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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 3.23 MB, 3795x4000, collage_20240113101247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2742242 No.2742242 [Reply] [Original]

Superior Homelessness Edition

Last Thread: >>2738248

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

>What printer should I buy? [32/03/90 :detadpU tsaL]
Do your own research, these are just popular and available options.
All controversial printers and brands have been removed from the list for your safety.
DIY: https://reprap.org/wiki/
SLA: >>>/tg/3dpg

>Where can I get things to print?

>What CAD software should I use?
Free to anyone: Fusion360, Onshape, TinkerCAD, FreeCAD
Free to me: Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, Solidworks, Rhino, Solid Edge
Autistic /g/oobers: OpenSCAD, OpenJSCAD
Mesh free-forming and modeling: Blender
Architects: Sketchup

>What slicer should I use?
For everyone: Cura, PrusaSlicer, BambuStudio for Bambu owners.
For enthusiasts: SuperSlicer, OrcaSlicer
For autists: Pleccer/SuperPleccer, Kiri:Moto, FullControl

Legacy Pastebin (Last updated 1131 days ago): https://pastebin.com/AKqpcyN5

>> No.2742258

are there any good woodfill filaments that arent PLA?

>> No.2742260
File: 70 KB, 814x1000, 61yvh4ftoYL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so the answer might be obvious... I bought an air fryer that has a dehydrator mode for a good price. I used it at first to dry TPU, my curiousity had gotten the better of me, and I have been using it for food, and its kind of addicting.

Question is, if I use it for drying pa6 nylon filament, it would be advised not to use it for food afterwards I assume?

>> No.2742276

people put their filament in the oven. You are not heating it to the point where it disintegrates. shouldn't be an issue I guess. I wouldn't do it though personally

>> No.2742278

Few and far between. Every woodfill I've tried that wasn't PLA was PETG and sucked balls.

>> No.2742291

How do I stop the infil from showing through on the outer walls of a silk pla print?
3 wall instead of 2? Slower infil?

>> No.2742292

With the amount of microplastics everywhere I wouldn't be worried about it desu

>> No.2742293

Try 3 walls, it can help. Infill/Perimeter overlap might be too high, a lot of default profiles have it very high when it rarely needs to be more than ~10%
Infill before Walls can help too, but it's the last resort in my opinion as it's a shitty way to print.

>> No.2742294

Thanks fella

>> No.2742301

Just to make sure I'm chaging the right thing, that is "sparse infil anchor length" right?

Also does any one know if its possible to make the top surface of a silk print shiny? Ironing just makes it matte sadly

>> No.2742311
File: 109 KB, 951x471, infillperimeteroverlap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's an unrelated setting that has to do with how it begins infill lines within the model. Check picrel

Slowing down significantly for top surfaces will give a shinier finish, you want the temp as high as it can be while still printing acceptably, and experimenting with a little over or under extrusion can enhance the effect. A wider extrusion width can help, you can increase the Top Solid Infill extrusion width (0.5-0.6 with a 0.4mm nozzle works well), but it'll have a harder time filling tight corners and small details on the top surface.

>> No.2742312

Thanks, it was already set to 15%
I might slow the top down from 80 to 60 and hope it makes it look better. 80 was fine for the side. Already printing it at 240 which is the max recommended temp. Thanks for the help

>> No.2742316

Are modifiers broken in Orcaslider? I'm trying to use one to slow down only the top most surface of a print but the speed isn't changing no matter what value I enter

>> No.2742322
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>> No.2742339

Reposting my question because I posted in the wrong thread

Opinions on Flashforge 5M? I want to upgrade from my Ender 3 V2 Neo and I heard 5M is like Bambu P1P but cheaper and not worse. Sounds too good to be true, 5M is half the price of P1 where I live.

>> No.2742346

Flashforge has such a mixed track record I don't really hold them in high regard. The Adventurer 5M is a smaller P1P clone with skinny little steel rods, and I personally hate the proprietary hotend they've got on there, but beyond that there are no big red flags. It's cheap AF for what it is, I'd think of it like an unenclosed K1. It's got a locked-down Klipper environment and forces you to use the Flashforge shit-tier slicer if you want to print over the network. 0/10 - avoid

>> No.2742352

Has anyone figured out a good bioplastic that would work as a filament that could be harvested from crops or animals? I know the answer is no, but I want to hear of any advances in r&d for this.

>> No.2742354

Fuck, anything comparable that's not Bambu-expensive? I want to step up into coreXY and high speed printing along with either enclosure or easy enclosure adaptation (I was planning to just fit plexi sheets to 5M's corners)
I was eyeing K1 at first, but I heard it also has issues.

>> No.2742355

I thought about buying a second air fryer and actually use it just for filament. People buy dehydrators but their temp range is nothing compared to air fryer and if you look around its 20-30 dollars more. Maybe I'll do a thorough cleaning after use if there's still an odor after letting it air out.


>> No.2742362

This is anecdotal, so, take it with a grain of salt.

My k1 has been doing fine so far, it appears I have the old hotend, but it has the new extruder, which is odd, but okay. If you are familiar with klipper I recommend rooting it, but that's personal opinion. With the holidays over, I am sure old inventory if already bought and there's new inventory that has most or all of the problems fixed.

Take a look at kingroon's corexy, if you haven't already, and still unsure.

>> No.2742400
File: 3 KB, 628x360, ridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there some sort of setting or way of modelling to "anchor" ridges and bumps that sit ontop of what the slicer considers a top surface?
pic related is a cross section of what I mean. the red surface will be printed as top surface pattern. and I found that small features being printed on top will have poorer layer adhesion if the layer lines happen to cross

>> No.2742415

If I understand you correctly, the only way I got around that problem is to rotate the whole print. You'd have to change the orientation 30 degrees or so in order to anchor these small features

>> No.2742435

ah that's a shame. I'll fiddle around with different designs and see how the slicer behaves

>> No.2742453

I'd be more worried about the food contaminating my filament with oils. Those elements on the top of most air fryers won't get cleaned like the basket

>> No.2742466
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just wanted to report I successfully dropped my first two hex nuts in a pause-print. watched the hotend like a hawk on the subsequent layer and everything worked out fine. gonna add some more tenths of top clearance next time but other than that very nice and snug fit

>> No.2742476
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Oh no anon,
>pic related

Is the kind I have

>> No.2742477

ah I hit enter too soon. I meant also mention that I'll keep in mind to clean above as well.

Maybe if I completely wrap the spool in foil I reduce chances of the filament getting contaminated along with possibly filament not spreading any whatever bs it has, if it does.

>> No.2742500
File: 575 KB, 891x589, image_2024-01-14_012047873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, Im trying to use this camera for timelapses and Obico and im wondering if there is any way to improve FPS?

>> No.2742505
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I have an oven type like that too (for food) and it gets gross up top. It doesn't help that I don't clean it but still.

>> No.2742507

Ofc the reprap used bio plastics after all

>> No.2742518

PLA is made from starch, Cellulose Acetate is self explanatory, both have been made into filament already.

>> No.2742524

I checked mine and doesnt seem like its dirty, or barely? IDK I just use mine for tater tots mostly.

>> No.2742528
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Has anyone here tried printing with carbon fiber filled nylon (PA-CF)? What am I in for?

>> No.2742543

your nozzles will, um, ever been to prison?

>> No.2742544

Even with coated hardened steel?

>> No.2742546

is there even any point to upgrading your hot end fan?

>> No.2742550
File: 15 KB, 512x512, ratrig logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a ratrig, you wont look back

>> No.2742551

You can get 99% isotropic strength if you adjust your filament settings properly (and get the right filament). Extrusion multiplier is the most important to tune, you should also print the filament close to its upper temperature limit. Your overhangs will be ass but sacrifices must be made in pursuit of perfection.

Either that or just redesign the part

>> No.2742552

no only brass

there are too fans on the hot end, the part cooling fan and the head break fan.
The better your part cooling fan the faster you can solidify the plastic so you can print faster, have longer overhangs and use larger nozzles.
The heatbreak fan is important if you have an all-metal hotend otherwise you'll get melted filament stuck in the heatbreak and you'll never get it unblocked again.
If you've got a shitty chinese default hot end you'll never hit speeds or temps high enough to require a fan upgrade. Grow up and buy a mosquito hotend or phaetus rapido

>> No.2742555
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>anything comparable that's not Bambu-expensive?
>get a ratrig

>> No.2742557

>want to build an enclosed printer to print ABS
>parts need to be printed in ABS
any way I can make this work without putting an enclosure on my bedslinger (I have PLA mods on it that won't last in the heat).
Are there any stiff and durable filaments that don't need an enclosure to print properly? They release fancy new filaments all the time right...

>> No.2742577

Your enclosure will reach max 60c unless you're making it out of 8 inch thick rockwool and soaking it for 50 hours.
PLA will be fine for temporary fixings.

>> No.2742584

you can try ASA, not as difficult to print as ABS while maintaining most of the properties
if you are looking to print voron parts you can also check their print it forward service, also plenty of people selling parts in ebay etsy and the like, saves you from the hassle for a few dozen bucks

>> No.2742603
File: 629 KB, 1216x701, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to check what's my average speed of a print in cura? I know there's this view with a gradient but this doesn't help if there are only 2 values plus I'm fucking color blind

>> No.2742613

Cardboard has to be the worst material for a filament spool. It absorbs water and then the filament that touches it goes as brittle as raw spaghetti. I wish Overture just sold refills so I can print my own bloody spools to use

>> No.2742637

The slicer will print at whatever speed you set it. If you set 10mm/s then it will print at 10mm/s constantly only slowing based on your acceleration, jerk and layer time restrictions.
If you've the speed based on flow it will limit based on flow.
Because of this, average speed is not a useful tool. Before you accuse me of not answering your question please understand your question is stupid and shows a lack of understanding about how the slicers work.
If I had a good resource available for you I would link it here but alas I cannot find one. Go on the "Machine Limits" tab in prusaslicer/superslicer and read the settings there.

>> No.2742638

Are you storing your filaments in a swamp?
The rest of us do not have these problems with cardboard spools.

>> No.2742640

I live in Britain so yes. Even when the spool has only gone from the packet to the AMS, then to a air tight box full of desiccant it goes spaghetti like. Test filament I removed and stuff in plastic spools doesn't have this issue

>> No.2742671

Bambufag I should have guessed.
I also live in England and do not have this problem. Cardboard spools are fine. You are probably buying cheapo filament because you don't know any better. Unsurprising given your choice of machine.

>> No.2742673

Print replacement spools or print rings to snap onto the cardboard spools. I did the latter, no problems - though I had none in the first place.
>faggots at this one company still haven't sold me the parts I need for the feeding ports

>> No.2742674

Also you can easily get the filament onto a replacement spool.

>> No.2742682

>Bambu-seether is an Englishman
Why is it always my countrymen who are the schizoposters? I had this problem when I had an Ender 3. I thought it would go away when it was kept in dryboxes in and out of use

Rings are already on to stop them from filling the AMS with dust. This is just cardboard being shitty

I've seen stuff like this and I'm tempted to go down this route. The cost is keeping me from going for it as I currently lack a working drill

>> No.2742686

>Working drill
Then just do it by hand. Throw the two spools onto the cardboard by toilet paper rolls or something, then just spin the filament on manually. t. rocket scientist.

>> No.2742690

>Hand rolling multiple 300m+ rolls of plastic
Fuck that

>> No.2742693

Yes? It will what, take 5 minutes at most. Stick them onto tree branches. This is /diy/.

>> No.2742697

Aren't there designs for drill driven respooling setups?

>> No.2742700

cardboard spools produce dust and are literally a cost cutting measure. this is why we have water bottles with caps that are half as tall as they used to be as well. being given less and being okay with it is being part of the problem.
>for the environment

>> No.2742703

Used to be able to keep a few water bottles in the back of my car, but these new bottles leak the moment it dips below 32°F.

>> No.2742712
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I've never had a single issue stemming from a cardboard spool because I am not a retard.

>> No.2742714

You clearly are as you can't read

>> No.2742717

I wasn't replying to you or anyone else, I was just stating that I've never had an issue with cardboard spools. You seem agitated, maybe you should huff some styrene to calm down.

>> No.2742729
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>works on my machine

>> No.2742731

>100% of 3D printing problems are skill issues

>> No.2742734

KLP1 has fare more hardware flaws than the M5.

If you're printing regularly and maybe even in unideal environments, like a kitchen, you may wanna do upgrade for reliability. In terms of actual performance there's little reason, although on the other end people like to quiet down their noctuas so much till clogging issues appear.

Where did the cardboard touch you? All jokes aside, be happy for an easy indicator on what brand to avoid.

>> No.2742755

Literally PLA

>> No.2742789

He's a bambu user
Dude will probably break a fingernail or crack his nail polish using a drill.
I doubt he even owns a socket set.

>> No.2742796

>i currently lack a working drill
You're on the wrong board.

>> No.2742798

Don't lend your tools to family members

>> No.2742800

schizo retard

>> No.2742803

I am a bambu user as well, I'm the one telling him this stuff.

>> No.2742812

do you guys build your own 3d printers

>> No.2742813


>> No.2742814 [DELETED] 
File: 2.83 MB, 4016x5197, ddf465ebb4b1f7cdb5ac18886fde4bb1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm printing an organize for my wrenches with my Bambu before I move on to my socket sets.

>> No.2742817
File: 6 KB, 464x141, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 random cope about me taking the time to try to trick you

>> No.2742818
File: 2.04 MB, 1688x1032, Screenshot - 1_14_2024 , 3_23_37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I'm printing an organize for my wrenches with my Bambu before I move on to my socket sets.

>> No.2742822
File: 159 KB, 1559x875, dfdsdfsdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are my options for 3d printing a large server case?

>> No.2742824


>> No.2742826

Print it in pieces like a large puzzle. And hope it doesn't warp. Or cut all large flat pieces out of MDF (a 1200x800 board with 16mm thickness is $20 here) and print the rest.
Or build this: https://youtu.be/qnOci3cJapQ

>> No.2742831
File: 230 KB, 513x252, chink shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just google translated this, it says:
" I am a stupid westerner funding CCP "

>> No.2742836

this nigga livestreams his goon sesh directly to xi's computer lmao

>> No.2742837

Those big long plate overhangs will be more trouble than they're worth to print. Laser cut wood/acrylic/aluminium would be better and cheaper (once you factor in labour and pain in the arse).
I have a 500mm3 ratrig which is 7 times larger than the pathetic bambu shit that >>2742818 has and even I would consider getting it somewhere else although I could fit the plate onto my bed assuming its for a 19" rack.
In your case, make the frame at least an inch thick, cut it into pieces with the best interlocking joints space will afford then superglue the whole thing together. Consider threaded inserts for the fan holes.
All in you're probably looking at a 2 day print and 1kg of filament.
I would just like to reiterate that bambu printers suck.
Thank you.

>> No.2742844

I want to print a rack mount server case, what would be the best filament to print with?
I tried PLA+ from Sunlu but the case bents a bit. So I'm searching for a good alternative.

>> No.2742849

You're looking for something more rigid, something stiffer. Normal PLA, not + or Pro could be more rigid than some PLA+ varieties, but may be too brittle/weak for some things. The real problem is that PLA is one of the stiffest, most rigid materials you can print on a normal printer. It's really only beaten out by certain Nylon filaments, and most if not all fiber-reinforced filament. If you need something significantly more rigid than PLA, you'll probably be looking at something fiber-reinforced. Consider improving the design to be more rigid, rather than finding a different material.

>> No.2742854

Any recommendation for a cheap rod (like curtain rod) for a VR gunstock? Needs some stiffness in compression but otherwise fairly irrelevant. Weight isn't a big deal either so broomstick/dowel isn't disqualified.

The buttstock end and cups/blade are the 3d printed parts.

>> No.2742883

Consider just using pipe or conduit, it's cheap and easy to get. The cheapest 1" PVC pipe is <50c per foot at most hardware stores, stronger stuff is still <$1/ft, 1" ABS is a little more but may hold up better to handling/abuse while being less rigid. With plastic pipes: Cell-Core is weaksauce, Schedule 40 is normal, Schedule 80 is extra thicc.
If you want to add heft, EMT (Electrical Metallic Tube) is inexpensive. Aluminum or Steel pipe is just as easy find and just as easy to use, but much pricier.

>> No.2742907

Put printer on ethernet or if using rpi you can change the video format from "lots of screenshots" to real video. idk how since I use knockoff pi that doesn't support it.

>> No.2742918

Does ABL modify only the first layer or all layers. Ive had this question for a long time and never understood.

>> No.2742921

In Marlin, there's a fade out of variable height set in the firmware.

>> No.2742925

wow i love 2.5d printing

>> No.2742981
File: 634 KB, 2268x4032, PXL_20240115_005047939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the bloatpad, now to calibrate it for the next 2 days, really regret not taking a picture of my settings before connecting it so I can note my min max configurations, it's all wiped after re installing marlin

>> No.2742986
File: 98 KB, 399x779, anon-is-linux-user-v0-nh8rv79wtun81.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my fucking god, i have to download ubuntu in a virtual machine and edit the firmware that way, my body fat% is too low to do all this, all this effort so i dont have to use a micro sd card....

>> No.2742998

What are some signs you received a fucked mainboard from China? Firmware flashes, but I can't get anything at all to work. I'm starting to suspect that I got a binned/reworked board that was already fucked.

>> No.2743031

Get your refund.

>> No.2743078

That won't happen. Part was ordered months ago. Only just now had the chance to use it.

>> No.2743143

Bros what else the best value reliable 3D printer out there?

I already have a Creality Ender 3, but the shit requires too much levelling and adjusting. I just want to design and print in peace.

What do I buy? Is it Bambu A1?

>> No.2743173

>just want to design and print in peace.
Any of the latest box 3d printers, new Bambu labs bed slingers, or a prusia.

>> No.2743325

Sometimes when I swap filament (I only use PLA) to another color there will be this blob of previous filament that's big enough to ruin the print (the nozzle catches the piled up filament and it causes it to lose adhesion to bed). What's the issue here? Is this common? It happens very randomly, no matter the temperature etc.

>> No.2743328
File: 25 KB, 554x554, images - 2024-01-16T021957.062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant 3d print because this little piece is missing

>> No.2743330

Failure to purge filament perhaps?

>> No.2743332

should i print at the lowest temp that my filament will print at? im having issues with adhesion and print curling upwards

>> No.2743333

>should i print at the lowest temp that my filament will print at?
Hell no.

>> No.2743337

before printing with a new color I run filament through until the entire previous color has disappeared and switched to the new one

>> No.2743338

>print at lowest temp
>Have problems
>Should I continue??

>> No.2743339

its printing at the median temp of 205

>> No.2743340

Higher temps provide more strength but it will be prone to stringing, from what I've read lower temps give better dimensional accuracy, but I've managed to maintain dimensional accuracy in highers temps by tweaking flow rate. What material do you use and at what temp?
>im having issues with adhesion and print curling upwards
Maybe bed is too hot? Or maybe you have an issue with the bed itself (wrong type of material, people recommend PEI) or leveling
I only switch the spool and hit print, the color changes quickly during printing the test strip or the brim. Sometimes I found blobs of previous filament even hours into a new spool. Nozzle shouldn't be worn out already since I've got the printed like 2 months ago

>> No.2743344

my bed is a piece of shit, i have a new glass bed coming in from amazon soon

>> No.2743346

>glass bed

>> No.2743348

I mean as a quick fix you could try printing things with a brim if you haven't tried it before. Also, if you experimented with shit like hair spray or glue (like I did), throw it out and scrub your bed clean with dish soap.

>> No.2743357
File: 83 KB, 1024x768, cults brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably globs of filament getting stuck to the side of the nozzle. Install a brush for wipe moves maybe? Pic related.

It's a 3d printer hydraulic fitting, they're a dollar each on alibay. There's two common sizes. You should have a couple of them on standby, same for T nuts and screws and other stuff.

>> No.2743367

after seeing bambu printers auto clean their heads, i really want to add a brush to my ender

>> No.2743376

what temp do you think is good for PLA? its at 60 right now

>> No.2743378

With PLA my bed is at 60 as well, must be something else in your case if there is too much warping

>> No.2743379

Can i get it at the hardware store desu?
I already ordered that shit but i dont want to wait another 2-3 days
Ive tried getting creative and solving it with hot glue etc. But nothing works. If i had more money id just buy a new 3d printer desu.

>> No.2743412
File: 926 KB, 1912x1440, pewpew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love throwing shit together from parts on hand. Felt like making pistol shaped laser. Have some cheap red lasers on hand, 16350 pulled from disposable ecig, generic tp4056 module, finglai switch, moved the microusb port to the bottom of the grip. Designed it last night before bed, printed everything overnight, put it together this morning.

>> No.2743414
File: 1.36 MB, 1912x1440, buttside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2743418

3D printed Gun!
ban mods fast!

>> No.2743420

finally some common sense gun control

>> No.2743422
File: 944 KB, 1913x1440, deadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late, I already shot this cat with it, several times.

>> No.2743443


>not modifying the tp4056 so it charges from a better usb port instead
by that i mean usb b

>> No.2743483
File: 47 KB, 429x191, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to slice some mini stls a friend sent me in cura
>they're full of shit like this
I've tried every combination of adaptive layers, thin walls, and inclusive slicing tolerance, but it's always the same. Anybody got any tips?

>> No.2743508

Post a close up of a horn on the STL file. Either cura is being shitty or your STL file is a bit broken. I hear Prusa/Orca/etc. is better at using strangely made STLs.

>> No.2743548
File: 1.40 MB, 778x1036, horns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prusa does it also, so I'm guessing orca will too. This is just one example. It does it with fingers and strands of hair and such as well.

>> No.2743555

rightclick the model in prusa/orca and click "fix model" to see if that does anything

>> No.2743598


>> No.2743599

Mental disability.

>> No.2743601

Is he trying to print hot glue? What the fuck.

>> No.2743612
File: 612 KB, 1100x932, Duet3DMiniIRHeightSensor01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i found out about pic rel IR sensor, which seems to be much more friendly to just tuck onto my printhead case than designing around a bltouch. Yet no one's using it. Why?

>> No.2743617

No idea, what's the effective precision and accuracy? I doubt it's less than 100µm, or even 500µm.

>> No.2743657

BAnon back here, hope you didn't miss me
>I already have a Creality Ender 3, but the shit requires too much levelling and adjusting. I just want to design and print in peace.
Get the harder yellow springs and forget about leveling. Also some detents on the knobs so they don't creep out of setting.

>> No.2743660

Enable the "print thin walls" setting or use 0.2mm horizontal expansion

>> No.2743661

Which is the best cheapest latest one?

>> No.2743662

What the fuck is detents on the knob means?

>> No.2743663

You have four options, combinable:
* get it DIY It Yourself
* get a Prusa
* get your whining piehole shut
* get out of /diy/

>> No.2743665

>What the fuck is detents on the knob means?

>> No.2743666

Ender 3v2 and some elbow grease
Depends on your budget and your definition of best and peace

>> No.2743668
File: 1.31 MB, 1600x1600, ir-probe-14-1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5µm on metal, 22µm on glass. Doesn't seem to be the problem. Aus3D's version even seems to bring it down to 3µm on metal, 6µm on glass.

>> No.2743669

Ate you sure you answered to the right comment? Just a heads up so you remember loop the intended anon in

>> No.2743670


Dunno how i messed that up, but thanks nonetheless.

>> No.2743672

I got Ender 3v2 and its shit

how superior is prusa? I rem seeing it work flawlessly but the shit is expensive. Do they do sales?

>> No.2743674

>Josef Prusa
Lmao. Wait till you hear about the waiting list.

>> No.2743675

What is the purpose of the locks? you tell me that the leveller knobs are always loose?

>> No.2743676

Ender 3 V3 SE is kinda decent, though it hasn't really been out long enough to say if there's any long-term reliability issues.

There's also that Bambu bedslinger, it's not that expensive but it is a bit of a botnet.

You could consider a Prusa clone like a Sovol, but it's two steps forwards one step backwards, their build quality is back to the common chinese standard.

>> No.2743678

>waiting list

I really enjoy the creality 3v2 due to its open source and universal compatibility.

Is there any other printer like this but more reliable?

I even have the BLT touch and the shit still runs into problems

>extruder breaks on making complicated geometry on a 1 day print (has to start again)
>nozzle sometime produces blobs on the bed then accumulates and fucks the whole print (yes it was extruder calibrated perfectly)
>Need to use glue on bed all the time

Other than that its okay

>> No.2743679

I'm going to print an enclosure for a PCB and I want to include vibration-resistant mounts for the board. I know just adding rubber washers or whatever is the way to go, but I want to try incorporating some TPU inside a PLA print. I don't have a dual-filament printer but I could still do the pause-insert-continue trick on some captive TPU pieces. Don't suppose there will be any issues with the PLA printing atop TPU, will there? I'd probably make the TPU part slightly shorter than the hole (0.5mm or so) so the nozzle isn't dragging through any of the TPU part, but maybe I should glue it down too. Anyone done this before?

>> No.2743682

>waiting list
They still got lead times of 5weeks and more. Not really a secret either..

I hate to be this guy, but your idea is terrible, especially if your idea is to replace a readily available molded part.
That said, if you're quick about it and rake up PLA temps to 240 you may fuse it together.

>> No.2743687

Bros is upgrading or using the hotend fix a meme?

I want to fix the fucking clogging on my nozzle

>> No.2743690

to configure and compile marlin? You can do that in windows CS with plugins. Australian youtube guy has some videos on it I think. And for the love of god just download a preconfig for your printer from github and re-compile it if you want to adjust something to your liking (and check for thermal runaway)

>> No.2743719

I tried upgrading just the heatbreak (from stock to bimetallic) on an ender 3 a few threads back. it resulted in nothing but clogging (using ABS). I've not looked into it any further. so, don't just buy any hotend

>> No.2743735

Sounds familiar, also experienced constant clogging after switching from lined to bitmetal. I noticed quite some slipping without screws, so i took some arctic paste i had laying around and gave the heatbreak a good coating to make sure contact is there. Basically solved all my issues, your experience may differ.

>> No.2743799
File: 96 KB, 1312x524, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm gonna print pic rel, the guide tells me to change wall count from 2 to 8, but the infill is already set to 100%. What's the point of changing the wall count?

>> No.2743801

Strength. You should read more on the subject instead of asking questions that have already been answered. There are tons of resources out there in the category you're exploring.

>> No.2743804

>Ender 3 V3 SE is kinda decent, though it hasn't really been out long enough to say if there's any long-term reliability issues.
I've been using it as my first ever printer and so far there is only one problem I wasn't able to solve permanently (random blobs of filament that cause the loss of bed adhesion after changing to a new spool-it's rare but I'm not sure what's the cause).
Other than that I had some minor issues, but they were rather connected to me not knowing shit about 3d printing

>> No.2743807

What's the point of asking about anything if there are sources out there? There are multiple people in each thread asking what machine they should get, should they also read more on the subject because there are tons of resources outside this thread?
I asked here because it's easier

>> No.2743816

>should they also read more on the subject because there are tons of resources outside this thread?

>> No.2743818

Yes, they should, those people rarely apply any effort to the process at all, then they bitch and moan when they get exactly what they were told they'd be getting.

>> No.2743820

how dimensionally accurate are your prints with 100% infill? I suppose a part like that would need to be quite accurate

>> No.2743822

>should they also read more on the subject because there are tons of resources outside this thread?
Fuck yes they should, how is this a question?

>> No.2743824

are you nuts?
Infill provides ZERO strength bonus outside of maybe compressive strength and helps disperse force over a wall.
Wall count is where you get strength from. It should be at least 6 (2mm) where possible. Never rely on infill for anything other than force dispersion and roof printing support.

>> No.2743830

If you want to better understand this, I highly recommend pouring over CNCKitchen and Hoffman Tactical, their content on Youtube is absolutely loaded with valuable information that can help you understand this at a deeper level.

>> No.2743831 [DELETED] 

fuck you nigger I don't need education from some shitty youtubers

>> No.2743834

Enjoy your magazine asplode retard.

>> No.2743836

You obviously do.

>> No.2743838

How the fuck was I supposed to know this was a thing if I hadn't asked? I didn't even need the exact information, just a direction where to look instead of "go read up on that".
Thanks, I've just found cnc kitchen a second ago, will check this out

>> No.2743841
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>> No.2743842

you're supposed to spend 300 hours reading tutorials on the internet before printing anything.
Too many bambu yuppies on this planet right now. This industry was better before it was mainstream.

>> No.2743843

Lurk Moar
It's not just fun to say and insulting to newfags, it's genuine advice. Sitting and reading instead of asking questions in hopes of being spoon-fed. You could've googled your question, but you didn't. If you had, you'd have seen several results from (gasp) reddit.com/r/fosscad, where people have asked the same question in one form or another over, and over, and over again. You could have had your answer all on your own, but instead you lazily blurted out the question without trying to find the answer yourself. You're like a baby.

>> No.2743846

>>2743830 this
just do what this guy says if you want to print these kinds of things

>> No.2743850

Then next time don't answer/help if it bothers you so much, this will save both you and me so much time. I quickly googled and couldn't find much, asked here and then went back to searching
Thanks, it seems to be specific about what I'm doing currently, will check it out

>> No.2743851

>How the fuck was I supposed to know this was a thing if I hadn't asked?
well you have the information now so it worked as intended didn't it?

>> No.2743852

his faggy intro catchphrase combined with that punchable face makes me want to commit warcrimes
t. kraut

>> No.2743853

Nothing wrong with having a printer that just works™, retards will be caught in the net of anything that is more convenient.

>> No.2743854

Yes, but I wouldn't get the info just by lurking. It took fucking 6 posts before I got what I needed, these niggers wasted their time just to tell me to fuck off and then got angry about it

>> No.2743856
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>his faggy intro catchphrase
there is worse
will you stop whining already? you can always make a reddit account

>> No.2743857
File: 1.64 MB, 462x498, 1642165246781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will you stop whining already?

>> No.2743858

that soiboi is a close second for me

>> No.2743877
File: 829 KB, 5000x5000, china number 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the people here break your heart. They're kind but they have a certain way of communicating which can seem a little brash to those not used to it.
Good luck on your 3d printing adventures my friend :-)

>> No.2743881
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>> No.2743886
File: 98 KB, 1424x744, GOD DAMMIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't Cura slice my model? It keeps getting hung up at 50%.

>> No.2743890

Does it work if you leave it overnight?
If you have windows 10 you can right click on the stl and click 3d print then Import. It will flag up any mesh errors and auto repair them.
Also you could have made an effort to bevel the edges on your model.

>> No.2743903

I suppose I could try leaving it overnight. It slices just fine in an old version of Cura, but my current printer's settings are in 5.1.1, which spikes my CPU usage to max and makes zero progress. I've let it try for an hour.
And I didn't bother beveling this piece because it's a simple spacer.

>> No.2743906
File: 1.53 MB, 1414x1588, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so I've looked at sources anons provided me with and I seem to understand it a little better, but after checking cura I'm quite puzzled. The fgc9's pdf mentioned wall count only in the section about magazines. In cura I switched wall count from 2 to 8 for a given part and the print time went down significantly and supposedly it will be stronger.
Is there any downside going with 100% walls vs 100% infill if the part is solid?

>> No.2743908

Any time plastic is layered on top of or next to each other that bond will be weak. When you print a continuous line of filament, that line will be strong because it's a continuous extrusion.
The wall lines all flow in one direction around the walls of the object so you're getting a nice strong shape of continuous plastic. Infill is layered all in one direction so it's strong in that 1 direction but that direction does not flow around the walls. so you end up with an overall weaker part.
Infill exists only to give support to the roofs. Keep it at 15% unless you want to waste plastic for no reason.

>> No.2743911

Ok I kinda fucked up a little and only now did I realize it, so let me rephrase.
Is there any reason not to go with only walls if I want to maximize the strength of a solid part?

>> No.2743915

You can get bulging from 100% infill unless your printer is calibrated very well. That is a cosmetic and fitment issue only.
infill will add little extra strength but apart from what's mentioned above there are no real drawbacks other than increased weight for little gain.
You are better off setting the wall count to 9999. That will fill your part 100% solid and will do so using walls which will give you better overall strength.
If you really want strength and you're willing to go all out then watch some videos on baking your part in salt to increase layer adhesion.

>> No.2743920

Oh ok, this makes sense now, it just seems weird they haven't mentioned it in the guide if it was made for retards like me.
Will go with only walls and see how dimensionally accurate it will be, big thanks

>> No.2743926

You're welcome anon, I ilyvm you very much
>I got Ender 3v2 and its shit
No shit sherlock. You're missing the elbow grease.
>how superior is prusa? I rem seeing it work flawlessly
>but the shit is expensive
Depends on how much your elbow grease is worth
They can crawl out of position with the vibrations of the printer. You can make your own knobs with nylon locknuts or just print those locks that don't let them crawl out of position while being flexible enough to adjust it if you need it.
>Ender 3 V3 SE
There's a 3v3 already? My fuck I've been in the dark for a while
>Is there any other printer like this but more reliable?
Prusa. Anything in between is a compromise where you will have to spend BOTH elbow grease and money. With Creality and Prusa, it's either only elbow grease or only money.
>upgrading hotend
Sure, knock yourself out, just be sure to put some connectors in the hotend end of the cables so you can switch back if you need it. XT30 or just some plain old spade connectors should do the trick. Remember to solder everything, don't just crimp them.
>clogging bimetal heatbreak
Just be careful when pulling the filament out and either do it cold or at 120°C in one quick pull. Drawing it out hot and slow results in blobs that get quickly solid inside the disipator section of the heatbreak.
Walls are printed parallel to the outside surface of the print and provide compressive strength in all directions and tensile strength parallel to the layers. They are laid one next to the other so intra-layer adhesion between each wall line is stronger.
Infill, unless overextruded and squished, will not adhere strongly to the walls, resulting in compressive strength with its bare bulk but not contributing to tensile strength.

>> No.2743928

>I asked here because it's easier
Be ready to get pointed in the right direction and don't expect to get everything spoonfed. In this particular case, look into: "material anisotropy in 3D printing".

>> No.2743931

i dont know why creality is telling me to do all this, i can configure my printer through the klipper web page

>> No.2743932
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Now that that's out of the way
>BAnon back here
Found out that I had wrongly fucked up the step calibration for EVERY axis after doing a beautiful 9h30m print that's completely out of spec. Spent the entire morning recalibrating it and, of course, sent the whole buildplate again instead of trying with individual pieces. We'll find out in a few hours.

>> No.2743934

Indeed. That's part of the elbow grease.

>> No.2743940

that print literally does not need a brim

>> No.2743951

Yeah, I forgot to uncheck it. Wanna know the best part? After recalibrating everything I just reprinted the very same gcode file, so the brim stays. Yes, I am indeed that stupid.

>> No.2743954

Doesn't matter if it's fused together. The part just has to be held captive with a through-shaft.

Isn't the downside of all walls that you don't get good tensile strength if something tries to pull the walls apart? Like it's still probably better than the layer-by-layer tensile strength, but 100% infill will do alternating directions that grip better. I'd always want a small amount of infill between outer and inner walls.

>> No.2743979
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of micro controller do I need to build a macro 3×3 macro pad with a rotary knob.

I own;
>a 3d printer
>brown switches
>tons of keykaps
>solder iron
>random hardware such as little screws and bolts
>a 10 dollar coupon to microcenter

>> No.2743991

If you have to ask, an Arduino Nano and some help from the frens at >>>/diy/ohm/ will get you started

>> No.2743993
File: 1.43 MB, 1242x867, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I need some opinions: I live in a small room, essentially 15 ft x 15 ft. I have an FDM 3d printer in the same room, but it's fine. I do need a water diffuser for medical reasons. Do you think a tiny one that holds no more than 100 mls is going to fuck shit up? The thing is going to be maybe 3-4 ft away from the 3d printer. Pic related.

>> No.2744004

What's a good solvent for PLA+? I'm afraid I ruined my hotend.

>> No.2744009

50/50 bleach and ammonia should do the trick

>> No.2744013

rp2040 like baldy does in that video

>> No.2744022

Just tried it. It tasted like strawberries.
Fukkin' delicious.

>> No.2744030

Acetone or ethyl acetate. Nail polish remover if you're in a pinch. May depend on the "+" of the PLA+. YMMV.
I said polish remover, not Polish remover

>> No.2744034

>small room, essentially 15 ft x 15 ft. I have an FDM 3d printer in the same room, but it's fine. I do need a water diffuser for medical reasons
It won't fuck up the prints, but make dead sure to keep your filament spools vacuum sealed in their bags and dry them regularly. Get some silica gel in bulk and put half a cup in each bag. Dry the silica gel periodically in the oven in low (by itself in a dedicated pyrex or ceramic bowl, not in the bags, dummy). Your definition of "periodically" WILL vary.

>> No.2744046

I think that just might be a good idea because I live like 3 blocks from the beach and NYC is humid as shit. Thanks for the advice kind anon.

>> No.2744052

Does anyone here have any of the Ender 5 variants? I have an Ender 5 pro, and am considering adding another Z axis screw for bed stability. There's a ton of recommended mods but for right now I need some kind of enclosure for heat, it's -10 where I'm at. What's a good cheap enclosure I can snag form ali or amazon?

>> No.2744065

>2 guide-rods and a screw, bed is fully cantilevered
That's funky.
If you have an auto bed levelling probe (recommended), you might want to go for belts instead of screws. Less backlash, you don't have to worry about chinky screws coming wonky, nor do you have to worry about the constant axial load on the stepper motor. It will lose its Z reference each time it powers off, but having a probe makes it easy to get back in line.

In the style of modern coreXY printers, I'd want to put an additional belt/screw at each of the front two corners, keeping one at the back-middle. If you use 3 independant steppers, this will allow you to actually skew the board to flatness, though this would require upgrading the main board. There is zero point in having multiple steppers running off the same stepper driver, you're better off just putting a synchronisation belt between the screws/belts.
For two screws/belts, would you have the screws at opposing two corners, and guide rods at the other two corners? This feels like the most stable way, without going for additional guide rods.

>a good cheap enclosure
Just buy some aluminium-coated insulation board, cut it to size, and screw it together with some 3D printed corner brackets.

>> No.2744066

A room humidifier will be the least of your air humidity problems kek. You'll definitively need those tips, glad they help.

>> No.2744089

>inb4 mobilefag

i do most of my modeling on PC with freecad. what's the best/most well supported android CAD program that *isn't* fusion or solidworks? if that means tinkercad so be it, i have all the time in the world to fuck with my designs.

i work nights running an OD grinder. it's basically a slow motion action replay of watching paint dry. i have a tablet in the mail for telegram and youtube/amazon so i have something to watch at work, just like the other guys on shift, but i want to do something semi-productive and make some 3d models. I'm cooped up for 10h a night, so i have time, and will learn whatever you recommend.

the tablet i ordered has a keyboard and stylus, so if those are required for some reason i have them

>> No.2744136

i feel like i'm going insane i could've sworn cura had some tool that let you divide objects with planes and shit but now i can't see it. i used to use it to test fitting
am i making this up?

>> No.2744139

and i thought you could hide models that you split am i having a god damns troke?

>> No.2744140

nevermind i forgot i used prusaslicer

>> No.2744157

Is Prusaslicer the one that can generate pegs to attach parts?

>> No.2744163

yes it'll peg you
i have one thing i printed with pegs but they don't fit. i'm just going to buy a 300 x 300 printer

>> No.2744170

Bros wtf is wrong with my reality ender 3v2?

When I print the nozzle always prints extra filament or has massive stringing that accumulates and fucked up my print. Is there any fix? Yes. I extruded calibrated it already

>> No.2744171

how do you know it's extruding extra filament and it's not a bed leveling issue

>> No.2744177

You brought an ender. That's the problem.

>> No.2744181

>bambu fag whose printer turned itself on and burned his house down in the middle of the night

>> No.2744182

Does it actually burn the house?

I got BLT Touch

>> No.2744183

do you guys leave your klipper device on at all times? seems pretty annoying to hit two power switches everytime i want to print something

>> No.2744184
File: 73 KB, 490x1000, IMG_20240117_073831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power switch capable powerstrip is staring back at you with it's empty sockets. Faces of utter disbelief of your stupidity.

>> No.2744203

my klipper device is fed off my printer PSUs, vorons are great fun

>> No.2744204
File: 551 KB, 1034x674, sliced.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone guess how well this cantilevered roof printed? The angle is about 6 degrees.

>> No.2744206

very well, for like 10 layers, then spaghetti

>> No.2744207
File: 866 KB, 2522x1449, RIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It spaghettied immediately after starting the roof. But the top printed fine, so I may just cut away at it and use it as-is. Doesn't need to be structural.

>> No.2744209

Hmm, the fact that I can see cyan infill between the blue perimeters means it was trying to print those blue perimeters in mid-air. I should ensure that angled cantilevers are made such that the blue perimeters overlap from layer to layer. It spaghettied a bit on a different 14 degree overhang, but not so much it dipped more than a millimetre below.

>> No.2744216

Why didn't you print it the other way round/on top?

>> No.2744234
File: 2.23 MB, 1620x1080, wsbfaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To lift up the mood a bit; i printed some washers for my heatsink fan. Subjectively reduced noise by 10dB, especially in the higher frequencies. Pretty happy with it.

>> No.2744251

the people at the home improvement store wouldnt sell me a concrete slab ):
they arent sold during the winter even though its in stock, they are kept outside and they are all frozen together

>> No.2744252
File: 76 KB, 511x909, PXL_20240115_080524636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how unoptimal is it that my probe inset is 34mm on a 230 bed, i could probably get it smaller with some printer tweaks, or is it not worth the effort

>> No.2744273

very interesting, now do it with a nubm08 XD, got the plans for us and how the internals are. Its easy to transform for something like nubm08. Also how big is it?

>> No.2744276
File: 1.40 MB, 1125x2000, IMG_20240114_181743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time I have to deal with spaghetti, could this have happened because of low ambient temperature? I'm printing at 205c

>> No.2744287

Klipper on raspberry pi that's always on, printer turned on with tasmota flashed wifi plug.

>> No.2744288

I'm so hungry bros.

>> No.2744309

Am I retarded or didn't there used to be a decent selection of (non expensive as fuck industrial grade) acetone vapor polishers for sale out there? if there was, why is there fuck all now?

>> No.2744336


Either that or hand write the gcode yourself in the android text editor.

>> No.2744340

There are any number of reasons for spaghetti
Often your extruder will jam for a few layers and after it unjams itself you will get that.
Sometimes you will get layer shifts, especially on a bed slinger.
Sometimes your model will move while printing. Especially on a bed slinger.
Sometimes even the print bed can shift during printing. Especially on a bed slinger.
I've seen the nozzle crash into the model and skip steps before causing layer shifting and then spaghetti. This happened on a bed slinger.
I have had the bed hit a wall once that caused it to skip steps and then spaghetti. That was on a bed slinger.
I've had a model fall over while printing. That was on a bed slinger.

>> No.2744357

>I've had a model fall over while printing. That was on a bed slinger.
I had a model fall over once as well. That sucked. Was many hours of tinkering with that thing.

>> No.2744359

was it on a bed slinger?

>> No.2744361
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Now it's in-spec. There's some squishing resulting in horizontal expansion but that's nothing that elbow grease and sanding paper won't fix.

>> No.2744363

what filament type is that? why all the brims?

>> No.2744365

>why all the brims?
Because I'm a retard
>what filament type is that?
Nicieza y Taverna Hermanos Grilon 3 Ingeo PLA, in black, made in Argentina
>inb4 why in the name of fuck are you using Argentine plastics? Is it some niche specialist stuff?
It's just some run-of-the-mill PLA. I'm from Buenos Aires (and I say, kill'em all!)

>> No.2744367

when it moves from support to model or back and catches/ knocks something over

>> No.2744370

literally just turn it around?
the slopes even look designed to be printed that way?

>> No.2744378


>> No.2744379

Hopefully the issue can be settled diplomatically in the future without the PM getting so mad about getting her ass kicked by colimbas misioneros from the literal jungle that she has to threaten nuclear war and bring in the Royal Navy for two clumps of Antarctic clay. It would be very, very nice for the Kelpers to have access to supplies and services from the Patagonian mainland instead of having to wait and pay for transatlantic shipping and the occasional flight from Britbongistan.
But that's an issue to talk civilly in >>>/pol/ or >>>/int/ .

>> No.2744381

we did it for the penguins retard
can't let you argies anywhere near them

>> No.2744392

>1 hour into a 4 hour minimum print
>Forgot to enable supports
At least I caught it at 1 hour instead of 3 hours. Also now I have a very strong piece of plastic to hit things with.

>> No.2744430

I can't remember a specific "penguins retard" involved in the Malvinas war. There are plenty of penguins in mainland Argentina and Tierra del Fuego, so there may be some or several particularly ardent penguin enthusiasts, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were one or two amongst the Kelpers.

>> No.2744441

nobody uses the slicer supports.
You always make your own or redesign the item to not use supports.
If you're printing figurines please kys; no offense

>> No.2744443
File: 3.70 MB, 2932x1768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck did it print like this? I turned off the cooling for this to increase strength, but if the issue is not enough cooling then why is it fucked up only in Y direction?

>> No.2744444

Ok, I just realized it's because of slope which isn't present for the direction that printed well

>> No.2744445

It is fucked in the overhangs, which just happen to be in the Y direction. Try, in Cura:
* ensuring "wall printing order" is "inside to outside"
* slowing "outer wall speed"
* slowing "overhanging wall speed"

>> No.2744447

>I turned off the cooling for this to increase strength
don't do that, maybe you'll get better results. It seems like cooling is your only real problem here.

>> No.2744456

waste of quints

>> No.2744462

Yeah, I've turned fans to 50% and it prints just fine now. Previous parts I did print with fans off didn't have this issue, but they probably had no overhangs

>> No.2744479

never print with the fans off, there's no reason to do so other than the 1st layer. If you want more layer adhesion up the nozzle temp and get a heated enclosure.
Rookie move, rookie.

>> No.2744483

It was worth a shot but that and wire brushes couldn't get it clean.
Time to upgrade the hotend and try out carbon fiber.

>> No.2744487

Try ethyl acetate before giving up. In a well-ventilated area.

>> No.2744517
File: 31 KB, 884x630, beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to work.I'm just going to increase the angle.

>> No.2744527

If there's nothing under that, increase the angle to 45°

>> No.2744533

aside from those rail stlots on the far right bottom I don't see any reason not to put this down on its face. then the large cutout doesn't need supports either. just make the rail slots come in at a 45-50° angle and tweak the clearence until they act the same as straight ones

>> No.2744541
File: 77 KB, 1280x854, piss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set them to 20°, I think it will be mostly fine.

Oh that makes more sense than what I was thinking. I just did pic related. Making the slot at the front with 45° angles would be pretty doable, and I could make the front of the screw holes conical.

Well it's already printing now, we'll see.

>> No.2744554

Would you mind showing the backside?

>> No.2744556

Acetone and Isopropyl are not solvents to PLA, so will do nothing to dissolve a blob.
Ethyl Acetate, MEK, THF and Dichloromethane are all PLA solvents, but most are pretty nasty to handle, controlled substances that are tricky to acquire, or both. Plus, if the cost of acquiring the solvent, chem gauntlets, and disposal of the contaminated solvent, are more than a replacement, just replace the fucking thing.

Much easier just to heat the hotend up to melt the PLA off if you really want to try and recover it.

>> No.2744557

Does the average Argie actually care about the Falklands?

>> No.2744560

Unironically yes.

>> No.2744561

>disposal of the contaminated solvent
nigga just pour it down the drain

>> No.2744562

Not really in day to day life. There's way, way more pressing issues than a few clumps of clay in the middle of the antarctic ocean.

>> No.2744563

Why though? There's literally nothing there but some sheep and Brits. Its not going to fix any problems

I think its even weirder a lot of Euro countries push for the UK to """"give them back"""" when all but 3 people who live there don't want to be Argentinian

>> No.2744565

They were being exploited be an old and shitty arrangement with the Brits from when they were actually a valid superpower back in the 19th century. They refuse vehemently to let that go, and when the people sought to assert themselves the Brits responded violently. They just couldn't let go of these little islands 8,000 miles away, because of course they're a big grand and respected empire, couldn't possibly stand to allow some people their independence when the majority of the people want it. It was tyrannical, fascist, oppressive bullshit.

>> No.2744567

Its not about the islands though is it. Its about the people on them. The right to self determination is an integral human right and no amount of crying from Argentina or its supporters is going to change that
The Faroe Islands are far closer to the UK than Denmark but Brits don't cry about them

>> No.2744570
File: 81 KB, 496x606, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I have to print a piece like this in this orientation instead of doing it flat or using the left/right side as the bottom (which is unavoidable for me here) is there anything I can do when slicing to get the highlighted flat bottom surface to be the same tolerance as its counterpart on the top? I don't need it to be as pretty as the top of course, I just need it to not sag down enough to affect tolerances after the supports are shaved off.

>> No.2744578

Literally using a support, and make sure you have enabled a support roof. Increase the support roof density if you have issues.

>> No.2744585

went to canada computers and saw an e3 s1 for like 350 CAD, i feel like a dumbass now because i bought my e3 v2 for like 330 cad when it came out and spent probably 150 dollars more on upgrades that the s1 already has, but i guess thats consumer electronics for you

>> No.2744586
File: 159 KB, 1128x611, Screenshot 2024-01-17 190437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i bought the e3v2, it was the lowest price around and this store didnt really carry printers yet so these kind of insane deals werent around

>> No.2744587

Cool. I can ventilate the room pretty easily.
>controlled substances that are tricky to acquire
Klean Strip sells pure ethyl acetate as "MEK substitute," according to their MSDS pages.
But yeah, you're right. My state is retarded and I'd have to drive out of state to buy some.

>> No.2744600
File: 38 KB, 758x562, brain rot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, you mean this perfectly flat face?

>> No.2744601

>The right to self determination is an integral human right
lmao tell that to the breakaway republics of ukraine

>> No.2744602

why did you guys recommend the bgm extruder? I had to set the extruder backwards so the tube wouldn't come out of that pos.

>> No.2744603

i've been using an ender 3 pro that i got for $100 for a couple of years and it works pretty well but needs a lot of tinkering and i don't have the time anymore so i'm looking to upgrade. the most important features i know i want are automatic bed leveling, bigger print space, and firmwire that works with octopi. an enclosure would be nice but then it would be $700 for a k1 max and i'm only look to spend $300-$400
can anyone say if they like their ender-3 s1 or the ender 5 plus?

>> No.2744604

That perfectly flat surface seems perfect for laying it on the bed. Angle the "lower" (left in your picture) side of the side brackets so they have a 45% slope like the upper side so you don't need supports if you can.

>> No.2744605

Put elbow grease into your ender 3 or upgrade to a Prusa.
t. Ender 3 owner.

>> No.2744608

how bout you learn to read nigga

>> No.2744609

Did I fucking stutter.

>> No.2744610

probably when you were trying to sound out the words with your finger under them ya fucking retard

>> No.2744611

You can't even spell "firmware", be careful when throwing around words like "retard" and "negro".

>> No.2744613

ya okay retard negro

>> No.2744614

You will always need a lot of tinkering with Creality. If you do not have time to tinker anymore, upgrade to a Prusa. Anything else from Creality, or anything else lower than a Prusa, will only cost you more time. If you don't have money for a Prusa, just improve your existing Ender 3 pro and add BLTouch, reflash or replace the board, build an enclosure, and try and move stuff around to get a larger print space. If you don't have the money to do that, well, you should have bought a Prusa from the start.
Sincerely, an Ender 3 owner.

>> No.2744619

are the extender kits and bltouch reliable?

>> No.2744626

Yes. Even with BLTouch, you're using stuff that Creality would have used anyways.

>> No.2744635

CR Touch (Creality's version) is better than BL Touch
You could always get the Bambu bedslinger or wait for a sale on the K1. They got pretty big discounts over black friday

>> No.2744644

Would it be a good idea to use a 1mm nozzle if I only want to print big parts
T.ender 3 masochist

>> No.2744650
File: 108 KB, 1276x718, PXL_20240118_023231594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have ascended to klipper

>> No.2744654

Ok 20° still has some spaghetti, but it's good enough that I'm keeping it. 36° or more for future prints though, ideally 45.

Yes I am retarded for not seeing that.

>> No.2744665

Pic related is my torrent box hosting klipper and I added all my printers and their tasmota wifi plugs.

Because in mainsail if you have power option you can see other printers, however in fluidd you can. My kp3s pro I put a mango pi (h616 version) inside, with fluidd and it's able to see the other printers. So I may change all my printers to fluidd so I can remove mainsail/klipper off of my torrent box.

>> No.2744666
File: 74 KB, 1825x821, klipperonmytorrentbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fucking retarded and forgot the pic.

>> No.2744667

Like this anon said here >>2744635

CRTouch is better. BLtouch has this optical sensor that doesn't trigger half of the time anyways, there's a reason why they sell pack of bltouch probes on amazon, those probes break too often.

While CR-Touch uses a beefier probe (metal) and bigger optical sensor. Uses a push-pull solenoid to extend/retract the probe.

>> No.2744674
File: 1.53 MB, 3508x2056, snapmaker limits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand here's the finished result. It's a limit-switch holder for my Snapmaker. It adds another Z limit switch in parallel with the one inside the axis for the purpose of touching off drill and router bits. The axis plugs directly into the 6P6C socket, and a CAT3 cable comes out the side to plug into the main board. I made such a limit switch for my ender 3, and it worked great even with very delicate carbide PCB drills, though that printer's bed ultimately wasn't rigid enough for PCB drilling.

>> No.2744714
File: 16 KB, 575x250, Screenshot 2024-01-18 020424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is stupid fast, i get the feeling that im not supposed to leave these values at the max default, i sent the print to 120mm/s in cura but it is go much faster than that and it did NOT follow the initial layer speed of 25mm/s, it was full speed instantly so i had to restart it 3 times and set the speed to 70% on the printer so that it would actually stick. its clear it doesnt follow all cura settings, not sure what i did wrong

>> No.2744734

russians aren't human

>> No.2744755

so how fast is your benchy with the sonicpad?

>> No.2744764

is the $39.00 a kg 3D-Fuel filament worth it or snake oil hog wash? are any of these boutique filaments worth it?

>> No.2744765

Yes but upgrade the hotend. And most probably you'll need a mounting adapter.
Running high flow rates (in milligrams per second or filament millimeters per second, not line length per second) though a hotend will result in the plastic not reaching temperature. I the best case you get stuttering or a stop and a failed print, maybe extruder skips and underextrusion. In the worst case, you fuck up the extruder motor and you get a clogged heatbreak and nozzle.
The Ender 3 vanilla hotend won't manage to feed a 1mm nozzle fast enough to compete with a 0.4mm nozzle, you'll have to slow down to the same feedrate. Get a V6 hotend and an adapter.

>> No.2744766

Try again..

>> No.2744852

You can find plenty of other sources of 3D850 and 3D870 PLA for significantly less than 3DFuel. It's good filament, great really, but it's overpriced as fuck just like Prusament and Protopasta. Protopasta is expensive but at least they do interesting stuff, if you like glitter clogging your nozzle for only $50/kg the Joel's Highfive Blue and Amie's "Blood of My Enemies" Red are both quite nice.

Printed Solid's Jessie PLA is $20/kg in the US, comes in many colors, very consistent and lovely to print, I highly recommend it.

>> No.2744905

now your ender 3 can make shit prints with a touchscreen

>> No.2744912

The only problem I've had with print quality with my ender three is stringing that I just can't seem to get rid of. Is print quality an issue people typically have with enders? Are people just pushing their printers too fast typically?

>> No.2744914

Yeah that's where I started and it wasn't good enough, which is why I came here to ask if there's anything less obvious that might solve this.

>> No.2744916

that guy is just a shitposter sponsored by prusa

>> No.2744927

should i just get a basic logitech webcam, or is it worth spending a lil more money on it

>> No.2744939

I'm not pro prusa but right now I am anti ender 3 that's for sure

>> No.2744942

Well you know what they say:
>100% of 3D printing problems are skill issues

>> No.2744985
File: 902 KB, 1880x1676, TPU in pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made some TPU bungs to hold nuts in place. I think I'll just leave my TPU roll loaded in my old snapmaker's extruder, I don't use it for any other 3D printing. Though the enclosed direct-extruder makes it a pain to load filament, sometimes I find myself pushing filament out the side of the extruder and into the fan.

>> No.2744991
File: 1.61 MB, 3770x2113, threaded rod through the abdomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a deadly powerful PCB spin-coater.

>> No.2744998

I've just made a video about 3d printing

>> No.2745123

The problem with ender 3s is that it’s most people’s first printer.

And you see all this shit online about how awesome it is and how perfect the prints are

But it’s the same thing as a 15 year old kid who just bought a dodge neon and posts about how fast it is.

Prusa and Bambu or voron guys are kinda like dudes who have a Tesla s Plaid.

Better prints and faster.

Hey my prusa made a single defect what’s wrong with it?

And some kid with the oil leaking , bald tire, check engine light neon comes up and tells “skill issue my neon does burnouts!” While not realizing that he’s spitting oil out of his sump onto his bald tires to spin the wheels thjnk

And that knocking noise isn’t the anti-lag

>> No.2745130
File: 240 KB, 2048x1536, SplicingFilament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you splice filament together? Over an hour and the only thing I've got is a headache from burning filament

>> No.2745141

Fuck, is it really that hard? I was going to try color changing, but if it's that bad, maybe not.

>> No.2745143

Its harder than people think that's for sure. You have to coordinate three movements.
>And they have to be perfect

>> No.2745145

Why not put two extruders in series with like 5cm and a runout sensor between them, with the gears coupled by belt. That way you could just cut the filament between the two extruders, push the new colour right up to the old one, and keep printing without having to do any splices. Sounds easier than a dual hot end. Also a lot easier for when it pauses after detecting runout.

>> No.2745148
File: 4 KB, 200x167, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My main problem is the tube. That filament needs to melt by the time it gets there. I even set the temperature higher(230 degrees). However that stubborn filament won't melt in time so pressure builds up and it breaks the tube. Im at my wits end. I have to assume the problem is the nozzle... Which will be arriving soon...
>Why not lower the extruder speed
Because then it won't come out right I've tried.

>> No.2745156
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x3024, 1681787616119025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my uglass E5pro, about 1.5-2yrs old. Got for ~200$
I had it printing relatively well, just not tuned. Have since moved and it sat a while. I didn't do anything other than what the instructions said.
>Do I need to reassemble it with loctite, and square off the frame, etc?
From what I can tell it's a fairly flawed design. What mods/upgrades are borderline necessary?
Mods/upgrades I plan to do:
>BLtouch (which Ali model is fine? what price is too low? some are like .99$)
>cheap creality-style enclosure
>New bed? thoughts on glass?
>Silicone replacement bed springs
>New main board
Mods I intend to print:
>Bed strain relief
>Extruder arm ext. (shorted bowden tube)
I'm basically a noob so I know I'm missing important stuff. I also will probably do the CoreXY mod and Klipper, Octo, but don't want to do too much at first.
I'll be printing PLA, ABS mostly (airsofts) probably definitely maybe

>> No.2745167

honestly anon, with all those mods you've described, i would just turn it into a voron trident.

>> No.2745170

>Do I need to reassemble it with loctite
>and square off the frame, etc?
That should've been done already. Check angles before taking everything apart.
>From what I can tell it's a fairly flawed design. What mods/upgrades are borderline necessary?
New board/software and ABL. Other than that it's more of a nice to haves depending on your use case. Direct drive extruder, enclosure, coreXY conversion, 3point leveling bed. Just get a new board and ABL first and see how it turns out. Don't try to rebuild everything at once. Unless you're more into benchies than quality, you don't want the highest speeds anyway.
>BLtouch (which Ali model is fine? what price is too low? some are like .99$)
3D TOUCH is all the same knockoff no matter where you buy it from. Yes, BLtouchs are meme priced now. If you don't wanna spend as much look into BTT microprobe.
>cheap creality-style enclosure
>New bed? thoughts on glass?
Do you need a new bed?
>Silicone replacement bed springs
Cheap enough to always be justified.
>New main board
Can't hurt, but won't make up for an actual >=2 position held bed.
>Extruder arm ext. (shorted bowden tube)
Just make it a direct drive.
>I'll be printing ABS mostly
Don't bother before your enclosure's there. Dunno if your hotend is lined, but if it is, get rid of ijt as well before trying ABS.
Last but not least, check out ASA. It's ABS, but better.

>> No.2745178

They may be a little high, since you have direct drive, and thus a heavier x axis. However, the values in the screenshot look fine to me. I would use these on my ender if I had klipper (for now, it's stock marlin with max acceleration set to 4000 for both x and y). layer shifts will tell you if the speeds are too high.

>> No.2745191

>Don't try to rebuild everything at once.
Yea thats the plan right now
>Do you need a new bed?
It's fine I guess I just don't really like the OE one. Its like the plastic gets totally fused to it.
I only have PLA+ currently, but I know of some use cases for which I may need to use ABS. I should've said mostly PLA w/ some ABS. The enclosure is mostly to avoid microplastics getting into my balls

>> No.2745193

What brands make the strongest PLA Pro?

>> No.2745202

5/10, no dildo on printer

>> No.2745220

It has both impact resistance and tensile strength for a bunch of different brands. Deflection temperature too, though it's basically the same for all PLA derivatives.

>> No.2745223

Just upgraded from a Klipperized ender 3 with revo extruder and Z belts to a bambú p1p.
Gotta say i never imagined my ender 3 had fallen so back.

Now I've printed my first benchie (Bambu green) looks pretty the same as the pink ender 3 benchie but took 20 min instead of 1:38h, what should I do to the printer.
Any configs I should change? Any way to reduce poop and prime?
Should I run standard speeds, will this affect print quality? The printer vibrated itself to calibration on power up, and I configured flow. Do i need to configure pressure advance now?

>> No.2745224
File: 1.04 MB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_2024-01-19-09-45-00-57_92460851df6f172a4592fca41cc2d2e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.2745251

and if you do that the retraction will not work properly until the new filament gets to the hot end.
You're a cowboy, please do not give advice.

>> No.2745254
File: 2.00 MB, 1410x776, blind man prints benchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your camera is focussed on the wall behind the benchies so it's hard to see any faults.
1. There is a big Z band on your pink benchy. You probably have a bent lead screw. This will not effect strength but it does look bad. Buy a ratrig.
2. There's some drooping overhang on your green benchy. You likely do not have enough cooling for the overhang or your temps are too high. Buy a ratrig, the EVA 3 toolhead has excellent cooling.
3. More cooling errors on the door overhang on the green benchy. The EVA 3 toolhead has excellent cooling, check it out here: https://main.eva-3d.page/
It also comes standard on the ratrig.
4. There's some slight drooping on the pink benchy window. That drooping is also probably there on the green benchy but I cannot see because you took a bad camera angle. Substandard photographs are indicative of someone using a substandard chinese printer.
Ratrig owners do not have this problem. You could add some custom supports to the benchy window. Just add a 0.6 thick bar spanning the entire window but leave a 1mm gap at each end. That will help the drooping.
5. There's some very strange bulging on the exhaust stack of the green boat. It's probably a layer time/cooling issue. Again, this can be fixed by using the EVA3 toolhead - which again - comes standard on the ratrig vcore3.1.
6. There is some Z banding on the hull of the green benchy. Someone said this was inherent to the benchy model and cannot be rectified with any settings.
Other than that, your choice of plastic is poor. I would recommend Greentec pro and given that extrudr doesn't do plastic in the particular colours you've used I can conclude you are not using greentec pro. Poor decision.

>> No.2745261
File: 39 KB, 577x518, +_49b4fd84f51203106d76379b274fbf45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a bent lead screw

>and Z belts

>> No.2745263

wait, this is an AI generated post

>> No.2745265
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2024-01-19-13-43-31-71_92460851df6f172a4592fca41cc2d2e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the response is an AI generated response too, but took a better pic.
I can't think a human would diagnose a bent lead screw if using Z belts and would suggest supports on a benchy.
It's good the chimney was spotted, i hadn't, probably as described a layer time issue.
Gonna configure in Bambu.
Does anyone else think the standard cooling ik the bsmbo p1S is insufficient?

>> No.2745266

these new prosumer printers are basically near perfected from factory and need minimal tweaking these days, we have come along way from the original ender 3 in 4 years

>> No.2745267

schizo retard

>> No.2745269

cant wait to add a z belt to mine, did you increase z speed and acceleration too? let us see it

>> No.2745278
File: 181 KB, 1254x1127, 1676497035111950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2745311

I told my dad that I wanted to start offering repair services for fixing 3d printers.
>Since everything that could break has broken...
Anyways he said I'm not qualified. Now I'm a little offended that my father thinks so little of me. What do you guys think?

>> No.2745327

Take the hint. It's a terrible business proposition.

>> No.2745329

not worth it, find a real job anon, also leave whatever shithole you are living in asap

>> No.2745340
File: 5 KB, 325x243, filamentjoinfordummies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put them on top of each other like picrel so they have the same angle
>pull heat shrink over one end (as narrow as possible)
>allign them, then shrink
>then heat until you think they are joined
>cut away heat shrink
you can protect the rest with capton tape like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJeU9lXiQPE
>trim excess

>> No.2745347

same thing with silicone tube looks even easier. you can just put a soldering iron on there, then rub it a bit and stuff. But I've never done that.

>> No.2745351

>4 years
6 years :)

>> No.2745355

I feel like shit. Thanks.

>> No.2745358

I've been printing continuously for 13 years now. My body is 40% microplastics by weight.

>> No.2745381

>tfw the complete opposite
Feel like these shitters have been around for a decade at this point.

>> No.2745407

You'd be able to retract as far as the gap between the gears, assuming you put the filament join just before the second set of gears. ~4cm retraction is fairly good, though you could make it longer by spacing the gears further.

>> No.2745448
File: 86 KB, 698x578, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way of printing this without ripping the bottom section off?

Every time I print this the bottom rips off and loses some of the print.

I don't want to print it 90 degrees because i don't want the print strength in that direction since it is an axle for a model I am making

>> No.2745451

is that a cylindrical object?

>> No.2745452
File: 455 KB, 1195x972, slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My go-to is always just adding a flat side. Makes for an easy print, rarely impacts whatever the hell I'm using it for.

>> No.2745453

nvm only read halve the comment. it won't print well like that at all. increase temperature/ decrease fan for added layer strenght and stand it up

>> No.2745456
File: 59 KB, 589x420, yyyyyyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the print does not become cylindrical after I pull the piece off the print.

The black in the screenshot is what piece is left.

>> No.2745458
File: 157 KB, 802x855, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is it possible if I don't want a flat slide? The shaft I am printing is going to effect the performance of the model I am making

>> No.2745459

maybe add some break-away part on the side to lift the entire cylinder into the air. then add supports along the bottom so the interface layer runs the entire length

>> No.2745460

Then you might be stuck doing it upright. It's easier to make a nice cylinder, but you lose a lot of strength. Consider adding a hole through it, printing it upright, and running a screw through it. It's easy, makes it MUCH stronger, lets you print it the easy way.

>> No.2745484


>> No.2745515

Decrease layer height then cut/sand off the support structure, dont rip it.

>> No.2745517

Also increase temps if your layers rip this easily.

>> No.2745533

Tilt it up a little and use support.

>> No.2745584

tell me whats going on here, i image there is a setting in cura thats doing this since the print gets slender at the top

>> No.2745585
File: 96 KB, 511x909, PXL_20240120_032020552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2745592

i cant believe makers muse is still a brony in 2024, shits just sad

>> No.2745594
File: 105 KB, 899x1599, 2024-01-19 at 12.20.06 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

designed and printed a bridge from scratch, nobody prepared me for this immense feeling of accomplishment holy shit

>> No.2745619

Check speed/flow by layer, slicer probably sped up at the thin part.

Congrats Anon, nice bride.

>> No.2745629 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 2000x2000, stcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2745647

1) Print in two halves, glue together. Add a pair of vertical pin bores for alignment if needed
2) Print vertically, use to make a mould and cast in resin for a more solid part
3) It's a fucking axle, just get some rod stock and cut to length.

>> No.2745650

Here's some advice:
Use a metal shaft or a bolt and nyloc nut or embed a bearing into the wheel and bolt it on using a threaded insert.

>> No.2745658

It's sad that you even noticed whatever it was that triggered you. He never mentioned anything.

>> No.2745668
File: 84 KB, 663x419, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has to do with the "minimum layer time" at the cooling section. Basically the printer slows down to ensure that the thin parts get proper amount of cooling so they won't be all soft and not strong enough to hold the next layers. By slowing down the printer, material inside the hot end has more time to melt. Lower temps usually give you this matte surface, while the higher temps give you shiny surface.
If you analyze flow map you will see that the part that is shiny is usually printed at lower flow

>> No.2745675
File: 637 KB, 698x486, 1678805998871420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck silk PLA
It left a tiny discolouration on my PEI sheet that wont go away even if I wash it. It shows up on the bottom of prints too

I let it cool to fucking room temp before I took it off too

>> No.2745683

That's what you get for printing worthless trinkets.
God I hate redditors

>> No.2745684

I hope your bad dragon dildo was worth it anon

>> No.2745703

Why are you using silk in the first place?

>> No.2745704

I got it free with the printer. Its blue which is my 6 year old nephews favourite colour. I used it to make him a birthday gift. Its a light up sign thing of his name for his room

>> No.2745707
File: 19 KB, 399x225, Apu thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based uncle move, anon.

>> No.2745775

they shipped me two spools as a deal with my sovol sv06. kinda diabolical move for an entry level printer

>> No.2745777

I went through 2 whole roles of silk from different manufacturers making those pots. My PEI sheet looks fine.

>> No.2745778


>> No.2745863

anyone else with a scambu having issues getting their video feed to load? as of a couple days ago I can't get it to load on the phone app or orca. no errors or anything, just infinite "loading...". everything is up to date and I've changed literally nothing network or configuration wise in the past few months, let alone a week.

>> No.2745892

There have been many network outages in Beijing lately. No point having the camera work if Xi ching ping pong cannot watch you.

>> No.2745896

i dont get the print speed setting, does it just lower every single speed setting by percentage?

>> No.2745962

Is there a way to 3D print a good quality object with supports?

Every time I make a print with supports the side that has them has poor print quality.

Is there a fix in cura?

>> No.2745974

breakaway/dissolve away support material with 0 z gap and slower first few layers over the support.

>> No.2746042

Where can i get onahole stls

>> No.2746070

What are the cura settings for these?

Cannot find any listed as those

>> No.2746071

Gonna try some of that fancy new foaming TPU?

>> No.2746073

Was thinking of normal tpu

>> No.2746075
File: 872 KB, 1349x1556, hex nut dimension test spaghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my bed too low / z offset no longer right? I can't have pieces of wall fall of and get dragged into the space for my hex nut.

>> No.2746076


>> No.2746077

No it seems like the Ender 5 s1 ignores cura's pause command (or I put it too high) and squiggles are roof that should have been supported by nuts.

>> No.2746097

Gonna rip the skin with that. If you use foaming TPU on the other hand, you'll give yourself dickrot. The only viable option is printing a plug, smoothing it out with filler and sandpaper, and using it to pour casting silicone. The rigidity of an elastomer is classified by its durometer value, look up what an ona wants I think it's like 30A, 3D filament is usually in the 80-90A / 30-50D range. The problem is, the more elastic a material is, the harder it is to force through a conventional extruder. If you have an extruder that handles thicker filament or a pallet extruder or some other special sort you may not have this problem, but I doubt it.

>> No.2746100

Ona holes are <10A Gel. The firmest sex toy you want to stick your dick in is 15A silicone, and even that is firmer than a Fleshlight which is ~10A silicone.

>> No.2746108
File: 1.45 MB, 1688x2456, 123-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've had this pc case fan in a box for like 2years and I finally decided to fix this. Gonna have to print the rotor since some cracks have formed there for some fucking reason.
Anyways, does anyone know the purpose of this part in the middle of rotor? I'm also not sure how is it supposed to stay mounted and not fall out if it's upside down for example

>> No.2746114

oh wow that's a big difference

The strength of the magnet ring pulling against the iron core of the coils is what keeps it in place axially, but to keep it in place radially I think that nub in the middle is needed. Is there a bearing there? If not you'll need to make it sufficiently smooth and concentric, which won't be trivial. I'll be 3D printing some bearing blocks soon, I made an OpenSCAD file so I can tweak the sizes parametrically for fine-tuning the fit. I recommend you model the interfacing parts parametrically so you can do the same.

>> No.2746116
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>rip the skin

>> No.2746119

I should've mentioned, there actually is a 3D printable material that is definitely soft enough, Poro-Lay Gel-Lay. Their filaments are materials mixed with a PVA binder, so they're easily printed like PLA, then you dissolve out the PVA in warm water. Lets you print some very soft foam materials, their softest being Gel-Lay. I don't know the actual spec, but it is roughly a 10A gel material, soft enough I'd stick my dick in it. It's very expensive and few sell it, I don't know if it's still produced or not, and I don't know about the safety of the material, probably a terrible idea to print an ONA-hole with it, but you could.

>> No.2746121

>The strength of the magnet ring pulling against the iron core of the coils is what keeps it in place axially
I have the same fans in my case, disassembled the front panel to see how they are constructed and honestly I can't tell if there is a bearing in the middle or not. Tried pulling it apart but it sits so firmly I'm afraid I will break the rotor. Which is weird since the broken fan I can pull apart no problem

>> No.2746123

>Is there a bearing there?
I can't tell 100% for sure, but I believe there is after some inspection. I believe there is some metallic pin in the middle which might be a bearing, which means I must've had dropped it when I disassembled the old fan way back. Do you think it's possible to do it without the bearing?

>> No.2746131

The porosity will give you dickrot.

>the broken fan I can pull apart no problem
It could be friction of never being taken apart before, but it could possibly be that the fan got too hot and baked the magnets past their curie temp.

Sounds more like a greased bushing to me. You can try to use the 3D printed plastic as a bushing surface, with enough grease it will probably last ok without any stress on it, but at this point I'd probably just buy nice noctua fans instead.

>> No.2746132

>but at this point I'd probably just buy nice noctua fans instead
Yeah, not sure if it's worth to tinker in shit just for the sake of tinkering. Gonna give it a try and see if there's gonna be any results in the first few tries, thanks

>> No.2746136

can you turn your printer on or off through the web interface?

>> No.2746144
File: 67 KB, 640x634, 405bb71092956b1ea773046886012e7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello autists, I'm a schizoid and ever since I got my P1P I have used an SD card and kept it off the network. Since the open source firmware is only for the X1 series I'm stuck with shitty old firmware and I really want to update to the new one that makes the motors quieter, but I don't want to send any logs that are saved on the internal memory when I connect to their retarded cloud. I have already pulled the camera ribbon cable. My question is how could I wipe the logs before I connect to the cloud to update my FW? I read somewhere that the logs capture about 40h of data so I'm thinking about plugging the ribbon cable back in and starting a 100 hr empty print at room temperature and no filament and putting the printer in a cardboard box so the camera doesn't capture anything. Will this work and replace all the meaningful previous logs with empty pointless crap? I need them to not know what I've been printing either, not just the camera logs but all printer related logs

>> No.2746147

this anon has atleast 5tb of CP on his computer

>> No.2746149

who the fuck this paranoid buys a fucking bambu?

>> No.2746150

even if I did why would I keep it on my printer? i just print shit that i shouldnt be printing and i dont live in the freest country ever and if you read bambu's terms theyre legally obligated to tell shit like this to your authorities. also its my own piece of hardware, why should i give my data away for free to a chinese company selling printers at a loss because they profit off of your data?

>> No.2746151

this nigga thinks he's jstark lmaooo

>> No.2746152

>starting a 100 hr empty print at room temperature and no filament and putting the printer in a cardboard box so the camera doesn't capture anything
this creates mustard gas though

>> No.2746153

>I'm paranoid and poor
the bambu was just a great deal at the time but looking back it's because they sell your data and desu I was hoping that it would get rooted back then and just thought I'll hold out until the root comes along but now I realise all the effort is focused on the X1 series. also
>other cheap corexys like the K1 weren't out back then

>> No.2746155 [DELETED] 

>niggers that happily open up their assholes for chinese companies profiting of their data

>> No.2746161

yep, I added the power option to all of the printers, the downside is, I could accidentally turn a printer off during mid print from there, never have, just a potential accident I noticed.

>> No.2746171

there isnt much info about smartplugs connected to klipper online, mainly just octoprint. so i guess your little android box hosting klipper is always left on, at this point i think i might just hookup a smart plug before my power brick powering the printer and my klipper device and use my alexa to turn it on or off

>> No.2746177
File: 2.15 MB, 2448x3264, 20240120_145549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have this happen to them before? ended up twisting and bunching up in the heat brake tube and locking itself in, extruder couldn't push it though and I couldn't pull it out. even tried to push it up with a small Allen key after removing the nozzle but it was jammed the fuck in there. had to totally disassemble the hotend and pull it out with pliers. cheap nylon off scamazon, used 5 spools before without issue and never had anything like this before with any filaments. very weird.

>> No.2746197
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>3d printing splash on youtube

>> No.2746200

wtf does that mean

>> No.2746214
File: 208 KB, 368x582, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2746219

Oh I see. I really don't care as more people into 3d printing means more 'fun' things because engineering doesn't adhere to physics.

>> No.2746237

Where do you guys buy hardware? Nuts, bolts, threads, etc

>> No.2746239

>there isnt much info about smartplugs connected to klipper online

Klipper doesn't mess with the power, the API, moonraker does.
I flashed tasmota on my smart plugs, and one of my printers is using tp-link which is also supported.

> so i guess your little android box hosting klipper is always left on
No its just some ubuntu machine inside a cooler master elite 120 case on my tv stand.

>> No.2746240
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>> No.2746241



^ this store I only purchased once, can't say for their quality but it seemed OK for my needs when I bought cylindrical rod, and threaded rods, had to sand down the cylindrical rod to fit a bearing but that might be expected.

^ I mainly buy from this store, but CLOXY tends to have stuff cheaper on some of their stuff.

I live in the US, IDK where you live so this may or may not be helpful.

>> No.2746243

>>I live in the US
same LFG

>> No.2746268

you probably have a bad toolhead fan. Be lucky you do not have an all metal hotend; they are impossible to fix once plastic is stuck in the heat break. I bricked mine twice thanks to a bad fan with intermittent failure.
Run the toolhead fan and wiggle the power cable and check if it stops. if it does replace it.

>> No.2746286

I put a leveling probe on my sling bed 3d printer. I'm running marlin. I've noticed something odd: the mesh works perfectly for most of the bed, but the entirety of the left side is "mapped" to be lower than reality. This means my prints work perfectly in the center of the bed, but the initial filament purge line along the left side of the bed doesn't even print because of how close the nozzle is to the bed.

I'm using 10x10 mesh and even that doesn't fix it. The probe is on the left side of the nozzle, so that edge is being properly probed, why on earth is this happening? My x axis arm is as horizontal as can be without double z axis screws, but even if it weren't, the probing should account for that.

>> No.2746292
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>> No.2746298

I got a new motherboard but most of the cables are not labeled.
What do I do trial and error?

>> No.2746299

that's a lot of words
also reddit spacing. fix that if you don't want to be made fun of mr. Sieg heil

>> No.2746306
File: 219 KB, 800x600, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a phone holder which also has flex cable from one side to the other, but I'm not sure what could I use. Externally I could print a cable chain but it would be too ugly and bulky. I'd like to do it inside the holder somehow. Any ideas, or terms for mechanical solutions? I'm sure there are already tons of products that work like this which I could replicate, idk what they're called though.

>> No.2746308

Even if you don't see fat stalactites yet doesn't mean it's not covered in a thin layer of food, gross dude. Get a cheap mini oven and repurpose it for your DIY stuff. I got a cheap lidl one for like 25€ and repurposed it as a reflow oven for my PCBs.

>> No.2746315

>I'd like to do it inside the holder somehow
make an internal channel, pause print before it gets closed and lay the cable in mid-print

>> No.2746320

I bought a dedicated dryer.

>> No.2746334

>change the firmware to marlin
>It goes from loud to no noise
How tf

>> No.2746371

>Printer is starting to produce very rough stringy portions suddenly in my prints
I guess it is maintenance time already.

>> No.2746382
File: 1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 20240120_214537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened here? Second time printing this and the first one was perfect then this happened

>> No.2746398
File: 3.78 MB, 1800x1898, collage_20240121104537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 10 already?
New Thead
Go There
Fucking go to the new thread faggots

>> No.2746420

you didn't put supports on your plastic trinket you donkey.
plastic doesn't float in thin air just so you can print a dino crotch

>> No.2746426

Don't be jealous, anon.