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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2685624 No.2685624 [Reply] [Original]

any contractors on here? what would u do in this situation?

the roofing contractor i am working with did this. the shingles are completely mismatched with the flat areas. he says they don't make the flat sheets in the same color as the shingles. that's fine, but when he asked me to pick out a shingle color, and i did, WHY didn't he tell me it will not match the flat sheets?

if i want it redone, am i liable to pay again for new shingles and labor? should i have confirmed they match colors before they began the work? was it not right of me to assume that once i picked a color it would be for the whole roof?

he also says they can't paint the flat areas to match the shingles, but looking at google, it says that roofs can be painted.

what should i do? any feedback is apprecited.

>> No.2685653

nevermind lads, I got it figured out.

>> No.2685664
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no i don't. i need feedback. why are u even posting in my thread?

>> No.2685668
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OP here again. I'm trans if that matters, so color coordination is very important to me. (pic related. felt empowered, might delete later)

>> No.2685676

butthurt incompetent contractor detected

>> No.2685681

it lowers the resale value of the home u moron

>> No.2685684

>he asked me to pick out a shingle color, and i did
Oh. Congratulations.

>> No.2685696
File: 18 KB, 111x91, A18BF13C-10EC-47DE-A3FC-2CD9BA2399A3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torch on for roofs less than 2/12 pitch are normal
Doesn’t have to match, not visible from the ground.
I’m not even a pro at this stuff and I know more than 100% of you guys Lol

Since you picked out the color it’s all your fault btw.
Today’s lesson: If you’re gonna be a nitpicking Nancy better learn how to ask the right questions.

>> No.2685700


well, that is why i'm asking. i'm not a roofing pro. he is the pro, i think it would fall on him to say, 'hey heads up that the shingles aren't going to match the sheets.'

and yes it is very visible, glaringly so from the ground. my yard is on a hillside, so i took these pics from my patio. every time we sit out there, we have to stare at this amateurish, disjointed patchwork mess.

i have all the emails back & forth, i wonder what the court would say?

>> No.2685701

>Since you picked out the color it’s all your fault btw

i picked the color for my roof. my ENTIRE roof. he did not deliver what i picked for almost half my roof. i would think that counts as breach of contract

>> No.2685704
File: 107 KB, 627x908, 02B2EEC2-8FFE-425C-9DE8-11700780D7B2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Courts won’t help with a roof fashion issue. If you want courts to help there must be damage or a leak.

Hypothetically if you were to rent a torch and lift some areas, fold others and add tears, you’d get a new roof out of the courts easily.

>> No.2685843

>i'm not a roofing pro
Maybe you can fix that about yourself. Quit making your problems everyone else's problems.

>> No.2685846

Why didn't you get black for the flat areas

>> No.2685859

Most of the vent pipes match the flat shit.
The dark brown vent things don't match anything.
Your trim should have been painted 10 years ago.
You are an idiot.

did I leave anything out?

>> No.2685907
File: 2.25 MB, 494x456, jenna-ortega-laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had no idea so many insecure contractors browsed 4chan. what's the matter guys, did u get sued more than once over your incompetent, shoddy work?

>> No.2685908

they made the purchase of the flat sheets without consulting or informing me

>> No.2685909

>The dark brown vent things don't match anything.
actually, they blend in nicely with the trees in the background when seen from the street

>Your trim should have been painted 10 years ago.
no kidding. i moved in here 6 months ago

>You are an idiot.
u should be kinder when talking to yourself, even if its true

>> No.2685918

if it's so visible why did you pick the wrong color? he was probably thinking you're an idiot too but couldn't be bothered to say anything

>> No.2685920

work on your reading comprehension. i didn't pick the wrong color

>> No.2685941

Build a deck on that shit bro.

>> No.2685963

i have a huge patio, almost as big as the house i don't need a deck

>> No.2685983

OK in all seriousness you can look at flat roof membranes that might have a closer color match than what is there now. I have worked quite a bit with a product called dec-tec that is pretty good and would look a lot better.

>> No.2685984


>> No.2685997

>work on your reading comprehension. i didn't pick the wrong color
If you wanted the shingles to match the flat part of the roof, you shouldn't have:
>picked a color
that didn't match the rest.
>incompetent, shoddy work
isn't the same as not being psychic and being unable to read your mind. You lack communication skills and are making your problem everyone else's problem. Work out your issues.

>> No.2686008

OP will be along to ream you, but I want to have some of the fun. As has already been pointed out, reading comprehension matters. OP picked a color AND WAS NOT INFORMED THAT IT WOULD ONLY APPLY TO PART OF THE JOB.

Get it?

>> No.2686010

Was the contractor hired to install shingles or was he hired to tutor OP and force OP to understand that his choices had consequences? It sounds like OP hired a contractor, not a wet nurse.

>> No.2686011


thank u for this

>> No.2686017

he was hired to install a roof in the color we agreed on in writing. he did not deliver on the agreement, which i think is a breach of contract.

if he is unable to deliver what we agreed on, he should have informed me beforehand, and we could have negotiated alternatives. what is so hard to understand about this? and how many times have u been sued for your substandard work?

>> No.2686018

>he was hired to install a roof in the color we agreed on in writing.
And that color was, in writing, inclusive for both parts? Not just picking out the color of the shingles?
Because reading comprehension matters.

>> No.2686020

the color, in writing, applied to the roof as a whole

>> No.2686022

>the color, in writing, applied to the roof as a whole
How was it worded?

>> No.2686023

since its on paper, i can't cut & paste, but it states "starting at low point of roof" blah blah "to be installed" blah blah and goes on to describe the color and type of shingle

>> No.2686024

>color and type of shingle
>Not just picking out the color of the shingles?
>Because reading comprehension matters.

>> No.2686025

At some point common sense has to kick in. If the flat part had been screaming drag queen pink, would you agree that OP should have been informed?

Yes, if you are sane.

And the same logic applies to any other color that is not "pretty close", which is a legally accepted term. Clearly the contractor tried to select the closest color, or he got lucky, but in any case he should have told OP that a perfect match was not available BEFORE HE DID THE WORK. lol.

>> No.2686026

>backpedaling intensifies
>Was the contractor hired to install shingles or was he hired to tutor OP and force OP to understand that his choices had consequences?

>> No.2686028
File: 1.15 MB, 3426x1305, for_the_dumb_contractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what backpedaling means? Or is that your fallback when you are wrong and can't admit it. Compare pic related to OP's pic and study it hard. Then find a child to point out what is different.

>> No.2686030

>Do you even know...
the difference between a shingle and a modified bitumen roof?

>> No.2686037

i'm starting to think you're the guy who did my roof. man up, take responsibility for your incompetence and fix your shoddy work

>> No.2686038

or i'll see u in court and put a lien on your trailer park home

>> No.2686039

thank u for that pic. this is the legal 'reasonable person' expectation in living color right here

>> No.2686046

If you have such weird requests like the roof having only one color, you should have specified that, OP. Contractors aren't mind-readers.

>> No.2686194

u know what bro, thanks for making me re-read the contract. not only does it specify the type and color of shingle down to brand name and model #, not only does it specify it will be "starting at low point of roof" i now see that NOWHERE in the contract does it say that torch papers will be used at all. now what, genius?

>> No.2686201

Torch on is required by building code on pitches less than 2/12 Nancy

>> No.2686212

building codes vary by state, county, city but u knew that

>> No.2686220

>now what, genius?
Are you pretending he could just put shingles on the part of your roof that has insufficient pitch to use shingles?

>> No.2686221

can’t put shingles on a flat roof brainiac

>> No.2686226

oh, so i guess its ok to make reasonable assumptions that aren't spelled out in the contract after all?

>> No.2686227

>oh, so i guess its ok to make reasonable assumptions that aren't spelled out in the contract after all?
You worthless idiot. Get an architect next time, not a contractor. You can't do the contractor's job and you clearly can't do the architects job. All you seem to be capable of doing is complaining on a diy forum about something you are incapable of doing yourself. Get over yourself and hire the wet nurse you need.

>> No.2686253

>You can't do the contractor's job

duh. that's why i hired him

>> No.2686254

>duh. that's why i hired him
You got lost. You are on /diy/. You did not do it yourself.

>> No.2686287

>flat roof wasn’t in the contract
Guess you got more than you paid for.

>> No.2686370

Ok so imagine you hire someone to change your kitchen cabinets. He asks you to pick a color for the doors, but he puts bright pink handles on the doors without telling you.

>> No.2686546

>Ok so imagine...
doing a roofing job for this guy. Ever.
He has no idea what he wants, but after it's done he figures out what he doesn't want. And then he starts babbling on about bright pink handles.
Holy fuck op, get a job. Find a hobby. Do something so you are too busy to make drama where there is none.

>> No.2686604

>He has no idea what he wants

don't lie. i know exactly what i want: a roof that is one color, like 99.99% of roofs are. if u can't deliver that, u shouldn't be in the business

>> No.2686611

>i want: a roof that is one color
Then you should have picked a shingle that matched the available flat roof colors. Not one that didn't. But that isn't what you did, now is it?

>> No.2686633

Trolololol! How old are you? 40?
Send your emails to a contract lawyer.

>> No.2686657

>Send your emails to a contract lawyer.
This. And unless OP represents himself instead of hiring a professional lawyer, OP is still doing the exact opposite of /diy/.

>> No.2686682

>this thread
fuckin lol
OP is obviously in the right and it looks like some faggot boomer contractors who deliver shitty work have invaded.
tell him to tear it up and do the job right for once in his worthless life or lawyer up and take his trailer OP

>> No.2686686

>any contractors on here
No. It goes against their nature so much to tell the truth, that they struggle with the "I am not a robot" part of most captchas.

>> No.2686718

I believe that OP has already explained the situation. Contractor guy asked OP what color he wants the shingles. He says two-tone gray. Contractor goes around and installs the roof, and then he comes to hand the invoice in and OP goes "wait, the flat part is not done yet". Contractor guy takes a glance and says "well yeah, it looks done". "How come it's not the same color?" "Well, there's a simple answer: they didn't have it in stock"

>> No.2686720

Hey OP, instead of samefagging with bizarre nonsensical replies, go ahead and post which roll of modified bitumen roof EXACTLY matches the shingles you picked out. Also, I want to see the price of the product he used. You know, to see the price difference between what he used and what you are demanding him to use. This is stuff that would actually help you in a court case. More of that and less of :
>durr hurr cuh-stumm-merr iz alwaze rite shawddy prawdukt bikuz he not mind reeder
Also, you have a poor people flat roof. Saying the contractor lives in a trailer just means he's probably your neighbor.

>> No.2686940

i feel so sorry for every single one of your customers

>> No.2687088

>i feel so sorry for every single one of your customers
I feel so sorry for each of your victims. Did you find the imaginary product that contractor was supposed to use? No? Wow. How do you know he did a good job if you don't acknowledge what is real and what is not?

>> No.2689347

>contractor installs flat sheet shingles
>OP tells contractor to install mismatching colored shingles
>contractor installs mismatched shingles as per OP's request
>OP is unhappy with the work he told the contractor to perform

OP this is your fault.
On the positive side though, beige shingles would look shitty, so you did choose a nice color.
Ask the contractor to paint the beige sheets if you are unhappy with it - but he should charge you for the work.

>> No.2689362

Buy a real house and cover the roof with ceramic roof tiles like a normal person, and not tar paper.

>> No.2689413

>I know what I wanted all along!
So why are you in this position? Check the emails, if he asked “what color shingles do you want on the pitched portion of the roof” you’re fucked. The only way I see this situation going in your favor is if he specifically said he could match the color. Also, why the fuck is this just now coming up? Why didn’t you say anything during construction? There’s a lot of fishy aspect to this story that’s why everyone is assuming your name is Karen. Show us the emails

>> No.2690795

Why would you buy something if your goal is selling it?

>> No.2690835

>tamko shingles
>rolled roof
OP you clearly were cheap from the get go and you deserve every bad outcome from your choices.