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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 23 KB, 261x275, Moka-pot2_inside.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
342828 No.342828 [Reply] [Original]

Morning /diy/,

I've never had this problem with my Moka pot before, but the new espresso grounds I've bought seem to be too fine for the filter and are falling down into the water tank, blocking the path for water to come up.

Does anyone know of any quick fixes? Or am I relegated to instant for the weekend--bah.


>> No.342842

Durrrr, coffee filter trimmed to fit?

>> No.342847

Take some tin foil, trim to fit the base of your filter cup. Poke holes through it with a needle to suit your needs.

You can thank me when you are all caffeinated up.

>> No.342859

Also for next time: espresso coffee is too fine for moka, you want it ground somewhere between espresso and american drip coffee (slightly on the fine side).

>> No.342860

At first glance, I thought OP's pic was some sort of awesome wearable coffee brewing system you wore like a jacket.

>> No.342862

Bollocks it is, I put Espresso in my moka pot all the time!

>> No.342865

Yeah, I've bought this coffee before and had no problems before.

No filter paper, but
tin foil it is! Bless your soul.

>> No.342871
File: 90 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A perfect cup of espresso in the morning and another satisfied customer--let the weekend commence.

>> No.342895
File: 71 KB, 400x267, IMG_0947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to have been of service, enjoy your breakfast.

I tip my glass to you.

>> No.342897

Italinfag here, just to let you know that if you make coffee with moke, you don't call it "espresso".
It's just coffee.

What's your moka OP, Bialetti?
What coffee do you have, Lavazza?

>> No.342905

Fine, if you want to get technical, Espresso machines create espresso at about 9 bar, verses the 1.5 bar of a moka pot. I still get a damn good cup of coffee out of it, better than the local costa coffee can do with their "expresso", also known as hot river mud.

>> No.342943

that looks like a percolator which is the worse style of brewing coffee ever conceived of. french press all the way

>> No.342945

Percolators have the water poured over the grounds, moka pots force the water upwards through the grounds at a high pressure and temperature, well over 100C, producing a superior cup.

They produce top-quality coffee, only matched by that of a machine and a skilled operator. I spit on your crappy french press.

>> No.342957

Espresso and moka are for shit tier coffee. Get a real man's roast (Light to medium), grind it coarse and put it in a french press, drink it black.

NOTHING is better then this.

>> No.342958

Going to have to disagree with you there Jim. I would always take the OP's style over a french press. No matter how long its brewed its just a bit wishy washy. But then again its all down to personal preference.

>> No.342970

Not true, my opinions are all also scientific facts. You just prefer quantifiably bad coffee.

>> No.343011

AS long as its not decaf I'll drink anything, sure I enjoy a fancy cup now and then, but I"m not a snob.

>> No.343022


>> No.343023

>light to medium roast coffee
Coffee-hating faggot detected. You probably drown it in flavored nondairy creamer, too.

>> No.343028
File: 135 KB, 563x528, full plebeian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.343029

>my opinions are all also scientific facts
Oh look everyone, it's another Internet Expert gracing us with his infinite, immutable wisdom! Everybody bow down to his greatness! Would you like your dick sucked now, sir?

>> No.343049
File: 193 KB, 390x453, vue.feature.brewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw french presses and their shitty filters.

Vue master race here. Enjoying my 9-15 bar 190-210 temperature selection.

>> No.343071
File: 122 KB, 425x359, Screen Shot 2012-12-01 at 20.00.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Italianon is right.
Coffee is serious shit in Italy, bigger than the vatican and/or the mafia.

I had this problem too recently, try putting in slightly fewer grounds and if it still fails to rise, put your mokka on a cold surface or under cold water for a while, then reheat.

>> No.343072

that would be a 2 not a 4. ahem..

>> No.343076

Starbucks employee here.

Depending on what kind of coffee you want, choose the moka or a french press. A french press is used for TASTING the quality of the coffee, EG all of the flavor notes and such.

A moka is for espresso like coffee with a stronger concentration of caffine (The way the water goes through the grounds forces every bit out as opposed to a french press)

If I see you put a light coffee in the french press I will pour that shit right in your eye.

This fight is pretty stupid over french press and moka. Like a really smooth and enjoyable cup? French press.
Want a quick and easy caffine buzz with a nice dark taste, moka.

Check the seal on the filter and the top, alot of times there is a plastic right that will fall out and fuck up your ablity for the water to get proper suction to go up the filter stem .
Keep your beans ground somewhat course, (go to starbucks and ask them to grind your pound at a 6 setting on the machine)

Then enjoy that should solve it all

>> No.343080
File: 5 KB, 180x180, 180px-10437-10-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee master race

>> No.343086

not all of us like it hot

>> No.343088
File: 109 KB, 460x432, toddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking captcha shit

>> No.343099

I would agree.
I have had so many cups of coffee for this starbucks coffee master program bullshit. One time I had some made out of one of these little fuckers and I wanted to make sweet love with that.


>> No.343107

ice coffee erry day

>> No.343116

Yes it's real business round here. If fuck with coffe, you're DEAD, CAPISC?

>> No.343140

benissimo. sto zito. just don't kill or baptise me pls