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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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308737 No.308737 [Reply] [Original]

How would you Air condition a long coat?


>> No.308739

And yes, It will be heavy as fuck.

>> No.308740

Well for one I wouldn't condition the air in the sense of refrigeration...that would be ridiculous.

Why not include plenty of vents and some fans at key points?

>> No.308741
File: 1.77 MB, 500x186, OP_hisbread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut a hole in the backend

>> No.308742

Would it be ridicules?
I was thinking a system of tubes pumping something through and cooling it.

That’s not fun.

Look, i was thinking more along the line's of something we could give soldiers to where over there gear so they stop getting heat stroke.

>> No.308743

layer black and white clothing dipshits. Why the fuck do you think the arabs wear ninja outfits all the time?

>> No.308754

google 'coolsuit'

>> No.308757


Alright. That's enough internet for today, Billy. Back to your cell in the basement.

>> No.308766

I will...
Don't be fucking rude you fucking autist.

Oh look, people who nothing about the subject and try to change the conversation.

>> No.308779
File: 42 KB, 354x270, jp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you JP? How much do clothes cost in the matrix anyway?

>> No.308809

Clearly you aren't a regular of /diy/
Saying: "Hey guys, I'm stupid, give me ideas" and typing like you don't actually care doesn't incline people to give you aid.

That being said, your idea required added weight. Added weight increases the heat issues. I doubt you could 'make' something that will do better than >>308743

>> No.308829

Like nothing, bro. All I need is a loincloth, and I don't pay shit for it.

>> No.308832
File: 111 KB, 691x544, Avatar_Tokyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, it's me about to jack into the Matrix.

>> No.308859


ok, leving the idiots aside, the tubing system is the way to go. look up designs and datasheets of space suits. one of the suits pieces consist of pants and jacket with tubes through wich cooled liquid runs. the cooling mechanism is stored in the backpack (along with othe life support services).

>> No.308871

>samefagging suggestions to self with the same atrocious spelling

I actually find this pretty amusing.

>> No.308887

. >>308859
Good idea. I'll look into space suit's cooling systems.
> 2012
> Not knowing how to check ip's of posters to determine same fagging.

How long have you been here new fag? Did b/ treat you well?

>> No.308890

Yeah. Calling three people in a thread stupid is so normal around here.

Yes, The idea is sound, Yes, i may incorporate it into the design. But it won't get it cold enough, fast enough.

>> No.308901

>the matrix runs on nvidia

>> No.308905

your project is fail: one reason: energy budget. sorry.

>> No.308908

> Good idea. I'll look into space suit's cooling systems.

ENERGY. 'space suit' or aerospace in general, those assholes have kilowatts to spare and expense isn't an issue. the cooling/heatign system for those suits is LARGE and part of the airframe.

however, if you want cool-er (not refrigerated) you could make what's essentially a wearable evaporative cooler... dampness (water) and airflow.

or copy clothing that people who live in hot weather wear. there's a reason clothes in the middle-east are white, loose and flowing...

>> No.308913

Good points.
Look, I’m not trying to build something that regulates temperature within a suit under massive constraints. I am looking for a AC unit that can work by pumping cold fluid through a series of tube's and such imbedded into the stitching of the coats.

I just want a cool jacket.
I think the pump could even be placed in the elbows, just so that with every movement it pumps the coolant through the system. Could someone point me in the right direction to learn the basics of this?

>> No.308915

Think of it like this, Point out al the flaws in having a redneck Ac system
Brass piping, fan and such, Placed inside of a coat. Of course i wont have a bunch of steel pipes, but what could i use in place of that?

I can place tiny micro fan's in key areas of the coat. But How do i make certain that they blow the cool air from the pipes onto me?

>> No.308947


"coolant"? coolant is just a fluid that you use to move heat aroudn with. you stil need to remove the heat! that's what the energy is for!

pumping liquids is no big deal.

how are you goign to remove the herat from the coolant?

>> No.308952


>> No.309228

This thread is great.
Thank you /diy/, and take a bow.

>> No.310336
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>> No.310381

huge backpack mounted heatsink/radiator

>> No.310477

Some motorcycling gear circulate water to cool leather/protective garments in hot weather.

>> No.310510

Why not just not wear the coat in the first place?

>> No.310524

Take your trolling back to /b/.

>> No.310526


It just seems like a problem that could be solved by taking the coat off. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best.

>> No.310544

Not OP but depending on the external temperature you will still be hot even if you take the coat out.

Now how to cool it will depend on the kind of enviroment. In a hot and dry enviroment you could try ice to cool things off and them evaporative cooling with the melted ice to cool things again. In a hot and humid enviroment you could try to use a liquid that boils at 15°C, a compressor and a a radiator.

>> No.310565

. >>310477
Nice work folks. I think your right. using both of these method's might work, i would have to adapt the motor cycle gear's tubing to work with the coolant and withstand the pump.

Here is something another of you said in my helmet thread:
Pykrete (water and wood pulp better than ice) in a steel thermos bottle fits in the small of your back just under a backpack. A siphon pump (the kind with a hole at the top and bottom w/one way check valve best source blood pressure cuffs) some copper tubing coiled up in the middle of the ice chunk running in and out.
Laminate strips of foam between a single nylon hose snaked back and forth into a full sheet. Cut foam thinner than tubing so it touches skin but crushes evenly with foam on impact. Under armor T-shirt (or similar wicking material) with pockets for tube foam plates. Hard plate of the top of cooling/pads with webbing straps, preferably large nomax flight suit over everything for pockets and fire proof.

>> No.311001


>> No.311016

If you have a pocket in the collar which can be filled (with the pump) then let gravity trickle the cool water through the tubes across your body back into the tank in the small of your back.

>> No.311041

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