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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 50 KB, 250x299, magnetron[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
284169 No.284169 [Reply] [Original]

Ok...that does it...I'm going to do it!!

I'm going to install a magnetron under the hood of my bmw so when the next nigger cuts me off in traffic I can push a button on my steering wheel and beam 1 bil rads into the back of his wooly head!!!

Stay tuned for updates!!!

>> No.284174

i frggen lol'ed.

give them hell, adolf!

>> No.284186

I am staying tuned for updates!

And while I wholeheartedly applaud your rage-fueled offensive weapon plans, I do have to ask a question.

Have you thought through the implications of frying the electrical systems of the vehicle in front of yours?

>> No.284188

You also know that the metal in your hood will completely block the radiation also right? It would need to be outside of the car or you'd need to cut a hole in it to shoot out of. Also, how you gonna convert it to DC?

>> No.284187

Too bad you'll be firing your death ray through your front grille right at the sheet metal on the back of their car, reflecting it right back in your face......

While they stay relatively safe sitting in their car with multiple layers of metal between them and you.

>> No.284189


My current focus is on range...beam density and targeting. If all goes well and my design concepts actually work, I don't think anything other than brain cells will be affected/get cooked.

>> No.284191


Ok, new question.

Have you thought through the implications of rendering the vehicle in front of yours effectively driverless?

>> No.284195
File: 214 KB, 1920x1200, 1346212981057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when OP actually succeeds in doing this.
Front of your car will be heavily irradiated, how will you handle that OP?

>> No.284204
File: 79 KB, 1280x544, all__my_rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If I'm not firing my lazor more than 15-20 times a day my weekly hazmat car wash should take care of that.

Hey....I'm a republican creating jobs for the children in my community!


As long as I use a modicum of self-control the rage/shits n' giggles factor should be held in check fairly easy.

As far as creating road hazards for myself and/or other drivers....hey....it's a fucking jungle out there....I'm just culling the herd.....

>> No.284216

The idea that radioactive substance are emitted from magnetrons is BS. Its RF. Think high powered wifi.

>> No.284219

OP, I've read books. My main concern s that you don't seem to have considered the possibility of inadvertently creating some sort of 'Black Hulk'.

>> No.284224

You have my Attention now, How High Powered wifi we talking nautical miles here?

>> No.284226

OP, mount it under a false cowl on your hood. It'll be easier to target SUV drivers.

>he thinks cars are still made of sheet metal
That's cute as a button.

>> No.284231
File: 22 KB, 608x258, brain_damaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rf/rads/ohms.....I don't think it'll have any problem penetrating a nigger's skull, those things cook potatoes pretty fast.

>> No.284242


Well they sure as fuck aren't made from cotton candy and good feelings.

Unless you drive something like a Dodge Viper with it's fibreglass panels or European supercar (but even then, the conductive carbon fibre will block the microwaves) then the chassis and bulk of the panels, excluding the bumpers and grilles will be metal.

Go learn cars, retard.

>> No.284243

Not wifi really but on roughly the same frequency as wifi. 2.45Ghz

Not sure of rules and regs over seas but the max legal erp for wifi here is 4 watts (unless your licensed otherwise). Magnatrons like pictured can bang out up to 1000 watts or so.

>>he thinks cars are still made of sheet metal
Some are. inb4 it reflects of the rear of a truck and burns OP's eyes out.

>> No.284244


op here, yeah, to make it as effective as possible it looks as though I'll have to hook it up to my sunroof on some sort of motorized pulley/track system so as the sunroof finishes opening it deploys in ready to fire mode.

>> No.284245


there's a difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation though, the latter being used to cook potatoes.

>> No.284247

Have you not seen the bumper on a car made in the last 20 years?

>> No.284250
File: 1.40 MB, 375x283, 1346091945406[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP still. Putting it on a swivel with lazor sighting and face recognition software will enable me to target oncoming traffic relatively hands free compared to targeting from behind.

>> No.284251
File: 37 KB, 375x260, trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point I'm makeing is if OP fires this thing into anything containing and amount of flattish metal he stands to cop a good deal coming back through the windscreen at him.


Lets say he fires it at a car. It contains metal under the plastic on the rear. Lets say he fires it at pic related. Pretty much as good as standing in front if his own car and firing it at him self.

>> No.284323

ITT: how to kill niggers with microwave


>> No.284335
File: 27 KB, 468x312, robocop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.284336
File: 35 KB, 1391x275, bestDYIthreadEver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To save you guys the trouble

>> No.284346

But it won't and it will bounce off the hood of his car taking out a passing airplane instead.