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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2716905 No.2716905 [Reply] [Original]

Have you learned anything useful by browsing /diy/?
Have you both learned something useful here, and actually applied it?
For me, nothing that I can remember

>> No.2716909

How to shitpost on company time

>> No.2716934

I don't need /diy/ to be useful to me, I come here for entertainment and usually that's what I get. That said, I've picked up some useful tips on fasteners, hand tools, electrical work, and probably other stuff I now know but don't remember I learned here.

>> No.2716967

Believe it or not, a shot of black does help white paint cover old dingy trim or ceilings. I thought it was a joke until I tried it.

>> No.2716975

no, not a thing. at least nothing I remember.

99% of /diy/ is people wanting other people to hand hold them through something they probably wont finish, or even start.

>> No.2716976

Typical threads found on /diy/ and what they are:

>Do it for me thread
any thread where the person did not first go to google or youtube or even try to figure out how to do something. A typical DIFM thread looks like:
I want to X how do I do it, give me detailed plans, I have no tools, no money, and I have never done anything even remotely like it before.
congratulations neither did any of us until we tried. We read books, took classes, talked to people, and more recently googled and looked it up on youtube, and sometimes we just messed with it until it worked So can you. We can help you when you get stuck or if your google fu is not good but don't expect a complete set of plans and instructions on how to build an interocitor.
>I have some random thing I found what do I do with it?
You have just told us you have no imagination. We don't know what skills you have, how much money, and anything else you might need to do anything with your 1938 henway. We know what we would do with it. most likely throw it away.
>shipping containers
useful for shipping things in (I know right?), storing things, and maybe an above ground really hot work shop.
They are not an underground survival shelter and will collapse if you try to use them that way.
>Broken head phones
this is something that most of us figured out how to fix when we were around 12 so figure it out yourself snowflake.
>posts that ramble or say something totally useless and give no information.
>example: so here's the deal product x is crappy and breaks. I got the warranty on it and kept the receipt. My new one does X and Y.
>The old one didn't.
We don't care about your opinion of it, we don't care that you have a warranty or a receipt, telling us it does something the old one didn't does not indicate a problem and you didn't even ask a question.
>for me it's X
Either your shilling a product or a youtube channel. either way what you're doing is attempting to troll people.

>> No.2716977

>posting a sob story about some bad experience.
You're taking a chance on this one it's 50/50 that you will get jumped on and beat up on, or people will commiserate.
don't get upset if you get beat up on especially if your sob story shows you were the douche.
>I want X for no money and bestest quality
this is easy.
[ ] cheap
[ ] high quality
check one
>bedbugs, termites, roaches, or any bugs
temprid, termidor, boric acid, or a pyrethrin. The first 2 are expensive there is no way around it. Bedbugs really need a person who specializes in them NOT a general exterminator. diatomaceous earth does not work on them.
>220v master race!
A troll thread. hurray for you, the rest of us are stuck with what we got.
>my phone or other device is locked and I can't access it (followed by a long unlikely story).
Give it back Jamal, and stop stealing things.
>I want to do this thing that is ridiculously unsafe, breaks some law, annoys people, gets revenge, or just plain a bad idea.
Not with my help you won't.
>how much will X cost me to do/fix/learn/etc.
I can tell you how much it would cost me where I live, who knows what it will cost you.
>What can I make with these random parts?
Don't know. I know what I can make but we don't know your skils, funds, tools, laws, etc.
>Tell me how to paint X.
put a shot of black in it.
>can I fix this?
I have no idea. I might be able to.
>Can I revive this old car battery?
Almost certainly not. if you abused it, ran it out of water, over charged it, over discharged it, or it's just REALLY old. IT IS NOT REVIVABLE.
>raging against legitimate help
Only complete morons do this. When people tell you how to do something and you don't like the answer raging at them will NOT get a better answer.
>redpill me on X
google it.
>what is the best X and why is it Y?
This is a troll thread.
OK millennial
go back to /pol/

>> No.2716978

>I want to build insanely complicated X how do I do it?
if you have to ask you probably do not have any of the skills to do that.
>tell me what X to buy.
This is a stupid thing to do, but OK, so how much money do you have? IF you rage at the answers you get, you will get beat up.
>posting a picture sideways, upside down or unrelated.
give the phone back gramps.

>> No.2716982

I learned new boomer lore.

>> No.2716986
File: 45 KB, 552x366, vag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned that people will blame everyone one else for their failings.

pro tip: if your life sucks do something about it. blaming X is not the reason. the reason is you. effort can overcome almost any obstacle. blame requires no effort at all.

>> No.2716995

shut up dick 99% of diy is people coming here with no experience looking for someone to share theirs. Most of the responses are snarky faggots like you tho.

>> No.2717002

that's not how Do It Yourself works moron.

>> No.2717005
File: 493 KB, 960x1280, 338E0920-FE54-4621-A114-26FC18BF8790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come to /diy/ for validation on decisions I already made.

>> No.2717010

no they come here to have people show them exactly how to do something so they don't have to learn.

>> No.2717061

Not really, I already know everything I need to know. I just come here to shitpost and sometimes post pictures of silly shit I see in the field

>> No.2717067

Sometimes, people have problems outside of themselves, and this is called being an adult and not a thanksgiving break poster. Your advice is fucking regarded.

Instead of blaming everything on yourself maybe learn to accept negative outcomes and adjust your goals. You're gonna end up killing yourself if you blame every foul thing in this world on yourself

t. has life experience and worked my way off the street at 17

>> No.2717069

Also your captcha makes no fucking sense. Try to overcome being fucking dumb

>> No.2717070

>Also your captcha makes no fucking sense

sure it does. look at his title "vag". Aren't you a 12 year old virgin like most of /diy/?

>> No.2717073

nice decisions, bro

>> No.2717074 [DELETED] 

Watch the chicken YouTube video too
Hundreds of thousands of children are being aborted every single year. Tens of thousands of children are being aborted completely legally in 2023 in deep red USA states.
Abortion is still legal in all 50 states and almost nobody is talking about it. The pro life movement is a controlled opposition and not your fren. Please watch this approximately 15 minute long YouTube video on abortion please whether you be pro choice or already pro life https://youtu.be/XGPv66ZqlEQ?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

Over 6 billion (yes) Chickens are tortured to death every single year in the United States alone in factory farms. And no your Canada Australia or EU country isn't much better. Billions of animals are being tortured to death in factory farms every single year and it's (partially) your fault! Please watch at least the first five minutes of this YouTube video . In it he explains that people who regularly purchase chicken for years straight will almost certainly cause the torturing and murder of hundreds of extra chickens. That blood is all on your hands and would NOT have been shed had you instead decided to boycott animal products / go vegan ! https://youtu.be/brKhhZlUoOc?feature=shared [Open] [Open] [Open]

What are the conditions like in factory farms where over 96% of all animal products in western nations come from? They are mutilated without anesthetic, crammed in dirty, uncomfortable, and crowded conditions, they are artificially inseminated / raped and jacked off, they are slaughtered. Here is a free approximately 2 hours long documentary about factory farming please watch it thank you https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko?feature=shared

>> No.2717076

>[Open] [Open] [Open]

How did you do that? If you did it automatically then that is something useful I could learn here on /diy/, when I'm not eating my free range tendies.

>> No.2717092

it's like you didn't read my post. or maybe can't read...

>> No.2717124
File: 339 KB, 1280x960, 76A97AF5-F453-4727-AEC6-D78C76A9A385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s what I was planning on doing anyway.

>> No.2717132
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Absolutely not, you cunts are dead set the dumbest retards on the entire site. I mostly just browse to have a good laugh and learn how not to do things. Keep up the good work.

>> No.2717146

I have learned there are more retards than statistically reported.

>> No.2717148

>I don't need /diy/ to be useful to me, I come here for entertainment and usually that's what I get. That said, I've picked up some useful tips on fasteners, hand tools, electrical work, and probably other stuff I now know but don't remember I learned here.
Pretty much this. I actually ordered some knipex cobras and malco vise grips and one anon turned me onto the panel mount DINSE connectors for my Lincoln buzz box.... I'm sure I gleaned some other useful information too.

>> No.2717169

i did, once or twice but i might be getting mixed up with other boards

>> No.2717174
File: 578 KB, 1546x2182, 1693862434140990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There aren't any other good general hardware places I knww

>> No.2717287

>anon had to pay a professional Ukrainian troll farm to write this post because he doesn’t know how to frogpost himself

It’s the George Carlin joke… imagine how dumb the average person is, now remember half the people are dumber than that

>> No.2718530

I learned how to tie my shoes on /diy/ frfr no cap ong

>> No.2718697

This is just a friend simulator so you can feel like your hobbies are appreciated without having to go through the arduous and painful process of finding PPL irl who share it with you

>> No.2718707

That trick wouldn't work, the surface of the mentos would be ruined before it gets exposed to the cola.

>> No.2718753

Browse o/ for a day

>> No.2718757

actual professional Ukrainian troll here, that anon tried to hire me but he didn't have the money, лiл

>> No.2718760


You need to forgive your parents for neglecting you.

>> No.2718780

the ham radio threads are good.

>> No.2719155
File: 387 KB, 446x625, Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 18-41-56 (3) Did you know that adding a... - Dave's Custom Coatings and Remodeling Facebook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was going to post this.

>> No.2719163
File: 621 KB, 960x1280, ADEDACF9-28CB-4999-A4A0-2E538D47B5AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I went fishing with people from /out/ once, I ran back home to my bedroom and blocked their phone numbers. Was scary,

>> No.2719183
File: 445 KB, 300x186, this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on.

>> No.2719185

it's precisely that they didn't neglect me that I wrote that.