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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 19 KB, 450x304, Linda_Hamilton_-_Nuke_Scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
325462 No.325462 [Reply] [Original]

a message comes across your TV; a full ICBM nuclear attack against your country has been detected. you have up to five minutes before the incoming warheads begin reaching their targets.

what do you do? do you rush to grab anything before seeking shelter? where do you go?

>> No.325464

Head for the epicentrer. Anybody who wants to survive the initial moments of a nuclear attack clearly doesn't know what that would entail.

>> No.325469

i guess id die, so ill take a shower, put on my best cloths and get really REALLY drunk

>> No.325470

>becoming a shadow burned into a wall.

>> No.325472

Find the nearest female and fuck the shit outta her

>> No.325473

Grab my laptop, lockpicking set and some woolen clothes. As well as some water and food, then drive down to the train station and hide in the tunnel that runs beneath the mountain. Not ideal, but better than staying in the open. A mountain already separates me and the city, but it cant hurt to hide underneath the mountain next to that again.

>> No.325475

I don't live anywhere near anything likely to get nuked, so I guess I'd just go and shoot the dog or something.

>> No.325479

same here, if they are nuking this part of the world that means that they are nuking everything everywhere, so the humanity is really fucked.

So i would stay connected until the internet go down.

>> No.325480

i would try to understand why the fuck would someone waste ICBM on denmark

>> No.325482

>nuclear attack
>5 minutes
>seek shelter
That's not even enough time to have a final drink let alone try to get away. If it came down to that, I'd rather not even know the attack is coming, and preferably I'd rather be asleep when it happens so I don't even wake up to die.

Oh and by the way FUCK YOU for posting depressing shit on a Monday morning, you worthless piece of shit you.

>> No.325484

Well, I live about 40 minutes north of ft worth so I am very probably fucked.

>> No.325486

>full ICBM nuclear attack
>seeking shelter

How about making a scenario that would be plausible to survive longer than 5 minutes? Not everyone lives in northern Canada.

>> No.325488

If you live in a really mountainous country, like valleys and mountains fucking everywhere. How good is your chances to survive? How easy do nukes bypass a mountain? I guess it depends on how high up it detonates, but anyone around to answer?

>> No.325489
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It depends on how close the explosions are and how the fallout drifts.

>> No.325495

I live on a small island and I've never heard of there being any kind of fallout shelters here. I'd call my parents, then I'd light up a cigar and fix myself a drink.

>> No.325498

it's never too soon to start digging. just ask the y2k preppers.

>> No.325514

i'd run grab any liquor i had out, run to the completely underground portion of my basement, and hope i some minutes to make peace

>> No.325531
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I'd go outside, holding hands with my wife, and go for one last walk in the river valley beside our house.

>> No.325549

laugh hysterically as i realize i dont live in murrkah where my tv stations come from

>> No.325554

>implying a nuclear strike eradicating the USA wouldn't completely destroy the rest of the planet anyway

>> No.325569

I run outside with my sword, point at the ICBM and scream LITANIES OF RIGHTEOUS FURY.

I will either psyche myself by singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic at the top of my lungs (I'm not even american or religious but damn it's badass) or just yell "FOR THE EMPEROR!"

>> No.325593

oh no what will we do without shit cars, hamburgers and snookie!

>> No.325597

The rest of the world would enjoy a nuclear winter.

>> No.325599

Run outside, screaming like a maniac.


And start killing as many people as I possibly could, either before being taken down, or the nuke hits.

>> No.325610

I live in Omaha, so I'm pretty much fucked. Strategic Air Command is nearby and southwestern Nebraska has a whole fuckton of silos. My only chance is to go west on I-80 immediately and hope for friendly fallout patterns. On the plus side, I'll have more time than the coasts.

>> No.325616

5 mins is just enoungh time to grab my emgence kit and duck and cover. I wound just hope it did not hit my city and think of ways to evac or get more supplys

>> No.325623

I grew up a few miles down the road from a (now decommissioned) nuclear power plant.

I used to day dream in school what I would do if the sirens (big fuckers on telephone poles in each neighborhood) started going off. So many fantasies, so little time...

>> No.325632

Go to church and pray.
Swallow iodine, buy respirators, and buy lots and LOTS of heavy pain killers and morphine, so that when my body is rotting and melting away from gama radiation, I can be in peace.

Also, call up Ron "Doom" Paul and tell him that "he was right" and "I'm not screaming, I asked for this."

>> No.325640

Close the hatch and ride it out.

>> No.325645


>> No.325648



>> No.325651

>gamma radiation

>> No.325654
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slip into the car, go driving to the farthest star.

>> No.325658

A nuclear war isn't going to fuck the whole planet, this is bullshit alarmism and a misunderstanding of the effects.

If you live in a strategically important city, as in, you live within city limits, or near the rail yards, or airports, or factory complexes, then yeah, you're probably fucked, but you can survive if you manage to escape the initial blast, fires, and fallout (meaning you need to limit exposure to the outside for a month, and follow decontamination procedures).

Most people don't die in the initial blast, they die from starvation and disease after.

>> No.325657

kill my neighbor and take his bomb shelter

>> No.325722

Find the center between 2 nuclear targets.
Stand there so the blasts cancel each other out.

>> No.325734

itt people who don't know shit about a nuclear war

It would literally mean the end of the world. If any of the handful of countries capable of launching a nuclear strike did so, another nuclear capable country would be compelled to retaliate in kind and so on. It's not just about the blasts, or the radiation, or the fallout, or the absolute destruction of the world economy. It's all of that and more. The recriminations, the fear, the doubt... The few survivors would die after short, painful lives, knowing we were all the engineers of our own destruction.

"Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

>> No.325736

UK /diy/ers, see: http://www.subbrit.org.uk/rsg/features/sfs/appendices.htm#app5

Nervous, much?

>> No.325739
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The most important part to surviving in a radiologically contaminated environment is having an ability to monitor dose. Decontamination procedures, anti-contamination clothing, food stockpiling, water filtration, air filtration...all of these things can be improvised.

However, to be able to know your personal dose as well as the ability to locate "hot" spots during decontamination almost entirely relies on your ability to reliably monitor radiation levels. Even an old Civil Defense survey meter is better than nothing.

If you don't care about creating contaminated water, decontamination can simply be soap + water + scrub brush. Hair should be kept short, as to avoid providing a place to trap particles. If a hot particle is found on a person's body, all one has to do is put a piece of duct-tape around your hand, sticky side out, then stick the tape onto the offending area. The tape will pick up the particle, and the tape can be discarded. Radioactive gasses can be present, but they are unlikely to be found after a weapons event : they are only to be found in enclosed areas of commercial nuclear power production.

If anyone has any questions, let me know.

>> No.325742


I live in the Northwest, near Blackpool. There's fuck all to bomb here but chavs and depressed elderly drunks.

It's a crueler fate to not drop the bombs.

>> No.325743

This response is quite correct. Currently reading the e-book Life After Doomsday (you can find it on the Pirate Bay) highly recommend if you are interested in the subject.

>> No.325748

My analysis of the area around Blackpool notes no primary or secondary targets. However, primary and secondary targets in central Ireland would pose a threat, due to prevailing wind patterns.

In short, your town would be undamaged, but fallout would begin to rain within 48-72 hours.

>> No.325750

It rains all the fucking time anyway, it's the UK remember.

>> No.325753

You people talk like there is a real and verifiable source of knowledge handed down from actual studies and accounts of this really happening.

All of it is as hypothetical as a bullshit zombie apocalypse.

OP stated,

>a full ICBM nuclear attack against your country

Let's all fucking hope it is a small country like Nauru or Tuvalu and not Russia, China, or the USA or Canada. Thank fuck OP didn't say,

>full global nuclear war

Because then all life on Earth would parish down to the microbial level.

>> No.325756

>All life on Earth would parish down to the microbial level

Yeah, fuck those religious bacteria.

>> No.325758


An unfortunate typo.

>> No.325770

>Live in vermont
I dont give a shit, not like they're gonna waste warheads on a rural population density. I'll just sit around with my fingers crossed and see what happens.

Captcha: insemin village
>Or I could just wait insemin village

>> No.325777

>Because then all life on Earth would parish down to the microbial level.

No it wouldn't, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND STOP SPREADING IGNORANCE YOU CANCEROUS FUCKING NIGGER.

>> No.325779

>It would literally mean the end of the world

No, it wouldn't. If every country unleashed their current arsenals, people would still survive.

>> No.325780

You're forgetting about fallout and wind patterns. You would see fallout from strikes at our missile bases in the Dakotas as well as from Detroit + Chicago.

>> No.325784

Learn to read. I stated "full global nuclear war" and not "2 countries in a shit kicking contest."

>not understanding nuclear winter


And, their studies are only for 2 countries launching 50 nuclear strikes each, which isn't "full global nuclear war".

Then read,


And realize, everything is fucked if that happens.

>> No.325786

Hey OP.

Watch this movie if you haven't already,

>The Day After

>> No.325787

>Threads (1984)

Waayyy better choice. More realistic!

>> No.325806
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Grab my nugget and walk out to my underground shipping container bunker and turn on the TV and laugh at all you unprepared faggots.

>> No.325828

I'd grab a sweatshirt with a string-pull hood, my splash goggles, a particle mask, maybe a bottle of water, and some rubber bands and duct tape. I'm at the edge of a city but not too close to the blast zone so my house won't be totaled. Get to the basement, avoid windows, and shut my eyes & plug my ears.
Then put on the goggles and facemask, put on sweatshirt and pull the strings tight, and tape or rubber band my sleeves and ankles. Now I can gather other stuff and gtfo.

>> No.325831

>nuclear winter

Would last a few years at most, would not kill off even half of all life. You realize life has survived super-volcanoes that put out more ash than 1000 nuclear wars? HUMANS survived that, before we had agriculture.

>> No.325832

>shut my eyes & plug my ears.
And then wait for the blast. Derp

>> No.325837

I think you're inaccurate.

>> No.325841

Humans are a tiny, tiny part of all life on earth. Collapses like you'd see in a nuclear winter (or, say, the end-Permian event) wipe out the most complex, highest on the food chain organisms first. Guess where humans are?

>> No.325849

A month without sunshine during a nuclear winter will kill all plant life on the planet. That means no more herbivores too. no more food chain. Humanity will starve and die.

Life would go on, but it would be without humans and most higher organisms.

>> No.325861

Right now? I'm dead as I'm within range of a primary target. I'd go into an inner bathroom and hope the fuck my home isn't vaporized or collapses on me. Should I survive I try to get out of the radiation zone before I croak.

>> No.325904

not true. my banana tree survives 4 months of total darkness each year. I dig it up before the first frost and store it under the house in a black plastic bag.

>> No.325923
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in the grim future, there will be only bananas

>> No.325924

>british cant own guns or basic tools
>get completely shit on by their incompetent government

yeah that was pretty realistic.

>> No.325926


lots of plants dont need sunlight to survive. In hard times, many plants go dormant. The potato, for example.

>> No.325928

Man, that is a really shitty strawman argument.

1: your banana tree gets to live comfy under your house away from frost
2: it adapts with your help
3: "A month without sunshine during a nuclear winter will kill all plant life on the planet." is only an example, a nuclear winter lasts far longer than that.

You're totally not getting it. Plants need time to go dormant. You need clean water, clean air, heat, and sunlight to grow food. You'll have eaten all the potatoes before you ever see the sun again where it can support plant life.

>> No.325931

He will just have to hope its really rainy out west during the nuclear war. Or would that not wash out the fallout? I live in southern coast Maine we get fucked over by wind patterns air quality wise.

>> No.325933


No, I get it. You are a retard. You keep changing the scenario when you get proven wrong. ALL PLANT LIFE won't die. There are these things called seeds, lots of people have them. Worst case scenario, nuclear winter happens. Someone sets up a water wheel to power a generator that powers grow lights in a green house. Holy shit plants!

>> No.325934


You wish most ICBMs are 30-40 years old and pretty inaccurate you could still be hit.

>> No.325935

Rain won't help much in the short term.

No, all plant life will die that is needed to support human life within one month of no sunshine. We are talking about a nuclear winter. When it happens no one on Earth will be prepared enough to survive it.

You are living in a pipe dream if you think you can survive it.

>> No.325937


>read some

Yup, total complete fucking extinction of the human race. Oh sure, it'd hang on for a while, but everything would be so wrecked environmentally that we'd all die eventually.

Hell, even 'the year without summer' saw hundreds of thousands of deaths and that was just a volcano erupting.

>> No.325938

Don't countries like Singapore and the US keep large stocks of food? I'm pretty sure there would be handouts. I'd link some sources but its hard to do on my phone.

>> No.325941


Ya but most of those people dieing were French because they were unwilling to switch to more winter resistant food. Plus there government collasping.

>> No.325943

Golly, you think there's enough stored food to keep civilization alive until the world literally replants itself enough so that herbivores evolve large enough for us to eat?

>retard excuses

You think that will save you?

Naw, everyone would be completely fucked.

>> No.325947


Has anyone ever told you you're annoyingly fatalistic?

>> No.325953


After a nuclear blast, residual fissionable material and weapon parts fall out of the sky and also lands on people.
Basically, as your body tries to split the DNA double strand and accurately reproduce it with mRNA, the gamma radiation causes an aboration of this process. This leads to cancer, degredation, necrosis and rot of almost any affected pulmonary, respiratory, neurosystem or sensory (cataracts etc.) system.

Also, because gamma radiation has such a short wavelength, it can travel through very dense materials without losing much energy. Thus, because 99% of the people in this world live and sleep within 8ft of a roof or ground level, they are constantly irradiated.
Even after a rain, the contaminants cover crops that we eat, causing absorption into the thyroid, causing cancer.

Neutrons and Alpha particles also cause immediate harm, but fallout kills the 90% who survived the initial blasts.

>> No.325961

I should be fine with quite a bit of variance. I don't think my city will be targeted anyway, the hydro plant nearby is a much better target.

>> No.325962

Go to the store ASAP, to add to my current stockpile of canned goods/booze.

I live in a remote part of MI. the nearest likely target is Grand rapids, almost 3 hours away.

>> No.325968

Nuclear winter is annoyingly fatal.

You are trying to put a bandage on the stump of a body that has the head cut off.

>> No.325978

1: Nuclear attack
2: Power outages
3: No fuel
4: Nuclear power plants shut down
5: Generators for spent nuclear fuel stockpiles start up
6: Generators run out of fuel
7: Stockpiles boil away the cooling waters
8: In the USA, 35ish stockpiles go up in smoke releasing the equivalent of 100 Chernobyl disasters each of radioactive waste into the environment
9: Everything gets fucked three times as hard as before. Same scenario happens around the globe.
10: Nuclear winter.
11: 250 years later, no humans, no life larger than mushrooms and ground insects, but radiation is washed away into the ground, life starts anew.
12: 1 million years later things get back to normal.

>> No.325980

...clearly you have no idea how the hell a nuclear reactor works.

>> No.325982

>nuclear reactor

Not talking about reactors.

>spent nuclear fuel stockpiles

Those are far more dangerous than the actual power plants.

>> No.325984
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Spent fuel needs to be kept cool for many years before it can be completely disposed of. They use refrigerated water to do this. If it isn't kept cool it will boil the water away, set everything on fire, and release all that shit into the atmosphere.

>> No.325985


... well shit. I stand corrected.

Hurry for learning something new!

>> No.325989

Now you can factor these 32-35 in the US and the others in the world into any SHTF scenario you want to prepare for. If the electric goes out and the generators run out of fuel, and there's no one to monitor these 24/7 you end up with a massive nuclear disaster; not a nuclear winter from these, just a bad disaster that will kill and cancer up millions.

This is why I think nuclear power is pretty derp to begin with.

>> No.325991

Uranium based nuclear, yes.
However, I've seen/read some interesting things about thorium reactors. They're generally far superior to uranium reactors as far as safety/radiation goes. However, they got shelved back in the 50s, because refining uranium for reactors also made it easier to make weapons-grade uranium.

>> No.326086

>thorium reactors

Fucking thorium agenda moron, that does not help us at all with the shit that is already stockpiled. And guess what? The OP's scenario says, "you have up to five minutes before the incoming warheads begin reaching their targets." So, shove your pipe dream up your ass because if you are lucky, you'll have 5 minutes left to live.

>> No.326091
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Guess what?

You still have shit loads of spent fuel stock piles when you use thorium reactors. They are still fucking hot and still need to be cooled. Take a wild guess as to what thorium turns into when it is spent. I'll let you google it.

Stop being so fucking ignorant and actually research this shit before you harp on about it. Hell, most people don't even know how nuclear spent fuel is stored. They just think it is in some barrel in the ground where it is forgotten and will be "okay" in a few years.

>> No.326115

Thorium reactors have the advantage of being almost-breeder-burner reactors, so it's difficult for them to generate higher level waste (it just gets bombarded with neutrons and fissles back down), so if you run the numbers, most of the waste has dropped down to background radiation intensity within 300 years.

also the ultimate goal of a LFTR is online refueling and online fuel reprocessing, so you get little lead cubes filled with "pure" waste instead of mixed waste rods that cannot be reprocessed easily

>> No.326116

now, that said, the fuel salt runs incredibly hot (in a radioactive sense), lots of gamma rays, luckily it only maintains criticality under very specific conditions so if anything goes wrong, the whole thing grinds to a halt and the fuel salt freezes up and can no longer sustain criticality

honestly i'm far more worried about uranium fluoride or fluoride containment related incidents

>> No.326118

And then wait for the slow death caused by radiation.

>> No.326120


>> No.326145


>> No.326146
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>most of the waste has dropped down to background radiation intensity within 300 years.
>let's hope the power to the cooling doesn't go out before then for any reason

>> No.326159

Why do anything? I would remain in my basement with my PC and 4chan and fap away. Just another day like any other.

>> No.326161

Yup, It would test if the Internet is really nuclear war survivable. That was the whole point of ARPANet was it not? Moot's sorted out a distributed system too. I think we are safe come the nuclear holocaust.

>> No.326168
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>Niggers don't understand the nukes really aren't the doomsday weapons they're made out to be.

Sure, billions would die, but that's just because 50% of the Human population lives in urban areas, so that's 3.5 billion who are toast.

Here's a map of 21 1.4 megaton nukes (the most efficient H bombs) launched at the middle east. You can see that 98% of the landmass is unaffected by even the minor burns (orange) blast radii. Blue radii are the destructive blast wave that actually levels shit and kills everyone.

Water only holds a radioactive charge for about 2 seconds, and radioactive contaminants can be steam-condensed out. An energy intensive process, to be sure, but not an impractical one.

Life survives, Humanity survives, and over 60% of the conventional forces of the world survive and duke it out in a war with tacnukes and conventional fighting. The victor genocides everyone else sector by sector and rebuilds the earth under one world government.

Spoilers, it'll be India. Shine, you crazy Hindu karmic diamonds.

>> No.326174

This is something I've wondered about. I'd think the government and storage facilities would have some sort of containment procedures in the event of (widespread) power loss.

>> No.326177


camera. it's a toss of the dice what dosage you get etc so take pics. it's not like i n 5 min you can do anything

>> No.326196

Shelter? What shelter? I just grab a couple of bottles of single malt and get busy on 'em.

>> No.326197

Ha ha, laptop? Wtf dude, it's a fucking paperweight after the bombs go off.

>> No.326201

yaaay, 320p my favourite resolution.

>> No.326215

this is what spurred Regan to push for the Star Wars program
probably could have jump started our space program, and it would have worked extremely well
the only problem was; the laser weapons were primed by nuclear warheads (only way to have instantaneous power high enough), and that got the anti-nuke crowd very upset

>> No.326222

i live in san diego by the bases so i guess im a target

>> No.326229

um, there were waaay, waay more problems with it than that. I know that "conservatives" worship reagan, but the man was a warmongering crook and a bigot, values that don't jibe with the party of eisenhower, lincoln and the elder roosevelt. The whole star wars program was an orgy of defense contractror fuckheadery and pork barrel spending.

>> No.326230

>Live in a tiny ass country

One ICBM would be enough.
Also, what fucking shelter.

Most likely I'd go online and fap to porn until the shockwave hits me.

>> No.326235

>but the man was a warmongering crook and a bigot
right, like the star wars program, which can be used as an offens-wait no it cannot. the x ray laser doesn't actually penetrate the atmosphere. the only thing it's good at is vaporizing ICBMs, and nothing else.
>The whole star wars program was an orgy of defense contractror fuckheadery and pork barrel spending.
probably because it was a complicated job and required a usage of the space program which at the time was at a pretty low point in terms of budget.
it was dragged through the mud the entire way, mostly by people who didn't actually understand what it did or how it worked.

>> No.326242

>Right, it was totally defensive.
I have some lovely ocean front property in arizona, would you like to buy it?

>> No.326246

like i said, people who didn't actually understand what it did or how it worked.

>> No.326252

They do, it is fuel powered generators, but fuel will run out if more fuel can't be made to meet the demand.

There's actually about 75 spent nuclear fuel waste plants in the USA with about 30 of them in the east. One plant has enough spent fuel to make 500 Hiroshima bomb (radiation equivalent only) or 20 Chernobyl accidents.

Japan alone has around 70 nuclear power plants. I have no clue how much spent fuel they have.

During an ICBM nuclear attack all power will be out and 99% of electronics won't work due to the EMP from each blast.

Primary nuclear war isn't the real problem for humanity, it is the secondary damage from all the shit we keep from contaminating the world that uses electric.

Watch this,

>AFTERMATH : Population Zero

The first quarter talks about spent nuclear fuel and chemical plants and what happens when there's no electric to keep them in check. While the movie itself uses a far fetched premise, the premise or power loss due to natural or man made disasters is quite real.

>> No.326253

Why is this fucking /x/ related bullshit clogging up /diy/?

>> No.326266


SDI would have violated the existing treaties and obviously the Soviets would've needed something to counter it.
It was an attempt to win the nuclear arms race. Fitting move for a warmonger.

Also, when Reagan wasn't speaking about the SDI, he was demanding more and more nukes. You seem to have forgotten that.

>> No.326301

run to my neighbors house whom ive never talked to in my life, kick open his door, find his basement and lock myself in it.

>> No.326311

If I have nothing to offer society or humanity in general, I stay put and accept the blessing of a quick death.

If I am of some use somehow, I get to the shore and dive under water just before impact. inb4 'it will still kill you'.

>> No.326334

I can brew alcohol from just about anything. Humanity NEEDS me.

>> No.326340

You're severely over estimating the emp effect caused by the bombs. It would kill satellite singles because of all the energy injected into the ionosphere though.

>> No.326341

Too many variables to give an accurate answer. The best answer is to say that it depends on the distance of the bomb detonation and its elevation relative to your position.

> full ICBM nuclear attack against your country

Welp, looks like EMPs for everybody!

>> No.326361

call my my friend i have a crush on and die happy knowing she would marry me.


>> No.326362

I go outside and watch the fireworks.

>> No.326434

Yeah, just the usa has more than 10k bombs, not necessarily icbms, but bombs. the russians have like 12k, chinese got around 5-9k, and who knows the north koreans got how many. Face it, if it came down to lets take a friendly bet. "just" 10k nuclear bombs detonated, and they all being "clean" bombs which isn't the case. If it isnt the nuclear fallout that would kill all life, and poison all water and irradiate all of the ground like 1km below ground, even then everyone would die from the following nuclear winter, due to the shitloads of dust and smoke and shit blocking out sunshine for DECADES.

So no, if all of that nuclear crap sitting in siloes and crap would get launched every single living being on this would die. even microbial life.

>> No.326435 [DELETED] 

ONcE YOU`VE READ THE FIRST WORD OF THIS YOU CANT GET OUT. READ ON OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 P.M.9 years ago a person named Jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was belived haunted.The next day his friends waited for him out side the hous................................................e............. They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic.He wasn`t supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went into the attic. They saw Jerry`s corpse and they just left because they were scared. But that night they all died because of their friend. He killed the...m all for making him sleep in that house If you don`t send this to 11 comments you will die tonight by Jerry.

>> No.326453

please sleep with me.

>> No.326493

>chinese got around 5-9k

Lol wut? They don't have even one tenth of that. USA and Soviet Union were the only ones to build gigantic arsenals. All the other nuclear countries have just a couple of hundred bombs or even less. One could claim that that's enough for a credible deterrent, no matter how big your opponent is.

The original nuclear winter models were quite pessimistic. All the world's nukes aren't enough to sterilize the Earth. It's likely that even some humans would survive. That's not to say that 10k nukes wouldn't cause massive suffering and seriously ruin everything for a long time.

>> No.326523

>American expatriate living in Europe
Grab popcorn

>> No.326540

there are numerous forms of life that will continue to thrive

>> No.326680
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5 minutes? i guess i'll bunk the basament of my house (around 60 square meters?) with food and water. close his windows with dirt and any other material, and fuck, let's hope to don't get poisoned to death.
after that if my city is heavily damaged or risky i'd head to the alps (1 hour of car from my house) and find a nice and isolated valley untill shit gets cooler

>> No.326689


>> No.326694

So can I, we should start a post-apocalyptic buisness together.

>> No.326719

Die screaming.
I'm a few hundred yards from the Orion auto plant.

>> No.326723

fungi and bacteria


Sounds like a plan!

We'll just put up a sign that reads, "Only blowjobs and chickens accepted."

>> No.326725

Hide in one of the lakes with an air tank. don't come up until it runs out. That will actually be the best survival technique. There's a chance it won't all flash boil if you are deep enough. Though anything over 104F will start to give you heat stroke in that sort of situation.

>> No.326739

That's ingenious. Maybe we should make the first batch good and then poison the rest so that we can loot our customers for their goods.

>> No.326742

>Maybe we should make the first batch good and then poison the rest so that we can loot our customers for their goods.

Bad idea. We want them coming back. You see, over the long term they'll be giving us everything they have anyway. If you kill them off then there's no chance they will be out finding new things to trade for alcohol. Thus, you stop the flow of goods....and blowjobs.

>> No.326802

Side question:
How likely would you say it is that Britain is Nuked?

>> No.326816
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Live my life hating smooth skins

>> No.326837


Nuclear subs at Faslane and probably other places - yes UK will be hit.

>> No.326863
File: 432 KB, 450x242, 1351406172397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link please?

>> No.326870

>Life After Doomsday

>> No.326872

I'd wake the wife, grab thetalented /diy/erand go to an old ww2 cave thats about 2min walk from my front door.. Though it would be kinda waste to blow a nuke where i live.

>> No.326873

talented /diy/erbr>child
autotext test.

>> No.326877

In the good old days of the cold war it was said that with the amount of nukes the Reds had that along with major cities targeted Lat-Long parallels were also targeted. In that case I be fucked. I would tell my family I love them.

>> No.326880

I'd run down the blast wave tunnel, through the decontamination room, through the guard room, up the stairs to the command center, slip while crossing the death bridge and fall to my doom.

>> No.326927

>church and pray.

>> No.326931

>However to highlight the variability in the real world, and the effect that being indoors can make, despite the lethal radiation & blast zone extending well past her position at Hiroshima,[38] Akiko Takakura survived the effects of a 16 kt atomic bomb at a distance of just 300 meters from the hypocenter, with only minor injuries, due in most part to her position of residing in the lobby of the bank of Japan, a reinforced concrete building, at the time of the Nuclear explosion.[39][40] In contrast, the unknown person sitting outside, fully exposed, on the steps of the Sumitomo bank, next door to the bank of Japan, received lethal third degree burns and was then likely killed by the blast, in that order, within 2 seconds.[41]

Just quoting the wikipedia article. It basically depends on the size of the bombs. Initiallym the Tzar Bomba was twice as big. It was decided for testing however to reduce the size in fear of catapulting the fall out too high into the atmosphere and thus polluting the entire globe. If you have a bunker and rather small bombs are used, you should be fine to leave your shelter after about 2 weeks without fearing consequences of radiation poisoning.

>> No.326934

God damn it, have you taken pics of the death bridge yet and posted it? I've been waiting!

>> No.327662
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>You realize life has survived super-volcanoes that put out more ash than 1000 nuclear wars


Uuuummm, ya, because how many nuclear wars have we had to compare them to ? Besides it's not all about the ash.

Protip: probably not going down as 'Global nuclear war'. More likey some raghead country will plan some well placed EMP's or just fuckover important areas with dirty nukes/fallout.

Its not all about the gigatons folks

Protip #2: You'll get no notification from any Gubbiment entity, they'll be too busy fucking things up to warn the masses.

Takeaway: There be some funny stuff in these replys. The ignorance in most of them stuns me.

>> No.327675

>In contrast, the unknown person sitting outside, fully exposed, on the steps of the Sumitomo bank, next door to the bank of Japan, received lethal third degree burns and was then likely killed by the blast, in that order, within 2 seconds

Irony: Sumi bank was handing out free toasters that day for each new savings account opened

>> No.327696

5 mins? accept my fate and just wait if I'm going to die I'm going to die comfortable instead of acting like a rat trying to out run certain.

>> No.327711

Luckily there is a cold-war era fallout shelter in the basement of a local middle school less than a 5 min drive from my place. Getting inside of the building if it is after hours would be the problem.

>> No.327743

So just one guy in the whole thread is speaking about a war after the nuclear impacts.
Don't you notice how someone would try to take the power and command us to battle for him or he would kill us?

It's not going to be anarchy...

>> No.327771

>Got a B.O.B. (was one of my first projects)
>Got a car

I'd say I'm way better off than most of you. Seriously, put together a bug out bag.

>> No.327792

Imagine seeing your friends and family melt with you at the perfect distance away from the blast to do so.

Screaming, face falling off, seeing bone starting to catch fire.

Soon, you will feel no pain, nerves are incinerated.

Not knowing if you're looking at them, due to your eyes shriveling up from vaporization of moisture, and the loss of sense of touch, you can only give one final thought of hope that maybe you are holding each other in what could be the final/first emotion you will ever experience.

>> No.327795

oh shit what would we do without sun and beaches
fuck off americlap

>> No.327807

5 mins?

Yeah, I'd have 5 minutes to live, since I wouldn't even be able to leave my vity in that time.

>> No.327824

I don't move from my house, i fill every container up with water, close the panels on the windows, bring all the furniture to one corner of hte house and take shelter. If i'm too close to the epicenter it won't matter anyway, if i have to deal with the fallout then i can survive maybe. Or else, duck and cover (in case you get the reference)

>> No.327833

>Got a car

Better have a bicycle as backup. Any electronics can get EMP'd and not work, but that will be dependent on how close the nukes go off. A first strike plan normally has air bursts in order to disrupt/distroy communications equipment with EMP.

>> No.327835

No, you don't understand. If there is a nuclear winter you'll not have plants, no longer have animals you can eat, and you will eventually starve too death. Unless you have a vast underground sanctuary that is a bit of a Noah's ark with all the plants and animals you need to survive for years then you are going to be fucked. Not even the fish in the seas will be safe because the lack of light will kick the feet out from under the food chain there too and destroy the plankton.

>> No.327836

Crawl under my desk and put my hands over my head.

Haven't you guys been trained to know what to do from school?

>> No.327837

> mfw I'm using someone elses computer so therefore I have no face to this awesome fact

Also, why haven't I seen people grab their swiss army knifes or leathermans? I mean, shit. All and any kind of screwdrivers along with a crowbar seem absolutely necessary for immediate survival if competition isn't a factor (depending on ones views of pacifism, of course). Also, unfinished basement seems like always a solid choice.


>> No.327850

>implying the gubment would tell you

>> No.327856


Unless I can persuade my friend with professional photo equipment to take a 6h drive for taking a pic for 4chan, you'll have to wait until I'm done with the two levels between.

>> No.327858

What equipment would I need to survive? I guess I would need a NBC suit and plenty of luck?

>> No.327862

5 minutes wouldn't be enough time to get to safety, Unless you are standing at the entrance of your survival fallout bunker when you hear the news tell you about it, In witch case their would be a time delay from the news broadcast so you would really only have like 2 or 3 minutes before the bombs hit.

>> No.327864

> freezer

>> No.327886

Yeah, but if you have their body... upgrade from blowjob to fucking!

Seriously, though. Knowing how to use a still is a good post-apocalyptic skill. Not only can you drink it, but high quality distillate can be used a fuel, too.

>> No.327891

Learn to grow mushrooms on the rotting corpses of your fallen comrades.

>> No.327928

i'm no "no fun allowed" guy. just wondering. how the fuck is this thread /diy. sounds more like /b or /r9k to me. seriously if anybody makes a thread about making stuff it get's either flooded with off topic, ad hominem attacks or with posts like "go buy it". this poor excuse of a thread gets 160 replies. why?

>> No.328016

I can run pretty fucking far in 5 minutes. Doubly so if I know there's nukes coming. At a slow jog I can do a 10min mile. At a good run I can do a 6min mile and feel good about it. Running for my life. I'm sure I can get a 5min mile. Any mode of transportation other than feet and you can cover a lot of ground in 5 minutes. For instance, it takes me 5 minutes to get into town and that's about 4.5 to 5 miles, driving the speed limit and obeying traffic laws on a really curvy and hilly 1-lane road.

>> No.328018


Because 4chan and no janitors or mods in /diy/. There's still weapons threads on the board from days ago that I reported when they had no replies. Hell there's even a troll thread straight out of fucking /pol/ involving measurements that has over 250 posts of textual diarrhea.

>> No.328040 [DELETED] 
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Get as high as I can on every possible drug I have in my reach, then probably I'd weapon up with all kinds of sticks or metal bars, everyone will be in panic and going outside to meet family members etc. as fast as they can, so houses will be free to destroy. I'd break into them and smash EVERY item inside of there, do it quick thought so I can do as much as possible. That is what I should do.

>> No.328051

I put on my hawaiian water shorts, my rayban and I go on the roof to take the nuclear tan

>> No.328059

Grab my backpack, throw in a jug of water, survival kit, gun stuff, and can of food. Put anything electric in my farraday cage and then in a waterproof vacuum bag.

Go out back with snorkel, jump in pool with stuff.


>> No.328060


Tote's stylin.

>> No.328061

I believe most reliable sources actually indicate that nuclear war would not kick up sufficient dust to cause a nuclear winter. At most, a few mass extinctions from cancer in various places, but not nearly everything would die.

>> No.328071

It isn't due to just dust. It has to do with everything burning too. Once the power is out a lot of other shit starts happening that isn't just radiation and dust. Things we keep in check right now will no longer be safe for instance and will be a catastrophe all by themselves..

>> No.328094
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I'd give this a shot.

>> No.328113


>> No.328131

I don't think you understand how much more advanced nukes have become since WWII. These bombs arent hiroshima and nagasaki anymore. theyd be both cities with one bomb. We've discovered and proved 18 elements since then, don't be so naive. Now I don't believe everything released would destroy everything on the earth either, but it would damn well come close.

>> No.328141

>rockets incomming!
>time to dig a fuckig hole

i dont think so.

>> No.328151 [DELETED] 
File: 288 KB, 798x598, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite app. I made close to $19 on my lunch and shift break today.

>> No.328153
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I never thought I'd see the day to report a /diy/ post for spam. so sad.

>> No.328159

>reading this thread

made me think of this tz episode:


parts 2 and 3 are in the sidebar

>> No.328208

Choose shielding over Blast protection. Good bombs pulse x-ray and neutrons.By that, they generally sterilize (kill) you and blow-out electronics, leaving good real-estate intact, ready to resettle.
If you could go under a swimming pool I'd choose that.

>> No.328228

I would grab all the food I could and the pack of bottled waters in my room and run for the steam tunnels. Very few people know about these and they're underground. We're far enough from a major city here so that it's unlikely we'd be hit directly, though.

>> No.329375

So, DIY, how do we take care of the spent nuclear fuel issue?

Find alternate sources of power for the generators, or just dump a shitload of carbon on it?

>> No.329383

> neutron bomb
> good

It's year 1980 and Soviet Anonymous is sitting in his tank, ready to advance to Germany. American good bombs are awaiting him, so he builds a swimming pool on top of his tank.

>> No.329386


>> No.329398

Whoopsidaisy there, >>329375, looks like you just went full retard for a moment.

The question was how to neutralize the threat of existing spent fuel.

>> No.329410


>> No.329411


Nuclear winter models aren't based on WWII era bombs. They generally assume lots of big bombs, which was a reasonable assumption during the Cold War.

>We've discovered and proved 18 elements since then

The increase in average nuke's explosive power is not related to that. Actually, modern-day nukes are generally smaller than they were at the height of the Cold War.

>> No.329457

this. ever since MIRVs and the like were developed, it's been more effective to have a bunch of "small" bombs rather than fewer enormous bombs. ("small" meaning one bomb just destroys a city or so.)

>> No.329492


the powers who be don't just prepare for nuclear war. they also prepare for survival. there will be a haven. that should be your goal.

plus, you all should realise that nukes are 65 years old. these are our grandfathers' generation's weapons. what they have now will make nukes look like child's play

what did einstein say? ww3 ?? ww4 sticks and stones

>> No.329505
File: 420 KB, 1624x1218, Barrow-Alaska-skyview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


barrow alaska goes 2 months every winter with 0 sunlight

vegetation remains

pic related

>> No.329506


we wouldn't all die.

billions of people would die. some would survive. the survivors would take the best real estate on the planet (tropics if it's too cold, further north if it's too hot). back to a hunter-gatherer lifestyle after all the supplies and planning runs out

>> No.329669

hey fuckwit its not vegetation you want to eat

>> No.329670

when will this tard unicorn fantasy clusterfuck die or at least go somewhere that isnt DIY ? Nobody's DIY'd a fucking nuclear maelstrom last i checked

>> No.329674


1. Jerk off
2. Go outside and lay in the grass face-up
3. Await impending doom

>> No.329678


It's me again:

On second thought: I remembered that I don't even watch TV. I would probably never even know it was coming until it was too late.

>> No.329716

Sorry for incoming,but what about that all?Nuclear attack?

>> No.329733

I live in Florida, no underground shelters here.

My best bet would be to steal a boat and gun it out to open sea.

>> No.329778

Do nothing. I live about equal distance from Cambridge & Milton Keynes. Noone's going to waste a nuke on us.

>> No.329780

There's not much of value in Ohio, unless you could corn or soybeans. I'm fine.

>> No.329834

honestly if decent nuke goes for the huge afb thats like 5 miles out of the city, im just gonna grab a cold one and watch the fireworks, otherwise id get some layers and chemical masks and head south, i learned spanish for a reason, or maybe join the military to stomp out the bastards, but i highly doubt that our town wouldnt be a direct target
theres actually a ton of backyard bomb shelters in florida , they were installed around the same time as bay of pigs

>> No.329842

There's a limousine rental place literally two minutes away by car, significantly less if you were to cut across a parking lot, that has a fallout shelter in the basement. I'd head there.

But, seeing as how my 'prep' food is all in the basement, as well as various supplies, it would take 10 minutes in the least to load the car, by which point 500 people would have beaten me there.

Also I live in Syracuse, and in the event of total ICBM fuck-out, all of NYS is a target, so I'm pretty fucked either way.

You can do your best to plan for SHTF or whatever, but radiaton/fallout doesn't disperse for hundreds of years, so the majority of people who aren't billionaires or gov't workers would be brutally fucked.