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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 74 KB, 495x588, Paracord-Commercial-Type-III[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
331771 No.331771 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/, I come to you once again to ask a question.
I plan on buying some 550 paracord for some DIY projects but me being a new comer to this product I wanted to come here first to ask.
What would be the best 550 paracord to buy and where can I get it the cheapest online?

tl;dr Whats the best 550 paracord and where can I get it cheap?

>> No.331907

Here. No need to thank me.

>> No.331915

if it's a cheap knockoff, then it's not true 550 spec cord anyway, so your question is invalid

>> No.331921

>Get paracord cheap online
>Implying paracord isn't $.08 a foot everywhere

Fuck man, even Lowe's and Hobby Lobby are selling the shit now. Do you even Google?

>> No.331943

http://www.campingsurvival.com/us-made-military-paracord.html I buy mine here, it's high quality stuff....I've stress tested the roll I bought to over 600lbs of force.

>> No.331964

what are some good things to make, that IS NOT a bracelet?
I got a bunch of blue camo, and need some ideas

>> No.331968


seconded, I've never seen anything but bracelets and dog collars (read: really big bracelets)

>> No.331978

belts, keychains, zipper dongles

I used to use it to hang my hammock.

Tip: You won't use paracord every day. Buy a hank, and stash it in a bug-out-bag.

>> No.331982


Tie up your girlfriend. Or make a nice strap for a rifle.

>> No.331989



>> No.331990

My girlfriend, untied, hopefully got me some 550 as a gift. A figure a bracelet or two for here and slings for the rifles. Depending on how much I have, I may learn how to make a hammock out of 550 as well.

>> No.332014
File: 35 KB, 640x480, IMG_0437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be used for anything. Its duck tape of the rope world. Here is a knife Handel I wrapped. Also made key lanyards.

>> No.332022

In my opinion paracord is a low quality hipster product. Way too elastic for most purposes.

You can buy good quality rope in various diameters from climbing gear stores. They never sell paracord.

>> No.332025

climbing rope can cost hundreds of dollars

you can get a thousand feet of 550 paracord for 50 bucks

that alone is win

>> No.332039

I'd like to make a net out of it for a hammock.

It'd be fun.

>> No.332091

550 paracord will not support human climbing. First, 550 paracord is only 4mm thick. In order for the human hand to be able to grasp it, the rope/cord must be at least 5mm. Second, 550 paracord is only rated to 550lbs of static force. Climbing causes dynamic forces that are likely to exceed 550lbs. I suggest 7.5mm technora cord (firemen's escape rope). It's rated to 4000lbs, so climbing won't be an issue. Be sure to replace it regularly, though, as oils from your skin can degrade the quality of the technora cord.

In addition to this, look into the capstan equation.

>> No.332095

OP never said he was using it for climbing. Its relatively strong, inexpensive cordage that can be used as-is or broken down to smaller strands. There are plenty of applications for something like that outside of climbing.

>> No.332098

good thing I didn't reply to OP then

>> No.332101

No-one in the thread said they were using it for climbing.

>> No.332105

at least 2 others mentioned climbing rope or climbing rope facilities. my apologies for trying to be helpful.

>> No.332111
File: 672 KB, 1200x1600, 4e2bd29e_DSCF6099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paracord has plenty of uses other than for bracelets and lanyards. And it's cheap as fuck. Best prices on ebay (free shipping, too).

Here are some uses:
Grips for various things (knives, bikes, tools)
Single braid PSU sleeving (wayyy cheaper than mdpc)
Sleeving other cables
Shoe laces
Attaching equipment to harnesses

>> No.332113

Low quality hipster product? It's cheap and our military still uses it today. It has thousands of uses. I haven't seen any hipsters with paracord. Usually survivalists and ultra "tactical" crazies are the ones that carry it around.

>> No.332119


A hammock sounds like a good idea. I might have to give that a go.

>> No.332122

How about a rope ladder?

>> No.332147

Or paracord bolas?

>> No.332192

I'm going to make a 5m dog leash out of paracord next week
currently searching for a good way to braid/knot it.

>> No.332267

I had an idea for that.
Make 3 or 4 of those monkey fist things. Attach to a split ring. Aim for the legs.

>> No.332268

youtube has plenty of instructionals.

>> No.332270


>> No.332276

Just get the cheap stuff on Amazon. It's not military spec, but surely you're not using this paracord to go parachuting or mountain climbing.


>> No.332668

cobra stitch ftw. Made quite a few this way. Don't make it too tight, but you do want it tight.

>> No.333348

Made one of these yesterday. Haven't been able to test yet, but I'll be making another with small lead balls in the monkey's fist knots for some added weight.

>> No.333357


I had to use a 550cord sling on my M16A4 when in the Marines.

Long story, short: Its really really ineffective, and unstable if being used to shoulder the rifle, or any other rifle carry style for that matter.

My suggestion: 3point, and make it wide like a standard sling. It needs the width to grip your body and stable the rifle.

My 2 cents

>> No.333726
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-11-17 21.23.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.333733
File: 1.57 MB, 2560x1920, 2012-11-17 21.24.28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
