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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 87 KB, 660x325, pirate-cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
411492 No.411492 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /diy/, I wanna build a small little room underground partially in my backyard without ANYONE knowing. No neighbors. No friends. And especially not my housemates. It's not gonna be furnished or anything, just something that can get good airflow, not let any light in, won't collapse on me while I'm in it, and won't collapse when people walk over it. I want it to be about 8 feet deep with nothing sticking out of the ground. It essentially has to be invisible.
Here's how I plan to make it:
1. Dig a hole 10'x6', 8' deep.
2. Dig a small, 3'x'3 tunnel leading 3 feet from the bottom of the hole. Then dig a 3'x3' tunnel leading up and out of it to a small, camouflaged door at the surface. Trust me it will work.
3. Level the inside of the pit.
4. Lay out an appropriate amount of 2x4s on the top of the hole, making the roof. Then, cover those with a big tarp to keep it waterproofed (it doesn't rain hardly at all here, but when it does...).
5. Cover the tarps with 4-6 inches of dirt. Put some rocks or plants on top to deter people from walking on it. (NOTE: The 10'x6' hole will be slightly beyond my backyard, where no one EVER walks, but this is just a precaution)
6. Run an extension cord from my house to the underground room. The cord also has to be invisible and will most likely be run 1' underground.
7. Line the inside of the hole with some tarp to create a makeshift floor (I won't be living in here, but other things will) and run it up the walls too. Use remaining 2x4's to makes walls. Coat these walls with more tarp, and then coat those with mylar. Yes, fucking mylar. If you don't know what I'm up to yet then too bad.
8. Run a 3 to 6 inch diameter PVC pipe from the wall of the hole to the surface, 30 feet away from the hole. This is for ventilation. I'll have a lot of fans going too.
1. What can I do to keep the temperature inside around 75 degrees fahrenheit?
2. Should I be worried about mold?
3. Anything else?

>> No.411496

Are you planning on calling the utility companies to mark where pipes and cables are, or will you just be digging blind?

>> No.411497

I know for a fact there are no cables or pipes in the area I'm digging, but there are some close by.

>> No.411502

how are you going to keep your housemates from seeing you dig the hole and move building materials?

>> No.411503

maralize legijuana

>> No.411505

They're gonna be gone for 4 days at the end of April, so I'll have that time to make it and cover it up.

>> No.411507

have you ever tried to dig a hole?

>> No.411508

Yes and I know it'll be a lot of work. I'll have 4 friends helping me do this too.

Amen. If it was legal I wouldn't have to do all this crap!

>> No.411510

this is a terrible, terrible highdea. good luck wasting your time and money that you could be using to buy pot

>> No.411514

I knew a guy who did this for 3 years at his parents' house. It's possible.

>> No.411516

why not ask him how he did it?

>> No.411517

where will you put all the dirt? how will you transport all the materials?

this seems like a doomed project.

WHY are you doing this?

>> No.411520

Haven't seen him in forever and I have no idea to contact him... anyways, I saw his setup and mine is nearly identical to his. He said he had a problem with mold so I wanted to know how I could prevent that.

For science.

>> No.411521

My first thought was "rape dungeon".

My second thought was "murder cave".

Poor OP, he probably just wants to grow some hydroponic vegetables under there.

>> No.411525

>"rape dungeon"
you caught me

>> No.411535

line the walls with something strong.
It might even work to just take a torch and blast it at the wall for a while, depending on what kind of dirt you've got. I personally would recommend quick set concrete.

The problem is bugs - you want a good way to keep your room sealed up tight.

>> No.411540

Concrete isn't an option. Would wooden walls get moist from the dirt at all?

>> No.411542

just hire some outfit to install a second septic and use that (obviously not hooked up to anything other than vents to surface and water/electric).

>> No.411543

It's not entirely on my property, so getting someone else to do it isn't possible because of those pesky legal reasons.

>> No.411553
File: 36 KB, 750x600, 1323573344889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, you have to consider lighting. The amount of power you'll need will blow the breaker in no time. consider installing another breaker into the panel and run armoured 14/2 cable to it. Might not be a bad idea to find an electrician to help with the breaker.

>> No.411554

>good airflow
>75 degrees

>> No.411559

What kind of soil do you have? Are you in an area where water could be a problem. Solid clay would be ideal.

>> No.411560

It's mostly dry dirt. Brownish-reddish in color. We get barely any rain even during the wet seasons.

>> No.411563

In that case I dont think you'll have a problem with the walls. But you'll have to go really deep to avoid the roof falling in. I would start by digging the entire room as a triangular prism, then opening up the roof as you support it.

>> No.411620


Why not just run 10/2? Either bury it in PVC conduit (18" deep) or steel (12" deep, i think.. consult the NEC codes).

>> No.411634
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1356938442502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanna build a small little room underground partially in my backyard without ANYONE knowing. No neighbors. No friends.

>I'll have 4 friends helping me do this too.


>> No.411638

I'd say 14/3 for them proper grounds. If your going hydroponic try for 240 volt if you're an amerifat like me, so you can use more efficient pumps and fans. If you know what you're doing putting in a breaker is easy, just make sure you're disconnected from the main.

>> No.411650

the forest brothers were great at building such things

look them up on googol, i'm sure you'll find some useful tips

>> No.411653 [DELETED] 

Why not just say it? You're building a grow room aren't you? xD

>> No.411695

>Haven't seen him in forever and I have no idea to contact him...
he's in prison isn't he?

>> No.412344

the weight of the earth around it will cause the walls to collapse unless _properly_ reinforced. Your best bet is to get hold of some big concrete piping or septic tank and bury that. Not even shipping containers survive underground without reinforcement. Make sure to reinforce the walls.

PS: If you don't want a cave in then reinforce the walls.

>> No.412360


>If you don't want a cave in then reinforce the walls.

/diy/ keeps harping on this. has anyone found supporting evidence, or do we just hate shipping containers?

>> No.412368

move to Colorado you pot head Faggot.

>> No.412399


>> No.412404

sound proof the walls so noone can hear your victims cries for help?

>> No.412424
File: 197 KB, 940x763, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where will you put all the dirt?

I've still yet to see OP answer this question

pic related, it's what OP's backyard is going to look like after he digs his "secret" hole

>> No.412427

Lets me share what uni has taught me about engineering geology. Unless it's a solid rock you plan to dig in, it will cave in sooner or later. And getting some rain will most definitely help with caving in. Ever heard of soil fluction? And enjoy your tarp, when water forces in from everywhere. You sir just don't know a shit about building something underground.
Sincerely, a geology major.

>> No.412432

The soil walls collapsing could very well be a problem. A way to avoid this problem would be to dig the sides of the room at around a 30-45 degree angle, so that you have a pit that is 10 feet wide at the base, and 37-16 feet wide at the crest. The angle of repose for whatever soil youre in is what you should use. Then cover the whole pit with your planks or whatever you want to do then, and support it with timbers.

>> No.412433

>hey /diy/ how do I into rape room/drug den?
>hey /diy/ how do I into escaping my parents?
This really doesn't belong here. Or anywhere. Grow up.

>> No.412434


sincerely, a mining engineering major

>> No.412438

just hire some mexicans pay them 10 bucks a piece and you will have a concrete structure that you can smoke pot in no problemo ese

>> No.412488

I thought about doing this for a long time. I drew plans and everything. But as I started doing more research, it seemed highly dangerous and wasteful.

Would not recommend.

>Look up the weight of a cubic foot of dirt; That's what is hanging right above you.
>the sides would start to cave in without trusses
> the minimum you can dig down without legally having to truss is about 2-3 feet.

>> No.412490

My father is on the Task Force and recently took classes on this shit. The soil erosion and the weight of the walls themselves would naturally push in and collapse due to the weight of the earth around it.

>> No.412577
File: 177 KB, 316x321, 1361329494235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this boards deal with living under ground?

>> No.412584

Hes going to shawshank it

>> No.412594


Underages and recluses like the idea.

>> No.412598



>> No.412605

sounds like op is going to grow pot on a friend's property without them knowing. op doesnt realize that they will notice something is up when their fucking utility bills goes up by a factor of 10.

>> No.412612

>bro I know I don't live here or anything but we are like tight and shit, you are my bestest bro ever and like I know you like to garden and shit so I broke into your yard while you were away fro a week and totally landscaped the shit out of your yard. Made you some planterboxes and hooked up an irrigation system its wicked sick dude. We cool right?:D

>> No.412639
File: 7 KB, 211x228, 1357612359750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an appealing idea.

>> No.412652


Strike the earth!

>> No.412686
File: 43 KB, 400x300, bulk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they have this plastic stuff called bulkhead. they interlink and are made in an s type style to create pillar style structure out of the dirt. water resistant and will out last you. as far as supporting the structure use 6x6 wood end to end on 4 sides so each piece of wood pushes on each other. as far as roof gonna have to dig outside of the hole and overlap the wood to the area dug outside only a few feet for ground support as well as the bulkhead support.
pic semi related

>> No.412687

>What is this boards deal with living under ground?

nice constant temperature year round. drastically reduced heating and cooling costs or none at all if you're comfortable in the 50 to 60F range. saves thousands of dollars every year.

>> No.412929


>saves thousands of dollars every year.

anybody who spends thousands of dollars per year on heating and cooling is not reading this thread,
and has never heard of 4chan.

>> No.412955

OP, you're wasting your fucking time. I guarantee you what you're about to do is spend like 6 hours digging a hole, then realize how retarded you are and fill it in, except now you have a fucked up lawn. HURR I"M GOING TO BUILD A SEKRET UNDERGROUND GROW HOUSE IN FOUR DAYS. Shit, I doubt you could set up a grow room in a HOUSE in four days, much less dig a hole, seal the walls/roof, plumb it for water, run power, set up drainage etc. If it only took four days to do don't you think every grow op in the world would whip up an underground grow room instead of using their houses?

Go find some forest or national park land and plant some goddamn outdoor weed like every other underage stoner.

>> No.412975

I think it's due to the fact that people have been playing too much minecraft, and believe doing this in real life is just as easy.

It isn't, there are so many things that can go wrong during excavation, construction, etc, and these so called "thousands you save" are thousands you end up spending just to make this goddamned underground room.

First and foremost, to create a small living space a little higher than one stands, where do you plan to store or put between 100 to 250 cubic metres of soil?

These are ideas one has at 2AM in the morning when one needs sleep, but instead is firing off millions of ideas of "what should I do with my life, oh if only I could make that if I had the tools and the materials, shit that essay is due in 8 hours and I haven't started", and glorious reality smacks you in the face reminding you of school/college in the morning.

>> No.412978

Also, does OP plan to do this all by himself?
I wouldn't put it past him to hire a small caterpillar for two days or something, but even if he were to do it by hand? Fuck, and my back hurts after shoveling snow, dirt would be fuck as heavier.

>> No.413004

If op is in Australia (it sounds like he is, maybe in the north, it seems) the soil is probably more sandy, so he could expect an even more unfavourable angle of repose (around 33 degrees) so he'd have to make the roof even wider, and have even longer spanning beams in the ceiling, which is impractical. So it'd probably be better to just reinforce the walls. I'd help you more but I don't condone drugs at all, of any kind, sorry.
Also op picture annoys me a bit- it's a section, not an elevation (and to say 'side' elevation is superfluous)
Sincerely, an architecture major.

>> No.413078

It is that easy in real life, depending on your environment. Natural fissures and valleys can be found all over the world, same with small cave and holes. Knock over a tree and the root ball can be made into a makeshift cave. This is really basic.

I use to build shit like op's pic all the time as atalented /diy/erwith some of my friends. It's both fun and possible with very limited tools or knowledge. What isn't possible is keeping it functioning (for cheap) for a prolonged period of time or making it 10 feet underground in the middle of a god damn suburb.