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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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334289 No.334289 [Reply] [Original]

Any ideas how to raise children in a way that they don't turn out complete faggots?

>> No.334293

Teach them math, literacy, and skills from an early age so they don't grow up to be useless NEETs. Best you can do.

>> No.334298


Homemade electrodes wired on their scalp and upper spine. Down more of the spine if you're feeling frisky. Wire them all up to some batteries and an MCU with an RF receiver. Then make a remote with a potentiometer to select voltage and a button to send a current through the wires and into the electrodes.

Every time they're being little faggots, you hit the button to disable them until they stop being such faggots. They'll learn through trial and error how not to be complete faggots, or if they're too stupid to figure it out they'll become a paraplegic vegetable so they're not out in the world spreading their faggotry.

>> No.334305

Its called a slap upside the head and some hard discipline.

>> No.334308

Teach them by showing them. Be a parent. Don't be surprised when they act like fags when you expect tv to babysit and teach them things.

>> No.334314

limit technology, I-anything, twitter, facebook

It's turned an entire generation into complete assholes

Be more noble than that

>> No.334322


don't have a fucking television in your house and actually talk to your children now and then, beyond "So how was school?"

>> No.334330

Sadly, this is pretty much illegal now, and it's what most kids need.

>> No.334331

Be an example, thats all there is to it. Children get their habits both good and bad by copying. They look up to their dad or mom and want to please them by what they do, so they copy what they do to get attention and approval of the elders.

Its all the little things like greeting everyone you know, flossing after a meal, folding your clothes when you take them off etc. They pick up all that from you. I played a lot with my dad with legos, he explained so much of mechanics to me and now I study engineering. My mom used to take time to sit with me and we read and wrote and I always had the best grammar in school. My grandpa used to take me out to the fields and woods, teaching me how to identify woods, plants, animals, how to build a dam or how to sharpen a scythe. And all of them kept giving me the most important thing to guide me through life - VALUES and MORALS.

Some say I am pretentious or snobbish but Id rather go to gallery than waste my money funneling alcohol down my throat. I always dress nicely but you wouldnt find a single logo on my clothes turning me into walking advertising. I feel content and mature person and i try to cultivate hobbies that create some value and do things that arent a waste of time. And I go on 4chan.

>> No.334332

Don't treat them like morons or like they're made of glass. Converse with them, explain things to them, demonstrate things to them, teach them critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Allow them to do things for themselves, and fuck up, and learn from their mistakes. Don't condescend to them or belittle them.

>> No.334333

give them lego

>> No.334334

-Listen to and understand everything they say even if you don't want to hear it.
-Talk to them like you are talking to a friend.
-Answer and explain any questions they have and encourage them to ask questions.
-They should feel like their voice has weight in the family and it should.
-Believe in their fears and teach them to recognize their fears and teach them to set their fears aside to do what needs to be done.
-Critically monitor any social interactions based through technology.
-Always show that there's more than one way to do something.

Proper communication is the core, build from there.

>> No.334337
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>i try to cultivate hobbies that create some value and do things that arent a waste of time. And I go on 4chan.
/diy/ isn't a waste of time!

I want to add: A course in developmental psychology, so they know what thetalented /diy/ercan do and when. Also, if you have a mental illness, get it treated.

>> No.334341

>A course in developmental psychology, so they know what the ĸid can do and when.

Then set that age back 25%-50%. Kids are capable of so much far earlier than most know.

>Also, if you have a mental illness, get it treated.

100,000,000,000x this.

A lot of mental illness is merely learned from a cycle of mental illness you are exposed to as a child. Don't educate yourtalented /diy/erin being like that.

>> No.334347

Don't assume that good intentions are enough. They aren't. Educate yourself. "Faggot" is not the default for human behavior; most assholes could have grown up to be perfectly decent people if they hadn't been ruined by rotten parents.

Don't expect obedience. Children are not dogs. Don't hit them or scream at them, and don't be afraid of other people calling you a pussy because you don't abuse your children.

When they are older, don't deal out extremely harsh punishments because you're terrified of the behavior you're trying to dissuade (like drugs or alcohol). They won't stop doing what you punished them for, but they will get better at hiding it. Teenagers die of alcohol poisoning because punishment has left them afraid to ask for help.

>> No.334354

>Then set that age back 25%-50%. Kids are capable of so much far earlier than most know.
This is the opposite of what I meant. It's not about underestimating children's intelligence, it's specifically to combat overestimating what children are capable of, which is the cause of endless parental frustration. A four-year-old protesting that his brother got more juice than him because you didn't give them glasses that were the same size or shape isn't being intentionally contrary or difficult, he really doesn't understand that two different-sized glasses can contain the same amount of juice.

Or if your six-year-old lies to you, that doesn't mean she's an inherently deceptive person (actually, brighter children tend to start telling lies earlier). She's too young to understand that lying violates trust, and she's more likely than not doing it with good intentions. To her mind, you'll be upset if you know she ate cookies before dinner, so if she says she didn't eat the cookies you won't be upset. If she's still lying when she's twelve, then you've got a problem.

>> No.334358

Don't be a totalitarian asshole of a parent.

>> No.334359
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>> No.334372
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Teach them skepticism. Wonder they have in spades. But skepticism is sorely needed and needs to be taught. This applies to getting on with the feral children outside the house, who will take advantage of credulousness, as well as to religion, which is to say adults who take advantage of credulousness. If you are in the US, you can assume the child learns nothing in school, or worse, is made to memorize misinformation. Point out not only that certain things are wrong, but why they are wrong, how you know what is true, and the reason wrong things have come to be taught in schools. If you don't know, find out. If human knowledge is incomplete, tell them; such a conversation was the start of many careers of physicists.

Teach them patience. The hallmark of a broken home is an adult who cannot focus long enough to complete tasks. You may bear that scar, but they don't have to. Take stock of your other psychological scars too. Are you racist? A religious zealot? A political fanatic? A good parent wants more for their child than the wars of their fathers. That's not to say "keep them from religion"; if you are an atheist or other freethinker, it's statistically likely you got that way by knowing more about religion than the religious.

Very little television is good for babysitting children. I know you're tired, and you can't answer all their questions, but there are plenty of hours of educational programming for kids. You might even learn a thing or two from it as well. But first you have to find it, and then disburse it in moderation. Similarly, the internet can be a tremendous time-waster, but if you find educational resources, feel free to guide the child to them, which is to say, not just order them about, but tell them why education is more important than gossip.

>> No.334375
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>This is the opposite of what I meant.
My husband is taking credit for something I posted that he mentioned aloud, which is why I posted it. Ho ho ho. More in that vein: Most kindergartners think profanity is a lie because they don't understand what a lie is. They just think it's something bad that adults will punish them for.

>> No.334378

Set consistent rules with consistent consequences. This not only teaches children that actions have consequences, it also teaches them that you can be relied on. In the same vein, if you promise them something, keep your word. This gives them a sense of security and stability when they are young and teaches them that they have a choice in how the act towards others when they are adults. Even though the world is unfair. Some people decide that that means there is no point in being an honest and decent person. Your children will have an example to look to that proves those people wrong. Congratulations, you have taught your children not only that they are responsible for their actions but that they are not victims of fate, that moral choices are a matter of deliberate decision and they are not powerless in the face of a moral crisis.
Learn the difference between authoritarian parenting and authoritative parenting. If your natural inclination is to authoritarian parenting, if the well being of your children really does matter to you, make a conscious effort to cultivate a more egalitarian and responsible attitude towards their upbringing.
Children rise to our lowest expectations of them. They will rise to the standards you set for them if you will exemplify them yourself.
>also; reading, writing, and arithmetic. expect your kids to make A's. if they don't, have them tested for dyslexia and shit like that

>> No.334380


>> No.334384
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>if the well being of your children really does matter to you, make a conscious effort to cultivate a more egalitarian and responsible attitude towards their upbringing.
This. Being a good parent makes you a better person. Be better for them. Parenting in the US may be dominated by the dregs of humanity, but that is not how it has to be. For instance, it is common in the US to not believe in psychology, to see mental illness as the sinful results of moral failings. You have to be better than that. Get yourself treated if you are mentally ill. If your child is dyslexic, or ADHD, or into adolescence shows signs of clinical depression, take that seriously. Don't try to punish them harder and harder for being depressed. That sounds insane, but it's done, by smart people with backgrounds outside the US. If your child tells you your spouse is being abusive like this, listen to them instead of refusing to believe it. As in the animal kingdom, stepfathers and boyfriends of single mothers do assault and kill their stepchildren. But more uniquely human are the biological parents who do the same, whose spouse knows about the abuse and refuses to believe it.

>> No.334407

i'd just like to put Philosophical Parenting out there, has worked wonders for many

this guy has a host of videos/podcasts etc on the topic. its generally based around the non-aggression principle, never shout at your children, never hit them, reason with them, talk to them, set a good example etc... fascinating stuff, and this guy, stefan molyneux, actually has a daughter whom he has practiced this with and he has given real time updates on it all. he also interviews experts in related subjects and has a series called the bomb in the brain which is really important if you want to understand the effects of childhood abuse on us as adults

>> No.334411

Treat them like they're your age. Shit works wonders.

>> No.334414

Should I send them to church?
Seems pretty much the only place where children can learn values.

>> No.334416

really? you aren't going to teach them any yourself?

>> No.334423

That is what your family is for. You, the significant other, and your parents. Those are the people that teach children "values".

>> No.334424

Don't send them to church. If you go to church regularly, bring them. It won't even be effective if you 'send them' and it's obvious you aren't partaking either.

You also need to go to make sure the church isn't batshit, 95% of them are. I'm talking to the LDS now and they actually seem less than a lot of the US protestants and catholics

>> No.334429

Where I live children are extremely underestimated. It's pretty bad actually. :/

>> No.334438
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fuck the laws, I'd much rather give my child a hard slap across the ass if he was acting like a complete faggot.

Alternatively, strangle him like Homer does to Bart.

>> No.334457

If I wasnt so tired I would laugh at you

>> No.334459

They're not. At least LDS know they're not turning wine into blood and shit.

>> No.334470

>>334414 not church; send them to sailing school! They will learn sailor values (not to mention how to curse effectively) and self reliance. They will grow up to be salty adventurers and world travelers

>> No.334475

Do not force religion onto a child. Let them make those decisions for themselves, when they are old enough (e.g. 16+) to make a critical and informed choice for themselves.

And so that they are informed, you should teach them information but be as neutral as possible. You can teach them both the *theory* of evolution and the *story* of creationism, but don't tell them that one is right and one is wrong.

The same applies to lifestyle choices like vegetarianism. (I know a vegetarian mother who prepares meat for her daughter because her daughter is too young to make that choice for herself - and that's the way it should be.)

>> No.334478

Send them to /diy/. A guy who came to /diy/ for the first time, his ass was a wad of cookie dough. After a few weeks, he was carving wood.

>> No.334481

and make sure you teach the scientific method first to make it clear that a scary-quotes "theory" of evolution is not a wild ass guess while the "story" of creationism-as-science is a story of anti-science and heavy-handed religion.

just sayin'

>> No.334498

The biggest mistake I see parents making is imposing rules without explaining *WHY*. For example, don't tell your daughter she can't go to a party with older boys - she'll think you're being bossy and don't want her to have fun. Instead, explain what goes on at those parties. Explain how your classmate was raped at a party like that, explain how older boys go to those parties, give girls alcohol, and pressure them into sex. Your child can make better decisions for him or herself if she is informed.

Try to give children the "information", not "rules". A related tip: try to give children "responsibilities" instead of "chores".

>> No.334501

>-Listen to and understand everything they say even if you don't want to hear it.
>-Talk to them like you are talking to a friend.
>-Answer and explain any questions they have and encourage them to ask questions.
>-They should feel like their voice has weight in the family and it should.
>-Believe in their fears and teach them to recognize their fears and teach them to set their fears aside to do what needs to be done.

Yeah once they have matured.
Try doing this to a child, from 4-9. That shit will get you no-where fast.

>> No.334515

1. Limit the TV, video games, ipads, computers, etc.

This is coming from a guy who spent his 14-18 year old days on 4chan. I did so at the time because I was already mature enough to be more of an adult than I was atalented /diy/er(In my opinon, I feel I was more mature than msottalented /diy/ermy age)

But you can be sure as hell my parents didn't let me be on the computer or TV all day before that age. That's what they let my sister do now, because they're always busy working, and she not only believes everything on TV (the high school stereotypes like archetype-labeling and such), but she also talks to her parents like a bratty 16 year old movie star.

2. Talk to them. Don't think they're retarded, don't understand, or are innocent.

You keep things secret or censored for kids past the right age, and you can be sure OTHERS will show it to them. My parents did teach me sex-ed, but they also made sex and sexual thigns like its some type of sin (they're catholic). I'm not ashamed to say I'm a bit of a pervert. Maybe that influenced me in the future, I don't know.

I was also raised catholic, and still am proudly catholic, but it would have been a lot better if my parents told me there were other religions that were as valid as mine and people who didn't believe in a religion at all. I wouldn't have been so surprised when I learned that.

3. When necessary, give them a good spanking. Ignore the idiotic college kids who say it will traumatize them for life. It won't. It provides an incentive to not behave wrong. Also, don't beat your kids to death.

4. If you go to church, don't be a hypocrite and not take them. (Don't send them every sunday and you not go either). It should be a family thing. Remember they will think "If they do it, why can't I?"

>> No.334516

I've heard this from guests of Alex Jones, and it always makes me laugh. How can you reconcile physical punishment of kids with libertarian ideals? You brought them into the world, but they didn't sign a contract that gave you permission to smack their ass. Act like a fucking adult and don't punish yourtalented /diy/erfor your parental failure.

>> No.334517

Allow some non-faggot parents to adopt your kids, they'll at least have a greater chance of not turning out like you.

>> No.334527

>The biggest mistake I see parents making is imposing rules without explaining *WHY*.


>> No.334530

There is where you are mistaken. You need to do those sort of things from the time they are born. They hear and see everything and are taking cues from you the entire time. If you treat a child like a thing then by the time you think they are mature enough for you to treat them otherwise, you've already given them a bad start.

It's like those parents that curse and argue in front of their children because they say the children don't know what they are talking about since they can't talk yet. Then the parents get all pissed off at thetalented /diy/erwhen thetalented /diy/ers first word is, "fuck".

>> No.334536

>It's like those parents that curse and argue in front of their children because they say the children don't know what they are talking about

They may not understand what the words mean but they sure as hell do get the feeling behind them.

>> No.334540

>but they didn't sign a contract that gave you permission to smack their ass

They didn't sign a contract that gave me permission to feed them either.

>> No.334546

Just the fact that you're concerned about your kids turning out to be terrible puts you well above 75% of parents today. I see the typical parent just doing anything to get thetalented /diy/erto shut up. Mostly because disciplining your child is basically frowned upon today.

>> No.334548
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>> No.334572

You don't have to feed them either. You can give them up for adoption. Your argument is just like the social contract argument.

>> No.334577
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If you don't want them to be faggots then make sure they get sexually imprinted onto the proper gender. Higher a hookers for the boys and let your friends take the girls camping.

>> No.334579

ITT why our society is failing

>> No.334582

Yes, that was part of my point.

>> No.334583


>> No.334591

There are many great stuff here, I would like to add, that you should help them find themselves a purpose or something they like to do without inherent profit, just for fun. You should /diy/ with them yourself, to help them get a sense of creative thinking and a "do it" attitude. Its very hard to not become a NEET and get yourself a life if your parents never worked during your entire childhood. This comes from one such an "adult" thats strugling getting his shit done, and summon the necessary willpower and attitude to do stuff so he wont starve to death. Also always have a job. Tell your childrend that theres no such things as not having a job. No matter how hard or humiliating you should work, and teach them that its a parents responsibility to work and feed his/her children at all cost.

>> No.334597
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> blaming his parents for his inability to self-motivate
It's time to put your big boy pants on now

>> No.334612

Or make sure you aren't a faggot your self.

I've worked with many children in my time and I can tell you parenting makes a very large impact. You know who the faggot parents are even before you meet them.

>> No.334651

Ages 4-7: Children of this age are motivated by attention. If a parent ignores the child, they will intentionally do something bad to get attention even if that attention is anger. Simply acknowledging a child when they talk, and including them in conversations, goes a long way to giving them the attention they desire without conflict.

Ages 8-10: Children of this age are motivated by power. They intentionally do something bad in order to test the boundaries between them and their parents. Giving the child choices goes a long way to giving the child power without conflict.

>> No.334676

Make them watch real gore, daily.

>> No.334678

Take a course in Developmental Psychology. I mean it. You will learn a lot, including what steps to take during the ages of 10-18 months to make sure yourtalented /diy/erdevelops to be intelligent.

>> No.334685

Im just going to say this if you can introduce them to literature before they start with it in school, even giving them a book like 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea can start an early interest in the written word and help in their development.

>> No.334693


I think the main fallacy with parenting is the assumption that kids "turn out" to be something in the first place. If you converse with yourtalented /diy/erlike you would with a respectful and likeable adult, then s/he won't have to learn to change anything. It's much simpler this way. As far as exposure, give them the internet, but limit it to like an hour a day. Keep good books around the house for when they're done with that hour, and venture outside with them often. Let them buy their stuff with their own cash. Take them seriously, engage in discussions and keep your false superiority as out of the picture as you possibly can.

>> No.334714

That can only be done if the parent is sure, to have the time to teach his/her child how to read properly, as in comprehensive reading. Otherwise your child will learn something he/she shouldn't have by standards of society, and get ostracized. On top of that they will find school boring and become hard to care for by teachers, and become fucked up and lazy in their learning, and then get left behind by less talented, less intelligent but better at memorization droids, that any and all governments need to get elected for no real benefit of these droids. Thus they become those very faggits you dont want them to become.

>> No.334716

>And I go on 4chan.
That was almost perfect.

>> No.334719

having a job, you mean be a slave

never hit them??
um no, proprioceptive and force retrospect are much more effective and appropriate at teaching than the hearing/rational compressions scene which is not developed at 2

>> No.334758
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isolation and beatings

>> No.334791
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this thread is written by angry children for angry children

>> No.334793

Teach them not to be sperg lords - teach them social skills - how to dress, how to walk, to make eye contact, to use effective body language, how to converse, etc. Teach them things, both theoretical and applied things - how to change a lightbulb, how to wash dishes, how to solder, how to weld, how to cut wood, how to use tools, etc. If it is a male, get them into (a) sport(s). Encourage them to start lifting at an early age. Teach them proper technique. If they want to learn a martial art, make sure it is a practical one, and NOT at a McDojo. Do not have a(n accessible) TV in the house. Keep them away from vidya. You should heavily control their use of the computer until they are older - teach them how to use computers properly. Make sure everything that they do is in some way productive - things like physical activity, lego, crafts, etc. as opposed to watching television or playing vidya. Make sure they have a proper sleep schedule. Take them to the doctor and the dentist on a half-yearly basis. Teach them proper hygiene, especially dental - they should brush after eating ANYTHING. Get them vaccinated. If they have some sort of hormone deficiency, don't tell them that they are "already beautiful" and that they don't need it. Encourage them to get it. You don't want your son to be a manlet with narrow shoulders.

>> No.334796

/fit/ pls go

>> No.334798

Yes I mean that. They should understand that there is no such thing as FREE anywhere, ever. Also I said make em /diy/ and the parent should do it with them. Its a far better pasttime than watching TV. If its started early enough isntead of TV they will like it better.
Atalented /diy/erthat was taught how to behave will not need to be hit. If you teach them what they can and what they cant do and why, you wont need to discipline them. Which should be the main point of actually raising your children, instead of throwing them into the wild.

Also forgot to say: Teach them, that the majority of the populace will not live by the rules he/she has to, and teach them why they have stricter rules. Show them all those whores, faggots, all that cesspool we call society, and try to find incentives why they should not become like them.

>> No.334807

Whatever you try and keep them from doing they'll want to do more. People saying kids have to be isolated from TV and video games... they're just going to want to immerse themselves in that shit when they know they can get away with it. You cannot be there 100% of the time, nor should you.

Teenagers are shitheads. All of them. They'll make you question your job as a parent. I was a shithead teenagers, you were a shithead teenagers, we were all shithead teenagers. The 11-13 years now have got to be getting pretty bad too, judging by the looks of things.

>> No.334829

>massive amounts of projecting

>> No.334830
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I've smacked siblings on our parents behalf and it just doesn't work. They grow more tolerant to it until hitting them harder could cause permanent damage. As they grow older they come to hate you and use it as an excuse to misbehave. I stopped punishing and started befriending my siblings and then times were a lot more peaceful and fun. No wild animal punishes their offspring. It's unnatural.

>> No.334831

>No wild animal punishes their offspring. It's unnatural.

Actually they do. Often it is when the offspring is playing too hard and or annoying the parent. They will nip them or outright dominate them.

>> No.334833

Love them and don't get too angry at them when they make mistakes.

>> No.334837

That's more like self defense, which is natural.

>> No.334840

Get a retardedtalented /diy/erto grow up with them. Find someone who has a retard and borrow him to babysit him and bring him to play with your kids. They will learn a valuable lesson from it.

>> No.334871


but it is only in direct response to physical action (nip) and doesn't escalate or persist past the event. plus they are not linguistic.

my parents hit us. its as the wise anon says, it normalizes, and escalates, breeds hatred, shows parents to not be not able to deal.

>> No.334877

Don't have them in the first place. The world has more than enough people, you don't need to make more of them.

>> No.334889

Read to them from the word go.
If it's a girl, stop buying them pink shit! And never show them Disney. Also avoid dummies, favourite blankets and ready made baby food.
Remember too, people only truly learn by making mistakes.
Also if discipline comes into it, speak to your child afterwards and explain why what they did was wrong.

Children are far more intelligent than people think....

I could go on, do I sound passionate about this? lol

>> No.334893

Animals bite their kids when they are young, so that when they are older all they need is the implied threat of violence to control them. You should spank/hit your child when they are small. A light tap on the butt is a new sensation for a child, it scares them. And then when they misbehave, you use the threat of a serious spanking to remind them of that light tap, to bring them back in line. If you are physically beating your child, you messed up a long time ago. Punishment is about control, not actual physical force.

Whip yourtalented /diy/eronce with a stick. Then make them go get the stick whenever they are in trouble. They will feel bad about it and be sorry the whole trip they are making to get that stick. If properly conditioned, you wont have to actually hit them.

Do you think that's unnatural? Do you think that's cruel? Reality check: that's exactly how the government controls you as an adult.

Implied threat of violence > actual violence.

>> No.334891

also, some anon pointed out sailor school. that's a good idea IMO
captcha: work Seahens

>> No.334894

>Also, don't beat your kids to death.
god, a 8/10 post just became 9.5/10.

>> No.334896

except that your child goes out into the world thinking that the threat of implied violence is an acceptable social tool. They will use it against others to try to get what they want, and find out pretty quick that they will have to back up that threat in order to coerce others. Congratulations, you've raised a bully.

>> No.334908


I'm not sure what dimension you come from, but implied violence is an acceptable social tool in this world.

>why do you do your job
>because if i dont, i get fired

>why do you obey the law
>because if i dont, i get arrested

>why am i nice to other people
>because if i dont, they will be mean to me

Welcome to earth, my alien friend.

>> No.334909

That's a fucked up view of things.

I do my job because it's something I enjoy.
I follow the law because I have no interest in harming others.
I am nice to other people because it feels good.

>> No.334913

Maybe you should check out what violence means on your planet.

>> No.334914

I never got my ass whipped, or feared that I would, for not doing my job.

>> No.334915


That's a good little sheep. You're so cute and squishy. I just want to eat you all up. But I won't. Can you guess why?

>> No.334917

>Maybe you should check out what violence means on your planet.

Funny, I would say the same thing to you. It's you who seems to think that the reason poor black people living downtown aren't burning down your nice house and taking your stuff is because they enjoy being poor. No simpleton, it's because even though their situation is bad, they know there are even worse consequences coming if they act on their impulses. Violence controls human society. Government holds a monopoly on force and they use it to impose order. You can pretend it isn't there, you can pretend there aren't militaries bombing one another right this second, but that doesnt change the reality of the world.

Impose order on your children. Don't let them grow up in ignorance, spoiled and stupid. Otherwise they will have trouble as adults. They will go out and try to do something stupid like occupy wallstreet, where they demand for their government to fix the problems created by their government, using the power of their government.

>> No.334921

You seem to be conflating punishment, violence, and consequence into one totalitarian concept. Your kids must be really fucked up.

>> No.334926

Punish them consistently, and do not punish them while you are too angry to follow this rule.

>> No.334932

I am 5 months pregnant. My first child, and it is a boy.

I am into disciplining children, not beating them, but time outs and standing in the corner does not work.
(I raised my cousins and they listen to me more than to their mother who tries to be their best friend, cool, and doesn't spank them when they do over the top shit. Now they are pre-teens that do not listen for shit and are going out of control.)

Which leads me to this, you are their parent, you are not their best friend in the whole wide world, you are there for advice and guidance. If you have a spouse, make sure you two figure out who is going to be the main disciplinary figure, and what sort of standards you want for your child. I say this because so many times I have seen parents contradict themselves when one parent says no and the other says it is okay and then thetalented /diy/ergets in trouble by the one saying no. Get your shit sorted out.

When buying toys for your kids, make sure they are thought inducing and produces motor skills. Like for babies, get the blocks with letters and numbers, the toy where you place the shapes in the correct shape hole, etc. When they get older, move them to legos (Not the legos that only have one or two things you can build with it... the shit they sell now days, the old school legos in a bucket with 1000 pieces or something) Even though you will probably step on a few, it is worth letting them have a chance at imagining things. Lincoln logs are also great.

If you live in the country side, let them go outside when the weather is good, let them explore, of course with you close by. If you live in a city, let them go to the park... even if it is a little drive away. Socialization is important.

>> No.334933


When kids are trying to figure out something and they do it wrong, do not get pissed at them, tell them they did it wrong and try it again... when they are having extreme trouble... give them hints. Then repeat in a few weeks at whatever you are trying to teach them... but the next time give them less hints than before, until they fully get it.

Why? You will experience the why stage. Everything is why. Why is why. Explain to them why, as best you could, and please... (I failed at this when I was first taking care of my cousins) do not get mad when they ask you why about the same thing more than once.... unless of course they are saying it to get a reaction out of you, then tell them to only ask why when they really want to know.

>> No.334935


Kids will test every fiber of your being. They will do so more when they know they can get away with certain shit, so make sure you are consistent with discipline. (This also goes back to you and your spouse seeing eye to eye too)

Television, games, computers, etc. - Like most people have said in this thread, limiting these things is good. Not only because kids are very impressionable but because this allows them to create their own persona when they aren't sitting there zombied out and trying to imitate Adventure Time or something.

Try and replace candy with fruits.

Try and limit soda and store bought juice, unless you created the juice from the raw fruit... but even then.. limit that a little.

Kids get sick. They get dirty. They get hurt. Making them live in a bubble, washing their hands 35 times a day, yelling at them getting into the mud, screaming if they bring in a pet snail called bugsy or whatever is ONLY going to make them get more sick as they grow older. Sounds weird, but that is how the body works... You get sick from something in the dirt, you create antibodies from it while you are sick... next time you are in the dirt... the less likely you will get sick. The body is hardy.

Get them in sports or clubs. Doesn't matter what kind of club or sport. Make sure you help them in their physical education as well, PE was never serious in my family and thus everyone over the age of 18 is now over 300lbs... I have since then lost 140 myself.

School... make sure they do their homework. All. The. Time. If they come home and say they have none, make some homework for them. At least 30 minutes worth.

>> No.334939

>School... make sure they do their homework. All. The. Time. If they come home and say they have none, make some homework for them. At least 30 minutes worth.
That's a mediocre idea at best.
Unless you know what the fuck you're doing, you're are literally just giving yourtalented /diy/erbusy work. Ask the teacher for some extra stuff to do.
Also that 'They should have 15 minutes of homework per grade level' or whatever the time is is bullshit.
Different kids go at different speeds. I blasted through all my homework every day, got all A's, but my mom insisted that I should have more. All it did was piss me off.

>> No.334943


Well, I didn't have room to say "of course if you do not know anything past high school algebra, then ask the teacher to give them more work."

Mainly what I was stressing, is in the early years, when the child is developing habits for school. You can help your kinder-gardener their letters, numbers, colors, etc. By the time they get into their pre teen and teenage years they will have the habit of doing extra work already.

If you do not have time to spend with your child, 30 minutes each day, to help with their learning, you need to rethink having kids until you can.

You ever wonder why you got all those A's? Perhaps it was because you were made to do all the extra work. I can tell you, my mother did not care whether or not my brother or I went to school, that hurt our education severely since we did not put in the extra work. It hurt me throughout my nuclear engineering degree, cause when the shit hit the fan I wasn't used to it and was stressed out all the time for mediocre shit. I worked through it finally and realized that I will never put my child through that. It gives you no work ethic.

>> No.334968

let me explain how you tame horse. You capture one in the wild, or take a young one you bought/raised whatever. you have on you hands a horse that doesn't know or want to do shit.
first thing is to lasso it, tie him to a pole. then, you pick up a baseball bat and beat the shit out of it for about 15 minutes.eventually it will lie down and stop fighting (it shouldn't be dead or too hurt though), which is its way of bowing down to its new master. You can then do whatver you want with it, like attaching a chariot, filming 2guys1horse videos, dance, etc.

well with kids its the same


>> No.334977

>i...it's not violence when my daddy government does it to me. I.. I deserved it. But don't you dare punish yourtalented /diy/er You will create a monster. You have to talk to them, and reason with them, and let them see the errors of their ways through nonaggressive noninterventionism. My government paid teacher said so, so did the government paid man on the tv with his government funded study. Only the government is allowed to use force, because they use it responsibly. If you disagree with me that means you beat your child to an inch of it's life and are a horrible person.

get fucked.

>> No.334979

The government doesn't force you to eat right, exercise, or be polite. Nor should anyone be forced to. It should merely be a suggestion, with you leading as an example.

>> No.334980

such as taxing fat, and PE in school for eample

>> No.334982


I disagree with you on the basis that children should not be suggested to, but they need to be forced to do some things (Cleaning, doing homework, eating right, exercising.) Children do not understand the concept of a suggestion and think "well if I do not have to, then why should I do it?" and won't.

>> No.334985
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use this when necessary, the first few years children are like animals, trying to talk common sense into them is as promising as teaching the Kant's categorical imperative to a monkey. The understanding of future consequences and that the world as they see it is different from how others see it only comes at age 4+ or so.

And of course be a good example yourself, treat others (including your kids) with respect, and they will treat you with respect. You are the parent, a superhero, whatever you do, they will believe is the right thing to do.
Also let them do whatever they want as long as they dont do anything bad. If they want to help you cook, teach them to use knifes properly, if they want to drive a car, take a detour to an empty parking lot after school and let them steer for a while at low speed. This way their curiosity will be satisfied and they wont cut themselves/steal your car while you arent looking
Teach them to read early and have lots of books around, collections of fairytales, pictures of dinosaurs and other animals, easy science experiments along the lines of a magnet in a floating cup, which they can do without assistance.

>> No.335000

you teach them WHY they should do it, instead of teaching them that its mandatory for no good reason.

>> No.335003

If you can't comprehend that violence is not the same as punishment, and punishment is not the same as unpleasant consequence, then your kids must be dumb as fuck too.

>> No.335022

Don't be negligent, don't try to shelter them(explain/teach rather than avoid), and be fair, supportive, and loving. In short, be a decent parent.

>> No.335057

I feel that a parent's job is to prepare their children to adulthood and how to succeed in the world and society. Children that were plopped infront of the television, never actually taught the concepts of responsibility/work ethic, and simply handed everything probably had one hell of a time adjusting to an adult life.

Depending where you live, you will probably have to suppliment the education system. Remain consistent and inclusive as they grow, and they will understand the values of hard work and a solid work ethic. Beyond that; instill a healthy respect for the written word, art, and music. Do not shy away about teaching them about their bodies and what 'those parts' are for. Be sure that they understand finances and that everything has a cost and could potentially be marketed. Teach them about the existence and basic beliefs of other relgions and lifestyles, even those that have long disappeared or you do not agree with. Educate them in more practical matters; basic survival skills, how to hunt with a bow/gun/snare, navigate, to build/repair, to sew/mend, to cook, clean, and maintain basic hygene.

Intergrate children into the modern world. Expose them, with limited access, to the technology of the day. (Phone, Computer, Internet, Video Games: Even those that you grew up with.) To other people and cultures, even if you do not live in the most divserse of neighborhoods. Help them realize both that not every other family is like yours' and that they are not beautiful, unique snowflakes. Show them a ghetto, show them different food styles, teach/learn other languages with them if possible.

>> No.335058


Developmental psychology, and anything to help prepare/educate you for child rearing is a good idea.

Talk with your spouse or signifigant other, if you have one, about the various guidelines and rules of the household. (And if you haven't, where you stand on various parenting issues.)

Another idea has stuck with me since I heard it, so I will share it: rites of passage. Essentially the family has decided on a set of rules, "rituals" and "trials" that the child must pass through to be acknowledged as an adult. (With more to allow them to speak/gain respect/whatever within the adult group.) I suppose it is more of an old fashioned idea, but I found it a neat one.

I also agree that children are more often-than-not underestimated, and should not be treated as delicate and fragile things.

>> No.335061


And that is accompanied by discipline. Damn, why do you think most parents are barbarians and just beat the child without the reason why?

Here is a hint, the ones that do one and not the other are the ones that have out of control kids.

>> No.335068
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>Children do not understand the concept of a suggestion and think "well if I do not have to, then why should I do it?" and won't.

Simple ways to handle this:
Praise them, pay them.

>doing homework
Praise them, attach the fact that doing well in school will lead to people throwing money at them in the future. Make learning fun. Be a knowledgeable parent who loves to answer their every little question. If you seem knowledgeable, they'll want to be just like you!

>eating right
Stock zero junk food in the house, set a good example, say that kids will laugh at them at call them names if they're fat and they will die an early death because of their obesity.

Be a role model. Involve them in your activities.

My kids will be taught to swim at an early age. They will start off snorkeling and freediving, then progress into SCUBA later. Attach it to the above truths.

>> No.335073

this whole thread belongs on /adv/
gtfo breeders

>> No.335077


>Pay them
No, because then they will expect to be paid for everything they do. My grandmother did that, it didnt work out too well for anyone. They lose the value of simply doing work, and if someone needs help like a neighbor, then they expect to get paid in stead of doing it just to help out. It is a shitty logic.

Money to kids isn't important until they get to the teenage years. Way before that time you need to install good homework habits. Way before.

Junk food comes with going to school too, I am not saying completely limit them to candy, just do not willingly give it to them all the damn time.

Of course you have to be a role model, you cannot raise kids on "do as I say, not as I do" style. I've been raised that way, but understand that I was made to grow up well before my time and most kids aren't that way and should not be expected to be that way.

>> No.335095


Children would still have to learn the value of money, the tricky park would be deciding how they got it. As gifts only until they could somehow earn it on their own through paper routes, mowing lawns, or offering other services kids often do to make money?

>> No.335101

Never underestimate what your child can do. Never. If they wanna try something (reasonable, don't hand them a goddamn staple gun you retard), let them try. If they can't do it, tell them it's ok and everyone makes mistakes, then show them how. If they can do it, make sure they are encouraged.

Don't just tell them "because I said so" all the time. Yes, three year olds are hard to reason with, but just relying only on your authority to get by the entire time gives them no sense of causality and they don't learn anything, which is reflective as they become young adults. Tell them the reason first (no you can't have that many cookies because you'll get a stomachache and you won't eat your dinner.), then fall back to your authority. When they get older they will segue into listening to reason more than the authority and eventually learn to use that reasoning for themselves. Teach it early so they will get common sense early.

For the love of shit stop treating older kids like they don't know any better. This generation is the most coddled I've fucking seen. Give them responsibilities, and teach them what it means to have those responsibilities. My cousin is so sheltered that at the age of 17 she didn't even know how to turn on a fucking vacuum cleaner or load a dishwasher.

>> No.335107

Don't send them to church, however in Canada the cadet program can work wonders on children (12-18), I know it did for me, I'm not sure where you live but check into it I believe the UK, Austrailia, S. Korea, and US. Have similar programs.

>> No.335108

See, this is where games and playing with your child comes in. My mom and cousins would play store with me and my brother. Using play money and simulating what you do with it helps them learn. Explain to them what the value of a dollar is in terms they would understand. You have a dollar? well, that can buy you a candybar. you have a quarter? well, that can buy you a gumball. If you have four quarters, you can buy either a candybar or four gumballs. The way kids learn in very much a "monkey-see, monkey-do" fashion. You just have to show them and explain it enough times and they'll eventually learn.

>> No.335112

>Grade 5
>Know a boy with parents who act like people in this thread
>No TV, no non-educational computer games
>Given no 'downtime', he was constantly expected to learn
>He had no real interests because he wasn't allowed to have real interests
>He played three instruments, competed in chess tournaments and participated in family-approved outdoor activities like camping and kayaking
>His parents raised him authoritatively rather than helping and guiding him along the right path
>One day, I fell down into a creek and very badly broke my arm
>I swore my head off
>His parents forbade him from being friends with me because I was a 'bad influence'
>I never saw or talked to him again
>Earlier this year, however, I did hear about him.
>In year 10 he committed suicide.
> He just couldn’t handle the pressure placed upon him
>He was constantly pressured to be perfect, and never had a chance to just be himself.

Don’t force your kids to be perfect, /diy/.
Let them make their own decisions and their own mistakes, and if you’ve done your job correctly then they’ll learn from their mistakes and become good people in their own right.

>> No.335121

America sucks sometimes. My buddy was running around in France for a bit and thistalented /diy/erwas being a smart ass to his mom in the middle of a shop. She turned around and smacked the crap out of thattalented /diy/er And no one gave a fuck. Thetalented /diy/erbehaved the rest of the time, didn't even cry or anything.

>> No.336152

I know it's been covered - but :

ACTIONS over words. If you're not a handy man, don't fix things - Start learning - and do it with your son or daughter by your side. Be productive - You want to show your children that you can have a goal, Do the work, complete the goal.

Include them. Make sure they are there to see it.

Let them see that you dedicate time to bettering yourself - Reading, At the gym, etc.

Active. Lots of fat fucks out there - and America is just getting fatter. If you're a fat fuck - you get in shape for you and your future with your child.

If yourtalented /diy/ersees you sitting on your ass texting and playing Vidya - chances are he or she will think that's normal and ok. It's not.

I'm personally in a marriage that I'm not confident in. But I know I need to work on me. I make sure to spend time with my son - Listen, Play, Reprimand and Discipline. I let him see me working on things around the house - I set goals with him and acheive them.

I've always been a talker, not a do-er. I've been the lazy fuck that says he's going to do something and never does . . . I don't want my son growing up to feel the shame I feel when it comes to work, goals and not acheiving them.

>> No.336160

Decision making is key; the more information you give them the more decisions they can make. Like when they ask for lets say ice cream say you can get ice cream now or with desert. Give them a choice its is much better than just telling them something. Let them make their mind up really helps for development.

>> No.336173

Children are as all things that grow. You'll get more out of careful mate selection and a constant provisory of love and attention then you will out of demand and rigor. Also, to >>334293
NEET is the least viable acronym especially considering it it supposed to denote those people not actively engaged in society and yet it stands for "people Not engaged in Education, Employment or Training". Some politician speaking on the level of the most common denominator decided NEET was close enough and made him sound fairly smart compared to PNEIET. The other issue that I noticed is there is a massive variance between available jobs and people. For roughly every 1000 people in San Francisco there are 77 jobs. As a caterer I know that my dishwasher is illiterate, but he does do my dishes with vigor and after two years he has yet to break a plate. So if you want to be honest with your children. Foster in them a desire to do what they love, because education alone won't be enough.

>> No.336174

in my adult life, i've come to realize that the best times of my childhood were the ones spent with my parents. The downside to that is that most of my time as atalented /diy/erwas spent hanging out with my mom. i didnt do hardly any extracurriculars, and i had no friends my own age. I was afraid to ask my folks for anything more than just "what i needed" i never asked for things i wanted. let you kids know it's ok to go out and reach for something, but it takes work. noone hands it to you.

>> No.336175

... huh, i didnt know that k.id changed to a talented /diy/er. props.

>> No.336187
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Someone didn't raise their child very well and he (or she) spent a lot of time trolling diy calling everyone a k i d.. It was really bad a few months after diy opened, hence the wordfilter.

>> No.336191
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I've been saving my robotix for when I have atalented /diy/er

Some good advice in here. /diy/ is the best board.

>> No.336195
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But only give them the basic lego sets with the basic bricks.
The new sets don't stimulate your creativity.

>> No.336214

Please tell me someone informed his parents that his death was entirely their fault. Please.

>> No.336216

In my experience you can change behavior pasterns with your parenting but sexual preference is a set number from birth.

The more you fight it the worse it gets so just be happy for your gay asstalented /diy/er

>> No.336240

The best advice my dad ever gave me growing up was:

You do what you think is right, always. Disregard the law, disregard what you're told is and is not moral, if you're facing a decision and anyone, anywhere, who hasn't deliberately done something to deserve it, comes off worse as a result then you've fucked up. It doesn't matter what they're doing, what their attitude is, it doesn't matter what other people think, you do what's best for the people around you and you can't go far wrong.

And I like to think I turned out not-a-faggot.

>> No.336258

would you please explain why it's common for male children who were sexually abused before puberty to become homosexual. or are you stating that they were homosexual at birth and it's just a coincidence that they got molested?

>> No.336259


was meant for


>> No.336286

The key is to limit their social interactions with peers their own age. Their peers are stupid, and will make them stupid.
Teach them to make use of their intelligence.
Teach them things that are interesting to them, and that they enjoy.
Buy them books of facts. This will help develop a thirst for knowledge.

Be regular with enforcing rules, but ensure the rules are not too forceful and restrictive.
Teach them to learn from their mistakes.
Don't tell them to do things just because you told them to do it, teach them the reasons.

If they have ADHD, then your job just became much more difficult.
I wish I'd been on meds from an early age, but unfortunately my mother was against drugs.

On that subject, make sure to watch them for signs of mental disorders such as ADHD/OCD.
If they have one, get them some help so that they don't waste their entire childhood developing stress-coping methods.

Also, more books.
Make them into a good reader, and buy them books.

Get a notebook, and write down things you learn every day. Keep the explanations simple, and to the point.
Obviously, keep it limited to things that are great to know in general, and helped you out a lot.

>> No.336298

do you even watch tv? Well I guess not current tv since now all the "family" sitcoms are about adults and their problems. But here's a list of good shows that teach some good values and morals on raising kids:

- the cosby show
- yes, dear
- boy meets world
- king of the hill
- fresh prince of bel-air
- a number of simpsons episodes pre-season 7 or even 6
- season 1 to 2 of family guy (actually used to have decent moral lessons)

to just name a few

>> No.336301

I agree with limiting their contact with peers, but not because their peers are stupid. Their peers are just poorly raised which means you will have to compete with the bad habits imparted on those children when yourtalented /diy/erwants to know why the fuck they cant have a bowl of sugar coated sugar, soaked in sugar, with a glass of sugar for breakfast like Tommy gets. Your child wont understand that you dont want them to get diabetes and be 500 pounds like tommy's dad is, they will just think you are being a dick

This is why it's important for a parent to be friends with yourtalented /diy/ers friend's parents. If they are assholes, if their house is a mess, if theirtalented /diy/erlooks malnutritioned or acts like a tard, steer yourtalented /diy/eraway from that.

>> No.336304

on television:

South park, despite being violent and obscene, often has a very good moral subtext. An episode i caught the other night, for example, showed the problems with a lack of education as all the boys were running round complaining that they hadn't got their period, leading to them all saying they had but not knowing what one was.

>> No.336305

I didn't mean that they're unable to be smart, but most have not been raised properly as you said.
It's not that they're stupid, it's that their limited knowledge doesn't allow for them to make informed decisions in everyday life, leading to bad ones.
Peer pressure or wanting to fit in can operate quite strongly on children.

I also agree with your post.

>> No.336309

Yeah, that shark rape was a really good moral leason; don't be a dick or a shark will rape you (with a 9 inches penis, see it even teach them measure notions).

>> No.336324

i was thinking more along the abstract; it does take a bit of reading between the lines (and definitely is not something kids should watch)

For example: Cartman is a dick, everyone hates him, but occasionally he saves the day. moral? Don't be a dick, but sometimes dicks have uses

>> No.336328


>> No.336331

I am ready and waiting for our chinese overlords.

>> No.336336

The only things I've built with the basic set are houses. When I got bionicle, new sets and other shit, I made mechas, maps, battlefields, castles and fun stuff. Fuck only basic.

>> No.336341
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Do not treat them like they're special
Do not treat them like princes/ses
Be consequent in all your actions
>imagine why we are consequent when we train animals, they lack the capibilities to understand inconsequence, it will just fuck them up in several ways, this is to some extent true with children and young kids

Teach them, spark their interest in thing,
try to help them achieve whatever they want, try to wake talents, force and discipline them on their decisions.

Always eat in a group,
brush teeth together over the course of several years, do this as well with other things you would like your children to do, when they're 'intelligent' it's too late.

Go into the nature with them, often!
Do not ever let their cognitive abilities get retarded because you decided to put them in front of any kind of electronic media for the first 4 years, afterwards good luck with handling it, best try to keep them away from it until they're ~10-12 you won't be able afterwards, so by then they should have all skills and cognitive abilities to protect themselves from using electronic media to an extent that it WILL HEAVILY change their brain structure and cognitive abilities (main cause in ADD and related syndromes,beside our genetic markup for intelligenc being on a downpath for the past 3k years)

I don't know, should I continue?
>pic related, Pwnys are dangerous

>> No.336344

in biology, mammals the more male offspring a female mammal has, the higher the chance for the next male offspring to become gay
mammals are bisexual

bisexuality is the norm for highly evolved animals like us, the rest and exclusive preferation can either be genetic, socially imposed or a mixture of both

>whoever finds the contradiction can try to fathom why I did that

also whoever wrote make the rules understandable and be consequent, I second that, there's a good and constructive help written in the prior posts, i'm astounded

>> No.336346

You did because you are a retard.

>> No.336348

It's ok that you like pussy and dick but don't go around making shit up.

>> No.336349

yup because being retarded is clearly
>intentionally making a logical contradiction to make people think

no wonder there are only retards in the world, they even teach us like that

you sir have reestablished my positive view on mankind

>> No.336350

So butthurt. It's ok that you are a retardtalented /diy/er some of us, like you, simply don't have an useful brain.

>> No.336357

Why raise kids when you can just create hyper-intelligent robots?

>srsly gaise

>> No.336359


no actually I only like pussy

>> No.336360

Because rape.

>> No.336361

I know kids are easier to rape than robots, but you can always code in a manual override so that the robot instantly does everything you tell it to.

>> No.336362

That was my first post ITT.(this is the second)
What is making you go apeshit bro?

>> No.336541

But then it's not rape.

>> No.336628


I can't tell if you mean consistent or consequent is just one of your favorite words.

>> No.337312

talk with them, don't beat, don't shout
be wise, be smart, use ARGUMENTATION
let them see you're smart, not egoistic faggot
make them know they're not only people in the world. they're one, and rest of people is more important. they could not have everything they wish.
learn them not to be egoistic, not to bother of others
don't force them to go to church
learn them simple meditations to calm mind
learn them there is nothing wrong with the body. being shy is stupid.

>> No.337322

Going from the OP's question,

>Any ideas how to raise children in a way that they don't turn out complete faggots?

All the way to,

>But then it's not rape.

Somehow I think the thread has taken a wrong turn.

>> No.337351

There's nothing you can do, OP.

Don't you think every parent on the face of the earth has tried to do exactly that and failed?

Hell, parents read books on how to raise their kids and they still turn out like faggots.

>> No.337374

Okay, /diy/, is there any way to raise children without them becoming part of the "new social revolution"? I know homosexuality and stuff is usually based off upringing, and I don't mind having gay kids. But is there any way to prevent this new "bigendered, polyamorous, trans" shit from getting my kids?

Not a troll, just a guy who hates three fourths of the LGBT movement because it's nothing but "grass is greener" syndrome.

>> No.337421

pump for interests.

>> No.337423

Love them, and communicate that your love for them, your bond with them, cannot be broken. Communicate that this also means that you can be ashamed of their actions, and that there is right and wrong. You have expectations.
Actively involve yourself in their lives. Show up to games, coach teams. Bring them in on projects you are working on.
Be consistent. If you are not consistent, the punishment is taken as a matter of personal preference/how you feel about the child, rather than how you feel about the action.

>> No.337573
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I don't think you know many transgendered people if you think that.

>> No.337634

This is the psychology of someone who got beat as atalented /diy/er
No dude, that's not reality, that's just your neurotic ass.

>> No.337646

Actually, transgendered is probably more biological than you think. Although sexuality seems to be fairly plastic and psychologically influenced to at least some degree, gender seems to be more biologically concrete. The idea that gender and gender identity were social constructs were part of the feminist rationalization for the deconstruction of gender based bias in society. The idea that gender is a social construct implies that gender specific behavior is learned and can be trained out of people. The past couple of decades has proven that this particular piece of social theory is incorrect and is actually quite damaging both boys and to transgendered individuals.

>> No.337652

Quote your source.
If it's not a legitimate scientific journal it has no merit.

>> No.337656
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>>337423 >That's how I do it, and, so far so good. My son's aren't perfect, but they know that's cool.
Also,I agree with 80-90% of the ideas in these posts:
I suggest teaching them that the world is an unfair sewer filled with predators who will take advantage of anyone who allows them to.
Teach your kids to defend themselves. Teach them that no fight is fair and to do what they must in order to prevail.
Teach them that awards are for WINNERS, not participants.
Don't teach them to hate minorities, they will figure out who to hate on a case-by-case basis on their own. Conversely, don't teach them that everyone is equal.

>> No.337662

It puts the lotion in the basket, or else it gets the hose again

>> No.338167

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.338222
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>For instance, it is common in the US to not believe in psychology, to see mental illness as the sinful results of moral failings.

I'm under the impression that many put too much faith in the assessments of psychologists, which as a field is little more than pseudoscience as far as I'm concerned. Lots of kids in the US are on medication for ADHD and similar, the symptoms for which are vague shit like "inattentiveness" and "impulsivity", which to me seem quite natural for atalented /diy/er
My only source on this is the Louis Theroux documentary on the subject.

I hate to think instilling discipline through violence is necessary or productive. Would you want to think back on a childhood where your parent(s) slapped you around?

Other than that I agree with most of the things said in this thread. Probably want to keep the TV-watching to a minimum or limited to educational viewing since it's pretty much like taking concentrated contemporary culture intravenously. The kind of degeneracy that's promoted or atleast propagated on MTV and the likes is mindboggling. Consider the stereotypes that are compounded into your head over and over by the average sitcom. The internet is a superior anyway since you're not spoonfed in the same way.

I also think kids benefit greatly from, even if not living rurally, atleast having access to natural areas. I'd never feel good bringing atalented /diy/erup in an innercity apartment. Not that I'd feel good living in such a place myself.

>> No.338265

Love them fiercely. Take them on your lap, hug them, read to them, have them read to you. When you are working on a project, have them bring you tools and explain what those tools are used for. Talk to them in English, not some faggoty babytalk bullshit. Beat them when needed, but beat yourself later for failing in your role as a parent. Answer their questions honestly, sugar coated shit is still shit. They WILL hate you at some point, if they don't, you have not done your job. They will love you just as much, if they don't, you have not done your job.
tl;dr Love them, beat them, teach them.\

I watched my seventeen year old stepdaughter sit in her mother's lap lap and talk for 30 minutes last night. I am blessed.

>> No.338723

Oh, hey, read to them. I forgot that one. Yeah, read to them.
As for the baby talk, it can't be helped. It seems to be a natural phenomenon. I didn't think I'd do it, but it happens naturally.
As for shrinks. Psychotherapists are like any other professionals. Some are brilliant; some are pathetically, criminally bad; but most are adequate. The problem is you as a member of the general population have no way to tell if they are any good or not, and it's not always easy to tell. When I was in training one of my mentors was this really ditzy, absent minded and flaky older woman who I had no confidence in at all, but after watching her work with clients and working with her myself , it became apparent that she was a truly gifted therapist. It takes more than caring and empathy to be a good therapist. You have to be able to effect therapeutic change in your clients. I found I couldn't listen to people's troubles all the time so I went into journalism. But I learned a lot about what is and isn't a good psychologist.

>> No.338726

psychologists are awesome for the reasons you just listed. The poor diagnoses and symptoms make it very easy to score awesome drugs like Ritalin, Adderall and Xanax for free (providing you have insurance) Just don't take them as prescribed or you'll get hooked.

>> No.338731

>the symptoms for which are vague shit like "inattentiveness" and "impulsivity", which to me seem quite natural for atalented /diy/er

Correct. Most of the meds given to children are for normal child behavior. Adults just don't want to be bothered by the kids and don't want to do their jobs as parents. It's pretty fucked up.

Case in point. I learned a few months ago that my cousin was the onlytalented /diy/erin his class not medicated with some form of anti-ADD drug. One of the kids did a science project on it and interviewed all the kids in the class.

Well, the teachers have been trying to pressure my cousin's mother to get him on an anti-ADD drug of some sort. Pressuring through expulsion, detention, and letters to home. etc. He's the only one in the class that is "normal". Everyone else is drugged up.

I had that sinking feeling when I learned that. It was like some bad science fiction movie or Dr. Who episode. True fridge horror.

>> No.338739

that's a problem with the school and parents, not society at large. Schools have PTAs for a reason, so shit like this doesn't happen. Get a hold of thetalented /diy/erand call the local news, parents will flip shit i promise.

>> No.338766

If you're going to let them play video games, only let them play N64/PSX/Saturn era and back.

All this new CoD shit does not belong in a child's world.

>> No.338777

Teach them a second language from birth

>> No.338788

Beat them when they get bad grades.

It's no wonder my brother turned out to be a pothead when my mom stopped disciplining him for poor performance at school.

>> No.338790

There's no PTA here anymore. There hasn't been for about 15 years now I think.

>> No.338792

doesn't mean you cant contact thetalented /diy/erand the news. If it really bothers you then do something

>> No.338802

I'm going to be moving away from this shithole, so it isn't really feasible.

>> No.338835

That's only partly right. Apart from the violence presented to them, today's children also suffer from the sole amount of video games played on a regular basis. It doesn't matter whether a child is playing Doom or Mario, if he's exposed to extreme sensual input for prolonged periods he becomes hyperactive. You should rather restrict how much your child plays, not what he plays, assumed it's not violent stuff grossly inappropriate for his age. And by grossly I mean that military shooters age 16 and up CAN be okay for 13 year olds depending on their mental age. I played Quake at that age and I turned out alright. However, the younger the child, the less digital media he should consume. It is NOT okay to dump an 8 year old in front of a screen for 6 or more hours a day, no discussion. You don't have to play with your child all the time, but at least give him some more sensitive occupation, like LEGO or other building toys. I for example have a fairly huge crate of my own LEGO bricks I've stored in my parents' attic for my future child(ren), and I think it will help them greatly in their mental development, just like it helped me.

>> No.338838

And for some examples of how it's not about a game's era and how modern video games can be absolutely excellent and appropriate for children, look at Super Mario Galaxy, Rayman Origins, World Of Goo or Scribblenauts. I'd rather have a child play those than Contra or Doom.

>> No.338842
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Whatever you do, make yourtalented /diy/erjoin a sports team or something. It gives an opportunity to make friends and helps absolutely greatly with socializing skills, respecting rules, team coordination and dealing with pressure and defeats. And on top of all that it helps with the child's health and hormone balance.

I didn't play any sports as a child and look how I turned out. 24, nothing achieved in life, and in psychological treatment for a number of fears, mostly social anxiety and fear of failure. I wouldn't be able to function as a working member of the economy and society at this point.


>> No.340160

Teach critical thinking skills and allow them to challenge yours as well.
Discipline is great as well. Hell, this new "don't hit your children" thing is stupid. Time-outs don't work when they discover they have legs, neither does grounding when they discover that can open locked doors from the inside. The only way I ever did what I was told was for my dad to beat my ass.
While many people don't like the military, it's always great to encourage them to join; it teaches teamwork, loyalty, camaraderie, and gives them the (mostly false) impression that they're doing something productive. It also looks really good on applications/resumes and gets great benefits.

>> No.340171

Everybody hates jocks except other jocks. That's because jocks are the worst that society has to offer. You don't want your child growing up to be that much of a douchebag.

>> No.340185

Either that or some organized school activity like a band class as that does most of the same things for a child, even the physical activity part in a marching band. This is if they go to a school with a good program of course, though the same goes for sports teams too.

>> No.340196

you're a loser because you're lazy. If you sucked it up and actually worked towards something, you might have some achievements, but it's a lot easier telling everyone it's your parents fault for not pushing you into soccer while sitting at home trying to cap that weekly 60 hours of watching tv and sitting on your computer browsing 4chan.

Teach your kids to not be fucking lazy and make them realize that everythings possible if they work for it, but it takes time and its hard. Maybe they wont end up like a 24 year old with his whole life in front of him telling himself he's already broken so he doesn't have to feel like a failure for doing nothing all day.

Ya, it's harsh, deal with it pussy.

>> No.340199

my children happen to be 5 and 8.
Always get compliments my kids are well behaved.

not the poster, but I also like to add
-let me know when you need help.

too many parents do absolutely fuckin everything for their kids

>> No.340201

I agree with this guy.
can't stand it when people talk to my kids like they are children with baby talk or w/e.
Love it when my kids assume they are retarded and do it back.

>> No.340202

I like how you, in the same post, first said it's his fault he's like that and to stop blaming his parents, then put the pressure on parents to make their kids not grow up lazy by not rearing them properly.

>> No.340208

agree with 80% of this.

Teaching kids to swim that enjoy swimming is huge.My son spent the winter he was 2 years old practicing in the bathtub. Really drove the wife bonkers but I knew what he was doing.
swimming the summer he was three like he always knew how. Thats the power of being a role model.

>> No.340220

Our PTA is solely volunteers. Perhaps you could get one started?

>> No.340275

>-Talk to them like you are talking to a friend.
nope nope nope nope nope nope nope
Under no circumstances should anyone get in the habit of treating a child like a friend. The two relationships are very different. My mother tried to raise my brother and I as "friends" and it made her unbearable to be around. Kids need a loving father/mother, not a loving older friend.

>> No.340301

>nope nope nope nope nope nope nope


You talk to them as a friend for everything except the obvious parenting shit. Learn to differentiate. The world isn't black and white and neither is parenting. Thinking it is, is how we end up with a thread of shit like this and people who think like you do. Perhaps you need to seriously rethink both what a parent is and what a friend is.

>> No.340328

you're both kinda right.
I talk to my kids as if they are adults, with examples and all that shit.
But when they try the "I'm ignoring you cuz you're a chump" thing, I talk to them in a stern tone, but also still as I would speak to another adult that had messed up.
shit works.

>> No.341180

Rule #1 of parenting

spend twice the amount time with yourtalented /diy/erbr>spend twice less amount cash on yourtalented /diy/er

>> No.341202

leave them with /k/ for a week

>> No.341208

Start off discipline fairly and as early as possible. That way you're not already frustrated, and it gets them doing things like thinking about what they're doing, showing respect where and when it's due, and generally behaving. Most first time parents start off treating their children like glass (or that counting bullshit, "you have til i count to three to stop...") thereby letting them do whatever the fuck they want during their most important years of neurological development, so by the time they're 5 or 6 the child's a little asshole and any discipline at that point is either ignored or the parent is so fed up it's into the category of abuse. Starting stern but fair as early as possible and paying attention to them is key. They grow up knowing you love them, and knowing that they'd better behave but not being able to remember why that's so instinctual.

None of this ten minutes a day bullshit that's how much time you should spend a day paying attention to a cat.

>> No.341216

Home schooling coupled with summer camp and an agreement with the local district that allows them to participate in extra curriculars.

Two parents, ones always home.

>> No.341255

Completely agree. How can children ever transition into adulthood if we forever treat them like children and then throw them into the world and tell them to "figure it out".

>> No.341424


>> No.341439

don't let them be friends with idiots. good parenting mitigates the effects of a terrible peer group, but mediocre parenting + terrible peer group = terrible child.

my parents were pretty lackadaisical, non-communicative, etc. not inherently bad parents, just not the most involved or motivating. but I grew up just fine because all my friends had their priorities right. my sibling on the other hand--all her friends are little bimbos and my parents' non-communicative, lackadaisical attitude doesn't help.

>> No.341564

just treat them like equal human beings, but with the knowledge that they ask and explore way more than your average adult.
they need a lot of knowledge, so be ready to explain a lot.
otherwise no special treatments.
and teach them that they have to bear the qonsequences of ther own acting and no one else.
thats the most important thing.
be fair. if they are. otherwise use ways to show what happens if they piss someone off
(shouldnt contain violence, remember that they are inferior to you in terms of physical strenght.)

and if they ask you why they should not do something, don't say "because I said so".
They need reasons, otherwise they won't do it sooner or later (depends on the child of course)

>> No.341567

how should you judge that? the idiot thing.

It's the childs decision who he wants to be friends with.
thats one difficult point which can fuck the relationship really bad; the child is not a newer version of how your ideals, it's an independet person who learns out of his own mistakes sooner or later.

>> No.341568

*your ideals

>> No.341571

I hope you don't breed

>> No.341597

Studies show that severe threats in general don't help control children's behavior once you're out of the room. Most kids will ignore them the second you're not looking. A less malicious request like, "Don't touch that toy. I don't want to have to give you a time-out."

So, no. You're empirically wrong.

Btw, the military should not be parenting yourtalented /diy/erfor you. Why can't you teach yourtalented /diy/erloyalty and teamwork?

>> No.341599

*A less malicious request like, "Don't touch that toy. I don't want to have to give you a time-out" works ballpark 80% of the time (read a few years ago, so I'm underestimating to be safe)

>> No.341601

wtf why is k.i.d. being replaced?

>> No.341611

word filtered because some troll faggot with too much time on his hands came into practically every thread here at one point and called everyone a dumb k.i.d. for having ideas or questions or projects.

>> No.341614

202 posts and 22 image replies

What is wrond with you?
This board is not about raising children.

>> No.341619
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nowadays, with everyone working full time jobs, the art of raising a child so that it does not turn out to be a complete faggot has been lost to the ages.

so, yes, this very much IS a diy topic.

>> No.341628

People were using it as an insult so the mods put a word filter in place to at least make people come up with more original ways to demean and invalidate each others' opinions.

>> No.341727

this works the same for picking up girls.

>> No.341820

holy shit someone archive this shit.

>> No.341985


lds is completely retarded on so many levels the fact you tried to use them as a positive example speaks volume to how incompetent you are.