japan

>> No.455059

You need $50 trillion to fix Japan.

>> No.455085

Spend at most 1m a year for life

>> No.455090

Log and stone mansion with a private airstrip in the middle of nowhere and full of toys...
a giant library
nice pool table
infinity pool
actual arcade with game cabinets, pinball, and skeeball,
insane model train set
everything needed for making Luft '46-style RC planes
work room equipped with everything to make everything in each issue of Make magazine
gun room that contains the primary long arms and pistols of all combatants in WWs I and II
an empty nightclub, early 60s style

Well, now I'm depressed.

>> No.456831

I would try and fix the world, one problem at a time.

I would start my own business and introduce products to the market that would also change the world. (I have some ideas).

I would also love to do some R&D of my own. I also have some ideas about that, (luckily I don't need millions that I don't have for it) };)

I would create the next generation of humans, smarter, faster, competent and self reliant wile still honorable.

I would build my Mom her dream home and help her in anyway possible because I owe her a debt I can never repay. I would also help my relatives in Russia.

Do you think I am being simply idealistic? Think again, I like think tanking.
I would be damned if I would live a rich and lavish life and not lift a finger to make this world more like how it should be or atleast how I think it should be.

>> No.456834

I would also bring this Anon a board!

>> No.456840

Modest house, modest car, modest clothing.
Much of the money would get put into long-term, low-risk investments so I'd never have to worry about ever running out of money. I have a few hobbies (cycling mainly, I race) that I'd be able to do full-time, and there'd be money invested into that (bikes, equipment, clothing, training). Otherwise I'd see to it I didn't change the way I live that much.

>> No.456857
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I think I'd just buy a small plot of land in the middle of nowhere and build my own little dream place with a woodshop, outfitted with every tool I could ever desire.

I'd just live comfortably, and not have to worry about financial security anymore. I'd probably end up giving quite a bit of it to my parents and sister, and some other relatives, I imagine.

>> No.456885

>How would you spend it ?
I'd buy land all over the place, especially in the west and in the territories.
>What would your dream house look like?
Stone with few but high-quality amenities and an arsenal and full workshop at each location; I'd probably get away with averaging <$2M all told for each location.
>What would you do with your seemingly unlimited money?
1. Invest in Africa, particularly in infrastructure
2. Travel
3. Invest in firearms (appreciating assets lol) while also funding pro-2A lawsuits.

>> No.456890


what a fag

>> No.456906

I like you.

>> No.456912

>carpet flooring

disgusting pig

>> No.456915
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>Buy large plot of land in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, South Dakota, or Vermont (In the area of 50-100 acres)
>Build own house. Nothing huge maybe 2500 sq ft
>Self Sufficient. Solar panels, on property well, still be hooked up to city power/water just in case, butnot use it.
>Grow own food, enough to not need to buy it.
>Small fields of wheat and durum
>Small apple and pear orchards
>Large vegetable garden
>Raise cows for meat/milk/butter/cheese, pigs for meat, and chickens for meat/eggs
>Outdoor shooting range
>Climate controlled barn/large shed to store and work on guns
>Cellar to brew own beer, wine, and spirits
>Field to grow own tobacco
>Rest of money in saving account, live off interest
>Be content for first time in life. Sell excess produce cheaply to anyone that wants it.

I want it so bad

>> No.456914

push alternate energies cause the way we're living now (which Is mankind's dream is not sustainable. we are living a fairytale life that's doomed to fail. the one thing our lifeform has been working to achieve and we're poetry much there in America but it's not sustainable and nobody wants to accept it. we All know it. we all feel it. we're taking to much.

we have tons of natural that no one is harnessing. we need real free power for the world or none at all.

>> No.456918

You are first to be eliminated than. }:P

>> No.456919
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Buy 50 tickets to space.

>> No.456923
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>> No.456927

hire 1337 hackers and scientist to create weapons and hack countries to start WW3

>> No.456928

I'd pour it all into a system to CNC my face and name onto the moon

When society comes crashing down around our ears, and we revert to a tribal cultures making war over clean water sources and territory that isn't hidesouly irradiated, thousands of years after the last electrical device has bleated forth its last tortured beep or boop, what remains of mankind will look up at that moon and say "Jesus christ, what an obnoxious cunt Anon McAnon must have been", and I will live on in infamy for the rest of time.

>> No.456933

Buy a huge amount of land, build a small eco friendly sustainable house on it, and live my life in my own little preserve that I can camp on / walk around and enjoy with friends. Invest the rest in a company that I think is doing good things and use any money I make from that to support various charities.

>> No.456935 [DELETED] 

1) Buy house for self, wind mill, solar panels, 2 bed rooms, large yard, vegetable/herb garden, fruit trees and bushes.
2) Separate house for my sister and her family (so they'll be the fuck out of my house), 3-4 bedrooms (family of 3 + maybe mom once there actually is a house) large yard.
3) 2-3 simple good gas mileage cars for family.
4) New clothes for entire family.
5) Completely new everything for my kitchen, new pots and pans, new dishes, new microwave/toaster/coffee maker, everything.
6)Actually since my sister and hertalented /diy/erare living with me for so long I need to replace pretty much all my furniture now...
7) Everyone needs new mattresses right now so like, 20" thick gel-bead memory foam mattresses for all.
8) $1,000,000 each to sister, brother, mother, and 1 million in trust for nephew then they can never fucking get anything out of me again... unless like one of them is dying or something
9) $500,000 'I'm a tard and I want this because of reasons' shopping spree for me! (probably mostly sex toys I'ma be honest here)
10) I'm going to buy Doc Hammer (pic related). Seriously. Or at least try. I would keep him in my spare bedroom and like buy him whatever he wants. And I would just stare at him and quietly love him all day in a completely not creepy but totally creepy kinda way.
11) Put the rest in high interest bank accounts and live off the interest.

>> No.456936 [DELETED] 

wtf k.i.d changes to talented /diy/er?

>> No.456943

I'd buy an island and build a mansion on it.
I spend the rest of my days there taking it easy, travelling from time to time.
I'd also let people I like live with me.

>> No.456947

>How would you spend it ?
Put enough of it into low-risk investments to give myself a reasonable yearly "salary".
Take care of my immediate family's debts as well as my own.
>What would your dream house look like?
My dream house is one that I can /diy/ to my heart's content. Maybe along with a cheap apartment to retreat to when I fuck up a project badly and burn half the place down.
>What would you do with your seemingly unlimited money?
$50M is far from "unlimited money" and I'd have to plan carefully not to let my ambitions burn through it. I'd want to keep studying and then working since I'm in a field that I really like.

>> No.456954


I'd go invest it until I had more money, and then buy this and live underwater.

>> No.457002


>> No.457007

>tfw my comment was actually just some retarded namefag's parenthetical musings

>> No.457013

Buy a 3000 square foot house(in terms of living space) with an indoor pool tacked on to the side somewhere in a tasteful floor plan. Along with a large shop out back and plenty of land/nicely landscaped.

Rest I would probably invest in a sensible way with minimal risk.

>> No.457018


I'd like to VISIT you're post-apocalyptic world.

>> No.457029

take enough of it to put into investments and get a livable yearly wage off the interest.
small house with a few acres of land, two car climate controlled garage
solar panels on roof of both, sell back to the grid any extra
Geothermal heating if possible.
buy and rent out a few good location apartments that cater to people who want to live/work downtown.
or buy a nice house in the city somewhere close to an area where I can get it wired for Fiber-Optic Internet.
kit my garage out for car repair.

buy offroading truck, make trails along my acres of land for crusing/trail riding

buy ridiculous cars not meant for trail riding, and mod them for riding (lifted 80's buick landbarges, miatas, whatever I can get my hands on)

>> No.457119

Living in a kelp forest would be pretty goddamn neato.

>> No.457130
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Pay off and renovate current house. (Or fuck it, buy a new one) We have 35 acres of land and we don't farm....let's get that shit covered in solar panels. Enjoy income courtesy of the sun.

>> No.457359

>50 million

this a million times


>> No.457492

50 million? well since money is no real limit here, I'd be buying a significant amount of land and building a tonne of small cheap apartment buildings, renting it out and hiring people to work in small convenience stores and gas stations.

I would essentially buy my own town, complete with a bunch of cheap affordable housing, and since its all considered private land due to canadian privacy laws, I could do pretty much whatever the fuck I want there short of butchering people (semi-legal fightclubs?)

>> No.457518

First of I would put ~5 million into the bitcoin economy through various irl stores/start-ups/products effectively jump starting it's mainstream acceptance.

Start a plantation for maple syrup production, isolated from the outside world to prevent the destruction via Asian longhorn beetle. Making myself a monopoly when all naturally occurring maple trees die.

Build a modest castle in western Alberta powered through 100% green energy.

Continue my career as an electrician starting a company that hires the homeless and lower class, to help remove them from poverty.

>> No.457548

buy big house (but not a mansion or bullshit like that)
buy a few houses to rent to other people
slack the rest of my life

>> No.457585

Anyone ITT familiar with campus/academy designs, layouts, plans, etc. Sources/references welcome.

>> No.457624

>buy lambo.
>install a tow hitch
> tow around a bugatti veyron while i go offrading.
>post vid on youtube

>> No.458018

>Invest everything
>5% per year would give me $2500000 per year
>Use $1M/year to personal expenses like houses, travel, cars, etc
>Use $1M/year to invest in businesses like buy some crap and try to run it until I get more business smart to try to run bigger things
>Give $500KK/year to charities near me

>> No.458031

>conservative investments 4-5% a year
>build a nerdcave out of reinforced concrete in the desert southwest - must have line of sight to good internets
>travel around looking at interesting things, tornadoes, rocks, trees, etc

>> No.458049

buy an education like any other privileged american...

also milling and professional gunsmithing equipment

>> No.458657

That mousepad...

>> No.460012


Invest 85% and make it a point to insure the investments are aimed at increasing the profitability of the private space sector.

And my house would be reasonably priced around 175k given I buy some old country home, and remodel it to my liking.

Maybe hide a Lamborghini Aventidor as my extravagent purchase.

Take the remaining 15% of my wealth and help family.

>> No.460766

I would probably buy a four million dollar house in palo alto or mountain view with a 2 car garage and hire someone to manage my taxes and bills and keep the registrations on my vehicles current. I would sell my GTI and buy a Fiat for my girlfriend and a BRZ for me. I would also sell my f650cs and buy a gs650 and a ninja 300. I would keep my 250, but I would buy a two-bike trailer and a small Japanese pickup truck to tow the 300 to Thunderhill. I would probably buy some more vintage synthesizers and a good $20k ish CNC machine, a drill press, and a table saw. I'd probably buy one of those Z-board electric skateboards. I'd hire a maid.

I wouldn't have time for much else because I wouldn't quit my job

>> No.460773

Build a house out in the country on some riverfront property. Perfect oasis for creative work as well as recreation. Then draw comics, build guitars, do whatever I want.

>> No.460777

Id buy a giant ass piece of property somewhere somewhat close to a big city but still remote, build a hydroelectric plant on it and use it to power many different shops specializing in different trades.

Industrial artisan commune full of people passionate about making things and being sustainable.

>> No.461013

i would buy an old industrial area, and just organize huge airsoft/postapoc LARPs there. It would be cheap as hell to maintain, too.
My dream house would be a hobbit hole. fuck all the haters.
i would build myself a nice hobbithole somewhere on a nice peaceful meadow, earn money from the huge Larps/airsoft things, and still have about 45 million left to live comfortably of off.
Also i would repay all the money my parents have spent on me when i was a child. (about 100.000 in total, raising a child is expensive as fuck) i'd probably buy them something cool like a house or whatever, they could decide.