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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 82 KB, 640x475, shipping-container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
409266 No.409266 [Reply] [Original]

Requesting diagrams/pictures/any info about shipping container homes, please.

>> No.409270
File: 11 KB, 231x218, Excitedtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.409272

Expert shitposter alert

>> No.409277

What's this board's problem with shipping container homes? Honestly.

>> No.409281

Inside joke.

>> No.409282

Oh, OK. So...does anyone actually have any information/diagrams on this? I'm actually quite interested in it.

>> No.409283
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>> No.409284
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>> No.409297

Watch Doomsday Preppers or Doomsday Bunkers.

I've seen some cool ones on there.

>> No.409303

Or Surviving Zombies. Starring 4ch folk and everything.

>> No.409307

Google it you spastic freak. Go with a 40 ft high.

>> No.409313

Check out weburbanist,com
they have interesting funky shit like that

>> No.409314


>> No.409322

well shit

>> No.409329

worst thing I've seen in my entire life.

>> No.409337

I share OP's interests.
I've been lurking on /diy/ since the day it was born, but I don't understand what the hatred is for container homes either.

You can build such awesome Bauhaus style houses at such low costs it's ridiculous.
I just wish it didn't require a crane.
>inb4 crane meme

>> No.409340


>window touching the ground
w-wat... wat are yu doin? stahp

>> No.409342

A shipping container is just an empty shell. There's still a lot of work and expense to convert a shipping container into a home. The way some people talk, it's as if you can buy a shipping container, spend a couple of weekends converting it, and you have an instant cheap house. But it's not that simple and the conversion will cost you more than the container.

>> No.409344

Overall construction is good, I'd say. But the interior design is shit.

>> No.409437

I don't usually visit this board, and i could obviously tell that this is some kind of joke...

But this actually stirred up some interest in me.


>> No.409552
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>> No.409556
File: 403 KB, 645x430, hill-container-studio-exterior-dusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.409557
File: 86 KB, 480x640, 1346209345619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.409558
File: 240 KB, 992x1082, 1327211736358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.409560

I see the same thing repeated every time this comes up. Shipping containers unless you pick the right ones have tons of poisonous chemicals and stuff that would be no bueno to live in.

>> No.409583

>since the day it was born,

Funny because when this place first started Shipping Containers were the fucking shit around here. I stopped coming to 4chan for a few months and now I am back here and they are hated.

>> No.409740

anon only hates them since you came back. Leave faggot so we can enjoy their boxy goodness.

>> No.409806

I think it was the whole 'dig a hole, put a container in it' thing that annoyed people.
Nothing wrong with container threads in general though.
At least that's how I saw it.

>> No.409809

what about this guys? Repurpose shipping containers into self storage containers?

Very low startup cost and retrofits for environmental controls could be done by yourself with either central air ducting OR....Mitsubishi split systems for unit modularity.

>> No.409823

The expense per unit vs the max rent=business failure.

>> No.409845

Stop posting troll threads about shipping container homes you flaming faggot.

>> No.409882

The hatred comes from the fact that it's a topic that's been beaten to death here. Generally, the issues include:

- OP not considering the cost of moving the container
- OP not owning the land to place it
- OP believing it's a good idea to bury it without a foundation or reinforcement
- More traditional methods (trailer, etc) prove more feasible
- OP rarely (I've never seen) follows through and builds it

Now, I can see how a first time poster may not realize it's a tired subject here, but it is a topic that gets posted almost daily here. Rather than these long threads full of butthurt, it would be more helpful if we had a central repository for info on the subject such as a container home wiki. That way, we can point people in the direction of all that's been gone over repeatedly and move on.

>> No.409998
File: 299 KB, 1219x653, shippingcontainerhome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my design in SketchUp. Basically you just set 2 containers parallel on cinder blocks and build the rest in.

>> No.410002


I'd be willing to bet shipping containers are cheaper than other traditional storage units. You could probably split each container into 4 units with simple 2x4 walls for basically nothing... the biggest problem would be doors.

>> No.410012

thats stupid, here's why:
2.that would cost more to build than regular exterior walls.
3.how ya gonna move em
4. you're stupid
5. where are you gun run your wires
6.you're stupid
7.where are you gonna insulate
10.banana juice
11. they limit usable space
12. you never built anything in your life and you live with your parents.
13.not practical
15.I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying you shouldn't.
16. too hip,trying too hard
17. moar everything that doesn't count
18. less of everything that counts
19. it doesn't make any sense to build this, unless you want to prove something or make a statement about your image, which is gay.
20. building codes
21. spend $$$ look poor.
22. won't turn out as planned
23. jagged metal edges
24. will it blend? no
25. captcha: architect nstndi

>> No.410031


Even though you're trolling... You don't move it.

Yes, it's more expensive... but you may already have the containers, or can get them cheaper.... he didn't say he wants the most cost effective design for a home ever.

Plus, you have two spaces that can already be used for storage, and exterior on over half the sides of the house is already done.

>> No.410048
File: 77 KB, 407x405, I-can-count-to-potat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> may already have the containers
>You don't move it.
nah they just float into position
100% retarded■

>> No.410078


>> No.410081

>it would be more helpful if we had a central repository for info on the subject such as a container home wiki
That would be a good idea actually.
And what are the 'right ones'?

>> No.410102

A long while ago there was a load of threads, and the conclusion is that it won't work. They rust and will crush from lateral pressure if buried. Loads of people make threads like this one and it's the same shit over and over. My advice to you is make a proper structure. It may seem daunting but it wont be a rusting tin box in a field.

polite sage.

>> No.410134

Cost per two containers for AC is $1700.
You have to install a security monitoring system on every door. Pay an exterminator ut now it is not a single building, but 500 separate buildings=$$$ the size of your rentals is limited by the container. You will need more space to get around the containers than a single building with parking lot.

>> No.410312

The business model seems to be you rent them out as on site storage for construction and retail. Sort of a temporary warehouse they can have on their own property.
It's actually pretty done to death around where I am and it's actually one of the things that has driven the price of containers so high that container homes are no longer economically viable.
It's a shame. It was a good idea for a while.

>> No.411610


rofl, I don't know where you rent storage from but none of that is necessary at all. None of the storage around here have AC. A trained monkey could do their own extermination work and there is no requirement for cameras at every unit.

No single unit is going to be larger than 320 sqft... most are 5x5 or 5x10.

>> No.411983

Unless you are getting your container for free it's a bad deal. Pick almost any material and you can build a similar sized box cheaper than the going rate for a container+shipping.