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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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425719 No.425719 [Reply] [Original]

-Type of environment you live in:
-Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
-Population per square mile (use google):
-Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
-Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
-How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:

>> No.425720
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To get things rolling, here's my answers. This isn't a "look at what the OP can do!" thread. I'm genuinely interested in what you guy do.

>Type of environment:
Very hilly, temperate climate.

>Worst weather conditions:
Worst on record -40F winter, usually -10f to -15f at night for 2 weeks in any given winter (natural gas often freezes off at this time); bad storms in winter, spring, and fall all of which regularly knock out electric lines, which can stay out for up to 2 weeks at a time. Every spring there is heavy flooding. Very rarely there is a tornado (once every 10 years maybe) or just extremely high winds that cause massive damage.

>Pop. per square mile:
23 people per square mile on average for the county.

>Distance to nearest shelter:
Unknown, not even google helps.

>Level of community helpfulness:
Around an 9-10 I'd say. Xmas gifts are given, driveways are plowed by whoever has a tractor or truck with a blade. Sometimes someone will till your garden for you.

>How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without ...:

Pretty good. I have a river and pond on my property, 6 months of food in the pantry; enough for 2-3 people. I garden and raise chickens too (though there's currently only enough feed for 2 weeks max, but they can free range when not cooped up in non-winter months). I have 2 wood stoves, a winter's worth of wood, an electric generator with only about 48 hours worth of fuel. I have a bicycle that is converted into an electric generator that I use to charge up a 12 volt battery for things like my netbook and small lights to use. I have a 10,000+ book library so I won't get bored and I'll know how to do most things if needed. I have tons of non-electric tools; hand drills, saws, etc. I've also made wind turbines for electric, but still need to finish the bigger ones and have a small forge and foundry. I have a good first aid kit.

>reposted misc pic of a random DIY I've done

>> No.425731

>Type of environment you live in:
Central Europe, calm climate, stable ground, weaponless community, semi-calm neighbour countries without possibilities of disturbancies
>Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
+35 degrees Celsius at summer
-35 degrees Celsius at winter
wind speed up to 35m/s, but it doesn't happen more than once in a couple of years
>Population per square mile (use google):
144 per square mile in my country. In place where my house stands it should be only 15-20 people
>Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
I have no Idea, but must be 100+ kilometers
>Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
>How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:
Almost no fucks. Maybe only electricity would give one or anothers rare fucks.

>> No.425744

- sheltered Northern California valley. Safe from the majority of environmental crises, and flooding is usually just monetary loss.

- -10f to +110f, minor earthquakes (5 or less in magnitude), no snow, random heavy rains but no serious storms. Most weather badness comes from our shitty ability to handle it here. We're all like fucking 8 year olds.

- 10 miles, though I imagine it's been dismantled. We're a very poor, very stupid sub-area of an already stupid area.

- Here? 3. Probably less.

- horribly. If I could get my family to the foothills, I think we'd do a lot better. Personally, I'm not into nature, but I think I can do what needs to be done. The retarded savages I live near would eat their own young in two days without pacifying pay TV to watch.

>> No.425745

>Type of environment:

Rural Wales, mountains, valleys, rain...

>Worst weather conditions:

20FT of snow, floods, normally just rains though

>Pop. per square mile:

No idea, not much.

>Distance to nearest shelter:


>Level of community helpfulness:

8, getting rougher...

>How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without ...:

2 weeks?

>> No.425754

-Type of environment you live in:
Temperate? Not sure. Southern Wisconsin
-Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
Snow storm, Tornado.
-Population per square mile (use google):
-Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter: No idea.
-Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
7 or 8. Our neighbors plow our driveway for free, and we're generally friendly.
-How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:
I have no where near enough food, but I think I could maybe live. I live on a freshwater lake, with well water, so that wouldn't be too big of an issue. If it were to happen right now, I'm not sure if the fishing would be good enough to live off of. I'd be without electricity and gas, so I would probably freeze to death in the winter.

>> No.425757

Re. this pic, I've read on metalworking sites that nails are commonly mild steel, so don't respond to heat treatment the way higher-carbon steels do.

So there's no point in heat treating the tip for hardness, although after hammering annealing the shaft may be worthwhile.

>> No.425770

It's worked really well in my personal experience. Besides, the cementation process is easy enough to do. Not only that, but heat treating it make a world of difference. You should try it yourself.

>> No.425776

-Type of environment you live in:
-Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
-Population per square mile (use google):
-Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
-Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
-How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:

>On a nice cozy hill in central Europe, 158 - 362 m above sea level, near a town with 70.000 inhabitants
>max. +40 degrees Celsius at summer; max. -20 degrees Celsius at winter
>289 per km^2
>No idea
>1, we never had contact with our neighbors before
>0/10 death is pretty much certain

>> No.426062

>Type of environment you live in:
Humid subtropical
>Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
>Population per square mile (use google):
>Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
1/4 mile
>Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
>How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:
I harouteanly go on long camping trips deep into the woods and have a vegetable garden, I could live very comfortably

>> No.426078

-Type of environment you live in:
-Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
magnitude 2.3 earthquakes
-Population per square mile (use google):
Officially 3200, adjusting for outlying towns that are technically a part of ours about 1900
-Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
30 miles
-Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
3 to 5 depending on neighborhood (lolurbansprawling)
-How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:
Pretty well, most of the places I stay at (couchsurfer reporting in) have some sort of hippie commune organic gardening co-op thing going on.

>> No.426425

One of the big things I've always wondered is how would you stay connected to your personal social network? Not like twitter or 4chan, but your IRL social network. A lot of times, where I live, if the power is out for x amount of time the land line phones will go out in about 5 hours, because the phone company runs everything on backup batteries and needs to recharge them or swap them out every x amount of hours. You end up with very spotty phone coverage. Even with cell phones have trouble with long power outages since the base stations ultimately rely on the grid, batteries then generators. Even satellite internet companies like Hughesnet use land line phones as part of their hookup. Not only that, but during a disaster or generally bad weather conditions a cascade failure of communications systems happens a lot.

So, the only consistent communications would be satellite phones. All you need then is a way to charge them up when they need it and hope that the person you are calling still has a way to receive your call.

Me, I only have a land line, but the phone is never plugged in. So, I only use internet via land line for all my communications.

So, /diy/, what do you have?

>> No.426460

>Type of environment you live in:
Temperate, slightly hilly, with mixed forests, lots of agriculture and some small towns scattered over the region. Residence is in a town of 30,000, which is the largest within 30 miles or so.
>Worst weather conditions (including earthquakes):
Below freezing point temperatures for at least several dozen nights each winter on average. Slight snowmelt floods. That's all.
>Population per square mile (use google):
Around 300 (120/sqkm) in my county.
>Approximate distance to nearest municipal disaster shelter:
There is none that I know of.
>Level of community helpfulness (scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is killing each other's pets and 10 is borrowing a cup of sugar and baking pies for each other):
About 5, I get along with my neighbors but we don't care much for each other. However many of the people here grew up in the GDR and still have a sense of solidarity in them when push comes to shove.
>How well do you think you'd do for 1 month without company-based utilities like running water, electricity, and without food bought from stores:
Absolutely unsure, but I doubt I'd starve to death with my gardening yield, conserved food and neighborhood help. I have no problems shitting in the corner of my garden for a month.