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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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266587 No.266587 [Reply] [Original]

When you watch movies on your computer, what player's do you guy's use? which do you like the most?

>> No.266589

i use vlc

>> No.266614

VLC. Used MPC-HC for a while, but it's laggy in fullscreen unless you activate hardware acceleration in which case you can't switch between windowed and fullscreen and the control panel looks awful and loses half of its function. VLC on the other hand works fine. For some reason all the blacks looks a bit greyish, but you can easily change that by turning up the contrast just a bit.

>> No.266615


VLC is master race

>> No.266622

I used to use VLC for everything, but then one day I realized that it barely worked...it just compensates for bad programming with lots of hardware resources...fine if you never use .mkv, 1080p or any kind of high def video codec with multiple languages or subtitles...I went through a few different video players with a couple different OS's...kplayer is great if you're a nut-job video editor who thinks that the average peon also shares your lifestyle. WMPClassic is great if you still think that your budding tastes for communism warrant flexing it (it's still resource heavy to compensate for bad/out-dated/lashed together software. I finally settled for pot player. It's a korean video player that was translated to english..I think my specific version is Daum Potplayer. I love it to death, as it's plug and play much like VLC, but with the added bonus of a good build. It takes every format in stride, and has a nice simple interface that you can customize (I changed my UI and splash-screen just to keep the people I don't care to share my finds with secret...the same kind of friend who'll never ask you what band you're listening to atm, but once you leave the room, they'll check it on your pc then try to make some kind of comment about how they've been listening to them for a while when you go to their place and hear it playing) to your tastes. It also allows tweaking settings if you know what you're doing...you can change your default video language, your memory cache and processor settings. The only real downside I can think of with it, is that it sometimes pixalates when jumping forward with .flv files. Haven't noticed it with any other codec though, and it seems that's kinda the norm with flv anyways.

>> No.266624

>>266622 continued

XBMC is good if you have a decent machine to support it's rapidly decaying programming. Not really built to handle modern equipment as its software is more geared for the xbox environment, which is why it can't be properly ported to the ps3 custom firmware...other pitfalls include: not being able to associate it to file types for quick launching, interface intended for a controller, shitty all in one package that forces you to boot to a main menu, to select your media, to select which folder path you want, to select your movie to then launch an overlay of the video which doesn't allow for changing settings within the same layout. (subtitles, audio track, rendering and syncing).

Last I used of VLC, they were turning into an android app, with advertisers and 'click here to *not* be signed up for norton' BS.

>> No.266635

Gom player, an older version from before they added the adverts.

The main phrase I see toted around VLC is 'it will play anything'.

Eg, on yahoo answers....someone's asking how to play a file which requires particular codec.....answer is:get VLC, it plays anything.


Which kinda put me off VLC.

When Gom added the adverts I did try it (vlc) but found some features really annoying, and since then just stuck to this older version of gom instead.

>> No.266645

Are you trying to watch blurays on a 5 year old netbook or something?

I use vlc because it plays video files and I'm not a weeaboo hipster.
>Last I used of VLC, they were turning into an android app, with advertisers and 'click here to *not* be signed up for norton' BS.
Such FUD, it's an open source project.

>> No.266664

Feel free to turn this into an attack by all means...it's not like I was comparing four other programs in addition to VLC. Potplayer is UI improvement on MPlayer, which as anyone (and I do mean anyone) who's used it long enough to know it's ins and outs will say it's the best video player out there in terms of resources, codec support, and customization...as to what device I'm using VLC on, i've used it for my now two year old netbook, my old gaming rig (dual core intel that wasn't released that outdid the first gen i7, but drew too much power, 4gigs ddr3, some fancy nvidia card that was top of the line at the time, and still outdid most upper-mid tier graphics cards a year ago, dual booted with linux) an alienware x150 or whatever the hell this is, and a ps3 with linux...so yea, I tried lashing together a few things with a few different setups...usually that'd mean that my review would hold some kind of weight, but I guess not because I can be dismissed as a 'weeaboo hipster'...actually, I think being a weeaboo hipster would further my arguement, as that'd mean that I'm watching videos of a multi-lingual preference, which'd mean more resources and processing needed to show subtitles, and switching back and forth from each language option...that would mean that the software would have to be sound, and flexible enough to work on multiple platforms under varying constrictions of processor power. Then there's the hipster side, which'd mean that if it wasn't high quality and running smoothly, I'd discard it while making comments about how I might as well stab my ears/eyes out for even dealing with it in the first place.
Guess I'm still going strong with my review and thanks for your amazing input. Glad we could all learn something from you.

>> No.266677

XBMC (www.xbmc.org) /thread

>> No.266693

Media Player Classic
It comes with Storm Codec

>> No.266695
File: 435 KB, 688x368, vlcsnap-2012-05-27-06h25m40s181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>videos of a multi-lingual preference, which'd mean more resources and processing needed to show subtitles

>implying handling multiple languages,subtitles requires massive amounts of compute power


>> No.266703


It always worked a lot smoother than VLC, at least for me. Looks better, too. Just have to watch out for toolbars and shit they try and sneak in during the installation.

>> No.266710


I have VLC installed, but I never liked it.
>I only use it to rip DVD's that have malformed file tables.

I only have issues with MPC-HC when playing back x.264 MKV's on an AMD Neo based laptop when rendering without some level of hardware support.

>> No.266736

MX Player

>> No.266737

VLC and MPC-HC. Mostly just MPC-HC now that VLC has gone wonky with my new video card.

>> No.266848

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema
because of DXVA (GPU Accelation) and low resources

>> No.266871

MPC-HC. I like all the configuration, K-Lite for all tons of wacky formats I come across, and the hardware acceleration.
VLC as a backup or if I want to watch something at 1.2x speed (which is actually handy for slow-speaker professors in online course videos). I tend to have more rendering issues with VLC.

>> No.266885


>> No.266891

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and the Combined Community Codex Pack (CCCP).

The interface is nicer and cleaner then VCLs default (which is god awful) and you don't have to fuck with it or download skins to make it work. It will play most videos out of the box without a codex pack but with CCCP it plays just about anything. Both are free of course and don't have ads or anything.

>> No.266941

From afar (say, the living room): XBMC

On computer: MPlayerX (for Mac OS X), with VLC as a backup.

>> No.266949

Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and the Combined Community Codex Pack (CCCP).

sometimes when playing DVDs, because of macrovision, you have to go into the options and change the directshow video output to "old renderer" to get it to load

>> No.266955

>For some reason all the blacks looks a bit greyish
Change the dynamic range from TV colors (16-235) to PC colors (0-255). At least for Nvidia you can force this in the driver settings.

>> No.266978

MPC in general. For some odd reason though the audio will sometimes play low on certain files. I then use VLC, which doesn't have that problem and lets you turn the volume up to 400%

>> No.267001

Winamp works best with my remote, but VLC gives me the best audio quality. I believe this is due to my outdated codecs that winamp is using.

>> No.267019

Does anybody knows how to play a mkv file? I have a bunch of adventure time episodes I can't watch because I don't have a single player that can play them

>> No.267033

It's the codec, not the player. Most players will play pretty much anything if you have the codec.....if you're on windows, try finding media player classic , that's got a pretty good sense of finding any codec that'll work on your PC.

Or, just get Gspot codec information appliance (small freeware), let it open those files, it'll tell ya the name of the codec....then just google & download.

Be careful when downloading codecs that they don't try to install any media players or toolbars or autoupdate programs or whatever, they don't need it.

>> No.267129

/a/ here.
I am appalled. Fuck your shitty codecs.

>> No.267132

Windows standard media player and if that doesn't work: DivX

>> No.267144

mplayer2 built from svn, launched with a wrapper that saves the file position and converts screenshots to jpgs in an appropriate folder.

>> No.267219
File: 30 KB, 626x430, bs-player-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BS player has been my go to for years. I watch many different videos and listen to music in all different formats and never run into a problem. Plus the GUI is better then VLCs.

>> No.267231
File: 2.96 MB, 346x260, vlc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MPC-HC with MadVR and LAV filters

pic related, its VLC

>> No.267233

MPC is great, but you really don't need CCCP or MadVR or Haali or any of that stuff if you're watching anything but anime or that one 10bit Game of Thrones release which exists only to make a point. Most people will never see a difference, because every group doing "mainstream" releases (ie movies and tv shows rather than animu) uses sane standards.

>> No.267236


For people with audio problems: toggle to stereo. It might be set to 5.1 by default.

>> No.267253
File: 457 KB, 200x139, 1343491866662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]