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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 166 KB, 1280x960, Picture 57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
279957 No.279957 [Reply] [Original]

I am looking to start a small farm in the coming spring. I got an investor and land lined up.

The raw land is pretty cheap. It has water and good soil. Going to live pretty basic with camp shower and yurt until I can get up and running.

The only thing I can't figure out is how you get internet access in this type of scenario. I have seen videos about them doing set ups in Africa so I know it can't be rocket science.

Any tips pro/con would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.280115

Satellite internet. Solar panels to power it. It's going to be expensive.

>> No.280123

>mother nature
>shitty internet dish
gb2city or buy a $10,000+ dish

>> No.280126

sorry op. i had an answer for you. but apparantly the system thought it was spam and told me to reformat. i rewrote it a few times but it wouldnt go through so fuck it. i don't even know...

between various bullshit like that, and the captchas, and flood detected post discarded when i havent even posted it yet because the captchas are...

posting on 4chan is often a hair pulling experience

i would be totally willing to pay $3 a month to not have to enter captchas. lots of people would. would be problem solved right there but noooooo

>> No.280129

Holy fuck, is it me or has the captcha been a pain in the ass as of lately?

Maybe it has something to do with the chrome extension, but dear god, what a fucking pain in the ass.

>> No.280137

I tend to take a screenshot of the post and post it as an image when it does shit like that to me.

Captchas have changed and are more "intelligent" now and also shittier.

>> No.280142
File: 11 KB, 586x244, POST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, the system wouldnt let me post this so i had to make it an image

>> No.280143

It really depends on how far you are from the nearest DSL capable line. You can get it through a land line (best option), cell phone (last resort; they say "unlimited" but that means paying $10 for every 1GB over your monthly "data allowance"; fuck you Verizon), or satellite (don't, the fuck you over 100% and then throttle you to dial-up speeds for good measure; fuck you Hughesnet).

Another viable solution is to find the nearest house or location the DSL company can get you internet. Then set up a small tower there with a DIY directional dish (like a wokfi or old sat TV dish) and point it at an identical tower and dish on your end. You can leap frog this through many towers if needed. The towers can be a single water pipe cemented into the ground with some cables to keep it properly in place. Line of site, two towers with dishes (bigger is better, but small ones are still really great) can give you about 5 miles of distance if there is line-of-sight between them.

For power, solar is a good option. It is quick to set up and you can get prefab stuff or really cheap stuff off eBay.

>> No.280158 [DELETED] 

getting the internet in remote places is pretty hard, and usually time consuming and expensive. yeah you can buy a yagi or a line of sight dish but you dont expect to get the hypothetical range those sellers on ebay or amazon try to shove down your throat. solar power will run a small setup, but still be expensive (solar power is not cheap, especially when scaled to power larger setups) is there no power where you plan on moving to? if so, id suggest finding a hilly area preferably 500ft to 1000ft above sea level, and get some good wind turbines. THEN worry about the internet. it'd also help if you told us the area you plan on moving to, elevation, tree density, nearest towns, your budget.

telling someone to hold you hand through the process of getting your previous internet umbilical chord reattached without in turn giving us any REAL information (not some halfway thought out pipe dream about how you're going to stick it to the man, and surf 4chan from your popup tent)

>> No.280159

getting the internet in remote places is pretty hard, and usually time consuming and expensive. yeah you can buy a yagi or a line of sight dish but you dont expect to get the hypothetical range those sellers on ebay or amazon try to shove down your throat. solar power will run a small setup, but still be expensive (solar power is not cheap, especially when scaled to power larger setups) is there no power where you plan on moving to? if so, id suggest finding a hilly area preferably 500ft to 1000ft above sea level, and get some good wind turbines. THEN worry about the internet. it'd also help if you told us the area you plan on moving to, elevation, tree density, nearest towns, your budget.

think about that next time before asking people to hold your hand through the process of getting your previous internet umbilical chord reattached without in turn giving us any REAL information (not some halfway thought out pipe dream about how you're going to stick it to the man, and surf 4chan from your popup tent)

>> No.280162

this. this is a good idea in theory, but probably wont work. i live in bum fuck nowhere, north carolina, and if i asked any of the local shops or chains (run by big name companies) to erect some kind of tower and set up a special account just for little old me, they'd probably laugh in my face.

>> No.280163
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Exactly what these guys said.

Not much you can do besides either hopping with line of sight towers (If its a mountainous region your fucked), Contacting a local ISP and see what they can offer, or your gonna be pretty much paying out the ass if you intend on doing any real internet intense things (Such as internet games, downloading videos/movies, chatting on any internet website, voice over IP (Skype) on and on.

>> No.280164


>> No.280165

These captchas really are a fucking pain.

>> No.280166


Holly shit! Feel free to leave the thread at any time.

>> No.280168

>yeah you can buy a yagi or a line of sight dish but you dont expect to get the hypothetical range those sellers on ebay or amazon try to shove down your throat

This is why you DIY one yourself for free or extremely cheap. My dish reaches 2 miles one way; which is the max distance here because of hills everywhere.

Most of your post is rubbish.

It works, that is what I'm using right now. I'm using a USB wifi device set into the dish of a brooder heat lamp for baby chickens.

>> No.280170
File: 108 KB, 962x688, 1_1300501949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My dish reaches 2 miles one way

Lol, you really think OP can afford to live 2 miles from the city and own a farm?!?!?! Must be cheap land cause it's in the middle of nowhere I'm guessing which is easily out of the 2 mile radius.

>> No.280171
File: 249 KB, 1280x720, Picture 617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I am in Alaska and looking at land that is near the road system but raw.

I have tried several times to update my post but I think DIY may for all intents and purposes be done if they don't update their captcha horse shit pretty soon.

Hopefully bumpen with a pic of one of the things I am growing.

>> No.280174

whoopty doo, a whole 2 miles. it takes 5 miles just to get into town from where i live. i didnt mention homemade because OP is a faggot and asking stupid questions anyway, im assuming he wouldn't even be able to construct a simple pringles can antenna. that note, 2 miles isn't shit, and this happy fellow is talking about running a farm somewhere with no electricity (who the fuck knows, we're not getting any real information here anyway) my point is that you're obviously an autistic, butthurt fan of OP's.

you mad bro? i know it's gotta suck knowing your shitty idea wont work but at least im helping your from getting your hopes up too much now, instead of having them all crash down on you later.

no need to thank me.

>> No.280177
File: 207 KB, 1280x720, Picture 620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My dog is crying because of the haters in this thread.

>> No.280179

OP is also confirmed idiot for not being able to successfully look at words in from of them and type them out. please, continue to use the excuse the captcha's suck in an attempt to back out of your own thread

>> No.280186


they should sticky this just for those lazy fucks who want to move to the side of a mountain and lurk 4chan for the cp

>> No.280192
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, Picture 504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be back later when the twelve year olds are gone.

If anyone cares to post something helpful basically I am looking at renting some vacant land with good soil fairly close to the road system. The properties I am looking at are less than a mile from the main road.

Growing gourmet mushrooms, garden starts in portable greenhouses and hot house crops in the summer.

Lots of water here so I am just water by hand or rig up a pump.

If they can get internet access in a mud hut in Africa I can't believe this is an extremely difficult process.

At the moment though I really don't feel like arguing with twelve year olds.


>> No.280195

you're also in alaska. growing mushrooms. how much of a loser are you anyway? did you move up there for the paid housing? you trying to allude you dabble into mycology? i bet you grow mad shrooms. gtfo with your bullshit. DAMN Im good.

>> No.280197

first of all, a good way to NOT getting any further assistance is to call people who are legitimately helping you (regardless of their tone) is to call them 12 year olds. im 27. yeah im a dick. but im telling you the truth. you cant handle it? deal with it.

and "those people getting internet in mud huts" are not just you. they have financial backing, etc etc..a lot of stuff behind the scenes. and you are some dolt growing shrooms in alaska, you're not an impoverished african nation's community. you see where im getting at with this?

>> No.280200
File: 76 KB, 960x859, 1344378822664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am looking to start a small farm in the coming spring. I got an investor and land lined up.

The raw land is pretty cheap. It has water and good soil. Going to live pretty basic with camp shower and yurt until I can get up and running.

The only thing I can't figure out is how you get internet access in this type of scenario. I have seen videos about them doing set ups in Africa so I know it can't be rocket science.

Any tips pro/con would be greatly appreciated.


I'll be back later when the twelve year olds are gone.

If anyone cares to post something helpful basically I am looking at renting some vacant land with good soil fairly close to the road system. The properties I am looking at are less than a mile from the main road.

Growing gourmet mushrooms, garden starts in portable greenhouses and hot house crops in the summer.

Lots of water here so I am just water by hand or rig up a pump.

If they can get internet access in a mud hut in Africa I can't believe this is an extremely difficult process.

At the moment though I really don't feel like arguing with twelve year olds.


>Should have said that in the first place before slapping your keys like a retard.

>> No.280202

its like saying because nasa goes to the moon you can do the same with a millionth of a fraction of the funding.

>> No.280212
File: 54 KB, 500x375, 1312610242428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lot of samefagging going on here.

>> No.280222

really? how'd you guess? what is the fact all my posts look the same?

yo dawg, i heard you like to point out posts done by the same person like it actually matters to the context of the arguments so we put some 4chan lingo in your 4chan lingo so you can baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww

>> No.280227
File: 89 KB, 787x550, 1345985865533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Derailed. Land a ROFL flip on my LOLLERskates.

>> No.280228

Not sure about hughes and all that but satellite shit doesn't usually work in Alaska. Most satellites broadcast in a band around the more populated areas of the planet and tend to ignore the arctic circle.

As others have mentioned, cell-based internet is your best option probably. If you're even slightly close to a cell signal, you can probably buy a big enough antenna to rope in a reasonable signal. I used cellular nets for a few years before DSL managed to reach me. Being close to the road will help, but there's not very good cell coverage in Alaska outside of Anchorage.

Daisy-chaining wifi is a bad idea, unless you own all the land between your source and your point of use.

After the internet part is sorted out, there's the question of solar power. You'll need about 40 watts of solar power to run even a low-power laptop. You'll also need power conversion equipment and storage batteries if you plan to use anything at night (not that there is much in the growing season up there).

Ideally, you'd just use a laptop tethered to a cellular modem with a bigass external antenna. If you want more than that, you'll need even more power, and solar ain't cheap.

>> No.280245

you know trolling only works if you evoke some kind of emotion from the target? derailing a topic really doesn't do anything but make you look like some kind of autistic class clown. LOLERSKATES!!

>> No.280247

its like you walk up to a giant building under construction and put your hands in the wet concrete at the bottom. GOOD JOB! learn2 9/11 LOLLERCOPTERS

>> No.280252
File: 48 KB, 350x466, 1321432498753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yea im a dick
reminded me of those "yea im a girl gamer posts"

I remember kids at my school who use to say this kind of shit- biggest naruto pussy faggots ever. glad to see these types ended up on 4chan. hey you bang that ugly chick yet?

>> No.280257

LOL no. im a dick because life's shit on me at every opportunity it's gotten. i used to be a weeaboo but around 23 i started to realize i wasn't as ugly as i thought i was, in fact i was pretty damn sexy. went from being an introvert to a becoming a whore. speaking of fucking, ive probably had sex with more people in the past 4 years than you will in your whole life. the "im a dick" remark is more or less a disclaimer...a cautionary statement because regardless of you who you are, there is a good chance i know what the fuck im talking about, and will be as blunt as possible just to get some autism to break out from your thick beta skulls

>> No.280265 [DELETED] 

>glad to see these types ended up on 4chan
>>on 4chan

>> No.280266

>glad to see these types ended up on 4chan
>>on 4chan

>> No.280267
File: 2.70 MB, 290x189, 1327539280294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> realize i wasn't as ugly as i thought i was, in fact i was pretty damn sexy.

>ive probably had sex with more people in the past 4 years than you will

>being an introvert to a becoming a whore
LMFAO, the shit fat chicks say... man I'm saving your posts in case i ever need to feel better about myself. thank you. you are the poster boy of loser posts on the internet. you dont even realize, my god this is gold.

>> No.280270 [DELETED] 

you say it's to make yourself feel better, but i know it's because you in serious need of a new motivational background image

>> No.280273

you say it's to make yourself feel better, but i know it's because you're in serious need of a new motivational poster for your ubuntu background

>> No.280277

"you dont even realize"

lol, i love it when retards like you say this. it's like some kind of open ended invitation to explain but the person who says this always pusses out and goes on to attempt trolling someone else.

>> No.280283
File: 256 KB, 1482x968, loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the time to draw you. you have brought me so much joy.

>> No.280286

as hilarious as this was it relies on the fallacies of your assumptions. so outside of being a gross misinterpretation of my life, i do appreciate the effort. you essentially call me a loser then turn around a draw out an partially elaborate picture that it simply wrong? wait, what?

>> No.280287

and im not OP either :/ lol

>> No.280291
File: 5 KB, 269x187, you really dont get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes tell me more about how educated you are. you must be a very intelligent person using words with a syllable count that high. will the fun ever stop?

>claim to be alpha
>get mad and say you've had sex?
>not posting quality, instead post things you'd never say in real life because people would laugh at you.

look man, I can procrastinate all day- you're getting told by somebody in grad school who is younger than you. I gotta get back to wiring some wiring shit work. ill check back later for a chuckle if you're still here.

>> No.280296

>tell me how smart u are
>im in grad school
>im younger
>gotta get back to more important things

>> No.280304
File: 36 KB, 425x299, 0948534097534097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long will this go on-
please project more- god my sides.

>> No.280305

lol, you think you're in control here? it's 2012 man. trolls trolling trolls nigga. do you get it?

>> No.280310
File: 29 KB, 349x642, it isnt even fun anymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

related. later dork. rage post if you want- wont be back.

>> No.280312
File: 596 KB, 240x160, this thread.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> oh cool a homesteading thread
> read half the thread

>> No.280316

Why not? I live further than that from a city and have DSL and cheap land. My dish reaches much further away than 2 miles when I take it up on the highest hill on my property with my netbook. It gets out to 4 miles I can confirm from the weakest signal. All I'd need to get further is add a single tower and then it could reach 8 miles without a problem. It is only that down in the valley it only needs to reach 2 miles because that is where the hotspot is at my neighbor's where I pay for an extra DSL to his property.

>simple pringles can antenna.

Those don't actually work very well because the diameter of the can is far too small. You need something at least the diameter of a large coffee can.

>it takes 5 miles just to get into town from where i live

That is very well within the range of two $20 wokfi dishes being pointed at each other.

>this happy fellow is talking about running a farm somewhere with no electricity (who the fuck knows, we're not getting any real information here anyway)

Hey, I'm doing the same thing. I do have a connection to the grid, but I'm getting further and further away from that each month as I get or make more gear. Right now I have an electric bill range between $18 and $33.

Simply because you yourself can not comprehend such simple things, most likely because you've never been exposed to the knowledge, doesn't mean other people can't or haven't been doing it.

You don't belong in /diy/. GB2/b/.

>> No.280320

Is that pearl oyster? Looks a little different though. I've grown pearl oyster in bags of sawdust before. They have an "ok" flavor, stink like hell when dried though. I have several logs inoculated with shiitake mushroom right now and I'm on the hunt for chicken-of-the-woods so I can get a good culture to start farming them they are awesome to eat.

>Daisy-chaining wifi is a bad idea, unless you own all the land between your source and your point of use.

I have good neighbors who allow my to make an access point at their property. That sort of thing is an option in some places.

Hopefully, the OP can get a cell phone internet deal that doesn't rape him. Solar cells on eBay are really cheap. You can easily get them at around $2 per watt or $1 or less per watt if you are lucky or the prices are fluctuating again.

>> No.280323

I want to punch everybody who has posted in this thread.

Including myself.

>> No.280325

>i wont be back
reminded me of those "yea im a defeated troll posts"

I remember how newfags on 4chan who use to say this kind of shit- biggest naruto pussy faggots ever. glad to see these types ended up on 4chan. hey you bang that ugly chick yet?

>> No.280337

>than 2 miles when I take it up on the highest hill on my property with my netbook.
>Those don't actually work very well because the diameter of the can is far too small. You need something at least the diameter of a large coffee can. was an insult
>That is very well within the range of two $20 wokfi dishes being pointed at each other. good luck getting the other tower installed
>Right now I have an electric bill range between $18 and $33.
and how much did that cost you to buy/build the equipment. $2 a watt isnt shit. and that doesnt cover building the panels, wiring the cells, buying batteries, and an inverter.

gtfo with your bullshit

>> No.280339

>Simply because you yourself can not comprehend such simple things

i also though i made it pretty clear i understand the costs and other intracies behind establishing a solar paneled setup and a wifi setup. line of sight plays a huge role and yet you tell me im wrong with my statement about distance and then explain how you have to get on top of the biggest hill you can find to get a 4-8 mile range. you also talk about how cheap solar panels are and yet forget to mention all the costs included in building a panel (and if you use wood for the panel backing you're a moron..the sun will warp and crack your cells) when wind turbines are a much more cost effective option, especially he's near the coast (like nome)

again, i dont understand simple concepts? haha...no..you dumb niggers dont know how to look beyond the end of your own noses.

>> No.280340

Why can't you into punctuation? Don't they teach you that in grad school?

>> No.280341

you guys dont deserve the extra time it takes. im not applying for a job or writing a thesis. you are all intellectually beneath me...if you get the general idea, feel blessed i even bothered to enlighten you pathetic niggers

>> No.280390

>and how much did that cost you to buy/build the equipment.

The wifi stuff? About $50-$60 mostly in cable costs.

>and that doesnt cover building the panels, wiring the cells, buying batteries, and an inverter.

I have two 12v 105aH deep cycle lead batteries I use for most things like my PC, lights, and fridge. Water pump still uses power from the electric company. The inverter I use is a cheap 1000watt/1300watt peak one from harbor freight. The control charger, shunt, and the rest is mostly DIY. All this stuff cost well under $500. I have a few ways to charge the batteries anything from solar, wind, to man power. I seriously do not get what the problem is. Perhaps you have a poverty mentality and thing $500 is a lot of money for a very low-end system?

>mostly strawman arguments

Well, I'll try to answer your questions I suppose.

>explain how you have to get on top of the biggest hill you can find to get a 4-8 mile range.

Because you can't use line-of-sight if there's a big hill in the way. Luckily, I don't need to go through a hill to reach up to 2 miles away which my hotspot is within.

>wind turbines

The OP seems to want to talk about solar, "Solar Powered Internet". I don't think my own wind power system would be of any use in a solar discussion. Perhaps you should start your own thread about wind power systems? That would make more sense.

Your lack of knowledge in these subjects make it look like you are reading wikipedia articles for the first time and trying to post what you've learned specifically for this thread. It is okay to ask questions. There's no need at all to be afraid of your ignorance for it can be cured with proper knowledge. Fear and doubt in your own abilities is leading you to be abrasive and curmudgeonious towards anyone trying to offer the OP legitimate help.

>> No.280395

still have yet to offer your wattage setup, just what the inverter is capable of.
>Perhaps you have a poverty mentality and thing $500 is a lot of money for a very low-end system?
no, but if he decided to go off the grid completely he's going to be dumping a lot more than $500, and you know it.

>until I can get up and running.
this leads me to believe he'd like to scale his operations. in that case everything ive said is still true. if he has said something like

"i plan to live in a tent for the rest of my life and only need enough electricity to power my netbook and battery charger for my flesh light" then i wouldn't have had to break the bad news about what he'd need to expect in costs...DOWN THE ROAD.

the fact he's showing an interest in mycology and is living a caveman life in the middle of nowhere growing gourmet edible mushrooms opens up the very possible scenario he's farming those of the psilocybin type...probably why one of the reasons (outside of being an idiot in general) he got scared away which is illegal and falls under global rule #1

strawman arguments? lol. not even close.

>> No.280400

and poverty mentality? ha. no. running a decent solar panel setup ran me over $7000 and im still paying close to $140 in electricity bills a month. i offered wind mills because...*cough*

low sunlight during winter (in december, anchorage gets 5 hours)
lots of water and elevation to provide wind
also cheaper

again. take all your pseudo logic ramblings and shove it

>> No.280416

I want to punch this guy for his shit-poor advice. he thinks he's not replaceable but I need help with this topic and this guy hasn't been anything more than a wannabe-elitist asshat who keeps feeding the god damn trolls.

>> No.280421


>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.


Keep these shit lying trolls in /b/, please.

>> No.280419

lol, unless you're 6' something and 250+ pounds, or a fucking jujistu god you wouldn't even consider raising your hand to me.

>> No.280422


Look out /fit/'s trolling in here.

That might explain all the dick swinging, and attitude.

Lay off the roids bro.

>> No.280423

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, friend. we're all kindred spirits here.

>> No.280425

If you're close enough to a city, and you have line of site (with towers, or hill tops, or whatever) you can use wireless data.

I have a buddy who runs an ISP at a ski resort and they run two wireless hops to town ~60km total distance. Obviously a very mountainy area.

>> No.280426
File: 131 KB, 339x356, ballsout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> running a decent solar panel setup ran me over $7000 and im still paying close to $140 in electricity bills a month.


When you are an adult and you say stuff like this online, it just makes you look stupid regardless of how you intended it. Also, it seems it is the OP that is trolling this thread, not some random anon.

>> No.280433

lol man on internet call me stupid wai??!
your comment doesn't even begin to make any sense.

>trolls trollin trolls

>> No.280437

ok, i want everyone in this thread to come and fuck me in the ass. how does that sound? this is 4chan sweetie pie..it aint about turning the other cheek.

>> No.280439
File: 19 KB, 294x294, 1343090558190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/soc/ is in here too?!?!?!

God damnit...

>> No.280444


>> No.280446

I always hate to see the best, most helpful, and most useful board on 4chan sullied

>> No.280495
File: 162 KB, 1280x720, Picture 626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I'm back.

If nothing else this thread has confirmed to me the need to get off the grid.

I ask a very simple question and every troll on the internet jumps into the thread.

Pretty sure a lot of these guys are the same way in real life. When a loaf of bread costs ten bucks maybe they will be forced to do something all day rather than troll 4 chan durr hurring on every attempt at an intelligent discussion.

Thanks to the one or two people that tried to respond. But this is absolutely pointless.

Also to the person that asked that is a Flamingoe Oyster not a pearl. I like the flamingoes because even though you need more heat they are ready to harvest thirteen days from innoculation. They are also high in protein and b vitamins.

Also these captchas are getting sooooo anoying it really seems pointless to even attempt a thread on here anymore.

(Third attempt to post)

>> No.280501

>annoying captchas
You are, at least, hitting the browser's back button to return, correct?

>> No.280503


nah son
da best is /ck/

>> No.280506

>Flamingo Oyster

Of, close, the do sorta look pink, but I thought that might have been the light and not the actual color, looks more pink in that pic.

You using 4chan X plugin and the quick reply function? They just did an update for it and now you only need to type the one "correct" word and don't even need to type the space anymore. It just updated in the past few hours I think.

>not using quick reply

The mod started banning people for homegrowmen and homebrewmen threads or something. Kind of tyrannical atmosphere over there in the past several months.

>> No.280512


There you go OP.

>> No.280535

Where are you that satellite internet requires a $10,000 dish?
Plans that dish network an directtv send me junk mail for are between $60 and $80 a month.

>> No.280539
File: 57 KB, 550x372, fuck-grovers-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this thread for helpful advice for my rural housing.

>> No.280569
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>> No.280605
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, Picture 606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. Thanks that is basically what I was looking for.

>> No.280630

At defcon one year dudes made a wifi antenna that could connect through obscene distances. Maybe look into that?