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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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453977 No.453977 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys,

I just spotted my first google glass user out in the wild. The thought of being recorded and having that data sent to google HQ whenever I'm in public made me very uncomfortable.

Is there any way to remotely deactivate these devices or jam their signals? Preferably something man portable.

>> No.453985

You could go the electronics route and install super-bright infrared LEDs into a hat. That will temporarily "blind" the lense of the recorder and cover your face with a flare of light that can't be seen with the naked eye.

>> No.453992


Really? Where could one acquire such lights? Are you sure they wouldn't hurt the eyes of random passers by.

>> No.453995

You can get infrared LEDs as radioshack and its basic wiring to hook them up. Just a resister, a battery, and a switch.

>> No.454004


Neat. Thanks man!

>> No.454008

Cell phone jammers will get you butt blasted by the FCC

>> No.454023
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>> No.454032

If you're puttering around in a non-securitized browser, you're being datamined. Every time you turn your gps on your phone, you're being datamined. Every time you receive a receipt for paying for something, you're being passively datamined.

I don't see Glass as doing anything different than how a person gets mined at any time anyway except for adding to the depth of the basic GPS maps of the world. If you want Google out of your life, it's time to go off the grid. If they want you, they'll extrapolate you from the hole you're leaving in the data anyway.

>> No.454041

Got something to say about it instead of spouting memes?

>> No.454090

Here's my two cents:

You're being filmed/monitored damn near every time you go out in public/on the internet. Thanks to 24/7 connectivity everything you do is watched and recorded for data collection purposes.

if you don't want to be part of this system, best to get off the grid. I disagree with it, but it's an integral part of our world now. I intend to go Innawoods in a few years, log cabin style, and just drop out of life.

>> No.454097

>Implying he would get caught
>Implying the FCC even has the resources to stay on top of it.
>Implying that even if they did notice, they would do anything but send a stern letter telling him to stop or a fine if he is potentially interfering with something important or makes the news.

>> No.454100

I realize this is a serious thread, but I can't help notice some of the similarities between this and shadowrun despite it being sci-fi. Since there is alot of overlap, I suggest asking your question over at /tg/ on their shadowrun general thread and seeing if they have any helpful thoughts.

>> No.454141


It actually happens all the time. It just depends on how you do it.

Mobile devices are quite hard to track down. Mind you,they still will,but it might take longer.

Any device you have installed permanently though would get you some shit very quickly.

>> No.454151


This right here. Everyone's getting butthurt when a person uses a recording device in public, but when corporations and big brother do it then it's A-OK.

Fuck you all.

>> No.454159

maybe we should start socially ostracizing these people, who think it's somehow acceptable or a good idea to record people all the time or whenever they want of whomever they want.

it's bad enough dealing with people who take pictures all the time, of every little thing, expecting you to smile for no reason or pull a face or something. or they start recording video, point it at you and then expect you to do or say something. what am i a performing monkey? should i do a dance? go ^!@$&^$ yourself.

people, and the large corporations and gov't, need to learn to mind their own business.

>> No.454160


> google
> not a major corporation

>> No.454177

Vuzix M100's are a helluva lot better.

>> No.454178


>> No.454182

he was referring to the individual user of the devices, not the company.

that would be like blaming apple because some guy with an iphone called your number by mistake.

>> No.454190

>maybe we should start socially ostracizing these people, who think it's somehow acceptable or a good idea to record people all the time or whenever they want of whomever they want.

So... we shun both the UK and US Government, and most of the police force?

I'm OK with that.

>> No.454210

Whats stopping these people putting a small fake camera button on their shirt? At least this way you know there is a chance they are recording you. They most likely won't be as it kills the battery and most people use the Glass for the HUD.

>> No.454247
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put dazzle camo on you face, recognition software cant even see your face then

>> No.454250


can I just do the cheek marks or do I need the funny haircut?

>> No.454280

I havent tested this but a lead pipe swiftly put to the head of a glass user may impair the recording capabilities.

>> No.454283


>> No.454294

Where does one buy lead pipes locally nowadays?

>> No.454302


The user isn't the one storing and analyzing the data, just collecting it. The master deserves more blame than the stooge.

>> No.454312

No body should be worried about government or corporate surveillance. That is such an old problem thats already died, everyone is just getting it now.

Governments have always had the power to get up into whatever business you're conducting. I think its better to let the inevitable happen because at least they'll be transparent about spying on us.

>> No.454318


nah. you can't trust them, they will use it against you eventually. and, unless there is probable cause of a crime, with a warrant signed etc., it's none of their business what anyone else does. you want to record everything you do like some uber-narcissist? fine, but leave the rest of us out of it

>do you even have a spine

>> No.454331

you could always threaten to press charges, my legal knowledge is a little rusty but I'm pretty sure its illigal

>> No.454338

yeh but a. you don't have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a public fucking place. and b. you will be the crazy dude on youtube threatening the guy with google glasses.
The natural thing to do is to point and laugh at them for wearing google glasses.

>> No.454342
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as uncomfortable as I am with being recorded, It already happens everywhere I go, this kind of tech can be used both ways, and as far as surveillance goes, at least this is useful.
not to mention when the govt. wants their info, they do their best to at least make it difficult to obtain, most companies would comply.
And who doesnt want to support the new employer of kurzweil??? He's building the first thinking computer brain for them right now.

>> No.454349
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>> No.454353

sorry for the shitty song this guy has in the background
I know it's not DIY, but it's a start right? you could always buy one, learn how they work, and alter them for your own purposes right? I'm sure if it can jam wifi, you can jam 3g/4g/Xg???

>> No.454357

i'll try this sometime.

>> No.454367

get a bunch of old but functioning microwave ovens and get the magnetrons out of them and build them into a focused microwave emitter. Should disable the electronics on the person you are pointing it at.

>> No.454370

>In a public space
>Afraid of his public actions not being private
You're silly. I can understand the concern for privacy in private spaces, but public spaces are public.

>> No.454373

sorry, here's the second link

>> No.454372

Unfortunately that will also disable the person you're pointing at.
but getting something that powerful isn't exactly man-portable...yet

>> No.454378

Agreed that you can't trust the government, but I don't think they'll be knocking on your door unless you've been doing some serious murdering/terrorism/trafficking.

>> No.454384

>public spaces are public.
derp. still doesn't make it anyone elses' business what other people are doing.

i think it's irrational to say can't trust them (or big corporations), but you don't think they'll do anything at all, unless it's serious harm being done, like the virtually non-existent terrorism.

gotta watch everybody, all the time!!1 just in case!!

>> No.454385

Pretty sure I once saw something disproving that this actually works, or at least that it only works with low quality black and white CCTV type cameras. Disappointing as fuck.

>> No.454388

>doesn't make it anyone elses' business what other people are doing
Clearly does as the space is shared.

>> No.454391

>If they want you, they'll extrapolate you from the hole you're leaving in the data anyway.
How, exactly?

>> No.454392

I'm not saying they won't do anything. I acknowledge that my behaviors are being monitored to some extent, but it doesn't bother me because it doesn't necessarily get in the way of what I do unless I shouldn't of been doing it.

>> No.454393

according to which ethos? is there a name for this type of thinking? and what right do you claim to force it on everyone else?

so it's fine with you if you're recorded, tracked, inventoried etc., every time you leave the house, everywhere you go? by corporations? or just government? any person?

>> No.454394

Of course you should expect to be seen in public, but being seen in public normally and being recorded in public and are pretty damn different. A recording will be available for viewing indefinitely by potentially everyone, everywhere.

>> No.454397

Man, if only.

>> No.454403

>and what right do you claim to force it on everyone else?
>It is legal to photograph or videotape anything and anyone on any public property.

The Photographer's Right.

>> No.454406

>unless I shouldn't of been doing it.
slippery slope

who decides what you should and shouldn't be doing? the government? a corporation? i'm not talking about doing actual harm, there's no moral equivalence there.

behavior you might find acceptable, but someone else, like your boss, or potential boss, might not, and decide you shouldn't be a part of the company any longer.

>> No.454408

legal isn't synonymous with moral, or right. is u.s. law is your religion or something? the government is your god, is it?

>> No.454413

I'm a lot more afraid of a government that forbids to photograph, record, or otherwise show images of public spaces, than one who allows for anyone to do so.

>> No.454419

that's understandable.

but, how about defining some reasonable limits to surveillance? some sort of line drawn for video/tracking/stalking. i think it absurd to say that just because you're outside, you can be tracked and monitored and recorded all the time, any time with no limits except if you go hide in a bathroom stall (oh wait...).

especially when it comes to non-public servants.

the government and corporations should be more restricted than the average person. they have more resources and can do far more damage

>> No.454420

1. Ask him to turn it off, out of respect for your privacy.
2. If he refuses, punch him in the face and break the damned things. If enough people do this, then change is inevitable.

>> No.454424

You can't really define a limit. We've always been able to look at people and follow each other and take photographs and gather data and communicate it, your only problems is that now technology is making us exceedingly efficient at such things.
Even if you made a law, it would be completely useless given how integrated this is to daily life. Just like the internet made us efficient at transferring information and copyright laws became useless. Just like 3D printers will make us efficient at replication of plastics and companies that produce shaped plastics will be useless. etc.

If anything, for governments I'd have recordings be only be searchable with a warrant, as the only business a government has looking at videos is to help solve criminal cases.

>> No.454441

limits can most certainly be defined. e.g. do not intentionally record in specific and personal manner, others not directly interacting with you.

do not collect, store, share or sell data about others without their permission.

there is no legitimate reason for this except to control, manipulate and profit off of others' private affairs. we're not owned by a company, or the government, or the random guy recording in public, as you imply. we're not a commodity like plastics and copyrighted material, as you and others seem to think. patented products and copyright laws are not useless, btw. you've always been able to use a patent for personal, non-commercial use without fees..

gathering a database of information about you and your habits for sale is exactly what is going on. it's not to prevent crime, it's to control you and profit off you. the government and corporations have been doing it for a long time, and it needs to stop, not get worse.

>If anything, for governments I'd have recordings be only be searchable with a warrant, as the only business a government has looking at videos is to help solve criminal cases.

yeah, what about all the personal info they have on you? you know they sell that to companies, right? now they're getting your medical records...

>> No.454442

You seem to not be following, I say those laws/things are useless because they are simply impossible to enforce.
And as I've said, anything you do in public is not a private affair, it's a public affair.

Also, if a company has data on you and sells it, it's generally your own fault for not reading the terms of service.
There is no need for a crazy data gathering government surveillance scheme when the average guy willingly gives all his data to Facebook and others.

>> No.454444

i'm following, i just disagree with you (mooo).

>terms of service
what's that about impossible to enforce

>> No.454459

isnt there a way to jam the wifi/3g signal or whatever these things usually use for sending 3g ?
Or maybe some way to ruin the video or something ?

>> No.454468

hey people you are being retarded

it is not physically possible to record video constantly with this device. look at the size of that battery

use your brains please

>> No.454494

you can probably add battery capacity to it fairly easily.

>> No.454508



go make yourself a tinfoil hat

>> No.454513
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>> No.454527

My cell phone can record video hours at a time.

You are mistaken.

>> No.454539

There are already wee tiny cameras that can record 1080p nearly all day long. They are called "cellphones". Some can stream the images and video directly to a server online for storage instead of storing it on the phone.

I guess you didn't get the memo that this is now the 21st century.

>> No.454543

No cellphone can record all day long. The battery is the limiting factor, not the storage.

>> No.454551
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By going off grid you add another datapoint simply because you went off. Then they send you advertisements in the mail for living off the grid.

Your friends probably aren't off the grid either and useful information could be gleaned from their actions.

And other people with cellphones could very well place pictures of you online.

Oh and let's not forget about the ubiquitous surveillance we're already under(pic related):

>> No.454552

>No cellphone can record all day long.

Good thing anon didn't say they did or he'd be really embarrassed. lol

>> No.454553

This is why living in B.F.E. has such appeal. The only surveillance out here are satellites overhead. Not even google's vans make it out here.

>> No.454555

blocking your face won't necessarily help if it's video. One way to identify people is by gait recognition, or simply the way you move.

tried exactly this. I couldn't get them bright enough to blind a camera.

>> No.454557

>tried exactly this. I couldn't get them bright enough to blind a camera.

It only works on certain cameras and now some manufacturers have been making their cameras so that you can't blind them in that way.

>> No.454558

You would need to be completely off grid(no friends, no cellphone, nothing) and not posting to a 4chan imageboard to get the benefit of this.

Ever hear of authorship recognition?

>> No.454560

There's this:

It's big and the risks of false positives is rather high.

>> No.454566

I don't see how a tinfoil hat would help with being filmed. Maybe a tinfoil mask, but definitely not a hat. Maybe if you were looking at your feet the whole time but that might make it difficult to navigate.

>> No.454569

I don't think you know what of the grid means.

>> No.454576

Aim a laser into camera lenses to blind the camera. Google Glass's camera is only an inch away from the wearer's eye. That isn't going to end well.

>> No.454580

Yeah, I can see some criminal litigation occurring.

>> No.454584
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>> No.454754

your cell phone's battery is 8 to 12 times physically larger than the battery pod in this thing

>> No.454768

your point of view in this argument has gotten waaaaaaay off-base and you're not coming off as tin-foily as much as belligerent.

>> No.454779
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Oh man you are sure going to look cool!!

>> No.454814

>implying infrared light is visible to the human eye
back in the cage, mongo

>> No.454842
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>ten thousand year history of abuse
>"no guise you can tots trust them! stop being so paranoid! xDxD"

>> No.454916

Well in this case its a bit different because I decide what I should and shouldn't be doing. I'm with the MLK rhetoric that if a law is unjust, you shouldn't follow it.

That is a good point about employers though and I hadn't thought of that. When I think about my data being mined by businesses I think of it going to marketing.

But even there, there are SOME employers where a dossier like that would help them find the exact candidate that they need for positions. FBI, CIA, Blackwater, yadda yadda.

I'm not sure if that practice would be widespread, but it would suck and I would find it way unethical.

>> No.455268

Pay crackheads $20 for each pair they steal.

>> No.455285


Holy shit i can make pantyshots and pictures of people in the toilets doing their buisness and its legal?! Fuck yea public space!

>> No.455320

best idea in the thread yet

>> No.455402
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You are smalltime.

>> No.456448

Yes, it's perfectly legal to videotape or photograph anyone in public space BUT isn't legal to publish it without the permition of the person involved, otherwise you have to protect the identity of that person.

>> No.456454
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>smartphones are everywhere and they all have video cameras
>anyone can record anything and immediately upload it to whatever they want
>no fucks given

>lower res camera mounted to face
>everybody panics


>sent to google HQ
Just like all the pictures taken on your iPhone get sent to Apple HQ, right?

>> No.456465

Do you idiots realize how long the video will last before the battery dies?

30 minute battery life while shooting video non-stop

5 hours max if you read emails, take short images and videos

>> No.456480

Oh look, it's a bunch of faggots saying they'd take a led pipe to some guy who MIGHT be recording them with totally unremarkable hardware. Wowee, you're sure getting your quota of edgy teen points today, fellas!

>> No.456485

The disparity really baffles me. Considering how many years we've had pinhole cameras that enabled with things like Bluetooth or AD2P, you'd think these Stop The Cyborg types just woke up from the 1980's.

If I wanted to record you being a fumble-fuck today, there's not a single technological hurdle for it. Certainly Google glass doesn't do anything but point a relatively low resolution camera in a new direction.

>> No.456487
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>implying anyone cares enough about what you're doing to do something like identify you by gait


>> No.456496

I think you're missing the point. Smartphones and pinhole cameras need to be actively operated, and their data exists on the users terms. Glass is a technology begging for ubiquity, and data collected is stored and processed by the most powerful data-mining operation in the world. Though paranoia is an overreaction, you need to understand the distinction.

>> No.456515

Great idea, haven't hear/thought of that one.

Also, where would one go to get some jamming devices anyway? Or how would one DIY one?

>> No.456518

Should have finished reading all of this first.

>> No.456525

>Though paranoia is an overreaction
Which part am I not supposed to be paranoid about, again, the fact that it would/will be almost impossible to evade if and/or when it becomes widespread or the part that it's run by a morally-bankrupt titan of industry with a history of data mining, abusive EULAs and complying lockstep with the federal government?

>> No.456534

hey idiots it can't record constantly it's not physically possible

>> No.456641

what if the feed gets sent to a cloud server... Aye.

>> No.456670

How do you know the data on Glass doesn't exist on the users' terms? Why assume that pictures and videos on your wifi-enabled phone aren't going anywhere, but assume that all data generated by Glass is sent directly to Google's evil laboratory to be processed by their information-hoarding robots?

>> No.456698

that would be the tinfoil dilemma, wouldn't it. Ignore or rewrite until the conspiracy fits.

>> No.456729

In what way am I missing the point? The part where you moved the goalposts to make a passive recording technology like tethered pinhole cameras somehow different from Glass?

All I need to do for either is press Record. That's it. That is barely an active operation. You're just worried because this has Google branding and now it's the newest worst surveillance network ever devised.

Oh no, you mean the video MAY have an auto-upload flag?! That picture someone just took of you might be uploaded to a social network or gallery within seconds of filming?! Someone might recognize you and your actions may be taken out of context?!

2003 called. They want their wifi-enabled camera back.

>> No.456749
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I have this bed sized piece of plywood that I was using as a bedframe, but now it is awkwardly leaning against the apartment wall. Any creative plywood ideas?

>> No.456761

thread just got interesting

>> No.456861

What if there will be improvements to this tech? Aye.
What if the US government will spread it's facial recognition software even further out into the US?


And so on and so on

>> No.456945

No you cant actually see the light it's really interesting, I made a webcam that can pick up on it and videod the tv remote control, it was like a torch coming from the front of it.

>> No.457118
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>> No.457122
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im basically doing the same, log cabins really arent hard to build and maintain. birch/maple syrup, deer, fish, and berries would make a decent diet. a rocket stove would be a good thing to research for you. 0 emissions and it works very well for a water heater

>> No.457154

I don't think the gubbermint is fapping to my fat ass eating a block of cheese at the park but that faggot in the glasses may very well have a fetish for that sort of thing and it makes me uncomfortable.

>> No.457172

works with every mobile phone i've tried it with.

movie theatres have been known to install crowd facing IR floods with no notable effect to prevent CCD based recorders from getting a good image.

>> No.457272

What happened to WiFi in 2001?

>> No.457285

Except he did you stupid fuck.

>> No.457334

No, I will give you that one, you are right when it comes to today's battery technologies.

But, there are technologies that can avoid overusing the batteries: mainly wirelessly transmitted power.

>> No.457338

Battery capacity/other battery related factors were always a problem.

>> No.457340

More over, most of the most invasive surveillance technologies usually don't have battery issues: IE they are stationary or have other means of producing power.

>> No.457347

I have a free track setup for playing Falcon 4.0 with. IR is filtered by most cameras. I had to disassemble the webcam I bought to punch out the IR filter for it to work well.

>> No.457362

I think the real question is what exactly the glass will be doing specifically. The filming of video or shooting of images is largely irrelevant, however if the device can recognise your face and is tracking you, geotagging you, sending your location and details of your actions to third parties, whatever, without your expressed consent, then the device, service provider and its user are in violation of things like the Data Protection Act 1998 in the UK.

>> No.457371

It's not a "question." Face recognition is builtin. The big secret out there is that all images from all sources are being combined to dramatically improve recognition. Say you have a 10% match. Not good enough, right? But what if you have a while string of matches, different cameras, sources, and a travel path, plus pings from phone records, and your email records (automatically integrated, of course - what, you thought you had right to privacy? god no. this is america) - well now it's probably close to a 99.9% match.

An image is facial detection is surveillance is stalking.

>> No.457372

Oh, also, in the UK laws are virtually worthless. I'm unclear as to why, but your goons do whatever the hell they want to do.

>> No.457398

"Guys I don't like what someone else is using as an electronics device how do I make it not work around me because fuck the other guy."

Jesus christ

>> No.457403

people are seeing you whenever you're in public anyway, what's the difference if someone else is somewhere else? It's not like they're specifically looking at YOU. YOU just happen to be there at the time.

>> No.457404

My privacy > someone else's social life

>> No.457406

If it interferes with their ability to communicate no it is not. Contrary to popular belief unless the recording is being sold or aired on television to earn profit your consent is not required to be recorded. That being said someone with a google glass is not singling you out they're just living their life, and someone trying to block their cell signal just because they don't like it is an asshole.

>> No.457485

you could just, you know, instead of trying to fuck up his tech with your tech

buy brass knuckles and punch him in the face

tends to jam most face mounted electronics

>> No.457495

>concerned about privacy
>on the internet

Kindly shut your mouth and suffocate, you utter fucking waste of air.
If there was any justice in the world, you would've dried on your mom's thighs.

>> No.457500

Make one of those hoddies with the bright infrared leds so the camera can't record your face.

>> No.457536

Why do people care so much about this sort of thing, out of curiosity? The government or google or whoeverthefuck doesn't give a shit what I do, I'm not nearly interesting enough.

>> No.457598

You have no reasonable expectation of privacy in public.

>> No.457810
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you heard it here first, Google is going to wirelessly transmit power to the computer on your face so they can spy on you

I can't see any possible way this could go wrong

>> No.457818


This >>457536

People cry so much about "muh privacy"

Nigga no one cares what you do. You're not interesting... you're not unique... you're not so amazingly important that people go out of their way to spy on you and see what you're doing.

You're just one of 6.9 Billion people on this rock.

Shut the fuck up and get over it.

>> No.458365

pretty easy actually. just knock it the fuck off their stupid head.

you can use your fist if nothing else is handy, but would be preferable to use a bat or pick handle.

they can have no reasonable expectation of not getting the shit knocked out of them in public.

>> No.458504

Laser pointer at the camera lens should be too bright and fry it. don't hit the users eyes or possible lawsuit the stronger the laser the more likelihood of your mission succeeding. y

>> No.458508

>Hurr durr the cloud
It's called a server.

>> No.458531


most important

>> No.458551


punch them in the face.

and why this is any different than the over 9000 cameras, devices, and the mobile phone you are probably carrying right now, i dont know.

>> No.458576


I think thats when wardriving became popular

>> No.458647


>> No.458650


>> No.458659


read about it, although you're too young to remember the different generations before g or n I'd imagine

>> No.459712

you should make an EMP generator,search for one on google, but to jam from a great distance you'll need a huge one.

>> No.459714

My hand and/or fist. The first to remove said glasses and snap them in half; the second to punch the fucker in the face if they resist, breaking the aforementioned spying device in the process. Also, fuck the police.