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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2790310 No.2790310 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I would like to find quality hair clippers to cut my hair off with.
I have bought this set a couple of years ago for a great discount, is this hair clipper a good model which should last me years?
The hair clipper is a Wahl 09243-2616 and doesn't use a battery

>> No.2790314

Oster classic corded should last a few lifetimes

>> No.2790315

I shaved my whole head with a pair of scissors and a cheap bic 2 blade razor

>> No.2790317

I bought Remington hair clippers that have a life time warranty. Its been 10+ years without a hitch.

>> No.2790323

>I bought Remington hair clippers that have a life time warranty
They only have a 1 year guarantee period here for factory defects

>> No.2790327

i have a oster fast feed
would recommend

>> No.2790328

>Oster classic corded
What model or range of models are you specifically talking about?

>> No.2790333

I see, well I do not want to shave my head but to buzz it off so that flies and other insects don't sit on it.

>> No.2790446
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Wrong again breath of goat ass

>> No.2790449

No you didn’t. Or you had radiation poisoning when you did.

>> No.2790497

I have that exact model it’s excellent.

>> No.2790510

Great. If so, what oil do you use on it?

>> No.2790518


I'm going to shill this product like I have a few other times.

I own cheap Wahl clippers. I own fancy 100 dollar Wahl clippers. These are just as good, and the battery lasts me about 5-6 full buzz cuts through thick hair with no problems, I use it a few times a year and I've only had to charge it twice. The only issue with the set is that the guides are literal junk and will fall apart, so buy Wahl ones or just reuse the ones you get from another set. It's really nice having a battery, and they cost about the same as the entry level Wahl shit.

>> No.2790534

Not that anon but I use mineral oil.

>> No.2790598

>mineral oil
Which kind? Isn't it harmful or irritating to the skin?

>> No.2790606
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literally the best I've ever bought. I've been shaving my head and occasionally brothers since 1980. I've had corded, cordless, name brand, and clippers over $100. Pic related are so good I bought a second one because I'm scared they'll disappear.

>> No.2790607

I'm >>2790606
and that doesn't cut very close even at lowest lever and the lever failed before the two year mark. Also corded are heavy and clumsy, unless you're running a chair and cutting 30 people a day you really don't need corded. A battery lasts me 10+ head shaves between charges. I don't actually know because I plug it in occasionally.

>> No.2790612

Yeah, I think the chink stuff is just as good as Wahl these days. It's not a complex design, you can get battery stuff for the same kind of cost as the entry level Wahl stuff now so there's not much point to buying quality unless you're doing 5 buzz cuts a day in a business, maybe then the peace of mind is worth it. Maybe then the motor will burn out faster, but my chink clippers get a lot less warm than my Wahl stuff did, and they cope just as well with really rough hair.

>> No.2790620

This. Find a high rated model on amazon. Pro quality or close. Heavy as a brick. Solid. Should cost $100 or more.

>> No.2790625


>> No.2790637
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Just buy these believe it. Read the reviews.
Ive been shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 yrs.

>> No.2790696
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I've got one of these for my beard.
OP I don't know about the model in your post, so you'll have to research yourself.

But what I do know is:
You want a clipper that uses A/C directly.
The best clippers, like those at the barber, are simple machines that use the alternating current in an electromagnet to move a piece of iron back and forth.
So they only operate at 60Hz (giving them the characteristic hum), and are basically bullet-proof. Because there's only one moving part, and it just moves back and forth like a solenoid.

The cheap trimmers, and all cordless trimmers, have a DC motor that spins, and some kind of cam mechanism to convert the rotational energy into a back-and-forth energy. These things wear out over time, the cams get worn due to friction, and there's more moving parts to break.
NEVER buy a cordless trimmer, because they're all inferior.

Good trimmers are simple electromagnets that move the head directly using alternating current.

>> No.2790718

>You want a clipper that uses A/C directly.
And how do you see if they use it directly and not a DC motor?

>> No.2790722

The blade should make a complete cycle 60 times per second.

>> No.2790735

>60 times per second.
You mean it has to function at only precisely 60hz?

>> No.2790756

>These things wear out over time,
You're not going to realistically wear out this stuff with home use. Enjoy plugging your shit into the wall forever when batteries are more convenient.

>> No.2790791

take it apart and look?

>> No.2790805

Just normal mineral oil…
Exactly how much are you using? You’re only adding a few drops to lube the blades every so often. You aren’t supposed to use it like shaving cream mah guy. Are you wanting to be bald? You have to use clippers to cut your hair off to the scalp, then shave with a razor.

>> No.2790806

that's why you always go to brick and mortar store where you can take the product apart before buying it.

>> No.2790832
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>And how do you see if they use it directly and not a DC motor?
Since that's a feature that knowledgeable customers will seek, it will be listed if it has one.

The product page for the Wahl 09243-2616 in OP's post >>2790310 explicitly says "WAHL STANDARD MOTOR: A durable, long-lasting electromagnetic motor that delivers superior power for smooth cutting" and "Motor/Drive: Electromagnetic Vibrating Motor"
The amazon listing for the Remington HC5855 in this post >>2790637 has a pic of the electromagnetic motor (pic related)

Basically, if it isn't advertised as having one, it doesn't.
Because that's an important feature that they want to highlight to customers who are looking for it.

>> No.2790834
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Although I do like Wahl's implementation better than the Remington.

(pic related is the Wahl)

>> No.2791006
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Get one of these if you can still find them, they're battery powered, waterproof and you just rinse the hair out of the blades when you're done. They come with 6 different guide combs and does the beard no worries too.

>> No.2791220

No. In Europe it will be 50hz.

>> No.2791222

actually, if it is a simple coil around ordinary laminations, and does not involve a permanent magnet, it will be 2x the mains frequency.

>> No.2791227

I think they're all pretty much same shit. I bought some chinkshit few years ago for 10$, and still works fine, just clean it up and oil it from time to time.

>> No.2791267

>have to charge battery constantly because the voltage drop weakens the clippers
>weaker than ac anyway
cordless is only good for trimming thin beards, you're a retard if you use it to trim your head

>> No.2791272

I use Andis corded dog grooming clippers with a #50 ceramic blade and can't kill them. I've got at least 15 years on mine and replaced one blade set (they can be ground too).

>> No.2791292
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A Wahl Bravura is my workhorse. or picrel if you enjoy saying the name.

>> No.2791344

Got a Wahl ga-119 corded. It's pretty hefty, good blades and the attachments aren't flimsy. On a completely unrelated and pointless sidenote, Wahl used to make a spectacular cordless soldering iron.

>> No.2791353

how much fucking oil do you think you apply to hair clippers you retard?

I apply, like, a single drop of oil on my clippers after I sharpen the blades and even that is too much sometimes

>> No.2791443

Are you talking about 20 years ago? I use a 20 dollar chink pair of clippers to go from 4-5 inches of hair to 15mm, they perform just as good as my expensive Wahl ones, they need charging every few YEARS. Cordless is good now.

>> No.2791515

Got my wife a pair of Wahl Senior corded clippers for Christmas when we were still dating. Needed a haircut before Christmas so I let her open that one early... Bitches love practical gifts.

Looks like they still sell them on Amazon and they're $92. Buy them and use them forever.

>> No.2791848
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Oster all the way.

>> No.2791889
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10 years later, still going strong.

>> No.2791895
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Mine too. Just like my marriage. Bitches love practical gifts! Just got a haircut yesterday from the wife using these clippers.

>> No.2792142
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>Ive been shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 yrs

>> No.2793859



Andis CeramicEdge Carbon-Infused Steel Pet Clipper Blade, Size-50SS, 1/125-Inch Cut Length (64355)

These work on Andis, Conair, Oster and Wahl. I forget when da wife bought the first blade many years ago but I bought a second in 2018 and that's done weekly military-style buzz cutting since.

I have the Andis clipper which survived many doggos (they got coarser blades) but the blade is more key than the clipper if you get a good one.

>> No.2793861

BTW a red ball cap or do rag lures horse flies out of your face and they can't bite through it: My horse rancherbro tipped me to that trick.

>> No.2794824

Been using what I think is that exact kit from Wahl for nearly a decade. #2 guard every day. Couple drops of oil every few weeks. Clean it a couple times a year. Zero issues.

>> No.2795314
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I too used to cut my balding hair with electric clippers. But one day, I had an epiphany...
>Buy solid steel safety razor (70 dollars) that will last beyond my lifetime
>Buy safety razor blades (About 30 dollars or less) a box of a hundred will last you a few years
For a hundred bucks you can have a permanent shaving solution for all your shaving needs that will never break or need electricity.

>> No.2795721

>shaving my wifes back and shoulders for 30 years
Is she an ape? Post pics

>> No.2795764


I've buy a new set every 18months or so

The attachments break and they get blunt. I've tried sharpening them, but it doesn't work.

>> No.2796433
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Wizard, beat me to it.
>about to use mine right now!

>> No.2796530
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Here's what I got. Wahl makes a good product but these two are rather old. Not sure how good they are now. These two will probably outlive me.
I use WD-40.
I think that's the one I got.
Nice thicc cord

>> No.2796572

I already responded and told him that dipshit.

>> No.2796576

> a box of a hundred will last you a few years
I dont even get ten shaves out of a blade.I usually replace after five. You must be using some space age shit.

>> No.2796592

faggot nobody cares about you or what you say and if you honestly trying to take credit and feel superior for a post on an anonymous anime forum you need to rethink your life