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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 96 KB, 800x600, EVERFLOW-T128015SH-75mm-Graphics-Video-Card-VGA-Cooler-Fan-Replacement-40mm-12V-0-32A-3Wire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
450406 No.450406 [Reply] [Original]

Hi there.
I'm going to try to put a new GPU fan on my video card.
It's ATI Radeon 5700 and the fan makes annoying grinding noises and doesn't seem to reach the speed it's supposed to anymore. It's barely making noise now at 25% speed (I'm watching the temperatures don't freak out) but I need a new one.

I don't know much about the subject or exactly what kind of fan is in there but I assume that with the right fan I could do it.

I'm thinking of keeping the heatsink and only replacing the fan itself but that would probably require me to find a more specific type of fan.

Soooo, do you think I should buy an aftermarket cooling set or a fan that fits right in there?
Also, where can I figure out what fan I need? I found a fan on ebay that looked like it's exactly the same.

>> No.450409

That card isn't worth repairing. Save $100 and buy a MUCH better card. For instance, a Radeon 7770 costs $120 shipped.

>> No.450412

Well I'm not the biggest fan (heheheheh) of spending money. If I wanted to get a new video card then I should probably get a new processor to keep up with it first. They do their jobs well enough, Skyrim at good quality and Project Reality mostly.

>> No.450414

Oh and it seems like problems are a lot more frequent for Radeon than other cards so if I'm buying another one I would consider something else.

>> No.450416

Measure fan width, Or read sticky under it. Find out how big it is. Find either a 3-post fan on ebay or get a regular fan, cut the housing off and glue the motor to the heat sink.

Cheap fix really. Or get a new heat sink. 5770s dont produce nuch heat, memory isnt cooled. If the pwm cooling is seperate then you are golden, just need a heat sink for the gpu.

Then voltmod the bitch so you can run 1ghz

>> No.450417

Anyway, it seems that the fan is 75mm (I don't even know what part of it that measurement is of) but I'm only finding 60, 70 and 80mm fans.

>> No.450419

Well I've been getting heats from 40°c-90°c and I assume that's borderline dangerous.
I'll take a look at the bottom of the fan as a last resort for information so I'll lose the least time of sitting in front of the computer doing nothing.

On a second note, what has to be compatible for a heat sink switch?

>> No.450422


If I do find a 12v 0.32A 75mm fan with 40mm between the three screws I can just slide that in there right?

I just noticed how cheap these cards are now by the way. My last one burned out and I had it replaced at a work shop for like 300 dollars 2-4 years ago.

>> No.450434

The fact that I can control the speed with MSI Afterburner doesn't mean that it's a 4 pin fan right?

>> No.450441

You can control speed on 4pin pwm... Just look at the fan cable and connector, is it two three or four pin holes?

If it measures the same it will fit fine

You dpnt have to use the fan connector on the card, you could gut a case fan and run it off molex or fan header, which ive done before. Then the fix is dirt cheap.

Most aftrrmarket heat sinks are compatible with both amd and nvidia. Just read about it. Newegg has a bunch, frozencpu can be a good reference. Both are overpriced though so buy elsewhere unless you want to pay more

>> No.450443

Ok, thanks a lot man. I just really wanted to make sure that I'm doing this one chance stuff right, not buying stuff that doesn't fit in or something.

>> No.450446

I just now realized that the voltage and amps really don't matter as long as the resistance they make can drive a fan fast enough.

>> No.450528

>Then the fix is dirt cheap.

I spent a part of my life trying to life hack my way through problems like this. Its a slippery slope towards disorder. If you don't connect to the fan header on the card, you lose the cards ability to change the fan speed. So the fan will only run at a single speed - probably full, and its noisy as hell. Inb4: Get a fan controller. I had a friend who did this shit many years back, he'd BSOD about every three minutes. "Derp, oops I forgot to turn the fans back up."

Automation is a luxury you're paying for when you buy engineered hardware. When you start nigger rigging things like the fan, quality drops off readily.

Stop being a poor broke loser, and buy a decent card. If you can't afford an Nvidia card of 480 GTX or higher, you need to toss your computer out and do something better with your life anyway.

>> No.450539


This is how you repair that fan: Carefully pull off that sticker at the back. In the middle, you find a bearing and the shaft. Put a drop of oil on it. If you don't have oil, you'll find a drop at the end of your car's oil dipstick. Don't make a mess. The surface has to stay clean to allow the label to be stuck again.

Now, the fan should work again.

>> No.450546


Not only will this probably not work (depending on the fan casing), you stand the chance of shorting the DC motor beneath.

>> No.450589 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I was planning on repairing it first but most people spoke against it and I have no oils that will do a good job. If I'm going to have to buy oil for it then I should rather just buy a new fan.

I don't know who you're talking to about the card but jesus, you should do something better with your life if you don't spend money on high end gaming equipment? That's just stupid.

Not going to bother arguing about "ur not 1337 enough" so let's keep going. You can control the fan speed of a new fan with software through that 3-pin, right? You don't need something on the side for the basic qualities, riiiight?

>> No.450599

Yeah, I was planning on repairing it first but most people spoke against it and I have no oils that will do a good job. If I'm going to have to buy oil for it then I should rather just buy a new fan.

I'm just going to ignore the fact that you are being a 12 year old spoiled cunt and skip arguing about "ur not 1337 enough" so let's keep going. You can control the fan speed of a new fan with software through that 3-pin, right? You don't need something on the side for the basic qualities, riiiight?

>> No.450605

>you should do something better with your life if you don't spend money on high end gaming equipment?

You missed the point. If you can't afford a basically normal video card, you don't really need to be asking this question on this board, you need to be out getting a better career. The 5700 is such old technology, that its worthless, and therefor not worth repairing.

I sold a Windforce GTX680 at the beginning of the year because I was tired of gaming and realized I had better things to do with my life.

I completely understand being frugal, but you sound flat out poor.

I'll rephrase my previous statement - DO SOMETHING ABOUT THAT.

Having to run a fan automation program is something a poor person would do. I've done it before, complete waste of time. Buy a used card that does all of these things for you.

>> No.450607

>I'm just going to ignore the fact that you are being a 12 year old spoiled cunt and skip arguing about "ur not 1337 enough"

I'll readdress this, being you reworded and deleted your other post.

I'm an adult. I work very hard for the things I have. I think you've got the wrong end of the stick old boy.

>> No.450616

Yeah I read it wrong first and deleted that reply but calling me poor because of a video card just rustles my jimmies for more than one reason.

I don't care that my card might be bad, it does it's job perfectly well. I can afford a new one but I haven't ever though about needing one and even if I do end up playing a game or something that the card can't handle, it's not high up enough in my priorities for me to spend money on it.

Besides, I'm an 18 year old student, you don't just hop into job land and get yourself a better job.

>> No.450617

Oh and the fact that I do have a bad card kind of already complies with the getting a life part.

>> No.450618

>but calling me poor because of a video card just rustles my jimmies for more than one reason.

It has absolutely nothing to do with your video card, its your persistence to repair it and hard wire around it.

You're sacrificing luxury for value.

>> No.450620

The idea is to get something that fits perfectly with no problems, no ghetto rigging. Such a little fuzz that it couldn't inspire me to get a new card now rather than any other time.

But now that I noticed how cheap cards are now I just might buy a new one at some point.

Sorry for the hostility, I got the impression of a youtuber arguing with kids over who got the best gear for christmas.

>> No.450630

>Sorry for the hostility, I got the impression of a youtuber arguing with kids over who got the best gear for christmas.

No problem. That's certainly not the case at all.

I've used nine different cards by Nvidia. The only one I every had a problem with was one I gave to my little sister. She melted it with a hairdryer, I think she was trying blow the dust bunnies out of the fan. I've had two ATI card's fail on me. Nvidia's a more reliable product if you upgrade.

You'll have to separate the heat spreader from the GPU die in order to replace the fan. That means reseating the sink with new paste after you're done, provided the new fan works correctly. Sounds like a lot of trouble when you can upgrade to a much nicer card for little to nothing.

>> No.450634

Yeah, Nvidia gets all the praises and while I was dealing with this fan I stumbled upon a few posts about video card problems, it's AMD like 90% of the time, most of those it seems to be a fan problem.

>> No.450640

Hey, I don't have to apologize, I just remembered you called me a loser.

... not that I really care.

Weeell, anyway, if popping a fan in there isn't a chance and a whole fanset seems like it would cost half the value of card I guess a card is the best option.

>> No.450642

Well in that case, you should certainly expend the energy to rebuild that fan.


>> No.450646

Just put a drop of gun oil or sewing machine oil in the hole on the back of the fan.

Worked for both my ATI 5850 fan and my laptop fan.

The laptop needs new oil now (after one year of no grinding) and the 5850 has been working silently for the past 4 months.

>> No.450647

Yeah, I'll see how well I can fix it, if it's flawless, I'll keep using it and if not there isn't much loss and I buy a new card.

I wouldn't call myself a gamer, I play games casually so I would probably just buy something for around $150, assuming those wouldn't be terrible. Not considering the added price in my country, a $150 card would be about $180-$200 in my country.

>> No.450650

Oh yeah, with all this card talk I forgot about trying that.
I know better than using WD-40 but the only other lubricant I found lying around is this CRC3-36 but that's probably no better because it's also a degreaser.

I guess I'll go for the used motor oil tip, as horrible as that sounds saying it.

>> No.450654

That sounds horrible, skip it and use some cleaner oil.

To be honest for the 5850 I used cooking oil, sunflower I think.

>> No.450658

According to this
It's not bad, if I do upgrade the GeForce GTX 560 SE seems like a good card for the money.

I can understand the main statistics but I really don't know video cards.

>> No.450663
File: 11 KB, 480x270, p_3301817_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go loser:


>> No.450666

Well if you're trying to be smooth you just linked something I already linked.

>> No.450667


Didn't even open yours. So it is.

>> No.450668

Maxwell architecture is coming at the end of the year/early next year.

It will devaluate the GTX5xx and 6xx series a great deal. My old 680 was an absolute dream. I imagine even the lowest grade 600 will be highly refined. Aftermarket coolers, like the "windforce" edition of cards are soooo quiet.

>> No.450674

Yeah good point.
I'll try to fix this fan and hope that it will last and then wait for something like that to happen. By then I probably won't play games enough for even this card to be worth the money though.

All of this stuff will be worth pocket change when quantum computing gets industrialized and we all start using hoverchairs.

>> No.450678

Well that's that, thank you kind people and kind of thank you other ones.

>> No.450685


Fuck you too.

>> No.451236


I have repaired about half a dozen fans with a drop of oil on the bearing. It is not possible to short the motor, as oil is not conductive. Even if it was, the windings of the motor are far enough away from the bearings. Used motor oil is only the last resort. When I think of it, any gunstore or car repair workshop will probably give you a single drop of oil for free :-)
You have nothing to lose, thats the benefit here. At worst, it will not work better than before.

>> No.451326

or just make a fuckign adapter from the old fan to the 3-pin molex instead of being a stupid unhandy cunt. Find a decent fan air/noisewise and quit crying

>> No.451328

No, you dont have to remove the heatsink to swap fans...

Is it really that fucking complicated to find a replacement fan? no it isnt. There are adapters to adapt to the fan port on the card. Or make your own, this is DIY afterall. If the impeller fits into the hole, cut the house off from the "legs" and glue that bitch in. If it isnt some OVAR 9000 RPM fan, you won't hear it if it was running at full speed. (joking aside, 2500-3500 rpm should be your goal - fan rpm isnt a direct correlation to CFM but generally these fans move decent air without being too loud).

Most cards have BIOS settings that take a very long time to adjust fan speeds, they sacrifice temperatures for noise. I had one card that didn't start ramping up speed until high 70s°C. Electronics last longer when not excessively hot.

Also most cards can do with a repaste, factory TIM applications are shit 95% of the time.

A 5770 isn't worthless, worth little sure. I don't see any working free 5770s around.

Jesus some people are prissy

Modding can be quite fun.

>> No.451330
File: 266 KB, 500x576, 1362756973381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying his CPU has enough balls to power a 680. Same with PSU

>not knowing what bottlenecks are