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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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284558 No.284558 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /diy/,

Instead of wasting your (and everybody else's) time with another "how to get money without job" thread that goes nowhere, how about we start a "how to get money by being self-employed" thread.

Post ideas for small businesses, discuss how to run small businesses, what to watch out for, etc. Preferably businesses that are /diy/ related, with low startup costs (under $2,500), assuming everyone already has a truck, various tools laying about, a decent computer with decent internet speed, and a minimum-wage job.

Oh, but wait, a little more extra limitations:

-Do not post anything about the stock market. Unless you have hundreds of thousands of dollars already, the stock market is not a real, viable option for making enough to live on.
-Do not post anything about "filling out internet surveys" or other related online piece-of-shit scams like that.
-Blogging is bullshit, and everybody knows it.
-The skills required for these businesses shouldn't involve any college education, including community college. The most should be just some little certification you can get, I suppose (like lifeguard certification...something like that).



Pic related. It's a entrepreneurial parrot who's enjoying fruit he got with money he earned from his small business.

>> No.284571

Wow, no posts yet? Damn.

>> No.284573

>Rent Chairs and Round Tables for parties
>Driving skills
>Pickup truck, Rope or some shit to secure chairs and tables to truck
>Drive, lift tables, chairs, put them down, repeat
>$20-$25 dlls per table with 8 chairs
>Risk is that people could abuse of the chair and/or tables, and I must charge them. Most people would argue with me about the situation, etc.

I was thinking about this because in my neighborhood every weekend there is a party in one or 2 houses and they rent them. It may be a lame idea or whatever you think, but it is what I think could work for me.

>> No.284576
File: 459 KB, 1400x1064, July 2 2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STARTUP COST: minimal $300 probably
>SKILLS REQUIRED: ability to push a lawnmower, spray weeds and pull a rake
>TOOLS REQUIRED:lawnmower, rake, 2 gallon pump sprayer
>WORK INVOLVED:pushing a lawnmower, raking leaves, spraying weeds, maybe picking up sticks
>PROFIT: $20 a yard minimum, $50 and up for larger yards
>OTHER INFO: don't put your fingers under the deck

>> No.284577

startup cost may vary, that price is for brand new lifetime chairs and tables, but i'm still looking for some used ones on good condition.

>> No.284578

slow board

Easy to place the stones for a bed like this and most people would pay what the materials cost to have it put in for them (about $150-200 iirc) took a few hours with a flat bladed shovel sand and a hose.

>> No.284579

Stones? Bed? What?

>> No.284582

>BUSINESS IDEA: Gutter cleaning
>STARTUP COST: Less than $1000
>SKILLS REQUIRED: able to climb a ladder, i guess? lol
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Ladder, home depot bucket, gloves, maybe a small garden trowel or something, hose
>WORK INVOLVED: Climb ladder, scoop shit out of gutters into bucket, deposit in yard waste bin
>PROFIT: Probably somewhere between $25-50 a house. Might consider charging "per gutter", maybe 5 bucks each or something.
>OTHER INFO: WEAR GLOVES OMFG WEAR GLOVES. There's all sorts of sharp shit and creepy crawlies that go into those gutters. It's a nightmare sometimes. lol

>> No.284583

>BUSINESS IDEA: Spray Painting House Numbers
>STARTUP COST: Less than $50 bucks.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: learn how to stencil and spray paint properly
>TOOLS REQUIRED: spray paint, stencils, cardboard, laboratory gloves
>WORK INVOLVED: Go door to door, ask people if they want their house numbers stenciled on the curb for $5-$10 bucks, spray paint a white square, then spray black numbers over the square. Make sure they're lined up properly. Don't overspray
>PROFIT: $5-10 bucks a house. I've made $50 an hour doing this before.
>OTHER INFO: Tell them that if they don't like it, you'll do it again until they're pleased with the results. Make sure the numbers are lined up. Don't get any paint on the surrounding area...you'll need like 4-6 various sized pieces of straight cardboard.

>> No.284584


>One anon is talking about mowing lawns
>The other is talking about making flowerbeds

>> No.284586

>BUSINESS IDEA: Pool Cleaning Service
>STARTUP COST: PROBABLY less than $1000 if you already have most of the tools
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Know how to take pH and temperature, make small repairs on cement and brick and shit. Possibly learn how pool pumps work and whatnot, learn how to take apart automatic pool cleaners.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Taylor pH test, pool brush, pool net, pool chemicals (chlorine/bromine, muriatic acid, ph-UP, ph-DOWN, water clarifyer), hose, snorkel mask, swimsuit, push-broom, scrubbing tools (large brush, toothbrush, rags, etc), basic tools (screwdriver, wrenches, etc), thermometer...probably forgetting something though LOL.
>WORK INVOLVED: Once you find people who want their pools maintained, you pick a time each week to go to their house and fill out a checklist. Clean debris (leaves, etc), brush, check PH (and record it), check temp (record it), put in new chemicals to balance out PH and have the correct amount of chlorine in, make sure everything works, clean out the gutters. You may have to make repairs on tile and bricks and shit, so just go to home depot and ask them how to do that. It's usually a simple fix involving some epoxy or grout or something.
>PROFIT: I'd probably charge between 100-200 a month for this (that's 25-50 a week).
>OTHER INFO: Watch out for bees. BEEEEEES. FUCK BEES. BEEEEEEEEEEEES. Anyway, you can reasonably make a living by doing this. Make sure to get business licenses for EACH CITY YOU DO THIS IN. Don't forget to call hotels and see if they need anything done there. Most of them have pools.

>> No.284587

Hey, that could go along with a landscaping company or something. Some of them do landscaping AND design. :o

>> No.284588

I actually had a friend in college who did "party cleanup", he would usually charge like 20-40 bucks, and take all the cans and bottles left around and turn them in for recycling. He made the most money off of those huge ragin' frat parties.

>> No.284589

I wonder, are there any jobs where you can make stuff and then sell it for money?

>> No.284599

If you arent looking for something full time and you have some sense of design, you could always buy old or broken furniture and re-finish/upholster/paint it and resell it.

With a basic set of tools your only startup would really be whatever you need to paint/stain and whatever the cost of the piece you initially buy is.

Not a bad deal overall. Potential profit is whatever you think you can make at it, but I can see you easily making, on average, $50 bucks for each hour of work unless you waste time buying the wrong items to begin with or can't move your merch.

>> No.284606

I usually comment in these threads to help, but this time I am in need of some help.

I currently work as a Nigh Auditor in a hotel. Basically I'm the front desk person over night and I have to do some book work. On many nights the place is dead and I finish my book work after an hour or so. This leaves me sitting around for 6 hours watching a news network and reading a newspaper.

Anyone have any idea what I could make/do in my time there that I could use to get an additional income. It obviously can't be something that requires strict dedication or be something large. I'm sure many other people here work jobs that give them a lot of free time.

I've considered knitting but I just can't stand it. Other ideas?

>> No.284710


My friend... Dance. All. Night. What I used to do.
and/or pushups, squats, burpees, etc.

>> No.284721

>BUSINESS IDEA: organization of retro parties for companies and or parties
>STARTUP COST: cost of video-projectors + computers + sticks with emulators (emulators + games = free) = 500 US$ per video projector + 100 US$ computer + 200 US$ for 2 quality sticks I guess
>SKILLS REQUIRED: basic understanding of IT
>TOOLS REQUIRED: already defined
>WORK INVOLVED: heavy investment in material + deep research of potential clients: frat parties, parties, start ups, young and mid 30s publics, geeks
>PROFIT: Depending on the service: 50$ per pack/evening for basic renting + installation, 100$ per pack/evening for renting + presence of representative?
>OTHER INFO: Risk is on defining your core market, and aim them properly, then to define a set of offers. A part from this, none.

>> No.284722

Issue with that is it's a slightly nicer hotel so I have to dress business casual or better and if I get sweaty it will be unpleasant for me and for guests.

>> No.284752

buy a keyboad from goodwill and learn to play, use headphones so you dont bother anybody.

>> No.284754

Good stuff guys, keep it coming! I'm gonna archive this stuff.

>> No.284756

>BUSINESS IDEA: Laptop and desktop repair
>STARTUP COST: Not exactly sure, but it can't be that much
>SKILLS REQUIRED: How to fix computers, both hardware-wise and software-wise
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Precision screwdrivers, soldering kit, magnifying goggles, flashlight
>WORK INVOLVED: Finding and replacing broken parts, diagnosing and repairing any software/registry issues
>PROFIT: This would all depend on how long it takes, but I'd say around $50 a computer.
>OTHER INFO: Really know the different brands and models for pretty much everything.

>> No.284768

>BUSINESS IDEA: Jailbreak iDevices
>STARTUP COST: Near $0, if you have a computer.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Need to know how to jailbreak confidently (obviously).
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Computer, cables.
>WORK INVOLVED: A few minutes of running a program and pushing buttons usually.
>PROFIT: Could probably get anywhere from $10-$30 per phone.
>OTHER INFO: Improper jailbreaking technique could brick somebody's phone (not good), maybe try advertising as different people for different prices (to imply a higher price for higher quality to those with more money and a inexpensive solution to those with less disposable income)

Not the most airtight idea, but at least I'm contribootin.

>> No.284804

Could work, bit hard to market though (college students? facebook?). Jailbreaking tools are pretty bulletproof, could flash custom roms for Android too (needs knowledge of a much wider range of hardware). Just be careful not to get roped into fixing shit forever when they break things later

>> No.284805

I know someone who has a housecleaning business. just you and a broom.

Also, Car Hire Service?

>> No.284807

This is why America is the land of opportunity.

>> No.284818

nice one, any idea how many you normally get in an hour? also what areas do you target, upper class suburbs or less-than-wealthy neighborhoods?

>> No.284841

Basically what I do is roll around local cities and write down street names that have shitty faded house numbers on the curb, or have no house numbers. Then the next day I roll down there and knock on doors, pitch that it's a safety issue, because "911 and authorities look on the curb for house numbers because it's more consistant than peeking along houses to try and spot the randomly placed house number" or something like that.

You see, if you hit ten places in an hour, you make $50. It takes like 2-3 minutes to do the job, or LESS when you get good at it.

If you get two places in an hour...JUST two...congrats, you just made two bucks over minimum wage for that hour. It's genuinely not half bad. The spray paint will cost you less than 15 bucks, usually, for a black and white rust-oleum. The stencils are harder to get. You want to get the plastic stencils. The paper ones die after like 2-3 uses.

The hard part is getting customers. 4 out of every 10 will say "no", 4 won't even answer (not there), and maybe 2 will say yes. I'd actually reccomend writing down the house numbers of people who didn't answer and roll down there another day at a different time when you think they might be off work and knocking again. Don't stop at each house more than 3 times though.

Pretty reasonably, you can make between $5 and $100 an hour. Hit 20 houses somehow, by magic, and you've just made yourself $100 bucks. Even on slow days, I'll usually get at least ONE really nice person per hour, usually an elderly couple, to let me paint those numbers.

>> No.284843

Because it's illegal and/or impossible to start your own business everywhere else in the world?

>> No.284850

No, because niggers.

>> No.284876

Repointing mortar(i.e. chiselling out the old weathered cement between bricks and replacing it with new)

>> No.284903

>BUSINESS IDEA: Web space resale
>STARTUP COST: $100 /month
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Googling skills, preferably some knowledge of computers and member of some communities that need hosting
>WORK INVOLVED: Find places that sell web space cheap, resell the webspace to other people. Eg feralhosting sell at $15/month, you can resell the space at $20/month. Or host your own server from your house - use freedns or buy a domain. You can also just buy the space and sell access to files hosted on it (host the latest anime episodes for direct download or streaming, cycle weekly, charge people $2/month membership).
>PROFIT: Depends on your markup, could easily make a few hundred a week
>OTHER INFO: You don't actually own anything, you are drop selling non-physical products. You could run this business with only a phone if you wanted.

>> No.284962

educate your self. Maybe learn a new language.

>> No.284964

front desk manager here. fuck there is plenty of work to do. stock stuff, clean stuff, you guys are all the same

>> No.284972

I am expressly forbidden to leave the desk unless another person is present and I work alone most nights of the week (Sunday-Thursday).

>> No.284993

Blogging is not bullshit, OP you are an asshat there are MANY weathy bloggers who make 6 figures blogging just like everything else it takes WORK.. Yeah Lots of blogs are bullshit, but if your willing to put in time and effort, learn SEO, grey/black hat marketing you CAN make some good money from home.. Content is king. Of course some little fucker with a blogger.carsarecool blog isnt going to make money, simply saying blogging doesn't make money is retarded hell that faggot retard perez hilton makes MILLIONS BLOGGING..anyone can it takes a fucking brain and work. Oh yeah my blogs dont even go live until I have 50+ posts 750+ words each, with pictures/videos/ media. so fuck you have fun setting up chairs or dressing as a clown. Just because you cant do it doesnt mean its "bullshit"

>> No.285002

Tell us how it's done then mate.

>> No.285012

Someone got butthurt

>> No.285027

By getting a few million people to follow your blog and sticking adverts on it. Same as prime-time TV. People won't pay shit for an advert on a 10-hit blog, but they'll pay 10's of dollars per advert on a million-hit blog. Numbers is key, muthafucka. Never forget that

>> No.285029

Full autism.

>> No.285032

Honestly? Catering company. Working concession stands at fairs offers a great cash flow and once the rough hours are over you have time off, which gives an active business man time to evaluate multiple business opportunities.

Also, the stock market? It is a real, viable option for making money to make on, with only 2.5g. One's inability to manipulate or follow the trend of the market doesn't mean another one cannot make a fortune off of it in a legal way. I made $200 bucks in options last week with only $1,100. Trust me when I say, if you know what you're doing, it's viable.

All the Best in your business expenditures.

>> No.285062

Inspired by >284969

The idea is based on the constat that, at least in France, you often find lot of little ads for services or stuff to sale from private persons in the bakery, the local store, the grocery... but it's never practical.

>BUSINESS IDEA: Gather ads in the same way as in newspapers on a single sheet of paper, recto/verso and deposit it in the businesses mentioned previously.


>SKILLS REQUIRED: None. Using Microsoft Word/Publisher
>TOOLS REQUIRED:A printer, paper, charisma
>WORK INVOLVED: List places where you can find a lot of these ads, find a few people that will be interested in publishing in your "ads sheet", even though if it is for a ridiculously low price.
>PROFIT: Building itself with time. If you can gather 80 persons putting 1 ad each at 1 euro for a week, you can make money for few efforts.
>OTHER INFO: Maybe pick ads in a local newspaper for a start in order to fill it.

what do you think?

>> No.285068


>> No.285071


gb2/v/, /diy/ is 3deep5u

>> No.285100

>BUSINESS IDEA: Clandestine drug lab
>STARTUP COST: 1,000$ easy. Have a safe place to start is a big plus, but once you have that you'll want a fume hood and some glassware, heating utensils, etc.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: A lot. Getting on Silkroad is a big plus. You have to understand chemistry fairly well, take some free online classes from MIT or something.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Depends on the chemicals. For me, a grinder, a device to separate H from H2O, a torch, containers to hold deadly chemicals, etc.
>WORK INVOLVED: Very little once you've got the whole operation running.
>PROFIT: Lol, are you even serious?
>OTHER INFO: You can also make other chemicals, some that aren't drugs but are still not easy to obtain. Quality sulfuric acid?

>> No.285102
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A cancer may be of use if you want to be successful

>> No.285110

>BUSINESS IDEA: Personal Fashion Stylist/ Wardrobe consultant
>STARTUP COST: Idk, probably just the costs of transportation, maybe advertising, and your own appearance
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Knowledge of fashion, color coordinating, trends, brands and styles
>TOOLS REQUIRED: idk, magazines to give examples I guess
>WORK INVOLVED:give people advice, put there wardrobe choices together for them
>PROFIT: maybe 20/hour?
This is something I'd like to try, but I really don't know how to go about it.
There aren't any *real* qualifications, and I don't know how one would find clients.

how do I get a job like that?
I wouldn't mind having a gig where I have lots of free time.

>> No.285143


Yeah, I'm thinking starting a facebook page and just passing it around should be adequate since something crazy like half of people probably have iOS devices.

I also realized that you could re-jailbreak people's iDevices every time there is a new version of the jailbreaking software, so they can update their phone.

I would also emphasize that you only do jailbreaking, calls from people with broken screens and stuff would be annoying.

>> No.285158

Has anyone on /diy/ ever sold anything on etsy? I'm a more than passable leatherworker and I figured I'd throw together some printed camera straps or laptop sleeves or what have you, maybe put them on etsy for hipsters to spend money on. Bad idea? Or good idea?

>> No.285241


Excellent idea! Good luck with it.

Also - you can sell anything vintage on there as well and the fees are cheaper than eBay.

>> No.285267
File: 1.89 MB, 3264x2448, 2012-08-23_16-08-56_619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trucking business.
$0 cash
$5000 bank loan
CDL class A
Ability to pass drug tests
A pulse
Cell phone with data connection
Truck driving
First 5 years using extremely conservative estimates
Get a bank loan to get a CDL A. They're handing these out like candy. Pay the loan back with the first year's profits as a company driver.
Use profit from year two to invest in a truck and trailer, as well as added cost of business.
Use profit from year 3 to reinvest in the company
In years 4+, either maintain the company at one truck, or reinvest profit in additional trucks. A model that usually works is sell 1 truck, buy 2 trucks, sell 2 trucks, buy 4 trucks. By the time you get up to 4 trucks, you should be back up to even with year 4's profit. Anything beyond that is gravy.

Its working for me so far. I'm in year 3, and the profit figures I posted are well below what I earned post expense/tax.

>> No.285276


What do you mean sell 1 truck, buy 2 trucks? Why not just "Buy another truck, have two trucks"?

>> No.285283

When you buy more trucks you hire employees? What's to stop them doing what you did?

>> No.285290


How do you actually get started trucking stuff around, though? I mean, do you just ring companies up and say "Hey, do you have a load of stuff you need moved from one place to another"?

>> No.285299

try to write a book, or a song or something like that? that's the reason why I bought a tiny netbook for work

>> No.285301

Operating costs for trucks increase as they age, to the point they often outweigh the cost of a new truck payment, when they're driven by company drivers.

The maximum realistic lifespan for a truck with a company driver in it is about 8 years before it starts becoming a net loss. 3-5 years is often the peak of revenue for a truck, since it will be paid off, but not broken down enough to need serious repairs.

Yes, you hire drivers to fill the trucks, hopefully they're more experienced than you are at first, and you pay a premium for that to help make sure they don't run the place into the ground before a single destroyed truck isn't a sizeable amount of your profit potential wiped out.

Nothing is stopping them from doing that. Hell, offer them a lease agreement to buy a truck from you. Skim a bit of interest off the top, and keep the truck if they walk away, and put another warm body in it. If they pay it off and leave, oh well. Buy another truck, get another driver.

No, thats a broker's job. They call people/get called by people that have freight, then you call a broker/a broker calls you with freight. From there, you can eventually start tying down contracts through brokers, or getting some decent figures behind your company name, and sell your services to a company directly. Business/economics/engineering majors thrive in this field.

>> No.285399

My brother and I do this for a supplemental income, but we could do it for a living if we wanted.

It started out when my brother was in college looking for a way to make money on the weekends. It turned into a good money making operation since we were one of the first fairly priced residential lawn care providers in our town. As of now the smallest cut we have is 20$ and the biggest one is $120 every week. Its also worth noting that we have 3 cuts that we do every week that are over 100$ and most of our cuts range from 40-60$ a pop. In total during busy season, its no suprise to make over 1000$ in a weekend. Remember, that ONLY on a weekend. The reason we don't make it full time is because both of us hate the work but love the money. So we still keep our regular jobs during the week.

Basically, lawn care can make a shit ton of money if you do it right. I would not be suprised for a normal lawn care business operation 5 days a week to make around 4000-5000$ a week. Of course though, you can't forget your costs...thats always the kicker. But its not too bad as long as you don't buy shit equipment.

>> No.285444

The only forseeable bad thing I can imagine from this, is that at least in my area, there are MILLIONS of mexicans running around with banged up trucks who are doing the same job for like 5 bucks an hour...market's flooded. @.@

>> No.285457

Make custom gunleather and such.

>> No.285479

BUSINESS IDEA: Ghostwriting Essays
STARTUP COST: A computer
SKILLS REQUIRED: Decent writing ability, proficient typing
TOOLS REQUIRED: word processing program
WORK INVOLVED: researching topics, writing essays
PROFIT: $20-100+

I did this in college. People would "contract" me to write their essays. Price depended on difficulty of subject and required time. If it was something simple, I would charge $20. For something more complex, it could easily go over $100. I once got four figures for writing a BA thesis. Lazy richtalented /diy/erwho wanted to graduate but didn't want to do the work.

I later expanded this business by doing entire online courses for people. I would charge $200-500 a course (community college).

Not a high morals job but very profitable. Kids with their loan money and parents money will pay more to party more.

>> No.285509

Nigger are you telling me you got payed to learn something someone else payed to learn?

>> No.285522
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>$100-$1000 depending on how many books you feel you need (and your feelings on piracy)
>Pencil, paper, books so you don't look like a jackass when you get stumped by 7th grade math
>Very little, grade school subjects are piss easy if you have more than a passing familiarity with the subject
>50-100 a week, depends a lot on if you can find clients and your ability to not look like a child molester
>Put up adverts near middle class neighborhoods, they'll usually have just enough money to spend on a tutor, but not enough to get a professional

>> No.285524


Escort service?

>> No.285528

I did this to make money in college. My own grades suffered one semester because I was putting clients first. but damn the money is nice. I only did online courses and like you said would charge at least $200. I was on presidents list the year before so some students were throwing their money at me to take the classes. when i came home summer with a giant flat screen and new desktop, my parents were disappointed, I wasn't going to lie to them. And I didn't suffer too bad. but without the classes I wouldn't have fallen out of straight A's, got my first C because of it. Of course I was juggling a girlfriend at the time too. Great if you're antisocial, you just email people quizzes and test results back.

>> No.285533

I could maybe see myself dropping some decent dough on a guy to assist me with my BS research paper, though I'd still be doing it largely by myself.

>> No.285540
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I have nothing to do right now on this fine libor day evening so I'll type some out.

1. Make fan art. Print off a poster from fallout (a game btw) or do the paint it yourself option in acrylic (if you can't paint, don't try). Put it on a wooden board from homedepot and apply epoxy resin over it. Pic related. Then attach a hanging wire on the back of the board. Sell for decent moola.

2. Pull out your arduino and start making private security systems. Maybe for some collegetalented /diy/erwho wants his dorm material protected. Protect some of his stuff in a chest. If chest is open'd then it sets off an alarm. It also records events so that you can see when it was opened even if the intruder de-energizes it.... IDK, after I typed that out that sounds gay, so I'll get straight to the meat. Drug dealers need security systems. Rig some shit up for them. Use your imagination. Expect good pay.

>> No.285541
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3. Do some trade shows/festivals where they host art vendors. Now since you don't have time like a chum to actually sit on your ass all day and paint, you are going to need to make some contacts. Welcome to the world of arbitrage. China has an impoverished district that is solely comprised of painters (Dafen oil painting village). 90% of what they paint are replicas, 10% is original. You are going to google "chinese oil painting" choose a company and contact them. Ask them if you can get 15 paintings, all originals, of 5 still lifes/flowers, 5 landscape, 5 nude female paintings. Offer $500 dollars, and ask them to sign each one consistently with "__your_name_here__". Then go to all these art shows and blow away the competition with your amazing art. Get fat while some chinaman lives on pennies a day doing your work. You can make a raping doing this.

4. Get a girlfriend. Emotionally, make her dependently cling to you. Make her desperate to please you. Then find some way to pimp her out and garnish resources from it. Ever seen one of those ads in the newspaper from some couple saying, "we need someone to carry our baby will pay good money." Get her to do that and then take the money when all is said and done.

Btw, yes, I am black.

>> No.285654

>Btw, yes, I am black.
Timestamped dick or it ain't so nigger.

>> No.285659

ive heard of this one before. Its a good amount of profit, but the problem for me is that I have a hard time actually focusing on my own lessons. If you can do it, then go ahead and dont leave a trace.

for college, this was what I was thinking:
>BUSINESS IDEA: Selling beer to anyone at college
>STARTUP COST: $150-200
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Ability to hassle, ability to hide any evidence, able to spread news without those in charge knowing about it.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Someone who can acquire the alcohol legally (21 years or older). A good place to store it so its not stolen or damaged. Some way to hide profits
>WORK INVOLVED: Selling bottles of beer to people. Using a lock/key to get beer and selling it to them for a profit each time (3.50 for a bottle maybe?)
>PROFIT: a 6 pack may bring in $21 from price above. Do that with the top 15 most common beer brands and you have a lovely profit enterprise.
>OTHER INFO: Would only sell 1-2 at a time unless they can prove they have friends. Would not sell if the want to get drunk or are drugged or are planning to rat me out. It would only be on a trust basis. If some random stranger tries to buy it from me, I must know who they are. After that they are free to get beer in the future

> Already beginning to start this business.

>> No.285664
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>BUSINESS IDEA: Online seller. Buy on Ebay, Craigslist, garage sales, and from friends. Resell things on Amazon or to other people/friends.

>STARTUP COST: You'll need about $250-$500 to get a fair sized stock of 15+ items or so.

>SKILLS REQUIRED: BUYING: Understanding the true value of items and acquire extensive knowledge about a certain category. For me it's video games, DVD/BD, and textbooks. In other words research. Also the ability to haggle and having the upper-hand on all price talks with other people. Be friendly but at the same time assertive about your price. You are trying to make enough profit to make up for expenses involved with selling the item. SELLING: Predicting the final value of the item you bought within a certain range and given some fluctuation of the market between purchase and final sale. Learning what to price the item and sticking with it. Don't be a newfag by undercutting other sellers. Everyone will lose. You have less profit, the item may be driven down in value by other newfags undercutting so you can't make future profits selling the same item.

>TOOLS REQUIRED: A computer, an account with Ebay/Paypal, Amazon Marketplace, and the internet to find price charts.

>> No.285665

>WORK INVOLVED: Knowing what sells and what doesn't. If something is niche expect to do some work to find a market that would be interested in said niche item. Checking daily upon your stock prices compared to the current market is important. Also accurately describing your items in stock is REALLY important. Moving on to finding items to sell... check Ebay daily and find items with prices that are different between Ebay(lower) and Amazon(higher) and do a saved search so that you can get emails whenever a new listing appears for that item. Check Craigslist daily and see what catches your interest. Notice ones with prices that are reasonable and do an initial offer in increments of $20. Round down always. Claim that it's easier to get $40 out of an ATM rather than $55. Most of the time they'll take that offer. Also work out the potential profit after expenses for the item you are looking at and how much you would have to buy it for to make a feasible profit.

>PROFIT: Varies depending on time of year. Slowest month: ~$200-$300 Craziest month and further down this line of business: $3000+ Holidays are crazy of course with lots of sales and maximum price range. Post-holidays are dead in case of sales but people want to get rid of their things from the holidays they didn't like so this is the time to buy. In short, the more you put into stock the more you can potentially earn.

>> No.285666

>OTHER INFO: Know when to walk away from something. If you feel it's too much hassle to get an item, the person who are buying it from isn't really willing to part with it anyways. Also be able to tell the difference between an item that is legitimate and an item that is a fake. If you fail to research and to do so, you will end up losing money and a potential client will be pissed if they get a fake item. Also test the item to see if it works before selling it. That's seriously a no-brainer but a lot of people fail to do that. Name your business and make some business cards. Makes yourself to be more believable to others. Lastly when you are buying items to sell NEVER mention anything that could pertain to such. The person you are buying from will be more on-guard and either you won't make any profit in the end or you'll close off any further discussion.

Now that you know what to do. Pick something you are passionate about and sell it!

>> No.285668

this is trickier than it seems considering technical support

>> No.285670


stand on street corner wearing shorts
ask passing guys if they want to buttfuck you for $75


>> No.285672

What do you mean? I did this for a little while and if I couldn't answer the question off the top of my head I literally just forwarded all emails from my customers to the host.

>> No.285698
File: 26 KB, 460x260, Military cap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BUSINESS IDEA: Reselling artifacts to collectors
>STARTUP COST: About $10,000. I don't know a startup cost due to a number of factors discussed later.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Ability to use Ebay/Amazon. Able to price things out, general knowledge of artifacts to ensure no frauds.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: A way to ship stuff from Europe to America cheaply.
>WORK INVOLVED: Understanding history, knowing frauds from real artifacts
>PROFIT: Good profit, explained later (6-8x usually)
>OTHER INFO: Can be adjusted based on regions and on demand.

Will explain in next post

>> No.285699


Ok background story for this one. I was with my family traveling last year to Eastern Europe. In one of the countries I went to, there was a particular castle our family went to. The only way to get to it was to walk up the hill, thus passing all the shops. One of them happened to be an antique shop with what appeared at first to be a german helmet outside. After touring the castle, we passed it on the way back. I quickly went inside to see what was there.
Anything about the Nazis and the USSR was in that 2 room shop. These were not touristy things. These were the real deal, the medals, the Jude Stars, hats from both armies, book, propaganda papers, everything. At that place I brought a single object: a 1950 USSR Navy Admiral's hat for $40. Looking it up in this country for collector's value, its condition would put it about $200-250, an easy resale value.
Now if I had brought the SS hat, or the Jude star, or anything else in that shop, it would have also been a profit. The idea of this business venture would be a group of people going around europe to these towns buying military antiques (easiest to detect frauds, highly collectable market) and selling them online to collectors. The result would be good profit depending on what is collected and how the demand is.
I experienced a similar story a week later with a pure silver coin (brought for $5, worth $50 online). This is another possibility. Good luck if you are doing this one, relies a lot on demand and the economy.

>> No.285703

I think I know this faggot.

He's a huge faggot.

>> No.285708

hard to know me since im new to this board...

whats your ideas anyways? I gave 2 so far

>> No.285712

your first name starts with an M and you literally cannot stop sucking dicks.

>> No.285713

wrong on both of them. Care to keep going?

Oh, and please post your idea for a start-up business.

>> No.285722

God you must be a gullible idiot. All those eastern european 'artefacts' are fakes.

>> No.285733

>BUSINESS IDEA: start your own bank

>STARTUP COST: get a bunch of friends to put money in your bank, keep track of how much everyone has.

>SKILLS REQUIRED: being jewish, keeping track of everyone's money using a spreadsheet, be able to memorize a password 15 characters long so no one can hack into your computer and change the spreadsheet, being able to operate a wide range of firearms.

>TOOLS REQUIRED: a big huge safe at first, until you can get enough money to buy more liquid assets that don't need to be held in a safe.

>WORK INVOLVED: building the safe, making sure no one steals your computer, shooting anyone who tries.

>PROFIT: when enough people put in their money, start buying derivatives and securities on other banks, wait for the economy to collapse again, get bailed out by the government.

>OTHER INFO: anyone who is smart enough to come up with a real money idea would be smart enough to NOT tell everyone on 4-chan.

>> No.285734

start your own bank

get a bunch of friends to put money in your bank, keep track of how much everyone has, use some of it to cover start-up costs

being jewish, keeping track of everyone's money using a spreadsheet, be able to memorize a password 15 characters long so no one can hack into your computer and change the spreadsheet, being able to operate a wide range of firearms.

a big huge safe at first, until you can get enough money to buy more liquid assets that don't need to be held in a safe.

building the safe, making sure no one steals your computer, shooting anyone who tries.

when enough people put in their money, start buying derivatives and securities on other banks, wait for the economy to collapse again, get bailed out by the government.

anyone who is smart enough to come up with a real money idea would be smart enough to NOT tell everyone on 4-chan.

>> No.285744
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Nigga did you read that the start up should be low and not 10k on questionable "artifacts". The fact that you also need to go to Europe for this shit is damn silly. This like going to Egypt and buying shit from the street vendors thinking that it's real and reselling it. Wow.

Meanwhile this nigga though >>285664 got it right the first time and makes sense.

>> No.285763

... i ment buy little stuff, not big stuff

>> No.285799


How much did you charge in average/word?
A bachelor memoire is, from my own experience, 10.000 words, 35-45 pages. How much would you charge for it?

Seems to me a good option, but consuming hell lot of time.


I have my doubts on your ability to start a truck business with 5000 bucks. how do you manage to get one for this price?
What did you start transporting?

>> No.285920

The CDL A was $5,000 you use the CDL A to get a job as a company driver, then use the first years profits to purchase a truck.

Not the poster, just saying.

>> No.285955

>BUSINESS IDEA: Contractor
>STARTUP COST: depends, but it can be almost 0, but lets say $500
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Do not be really stupid, know federal and local laws.
>TOOLS REQUIRED:none, to any
>WORK INVOLVED: Search for guys who know how to do "X" work, lets say plumbing
>PROFIT: not sure
This is what i did, and im a contractor in construction, HVAC, and other things. Construction is great becouse involves a lot of stuff, plumbing electricity etc. But all depends on thelaws of your country. I just went to the taxes guys (IRS or whatever is called in your country) and registered myself as a construction company, no costs, but you need to declare each month your profits and stuff. Since i live in Mexico, i dont need to be licensed to do anything, but i have to deal with other local laws, like social security and bribes. I started making quotations for companies here, first you need to introduce yourself to each company, since you are starting they may not give you any big contract, i was lucky and i started with a $60,000 contract, (that is a bunch of money here) my profit was about $6000, plus another $2000 or more in tools i bought, the only thing i had to do is to check everything and to hire the right people.

In the USA, i dont know if laws ask you to be licensed to do electrical jobs, or your electrician is the one that needs to be licensed, you can make your network, and call each guy for each job. If a company needs to change 50 lamps, you ask your guy how much he charges you, you increase the price plus the price of the lamp and materials, and shazam, you have yourself a contract. It sound easy to start, but one you are doing it it requires a lot of work, on that first contract i lost 10kg in 1 month, i was very stressed, and i was working from 7 am, to 12 am.

>> No.285973

>BUSINESS IDEA: Design small websites for local businesses
>STARTUP COST: ~$100 at first to buy server space for a few sites (if the business does not already have a site), more if you don't have a computer (obviously irrelevant for all of us) or a digital camera (if the business wants photographs on the site).
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Knowing how to code in HTML(piss-easy), CSS(also piss-easy), maybe JavaScript and PHP (slightly-less-piss-easy, but usually unnecessary for such small projects), knowing how to use graphics software, and God-willing having at least a basic aesthetic sense for design and layout. You'll also need some people skills, as you'll be dealing with the owners of these businesses.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Computer, digital camera if the business wants pictures, a couple programs (Notepad++, FileZilla, and GIMP can at least get you started)


>> No.285974

>WORK INVOLVED: Getting content and design specifications from the business, building the website (typing up the code and making the images), and then getting it all up on the web. Explaining to the business how to pay to keep their hosting going if they've never done this before. Possibly setting up an adbar
>PROFIT: Kinda varies, I'm new to this and still really not sure how much I should be charging people (I've seen guys online saying they charge as much as 50 bucks an hour, but I think they're doing much bigger projects than what I'm working on). I made 200 dollars on my first site for about 15 hours of work (for a nursery, took so many goddamned pictures of plants), I made 400 dollars on my most recent site with about 20 hours of work(for a family restaurant, again so many goddamned pictures of food and getting their online menus to display just how they wanted).
>OTHER INFO: For God's sake, make sure you test the site on several different browsers, and on tablets and smartphones if you've got access to them (use an emulator otherwise). And make sure you get hosting appropriate to the site's needs, a lot of hosts claim they'll give you "unlimited bandwidth" but they're only expecting you to get a few hundred/thousand hits a month. Do a little research on web hosts.

>> No.285977

I had never seen a black parrot before.

>> No.286637

bumping this-someone help me out?

>> No.286667

Any ideas on how to start my own R&D company?

>> No.286671

google it

>> No.286672


Yes. Let's say you got an underachiever that wanted to party. Let's say he had some BS class unrelated to his major that he didn't want to do. That's where I come in.

Most of the courses I charged people for were English/Writing classes. I also did two history classes. Wouldn't do math because fuck math.


I took shit-tier community college (I qualified for four-year, didn't feel like getting loans because poorfag and anti-socialfag) so I had plenty of time to devote to my various hustles. To be honest, I viewed my two years as free networking, chick banging, and money making. I don't even use the degree I acquired.

>> No.286676

>chick banging


>> No.286677

I have but I'm asking around just in case. Unorthodox ideas are welcome.

>> No.286678


did something similar to this too.

Business Idea: Loan "giving"
Startup Cost: Whatever monies you got on you.
Skills Required: Good verbal communication, ability to intimidate and persuade.
Tools Required: Place to store money/items.
Work Involved: Loaning money to people, making sure they pay up, selling their collateral if they don't pay.
Profit: 50%+
Other Info:

Let's say someone needs $300 for rent. You give them $300 in exchange for collateral. If they repay within a week, they only owe $450. If they repay within a month, they owe $600. If they don't pay, you keep and sell their collateral (always make sure their shit is worth over the pay amount).

There was a pawn shop near campus but they didn't pay shit. My rates were high but you could get more cash up-front. You come to me, show me what you have, and I'd tell you to come back in a few hours for your cash if the collateral was acceptable. I made a killing at the beginning and end of semesters. I'd also buy books (I'd offer $5 more than the school book store, resell next quarter for $20 less than retail at store) and anything else people didn't want to take back (tv's, mini-fridges, desks, etc). I rented a storage building off-campus and at the beginning of every quarter, I had people waiting to buy shit for their room.

College kids just want cash. It's easy to exploit that for personal gain if you have some street smarts and motivation.

>> No.286679


Well, you know, if chick needed a final exam done and didn't want to pay in cash ...

besides, I had a bit of money. the standard gold diggers would want to chill with me and that was alright. I made enough money; I could sacrifice some for some decent cooch.

>> No.286681

has to be the easiest shit

>BUSINESS IDEA: event photographer or videographer (weddings/birthdays/shit like that)
>STARTUP COST: $400 for a good camera, a little more for advertising
>SKILLS REQUIRED: need to know how to take pictures/videos (no portrait videos, faggot, and where to center the frame [brotip, peoples heads should be near the top of the photo, not the middle])
>TOOLS REQUIRED: still and/or video camera, monopod to keep camera stable and to raise it
>WORK INVOLVED: going to parties and taking pictures and video
>PROFIT: $200-$300, depending on how long the party is
>OTHER INFO: you can get free shit at these parties. the photographer is almost always fed by the hosts and sometimes treated as a guest

how do i know all this shit? i did this in college and got loaded in less than a year. also, bitches love rich guys

one more thing, everyone who said something that involves getting on a ladder, you need insurance for that shit and your $50 rate wont cover that

>> No.286684


to add on to this:

If you guys live near a college campus, rent out a storage building if you don't own your house and can't build a shed/garage. College students who live far away will pay a fee for you to "store" their stuff so they don't have to transport it. I had several people who paid me $20 over the quarter bread (2 weeks period where you had to be out of the dorm) for me to store their stuff locally.

My unit was $80 a month (nice large unit), so I was making profit without selling anything. 'Twas good times.

>> No.286934

Bumpin with a random idea

>STARTUP COST: Nearly $0
>SKILLS REQUIRED: Need to learn eBooks formats and find a decent avenue to sell them, amazon marketplace is available on all devices
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Computer, maybe device to test
>WORK INVOLVED: Researching popular subjects, writing an eBook
>PROFIT: ?????
>OTHER INFO: eBooks are kind of a gamble, you may make some decent bank, you may not make anything. However since there is almost no risk, you should try it out, because you may end up with some passive income.

>> No.287005

OP here. I'm gonna start writing down all these ideas, then repost the thread once it hits max, hopefully start a megathread or a stickie or something if I get lucky.

>> No.287036

>write down


>> No.287055

send those to me at


>> No.287056

i mean send me those and i will add it to the sticky site, a special page for "how i can make money gaiz xD" in general

>> No.287066


Nobody's got opinion on my two ideas? :[

>> No.287076

Im on a phone but my idea is a professional magician

Start up costs:
Right now penguinmagic.com has a promotion where 5 DVDs for 100 dollars so get a DVD on cards, coins, sponge balls, money bills, and thumb tips to get a basic yet complete course in magic and the value these DVDs individually would be is 250
Then another 25 for materials like decks coins maybe more for bll magic but you don't spend that money or mutilate it so that you can use it if you have to. And then a bit more to get nice clothes

So that's start up and skills and tools

Practice like crazy also this can double as a way to get chicks easy and watch magIc performances to see how to preform and borrow lines YouTube works well

Profit could be like 75 an hour

You don't just have to kids parties either like meet with a bar or restaurant manager that is always busy and have wait lines and pitch yourself to entertain people waiting for a table or something
If you get out there people will recognize and hire you for parties

Also a magicians secret, you don't have to know a fuckton of material, you can learn like 3 good tricks and then just blow them up for an hour by being entertaining or something seriously look at how many tricks really famous magicians do for The time they have it's really only a handful and they repeat the same tricks for each performance

>> No.287155


Seems to me like all of these could be combined into a single business idea.

>> No.287288


OP seal of approval, 1000 internets to this man (or woman)!

>> No.287328
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Get in the business of bitches and HOESSS-HOs.

1 club promoter. You get girls drunks, give them free coke and shit, set them up with people who buy bottles at the club/bar
2 go to craiglist, look at talent section, you should a ton of listings looking for young girls, post your own request hot bitches contact you. Photo/fuck said girls while they wear a pony head mask and arm hooves, made porn site to 4chan fetish, market viral on /b/, get paid.

Or non-HO related,
Pickpocket in the clubs.
When I was in miami at a club downtown, I was dancing with some girl who was tripping on mdma. She had a nice phat latina ass btw. Anyway, some inconspicuous bald guy caught my eye for some reason who was dancing behind the said bitch. After scanning him I realized why. I am well read on pickpockets. Everybody was dancing, he was not, he was just walking around. With a sweater over his arm. Mind you it was probably a 100 degrees in this motherfucker and everyone was dancing. He didn't need a sweater, he was using it to disguise his hand motions while pocketing through ppl's shit. I pointed him out to the gigantic haitan bouncer. He watched him for a while, then saw enough. Bouncers swamp him, headchoke him, while in said headchoke another huge bouncer punched the guy in the stomach as hard as he could. They then proceeded to carry him upstairs and into a back room where they probably proceeded to beat him to within an inch of his life before throwing him out into a dumpster amongst miami's finest cannibalistic feral junkies, lololol. But I'd imagine the pickpockets make good money doing it despite the risk. Most people at the higher-end downtown miami areas are carrying around $200 on them at any given time. So swipe 6 wallets and you're golden.

>> No.287414

Mushroom farmer
Identifying wood and regional mushroom varieties
hand or electric drill, rubber mallet
Find out what woods you have locally. Find out what wood loving species of mushroom will grow in your climate. Find logs in the woods. drill holes in them, tap dowel rods with mycelium grown on them into the hole. Plug hole with wax. Return and harvest mushrooms indefinitely. Find local chefs to buy them or sell them at a farmers market or Chinese.
You can order inoculant dowels online and make liquid cultures with some. Then pour your liquid culture on regular wood dowels to grow new dowels versus continuing ordering online. This is something a homeless person could finance and do at a homeless camp. You might have to develop online underground enthusiast market that requires running around and selling small amounts depending on local FDA laws on wild mushrooms bulk sale to chefs etc. Some chefs would still buy under the table, in this situation obviously. Worst case scenario is you pick a poisonous mushroom that looks similar and it kills somebody.

>> No.287561

Go suck a dick, junkie.

>> No.287590

>Go to Grocery store
>Pick up entrepreneur magazine
>pick a franchise in the $2500 range

>> No.287684


>one anon this, other anon that



>> No.288208

you see this is why some people have their lives set back because fucks like you can't be bothered working for their money, and think it is in their right to prey on those who are having a good time or are on drugs.

You believe that they aren't worth what they have if they can't protect it with a clear mind 24/7. Props to you for pointing out the pickpocket in the club, and that fucker got exactly what he deserved.

>> No.288211

Yeah, we have that here in Australia, goes under the name of a franchise which was first known as "Jim's Mowing", and has long since expanded into "Jim's _______ " (insert handyman trade in blank space)

>> No.288244

start up doesn't get any cheaper than becoming one of those people that'll unlock/jailbreak an iphone for $25 on craigslist.

the softwares free,and the actual process of doing it is as easy as can be.

>> No.288257

franchises aren't a good investment, not only do you have to pay fee's and give a percentage of your money to the company.
but the company dictates everything about your business, you can't even choose your own color to paint a wall. for instance say you open a subway, you have to use only the subway approved meats, cheese's and condiments; even if you know of a company that makes a better roast beef you must use subways approved roastbeef.

franchises are built so wether you go to one in florida, ohio, nebraska, or california you will always have the same exact experience, in the same exact enviornment, and the food tastes exactly the same.

>> No.288283

I have a RadioShack franchise. Yes the color on our walls was dictated but I don't mind the color. We are required to carry a certain amount of core items from corporate but we can bring in what ever else we want.

But I still would not recommend people open a radioshack franchise, its alot of work and corporate really rips you off on allot of things.

>> No.288287
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Startup costs $20 at a thrift sore

Earn $500/day tax free.

>> No.288296

I miss the days when radio shack carried electronics parts. Then came the tandy, now it's all gadgets and consumer crap. Local electronics shops might be a good deal, stuff's cheap to buy in bulk and there's always a hobbyist market.

>> No.288412

My radio shack has all sorts of electronics including a large selection of arduino crap.

>> No.288567

>Reading through thread.
>drugs, pickpockets, loan sharks, meth labs etc.
>*mother of god*
How about something that won't get you arrested/killed.

My humble idea:
>BUSINESS IDEA: Apiary/Beekeeping/Bottled honey and wax products even mead and other delicious products taken from God's golden critters.
>STARTUP COST: $0 - $100 to build everything yourself.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: A good understanding of beekeeping for placing supers, controlling swarming, leaving enough honey for the wintering etc. Enough knowledge to know the business, then grow it.
>TOOLS REQUIRED: Beehive components, protective gear, smokers and a colony.
>WORK INVOLVED: There's a lot of work involved, you have to already enjoy it and you will get stung multiples times. It's basically like any other trade, the more you perfect it and understand it, the easier the work becomes and more profitable.
>PROFIT: It depends on how many colonies you have and what you do with them. In order to make a LIVING off of them, you'll have to have at least 500 hives, but there's nothing stopping you from building up to that point once you are good enough.
>OTHER INFO: Keep your bees away from commercial farms and try to make pollination contracts with family farms.

>> No.288599

Very hard to make any serious money with beekeeping.

As a hobby it's really fun.

>> No.288613

The ideas ITT can be possible but depending where, what location and time. Just some advice from a friendly economist:

>always start with DEMAND
It doesn't matter shit if you have an awesome idea for an awesome entrepreneurship project, if you don't have demand for the product/service you're going to be offering, you are fucked.

>advertising is the key
Internet, billboards, flyer handouts, magazine and newspapers ads. Maybe even a TV report on the new entrepreneurial project started by Anon in the city of Bumfuck, XYZ.

Most of the stuff mentioned here is already in existence, so if you decide to start up a trucking company or a pool cleaners service, you have to DISTANCE yourself from your COMPETITION. This is branding your product, offering something different, advertising yourself heavily or just throwing bricks at their shop window every once in a while (we did that here).

If you know a man who works in a bank, if you have a friend in the city council or someone who can get you things for cheap - you're set. Contacts are everything. You need to know who to sell things to, who are your customers - contacts. You need to get things from somebody, you need reliable contacts. Want some information? Contacts.

I'm here for a little more, if you have specific questions ask away.

>> No.288644

I still want to write one of those blogs, but shit, I don'thave the time to invest in it. Full time college + part time job ruins my hobby /entreprenuer aspirations.

>> No.288650

Oh I dunno, sell it to a hippie co-op as being 100% organic & lovingly made. You do kinda need some land capital to make this happen though, should add that in your startup estimate.

>> No.288680

>BUSINESS IDEA: 3D Printing with your Reprap

That's about as far as I've got. Idea needs expansion to monetise.

>> No.288701

>buy cheap jewelry from china using ebay.com and taobao
>sell for 10x the price

Problem /diy/?

>> No.288702 [DELETED] 
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>> No.288798

Famous magicians don't do a great deal of tricks but they're usually proprietary and so good that you don't mind. For example, Teller's rose cutting trick. If all you're doing is the old sawing someone in half trick and dragging it out over 20 minutes you're a cunt.

>> No.288801

well the pro stage magic is like... 100% DIY, design and construction. Can't be letting them secrets out. But yeah, if you're on 4chan, you're probly not cut out for the presentation part.

>> No.288802

that's f*cking genius but I've never been anywhere where having the numbers painted on the curb was a standard thing. I've never seen that.

>> No.288803

Custom holsters might make some good cash

>> No.288808

im somewhat saddened that 90% of the ideas on here are what mexicans do in texas illegally.

>> No.288840

generally in the city charter there will be a section about house numbers having to be clearly marked, and generally gives a guidline on minimum size and placement.
however, be extremely careful about how you represent yourself. this is a common scam tactic in many areas where people misrepresent themselves as city employees. so doing this may have the police called on you.
so just be direct with who you are and that you are offering to paint the numbers on their curb, you could quote the city law to them about house numbers as well, just be careful.

>> No.288887

Numbers on the curb are really common here. Basically they dont go door to door they do a flyer with a sticker on it and if you want a number painted you stick the sticker on your letterbox and they come around and do them all at once about a week or 2 later. Also here they use a reflective paint so it really stands out at night when headlights shine one them.

>> No.288911


I do know ppl who make a shit ton of money scamming adsense. Mostly high school kids i guess.

>> No.288918

>STARTUP COST: 50-70$ for parts for two pedals, all of the electronics and tools cost extra.
>SKILLS REQUIRED: electronics skills, using a drill, making the etching solvent..
>TOOLS REQUIRED: soldering iron, multimeter, drill, and a shitton of more stuff
>WORK INVOLVED: buying all the parts, making the pcb, drilling it, soldering all the components drilling and painting the case, wiring.
>PROFIT: 40-50$ per pedal
>OTHER INFO: The genuine ts-808 goes for hundreds of dollars,so people dig this.

>> No.288930

That's actually a decent idea. Most of the pro musicians I know went into the electronics enough to set up their own effects and such cause that shit is fucking expensive. You can tap that entry-level failmusician market.

>> No.288998

OP here. Me, my girlfriend and her grandmother do this. We make cubic fucktons of money, like 2 grand per show, 4 shows a month. The stuff we make ourselves usually goes for more, like chainmaille bracelets and necklaces and earrings and random art things (sculptures and the like).

I actually started this thread to see if I could get the ball rolling with multiple streams of income to pull in more profit.

tldr; this guy knows what he's talking about.

>> No.289003

You see, it's kindof boring in-between shows, and we're trying to save up for some property, so I got a little part-time job just to keep myself busy. I've been lifeguarding. It's super homosex. :\

>> No.289006


How does one go about finding a show?

>> No.289008

There's always flea markets and probably conventions around the country. Depending on what you got you could kick up the salesmanship and sell anywhere.

>> No.289009
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The stock market and blogging are viable. Quit being a faggot OP. (yes i know i'm beating a dead horse.)

Invest wisely, and the money will come. It just takes time and patience, something rare in these "get rich quick buy doing hardly any work" threads.

Anyways, I am planning on starting my own blog. I have been searching with the google key word tool and I think I found something to write about. Does anyone with experience know which searches/results ratio is good?

>> No.289011

Please see the post below yours. It was explained in my post that the $5000 was an initial investment in a license, and I included expected returns, and how those returns would be best invested to start a business.

Think of the first few years as a company driver as a paid internship. Talk to everyone. Learn everything. Suffer none of the major risks of loss.

>> No.289012

There's several ways: look on sites like Craigslist, look in the newspaper, ask around, or call companies and ask them if you can HOST a show in their lobby or something. Alternately, you can call your friends and ask if they want to have a "jewelry party" at their house and have them invite all their friends, give them like 1-10% of the profit. Everybody wins.

>> No.289017

It's a losing AND uphill battle. You have to fight to get traffic to a website with ads that VERY few people actually click on (probably 10 every 1,000....ACCIDENTALLY), and in the end, Google gets more money than you ever will from your own blog.

>> No.289027


That's what I have read. But, apparently people that find a niche can make decent money. Not to mention that if you write an e-book, or develop a product you can also sell it on your site. You can buy a domain for $10 usually, so the initial investment is not so bad.

On a side note, it would be awesome if a bunch of people from /diy/ had a website and we could all direct our traffic back and forth to each other.

Over the past month, I have been creating random fan pages on Facebook and have around 25-30 followers gaining about 5 per week. I am planning on directing that traffic to my website eventually.