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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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340565 No.340565 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post your Bug Out Bag loadout or other survivalist info

>> No.340573

oh please, not another one.

>> No.340576

I dig my hole you build a wall.

>> No.340579

Shit I got a lot in mine lemme try to remember it all...

Buck Knife
2 ropes
nail clippers
magnesium flint
sharpening stone
bic lighter
crown royal bag
fishing tackle
first aid kit
survival book (ziploc bagged)
soap (ziploc bagged)
toothpaste, toothbrush, floss, deodorant
bottled water/granola bar
can opener
flash light
pair of pants, underwear, socks
tarp tent

think maybe lil more but thats all I can remember atm

>> No.340581

2 glow sticks. Just remembered that one lol.

>> No.340582

sewing kit also.

>> No.340594

is this your standard 72 hour bag or an extended period bug out bag?

>> No.340608
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That picture looks like a diagram of the female reproductive system

>> No.340613
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>> No.340617

>is this your standard 72 hour bag or an extended period bug out bag?

Never really differentiated its just my main bug out bag lol. I also have a camel back I keep some stuff in for when I go hiking and an EDC altoids tin.

>> No.340619

ROFL remembered yet another very important thing.. leatherman.

>> No.340620

sunscreen/bug repellant good too. Shit I could have made this way less complicated if I just went and dumped my bag but lazy...

>> No.340623
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I haven't put any dedicated work into it (not like I'd want to), but I do have the things I've accumulated over the years that would be useful in a bug-out bag. I've been doing a TON of downloading of survival info too, I'll see if I can dump some. I'd also suggest going through the thread here (https://boards.4chan.org/diy/res/336107)), I think I got a thing or two from it and it's got over 130 imgs so I'd bet you will too. Also a majority of my info is pulled from the link in the sticky, in case you haven't gone through it yet. BOB incoming in a few mins.

Come off it, this board is stagnant as hell and this is potentially a useful thread. /k/ is rarely useful for this (I will say they've come through on occasion). Where else would this go?

>> No.340628

i meant are you planning this to use for 3 days ot have you packed as much as you as you acn to last as long as possible.
thanks guy, appreciate the pointers, and if you do dump some of this survivalist info, i would much appreciate it.

>> No.340633
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Yea I just fit as much as possible into it BUT I do try to keep out really unnecessary things or substitute 2 items for a dual purpose when I can.

BTW How to Stay Alive in the Woods http://www.amazon.com/How-Stay-Alive-Woods-Self-Preservation/dp/1579122213/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie

is the book I have in my bag, I've read several 500+ page manuals and its my favorite so far. Cool cover too semi water proof (I still keep it in a ziploc tho.)

>> No.340635
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>> No.340641
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>> No.340638
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>> No.340642
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Got a looot of cool infographics off 4chan so just payin it forward...

>> No.340643
File: 86 KB, 700x565, Mountian Lion Attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.340644
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>> No.340645
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>> No.340646
File: 873 KB, 532x1386, Tree Identification.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.340648
File: 189 KB, 1024x666, Maple Syrup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.340651
File: 485 KB, 3396x1065, Ammunition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.340652
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Bamboo Spear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.340655
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>> No.340659
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>> No.340661
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>> No.340695

Sorry was making food.

I've got for BOB:
Head lamp
Can opener
Orange ribbon
Shoe laces
Skiing socks
Several pairs of regular socks
1 box of salt
Zippo lighter
2 things of lighter fluid
1 thing of hand sanitizer
2 things of 99.9% alcohol (whatever it's called)
1 thing of hydrogen peroxide (other stuff is too strong to pour on open wounds)
batteries (lots of aa, aaa and some c)
lock picking set
two xtendo knives
three solid smaller folding knives (extras for work)
Skinning knife
Badass folding knife
two throwing knives and a throwing star (wanted to learn)
Scoped 30/06 with 40 bullets
(this is mostly my hunting gear with some shit I never use but would need for a bug-out thrown in)

Nearby and coming with me on a never coming back bug-out:
6mo supply of vitamins (fish oil, multi and magnesium)
3 month supply of protein powder
1 month supply of ready MuscleMilk packs
Handle of rum (usually high grade)
Can of tobacco
(I use all the above regularly, so I keep the supply constant)
8 or so mason jars

On my immediate purchase list:
Badass tarp
Iodine water tablets
1 year supply of MRE's
Emergency Seed Bank

>> No.340697
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Should be noted that a lot of the 'extra' stuff you see on there (rum, tobacco, honey) I have specifically for bartering. Also I'll be bringing waterproofed printouts of info pdf's/graphics (a fuckton on perma-bug-out, only the most necessary in a temp)

>> No.340711

>Sorry was making food.

NP dude I like your list. Several pairs of socks are always a good thing. I knew a guy who was once homeless and he told me if you ever wanna help a bum out give him some socks lol. Yea if u get trench foot you ain't going nowhere.

Yea you got a lot more stuff than me and gave me some good ideas also. I don't have any bartering stuff I wanna get some junk silver quarters for that purpose when I can.
The quarters are worth bout 5 bucks each last time I checked. Getting harder and harder to find them circulating after doomsday preppers came out gd it lol.

Another thing I remembered I had was a pair of binoculars. You have a scope tho so that should suffice.

>> No.340716
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I ALWAYS carry several sets of socks on me when hiking/hunting. On hunting trips I usually try to plan on using 4 pairs a day. On a bug-out I would find it quite handy to be able to hang drying washed socks on my pack and have a fresh pair, as well as a backup pair. Trench foot sucks for sure.

I've tried to limit myself to food and goods as far as bartering, not really sure if SHTF how well gold will do - I remember a thread on /x/ someone shared a testimony of someone who had lived through a collapse and gold was useless. That's easily imaginable; if a guy hasn't eaten in three days he'll sell his soul to me for the hot dog sitting next to my $1400 gold bar.

The binoculars is something I'd like to purchase if I have the means, but it's lower priority than the other things I've listed because like you said I've got the scope to fall back on and when I do get a pair I'd like to invest in a really nice set.

In no way is my list complete, I had seen far better lists before I decided to start the initial process of prepping and I haven't been doing nearly as much as I feel I should. I've been trying to get a thread going every once in awhile both on /x/ and /k/ to compare lists and bounce ideas, but neither are very welcoming which kind of surprises me. I'll start to do the same here, I'm rather new to the board (only been frequenting about a week or two). It's a nice change in pace from the others. As boring as it can be you'd have to really try to lose a decent thread lol.

>> No.340717

4 pairs of socks a day?

Dear lord what flimsy material are your socks?

Wool is where it's at if you're serious about your feet. Thick backpacking grade socks in a good pair of boots work wonders.

>> No.340718

Well I usually wear the skiing socks (nice heavy wool) over one pair of regulars, but I like to be prepared as I've heard plenty of horror stories where guys step in puddles and don't have a solid pair of boots or socks for the remainder of the hunt. I guess I should take a note to get more wool socks, and a second set of boots now that ya mention it heh.

>> No.340719


I dont understand why anyone would choose a zippo instead of a bic in the form of survival or emergency use.

>> No.340722

Well if you're really into being prepared and have the money to invest in the shoes, get a nice pair of backpacking boots.

Then go the extra mile, research the material on your boots and add extra water protection, alot of outdoors stores sell it to treat shoes. Check the quality of the laces and upgrade to stronger material as well. Finally swap out the stock insert with one perfect for the build of your foot.

I've done these with my backpacking boots and they last me quite awhile and I can backpack 80 miles in 5 days across elevation even though I almost have flat feet.

>> No.340723

I keep so many bics around I forgot to add them to the list. As a smoker I'll have five or so lying around my room at any time. I keep one or two in my backpack as well, and always have one or two in my pocket when I go anywhere. Bics aren't refillable as far as I know, though. I wanted something easily refillable and durable in my BOB, and butane lighters are not only a hassle to refill but just don't last in my experience. My brother got it for me and I'd never use it in day to day, so in to the BOB it goes. I always figured it would be a given, but I actually have to thank you for reminding me to add it to the actual list.

>> No.340726

test, fucking 4chan keeps flagging me as spam, made me lose looong response

>> No.340727
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I've already looked into waterproofing my boots at least (I've seen Sno-Seal beeswax suggested). Not sure how far I'm gonna take the waterproofing, I can get kind of excessive once I get going. Good idea to uber-rig the boots, not much else I'd be more dependent on.

>> No.340728
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K, Noooow it works. Fuck.

Anyways its up to preference on the lighter, one nice thing about zippo is it can burn for a long time I.E. light source or heat. My car once broke down in the Oregon mountains and a zippo kept my hands warm for a good half an hour.

One thing I've noticed is "preppers" tend to hoard while "survivalists" tend to focus on skills. Obviously both are necessary but don't forget to read/watch/research as much as you can knowledge is light weight and you cant lose it.

I wanna suggest a list of ebooks you can find on the piratebay.

Life After Doomsday Clayton
Travel-trailer homesteading Brian D. Kelling
The Alpha Strategy (didnt find this one piratebay.. might be there but its easily found on the net)
Possum Living Dolly Freed
Where There is no Doctor David Werner
The Encyclopedia of Country Living Carla Emery

I've read all but the last 2 so far, 1-3 are must haves.
Enjoy and good luck Brothers.

>> No.340729
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Shit I HATE when that happens, I always end up having to rephrase a majority if not all of the text... annoying as hell.

>> No.340730

I have a pair of Irish Setter goretex boots (worth like $130 bucks) I got for free while working for a shoe company-- they AWESOME but winter boots in every sense of the word.. wear them in the heat and you're gonna get trenchfoot like a motherfucker.

>> No.340732
File: 53 KB, 475x451, survival handbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One thing I've noticed is "preppers" tend to hoard while "survivalists" tend to focus on skills
I've definitely been focusing a majority of my research on living off the land. Although /k/ hasn't been very forthcoming with any of their own bug-out plans anytime I've posted, I have been able to squeeze some suggested survival books out of them I intend to purchase (added yours to the list - much appreciated).

Survival Wisdom & Know-How
Hatcher's Notebook, Revised Edition
Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks and Warrior Skills
The Ultimate Guide to Wilderness Livin
Book of Deuteronomy from Bible (thought they were trolling with this one, almost got saged off the board when I asked for clarification lol)
Adventure Travel in the Third World
SAS Survival Handbook (will purchase pocket size for BOB, try to rip the full text off somewhere)

>> No.340733

That's why I wear a layer of regular (thinner) socks under the wool socks. Sweat, man - and I live in AZ so we've got plenty of it. Will note the boots, I'm thinking about keeping one set non-proofed in order to allow some more breathing, and one backup infallible waterproofed set.

>> No.340734
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Ty, I'll have to search for them online-- unemployed right now so no cash.

I am basically killing time right now while its killing me (only bout one more month to go <cross fingers>)
Then I'm gonna try to get my CDL and go long haul (you can save good cash living in truck not paying rent)
Get dog, build up equipment, get land (thinking Idaho), trailer, mobile.
Anyways sorry if too much info... that's my daily dream that keeps me going.

>> No.340736
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No problem at all, was cutting back on work to work towards a certification myself and I've lived the broke college life - know what that's like.

Going to start a second job full time over the winter that I'm hoping will allow for more prepping room. Either way any free info is sweet info. The internet is a sweet thing and who knows how much longer we'll have it and devices to connect to it, so I intend to utilize it to the max.

>> No.340738
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Yea I've been trying to figure out how much concrete/deep you have to go to hide stuff from metal detectors. When I finally get land my concern is that w/ the profession I'm choosing I won't be there to guard my stuff so I want to make a storage bunker of sorts maybe buried school bus.

I'm just trying to make up for lost time (WISH I was still college age) almost 28 right now. Long story and you don't wanna play Dr. Phil but basically a bitch fucked me over and set my life back half a decade. "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe." (sorry bad Bladerunner reference) Had over 70 G's when I was younger blew it like a fool. (God if I could go back in time I'd kick my own ass, make myself buy land.)

Anyways it sucks for the time being but in a weird way I like what this bullshit has made me (part of the reason I became a survivalist) I have gone from the youthful idealistic trekkie to the realistic mad max/riddick. (more bad references) But I'm more untrusting now, find solace in solitude and the outdoors. Anyways apologies if once again TMI. I am a lone wolf in all senses of the word nowadays and I'm a little buzzed on malt liquor.

>> No.340740
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Being financially uncomfortable/unsound my whole life up until very recently I sort of know where you're coming from. I'm only 22, but I also feel like I could've used funds more responsibly in the past. Ah well, the past is behind us only with us in experience, and we have the present to use in preparation for the future. I've never had a real idealistic view of society. It's not that I feel it's bad, but people are easily lulled into comfort like ostriches with their head in the sand. I get fairly chatty when I hit the bottle too, you're lucky I haven't tonight lol! I'll definitely be around this board more often, I've been working as a HVAC tech the last four or so years but lately they haven't taken kindly to my leave of absence for school - so I've enjoyed the opportunity to give advice and stay sharp on my 'sounding smart while saying nothing' skills. I've taken full note of everything I need in this thread and should probably crash soon. If this thread 404's (lol fat chance I've noticed), keep an eye out for my threads in the future and I'll do the same for yours! Better luck in the future, friend.

P.S. - bro's b4 ho's.

>> No.340741


Thank you my friend, for taking the time to respond to me before you crash. My view of humanity has become dim. I do believe there is good out there (you seem to fit into that category) I just choose not to risk sifting through the masks/facades anymore. One thing that's great about the net is that people tend to be more themselves when behind a monitor. Anyways ty for your ear, I hope some of the info I provided was useful. Goodnite.

>> No.340912
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shameless self bump