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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 73 KB, 600x750, 633809119214872825-steampunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41548 No.41548 [Reply] [Original]

Streampunk tutorial tread

>> No.41578


>> No.41586

Cyberpunk is where it's at.

>> No.41596

>Dress up in slutty halloween costumes all year round

Sure is desperate to define one's self by attaching to an image.

>> No.41618 [DELETED] 


I know this isn't entirely related, but when I was in driving earlier there was a commercial on the radio that I found hilarious.

It was a tattoo parlor/jewelry place that was saying SHOW HOW DIFFERENT YOU REALLY ARE.

It hurt.

>> No.41625

Willy Wonka is now steampunk?

>> No.41636
File: 71 KB, 540x720, 385157_281046271928303_173260812706850_935101_1695604093_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steampunk died the day Justin Bieber started wering some.

>> No.41658
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Anyway, contributing what I have (a few pics from some infothread)

>> No.41664
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The one in green isn't steampunk.

>> No.41670

Petty sure they didn't have oversized implants in the Victorian era anyway. Fuck those are hideous.

>> No.41684


No, that's the result of improper corset usage!!


>> No.41691
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And this, somewhat related I guess.
Also this thread : >>39568

>> No.41696 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 218x252, 1277736260257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck YES.

Now whenever steampunk faggots dress up, it will be taken as Beiber fandom.
Best thing that could possibly happen to steampunk.

>> No.41807

I'd be interested in some steam punk tutorials, I think its kind of cool. not sure where all the hate is coming from XD

>> No.41939

It is the epitome of form over function, made all the worse because there is actually no function. Interlocking gears that couldn't possibly move, copper tubes that go nowhere and do nothing, no use of steam or any other energy, glued-on nuts & bolts, and spraypainted plastic to look like brass.
It's silly comic-book faux vintage of an era that never existed.
It's hallowe'en so that sort of stuff is perfectly fine. As a "subculture" it is ludicrous.

>> No.42003

You ever see that faggot nerd that wears a fedora and it looks horrible? Steampunk is like that x 1000. You look like a fucking retard.

>> No.42031
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captcha: Engineer Ndlega

>> No.42034
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I'm pretty sure I look like a fucker whose batteries are fully charged by a wood-burning steam-powered generator.

Oh wait you were talking about steampunk not punks who use steam. Carry on then.

>> No.42102 [DELETED] 

Hey nigga i'm looking for that energy meter... sauce??

>> No.42117
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This is the sixth time we've had this thread and we're still exceedingly inefficient at it.

>> No.42132

What bugs me about "steampunk" girls is that they always seem to be polished in pictures. Like, when I think steampunk I think of someone who works with gadgets and gizmos that are steam powered and mechanical. Think of a fucking steam train. Think of the asshole shoveling coal into the furnace. Do you think that guy is clean? No. These girls need WAY less make up, and way more grease and dirt.

Either way, it's pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.42136
File: 176 KB, 755x1024, 2abcd1c6bddfaef920531398d8226ee6-755x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty girls can be hot.

>> No.42140 [DELETED] 
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>> No.42141

Not sure if you're implying my post said that they weren't. But yes, I agree. I was saying that steampunk outfits should include a good amount of dirt etc.

>> No.42157
File: 33 KB, 290x295, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my whole steamgal folder, can't find another "dirty" looking girl.
FUCK. I've seen plenty of greaseguys, but no more chicks? Probably my tendency to only save shopped up near-fap material.
Didn't mean to imply anything. I'd love some more stuff like that.

>> No.42167

To be fair women at that time were expected to maintain themselves in a particular fashion, which really hasn't changed much today- even in the workplace, the military, etc, women have worn make up since they found out what it could do. Don't get me wrong, if you're doing some spelunking or something of the sort of course, but dirt for no reason is just as stupid as flawless girls all the time

>> No.42179

Steampunk =/= victorian. Steampunk implies that they are somehow outcast or on the fringes of society. Giving up conventional societal idiom for working with mechanical things. It implies that they are working with/around and tinkering with steam powered devices which, like I explained earlier, are going to be dirty.

>> No.42204
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>Steampunk implies that they are somehow outcast or on the fringes of society.
What? No.
It's just a genre/subgenre dude, grew out of speculative alternate Victorian histories in which technology was more advanced/on a different route. People still associate Victorian with steampunk universes often because of the roots, even though it has spread out. Depending on your setting, obvious steampunk elements, or implied ones (if you take something Victorian and tweak it just enough you can make it obvious that it's not pure historical and is likely associated with steampunk, for example a vest-toting gentleman with a fantastic strange clock might get the point across) can exist and present themselves obviously in any class/individual from it.
But it appears I've fallen into a pattern I try to avoid, arguing "what is or isn't steampunk" on the internet, or at all, which generally makes one appear as an asshat.

>> No.42207


>> No.42212

The same can be said about everything in steampunk. Why do they even call it that when it never even actually uses steam?

>> No.42240

a term coined by a writer I can't remember in a letter to other authors to describe the genre they had started to create and write in.

>> No.42311



Attention whores and sluts.

>> No.42340

>describe steampunk with the same words used to describe women
There's a slight interest in my pants.

>> No.42363

On the one hand, the nonfunctional gears irk me. On the it is though... I can't hate anything that gets cute attention whores into corsets.

>> No.42380

I hate non-functional gears as well, however I ignore/exclude that and instead focus on the functioning gears, the purely mechanical machines it's that part that interests me in steampunk.

That said i only use it as a setting for my /tg/ habits.

>> No.42739


K. W. Jeter.

>> No.42812
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>> No.42813
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>>(design and character copyright protected, please do not steal)

>> No.42825


dear god yes, as an engineer I get REAL pissy about non functioning things.

i still love steampunk though

>> No.42859

Not exactly. I know the artist who made that. Incidentally, that's probably the crowning moment of awesome for the Bien Now if he'd start to make music, it would be swell, but probably Bieber's too dumb for that.

Certainly looks the part though.

>> No.42862
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>> No.42863
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Mini-dump in progress.

>> No.42864
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Yers, something without goggles and without plastic gears glued to everything CAN be steampunk. It's just that the idiots and twerps circle like vultures and dive on the worst examples.

>> No.42867
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Problem is that old timey DIY projects are steampunk by virtue of being old timey. Also, there are no universal tutorials for steampunk.

>> No.42872
File: 119 KB, 938x938, 1282106902998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, made my goggles without any tutorial. Brazed the shit out of them, using solid brass and steel. Later I learned that some idiots dare to use plastic. All my hate.

>> No.42876
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Minidump end.

>> No.42877

>>42859 Certainly looks the part though.

She still not steampunk by any reasonable definition. More like an antiquated Victorian Slut.

>> No.42883


Seriously, a single accessory can make things steampunk


>> No.42891

/cgl/ is <<<<that way


>> No.42894

Point taken and agreed.
Tips/tutorials/stories about non-worn steampunk would be cool (kinetic art, retro-fied gadgetry, etc).

>> No.42897


How can you encourage /diy/ projects without reference materials?

>> No.42910 [DELETED] 

Not to bring too much /cgl/ shit into here... but you think that's bad? Feast your eyes on this gem:


>> No.42921

You seriously let a 17-year-old pop singer define what you think is cool or what style you like? Why does it matter what he does?

>> No.42928

I want to make these, and they look good in that picture, but I'm so sure people would just be asking me why I'm wearing a pair of mason jar lids.

>> No.42936
File: 52 KB, 1024x683, last exile goggles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're good with metalworking tools, you can always make your own stuff. Look over here for WIP pictures of a truly magnificent pair of goggles, made completely out of brass and leather.

>> No.42947

>Last Exile
THAT is the tab I've been forgetting to visit.
Cya thread.

>> No.43042
File: 152 KB, 1000x1500, nicotine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.43047


This turns into a HELLO RAPE!! series real fast.

>> No.43095

The rest of the set is /hc/ material.

>> No.43282

Damn, those goggles and the top hat made me wanna make a steampunk walking stick!!! brb gonna /diy/ all day long!

>> No.43286 [DELETED] 

It'll be a glorious day when steampunk shit dies.

>> No.43296


Good steampunk is very cool. There is precious little good steampunk. Most of it is so bad, steampunk is like furries for /diy/.

>> No.43302
File: 343 KB, 566x357, wobblercame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/diy/ confirmed for board of the year all years

>> No.43303
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>> No.43307

It would be so good if every board were like this!

>> No.43313 [DELETED] 

steampunk must be utterly destroyed.

bunch of tribal tattoo having, conformist nonconforming, angsty fucking obnoxious teenage buttfucking trend whores. just fucking DIE already.

>but it's so popular

I'll fucking kill you

>> No.43315

this without all the mad.

>> No.43317


I'm not even going to lie, I AM MAD.

Most of the time, anyway. But steamfaggots activate my rage even more/

>> No.43320

Not a fan of steampunk, at all. Non-functionality, and I don't like victorian stuff. To each their own, I guess. I'd like to see mory cyberpunk, especially cyberpunk as a lifestyle made of equal parts rice and electronic functionality. Unfortunately until we have properly working implants and prosthetics, it'll never fulfill its proper potential, and will sit next to steampunk in lack of functionality where implants are concerned.

Oh, and mods are gods indeed.

>> No.43329

Britfag here just back from Whitby goth weekend, couldnt agree more

>> No.43415

Idiot's guide To steampunk:

1. Learn how pneumatic, hidraulic, and mechanic forces work = get an engineering degree.

2. Reverse engineering anything and rebulld it using only the three forces explained before.

3. Avoid plastics, victorian makers, use real materials, like metal, glass and ceramic.

4. Dress according to date, remember, functional, and elegant not slutty, that's halloween for!

5. Grease and dirt, is a must! Remember, london was a shitty pile of smog and coal back in the XIX century, also, steam punk is about brass, not chrome, so get dirty!.

6. People getinto steam punk , because they cant understand bioengineering, genetics, and high level electronics, and programing, also we' re some sort limited with the technology of our time.

>> No.43416
File: 29 KB, 473x608, 1309616148433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand all the hate for steampunk. Some of this shit can be straight up embarrassing. I've always liked the themes around it. The time makes it an era of innovation for better standard of living. Inventors are striving for the new and extravagant. Exploration is key and finding the unknown is always a goal.

In a world mapped, space travel dead and "inventions" are better iPhones and apps for said phones, steampunk is appealing to me at least.

Also everything doesn't need a cog, don't wear goggles if your not welding/working (I'm looking at you, women) and NOT EVERYONE IS BRITISH. AMERICANS EXISTED IN THE 1800s.


>> No.43431


>>43320 here.

This is why I like cyberpunk.

Bonus points when we can actually do augmentations and implants in 20 years.

>> No.43441

that's pretty cool
You know what you can use as old timey welding goggles? Old timey welding goggles! It pays living next to an abandoned factory from before WorldWar1

>> No.43460
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And we're so close on getting real arms too, soldier/vet demand is just enough that its starting to see the light of day. If someone can profit from it, it will happen. Till then just sit on your hands and wait.

With cyberpunk I have this feeling when you get new eyes you'll have to sign a DRM that surrenders everything you see to the company (oh hey EA games) for research purposes.

>> No.43485

Oh god.

And I thought Gibson's future was fucked up.

The worst part is that it's actually possible. That WOULD happen. Then you get the hacker underground that can see through the eyes of others, and the people that are like "fuck the system" and write their own firmware for the things to bypass restrictions and spying. Then you have the restrictive governments, and worst of all, the hackers that can take control of peoples' prosthetic limbs and make them kill themselves or use them to spy or kill other people. Kinda gives "zombie botnet" an entirely new, far more literal, utterly terrifying meaning.

I may need to write this into a story now.

>> No.43777

i like steampunk as a style and as a setting for fiction. but i think making steampunk looking things for fashion is lame. why doesn't anyone make actual functioning steam-powered devices? now that would be cool.

>> No.43788


>> No.43886

If I find myself with nothing else to do this evening (ironically after the weekly Shadowrun game), I may start outlining a story.

>> No.43896

Because steampunk stuff would never actually function in the real world. It's SCIENCE!, not science. You dig? Steampunk depends heavily on suspension of disbelief.

That's not to say I don't love it, though.

>> No.43957

steampunk is speculative fiction about what sorts of technology might have developed if electricity was never discovered and everything had to continue to rely on steam power instead. a lot of steampunk technology is theoretically possible but unfortunately we have centuries of technology developing in the wrong direction (electricity). it's hard to know what would really be possible if we'd spent all this time focusing our technology on steam power instead.

>> No.43971

post some steampunk things that are actually powered by steam.
here's a steam-powered record player:

>> No.43976

It was acceptable in the 80s... 1880s that is...

>> No.43992

>if electricity was never discovered and everything had to continue to rely on steam power instead.
Plus some grey areas in-between.
Most style/visible manifestations of steampunk revolve around a toned down aesthetic based interpretation simply because it's difficult as fuck to figure out/construct for the reasons you've mentioned.
Monsters in sci-fi don't have fully planned out biologies or real methods of construction but they try to present as plausible, using the realistic amount of unknown/vagueness to their advantage.
Steampunk manifestations do similarly hope to give suggestion of the rational/technological underlying workings but is largely hindered by the visibility and openness of aesthetics caused either by conforming to real style or by trying to push my stylistic pieces out than necessary in order to imitate existing works through vaguer and less sensible suggestion.
Meaning they aren't very good at it but it's really no cause for any mad/hate, that comes from not understanding the idea of aesthetic suggestion or some kind of association of fanbase or definsive-tendencies I think. Modern steampunk is grounded in fiction is grounded in reality, but it largely focuses on that first step.
And then there's amazing stuff like >>43971 , shit man that's cool. I'll see if I can find any of my old links, not that I've seen much.

>> No.43994
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Actual machinery that was steam powered... that I can get into. Raymond Loewy... that I can also get into.

Gluing gears cut out of construction paper and painted gold onto everything... not so much.

>> No.43997


>> No.44000


Ah, the Prime Minister has returned. Good to see you again Sir.

>> No.44008

Thats art deco homeboy

>> No.44009
File: 169 KB, 900x1350, 131498698736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about.
But here's something neat.

>> No.44019


Yes. ...your point being? :-)

It was steam powered, Victorian, aesthetic, and functional.

>> No.44031

No, like i said, its art deco. Victorian is victorian. Different periods of design. Radicaly different. Art deco stems from ancient egyptian. Victorian from edwardian. Learn2design

>> No.44036

form over function is steampunk done wrong, except in the case of modding.
someone gluing/soldering gears all over shit doesn't make it steampunk, it makes it a peice of shit covered in gears.

>> No.44041
File: 382 KB, 809x1152, 1312625982825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or to be more precise: Art deco stems from 1920/30s American architecture that was itself inspired partly by ancient Egypt.

>> No.44044

1920/30's were apart of the art deco period....

>> No.44048
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>> No.44050

Though I have to say that I like to see art deco and steampunk combined partly.

>> No.44056

I hope this board doesn't turn into more /fa/-level shit.
But back on track, a bunch of the mini-steam engines I saw had a very similar design, is there a standard construction pattern?

>> No.44057
File: 233 KB, 720x620, sphinx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well yes... except that the Victorians were obsessed by Egypt. Different 'styles' that coexisted and crosspollinated.

So, is this Singer art deco?

>> No.44063

That is the best get this board will ever see.

>> No.44065


Point taken.


>> No.44066



>> No.44067

inspired partly by ancient Egypt with emphasis on partly. Art Deco also used a lot of the styles that appeared then like futurism and cubism.

>> No.44071


Hmmm... OK. Argument conceded.

>> No.44074


...except that Singer was totally art deco before art deco was art deco.

>> No.44091

No, the argument was that steampunk isn't art deco.

>> No.44122

On the steampunk fiction style Alastair Reynolds writes 'future steampunk'.

one of his books is set in far far future earth where for some reason the world is split into zones which have limits on the levels of technology that works meaning some zones have to rely on steam power (and others have to rely on horses). the low tech works in high tech zones but not the other way.

in one of his other books a kind of nano technology plague wipes out high tech that relies on nano technology and they people have to fall back on steam power - the interesting slant is that they're not as good at it as you'd imagine a space faring race would be because they've forgotten many of the basics / relied on higher technology for manufacturing even simple things.

(i've only read two and a half of his books ...)

steampunk isn't limited to victoriana (or at least not in his imagination)

>> No.44124

I'll just leave this here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n979JDkOzW0

>> No.44130
File: 164 KB, 640x505, ain25-desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steampunk gadgets / trinkets = Awesome
Steampunk clothing = Not awesome

Can anyone agree on that?

>> No.44143


I like the Neo Victorian look. The only steampunkism I dislike is the random throwing of gears. I've seen chicks throw big plastic gears that hang limply from their shittily sewn skirts and proclaim "IT IS STEAMPUNK LOLZORS"!" Dudes who glue cogs to glasses, etc. But eh, every fashion has people who are lazy and/or stupid.

>> No.44150

'fashion' takes the accents of things and runs with them. fashion works with shorthand

this is why they throw cogs everywhere

>> No.44154

lol there should be a sub-genre called gear punk for people like those xD

>> No.44159
File: 40 KB, 500x516, 342091yegd_w[1].jpg_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Clock Punk?

>> No.44161

ohh so that's what it's called I see I see lol

>> No.44162

You mean jerkjunk amiright

>> No.44163

>Can anyone agree on that?
Yes it's an aesthetic preference that many people could agree on.

What goes wrong is when people go taking their opinions as objective facts or reason for some absurd sense of superiority.

>> No.44167

nah. Clock punk is fine too. It can even be neatly combined with Steam Punk. The problem just is that clockworks are very difficult to use without looking dumb.

>> No.44168

This also applies to that stupid cyberpunk thread going on. Exact same people, exact same interest, exact same reasons for interest. Just different ends of the clock.

>> No.44182
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>not going out every day with dress trousers, white shirt with rolled up sleeves, green/brown waistcoat, pocketwatch, spyglass and steampunk goggles

>> No.44183
File: 125 KB, 898x669, 1308243682162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steampunky watch, tell me your secrets...

>> No.44206

Nuclear power>>>>>>conventional steam power.

>> No.44207
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And I have downs syndrome.

>> No.44265

Anyone know where to buy cheap brass sheet that isn't K&S prices?

>> No.44267

nuclear steam power > all alternatives

>> No.44271

Nuclear power is steam power...

>> No.45479



>> No.45617
File: 299 KB, 1269x1395, 1240299743342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear guggenberg I want this. WHERE can I buy it if it is real ?

>> No.46133
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I never see these two posted anymore, and they're easily not the same rage-inducing costume designs that everyone else uses. They use elements of fringe-subculture (punk-ish themes), Victorian elements in clothes design, and no arbitrary gears.

>> No.46135
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and 2

>> No.46156

Right but not all steam power is nuclear power.

>> No.48252

my lawd, this thread still lives?

>> No.48270 [DELETED] 

Thanks to this thread, I had a little ebay shoppiung spree. That thing right next to me is a sheet of brass. Brass wire and silver rods should arrive tomorrow. Torch and flux are over in my workshop. There's a block of solid brass on my desk. TIME TO MAKE SOME GOGGLES, BITCHES!

>> No.48272

Thanks to this thread, I had a little ebay shopping spree. That thing right next to me is a sheet of brass. Brass wire and silver rods should arrive tomorrow. Torch and flux are over in my workshop. There's a block of solid brass on my desk. TIME TO MAKE SOME GOGGLES, BITCHES!

>> No.48275

You forgot to sage homie. Dont worry, im onto it

>> No.48283
File: 144 KB, 1200x800, This is your brain on steampunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still wonder why the sheer existence of this thread twists so many trolls' knickers.

>> No.48381

Gawd, Yaya's breasts give me all sorts of mega-boners.

Ok, now ban me.

>> No.48548

No. A terrible taste alone is not a ban reason.

>> No.48554

>implying that constitutes terrible taste

/diy/ mod confirmed for faggot, please consult with Gingermod from /fit/ on how to be less of a faggot.

>> No.48565
File: 326 KB, 1600x1200, Del-Donna_Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since there appears to be a mod lurking, I'm going to hope for an answer, before I get an unintentional ban later on someday.

Since there's a lot of reenactor/history types, threads on armour and the likes, the subject will come up - historical arms:
Making stuff for historical reenactment, like blunt (rebated) swords, training equipment all that stuff, the bits that can be made like wooden training stuff, metal work, etc.

Likely to cause trouble if discussed, as falling under the "do not share instructions for how to make weapons, or any other device intended to hurt a person.", or passable as they are designed not to hurt the other person, and be made as safe as possible?

Feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.48570

I, for one, am butthurt that she no longer lives in Germany. Could we get that /cgl/ drama elsewhere, preferably out of 4chan?

>> No.48579

mfw late victorians had plastic


also, if you dont like steampunk, or like something better, Id like to recommend leaving this thread and/or making a new one. All the rage I see is just stereotype. Everything steamy thing Ive ever made is fully functioning unless the whole intent of the object was to be decorative i.e. fancy yet unbalanced prop clock hands.

I would be more than happy to direct those looking to build to a wonderful, well moderated forum, but I dont wish to be responsible for sending jerks there also.

tl;dr steampunks can use plastic, rage elswhere

>> No.48583


I hope that is a troll pic. It looks very very painfull to shoot.

>> No.48591

Just say no to cosplayers in /diy/

>> No.48594


I have no idea who it even is and don't even like Asians but hating on large breasts = faggotry of the highest tier.

>> No.48604

Using the word combination "hating on" = being gayer than twenty burly naked men frotting in the Turkish bath

>> No.48847
File: 505 KB, 1200x1897, Victorian_Secret_Girls_Of_Steampunk_Summer_Catalog_1_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing I have with steampunk is how "literal" some people have with the term.

See file name. Then see pic. I didn't know westerns fell under the steampunk banner.

>> No.48963

I wonder when people post tutorials on stuff like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40debSRrAOw




everyone's seen this one http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/6278166_YCdn5

>> No.49001


No, see, she has goggles on. They didn't have goggles in westerns, silly.

>> No.49077
File: 119 KB, 466x700, believe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thing I have with steampunk is how "literal" some people have with the term.
Have that one but I usually post girls.
They are more fun to look at.

Fun for my penis.

>> No.49128

I actually really like Steampunk. it's fascinating, most old style new fashions (yes, i see the oxymoron) are fascinating to me. I'd love to get my hands on/make some steampunk gear.

>> No.49170

Name of the low tech high tech no tech book tech?

>> No.49190


Y'all will appreciate this.

>> No.49437

Holy shit, I think I know that chick on the right.

>> No.49539
File: 178 KB, 660x880, sweep..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have much to contribute, but this. >>42132

>> No.50779

she's a well-known cosplay whore with a douchebag husband/boyfriend last I heard of her... /cgl/ would know more as she's majorly into dramu. they have pics of her before the boobjob.

>> No.50791

Terminal World
ISBN 978-0-575-08850-4

Worth a read.