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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.45 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20231229_150143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2810641 No.2810641 [Reply] [Original]

Working men and weekend warriors of /diy/ alike, I must ask you: do you ever get into shenanigans at your shop?
I made this a couple of years ago on a box of n95s, still no one's seen it or said anything, it gives me a chuckle every time I see it though (we're all retards who don't mask up whenever we really probably should)

>> No.2810642
File: 166 KB, 794x596, il_794xN.2497130569_lkm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Printed up some of these and put them near the FW4500 that has 3x 24 fiber interconnects between expansion shelfs.

>> No.2810677

One of our mills started leaking from the back so there's a pile of cat litter to absorb the coolant. I jokingly told another guy to let the resident 'tard know that was the new bathroom so he put a roll of toilet paper back there, where it went unquestioned for about a week.
Maybe a year ago, someone added a piece of tape to the VF-4SS label on that same mill so it reads VF-ASS.

>> No.2810687
File: 1.80 MB, 1849x1792, crew 323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked as an A&P for 7 years, one of the guys I worked with drew cartoons on random work benches (they were covered with brown paper).

here are the ones I saved:

>> No.2810688
File: 1.63 MB, 2013x1862, fish killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy on the left in the cartoon is who drew it.

>> No.2810689
File: 1.35 MB, 1927x2439, Leadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2810690
File: 1.14 MB, 2093x2620, leadman 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2810691
File: 700 KB, 2094x2249, Milk Bucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2810692
File: 652 KB, 1415x1575, Ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2810693
File: 918 KB, 1848x2142, QC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite, spitting image of one of the inspectors.

>> No.2810694

These are all really well drawn. Cool artstyle and the banter must have been fun.

>> No.2810696

I first ran in to his drawings when I went on a tour of evergreen and his drawings were on almost every workbench there. wish I had thought to save those. fucking masterpieces.

>> No.2810697

When I worked in sign shops and had access to vinyl plotters and a full screen printing shop we would constantly goof around making official looking signs and other items either from scratch or using art and print setups from client jobs to make altered versions like

> we made the A, B, C restaurant rating signs for the local health depth and would always print extras with no letter and then make gag F rating signs to pass around to friends...we also made "I _______" bumper stickers and did the same by leaving the symbol off some extras so we could make "I (club symbol) my kids" and " I (spade symbol) my cat", etc. versions.

>we made real looking ID packages for fake bands and products, businesses and government agencies or operations or conventions, etc. that didn't exist, just to mess with people and see how gullible they were.

> ever seen a logo or other ad art that looked like something they probably didn't intend, like an asshole or vagina or other intimate body part but it's the wrong color so nobody makes the connection? We'd print that stuff with the *perfect* colors to make the connection, just because we could. Same with business names that just needed one or two letters to change into something vulgar and/or humorous. PRO TIP: don't ever the clients see them.

> we had a friend who got his law degree and for his first bottom rung shit job he got hired by the worst TV ad famous ambulance chaser firm around locally, that was the butt of every shitty lawyer joke. My job had done some printing for them and we had a silkscreen of their logo, so as a gag graduation gift we got a very used and grease stained khaki mechanic's uniform work shirt and printed their logo across the back and found the oval embroidered name patch for over the pocket so he had appropriate attire for his grunt work at the settlement mill.

>> No.2810701

My dad worked at sperry flight systems (now honeywell) a long time ago.

we got this stuff for christmas one year:

he took some to work. he wanted to prank a guy he knew who was always playing jokes on people.

one day the guy gets coffee in a styrofoam cup and sets it on his desk (not my dads desk). he leaves to get something. my dad sneaks over with another cup he cut the bottom out of. he takes the guys coffee, replaces it with the new cup and dumps the slime in it. covers it with paper.

freaked the guy out a little when he removes the paper sees the green stuff. picks it up and it falls out onto his desk.

>> No.2810853

I was an apprentice at printing shop for like a month (school mandated) and our usual joke was printing some stickers for booze upside down and if people ordered celebrity portraits we picked the worst looking versions which kek even had totally black eyes due to massive file size reduction, posterization etc.
No one ever complained about it
We also had a tendency to cut invites and cards incorrectly if it was designed by a woman in canva (usual sign of low quality)

>> No.2810863
File: 279 KB, 495x462, Screenshot_2024-06-10_08-58-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to paint houses, and a co-worker who was a literal crackhead would occasionally paint a pentagram on a wall before the wall was painted.

Another time when I was working at IBM they were remodeling a section, and all the offices were empty except they had put the nameplates on the doors, in sliding holders, so we pulled the name out of one of the largest offices and swapped it with a tiny janitor closet, in hopes that the switch would survive. Kindof a reverse Milton from Office Space, where Milton would wind up in Lundberg's suite and Lundberg would be in the storage area in the basement. One can only dream.

>> No.2810876

>do you ever get into shenanigans at your shop?
God no. The worst part about working in a shop is the retarded coworkers and their redneck humor. I dont want to be part of unfunny and dangerous jokes. Just let me do my damn job and go home.

>> No.2810895

Damn, he was a bretty gud artist

>> No.2810904

Glad to see women getting into wrenching!

>> No.2810935

The gigantic lunchbox is pretty accurate.

>> No.2810992
File: 872 KB, 2261x3000, lf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. reported the posting of picrel on the shop bulletin board to Human Resources, the EEOC, State Labor Board, Dept of Labor, U.N. and Human Rights Campaign (plus The View and Dr. Phil) as evidence of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination, and deliberate creation of a hostile work environment based on zir status as a non- birthing polyamorous two spirit androgyne.

>> No.2810996

hurr durr
Why would I bother reporting anything no one takes those complaints serious anyway.

>> No.2811022
File: 1.75 MB, 1078x1436, Screenshot_20240610_131929_Gallery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a jug of ass cleaner in the hanger

>> No.2811129

kek, the simplest jokes are the best

>> No.2811151

Found the unfunny rednecks.

>> No.2811182

Lol'd. Couldn't post the original pic?

>> No.2811183

...he...he didn't actually shit in the litter box though did he?

>> No.2811192

Nice touch with the typewriter font. Reminds me of those cartoons in those alt zines from the 70's/80's

>> No.2811196

Were the customers being assholes at least or were you just doing shitty work for otherwise innocent customers?

>> No.2811198

I remember reading last year on /diy/ like last year about some guy who worked at a factory making car seats for ford or whoever and as a joke, one of his co-workers ran and aircutter up another co-worker's ass.

It didn't end well. If he's still around he should post the story again.

>> No.2811225

they centered cleaner under ass, they knew EXACTLY what they were doing

>> No.2811251

I did it like 2 years ago and didn't want to dig through my phone.

>> No.2811256

Mostly the latter unless it was canva girls

>> No.2811541

done in the early 90's.

>> No.2811546

Flushed out the proudly hypersensitive Karen.

>> No.2811556

One year on the day before Halloween I set the parts counters on about a dozen machines to 666.

>> No.2811571

I remember that story too.

>> No.2811581
File: 96 KB, 934x700, 83545306_934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine technician here, guy in my shop bought himself a brand spankin' new Snap-on toolbox in picrel green. He always left it unlocked though tool theft was never an issue in our shop. However, the vending machine in the lobby sold skittles and one of the flavors was lime green that was the exact same color. So I saved up about 3 bags worth of greens and meticulously placed them end to end on the inside of his toolbox, right up against the green finish. He didn't notice for 3 hours until he reached for something in the top bin and wondered what the fuck was rolling around inside his toolbox. Harmless fun, he got free candy out of the joke.

>> No.2811694

One of my favourite pranks of all time. I used to work in a shop, there was a 3rd year apprentice, T. How and a 1st year apprentice, T Shaw.
T. How was Forrest Gump levels of genius at our work yet retarded at everyday survival and T. Shaw was your stock standard just left school 19 year old. Both labelled their tools with only their last names in permanent marker.
Another co-worker and I figured out we could add an 'S' and a small dick on the 'o' of How, to turn it into SHaw. Over the course of a week, T.How came close to a breakdown over his suddenly missing tools, and T. Shaw was stunned that he kept finding tools that he didn't remember buying with his name on them.
In the end T. How caught on and cut the plug off my battery charger in retaliation, much to my coworkers amusement.

I work at a different place now, and the newest amusement has been the battle of the pen on the storeman's stock clipboard. It was being stolen, so it was secured with some string. The string was cut, and the pen was stolen again, replaced with 2.5mm2 insulated wire securing it to the clipboard, which was also cut, and the pen stolen again, replaced by the pen secured by raychem (epoxy resin backed heat shrink) attaching it to small jack chain, which in turn was also broken, and the pen stolen again, so the pen is currently raychem'd to 3mm galv chain attached to the clipboard. I look forward to the continuing arms race.

>> No.2811908
File: 103 KB, 720x564, rubber duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked with a guy and one day we are walking past an office in out building with random toys in the window. one of with was a rubber duck that looked like batman.

This guy made fun of it, well this started a several year long razzing that continued even after he retired. but one day he went on vacation (for 2 weeks). I ordered about 2 dozen of pic related from ebay.

we then proceeded to hide them in his stuff anywhere they would fit. His jacket, inside his tape dispenser, anywhere. he parked his car in the company parking garage so no one would fuck with it.

we hid the ducks all over his car. even though it was locked we managed to hide some inside it by cramming them through a window left open, inside his gas cap cover, under his hood.

when he got back he found some of them, but every once in a while we would here from his cubicle. you sons of bitches when he would find another one. when we would find a rubber duck in someone else's cubicle we would take a pic and text it to him.

We'd randomly send him the work quack. This continued after he retired. at one point he contacted me and mentioned where he was staying at an RV park, and I rounded up random things from the office that would remind him of his job, including a rubber duck and sent it to him.

after I left the company, he came back out of retirement, and a guy I knew who still worked there told me he was coming, they set up his computer and I told him to set the guys background as a rubber duck for his first login.

his response was "you bastards".

>> No.2812454
File: 97 KB, 422x768, merifugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had some pneumatic vibrators on a bunch of hoppers in our warehouse that just pissed oil no matter what you did. I tried to rebuild one once, I didnt fix it and just ended up covered in oil from laying on the ground to get after it. Anyway, one of the guys told me this story that happened before I started.

>work in warehouse with tons of dock doors that constantly get left open
>pigeons get in and start hanging around the conveyers because a couple retards feed them
>when you walk through that area every once in a while a pigeon would suddenly fly out scaring the shit out of people
>stray cat gets in through one of the open dock doors
>pigeon numbers go down
>cat starts to use the kitty litter for its intended purpose
>cat disappears one day never to be seen again

picrel: me v. surprise pigeon

>> No.2812456

how crazy would it be if 3m just did viral marketing with basedjaks on all of their ppe

>> No.2812471

>worked in IT 25 years.
>onsite call to apartment complex.
>walk in to office
>manager doesn't see me
>she's using a broom to try an brush a large spider away
>as she goes to hit it I say in a high pitched voice
please don't kill me.
>she jumps out of her skin and screams

>> No.2812523

Unlike Gorillas that die out in the winter, the feline simply leaves when its job is done.

>> No.2812529

we used to sneak some of the lead lab techs hair into the DNA samples. They would just discount it in court, but he was reprimanded at one point for having a contaminated lab. Originally we were just spitting in the samples, but one time the dumb ass police tried to arrest my friend. So after that we just used the lead techs lol. This was like decades ago when you could do all kinds of shit you'd never get away with now. Like they are supposed to carefully control all the evidence and they have to hold onto shit for at least a few years. But afterwards they destroy media, and will sell off stuff to auctions. There would be piles of shit and people would unofficially snag anything they needed or wanted before it got auctioned off by the city. I mean you couldn't take a fucking gold ring or something, but we'd always grab the scales. There are fucking TONS of scales, and 1/4 would still have coke or meth on it. It's not like we needed the blow, but we thought it was hilarious to weigh out our stuff on the "drug dealers" fancy ass scales.

There was a time when police could bid on those auctions. So lets say some guy gets his 50,000 car seized. Before it goes to auction, you fuck it up a little bit cosmetically, slap on a sticker about how it was flood damaged, then go buy it at auction for $5,000 or whatever. I never did that stuff, because I was worried I'd get fucked over. police officers get away with shit lowly lab tech bro cannot. They stopped letting any of us city employees bid on auctions after a few years.

Oh fuck one time my friend got hisister a car through those auctions. A few years later she gets pulled over, they seize the car, she doens't know what the fuck is going on. They start taking the back seat out and find a gun. Turns out it was evidence they developed in a murder case, and one guy ratted out the other one

They also sucked at wiping media. I got a phone one time that still had cp on it. never bought tech from those auctions again.

>> No.2812610

Kinda lame desu