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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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300721 No.300721 [Reply] [Original]

So /diy/ I accidentally ordered 20 pounds of carbon fiber, I figured I might as well try to do something with it, what kind of things would you do with it?

>> No.300738


>> No.300740

Make a sphere.

>> No.300745

I would Like to know too man.

>> No.300750

Make carbon fiber hoods to sell to kids with civics

>> No.300764

>carbon fiber

What physical form is it in? Powder, cloth, rods, etc?

>> No.300771

carbon fiber dragon dildos

or diamonds

>> No.300775

The question is: what CAN you do with it?

Seriously: how does a diy-er work carbon fiber? Is it just like working fiberglass?

>> No.300784

Or make me a chassis brace for my Miata.

>> No.300804

Basically, yes. It is exactly like fiberglass, only carbon fiber cloth.

>> No.300837

My physics professor told me a teaspoon of carbon fiber is enough to mold the entire body of an expensive car out of.

Perhaps I misunderstood him, or perhaps you are insanely, insanely rich, and 20 lbs of such material does not dent your balances all that much :P

Regardless, you must have the right kind of machine to fabricate something from it... don't heat it up in a spoon and attempt to make figurines or anything.

>> No.300856

I think you misunderstood him. A teaspoon of carbon fiber is not very much.

>> No.300878

Either you misheard your physics professor, or he knows absolutely nothing about carbon fiber. It's apparent that you certainly don't know anything about it...

Carbon fiber is commonly sold as woven fabric, less commonly as chop. A commonly available weave has a weight of 194GSM (grams per square meter). From this information, we can infer that the OP has roughly 46 square meters of the stuff, which is quite a large amount.

Enough to make crazy shit, like a boat, or a carbon fiber couch...

>> No.300909

>carbon fiber couch...
the only thing i picture carbon fiber for is lightweight materials in racing.
so unless you're building a racing couch.....

>> No.300911

make a roman style shield

>> No.300913

If I recall correctly, I ordered sheets, I currently cannot check

>> No.300915

For a shield to really work properly it needs some mass; a super-lightweight shield isn't going to do shit for you.

>> No.300921


>> No.300925

Solid sheet? Use it to laminate a table and chairs

>> No.300934

Heh, baking and curing 20 pounds of carbon fiber would not be fun.

>> No.301051

Know to find out if it is electrically conductive.

>> No.301055

Compress it into Carbon Plates, then you make some Avanced Alloys. You combine them to make all pieces of armour, perhaps you want to make a Saber as well, your choice. Later you can upgrade your Nano Armour to Quantum Armour, but I don't think that's necessary.

>> No.301478

Head over to /k/
Offer to construct carbon finer 'furniture' for their rifles and shotguns. Maybe also their knife handles. Ask if anyone needs something crazy strong and light for their 'shit hits the fan' bug-out bag ( axe handle, tree stand,etc)
Ask /o/ if anybody wants car parts or maybe just license plate frames or keychains
Lotsa dorks hereabouts would like CF computer cases or maybe full-blown 'battleststions' for gaming

>> No.301490

Make some cool body armor.

>> No.301494

what's somethin like that cost ? ? ?

>> No.301500

maybe a bike frame? honestly, id probably resell it locally if I bought it with no laminating chemicals, vacuum sealers or curing ovens.