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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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307729 No.307729 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys protect your apartment/house?

>> No.307734

I located it in a neighborhood lacking in diversity and therefore crime.

>> No.307745

With a Knife.
In my hands.

>> No.307750

with a flock of geese, they're highly territorial and they go for the nuts

>> No.307752

There's like one neighbour within a radius of one kilometre. I protect my home with a friendly face on the rare occasion we meet.

>> No.307753

I live in a small town in a country known for its low crime rate.

>> No.307769


>> No.307778

Locks? and...911 on speed dial?

>> No.307779

my closest neighbor is down a very steep hill, No person in america would have the effort to walk up it

>> No.307861

how do webcams "protect" your home? it seems like all they would do is allow hackers to watch you get gang raped when a pack of wild redguards unlawfully enter your domicile. i find my 12gauge to do a pretty good job of keeping my valuables (and anal virginity) secure.

>> No.307884


I have two of these inside my home, and


two of these outside both entrances.

I use a couple of refurbished cheapo tablets to monitor them one upstairs, one downstairs.

i installed motion sensing flood lights around the perimeter of my home, and have cheapo little door alarms for the front door, the door to the garage, and my sliding glass door.

Finally, we have a very vigilant dachshund and several firearms.

I work night shift 3 times a week and leave the wife and baby home, so I don't consider anything to be too much security.

I am looking to get these for my front door.

>> No.307885

By the way, I live in a nice family neighborhood. doesn't mean a thing.

>> No.307901
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OP here, thank you for your post.

How to you interface with the security cameras? Do they come with software or you use a third party application to interface with them all and actually collect their data?

Are they on all the time?

Do these specific models plug into a standard AC outlet? If so, for the outside entrances: do you have an AC outlet outside of your home you plug them into or do you run the power cable into your home?

Is it possible to view these camera streams over the internet for when I'm away from my home? How often do these specific models capture a frame (frame rate?)?

Also, where do you keep your firearms in your home?


>> No.307904

they come with software, but we use the paid version of iSpy. They are on 24/7.

They all plug into a 110v socket. I drilled right through the house to mount them, then ran the plug in and connected it inside the wall, behind a plate so if I need to unplug or reboot or whatever, I can.

These are remote viewable. there are many options you can use, we have a website that we were not using, so I use that with a password over the internet. to be honest, we usually use our android phones to view. The exterior ones are probably 10-15fps, the interior ones are probably in the 20s.

Firearms are kept in closets, at bedside, etc.

>> No.307905

we are using these for "always on" in the kitchen and in the master bedroom. They work excellent for this application. Cheap, low energy, always on.

>> No.307906


>> No.307908
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Thank you very much for your posts, you've helped me get a lead start on a lot of what I was planning on trying to research.

One last thing if I could ask:

If these are always on, how do you deal with file management? I assume all of the cameras interface with this iSpy software and thus are continuously writing their own video file. Do you overwrite the video file for each camera after a set period of time? Is a new file created after a period of time for each camera (thus making you manually manage the files each camera writes to your hard drive)?

If you computer is off do the cameras still operate/can you still view them remotely or on your phone?

Also, do you have any concerns for an intruder breaking into your home via smashing a window and coming in through there? If no one was home, how could you stop something like that from happening? Buying reinforced glass or something to that extent?

Thanks again.

>> No.308054

I covered my house in dildos.
Now it looks like an erotic porcupine.

Damn safe if you ask me.

>> No.308065

There are two kinds of people who break into houses:
1: People who break their way in forcefully. Smashing windows, drilling locks, kicking down doors and the like.

2: A professional thief who will make his way in via lockpicking, shutting down the alarm, or if there's an easier way in (e.g. an open window) they'll use it. They usually target houses worth stealing from. They'll target usually jewelery and money.

Cameras are useless unless you're actively monitoring them, as both types of thief will more often than not be covering their faces.

The best deterrent for both kinds is a stay at home dog - even if it's small. Simply because they're loud and will wake people up. The reason they're usually better than having an alarm is a dog can rarely be bypassed or 'shut off' like alarm systems can. Unless the burglar kills the dog, which is unlikely and will be loud anyway.

If you'd really like to protect your home from burglars, read Jack Maclean's Secrets of a Superthief: http://www.scribd.com/doc/6935597/JackMacLeanSecretsofaSuperthief

It's outdated but still very informative and useful.

>Before his eventual arrest and incarceration, MacLean stole over $133million worth of jewels in thousands of burglaries in Florida during the 1970s and 80s. His life of crime made him so wealthy that when police caught up with him he owned a multi-million dollar mansion, a Hughes 300C Helicopter and a $40,000 speed-boat.

This guy is arguably the best known thief around, and he wrote a book about how to protect your home from burglars.

>> No.308080
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Thanks man, I'll look into the book.

Also somewhat related:

Is there anyway to prevent people from breaking into your house via smashing a window?

>> No.308096
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Metal caging or bars over the windows is a way that works both practically and as a deterrent, however it's ugly as hell.

You can install window foil strip alarms, but they can also be unsightly. As the name implies, they set off an alarm. But arguably more importantly - they act as a psychological deterrent. Maclean outlines the importance of psychological deterrents in the book.

>> No.308100
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Most burglars will pick the easiest target.
1. They are opportunists, they will pick a house that left the garage door open first - so keep everything shut and locked.
2. Next, they'll look for a house with a door or window that's in the dark and hidden by shrubs or trees - so trim your plants so they are visible to the street and install motion-sensor lights.
In apartment buildings, burglars will pick units on lower floors, near the stairwells for quick escape. So choose an apartment near the elevators on a higher floor.
And remember, most burglars are not sophisticated. They are just looking for something to grab quickly, that they can pawn off for drug money.

>> No.308121

I live in Germany. We know how to build proper walls, doors, windows, and most importantly locks. No way you can just force your way in.

In addition to that I live on the fifth floor so my windows are unreachable and between the outside and my apartment door there's still the house door.

>> No.308145

With an AK with a mounted bayonet.

Is there some other way to protect your house?

>> No.308147

>shutting down an alarm

Anyone that professional is either specifically targeting you, or would just go to the house next door that has no alarm. Just syaing.

>> No.308165

Yeah I said that professionals usually target places specifically.

>> No.308167

Yeah, but rich houses tend to be somewhat clustered. if I were a professional thief I'd definitely just look for an easier target than trying to finesse a riskier one, unless I very specifically was targeting the homeowner for some other reason.

>> No.308170

My next door neighbor for years had a policy of always leaving their garage door open when they were home (they used their garage as a functional main entrance for...some reason), which of course meant that you could always tell when they weren't home. There was also always a prominent BMW in the driveway, whereas all we had visible was a crown vic and a 90s pickup truck.

Best home security ever, really.

Best security plan ever, for me.

>> No.308172

Higher risk == higher reward (usually). Common people don't tend to store expensive jewelery or keep money at home.

>> No.308184

You're not hearing me.

I'm saying, unless there's a specific individual person I wanted to target, I'd rather look for a rich house without a security system than try to disarm one in place.

>> No.308188

Oh yeah, of course. Rich houses without security systems are hard to come by though. And you'd run out of them eventually, unless you moved or traveled far to find one.

>> No.308219

I don't live in a third world country so I just lock my front door.

>> No.308235

I don't actively do so.

I lock my door when I am home just so it forces people to knock or use the door bell. When I'm not home I leave it unlocked. I do have a 6' high welded wire fence around the property though, but the gates are not locked and the main gate has automatic openers on it which you can press a button on the gate to open.

I live in a good neighborhood where everyone knows everyone else. I don't know of a robbery in this valley for the 23ish years I've lived here.

>> No.308272

>How do you guys protect your apartment/house?

1) monitored security system
2) 2 cctv cameras/dvr viewable on my phone
3) mosberg 12 gauge pump action pistol grip

I live in an upscale primarily white neighborhood, but you can never be too safe. I don't have much worth stealing, but if someone wants to take what I have they're going to have to work for it.

>> No.308573

With a lock on the door. I don't live in murrika so I'm not paranoid.

>> No.308669


I love on the top floor, the only way into my apartment is through the front door, or climbing the window.

Today the master key works, so I should put an extra lock.

I have the possibility to put an extra door inside my front door, and I have the door to in my storage, lol. So I will put a lock on it and put it up, so nothing will be changed on the front door, so if anyone uses the master key they will get a neat surprise.

>> No.308695

Sorry, I was out having fun..

We don't save footage. The cameras are for active surveillance of the home, when we are home, in regards to personal security. Also, as people have stated, most would be criminals would prefer to enter a home without cameras. At night, we have it set up to save motion activated files. But we generally delete them all without even checking them, provided we weren't broken into. (why go through 200 clips of 35 minutes of wind moving a rose bush, right?). If we were broken into or an attempt was made, we would of course review the footage.

The cameras do not need a computer, they have their own IP address and are constantly on. We can view them through the computer or laptops that we do not keep on, or android phones. In our case, we bought $50 refurbished android tablets that are always on

I suppose I am remotely concerned about windows, but I refuse to use bars as they look absolute shit tier.

Reinforced glass is way too expensive and really not practical. I would be aware if someone smashed into my home via glass, enough to arm myself and repel them. If I wasn't home, I guess they could get in of course, but my goals are not so much toward protecting myself from burglary as they are protecting my family from physical danger.

I have read that the best way to protect your home is lighting. I have 4 flood lights with motion sensors that operate from dusk to dawn. I do have the brightest lit home on the block.

As stated, I have a dog. Nothing gets within 10 meters of the house without him raising up his head. He is not particularly "friendly" to strangers, an attribute that I am pleased with.

>> No.308699


my posts above


Funny, I too have a crown vic (white actually) and a pickup (newer f250). I bet that does a bit towards imparting a certain level of FUCK OFF to would be criminals. I never really thought about it until now.

>> No.308838
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Do you think motion activated outdoor lights would work on windows as opposed to alarms?

>> No.308846
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Thanks for your posts man, you've been very helpful. I appreciate it.

>> No.309067

Get a piece of plywood and hammer long nails through it

Dig a small hole that you can stick the plywood in infront of a window. Cover it with the loose dirt

Anyone who steps on it will get a big nail through their foot.

>> No.309082

but why would you want to keep burglars away? captured burglars make the best basement dwelling sex slaves

>> No.309085

silent alarms that way you know who to stalk and um do butt stuff to

>> No.309107
File: 16 KB, 292x217, boxer-dog-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandparents had one of these. A burglar tried to enter their house. It waited until it was inside and killed him, they had it on camera.

>> No.309186

post the fucking video

>> No.309294

But Boxers have to be one of the goofiest(and lovable) dog breeds in the world!
I ain't falling for your lies anon.

>> No.309313

Was the burglar a wheel chair-bound miget?

>> No.309348

My arduino is connected to a IR sensor and a pistol.

>> No.309393
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My own grandparents had a similar experience, in which their cute and adorable yet surprisingly ferocious Westie disemboweled a group of over 9000 intruders. It was filmed in IMAX and in addition we are currently negotiating a TV miniseries adaptation.

>> No.309418

I chuckled

>> No.309553

Motion detecting flood light unit, with shotgun shells instead of floodlights.
>+1 internets if you get the reference.

>> No.309919

I live in a shithole apartment, I can't see anyone bothering breaking in.

>> No.309923

5 dogs.
More guns.

>> No.309956
File: 19 KB, 472x342, They+see+me+rollin+they+hatin+..+They+see+me+rollin_5e50de_3679548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't protect my house, my house protects me.

>> No.309967


A deadbolt and a maglite.

>> No.309972

>From the time he leaves his own house he will trust no one. If something moves,it's a cop. If he hears a dog, it's a police dog. If he runs into a tree, it's a police tree.
>Police tree

Thank you anon; loving it so far.

>> No.310015

I-spy software is great for this kinda thing. Use any camera with usb and as many as you can throw at it. I use extension cables made from old network cable, just splice in the middle of usb line, run a couple cams from one line if your clever. One wide angle for approach, one with zoomed in face activated by door. Been meaning to re-purpose a usb hub with new plugs and POE extension cable.
Mix it with a few cheap noise alarms on windows and motion lights on entry ways. Super cheap and effective.

>> No.310055

Why the fuck would you leave your house unlocked?

People had that same stupid attitude in my parents' neighborhood until a string of robberies happened. People were shocked---shocked!-- that someone would take advantage of their unlocked doors and goodwill.

>> No.310064


What if his neighbour needs to borrow a cup of sugar when he's not home? If his door is locked, then what? The neighbourhood would be in shambles!

>> No.310087

A gun

>> No.310088

A lock keeps honest people honest.

It won't stop a thief. I'd rather return home with my door and windows intact and be robbed than to return home with them broken and be robbed.

>> No.310089

>says the guy whose parents live in a shitty neighborhood

>> No.310093

I have an arduino uno with motion sensor module, alarms speaker, noise detection sensor and ethernet shield. It is connected to my router that runs tomato firmware. I created a dyndns acct for my router to store its IP when it changes and port forward a port to the arduino. So when im away i can telnet into the arduino (ssh doesnt work sadly). I enter password for main menu of arduino telnet interface i programed and can turn on the motion sensor while im away. The motion sensor will log if it detects anything using arduino interrupts and i can choose to have it sound the alarm or work in stealth. I have also hooked up a relay recently so i can turn on and off lights over the internet. Also have spare pc with mint on it. I ssh into it via tomato router and WoL to save energy, but it has a camera attached which i can view thru ssh tunnel, so all images and commands are encrypted and appear as https traffic, so works as proxy server to.

>> No.310122


>> No.310125

So you created a security system but you're using (unsecure) telnet? What's the point in that?

Only as strong as your weakest link.

>> No.310135

the telnet only turns on/off the motion sensor and only turns on/off the relay. The motion sensor could easily be set up to turn on the relay (ie turn on lights) and will already sound siren speakers. I doubt someone breaking into my house will know what the gateway addy, port #, protocol, and the password of the arduino... or hell, that this device even exist in the first place. Even if this was a concern, which is never ever would be, all i would have to do is make a script for the router to do the telnetting for me thru putty thru ssh tunnel, since i already require a private key to get into the router... this is how I WoL btw. But there is no point. I have had this arduino on a straight port forward on a random unused uncommon port for 100+ days and it logs how many times its been accessed, etc, and how many time its been given the wrong passcode... a whooping zero, so no fucks are given about hidding it behind ssh private key tunnel setup..

>> No.310137

Oh yeah, I forgot about all those burglaries where the criminals disabled the security over telnet first...

>> No.311297

Give me some moar ideas.

>> No.311323
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Lot's of these.

Or, you know, the standard.
ADT alarm system, loud/scary doggies, guns, or good locks.
I really don't see the difficulty here.

>> No.311341

i mostly reside in /k/. take a guess.

>> No.311442

I often "break in" to my friends house when I'm going to meet up with them and beat them to their home or something. Of everything I've had to deal with the fucking motion lights are what give me the most grief. Certain friends I'll "break in" while they are there... but only if I am 100% sure they don't own a firearm.

We actually got a group of 5 in through a basement window one time. Without alerting the 3 people living there. Then called the house telling them to go look at something on the computer (in the basement) and that we'd be there in 5.

Most of the time they come to my house they tell me before hand as I almost shot one before. Was actually my sisters boyfriend... Good times.

But yeah back to business, Rats tend to scurry when a light shines.

>> No.311527

also, mid rich houses typically don't care for alarm systems, especially in this economy.

>> No.311550

Lol mmurika.
I've been living 18years in a big house always unlocked.
Not robbed once.
And I'm living in my flat for the last 5years, of course I lock the door, but I don't see the need of an alarm system.

>> No.311571

Muricans think people robbing and shooting each other is the natural order of things. They look for alarm systems and guns instead of fixing what is wrong with their society. If you tell them you live somewhere with pretty low crime, low enough not to lock your door, they assume you are wrong or stupid instead of looking at their messed up society.

>> No.311583

Not locking your door is stupid, I don't care where you live.

Not every single human is a good person. No matter where you live, there will be someone who will jack your shit, at some point. Locks keep people honest.

>but the chances are so low
Better for them to be lower.

I agree with your assessment on our society though, though I see no way to alter the mindset of crime set into many communities.

>> No.312942

lol thanks for the jack maclean book guy, been having fun reading the thing.