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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 31 KB, 310x310, I'm a man but I can change... if I have to... I guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
393618 No.393618 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /diy/
If you're new to DIY stuff, follow the threads for a while. There's a variety of interests here and you might find something that interests you whether you're a beginner or a pro.

Here's some tips to get you started.

The /diy/ community is more responsive if you put some effort into your post and make it interesting.
- Try to answer any questions with Google first.
- Give sufficient information, with as many details as possible.
- Give some indication of your skill level, this will help avoid overly simplified or complex replies.
- Explain what you have to work with (tools, materials, budget, ect.)
- Provide pictures and explain the goal of a project if possible, to supply context.
- Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.

If you have a project you think might interest us, please share it.

/diy/ recommended links: http://fourchandiy.com/w/index.php/Recommended_Reading

Happy /diy/ing

>> No.393620

MODS, Please sticky this

>> No.393621

There are no mods.

>> No.393632


>> No.393647

omg red green! hai

>> No.393654
File: 171 KB, 1024x681, redgreen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And men, remember, if the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

>> No.393659

worth bumping
but yeah might need some cheese pizza to attract mods

>> No.393662

And remember, I'm pullin' for ya. We're all in this together.

>> No.393679


Add 1 line about what not to post. you will encourage better quality posts.

Then sticky a smaller version

>> No.393688

We don't make the rules and I can't speak for moot. Plus listing "tips" helps give us a friendly face. There's a page for rules.

Been working on this all day with /diy/ input and much support.
What would you suggest to delete?

Here's the threads if you're interested.

>> No.393691

Mootles is apparently granting us a Janitor.

>> No.393692

I'd actually like to see something like this stickied too. I'd be more aggressive about Googling though - any chance at culling through some of this bullshit.

>> No.393694

Also, I tried to say something about the rules and it just created arguments. I thought a sticky with points we could all agree on was important.

>> No.393764
File: 42 KB, 468x345, applesauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All it takes is a little imagination, some mechanical ability, and neighbors who mind their own business.

>> No.393787

Thank you OP... and I must commend you on your pic choice. I used to watch that shit with my dad. Great times.

>> No.393836


>> No.393922

>What would you suggest to delete?
Well, for one, it's wordier than a teenage girl. The attention span of the anons arriving at the board will not permit them to finish reading the second sentence

Consensus is just an inability of any one person to make a definite decision. It's managing from a feel good, 'dont piss anyone off' position of weakness.

You know: Rules & discipline. Something the low knowledge/low educated masses have no concept of.

If you have one line of 'Don'ts' for 12 lines of 'Do's', you stand a better chance of attracting better quality posts AND possibly preventing /diy/ from becoming a shitstain of white background noise that some other boards already are.

The knowledge holders who might actually be able to contribute and help anons are also going to be the first ones to bail altogether when the bullshit threads multiply = Enjoy becoming /b/ & /adv/

>> No.394054

Yet no suggestions, only criticism. YOU are this boards biggest problem.
I'm guessing you come here to call people stupid to make yourself feel smarter.
The main purpose of this was to try to create a more positive atmosphere and diminish attitudes such as yours while solving some problems at the same time
You obviously don't get it.The bitching about some posts is far worse than the actual posts.
>Consensus is just an inability of any one person to make a definite decision
Correct. I Would not presume to speak for /diy/, It is a community. I do not make the rules. This is not my personal board.
>Enjoy becoming /b/ & /adv/
Hypocrisy at it's finest

This is for you asshole.

I want to into /diy/ wut do
>follow the threads for a while. There's a variety of interests here and you might find something
Revised:lurk moar faggot. How the fuck are we supposed to know what will fit you

I need plans
>Try to answer any questions with Google first
Revised:Don't come here expecting us to do your work for you. put some effort into it faggot.

how do I make hole?
>Give sufficient information, with as many details as possible.
>Give some indication of your skill level, this will help avoid overly simplified or complex replies.
>Explain what you have to work with (tools, materials, budget, ect.)
>Provide pictures and explain the goal of a project if possible, to supply context.
Revised:Don't ask questions without giving the proper information. If you're too stupid to to do this, fuck off we're not going to help you

*no response
>Share your results. /diy/ likes to see problems solved and projects completed.
Revised:Don't just take, give something back, faggot

I've been here from the beginning and help people daily because I have a wide variety of experience.
I AM one of the "knowledge holders" and care about this board. All the knowledge in the world is useless If you have a shitty attitude.
YOU are the worst of /diy/.
Please go back to calling people newfag on /b/

>> No.394060

I love you.

The speed at which this board is turning into /b/ is astounding. Shitposting, "troll" threads/replies and general cunt-ness is taking over, and it's a damn shame because this could be one of the only decent boards on here.

>> No.394105
File: 75 KB, 640x964, world burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you mean.
/diy/ used to be pretty positive for me, but that seems to be fading due to asshats like that.
It's unfortunate that a shitty attitude can can spread so easily.
I think my primary reason for coming here is that I enjoy helping people. It makes me feel like I've accomplished something without actually having to get up off my lazy ass and do something. heh
The shit posters really take away from that, and if it gets worse, I'll have to go somewhere else.
I hope it's just a few bad apples that read about how good /diy/ is in /q/ or something and will get tired of it and move on.
>pic related

>> No.394136

Zero comprehension of >>393922

20/10 for being a SpergUltimateWarrior

>> No.394139

>one line of 'Don'ts' for 12 lines of 'Do's
written like a true agoraphobic ginger fatty

>> No.394172

>If you have one line of 'Don'ts' for 12 lines of 'Do's', you stand a better chance of attracting better quality posts
I misinterpreted that.
You agreed?

This one line hard to pick out from the other things I was getting from the post
>we want posters here that won't bother to read a long post
>I'm smarter than you
>I have nothing original or creative to contribute
>you're doing it wrong
>I know better than everyone else and it should be done my way
attitude really does make a difference.

If you can reword the OP better, please do.
I didn't want to write a sticky but everyone agrees that we do need one. I'm sure that there others here that could do a better job. I made suggestions and waited for someone else to step up. No one did. /diy/ got moots attention so I thought we needed to get it wrote now.
I posted my best and kept it bumped to page 0 for 12 hours yesterday to get suggestions and feedback.
Only then did I start a thread with it.
Again, If you can do better please do. I would even give you honest feedback without insulting you.

>> No.394222


aww... your pussy... it burns just a little doesn't it?

>> No.394230

sage for dayz

>> No.394271

Elmo here


-For asking questions about home repair, and how to do stuff, and what to do with "junk"

Be as specific as you can.
Try to use pictures
Tools you have
Money willing to spend on the project
Goal of the project
If you are trying to make something with junk, remember that is junk,

This used to be on the original sticky site,
>implying anyone read the sticky
>implying anyone went to the website.


i have to admit that

looks a lot better, i asked for help and contributions many times, i received 3 mails only related to the sticky.

>tfw i miss the opportunity to apply to janitor

>> No.394308

> - Try to answer any questions with Google first.

THIS. Jesus Christ, this. I'm so sick of dumbass kids who refuse to Google anything for themselves. I don't visit this board nearly as much anymore, because it's completely given over to such kids.

You can also tell what was in the latest edition of Make magazine just by seeing how many stupid arduino threads or other "maker" threads pop up. DIY is about practicality and creativity, not buying kitsch kits and putting them together. That's like changing the batteries in the TV remote, then telling people you're a fucking handyman.

>> No.394315


These threads are completely fucked up and accomplishing nothing

Morons responding in these two threads assume they're arguing with with a specific Anon from one post to the next.

Without considering the possibility that many different anons are supporting the same side of failed arguments.

(Unless a mod or janitor is privy to Anons ID's and fanning flames)

>> No.394330

The other thread served a purpose as it got moot's attention on /q/.

>> No.394578


>> No.394626

I love to see my fellow diyrs creativity.
This board is for us to ask for input on something simple as how a single problem can be solved in a complex project that would have stumped or otherwise halted the entire endeavour. This is the primary purpose (for me) of this resource.
To this end, the suggestions above all seem to point to the same purpose. Describe your project, explain your current progress and point to your current hurdle. Doing this shows us your commitment to the goal, your previous attempt s at solving the issue- wich also illustrates to us your knowledge and experience so we don't just rehash ground you've already covered.
once your problem is resolved, avoided or scrapped, please let us know. For many it is a complete waste of time and frustrating to get involved with an issue and not get closure. How was it solved? Did our suggestion work? How can we get better if we can't learn from the experience of others?
Oh - and a personal pet peeve. ... Don't belittle an idea someone has for a project. Nothing pisses me off faster than a 'why the hell would you do that?' Offering alternatives should be welcome but sometimes I come up with a project just to play with a media or tool or something. Discouraging a project just kills the DIY spirit.

>> No.394679

Looking to get some foldable table legs for a counter top extension. Anyone know If there is a cheap place to buy these, or should I just pick up a cheap foldable table off Craigslist and strip the legs?

>> No.394687

start your own thread in /adv/

>> No.394691

probably your idea. IKEA may carry foldable legs. Alternatively, you could use some wall stud, a few carriage bolts and cobble a slightly more manual-folding leg with a stud jammed in between them to keep em from collapsing.

On subject, however. There is a report function. When there's ridiculously off-topic threads like the speculative /diy/ke shooting in FLA, report it. There's nothing of value in it, and it's practically an open door for tinfoils and fucktarded trolls from other boards to stir their own shit into our stew.
Moot said there was to be a janitor. the report function will be useful.