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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 479 KB, 3000x2160, 02331019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2737639 No.2737639 [Reply] [Original]

I would prefer not to cut it half and piece it together and rather have a solid piece of wood with a slot for the sword and sand down the rest of block into shape.
Is there a tool that can make this slot?

>> No.2737641

No. Just use two pieces like literally ever scabbard ever made in history.

>> No.2737642
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My sword is different
It weighs 10lbs
It will break the scabbard if I do that

>> No.2737643

No it won't, you retard. Are you planning to swing it against brick walls with the scabbard still on? If you want to go buy a $30k laser cutter and fry your eyes out, go ahead, those are your only choices.

>> No.2737647

Well it just sounds like so much work. Was isn't it glued together or something? What if I'm carrying it in the woods and accidentally drop it? It will definitely break apart
Is there a tool shop where a guy can do that for 50 bucks?
I also don't have a sander

>> No.2737652

properly done glue joints are stronger than wood
that's why laminates are so tough

>> No.2737654

No it won't, and nobody is doing this shit for $50. Why are you larping through the woods with a fake sword, anyway? Like the other anon said, wood glue is stronger than wood. There's also styles where the two halves are only held together with tight wrapping of cord or leather. Stop being stupid, you're doing it in two pieces or you're not doing it at all.

>> No.2737655

>glue joints
What a fucking pain
Do I need to be as meticulous as this guy if I just want a sturdy scabbard?
The time and effort out in during the first few minutes are mind boggling.
It would be much easier and faster to cut a slot into it and shave it down and call it a day

>> No.2737656
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Fuck it's such a fucking pain
There's got to be an easier way...welded metal scabbard out of...something?
I use it to bash dead trees

>> No.2737658
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I mean, shit
That's more effort then I put into the entire sword.
Would I be better off with a scabbard?
While we're at it how do I make the handles for a shield
And maybe a sturdy one handed sword made from a leaf spring I can't really effectively wield it one handed despite training. The shield blocks the branches from raining down on me after a powerful blow to the tree

>> No.2737660


>> No.2737664

>I can't really effectively wield it one handed despite training.
That's because it's twice the fucking weight it should be. Are you 14 or something?

>> No.2737668
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I use it for strength training. It took months to be able to lift it and wield it with one arm it's just incredibly slow. I lifted from the ground over and over again and the immense forearm burn was unreal

>> No.2737675

>Do I need to be as meticulous as this guy if I just want a sturdy scabbard?
personally I would just use a router and call it a day
the sword will probably rattle a bit more but the savings in effort would be worth it
routers are fairly ez to work with imho

>> No.2737877
File: 100 KB, 396x385, 1703457300457253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a router

>> No.2737885

Find a guy that builds muzzle loading rifles from scratch. Have him use his 4 foot long, 3/8" drill to hollow out your blank. I have one, but fuck you, you can't use it. Oh wait, it's probably going to wander like crazy. Maybe that's why they make scabbards in two pieces and glue them together like the anons here are saying.

>> No.2737886
File: 8 KB, 251x201, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about a wooden parang sheath?

>> No.2737966
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Alright so all I have is gorilla wood glue, a handsaw and sandpaper
How do I do this lads?

>> No.2737992
File: 56 KB, 820x579, Screenshot from 2024-01-04 17-38-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget two pieces:

You can do this with the tools you've mentioned and it'll be plenty strong for a scabbard. Glue them all together -- glue is strong. Hopefully your blade is sharp 'cause these are long rip cuts. It'll be a lot of sawing. Have fun.

>> No.2738002
File: 74 KB, 770x600, 0f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 accurate cuts on a hand saw and 4 areas where meticulous glue joints must be installed
>2 cuts with an angle grinder followed by hammering and taking it to a welder for $20 bucks and then finishing the shield while I'm at it

>> No.2738009

Make one out of steel than faggot if you're so keen on it
Just hammer a pipe into a flattish shape and you're golden
It's not like your training sword needs to stay sharp anyhow

>> No.2738016
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This would affect swordsmanship?
I'm only comparing the amount of labor to my amount of crafting skill!
I have more experience working with metal than with wood.
So I'm asking experienced craftsman, what is the difference? What will be the correct choice?

>> No.2738020

The correct choice is two pieces like you were told from the beginning. If you made this sword to train with, consider the craftsmanship you put into your scabbard an extension of that training.
Get to work, homo.

>> No.2738022
File: 1.78 MB, 498x498, pepe-drama-cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a belt sander!
Or a band saw!
Isn't a metal scabbard cool?!

>> No.2738027

a metal scabbard is cool!
the only trouble is that it will dull your blade (and sound dreadful) whenever you sheathe/draw your sword.

for a two-piece wood scabbard, you can rip a board in half then just chisel out the material where your blade will be. Chisels are cheap and effective. Very simple.

>> No.2738032
File: 59 KB, 750x598, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blade is already dull, but the sound is what I'm looking forward to the most!!
I do already have a chisel...chiseling sounds the most conducive to the level of my skill!
Based and chiselpilled!!!!

>> No.2738086

>I don't have a router
well these days you could whip up a cad file of your design in solidworks and have somebody with a CNC router carve it out for you for probably not much money
>the only trouble is that it will dull your blade (and sound dreadful) whenever you sheathe/draw your sword.
use a strip of soft metal like copper or solder where the edges touch the inside and it will be much gentler on the edge

>> No.2738230

Sounds comes from the blade, not the scabbard itself. Put a metal collar that somehow rubs onto the side of the blade if you want it to sound cool without dulling the blade.

>> No.2738237

This was the funniest shit I've seen in ages

>> No.2738239

Probably the best thread right now in terms of amusement.
OP is a comedy genius.
Unless he’s serious in which case he needs a scabbard full of meds urgently.

>> No.2738241

Work on making a better sword first, then scabbard that. Your target weight is around 3 lbs.

>> No.2738266
File: 454 KB, 1500x1360, 2p10-app05-1500x1360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fyi wood glue is stronger than the wood itself.

>> No.2738268

You're supposed to use felt or wool or hide or something like that to line the inside of a scabbard. I'd put some oil in there too.

>> No.2738276

Just do a plunge cut into a log with a chainsaw, then carve the scabbard out of that.

>> No.2738277

>it will dull your blade (and sound dreadful) whenever you sheathe/draw your sword.
get picrel and disassemble it and mount the bits in your steel scabbard's opening. presto, a scabbard that sharpens the sword every time you draw/sheathe it

>> No.2738279
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forgot pic, i'm tarded

>> No.2738280

The only way you'd realistically be able to make a scabbard that is one piece is casting/moulding some metal or plastic material. Or perhaps by laying fiberglass.

You could, theoretically, make a one piece scabbard out of wood if you had a drill bit that's longer than the sword. However with a drill bit that long and wood having a grain to it, it would probably be next to impossible to ream out a hole that properly fits the sword.

>> No.2738398
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Actually 100% perfect idea I have the perfect chainsaw for that

>> No.2738402

is this some kinda sheath for this metal sword you're posting
why not stitch one out of leather or canvas material

>> No.2738427

>working out by swinging a sword around
>can’t be bothered to google information, needs to be spoonfed information
>refuses good information, clings to bad information because he wants it to be true
>has no appropriate tools

You should make a scabbard out of your lower intestines and colon

>> No.2738509
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It's working thoughever
I just need to quest for a non-tapered saw to widen the hole for the blade

>> No.2738535
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It's not working the way I wanted it to
What do?

>> No.2738539
File: 89 KB, 570x763, Cute+animals+to+brighten+your+day+number+323+cats+i_4b8a8b_11144689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone pot the /diy/ bingo sheet please i cant find it

Make it out of dried imitation crab meat anon it can be molded and you just have too much

>> No.2738543

Did you just attempt a plunge cut with a rusty hand saw

>> No.2738545
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>> No.2738564
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OP, I was the anon from the first few responses. I take everything back, this thread is comedy gold and want more of your dumbassery.

>> No.2738623
File: 31 KB, 641x530, a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I...just use a drillbit?

>> No.2738625
File: 35 KB, 640x513, 1704183061245238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... I'll just use the chainsaw

>> No.2738663

stick the sword in the back and pound it in with a mallet

>> No.2738668

stick your dick in it

>> No.2738692

tried to stick the sword in and heard the wood creak
would never take a hammer to my precious gear pommel

>> No.2738702

so with the exception of a few generals, this whole board is just for trolling, right?

>> No.2738705

Then I would go with the chainsaw
Its a good board

>> No.2738707

i never said it was bad, i'm mearly saying people (in)competent enough to diy also find trolling (at best, more like feigning incompetence) hilarious

>> No.2738738
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>this result is something I didn't want

>> No.2738761

I'm not op. I found this thread hilarious.

>> No.2738769

I'm not gonna read the thread but if you're a barely functional retard that wants to make a scabbard with no tools or materials or effort your best bet is buying a piece of PVC long enough to fit the sword in, making it soft with a heat gun or holding it over a fire and then pressing it flat with a 2x4
cut a couple slots for a belt strap with a dremel and if you want to be fancy you can trim the tip into a point and glue them together with pvc glue so it looks a little bit less like a squished tube and then paint it brown or black or whatever
try not to burn yourself

>> No.2738786

Fuck this entire thread is a mess. But has no one really suggested an Auger Bit?

Just drill down the length of the beam. I'd use a bit brace, but OP seems impatient so he'll probably use whatever drill he has lying around and split at least three pieces of stock before he gets it right.

Pare out the hollow with a chisel until the opening matches the base of the blade.

Now before you go trying to wedge the blade into the scabbard, inevitably splitting the wood, forcing you to redo all the above steps again:

Boil the wood. Boil or steam the whole thing and THEN put the sword into your scabbard. Bind it up with some clamps, or ratchet straps, so you get a nice fit, while ensuring you can remove the sword easily.

I would've suggested waxing the blade to prevent water damage, but OP clearly isn't about that. Anyway, by the end of all this, you should have a single piece of wood that works as a scabbard.

It's still an extremely shitty scabbard, and this should absolutely not be done because OP is going to split the whole thing with his retard strength the moment he starts swinging around his new iron-core wooden bat. But it at least demonstrates that what OP wanted was possible. Especially if you consider that what he asked for was effectively a 3-foot deep Mortise that runs with the grain of the timber. Stupid as all hell because it's a time consuming way splitting 95% of a wooden beam, inserting a sword into it, and then waiting for a retard to get mad about splitting the remaining part.

But... it was an interesting thought experiment in terms of solving a stupid problem from a very particular client, which should probably be the main purpose of these threads anyway.

>> No.2738787

Guts doesn't need a fucking scabbard and neither do you

>> No.2738789

seems like a waste
it should be exactly as strong as the wood

>> No.2738790

>But has no one really suggested an Auger Bit?
Where are you going to find a 3 foot long auger bit? It's not going to stay straight at all even if you did. There's a reason, as multiple people have said, that scabbards are always two pieces of wood glued/wrapped together.

>> No.2738792

Auger Bit Extensions. Daisy chained together. Should be straight enough for Op, especially if he makes multiple smaller bores at different angles towards the base.

>> No.2738823



>> No.2738847
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It wasn't long enough

>> No.2738855

>he doesn't have 20"+ bar
pussy ass sissy

>> No.2738856
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It's fucking OVER

>> No.2739047
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Based and best planpilled!
Widening the slot with the chainsaw just did not work

>> No.2739061

go buy 5 bucks worth of sandpaper and do it by hand like 99.9% of the people who made scabbards did

>> No.2739087

>have aesthetically pleasing plants
>be lazy
>shit it up with plastic fucking bottles

>> No.2739114 [DELETED] 

>be lazy
Nah I'm too busy coding or working out
This is efficient, function over fashion
Only a complete mong spends his time watering plants, specially in A frame where it's difficult to reach

>> No.2739115
File: 7 KB, 215x235, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have sandpaper but it's really fucking shitty and weak

>> No.2739116
File: 30 KB, 680x448, c03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be lazy
Nah I'm too busy coding or working out
This is efficient, function over fashion
Only a complete mong spends his time watering plants, specially in A frame where it's difficult to reach

>> No.2739205

stop being a bitch and just make a leather sheath for it, its a cheap ass looking chinesium sword, its pointless to waste very much time on it

>> No.2739234
File: 61 KB, 480x498, apu-hmph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just stitch something bro
Haven't stitched shit since home ec and I don't have any leather just lying around like it's runescape.
Not buying any

>> No.2739806

there is some on your own body
about time you put some real skin in the sword game

>> No.2740036
File: 41 KB, 600x697, 480ef3b7fe1eb0e2b74eb8fc4a729c64 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leatherface made skin out of other people's faces

>> No.2740064
File: 909 KB, 487x560, 1454314872177114.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>function over fashion
nigger, the function of house plants is in fact fashion
get plastic ones if you're too lazy to take care of the live ones

>> No.2740070
File: 8 KB, 225x225, download (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I'm just keeping them alive until I can put them outside.
I can take them out if I have a f*id over

>> No.2740224

measure dimensions of blade. buy pvc with similar inner diameter and length. lightly heat pvc over fire or with heat gun. flatten and shape to fit sword. wrap your new scabbard with cloth and glue to make it not look like plastic. done

>> No.2740230


>> No.2740259

Then learn how to make strong joints faggot. Bind wood to wood if you're worried about glue

>> No.2740268

Nah that shit's sketch.

>> No.2740283

op can you please start posting some videos of you trying to hollow that out with a chainsaw

>> No.2740310

>buy large cardboard sheet like ramboard or somesuch
>cover face w glue
>wrap it up in a spiral around sword
>tie it up or something til it sets

There you go. one piece and made out of (processed) wood with no tools.

>> No.2740333

no they're almost certainly is not a tool that can make that slot. if there is it's in some specialty business somewhere that does something obscure. You're only bad for turning that hunk of wood into a scabbard is a, you're going to need better wood and probably wider, and you are going to have to cut it down the middle and then hollow out the sides and then shape the outside.

>> No.2740402

well now there's glue all over my face how does this help me make a scabbard!!!

>> No.2740546

I need something with SOVL

>> No.2740551
File: 393 KB, 680x622, 1bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is based off of Gut's original sword, which had a scabbard.
It certainly doesn't look anything like the Dragonslayer

>> No.2740556
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My chainsaw wasn't long enough and it was too thin for the width of the blade so now I need
>to chisel the opening to match the blade
>get an augur bit and augur bit extensions AND a bit brace...none of which probably fit my drill
>to boil a 3 foot piece of wood...perhaps possible if I find some metal container that will fit over my firepit...perhaps.....
>ratchet straps
So progress is halted. I'll visit the hardware store once the snow melts and look online in the meantime for some sort of 3 foot metal tub.
Shitty thing is I already bought the wood glue...maybe I can get a refund...

>> No.2740557
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and of course wax the blade...fuck

>> No.2740560
File: 50 KB, 1014x471, wood sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might as well hijack this thread.

Recently I bought a wooden waster 1-handed sword, and while the overall quality is alright for what I paid noticed the underside of the guard (it's a Jian style waster) is a bit rough and needs some sanding. No big deal, but using it for drills and hitting soft targets I also dtarted to realize the grip seems a bit too wide for my hands (honestly a bit too wide in general, its 2cm thick and just over 4cm wide at its widest point, and not comfortable to hold with one hand.

I decided that since I'd be touching up the finish on the guard I might as well try to fix the handle too. It's currently a rounded rectangle with the above (rough) measurements, and I wanted to make it a stretched octagon with 2cm x 3.5cm. I don't have any power tools worth talking about and I live in an apartment, so considering I'd do that with just sandpaper is it easy to fuck shit up and ruin the sword? It wasn't exactly expensive but I'd rather not destroy it.

From what I've read I should be using 60 to 100 grit to reshape the wood then up 400 to finish it. Does that seem to be around right? I've never done anything with wood that wasn't just touching up some finish details.

Pic related, what it looks like, though the store pic has a more lenticular handle than the one they sent me.

>> No.2740571
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I sourced a drill bit extension
I have both an auger bit and a 1/2 in. flat wood spade bit
My SnapFresh Drill only snaps onto stuff like the spade bit, it doesn't have an adjustable socket like most drills. I don't know if I have an adapter and I'll need to source one.
I have no clue what anon was referring to when he said to find a bit brace, all I could find online was some obscure hand tool

>> No.2740587
File: 68 KB, 663x837, butfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have to do this the hard way? do you think this is a fucking game?

>> No.2740612
File: 123 KB, 360x360, wicked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sawing down the center with a hand saw is going to twice as hard with a handheld circular saw

>> No.2740617
File: 88 KB, 931x598, OP scabbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why no one is helping OP. Get a hex drive drill bit and a hex extension and another hex extension and another hex extension until your bit is as long as the sword.

>> No.2740642
File: 1.62 MB, 4160x3120, 17048439921968445689938108748441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren.
My drill is a bit on the cheaper side and doesn't have a bit brace, just a hexagonal latch. Is it possible to find an adapter for a bit extension? The one I saw online looked like it wasn't a hexagonal bit

>> No.2740646
File: 98 KB, 720x1202, Screenshot_20240109-175031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I tried out the flat spade bit and it works perfectly. I just can't seem to find any information on this bit extender and if there is an adapter for it or not

>> No.2740654
File: 2.26 MB, 4160x3120, 17048448680728007763502315398830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the half inch spade bit was a bit more room that what would be a better fit for the sword. This 5/16th auger bit should be better. Will it work with that 36in bit extender? Just want to make sure, it looks hexagonal.

>> No.2740660

No. You want your joint strength to exceed your material strength or it is a weak point.

>> No.2740723 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2740726
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>> No.2740768

How do you expect to get the proper blade shape, if you don't use 2 pieces? Even if you beat your head against the wall for months making a slit in that for a blade, the blade will fit like shit.
If you don't want to cut it down the middle, buy a second piece of wood, draw your blade on it, chisel or router it out, and glue it to the original piece, then sand it all down.

>> No.2740770

Bruh. Guitars are all glued together and they're strong af, and the wood is super thin, but it's not like an acoustic guitar breaks if someone drops it. They have to bash the shit out of it, and it's the wood that blows apart, not the glued joints.

>> No.2740776
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>> No.2740798

Look at the layer lines in your wood. It's already hundreds of pieces glued together. Basically pulp at that point.
Go back to the hardware store and demand wood from one piece without the lines

>> No.2741061
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>> No.2741112

take your pills

>> No.2741117

Because that's a fucking retarded idea, and unless OP has 3 foot long chisels, it's not going to get him anywhere.
>buy $5 bottle of wood glue
>buy $5 1x4
>buy $10 chisel
>cut 8' board in half
>put sword on board
>trace with razor blade
>repeat on other board
>chisel until they fit over sword
>glue them together
Wow, yeah, that's really way harder than dicking around with a 3 foot auger extension and having a hole you have no way to properly expand into a sword shape.

>> No.2741123

Just so you guys know, OP is a retard that constantly self doxxes himself on various other boards. He lives across the street from a gas station in the Midwest, is obsessed with Berserk and his crude rusty sword, and constantly spams gigachad/frog/wojak memes.

As you can see here >>2741061 he is legitimately too retarded to know what an Allen bit is, my suggestion for anyone reading this trainwreck of a thread is to ignore and sage. Nothing productive will come out of it, all you're doing is helping some schizophrenic idiot on welfare.

>> No.2741147
File: 211 KB, 2518x1024, FSK5K7kXoAAZ4kL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're here...
>The Brand...

>> No.2741174

fat kiwifarms vergin

>> No.2741213
File: 182 KB, 960x1280, 1660931774206830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow thanks for warning me that this guy has a hobby he's interested in, God forbid he have fun. Why do you even care? Did he fuck your gf by showing off his cool sword?

I bet you don't even have a sword

>> No.2741590

Rock. I want that Rock.

>> No.2741693
File: 237 KB, 1492x896, 1705034942228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

READ BEFORE opening spoiler.
You could probably do it via sandpaper but it's going to take a long time so here's my recommendation if you don't mind a tiny bit of damage.
Drill a hole in the pommel and then have a screw/rod sticking out of it nice and in line to everything. Then take that rod and put it into a drill. Take the blade of the sword about half way dowm and sandwich it with 2 old rags, then stick the point of the sword down to the point of the rags. The rags will be stuffed into the tube like a salvo for the blade to avoid damage and keep it centered. Clamp the tube to a table sideways.
Prop the drill side up on a sawhorse or something. Lay it sideway and clap it down (head and base so it doesn't move.

We have now constructed the world's worst lathe.
Grab your sandpaper and an oven mit (things are going to get hot but you dont need too much dexterity). Using your non dom hand, pull the trigger of the drill, using your dom hand hold the sandpaper to the part you want to sand and grip that shit lightly. Don't just clamp down or you're going to wrench your wrist.
Sand still desired and as a bonus it will to the shape of your hand as that's how it was made.

>> No.2741717
File: 57 KB, 1500x679, hex and jacob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I understand what you're trying to say, you need a hex to jacob adapter.

>> No.2741718
File: 244 KB, 602x368, I want you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His original sword scabbard was just a strip of leather with a few more to hold the blade in place.

>> No.2741721

OP wants a hole. OP will make the hole. OP is going to ignore all advice to the contrary. OP is going to fuck up the only piece of wood they have. OP is going to spend more money on tools then it would cost to buy a 2nd piece of wood. OP is going to ignore the fact that real scabbards are made with 2 pieces of wood.

These are the facts of life.

>> No.2741723
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>> No.2741752

heat the sword to white hot and jam it in the wood
perfect fit

>> No.2741993

Electrician's "installer bit" is what you need and a fuck load of patience. They're long ass flexible bits for reaching into wall cavities and drilling holes into the framing to run new wiring. You're going to start with a standard 6" bit the thickness of your blade and drill holes in a line until you are about an 1/8" below your blade width. This first set of holes must be run as square, centered and straight into the lumber as possible as they will set the trajectory for the rest of the holes. Now drill into the same holes at angles along the same plane over and over until you've destroyed enough material scrape it from the slot. You can use a long screwdriver or grind some roundstock flat on one side for this. Now switch to a 12" bit and repeat. Then 18" and so on and so forth. When you get really close it's time to get the sword red hot and plunge it into the lumber for a perfect fit. Now shave down the lumber around the sword. You're welcome fagget.

>> No.2742421

>heating the sword
don't have a forge

>> No.2742439

you might be one of the most autistic people I've seen on here. are you related to chris chan by chance?

>> No.2742496
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>> No.2742815

won't that make it brittle?
why not just steam the sheath?

>> No.2742833

Take up a short sword in your off-hand we'll have a Musashi-anon.

>> No.2743003

I'm thinking of making one with another shorter piece of a leaf spring to use with the shield but boomers of Faceberg Moisheplace are charging way too much money for them

>> No.2743004

just heat treat it again
or he could do it properly and we wouldn't have this thread

>> No.2743008

>just heat treat it again
with what forge?

>> No.2744519
File: 1.95 MB, 4160x3120, 17055297179783098248087435489821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Jacob's bit isn't tightening ladsworths

>> No.2745422

I saw OP posting his sword on /pol/ lmao that board has the biggest retards

>> No.2745488
File: 58 KB, 643x786, 1703596375366234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know I also drew this, mousenonce?

>> No.2745496

lmao do you think this is some prolific meme or something? no one cares about your stupid doodle, sperg

>> No.2745497

I've seen it reposted a few times

>> No.2745820

The fucking bit extender didn't arrive on time
Stay tuned brosians

>> No.2746228


The HEMAist in me is fucking crying.

>> No.2746242
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Just waxed this shit blud

>> No.2746244

>You want your joint strength to exceed your material strength or it is a weak point
It's only a weak point if the joint is weaker than the material. They should make glue that is exactly as strong as the wood so the resulting product doesn't have any weakpoints at all.

>> No.2746275

The Jacob's to hex is not fucking screwing into the fucking bit brace!

>> No.2746562

It was such a piece of shit. Had to get a new one.
Can't even return it to Amazon cause I threw away the package.

>> No.2746606

Then make the entire piece out of wood glue.

>> No.2746658

That's a pretty good idea, but I think it might save on glue if I mix in some wood fibers.

>> No.2746948

Congrats on inventing particle board.

>> No.2746959

nice cuckshed

>> No.2747245

That's a garage dum dum

>> No.2747269
File: 2.66 MB, 4160x3120, 17059853520994629089112630468144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's quite challenging. Nearly there thoughever.

>> No.2747652
File: 1.62 MB, 4160x3120, 17060542272455236560037608446438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just drill down the base of the beam
Once or twice?

>> No.2747693
File: 1.78 MB, 4160x3120, 17060594510621307916391742540394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well lads,
Here we are

>> No.2747727
File: 3.07 MB, 4160x3120, 17060631121523687641373375426728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schemed scabbard

>> No.2747737
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>> No.2747752

Should've answered my question cunt

>> No.2747761

Fucking piece of shit

>> No.2747763

This shit ripped my hair out and I had to shave it all

>> No.2747766


>> No.2747788

what a fucking stupid thread
fuck OP for trying to reinvent the wheel

>> No.2747793

I'm fucking pissed and considering doing it the old fashion way but I've come to fucking far ffs

>> No.2747839

should've fucking answered me
This is hard cunt

>> No.2748222

Trying again
This time I'm going more slowly and taking my time and going to make sure the sword fits. Also going to try to boil it if I can find a container to boil it in.
Steaming it didn't really fucking work

>> No.2748481
File: 264 KB, 220x142, planet-of-the-apes-laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scabbard full of meds

>> No.2748917

it's called a band saw and a chisel
or if you want electron usage band saw and router

>> No.2748931

Why is this dipshit refusing to make his scabbard with two pieces of wood again?

>> No.2748943
File: 72 KB, 400x386, 1633147724028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOLI TROLL U or just a fucking retard

>> No.2748946

Pencil and chisel then, like the good old days

>> No.2748954

I seriously doubt OP has a 4 foot long chisel lying around, do you think he can use the sword?

>> No.2748957

Just decided to read this tripe
Muratic acid

>> No.2749913

After reading through this i have no idea why OP didn't just chisel one out of wood? Or why not just hammer some copped/brass or fuck it steel pipe around the sword?

>> No.2750128

The wood kept breaking apart
I don't have any brass
The sword spoke to me and it said
"I cannot be sheathed."
"You cannot sheathe me."