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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2712425 No.2712425 [Reply] [Original]

>easily biggest hack on YouTube
>annoying as fuck voice and personality
>refuses to take criticism
>customers call him out on doing shit work in comments
>shills garbage chinese products for sheckels
>adpocolyspe comes on YouTube and the money stops coming in
>decides to start making openly white ethno-nationalist content
>youtube channel gets nuked
>does it on purpose so he can try to be seen as a martyr

Pathetic inbred turd

>> No.2712444

Please review some more channels that don't exist. Thx.

>> No.2712462

>easily biggest hack on YouTube
hardly, there are much worse
>annoying as fuck voice and personality
I thought he was funny
>refuses to take criticism
not true
>shills garbage chinese products for sheckels
not anymore
>adpocolyspe comes on YouTube and the money stops coming in
no he went /pol/
>youtube channel gets nuked
in a live stream on another channel he said he deleted it.

Oh really?

he's been re-uploading his old videos, edited to remove the shilling.

he has some echo chamber discord where he talks about god and alt right poltard stuff (or something like that).

you can tell old videos from new ones (which he rarely posts) because in the new ones he's totally bald.

I liked watching him bumble his way through tractor repairs.

>> No.2712463

oh and before he went alt right, I figured out his real name, and where he lived, but he has since moved.

>> No.2712464

>refuses to take criticism
not true

Lol he removed comments for years

>> No.2712465

removing asshole comments is common.

>> No.2712467

Nah bro like he disabled comments

>> No.2712468

If you say so. I was subscribed, and don't remember any comments disabled until he went all pol.

>> No.2712471

Wow senpai how does chucke's ballsack taste like???

>> No.2712473

ask your mom. skippy

>> No.2712492

why do trannies always take everything too far and dox and threaten everyone they dont like

>> No.2712496
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>why do trannies always take everything too far and dox and threaten everyone they dont like
no that's not why I did it, my hobby is figuring out where super secretive youtubers live.

I have figured out where some very popular but super secretive youtubers live, and even who they are if they never show themselves and go to great lengths to block their image in reflections. you probably have heard of them since they are mentioned here all the time. no I won't tell you who or where.

>> No.2712499

why dont you get a normal hobby like blowing your head off with a .44 magnum

>> No.2712500
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>> No.2712507
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>> No.2712513

He renamed it to "Farming Workshop" or some shit. I think his hard content is on Rumble.

>> No.2712514

He flat-out said he didn't bother to read the comments. Especially when he'd fuck around with mechanical equipment like a retard and not read any manuals or anything. Then he'd call Mechanic Steve to bail him out.

>> No.2712555

>He flat-out said he didn't bother to read the comments
yes I know, but he didn't turn them off.

>> No.2712634

>>decides to start making openly white ethno-nationalist content
That part is good though

>> No.2712686

He is definitely a goober, but seems likeable enough that I don't hate him. He can weld decent, but his fabrication skills are kind of basic and the stuff he builds is all square cuts and slapped together because he doesn't have an eye for good design.

>> No.2712766

Holy shit, redditors are still ass blasted about this guy years after he went off of youtube, amazing

>> No.2712775

It's farm machinery, not aerospace. Flat, angular and slapped together is easier to fix in the field when it inevitably breaks rather than some over engineered stuff

>> No.2712824
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>> No.2712830
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Found the redditor, please go back

>> No.2712859

I fix farm equipment too. And i take the extra 15 minutes to cut angles and round corners so it doesn't look like stacked shit welded onto other stacked shit.

I take a bit of pride in my repair work and the fact that most of the time my repairs are not easily distinguished and look as if they could have been factory. Some thoughtful shaping, a bit of cleanup and some paint go a long way towards making a repair not look like ass and depreciating the value of your equipment.

>> No.2712892

>OP tells lies
>gets called out and proven wrong
>"wow why are you guys sucking his dick lol"

>> No.2712948
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>> No.2712949

you have never watched his videos have you?

>> No.2712950

you know, this whole reddit rivalry things was probably a thing about 10 years ago.

falsely calling people redditors has probably introduced more people to one of the most useful sites on the internet.

with google broken, if you want an actual problem solved that's one of the places to look.

as an insult it carries no weight anymore. no one cares.

now call me a redditor. go one do it. say the thing loser.

>> No.2712955

Not him but you genuinely seem like both a huge faggot, and a person who does not belong on this website.

>> No.2712956

ESL spotted.

>> No.2713084

>you have never watched his videos have you?

I've watched some of them. What part of the things I said are you implying is untrue?

>> No.2713249

all of it.

>> No.2713276

reddit spacing.

>> No.2713279

I liked ChuckE. I got the feeling he hated most of his audience though. I purchased a tractor after watching his stuff, and between him and welding tips and tricks learned to weld mig/stick/tig (did oxy-acetlyene as a kid). I purchased one of the AHP welders he briefly shilled, which was hot garbage, but it did pay for itself and let me know I wanted to tig.

Dude was a solid A in my book. I hope is is doing ok and raising rug rats or whatever the fuck else he wants.

>> No.2713287
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>> No.2713290

>I hope is is doing ok
he's gone alt right evangelical babbling crazy. he's moved from the house he had before he went stupid and posted nazi shit. not sure where because I can't stand to listen to someone spew crazy shit to figure it out.

he's a farmer, and rents several fields in texas (last time he talked about it). he always wanted to be a farmer since he moved from utah. the youtube thing just started as a way for him to share what he learned in his welding classes. it evolved like many youtube channels in to a shill fest, before doing something really stupid and ruining it.

>> No.2713291

Honestly better than most car youtubers

>> No.2713316


So you're saying he is not a goober, is not likeable at all, can't weld for shit, yet his fabrication skills are godly and it looks like everything he builds is perfectly designed and engineered and well thought out?

Ok. Agree to disagree.

>> No.2713318

But it seems he is still doing ok. Farming and working on old equipment is pretty based. Just because he didn't want to keep up with the Jewtube propaganda fest doesn't make it any less so.

It seems you may just be jealous of his success...

>> No.2713388

no I said he WAS likable, and does pretty good welding. you made up the rest of that.

>Just because he didn't want to keep up with the Jewtube propaganda fest doesn't make it any less so.
except that he is back on youtube uploading all his old content.

>It seems you may just be jealous of his success
no idea where you got this.

>> No.2713426

>he went stupid and posted nazi shit
what nazi shit?

>> No.2713486

>no I said he WAS likable, and does pretty good welding. you made up the rest of that.

Jesus Christ you are a dense motherfucker. So you said every single part of what I said was false, so I corrected the statement to be the exact opposite of what I said and you still disagree with it. Make up your fucking mind you moron.

>> No.2713551

look it up.

I really don't care what you said or I said. cope

>> No.2713558

>I really don't care what you said or I said. cope
Oh so you really are just completely retarded then? Good to know.

>> No.2713575

if that comforts you.

>> No.2713670

fuck around and find out lol. just dont spout white supremacist shit online and you should be fine.

>> No.2713693

Him and his boomer buddies online know a lot of stuff, he actually rather talk about welding and diy instead of fed posting

>> No.2713826

once again I didn't dox him because of his nazi talk, I doxed him because I could. I just never shared it. and since he moved it don't matter now.

>> No.2714020

damn, i just remembered this guy watched some DIY/workshop stuff from him...
funny how some of these chanels turn bashit crazy over time...

>> No.2714022

i already know lockpickinglawyer is a jew, tell me something i don't know.

>> No.2714026

>easily biggest waste of time on DIY
>annoying as posts and personality
>refuses to take criticism
>DIYers call him out on doing shit work in threads
>shills garbage threads for no reason
>threadpocalypse comes and he still posts
>decides to start making openly stupid threads
>IP never gets banned because this board isn’t moderated
>does it on purpose so he can try to be seen as a moron

TLDR I'd rather listen to Bepis talk about Ridgid

>> No.2714101

>it works

>> No.2714119

no, no it does not.
not one person has changed whatever it is you don't like about reddit because you called them reddit.

if anything they do whatever more often.

>> No.2714123


>> No.2714252

How is this board so leftist? Tradesmen are the rightest wing people I know. Even the homosexuals I know in the trades are super right wing. Are all of you just european?

>> No.2714350

Depends. The guy running his own practice might be pretty right wing, but union guys aren't. Although a lot of it is trolling and to be ignored.

>> No.2714381
File: 227 KB, 1920x1265, I didnt move.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not one person replying in this thread is a leftist.

>> No.2714464

One of the trolls I mentioned. Just subtle enough for someone to bite.

>> No.2714470

here's one

>> No.2714703

I think there are a few assmad liberals on here that are either paid trolls or just like to stay mad and spread discontent...

>> No.2714757

which ones? no one who posted here has said anything that leads me to believe they are liberals. you however are a troll

>> No.2714866

>Tradesmen are the rightest wing people I know.
Do they jerk themselves over supporting the chinese government? Do they take sponsorships from them?

Its really pathetic when people defend idiots tooth and nail just because they align politically with them.
Hes a fucking faggot, and you are too for trying to defend him.

>> No.2714871

Right wing people hate terrorists like the one ChuckE jerks off to.

>> No.2714890


You seem assmad and are recoiling like you've just been found out...

>> No.2714985

>defend him
If anything I'm attacking you and those like you who are attacking him not for his supposed chink shilling, which I'm unfamiliar with, but rather for his white nationalism. Your argument style is like a woman, are you low T?

Which ones are those?

>> No.2715081

Bruh, see>>2714464

>> No.2715134

>Which ones are those?
That dude that shot up muslim churches in New Zealand.

>> No.2715161

shame he got caught after only 1.

>> No.2715320

Found the jew.

Removing comments on welding videos is fair game; no bigger bunch of fucking immature armchair "experts" than that crowd. Only possibly worse is the "vehicular tech" dross that stink up every comment section of Jootube.

>> No.2715341

If you use the word “Jew” online more than 5 times a week, you are obsessed and mentally Ill. Please seek help.

>> No.2715349

there are no jews here, except you.

>> No.2715524

What is his rumble? "Farming workshop" didn't seem to find him - rumble's search sucks. I need to see what the mad lad is up to.

>> No.2715568

>haha just dont do things i dont like and i wont threaten your family
shut the fuck up fag

>> No.2715786

OP is a seething hebrew

>> No.2715800

On jewtube it is the "official welding and farming archive" So maybe look that up.

>> No.2715854

>everything in the world that scares and confuses me must be jewish

>> No.2715896

Jewtube is a real thing I found out a few days ago when my brother wanted to show me something on YouTube but said jewtube. Like I was just trying to make an annoying joke but it's a real website with Jewish propaganda

>> No.2715963
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are the jews in the room with you now?

>> No.2716079
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Lmao you can literally just type it in it's not a conspiracy thing you fuckin nutcase, take your neds

>> No.2716081


>> No.2716288

Awfully quiet. Were you just btfo? Lmao. Maybe lose the zealotry. You'll be a lot less angry and believe it or not, that will lead to you being a lot less lonely.

>> No.2716301

I.C. Weld is a real pro and a vastly better welder.
Austin Ross is excellent too.
Lance is useless by comparison.