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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 223 KB, 1024x681, white-black-ray-ban-wayfarer-rb-2140[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
438666 No.438666 [Reply] [Original]

How do I paint these black?

advice? tips? cons?

>> No.438668

tip: tape the glasses or take them out first

>> No.438669

what paint do i use for this project?

>> No.438678

I dunno, wait 4 someone else

>> No.438705

black paint

>> No.438711

what kind?
the material seems to be 'acetate'

>> No.438716

Any plastic adhering paint and an acrylic sealant

>> No.438721

Hey thanks!
why the sealant?

>> No.438759

Looks like plastic. You'd be better of dying it.

>> No.438763

You can paint these very easily, using many kinds of paint. But what you're really asking is "How do I paint these black and have it last?"

Apart from the normal issues of paint rubbing off due to handling, you'll be wearing this directly in contact with skin, and many paints just won't stand up to that for any length of time (ignoring issues your skin might have with that as well).

I think dyeing may be your best bet, although I'm not sure how effective it'll be on white.

>> No.438765

You'll ruin them because it'll look like shit.
>spraypainting expensive sunglasses

>> No.438769

No and no.

Firstly, how do you know any paint that adheres to plastic will work on acetate? Some might craze the plastic, some might never dry properly because of interactions between the plasticisers and the substrate, some will work on certain plastics but not this one.......

And second, you can do a hell of a lot better than an acrylic "sealant".

>> No.438771

thanks for the information

Exactly. It seems like a big hit or miss.
the 2 options it leaves me with is:
-choosing something that can come of easily, so I can just keep the sunglasses in their white form
-choosing something aggresive, that may damage the acetate but will hopefully last good.

the skin-contact problem can be solved by just painting on the outer layer (since the inside is already black, the change in hue won't be very visible imo)

>> No.438778

/toy/ has been very helpful and recommended model master acrylics or Krylon Fusion spraypaint.

Any thoughts on those /diy/ ?

>> No.438788

Easy...sell them to a dumbtalented /diy/erfor retail price and buy a black pair.

>> No.439223

Model Master acrylics!!! My sides.

Don't get me wrong it's perfectly decent paint, but hardly wear-resistant. And it should be applied to primer not bare plastic, anyone mention that?

Both of those /toy/ suggestions are basically just guesses, so really no better than anything you'll get from anyone who hasn't done pretty much this exact thing before. Which I'm guessing will be nobody, sorry.

>> No.439231

It didn't occur to me earlier but the one paint I think might actually be suitable for this isn't something a /diy/er can probably get access to, or reasonably be expected to apply, if I'm even right. And it would require some pretty high-grade masking too.

The paint I'm thinking of, the smallest tin they make might cost the same or more than retail for a new pair of Ray-Bans! And then there's the masking stuff on top of that.

So I really think your best bet is to sell them, buy a black pair.

>> No.439248 [DELETED] 

Coming from an optician, those Ray Bans look fucking cool and you're an idiot to want to boring black model every little 12-year-old hipstertalented /diy/erhas.
Don't ruin them, please. Just sell them on ebay.

>> No.439249 [DELETED] 

Coming from an optician, those Ray Bans look fucking cool and you're an idiot to want to boring black model every little 12-year-old hipstertalented /diy/erhas.
Don't ruin them, please. Just sell them on ebay.

>> No.439250

Coming from an optician, those Ray Bans look fucking cool and you're an idiot to want to boring black model every little 12-year-old owns nowadays.
Don't ruin them, please. Just sell them on ebay.

>> No.439264

if you paint a $150 pair of sunglasses we will kill you

>> No.439265

hey optician!!! where do you practice?

please explain why glass lenses are so fucking hard to find/so expensive.

>> No.439352

but I will get paid very badly for them :(
and they have prescription lenses in them too!

Any protips?

>> No.439381

very good insight, thanks

>> No.439420

>pop out lens
>evenly spray a light coat of black spray-paint (repeat if necessary only when the previous layer has dried)
>reinsert lens

>> No.439610

no, there are no protips because no pro would paint awesome raybans.

ok, so? do you not have the original lenses?
do you not think that you could sell them for a good price WITHOUT lenses for someone who wanted to use them as optical frames? they don't come with lenses at the opticians store.

lastly, why do you want to paint them? if they have prescription lenses, didnt you pick them out? are you just tired of the color now? you want plain black ones?

this is retarded i dont know why im still typing