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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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297488 No.297488 [Reply] [Original]

DIY Money making ideas.
it would be good to get a collection, I realize most of these will be small time ideas, but there's nothing like making a bit of extra cash.

I'll be bumping with art

>> No.297490
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Buy some cases of water from BJ’s, Sam’s Club or Costco and sell it any busy event, park or city intersection for $1. per bottle. You can easily make $100 every 4 hrs or so. I’ve done it. You can step that up a little and have a shirt imprinted front and back in bright yellow or orange that says in large letters, ICE COLD WATER $1. Then keep a cooler in your car where you’ll keep your back ups and pack a plastic bag with ice and put it into a backpack with as many bottles as you can carry. Then when you run low…run back to the car to refill. We’ve done this for party money, bills money…just about anything and with a few people doing it you can make $400 or $500 per day…easily.

>> No.297492
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Buying/selling antiques on ebay?
Anyone know how to get into that?

>> No.297493
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Dat light

>> No.297494
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What are some DIY products I could make myself fairly cheaply and then comfortably sell as being hand made?

>> No.297496
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>> No.297498

OP stop spamming images. /diy/ is a very slow board. Come back tomorrow.

>> No.297499

I always like turning my hobbies into money. I haven't done anything sustainable yet but I also don't really plan to.

Take this for instance. I like fish and I keep really nice tanks. Fish stores will often buy back fish at any time assuming they are healthy, the price is fractional compared to what you would buy it from them but even simple breeding can make some cash in store not to mention what you could do with basic networking in your hobbies local community. Also at one point my local shop had a supply issue with plants. I was able to sell them trimmed sections of my plants for nearly the price they sell them just so they could keep their supply boosted.

That's how I would look at it.

The best bet for real cash though is being a handy man, just don't sell yourself as a general handyman. Pick one thing and network with that and during contracts if your clients mention something that you can do speak up about it.

Anything with creating and selling a product is time consuming and risky because you need to look at the whole spectrum of a business plan instead of just relying on the quality of your work.

>> No.297501 [DELETED] 

Okay thanks

>> No.297502


Thanks for your input,
thought it seems that companies that produce things wholesale are always able to offer things cheaper than I could ever produce anything as a handyman

>> No.297504

top notch idea just be careful as some public events have very strict vendor policies.

But I used to work in a retail store in a mall. We sold water at a loss as a convenience item and when it went on sale every food vendor in the entire mall would buy out our stock and then sell it at full price.

>> No.297507

By handyman I meant home repairs. Anything outside of warranties costs bank to have done. There are a lot of people who want things fixed and know they can't do it. That is where you step in and even buying the parts out of your own pocket you could still turn a profit but you would need basic home repair skills.

>> No.297540
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>> No.297552

these threads are /diy's fucking cancer.

>> No.297558

Fucking tell me about it.

And they're mostly started by young/college kids that are too lazy to find a job so they spend the least amount of energy possible looking something that will pay them a lot to do something very easy that's fun and nobody else has capitalized on yet.

And these threads always inevitably turn into a "name as many jobs as you can" threads with posts that go along the lines of "I collect spit in Gatorade containers and tell it on ebay and I don't make much but I average about 2000 a month which is an okay living I guess."

>> No.297559

I have actually made a considerable amount of money selling Gatorade bottles I filled up with water, sugar, and food colouring when I was in college, I averaged about a grand every month.

>> No.297623
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>> No.297634

Love the pictures, OP.

>> No.297636


I can up with a ton, but they all require hefty amounts of start up money.

The reality is that you can't beat the system in this day in age, unless you already have the money.

>> No.297653
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why not make garage sales apart of your weekly income or in some of your cases only income. wake up early before 8 and you can get the best stuff being offered if your lucky you can turn each item for 5-10 bucks if you purchase wisely,. once I bought a huge ammount of copper tubing for around 10 bucks as he just wanted it gone, I drove it strait to the local recycling plant and walked out a richer man all in about an hour.

>> No.297698

Got some land you can walk around on, and dig up stuff? Get into digging up black cohosh, blood root, and yellow root. For about an hour's work of digging, and some time cleaning and drying them, you can make quite a bit. This is especially true with blood root since there seems to be some pseudo Chinese cure method going around right now that blood root is good for helping cure cancer. Hell, I'll take advantage of it. Blood root is $10.00/lb here right now, and it only takes me 1 hour total to have a pound after digging, washing, and drying.

Look in your local paper to find who you sell it to. They'll advertise the price and where to go.

>> No.297733

$10/hr isn't the kind of quick cash OP was hoping for, I don't think.

>> No.298011

Go door-to-door, ask if they have any wine/beer bottles they don't want, and that you're using them to create art.

Go home, score them with a glass cutter in a full circle around the bottle toward the top. Boil some water, SLOWLY pour hot water around the score while rotating it until the glass is hot as fuck. Then SLOWLY pour icy-ass cold water around the score. You'll hear a peculiar icy-kinda crunch/fizzle sound like ice popping in water. The end will either fall off, or it should be easily able to be removed but just gently pulling it off.

Sand the shit out of it.

Sell them online for like $5 for 2 "wine/beer bottle glasses".

You can make dozens of them in an hour.

>> No.298019

shit I think my wallet just came

>> No.298025

Just did a quick google, people on Etsy are selling these bitches for like 10 dollars a pop.

>> No.298046
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>live in an area heavily infested by crows.
>build vending machine that dispenses food pellets.
>teach crows that coins in=pellets out.
>they communicate this to other crows.
>install them on rooftops all over the city.

>mfw using my crow army to steal people's change.


>> No.298067


Takes time to research, antiques are a pain in the ass to ship. I stick to electronics mostly. Do pretty good, $3-4k gross a month, 40-50% net profit. Combine that with my (current) part-time job as an IT guy and I'm pretty happy with myself in the current economic environment. Now note that I was doing the eBay shit since 2007 when I was still in high school; the part-time job is more recent. I've had time to build that up but if you start today, you won't make as much. The system has become polluted with every cocksucker that watches the History Channel thinking "I can do that too." No, you can't.


I applaud you sir.


I do this on the weekend but it takes a certain level of dedication. Most of my online inventory comes from auction houses now.


My girl makes these, sells them at the local flea market for $5-20 depending on subject matter. The Bud Light ones are popular with the hillbillies.

>> No.298115

I once bought a bike for $50 that turned out to be worth a bit over $2,000.Garage sales are great,especially ones with old people who don't know the value of their junk (Or just want to be rid of it)

>> No.298114

I know you may not want to give away many trade secrets but...

Do you think I can start selling electronics with around 100 bucks start up money?

What are some quickish movers? i've been thinking about buying a small (50-100) pallet of iphone cases, i figure sports related ones will sell quickest.

Do people but older desktops/laptops often? i can get them bulk for about 25 bucks each, but i'm worried they won't sell even for 100 bucks a piece.

I used to be an electronics guy but i'm more of an aut/o/bot these days but most money making opportunities either require me to deal with customers(mobile mechanic) or require too many startup resources to be practical/legal(flipping craigslist cars)

>> No.298118

This is the best thing from TED I've seen.

>> No.298119


>I know you may not want to give away many trade secrets but...

Everyone does the shit now thanks to all of the television shows. I have an advantage because I live in a rural area and the old folk (majority of people selling crap) don't use the computer and only use eBay as a lie to get you to pay me (I saw that going for this on eBay harharhar).

>Do you think I can start selling electronics with around 100 bucks start up money?

Absolutely. It's not a lot of money but it will get you started. I've bought a vintage CD player for $5 a few years ago and sold it for $350. Audio receivers, vintage car audio, video games: these all do well.

>What are some quickish movers? i've been thinking about buying a small (50-100) pallet of iphone cases, i figure sports related ones will sell quickest.

I would recommend against this unless you're going to sell at a flea market in an affluent area. Everyone sells those damn things online and you will not out-compete the Chinese vendors.

>Do people but older desktops/laptops often? i can get them bulk for about 25 bucks each, but i'm worried they won't sell even for 100 bucks a piece.

Depends. I can sell older Dell laptops (2000-2005ish) for $50-120 as long as they work. Same for similar brands. Desktops I almost always scrap for metals but most won't have 25 dollars worth in them. Just keep in mind your costs if you have to buy hard drives, reinstall operating systems, etc. You could probably buy those laptops bulk (as long as they are 10 years old or less) and make profit selling them as-is on eBay.

I only deal in used, usually vintage, goods. Most of my income comes from pro audio, video games, and laptops (which are sold locally and not on eBay as I can get more). Oh, and clothing too. I take my girl to the thrift stores, she finds all of the designer shit, and we sell what she doesn't want to keep/can't wear. That's where a good bit of our net profit comes from.

>> No.298137

this, except with credit cards. Crows perched above every ATM in the city.

>> No.298149

>(I saw that going for this on eBay harharhar).

I hate it when people do that. I immediately tell them to try eBay then. That usually puts a stop to it. lol

>> No.298159

I've made a great deal (considering the cost + labor) of money from learning how to tailor and going to all the St. Vinnies in the 608 on the reg + an eBay store. It's really fucking great. I've also flipped vintage audio gear from CL and garage sales numerous times to great results.

That's it though, I'm kinda useless :/

>> No.298207


>Audio receivers, vintage car audio, video games: these all do well.

Depending on how you feel about it (ethically), op-shops / thrift shops often have no clue what anything is worth, which you can probably buy from them and sell at a better price. I once picked up a few N64 games for 2 bucks a pop (decent ones, too, your Goldeneyes and whatnot) and a console for 5, and made a tidy profit out of it.

Obviously, you'll have to wade through shitty VHS exercise tapes and old scratched records of Songs of Praise Vol. 12 to get to the gold, but if you're in an op-shop / thrift store, you were going to do that anyway for yourself. Just handy to keep in the back of your mind.

>> No.298243

>I can up with a ton, but they all require hefty amounts of start up money.

Could you name some examples?

>> No.298487

What would you propose to sell these as though? ashtrays? cut bottles? flower pots? etc. Thanks

>> No.298540

>What would you propose to sell these as though?
>"wine/beer bottle glasses"

>> No.298555

Read that as
>DIY mummy making ideas.
because of the pic.

All the problems you face were created out of someone"s motivation to make a profit.
It is better to die than be that person.
I suggest you step back and reassess yourself and your life.

Also, it's far easier and you'll have much more success limiting your dependence and expenditures.
Food is prolly the thing the general person is the most retarded about.
I spend less than $30 a month on food and still eat like a fucking king.

>> No.298591

>i spend less than 30 a month on food and still eat like a fucking king



>> No.298601
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learn to make pony plushies. Pic related, it sold for like $200, maybe more.

As a step up, create a rubber vagina for it so it can be washed after you fuck it and will feel good too. Make it a big plushie as well, im sure you can sell it for like $700 at least to some ponyfag. Also, if you are good at it, make custom ponies based on customer sketches.

>> No.298628

You want just a list of what I eat or recipes or what? Should I make some sort of /g/uide?...

Staple foods no house or meal should be without:
Potatoes - $2-3 for a gigantic bag that (if you're living alone) will rot before you finish it.
Rice - $30 for 50lbs. Lasts 6-8 months.
Lentils - $12 for 25lbs.
Split peas - About the same as lentils.
Tofu - $1 for 2-4 meals worth.
Oats - You can get like a big thing for $3-5. (You could buy more in bulk for cheaper prolly, but you'd end up with far more than you'll ever eat.)
Bananas - A whole bunch for like a dollar.
Apples - Also hella cheap.
*Some of the prices may fluctuate seasonally, but not by much.*
Cabbage - One head for like dollar. Makes 3-4 meals.
Broccoli - About the same as cabbage.
Bread - $2.50 a loaf. By far the most expensive thing volumewise I pay. Should not you could bake it yourself for pennies a loaf - I just don't have the time right now.

Asian markets are your best friend in the whole world.

I also buy coffee beans green online and roast them myself.

World"s best lentil soup:
1 cup dry lentils
6 cups water
Salt to taste (Actually quite a bit. ~20 "grinds" for me - Have yet to measure that one out...)
Black pepper - Same as salt
Turmeric - 1/2-1 teaspoon
Whatever the fuck else you want to add.
Boil for 2 hours.
Serves 2.

I have many more of these if you'd like...

>> No.298632

huh.... i guess that's why mexicans around here who buy just plain ingredients always end up with low grocery bills.

I'm sortof a neckbear who doesn't like to cook often though, I think that's my problem since i spend about 5-10 bucks a day on fast food that fills me up mabye 25% at a time

man i used to love cooking as atalented /diy/erthough...

do you think beans or any sort of meat are cheap?

>> No.298635

Fuck you and learn how to cook. Stop eating mc donalds you fat fuck

>> No.298636

funny thing is, i'm 5'5" 115 lbs or so.

i'm just asian hot dog eater tier.

>that feel when i down more shit than most fatasses i know

>> No.298638
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Beans are super cheap and wonderful.
As are corn tortillas.

I've been a vegetarian for about 8 years now.
I find milk and yogurt repulsive.
Though I do love cheese, I'm just too cheap, and it's really no problem to go without it.
Still buy butter for toast though.

Also my brother raises chickens so I get boatloads of free eggs.
Though I don't think eggs are that expensive to buy are they? like $2 a dozen max.

I really encourage you to rekindle your love of cooking. You'll save money and feel good about stuff.
Good and good for you.

>> No.298641

thing is, most of my minor passions take back seat to my major one. aut/o/

who knows i might try cooking a bit more when i have free time and im waiting for parts to come in the mail or savings pile to get up

>> No.298644

That lentil soup recipe is very none intensive.
Really, you just set it a boiling and walk away for 2 hours - Maybe stir it occasionally or add water as necessary.
Though it can be, cooking and eating well doesn't have to be time consuming.

>> No.298645

>walk away for 2 hours

that's bad for me, i know i'll end up walking away for like 7.

i've done it several times when my interest in cooking started to wane....

>> No.298669

Perhaps utilizing a timer would help, a sticky note on said timer saying "dat lentil soup on your stovetop"

>> No.298735

could you please post more recipes including these ingredients that would be possible to bring to a trademans worksite so either hot or cold in tupperware. much abliged

>> No.298737 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 141242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rewarded for the time you spend online. Join TopLine today! Link: https://www.jointopline.com/?fid=2HMBVRQBJYV3

get free money for surfing chrome with this add on that replaces ads with topline ads.

>> No.298760

All of the above, really. If you cut JUST the neck off of a wine bottle, it makes a pretty romantic-looking flower vase.

You can also make lamps out of them.

>> No.298769

seriiously, nobody commented on this?

>> No.298794


found this glass bottle cutting tutorial, literally zero cost


>> No.298808



>> No.298822

google alibaba buy mass amounts of electronics toys etc. then sell it on ebay,

>> No.298823

>Stage a new "my tram experience" (racist vitroil on public transport)
>Chuck on adsense
>Lol when it gets millions of views and you get $1000's

>> No.298825
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>> No.300499

Peanutbutter sandwiches - Honey or Jam.

Hardboiled eggs.

Bananas, oranges, and/or apples.

Split pea soup is basically the same as the lentil. Maybe throw some diced onions, garlic, peppers, potatoes, carrots, etc into the pot with the oil first - Saute for a bit before adding the water and other stuff.

Stirfrys are great. 1/4 a cabbage, 1 head of broccoli, onions, bell peppers, whatever.
Oil in wok and hella salt - Add some soy sauce and mirin for that standard asian food taste.

Curries are also wonderful.
Again, saute whatever vegetables you like.
Then pour over a can of coconut cream and a curry and other spices to your liking.

Look up Aloo Gobi.
Potatoes and cauliflower and garam masala and whatever. Delicious.

Rice is the best thing ever.
My ~$35 Aroma rice cooker has been the most used and best investment I've ever made.
Go Japanese on our asses and learn to riceballs.
Also roll sushi isn't hard to do at all.

Fried rice is also boss.
Do the eggs in the pan first then set them aside.
Throw in some more oil and chives from your garden.
Then cooked rice. (Perfectly fine to be cold from the fridge.)
Add the eggs back in.
Soy sauce and mirin.

>> No.300500

You should have a garden - Even if it's just a couple tomatoes and herbs in pots. Getting to know your food, how it grows, and where it comes from is an amazing thing our culture has lost...

Granola bars are just glorified cookies.
Learn to bake - It's amazing what you can do with a bit of oats, flour, and sugar.

Pan fried Tofu + BBQ sauce + a touch of that shriracha garlic chilly stuff = Awesome.

Throw the packet away - Instead use soy sauce, sesame oil, shriracha garlic stuff, turmeric, paprika, and other spices you like.
After cooking, you could also stirfry the noodles with vegetables or whatever.

Pasta in general is cheap, delicious, and filling.
Pasta salads.
Tomato sauce.

Food is what you're made of, so eat well.

Be creative.
Work with the things you like.
You don't have to follow recipes (Unless of course you're baking - That shit's chemistry.) - Just make a few things - Pay attention and you'll figure stuff out.

Don't know if this is what you were asking for, but hopefully it gave you some ideas.
Sorry for the delayed response btw - Hope you're still here...

also >>>/ck/

Holy shit I wrote a lot...

>> No.300522

I'm 19 now, junior in college and will have an internship paying 20-25 dollars an hour in the next year or 2 and a full time job in 2 to 3 years.

I used to buy and resell smart phones. I would surf craigslist and websites like car forums for my particular city that had a subsection for personal selling and a lot of other people do it too. Each phone can potentially earn you 50-100 dollars or more.

But when I did this I was like 15-16 years old and you know what I realized now? All of these bullshit quick cash/extra cash ideas are stupid as fuck. Yeah you might think you're making money but you're actually just wasting time. If you put that time and effort into a career with real potential then you will make so much more.

>> No.300529
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>> No.300531

a few years ago I was on a roadtrip in portugal with a couple of friends. While on the beach we dug a hole and dumped some ice in it. Sold cold refreshments to anyone who wanted, drank the rest. it basically payed us the gas and the food. good times

>> No.300540


Have fun being arrested by the cops, you need a permit to do that

>> No.300569

Oh wow - Go me!

>> No.300572

>cops won't just tell you to stop
You must really piss off our fine officers for them to be so mean to you.

>> No.300584
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>> No.300622
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Again /diy/? Another making money thread? These threads are breaking my heart....and I think I need to get this off my chest...

The worst part of this economic recession is not the stolen money. It's not the stolen jobs given to slaves around the world, the factories in wastelands with camp directors, the elections with sham candidates, or even the stolen health of ourselves and the ecosystem.

The worst part of this economic recession is the stealing of youth.

Before this cloud decided to park over us, teens and 20 somethings would be discussing ideas, culture, progress, doing things noone has ever done, going places noone has ever gone. Being trailblazers and spectacular fireball failures. Recklessly abandoning the old way for the new day. Content in the knowledge we could at least try it, and if it didn't work we could go back to the real world and the day job. And just trudge along.

Now all I hear from the youth is, " Oh well I chose this major because it pays well." " I heard their are many jobs out in that neck of the woods so I may end up moving there." " I really want to have a family but I can't afford to." " I'd love to be a small business owner but you know I have to keep my job for the wifes health insurance."

Money.Money.Money. Like old jewish bankers in a room, its all these kids ever talk about anymore. How to best stay alive and with a roof over your head and the families' belly filled. /diy/ Board has at least one of these threads begging for someone to be taught how to make ends every week. And its a shame. Instead of investing in the real problems of today, we are sidetracked maintaining our lives. We are only surviving.

They stole the the youth, and the dreams and courage and energy that came with it.

That is the worst part. And its breaking my heart.

>> No.300625

>kindred spirit

I noticed myself always blowing off my friends because we always wanted to drink beer/go see a movie/go play paintball.

And I never had any money. So now I've been making an active effort to go have fun with people because life is short and who cares about the money. If you already have an xbox, play with your friends. If you already have a skateboard, go skate. Walks in the park are free.

I realized that we've deluded ourselves into believing that to have fun we need to spend money.

>> No.300626

I use Native Instruments, FL Studio and Sony ACID Pro to make ringtones for my friends and charge a dollar each for them :)

>> No.300628


Honestly, I make $400 a month in cash from working two hours every weekday at a ranch. If I could find a way to live on that(Maybe a yurt?) and spend the rest of my time studying philosophy and whatever else has my fancy that day, I would.

>> No.300629
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We can have it all.

>> No.300641

I know man. I could go on for days about this world, these broken systems and how to fix them but I'll spare you.

We need to do better for our sakes and humanities. A school system where only 1 percent pass is a failure. An economic system where only 13 percent can live anywhere near acceptable is A FAILURE.

We need to do better. We can do better. We have no choice, but to do better.

>> No.300684


>> No.300703

>We have no choice
Apathy is the choice that's taken.

But I agree with your point.

>> No.300773

This man is my hero.

>> No.300780

if you have good eyes, put an ad on craigslist fixing headphones for locals for like$8 bucks

>> No.300873

If anyone can remember before the recession the big thing was young adults refusing to grow up.

So much money was going around that we could afford it. Kids stayed living at home and spent all their money on toys. Everyone went to college to discover themselves. There wasn't any need to rush.

This recession has done nothing but lit the fire under our asses. It's separating the wheat from the chaff. What does that mean? Well there's a good reason to get a job now when mom and dad really can't support your ass like before. There's a good reason to apply yourself in college and not take your time. There's a good reason to work whatever job is necessary and pay off your debt. Shits hard, shit's VERY hard. There's those of us that give up and bitch and there's those of us with college educations that gratefully accept fast food jobs.

This recession won't last forever. And at the end of this tunnel the economy will eventually and more jobs will be created. Those jobs won't be filled with those that quit but those that acquired new skills at those shitty demeaning jobs. Those workers will have most/all of their debt paid off and nice paychecks.

The future has always been for a certain type of person. The person that will do whatever it takes to get shit done. That's not everyone but they're out there.

>> No.300883



I don't know what you think is the driving force behind progress, but it's money. Anything that ever happened in this world happened because somebody somewhere wanted to reap the monetary rewards. You know it's true.

>> No.300893

I'm mad.

>> No.301064
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>>Kids not growing up was just old women and tough guys trying to play the BACK IN MY DAY card. Not to mention back in the day when kids spent all their money on v8 mustangs and loads of records or soda pop. And didnt work 12 hour days like their great great grandpa in the coal mines (see what i did there?)
>>thinking this is a recession and not a global economic depression
>>thinking we will just continue down the path we are going and be successful with no manufacturing jobs, terrible currency, and tension and powderkegs everywhere. Not to mention the climate changes effects on food production.
>>Thinks people should just work harder after they have been robbed by the rich of pensions, value of their currencys, their livelihoods, and their way of life.

Sir I respectfully disagree with your analysis. The string of words you have written there sounds like it was written by self aware alphabet soup. The future is not bright if we remain in the current modus operandi and how you could even allude to the future being even acceptable or reasonable is baffling to me.

>> No.301065

God, Gold, and Glory.

Only reasons behind progress.

>> No.301076

This gentleman, i agree with.

ok, i have a masters degree. I have been unemployed for 15 months. i have applied to every job in my field in the 5 nearest counties. i have applied for federal jobs. i have applied at wendys and to be a janitor. the only call backs i ever got in the last 15 months was for a 3 day temp job off of craigslist helping demolish a building. and the other one to say i was over qualified and they couldnt afford to hire me.

i will have to default on my college loan (which is surprisingly small because i worked my way through college but my company went bankrupt last year). I will destroy my credit and end up on food stamps and gov housing.

Go team.

>> No.301084

Masters in...?
>inb4 Art History.

>> No.301117

criminal justice

>> No.301127

when you apply to wendys, dont say you have a masters, dont even say you have a degree

>> No.301128

holy fuck, i think you will have more luck having a masters en art history

>> No.301131

Would it be feasable to build one that dispenes a couple kernels of corn with a hole where they drop mettalic objects? Have it detect whether or not it is metal and just return it if its not. Could possibly do this with a magnent? How would you show the crows in the first place? What would be a good way to detect shiny or not?

>> No.301138

It is very feasible actually.

A magnet won't work for coins since not all coins are magnetic.

>How would you show the crows in the first place?

By using the method shown in the youtube video posted in >>298046

>> No.301143

PROTIP: IF you have a criminal Justice degree, dealing with the politics of local courts, police stations and jails is a NIGHTMARE. You need to realize their is the way things are done and the way things should be done. You need to negotiate that field like a minefield. And if you fuck over one person....expose one guys fuckup or call out someone being corrupt. You are done. Noone will hire you and noone will work with you.

The blue wall extends to other areas of lawl enforcement. Treat the law enforcement like a gang of tradesmen.

>> No.301181

Damn I didn't know crows were so cool.
I wish there were of them in my town.
Just imagine the possibilities of a personal crow army.

>> No.301252


I don't think this has anything to do with the economy but rather a reflection on your degree and character.

>> No.301307

You sir are a dumbass. I have only one year of college under my belt, completing my second right now in Engr. Already have an internship lined up for the summer at 18.5 bucks an hour + housing stipend. Spent all of last summer working 2 jobs with a total of 70+ hours a week. Both my managers always told me that they never met atalented /diy/ermy age who works as hard as I do. What is wrong with this country is parasite shits such as yourself. BOO HOO I have a masters, and spent the last 6 years dicking around, why won't anybody hire me??????

I'll leave you with what my professor always tells my class. An engineer is the most important person in the world, because between god and an engineer everything in the world was made. So that means your criminal justice degree isn't worth wiping your ass with. Shoulda done something beyond frats and beer for 6 years.

truth ntpetst

>> No.301460

I second this guy. I'm in my junior year of a business information systems major. I spent the last two summers interning at $20 an hour for two different big corporations. That paid rent and tuition. I support myself the rest of the year by doing hobbies that are fun for me. You know why? Because I am a mother fucking /diy/er.

You need to try harder at life.

Also, to this asshat: stfu, you goddamn hippy.

>> No.301487

hmm, make sure you register for some more english classes. he said he worked his way through college, implying he would not have been sitting around on his ass.

but congrats on the internship.

>> No.301496
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>> No.301531

I really only have this to contribute, and you can take it or leave it: Getting a job is based on two things; your qualifications, and your presentation. Maybe 20% of getting hired is your qualifications. The other 80% is your presentation. Most people (99%) who do not get hired who are qualified, do not get hired because they have poor presentation.

If you apply to ten businesses and get no callbacks, maybe you should change something before you paperbomb ten more. Look into new resume techniques, try calling some places and asking to speak with managers instead of just dicking around with people who arent in charge of anything. If you dont get hired, call and ask them why. Set up some meetings with hiring managers to see what they look for.

Show some fucking initiative guys, its really not that hard. And for the love of god, dont stay in a shit job and say its for "security". If your job is shit, you should only be working there to get out of it. Learn something about finance, and dont waste your paychecks, even if they are meager right now.

Always be improving your skills and yourself. Because really, why else do you even want to stay on this planet? Rich people and successful people arent rich and successful by accident, its because they go out and test new ideas and keep what works and disregard what doesnt. If you were playing a videogame and kept dying on a boss, you would change strategies. Apply that to real life, guys.

Also: stop trying to do side work for beans. If you want to do side work, then start a legitimate business and work for free and reinvest until its a success. Dont dick around making bottle caps and shit to sell for a pittance unless its legitimately something you enjoy doing.

>> No.301566

This guy know some stuff, if nobody hire you, is your fault, nobody else, no the economy, not the situation, nothing but you, they are hiring someone else right?

If being a good boy, and always telling people how hard do you work doesnt work, try a different approach. Get cocky and bitchy, you can practice that in jobs that are not really your area, or you dont really want. Dont ask how much they pay, tell them how much do you want, and make that number bigger. If they ask why, say that you are worth it and you deserve it, this have worked for some friend before... the fuckers.

>> No.301607
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List of ideas from the thread, for my benefit and for yours
- Wine/beer bottle cutting
- Sell water bottles at parks/wherever
- Breed fish/rodents
- Tailoring
- Ponyfag fucktoys
- L2 viral on ytube and make the moneys from adsense
- Fix headphones
- Selling wildflowers/weeds (black cohosh, blood root, yellow root)
- Furniture/office resale >>/diy/300671

- Cheap meal tips >>298628 and >>298638 and >>300499 and >>300500

>> No.301624

Don't forget the, 'money is this problem and you shouldn't want it in the first place' answers.

>> No.301764

What do you even call that? Double dubs?

>> No.301768
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I will have to disagree with you on this.

You mention that some time ago, youth had the time and freedom to be youth.

Well, I don't see it that way. Most of those people never blazed any trails. Most of those people never explored the world. What they did instead, was taking drugs, going to raves, playing paintball, playing Halo.

They had simple fun. But this fun they had, how much of it was real fun? How much of this fun was created for them as a product? I believe that culture is created and sold nowadays. Those "kids" didn't have fun, they had Fun™ by Hasbro.

And now, suddenly - no fun. Survival.

Look around the world - there are millions of poorer people out there and they still manage to have fun. To blaze real trails, not plastic and corporate branded Trails™.

You know what the people you describe are working for? For stupid status indicators. For iphones, for ipads, for beats™ headphones, for bling.

I'm just 22, but up until around being 16, I had fun by running around outside and beating my friends with sticks, while they tried to beat me or by playing hide n' seek on our bicycles. We all had computers, but we all like to have some fun.

Now it's only facebook, Halo 3 and weed. Because sticks and bicycles don't sell good.

Work is noble, dude, but only if you are working towards something you want, not what some PR person wants you to want.

>> No.301778

shit this is smart but what type of people buy this stuff and how would i sell it

>> No.301794
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I'd like to hear more about this too...

>> No.301811

English is my third language. Moved to america from the great Eastern Europe Bloc when I was 10. I give negative shits about my language skills. It'll come with time, if not I have two more things to add to my resume, proficient in Russian and Ukrainian. Shit son I work my way through college; do work study(20 hours a week) plus a regular job(between 10-15 hours a week during the weekends). Working through college for that dipshit probably means he worked in McDonalds during the summer and thats about it.

This guy I agree with. >>301768
In Ukraine all we ever did was go outside and do shit. Best time of my life. In america all it ever was, hey wanna play xbox during the weekend. Wanna watch wrestling, god did I hate it. Luckily in college you can find enough people with your opinion and drop all that bullshit you did in high school.

One last statement.
Americans are lazy, they want money handed to them without working for it. I always check these threads out just because I love to find out what dumb, get rich quick, schemes people try to pull.
Wanna make money fast, work hard and move up. I have never had a competent manager, that is why I have been almost always exclusively handled by the owner of the company I worked for. You show some iniative and some drive and you'll move up. If you want to be a lazy nigger, than do what you've always done. I have never been unemployed for longer than 1 week. Its below you, is the largest bullshit in the world. I am studying fucking Chemical Engineering and I cleaned shitters during all of my high school. And if I need to I'll do it again.

>> No.301816


If you can do it, any neckbeard can, just quite your whining and get your ass in gear.

>> No.301840

Nobody wants to think about it.
There are some things even the kinkiest members of the adult industry will be hesitant to touch

>> No.301851
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Haha, I'm >>301768 and I'm from Poland and I find it incredible that we share so many opinions on this topic.
I had the same experiences with coming here - everyone wanted to play Halo or go to the mall, which was boring as fuck. It's like, outside of those few corporate toys (xbox, myspace, etc.), they had no fucking clue what to do with their free time.
It became bearable in college though,mostly thanks to international students.

Also, I know what you mean by your last paragraph although I think "lazy" isn't the best word. I think it's "delusional" or something along those lines. I've met many people like this:
>I wanna be a doctor and save people
>posts motivational quotes on facebook all day erryday
>gets C's and D's in easy as fuck subjects
>continues to post picture of fancy food
>continues to believe she will be a doctor
>continues to believe she's good at photography
>continues to call her life "wild", whilst it's boring as fuck
I believe it's this whole air of everyone being a special snowflake, everyone going after their dreams, everyone being a victim of some sort, everyone watching the same fake movies that further expand the fake fairytale world.
Honestly, it seems like most of the people I interact with in college live in some fictional universe where they are superheros, whilst in real life they are the most average and mediocre and boring and gray people I have ever met in my life.

It's as if in the name of equality, everyone was transformed into complete mediocrity.
>pic related, another hardworking european who created an empire

>> No.301856

You seem to have a problem with the entrepreneurial spirit. The search for a better way to get rich is what drives innovation. Rather than fighting your way up with ladder with millions of other people, invent an anti-gravity machine.

>> No.301861

>taking drugs
>spending time on facebook
>barely learning highschool level material in college
Is this the entrepreneurial spirit you speak of? If you look at whoever attained god-status like Arnold, Jobs, Gates... You will see that at some point in their life they spent hundreds or thousands of hours working hard to learn skills and trying and failing and trying again.
I don't see this in most people. Do you?

>> No.302115

>taking drugs, going to raves, playing paintball, playing Halo.
>cited as no enjoying youth.
The fuck are you on?

>I'm just 22, but up until around being 16, I had fun by running around outside and beating my friends with sticks, while they tried to beat me or by playing hide n' seek on our bicycles. We all had computers, but we all like to have some fun.
You're hardly older than me, and I did the same things as well. But, people do different things for fun.

>Americans are lazy
Glad I'm from Texas, since your entire statement doesn't apply to anyone I know.

>in college
I found your problem. Degrees no longer mean anything. I work with a girl who has a 4 year degree in the field of her choice. I make more because I have more work experience. Ever since having degrees became common, they haven't meant as much. Fuck college. Trade school or long term jobs are better.

>not taking drugs
>not socializing and building contacts to help you through life
>going to college for something you don't need to pay for
So, not only are you against fun when young, but against doing things that will help in the long run.

Holy fuck, /diy/ is retarded.

>> No.302120

>taking drugs helps in the long run
>thinks facebook is networking


>> No.302215


I'm in there too. Luckily, I live in the fucking oilfield. Unlike most of mainstream of America, our crisis focuses on not having enough people to work in the service industry - everyone wants to go out in the oilfield and get big bucks (you actually can, most people I know who go out on the rigs make upwards of 30k with fresh out of HS or no HS education - the oil companies don't give a fuck.)

Only problem is the job is dangerous. Lose a finger, break some legs, arms, whatever, you're getting paid and doing better than 50% of the nation. Plus, get anywhere in management for an oil company in the local area and you are set for life. My uncle used to be a rig boy (which translates to being a highschool dropout who earned about 10$ an hour by doing whatever his rig supervisor told him to do) and in about 7 years is the local distributor for his company. He sits on his ass and rakes in 125K a year. People obviously just don't know where to look for a job, seriously.

This is out in West Texas, by the way. Midland, Odessa, Andrews, Kermit and all that shit. We've had so many people move into my small town, it's ridiculous.

Of course, where the fuck are you going to go when that oil boom dies down?

>> No.302363
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For your first quote:
>Cannot into sarcasm
For your second:
>Cannot into self critique
Have you ever been outside of Texas? Outside of the US?
For your third quote:
>Cannot into statistics
People with college degrees, on average, earn more. If those degrees aren't political science, english, or gender studies, then they are surely able to work more.
Sure, you can quote me riggers making 125k a year, miners making 150k a year, welders 75k a year... But those markets are small compared to retail in the US. The US simply isn't into industry as much as it used to be, now it's more into services and entry level services means retail.
Also, you're being vague about everything.
For your fourth quote:
>cannot into individual behavior, has to follow the herd, take drugs, socialize

Confirmed for texas redneck.

Dude, your reading comprehension sucks. And I'm a non-native English speaker.

>> No.302365
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>Smith's reasoning, understandably, is Microsoft-focused. The company currently has 6,000 unfilled jobs, and he claims that filling them with US-citizen techs is proving to be difficult. "We are creating unfilled jobs," he said, reports InformationWeek. "We have a shortage."

I think this perfectly shows the American attitude.
>Thousands of unfilled job everywhere
>jobs from welding, rigging, to software engineering
>all require hard work, either hard physical work or hard work learning shit

If Americans aren't lazy and ignorant, then why can't they fill job positions? It seems they can't into STEM fields so bad that Microsoft is considering paying up to 25000$ per immigrant to get foreign STEM people into their company. They'd rather pay 25k to immigrants than to hire fellow Americans.

>> No.302378
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The whole can't find qualified Americans to do the jobs is BS
Companies use all kinds of trickery to get foreign workers.

>> No.302417


Pussy detected

>> No.302427

>having fun is bad

I thought about hopping on that. Have a buddy who was gone a few years, came back and bought a house in cash. Bastard.

Only outside Texas. All over the east coast.
>Americans are lazy, they want money handed to them without working for it.
I don't notice this in most places in my state. We work hard for our money. The rest of the nation has been shitting bricks about a recession. We haven't seen one. Gas went up a few cents. Oh no.

>cannot into individual behavior, has to follow the herd, take drugs, socialize
>implying I take drugs
>implying I care about following the norm (by the way, going to college? Following the herd.)

>Confirmed for texas redneck.
>implying I'm not working towards work in the tech department of my local government.
>thinks living in Texas makes you a redneck
>hasn't heard of the Austin area.

I agree with this partially. A lot of kids in college have been told they will easily find jobs in their field when they get out. Many can't. Many who can are hardly making any money.

Many of our unemployed kids follow this. Many are NEET neckbeards who cant into anything.

But I've seen tech jobs available everywhere. There's been 3 I could have taken in my gov., just would have had to switch departments.

>> No.302446

Eh, I think I'd rather flip burgers anywhere else than make $125k/year but have to live or work in Midland.

>> No.302464

Anericans want too much money. That is their problem.

>> No.302527

Nah we're a bunch of entitled ducks, real literacy is like 50%.

Schools have been trying to make us dumber since they were successfully Infiltrated by communists in the 50s

Company I work for pays its techs 30-40$/hour and there are lots of entitled lazy fucks that pad their day with hours they don't work and the managers have to ride their ass to get even shitty productivity out of them

>> No.302537

>I don't notice this in most places in my state. We work hard for our money. The rest of the nation has been shitting bricks about a recession. We haven't seen one. Gas went up a few cents. Oh no.

Then you have never been outside kiddo. Either that or you work with your daddy and never have to meet the scum and shit that inhabits this world. People in their 30's and never holding onto a job for longer than a year, a resume miles long.

I have in my entire life only met 2 hard working kids my age. Beyond that, only hard working people I have met have been 40+ and older. They work harder and longer then most kids in their 20's. Hell I remember my one co-worker saying(58 yr old), kids don't work like they used to, and a 22 year old saying that the older generation works to hard.

Yeah I became disenfranchised with American culture pretty quickly after I moved here. Hell your right about the snowflake, the dumber they are the more they believe they are entitled to things. In college, I remember the kids who got below 50% always talked about their scores and blamed the teachers, while the ones who got 80's and 90's never told anyone, because people hated them. You no longer have the right to be better. No more class left in america, everyone is one giant piece of shit smear.

Agreed, my old high school decided to fuck over the AP classes and now the AP test scores have been the lowest since they started the classes lol.

>> No.302538

There are lazy fucks all over this globe not just in Murika

>> No.302606

>>Lol @ working hard for others
>>LOL @ no matter if you work hard or shitty the paycheck at the end of the month still is barely getting by
>>lol at people admonishing others for not being better wage slaves as wages go down and living expenses and corporate profits go up

Y'all a bunch of fucking Uncle Toms

>> No.302617

>People in their 30's and never holding onto a job for longer than a year, a resume miles long.

Jesus, I know so many people like that now. No more careers. There's just an endless cycle of temp jobs.

>> No.302623
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>>LOL @ no matter if you work hard or shitty the paycheck at the end of the month still is barely getting by

This is very true. Most people I know of barely have enough money to make ends meet. The reason for it is they don't save properly and spend everything they have because they are consumer whores. Some of the people I know are on welfare and others make over $10k a week. But, the main thing both sides have in common is they can't manage money at all.

I make less than $5k a year and I actually have more money at the end of the day to save than they do, which is so absurd it isn't funny.

What is funny is that I've owned the same truck for the past 10 years while the people on welfare and the people making $10k a week have..the....same...brand...new....car. It's like, "WTF?"

>> No.302647

I'm in Texas also. I've been all over the country with the military before finishing and starting my own business.

I can honestly say that Texas has been the least affected. Only lazy fucks can't get jobs and survive here. You know that at horse tracks, I pay people 650 a week just to ride exercise my horses on the morning. 10 horses. 650 a week. My cleaning guys make 500 a week to feed them, brush them, and clean their shit. Again, they only clean and feed 6 horses each. You just have to work your ass off for a total of 6 hours a day and i'm happy.

Don't want to be laid off? Here's a fucking tip: don't be so fucking expendable. Be so good at your job that it would take 2 men to do what you do.

>> No.302674
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Nobody said having fun is bad, hence why I said you didn't understand me. It's another thing to have fun, it's another to have fun IF AND ONLY IF it's been branded as fun by music videos, movies, etc.
There's so many fun things to do that I won't even try and list them, but playing Halo and taking all time and getting shitfaced doesn't sound like fun, it sounds like something assimilated from really bad hollywood movies. Now you know what I'm getting at? Shit I remember making diy flamethrowers when I was like 12 and trying to become a herbalist around that time too. Had no toys, just a lot of ideas.

Also, yeah, you've only been in the US. That's like me saying:
>Oh yeah, I've been all over Poland man, I'm a real man of the world.
There are many things you notice about people when you start traveling. I'm not saying Polish people are perfect, or Austrian or Scottish, but once you travel some (not a 2 week vacation here or there), you begin noticing certain widespread habits in different countries. There's a lot of good in Americans, like this can-do optimism which is so rare in Europe, but there's also so much delusions, which I believe hurt them a lot.
>I'm trying to adapt this can-do optimism, it's so refreshing after the pessimistic-realism of most of Europe.

Also, I'm doing compsci in college, not exactly following the herd. However, I will admit that the teaching level is extremely low. For the first 3 semesters I was hoping it would pick up, but Im in my 4th now and fuck, it's really bad. I've learned more on my own than I did over 4 semesters in college. Out of 16 classes that I've taken, only 2 seem packed with knowledge and know-how, whilst the rest are terrible time-eaters. I will bite the bullet, take two more classes and finish my associates and fuck college, I'll head out on my own.

>> No.302675
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Ok, I won't call you a redneck, I recognize it was pretty childish of me.

And I wholly agree with you when you quoted me >>302365. They've been told that, yeah, by parents, teachers, and movies. But why are they believing it so easily? Damn it, take some responsibility for your future instead of listening to other people.

>> No.302696

That would be true, if everyone was a fucking arts major. People in actual disciplines don't have time for a job while they're in school, so they just want some side money to get some stuff occasionally.

>> No.302795


You have a ton of time no matter the profession. I am a Chemical Engineer. You have more than enough time.

You are one of those shits who feels entitled to things, just because your smart. booo fucking hoooo. Your only entitled to what you get from your blood and sweat, tears are meaningless.

Not to mention 90% of the kids who are in 'actual disciplines' have their mommy and daddy footing the entire bill. I am not one of those lucky few, I work for what I have, hell even my crowns on my teeth were paid by my own money, and I'm 19. Ever drop 2 grand to get a tooth fixed cause your dentist fucked up 6 years ago? No then fuck off.

>> No.302822

How are moneymaker threads = entitlement? Quit projecting.

>> No.302833

op started a decent thread so lets get back on topic, i tried the glass bottle cutting thing and it was not a complete failure, actually it went pretty well considering it was a square bottle and i was using a broken file to score it, everything that i have read says the flaming string method is not very good

>> No.302841

You are a bitter, bitter little guy, aren't you?

>> No.302843

how the fuck do you live on 5k a year?? I'm a cleaner in Australia and I make $200 every 8 1/2 hour shift (unpaid half hour break), I can do 8 in a row or I can take a few weeks doing 2 or 3 shifts a week so I have more free time and still have plenty to live on. Plus if I work a Saturday and Sunday I earn $700 that weekend because of penalty rates. Fuckin muricans and their shit wages

>> No.302941

This thread
>What I expected: DIY money making ideas!
>What I got: Depressed grad students and feasibility studies on vending machines that cater solely to crows using found currency and credit cards.

>> No.302980

>chemical engineer
>lol, wut

call me in 2 years when you get your degree son

>> No.302985

You can rent a room for like 100/month in some places in the middle of the country.

>> No.302986

or he lives with his parents

>> No.302998


>how the fuck do you live on 5k a year??

I got rid of all my debt. I make most of my own utilities now. I grow most of my own food. I own my own property debt free. Same goes for my car. I have very little money going out. My biggest expenses are property taxes and insurance.

I may live in a throw-away, consumerism-based society, but that doesn't mean I need to play along.

>> No.303050

>Fuckin muricans and their shit wages


"stop living cheaply, that makes me look like a lazy fuck! stop doing that!"

>> No.303068

If you would be so kind to answer, where do you live roughly? I am assuming out in the country where you can grow food and have cheap property taxes.

>> No.303117
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Bullshit. American workers are the most productive workers in the fucking world. We produce more and more yet get paid less. Asking for a living wage that is in line with your skill and education is not a bad thing.

I wish you fucking foreigners would stop coming to America and shitting on the place. If this country sucks go back to your third world shit hole.

>> No.303122

You have a mininum wage, so cut it out with your victimhood mentality.

>> No.303124
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Wut m8?
How does pointing out that Americans are more productive and get paid less... fuck it.

Now I understand why Stalin starved you Ukrainian fuckers.

>> No.303125

I'm american. Libertarian in fact. Everyone I know is a lazy fuck who thinks they're entitled to a paycheck for 0 effort work.

>> No.303138
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>entitled to a paycheck for 0 effort work.
Stop projecting. The participants in this thread were discussing ways to make money using their skills. Way different than expecting a paycheck for no work. There was no need for you, the pollack, and the Ukrainian faggot to come in and shit up the thread. There is victim-hood mentality in pointing out that Americans have gotten more productive, in fact more productive workers than any country, yet we continue to get paid shit, there is no victim-hood mentality in pointing out that wages are stagnant.

Stop projecting your hate of poor people onto the participants of this thread.

>> No.303142

>Stop projecting. The participants in this thread were discussing ways to make money using their skills.
What. I'm not against this thread.

>There is victim-hood mentality in pointing out that Americans have gotten more productive, in fact more productive workers than any country, yet we continue to get paid shit
That's just wrong, though. I'm not comparing US to other countries, but people in OUR country have become lazy welfare queens, and are demanding more pay for less work. Like I said, people already demand a mininum wage because their labor is worth less than &7. Entitled fucks.

>> No.303147

Ahhh so ur a former Commie troll.

Good show then 8/10

>> No.303149

Whaaaat. I hate communism.

>> No.303160

>Country is built from the ground up by mostly European immigrants
>All of culture is of European descent

Hey faggot, ever heard the term "brain drain"? It's what your amurica has been doing for the past 50 years, it's been luring all the STEM people from around the world, ever since it decided to take in nazi refugee scientists. Now it pays thousands to get any STEM people from all around the world.

Without those pesky "foreigners" as you call us, America would BE a third world shithole, you lazy faggot.

Now I know you're trolling, buddy. Americans are less productive than asians who work 20 hour days making iphones for you and are paid a bowl of rice per week.
7/10 for making me reply.

>> No.303169
File: 893 KB, 288x216, 1346835985532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong on the productivity. American workers are the most productive. Period.

I never said we need to stop immigration. I said I wish you faggot immigrant would come to country and not bad mouth it. If you don't like our culture or the way we do things. Stay the fuck out. Your reading comprehension is horrible. You don't know the definition of the word lazy, a bunch of people batting around ideas to use their skills to make money is not lazy.

And I'll repeat again. If you don't like the country stay the fuck out. America provides the opportunity for you assholes to thrive, stop shitting up the place with your shit culture. Assimilate or leave.

>> No.303177
File: 77 KB, 2167x1507, owyheesound_8_step_sequencer_complete_v2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handmade electronics are relatively easy to build and has a following, especially boutique guitar pedals and amplifiers.
Scour the web for pedal schematics and tube amp schematics. Buy russian tubes on eBay for bonus boutique points.
Also droning synthesizers are popular with the avantgarde music hipsters. I'm currently making a drone with 4 oscillators, white noise, a 1bit user-definable waveform and an output mixer. It's easy money, and when I get bored of it I can sell it for $100-$150, easily.

Pic related, it's an 8-step sequencer that controls shit with CV. Make a nice enclosure, slap it up on etsy and get dosh.

Parts can be bought very cheaply at www.taydaelectronics.com, or if you want a bit higher quality, www.futurlec.com
Don't bother with mouser and digikey, shit's too expensive.

>> No.303178

You are a troll. Period.
End of discussion.

>> No.303183
File: 96 KB, 524x525, 1347110609495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat a dick and go back to Commie land.
I hate it when foreigners come here and badmouth the country and spew obnoxious bullshit out of their asses. There is a reason you guys come here. In the US there is more opportunity. If you want to run around feilds hitting your friends with sticks like a bunch of assholes, go home and fuck off.

>> No.303187

One of my co workers pads his hours to make it look like he works a 45ish hours a week.

Makes me laugh cause my bosses are all pissed, but telling me if I want I can work extra. Hello 10-14 hour days.

>Then you have never been outside kiddo.

I've met some slackers, but the vast majority of people I know and meet work hard.

>being a lazy fuck
>not being able to live within your means
>working for corporate

I found your problems.

>Here's a fucking tip: don't be so fucking expendable
I've noticed a large amount of people I've worked with caught on to this. When you're valued, not only do you have job security, but suddenly your job has perks.

> playing Halo and taking all time and getting shitfaced doesn't sound like fun
We clearly don't understand each other, because that's one of the things I do for fun. I'll be doing it tonight when I get off work.

>comparing Poland to the US
Dumb. Poland is half the size of Texas, let alone the US. Add that to the fact we have something like 300 million people.

>so much delusions
I don't notice much of that down here. I do up north. We "rednecks" know what we make, know what stuff costs, know what we can be expected to make the rest of our lives, and adapt to it. And we enjoy life.

>> No.303206

Rural USA.

>> No.303236

Let's become bounty hunters.

>> No.303279

>quotes commieland news
>uses the word "commie"
>"US land of opportunity"
>WAH WAH get out
7/10. I need that laugh

>> No.303280

>built from the ground up by mostly European immigrants
NATURALIZED European immigrants. Who became Americans. Not traitorous britfags and yuros. Fag.

>> No.303318

Native American descendant here, GTFO my peoples' land.

>> No.303321

Doesn't change the fact that they were born on European soil, spoke European languages and brought over much of European culture.

>> No.303324

You should be on our side, since it's the government that fucked you over, not da white man.

>> No.303334


you should be glad that your land got stolen. If not, you would still be living in teepees and throwing sticks.

>> No.303340

Blog for money.

Join this: irc.privategaming.info

Join #newfriends and ask for admin help.

>> No.303415


Oh, my sides. I needed those comments to get through the bullshit this thread has become.

>> No.303503

I think if I had my pick of a society throwing sticks over throwing insults over the internet, I'd choose throwing sticks.

>> No.303779

You are an awful person.

>> No.305188

When did /diy/ become /pol/?

>> No.305267

Bill Gates has made the fortune to end all fortunes, yes, but he didn't exactly need to make his own business. His parents were very well-off. Them buying him a computer as atalented /diy/erled to everything, but back then computers were extremely expensive. They could just as easily have bought him something like a helicopter.

>> No.305276

lol it's been a long time since a wordfilter threw me for a loop

parents bought him a computer as a child
even the simplest computers back then were fuckoff expensive

>> No.305280

I wish socialists would quit trying to denigrate success

>> No.305304

I'm not trying to denigrate his success. He has made more money than can be dreamed about but he didn't come from poverty is all I was saying.