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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.28 MB, 2048x1536, timecapsule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
322248 No.322248 [Reply] [Original]

I'm building a very serious, high tech looking time capsule. I have equipment for engraving metal. I'd like advice on what to engrave on the exterior of the capsule to give the impression that it's epic and monumental.

The contents will be trivial shit from the 1990s. I have, so far, a copy of Ace Ventura 1, 2 and 3 on DVD. I am open to other suggestions. I want the most asinine anticlimactic stuff possible so that after getting worked up and opening the capsule they will suddenly realize they've been fucked with from beyond the grave.

So, what to engrave? And what else to include in the capsule contents?

>> No.322250

beanie babies and pogs.

>> No.322251

Several dozen binders filled with Pokemon cards.

>> No.322252

You should engrave a somewhat profound sounding quote from Ace Ventura or similar. Make it look like this kitsch is something profound and important a la Andy Warhol.

>> No.322255

Every single type of fleshlight.

>> No.322256

Candy bar wrappers with a note reading, "I baked a cake, but I ate that too."

>> No.322260

A rubber chicken

>> No.322259

At least give them something good.

Doom episode 1 shareware.

>> No.322261

Veggie Tales on VHS

>> No.322263
File: 167 KB, 600x584, soe_cover_plate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahah Ace Ventura? Brilliant!
Also maybe engraving the same stuff they put on the voyager probe? Pic related, it's some confusing shit.

>> No.322265

a dragon dildo

>> No.322266

>mfw someone digs this up, thinks it's just more scrap metal in the ground, tosses it in the trash without ever opening it.

>> No.322267 [DELETED] 

Bible Black

>> No.322270
File: 670 KB, 2048x1536, tama01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.322277

Human feces.

>> No.322280


>> No.322285

hey arnold
all that
a broken portable cd player
a tire pressure gauge

>> No.322291

A Nirvana cd at the bottom to make sure they get that its all a joke. Oh, and a dreamcast and maybe something really weird like photo shopping a picture of Jesus with 2pac or something

>> No.322293

except when they find it theyll just assume the good stuff was found/stolen years ago and replaced with crap.

>> No.322322

A zip disk filled with MIDI renditions of Metallica songs.

>> No.322331

A copy of Battletoads on NES
An empty biro
Some of those spare pieces you have left over from random ikea projects, you know, the ones with the little flange-type bit.
A Slap-Chop
A condom with a hole poked through
An empty bottle labeled "Dehydrated water"
A full bottle labeled "DiHydrogen Monoxide"
A floppy of WinZip, with a paid-for license

>> No.322339

another capsule

>> No.322365

Engrave a made up fiction language, i.e., Klingon, or Elvish from Lotr or something. That will completely fuck with any archaeologist in the future.

OR put some very official seal, e.g., the US president's seal, or Vatican, etc.

>> No.322387

Rotary telephone
VHS tape of Star Wars EP IV (not the re-release)
void cheque
A picture of the WTC
8-track of Elvis
Duran Duran poster

>> No.322393

>A floppy of WinZip, with a paid-for license

>> No.322400

all my lulz

>> No.322398

Samples of the Smallpox virus
A wind-up alarm clock, missing the winding key
Several screws, all with stripped heads
3 dead alkali batteries (Bonus points if you manage to corrode other stuff in the capsule)
A used cable tie
An empty lighter
Several used matches
A set of keys, the locks lost long ago
Garden gnome
A strange scrap of paper with loads of numbers on it
A 20 page essay on the morality of talking ovens
A broken spud-gun (The tiny diecast ones)
Firecrackers, damp
A big book containing all of the SCP Database (Know it isn't 90's, but still...)

>> No.322401
File: 215 KB, 640x480, 1300465530959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hgvs,jhvliwej egflse lqiwaglafg qiud gajjsj ;quge;KJAB LHVjigdKJB; kjhe;fj ikjsd.akb ajgdakjg ajdfakwuiur/ kjsb. kjahd ;khn

>> No.322403

>A copy of Battletoads on NES
that is the one that make me laugh

>> No.322409

Dragon dildos

>> No.322417
File: 11 KB, 253x222, bttf doc hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, all that stuff is worth a fortune to future hipsters.

>> No.322438

a compaq laptop stuffed in a t-shirt with "Dude, you're getting a Dell!" screenprinted on the front

>> No.322440

fucking furbee

>> No.322447

engrave "epic and monumental shit from the past" on it

turd in a jar
so they can clone you from the dna

>> No.322470

Engrave and paint a presidential seal on the side

>> No.322476

A full Nicolas cage collection.

>> No.322477

nah. ditch everything else and just put a wax doll of Nicholas cage in there.

>> No.322480


>> No.322482
File: 1.43 MB, 1824x1181, 1336525448001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how bout a good old fashion porno loaded on a flash drive. and a copy of the best fucking movie ever, fear and loathing in las vegas. pic related, guy from the movie

>> No.322492

>Ace Ventura
Don't you mean VHS?

>> No.322513
File: 201 KB, 284x436, michigan_j_frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a frog for maximum troll

>> No.322519

Some form of rickroll would be awesome.

>> No.322522

lol This.

>> No.322544

4chan archieve recorded on DVD's
A Cassette with ITAOTS

>> No.322546
File: 193 KB, 1280x853, 1350553810725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1990 TMNT Movie

youtube vid very related

>> No.322547

A Casio F-91W attached to something that looks like a bomb
A USB Pet Rock
Gangnam Style on Betamax

>> No.322559

If you bury it for long enough, even that crap will be priceless.

>> No.322574

Hopefully the copies of Ace Ventura are store bought. Home burned DVDs do not last very long.You would be better off printing pics on archival paper with the proper ink.

>> No.322576

Toe nail clippings

A twinkie

iTunes card, empty

bottle of pamprin, open

fart in a jar, labeled correctly

season 1 honey boo boo on dvd

Your best hand drawn self portrait, framed

>> No.322578

a lunchbox with a bag of shit. and a note that says have fun at school honey i made your favorit lunch.

>> No.322581

There was a third Ace Ventura movie? Also, >>322492
is right. They'd better be VHSs. Or better yet, you
could actually bury things from the time when you're
burying the capsule instead of this fiasco.

>> No.322589
File: 32 KB, 650x422, 1345308568521.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DVDs and tapes lose their data with time, most likely just two or three decades. The only way to preserve data for eternity on a budget is vinyl.

>> No.322592

Why not put animals in jars with some sort of preserving fluid? Or better yet, make it alien looking and then gather different bones, real bones, from animals and put them together to make some sort of creature. Maybe they would believe it's an alien specimen?

>> No.322697

Beta tapes, mini-disks and HD DVDs. Copies of really bad AAA vidia games

>> No.322699
File: 23 KB, 400x323, furby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fill it with furbies

>> No.322708

Throw in some incomplete math notes that make it seem like important work was being done. A half finished prototype of something. Then engrave government agencies on the outside.

>> No.322710


>tfw when seeing a furby commercial on TV and now they connect to ipods

I imagine there was a huge warehouse of them when they became unpopular. So they took them, added some new internals, and are trying to bring it back.

>> No.322774
File: 44 KB, 500x216, Dark Side of the Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You are welcome

captcha: indighn because

>> No.322775
File: 42 KB, 533x300, caddyshack-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do know that movie was actually a book published in 1971, right? The movie actually left a little bit of stuff out that could have made it better. Still a good movie. Even better book.

Also, you should put a copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas in there - the book.

>> No.322786

A bible.

>> No.322790

>implying anything in your time capsule will be intact when it's found again

>> No.322816
File: 270 KB, 460x331, 4184408_460s (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't put in LoZ:OOT, You are a nigger and have no right making a time capsule.

>> No.322819

If you're putting that in, you want to put in everything Thompson took with him to Las Vegas. And maybe his suicide note.

>> No.322940


Can't argue the suicide note. All of his stuff is too much though. If a lot of literature is put in, it should be diverse.

>> No.322944

VHS tapes deteriorate over time. Unless you can get a film print of the movie (lol) DVD is probably the most archival format.

>> No.322948

no, the new furby is actually legit restructured from the ground up

>> No.322972



>> No.322974


>> No.322975



a Qu'ran
the Torah
some buddhist/hindu texts

>> No.322979

an old ALF puppet smelling like wet dog,
the hymen of justin bieber
DOOMII shareware
a domo t shirt

>> No.323003

i thought of doing this too but with vhs tapes. it starts off as a serous self made tape of someone sending greetings from 1995 and then 5 min in it suddenly cuts to me wearing a rubber horse head jacking off on the beanie babies i had also put in the capsule.

>> No.323005

photo of the WTC
photo of Michael Jackson
a Pontiac emblem
"shares" of enron
AOL cd's
vhs porn with receipt showing you paid for it

>> No.323007

Here's some of my ideas.
Dozens of unlabeled VHSs from thrift stores.
Self-help books.
Fad-diet books.

>> No.323018

CP, with a note that says 'you now realize all of these people are old or dead'

>> No.323024

Oh wow did you seriously build that thing in the pic?

How long is it going to be buried, and how are you gonna make sure its powered for long enough?

>> No.323028

One of every game console.
Two decks of magic the gathering game cards
Three packs of lost energy drinks.
and stogies.

>> No.323029

no, one of every game console except like the wii or something
a full library of wii games
they will struggle to figure it out

>> No.323032

Betamax player, a bunch of VHS tapes.

Or the opposite of that.

>> No.323043


I don't think you really understand the point of this.

>> No.323065

A note that says "the game".

>> No.323089

>"shares" of enron
Best yet.

>> No.323147

VHS ace ventura but with a BETAMAX casset player.
also a small TV with only a coax cable imput.

>> No.323183

A printout of this thread...

>> No.323196

Wow, you guys all seem really young.

a vhs tape of the goonies.

a can of sassoon. an old one. like the kind they wore when all the honies wore sassoon.

A big clock on a chain.

a windbreaker that shifts different colors.

a skateboard that has a flat, rounded nose.

that is all.

>> No.323203


>> No.323204

a fake school science room skeleton, dead flash light, ace ventura, 50 shades of grey, ect. ect. and sealed inside the skeletons skull a printout of this thread

>> No.323205

You guys are completely missing the point, you're not trying to be explicit about filling it with shit you need things that someone will scrutinize because it seems stupid but just slightly profound in the right context.

And no real suggestions either, fuck. Don't be stupid.

>> No.323210
File: 2 KB, 180x165, disappointed_1_right.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just absolutely nothing inside.
Make sure it's locked up real good too.

>> No.323213


You know most of those "high-school" skeletons are real right?

>> No.323212

A model m keyboard, they will thank us

>> No.323214

Pokemon fire-red and a original gameboy in a ziplock bag together. They will think that they are supposed to work together, but of course they dont.

>> No.323219


>> No.323220


Fucking this.

Also, why not go dredge up some old Geocities pages from the Internet Archive and put those on there.

>> No.323234

A USB inside the pocket of a purple sport jacket with the archive of this thread on it, Onestop and every episode of 'Saved by the Bell.

>> No.323249

Should have the Screech porno too.

>> No.323278


>> No.323282

Hard drive in locked case with government seal, heavily encrypted but giving them enough info to brute force it (has to be very hard encryption by modern standards), when the finally crack it, 1000 copies of a youtube rip of rick roll.

>> No.323283

If you want to make it seem important, engrave part of the Voynich manuscript on it.

>> No.323354

> Take a shit in it.
> Close door.
> Bury.
> You're welcome 1000 years from now.

>> No.323460

Mario Bros the live action movie.

>> No.323467

>lel imma troll the futyur

>they open the capsule
>find a bunch of retarded shit
>use their neural wikipedia implants
>conclude that op is autistic

this is gonna be great op, no doubt about that

>> No.323498
File: 22 KB, 234x333, dangerous-minds-poster-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>photo shopping a picture of Jesus with 2pac
Yes. This.

And the Spice Girls' first single.
And a pair of Reebok Pumps.
And a pink, plastic fanny pack with pictures of John Stamos and Dustin Diamond.
And an AOL CD.

God, the 90's were terrible, terrible times.

>> No.323513

A couple bottles of some good wine, somehow prevent them from tipping over & breaking.

Two padlocks locked together w/ 24 keys on a keyring - 2 that open the locks and 22 that don't

Rat traps, set and ready to snap

13 rabbit feet

>> No.323514
File: 47 KB, 550x285, 058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three metal sea shells.
Even the future doesn't know how to use em.

>> No.323541

make the capsule so that it has a deadend lock so that once you lock it, it can never be opened without forcing it open. engrave "sorry for the inconvenience" on the inside in large letters. leave empty.

tfw opening it

>> No.323577

A poster of Pamela Anderson (baywatch) and 1 can of vaseline.

>> No.323580


pls let this thread die...


>> No.323590

Box of Oreo O's

>> No.323668

Also for maximum lulz join them aleatorily in a single book

>> No.323670

This, in the end of the capsule buried under everything, also, in a box with some type of lock, print it on photography archival paper, so it lasts intact inside the capsule

>> No.323692
File: 66 KB, 286x200, 1349231786283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> three shells method

>> No.323698


>> No.323710

An ISO of 50 Cent's Bulletproof for the Xbox 360 on a set of floppy disks.

>> No.323726

>> A hyper colour t-shirt that's been washed in hot water.
>> A poseable figurine of Michaelangelo of TMNT, complete with nun-chucks.
>> A fluorescent, slightly worn, slap band.
>> Two pairs of happy pants.
>> Afore mentioned copies of Ace Ventura, along with a VHS copy of Ferris Buellers Day Off.
>> AOL CD and a freeware CD, still attached to a PC magazine.
>> Copy of Windows 95 on floppy discs.
>> Zip drive and one disc, click of death optional.

>> No.323728

Mini Discs filled with lots of good music, but no Mini Disc player.

And other related obsolete media formats without their respective devices.

>> No.323781

A variety of live animals, two of each kind. Don't cage them up or anything. Just let them pal around with each other. Paint Noah's Ark on the side of the time capsule.

>> No.323825
File: 119 KB, 640x480, 34793-3d-maze-screensaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this screensaver

>> No.323832

VHS slenderman

>> No.323859
File: 40 KB, 100x315, 1350064051699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a stack of pictures of carlton stretched to different ratios

>> No.323860

label some boxes as biohazard and put like toy cars in them and shit

>> No.323930

your own preserved body doing the goatse. Trust me, this will get them good. For extra lulz, put something crazy in the cavity of your ass as well.

>> No.323947

This. Also a vinyl copy of ITAOTS.

>> No.323959

Fill it with AOL CDs

>> No.323964

Spice Girls stuff

>> No.324000


you sound like a FUCKING idiot

>> No.324216

your capitalization HAS weird emphasis

>> No.324226
File: 12 KB, 550x306, boomcha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you FUCKING eyeball me

>> No.324231

what if it's stored in a vacuum?

>> No.324232

justin bieber is a boy..isn't he?

>> No.324235

maybe leave a note "brb"

>> No.324236

xkcd comics

>> No.324358

Furbies and dragon dildos

>> No.324368

complete xbox 360 in box RROD.

>> No.324381

Hardbound slashfiction

>> No.324401

best idea yet

>> No.324413
File: 188 KB, 500x500, Jesus Shacur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.324425

A bottle of really, really cheap wine.

>> No.324434

Put springy snakes inside.

I don't think it's possible to troll the future generations any harder.

>> No.324440

As many copies of "City Slickers" on VHS as you can find

>> No.324444



>> No.324459

I think it would be smarter to pump the chamber full with an inert gas.

>> No.324461

A copy of scorpion king 2, on blu-ray.

>> No.324462
File: 21 KB, 882x609, Symbol Word Maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. OP I have done something similar, I went to a university that had an ornate unused unmarked journal from the late 1800s that I bought with a bunch of old ink and paint.

I then proceeded to create my own language based on a sigil generator and put bullshit drawings all up and down that shit like it was the voynich 2 electric boogaloo. There was an actual book in there, but I doubt they have read it, or dug it up yet. I then got a bunch of steam punk looking stuff and then put it in an all glass container that I also pinped in a similar manner and buried after marking the location and part of the geocoords in riddle format on a strip of wax paper I put in cryptex which I hawked at a renne fair to some steam punk people for $50, with the clue how to open it in a more recent journal (1950s era) that I paid a girl I knew who took caligraphy to write out a phony journal and clues to open the cryptex. I spent $200 total on all of it, and man that was the best money I ever spent on something I know will never be seen again.

But I digress, here is a moonspeak generating picture, all you do is connect the letters in the dots to form words and boom, instant alien language.

>> No.324466

That actually sounds pretty cool.
The entire Air Bud collection
Various Trading Cards
A Clunky Cellphone with a phone book
Toxic Avenger VHS

>> No.324467

What would you do for double letters? Put a dot over it or something?

>> No.324472

I think that whatever you put in it to troll the future, future will be so advanced in trolling that they'll find a way to troll you back.
Also, protect the capsule with the most annoying captcha you can generate.

>> No.325169
File: 83 KB, 2949x374, hello world this is the internet how are you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used your moonspeak generator, it's quite nice.

>> No.325259

anything from the last 3 failed demokrat US Presidents

>> No.325322

copies of "the magic school bus" on VHS tapes
label them something important sounding to historians like "life and culture in the year 1990" or "religious readings from pope [whatever]"
a really cheesy yoga VHS, complete with neon leg warmers
you should engrave the plate with a rebel alliance logo, and not include any star wars whatsoever inside the capsule, they won't know what it is (unless they still have wikipedia in the future)
that's all I can think of

>> No.325325

>A strange scrap of paper with loads of numbers on it

>> No.325570

Fill it with a completely unbelievable amount of porn. Like, more than one person could ever possibly watch. Until the thing is full. Then think of something actually important, and hide it in the scat section. 100 years to dig up, 100 years before anyone finds the real content.

>> No.325822

100 years? You vastly underestimate people's strange fetishes and consumption of porn

>> No.325824

op needs to fill the time capsule with vhs tapes but only provide a beta max player.

>> No.325844

I think it's very important that you give the inside of that capsule the most distinctive, unique, confusing, and powerful smell possible. It wont take up space either, so why not?
Burnt hair, cheerios, hot sauce, rotting marijuana, listerine, and the smell of freshly opened pokemon cards would all work. Just make sure that they have nothing to do with the physical contents.

>> No.325855

Wire up some kick ass speakers right near the door and rig up some kind of motion activated MP3 player with a long lasting power source. When they open it up have the MP3 player play the most blood curdling scream you can find. Trolling from beyond the grave

>> No.326485

This is the most awesome thing i've ever read