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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 213 KB, 750x894, 1348103417908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
308613 No.308613 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to use anything else besides vodka when making an airlock for cider?

>> No.308614

Vodka for airlock, never heard of that? I use plain water.

>> No.308615

I just use water, it works just fine.

Also please don't post ponies outside of /mlp/. I know you're not trolling but this is why people hate us :C

>> No.308616

Sorry man, it is my only cider related image.

>> No.308617

I understand. It's all good

>> No.308618
File: 6 KB, 180x280, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to be clear, this is what I'm attempting.

>> No.308638

water is fine.

>> No.308639

This. I've never had a problem with water.

>> No.309068

I doubt people hate /diy/ because of ponies.

>> No.309122


other way around
people hate ponies because they post on /diy/

>> No.309137
File: 33 KB, 396x528, s-type_airlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image of blow off tube

Best practice for a blow-off tube is to just use some of your sanitizer in water. That keeps shit from growing in it, and since you have a blow-off and NOT an airlock, there is no risk of it being sucked back in.

If you don't have proper no-rinse sanitizer, mix a small bit of household bleach in there, typically not more than a small cap-full if you're just using a couple litres of water.

pic related, this is what an airlock is, it goes in the top of your fermenter/secondary in a stopper with a hole.

>> No.309139


and just to clarify, people sometimes use vodka in an airlock because it keeps bacteria from growing in it, and if it happens to get sucked back in, all it does is raise the alcohol content of your brew slightly. with a blow-off you dont have to worry about that. using vodka for that is just a waste. like everyone has said, you can use water fine, but I just add a splash of sanitizer to it to ensure that no bacteria start growing in there and climb up the tube.

>> No.309346

what is it called when you put a condom on it?

>> No.309362
File: 69 KB, 815x1264, 1348337609445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do NOT fucking do this. It'll kill you, What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.309363

I have done this on at least 10 separate wine brews and I'm still alive. . .

>> No.309382

tell me how it will kill me

>> No.309384

Instead of just saying 'don't do this, it is bad' why not tell us why it is wrong and what will happen, please.

>> No.309397

I'm >>309363
and I assume he is thinking that it would be bad if you got sterilant into your brew, which is totally possible if you overfill your blowoff or are generally clumsy. I doubt if 3ml of sulfur in your 23l of wine will even make you sick, nevermind kill you. Might ruin the flavour a bit.

>> No.309408

I see what you are saying but after cleaning the airlock with the mild bleach mix wouldn't you rinse it with pure water?

>> No.309446
File: 345 KB, 960x720, 1330294554162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is no fucking way you are going to get enough suck back in a blow off tube to get anything in your brew. in an airlock, yes, and I didn't say to put sanitizer in your airlock.

>you in charge of reading comprehension

please, tell me how you plan on getting 18 inches of suckback.

listen, a blow-off is the long tube picture OP posted, an airlock is the small thing that is posted here >>309137

There is no fucking way you are going to get enough suckback through a blow-off tube pictured >>308618 here.

>> No.309667


>> No.309829

Ok so say i have brewed my brew, and it is time to bottle up to let it mature. What bottles do you guys use? Would sterilized screw-top wine bottles be an ok choice?

>> No.309843

>please, tell me how you plan on getting 18 inches of suckback.

Find his mom, I bet she knows!


>> No.310531


>> No.310551

Just to clarify, this is an airlock.
Also, when using an airlock, I just use boiled water. Works fine for me.