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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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2673053 No.2673053 [Reply] [Original]

Post things you'd like to have inside your house, I'd want these to be at my little counter top bar.

>> No.2673067

tennis court, that I could park my car on (all in door) - essentially a garage with all of the dimensions to support a tennis court, and some bleachers - that I could also park my cars on.

The gloss wood floor would be classy, and I wrench in it- perhaps a lift that is stored under on the courts, and it can rise on demand.

I would also require a dugout. The first dugout in an indoor, tennis court. It would serve as a bunker of sorts

>> No.2673099

>Post things you'd like to have inside your house
a girl

>> No.2673179

>and some bleachers - that I could also park my cars on

>> No.2673196

This but I would also like an umpire's chair. That I could also park my car on.

>> No.2673197

The umpire should hang from the ceiling like a bat. That would give them an complete view of the court. Plus umpire sounds like vampire, which can turn into a bat.

>> No.2673206
File: 36 KB, 322x259, sad rabbit bunny dad goes to jail book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My first dog.

>> No.2673210

I'm a complete sucker for victorian, edwardian, belle epoque or anything goth-esque in aesthetic so I want all of it.

>> No.2673231

Get a camera and a YouTube channel. You could be the next Christine McConnell.

>> No.2673271

Didn't know her, thanks for finding my future ex-wife

>> No.2673274


>> No.2673283

...and players use bats in baseball

>> No.2673318
File: 188 KB, 1080x1080, arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to make a couple of these for the basement rec area. Commercial ones are hideously expensive and the home units are complete crap. Shouldn't be too difficult to /diy/ them from a couple of Craigslist obtained rollout backboard sets.

>> No.2673415

A tv that works. Mine burned and I'm evaluating whether it's more worth fixing or throwing it away.

>> No.2673503

looks painful

>> No.2673966

Some sort of road leading to my garage that I could also park my car on

>> No.2674317

for you

>> No.2674918

I used to repair games for the roborat. ICE Games makes the hideously expensive ones you're talking about. They're awsomely servicable, meant for literally endless gameplay and repair when needed. You don't need that for your house. Those are designed as cornerstone games for arcades that stay popular and playable for 30 years if kept up. A Chinese copycat off aliexpress like this would suit you at home better and likely fit into the house without needing to live in the garage because you didn't think of the logistics of getting it in the house.https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805661258381.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.79dd31768USalb&algo_pvid=a022b546-0a51-41a0-9d59-8f00eb9299ba&algo_exp_id=a022b546-0a51-41a0-9d59-8f00eb9299ba-0&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%21609.00%21609.0%21%21%21609.00%21%21%402103255a16934658110588153ee13f%2112000034561831302%21sea%21US%210%21A&curPageLogUid=z0F2dqk639FN

>> No.2675264

>Post things you'd like to have inside your house
A house nigger

>> No.2675277

The late 80's to early 90's had some fantastic interiors in fast food places. Taco Bell was also great.

>> No.2675348

The price is good but $2000 for shipping ruins the economics.

>> No.2677206
